"LET ALL THE EHD3 THOU AillS'T AT it THY COUHTRTS, THY GOD'3 AED TROTHS." 1 A YEAR, CASH S ADYAICE. lzst wzmm mm VOLUME WILSON, 'ST. ,0., AUGUST 22,189 o. NUMBER 34. THROUGH THE SI ATE 1 THE OHIO SITUATION " ; iV,., ,i .. .u.u i ...... ...H ' . ' .. v .!. . l.icv-v,.: :i:a. Many Happenings of Interest . Tlirough North Carolina. Ex-Governor Campbell in the Lead for the Governor's Place. -. I 7v ZFTrzrp FarSeeing People Visit First The Cash -Racket , What ! Devote all this space to adver tising Tin Coffee Pots? - Yes ! We want our friends to get the benefit of a good thing. The Coffee Pot holds one gallon, is warranted perfeet, and is sold elsewhere for 25 c. Our price, only 8 cents. We now have about six dozen of-them but they will soon be gone and we can get no more to sell at this figure, so come and get one and put it away until you want it. Mosquito Net (all colors) just to hand at 5 cents per yard. AiMT-TA n inn :t i rTrtn n HH I 1 Vt If (1 I ! h V V flii.WlOllitlMilil 0 J. IW.LEATH, Manager. Nash and Gcldsboro Streets, 1 BLACKBURN CLAIMS IT. Hut Soaad liloney Ken Say He 3Iay Find Himself Mistaken. t ? KRTl Ky" Au- 17 The re turns today show that Senator Black burn has enough pledges of votes to se cure ha re-election, provided the Conn ies and districts heretofore carried by are ODtosffn tr t - ouv.er views and his opponent claim that a majority of the democratic r,r.mW., .,J , -. . ie are sound Aur V61 ; men and when tV time comes for the election of Blackburn may f 7 t?f fator' changed. J 1 the . Nation JUSTICE STRONG VERY ILL. Condition AIarmInS. Lake Mixe wask a, N. Y w i q Ex-Justice William Stro- of V preme court of the-tfnhe?' ; ln" t.ee has also had a relario of scion 13 at present uncon- LOOKS SERIOUS. Frenrh r , on the uuruer, thaUhe f9-Tte Jnal reports rionV ltaation on the frontier is ' letoat Sfn ha7e ftherea to L4 S3 IS Id F5 i X3 1 1$ 4 1.' WILSON, N. C. 1 V3 m HER NECK WAS BROKEN. Shocking Death of a Tennessee t,ady ta a Runaway Accidaat. Clakksville, Tenn., Aug. 19. Mrs. James Gordon, an aged widow lady who lives in the Spring Creek neighborhood of this county, was en route - with her daughter to a baptizing Saturday, when the horse the ladies were driving to a bug"gy took fright and ran away. Both ladies were thrown from the buggy. The younger one was not hurt, but Mr3. Gordon fell on her head and her neck was broken, causing almost in stant d.eath. The remains were taken to the late home of the deceased. The burial will take place today. - The ter rible death was a severe shock to the community in which Mrs. Gordon lived. FIRE IN ALEXANDRIA. Losses 3re Placed at 825,000 Four Fami lies Rendered Homeless. Alexajtdkia, Va., Aug. 19. Fire broke out in Jones wood yard and be fore the flames were under control property valued at $25,000 Had been destroyed and four families rendered homeless. Jons will lose 4,500 and Atchison & Brother, $20,000 on a row of frame dwellings. The fire engine broke down and but for a sudden change in the wind the entire block would have been destroyed. Street car service was interrupted for several hours. Insurance very small, mostly held in policies written by Alexandria and . Mount Vernon Fire Insurance Company. - . . ; - . If you want to be happy send is $i and get The AovAjcgE oe year. Stores! J. C. SIBLEY AND OTHERS SPAEK. lie Has a larare Audleiice and Would Have Had a larger But tor Kaln, - Tiie Alliance Meeting; at Au End. Raleigh, N. C., Au. 17; The silver meeting at which J. C. Sibley, of Penn sylvania was booked to speak yesterday was quite seriously interfered with by forboding" weather. Mr. Sibley Band Senator Marion Butler, accompanied by about 1000 people went from here to ! Gary, eight miles distant, where they ! found about 2,000 people. But for the j weather there would have been at least j 5,000. . Speeches were made in the morn- I ing by, State Senator S. M. Mewborne, Ex-president of the State A,lliance, W.' A. Graham, trustee of the State Al liance business fund, Cyrus Thompson, President of the State Alliance and con testee for the congressional seat from the third clistrict, and Senator Marion Butler. At 1 o'clock Senator Butler introduced i Mr. Sibley who consumed two and a half hours in speaking, dur ing part of which time crowds had to raise umbrellas. But they never moved from their seats and the speaker took no apparent notice of the rain. He dealt with the silver problem almost exclusively, and what he said was punc tuated with applause that was limited only by the capacity of the bands and lungs of the audience. Save as to the payment of warm respects to Secretary Carlisle and John Sherman, the address was of non-partisan character, and was a strong appeal for unity of all ele ments which desire and demanded the restoration of silver to the position it occupied in the monetary laws of the country prior to IS 73. ; i A SAD CASE. A Yorinqr 51an Lost-s il is Life in Trying to SaveThai of lils Sweetheart. Winston, N. C, Aug. 15. In David son county yesterday Hammett Swing, lo;t his life in his efforts to keep his sweet heartfrom drowning. The youn!j couple -.we're outdriving, when the horse shied, in crossing a'' bri'ljre and ran the buggy off. Mr. Swing jumped from the vehicle, but the 3'oung' lady with the horse and bug-gy went overboard, falling several feet. The younaman ran to the bank and swam to the rescue of Miss Callimore. In the strug-gcle and excitement ..she held -him too heavily by the neck and he sank and was drowned. Just as she was sinking the last tima ?vr. Robert Young came up on the scene with a battoau and seeing her long hair in tha water, reachefd down pulled her out and aha was saved. The body of Mr. Swing was fdnnd and tak en from the water about 10 o'clock last night. He was about 0 years old. The horse was drowned also. ALLIANCE MEETING AT AN END. Will Establish a Shoe Factory at Cary. Condemn, the N. C. Railway Leas. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 17. -The North' Carolina State Farmers Alliance's ninth session ended last niht at Cary. Ar rangements were perfected to ' estab lish a shoe factory there. Resolutions were adopted at midnight condemning the plan of renewing the. lease of the Nort1!" .Carolin railway to the Souther! ifailway. An amend ment to the constitution allow in or alliances to be formed in cities and towns of - three thousand population was 'defeated. Cyrus Thompson, the new president, is for the free and un limited (coinage of: silver, and does not believe that either democrats or repub licans can be trusted to restore silver to its former position. ' . S P EC ! A L TC R I A O R D ERED To Try the Kcgro llioterr at Winston, t , ?"orth Carolina. " Winston, : C, Aug. 19. Judge Brown sentenced one of the leaders of last Sunday night's riot to the county roads for six months for carrying con cealed weapons. This sentence does not apply to the case againstthe negro for being in the rict. Governor Can has ordered a special term of the court to begin today in order that the trial of the rioter- may I be continued and completed. - 1 IN MEMORY OF VVJLL1AM I. The rounatlon Stone 13 Laid With Im , pressive Ceremonies. BasLijf, Aug. 19. The foundation stone of the monument , to , Emperor William I, was laid yesterday- by his grandson, Emperor William III, with the most imposing ceremonies. The former - Sehloss Freihete, where the mozrameztt is to be erected was con verted iato a closed arena for the oc cupancy of the many guests who had een hitited to attend the ceremony. TSjondSjjreere present toTcoraniemor at 'tfre er&nif ' - STATE SAID TO BE FOR FREE SILVER. Campbell Say He Wil! Not Have the Kom. lnation, IJat His Fr'.euds say They V ill Kan Him How Dl3Vrent Counties Show Up. : Cincinnati, O., Aug. 19. The returns from the county conventions show a general endorsement of ex-Governor Jas. E. Campbell for the nomination for governor at the democratic state convention next week. Governor Camp bell said, however, most emphatically that he could not and would not accept the nomination if it was tendered him unanimously. He said candidly that his only - reason for declining was his present financial condition, which was such as to make it impossible for him to devote his time to politics. Meantime the fact is published that his friends have secured a large supply of lithograph pictures of him and badges and mean to nominate him. They say they will see that all his expenses are borne.- ' Since Congressman Sorg has with drawn, it is understood that -ex-Governor Campbell favors the nomination of Col. Jas. R. Kilbourne, of Columbus, who is the -candidate of - the Thurmans and the free silver men. -The Mahoning delegation announced that they would present the name of John II. Clark. V The Hamilton county delegation, which includes Cincinnati, voted to paesent the name of Judge- Hiram D. Peck. I:' - : ' -- It is said that John II. Thomas is a candidate for senator against Brice and is not wanting the gubernatorial nom ination. ' "' " ' The returns from -the country con ventions S-itur Any indicate an une c pected victory for f re? silver. Some county conventions adopted resolutions condemning Senator Unee's financial views. : .Some counties that selected frca silver delegates -indorsed' Brice and -nearly. all. indorsed James E. Carapbell, for g-vernpr. The counties selecting free silver dtdegates were -.Lake, Law recce, Seneca, ''Mtkingum, Medina, Fayette, Tlij-jhl.ad. Vintoa and Jaoks;o:i. For "sound -inoTiey' .Madison, Porta 5"-? and . .rSununit. delegates froia Angliiise, p3law?r, Cuyahoga .. irtd Trumbull 'countk-s :&ro " divided: Since the returns are in, the silver men claini they will control tlis.-., convention,, hrtt th iXceml'ii do no-t concede it.''. MORE SAKK LOANS. Soma St'iJ..:tS;:'U ea TJjw Wask's a.tst'i' Nev -Yoax,''Au?.-19. The New York Finaaeier bays thiK week: The stiite ment of the ase-oelated : bsnds of this city for the veek ju st nded, reflects in part the g-old export movement and the operations of the bond syndicate which were concluded tire week previous! That" there is no immediate prospect of firmer money rates is evidenced in the increase 2,326,100 in the volume of idle cash now lying" in the vaults of the New. York City Banks, making1 the to tal excess reserve $51.26:3,825. The banks gained $3,55,933' 'in depos its during the week and the increase in lejral tenders was 83,(X0,000. The distribution of the large per centnre of money due the banks by the bond syndicate of course operated ad versely on the call loan market, but aside from this ita eifect wa3 not notice 2. ' Despite the apparent dullness, it is interesting', to note that the banks are now "carrying:" 325,030,000 more loans than at this time last year. Deposits, notwithstanding1 an increa&e of S3,000, 000 last week, are $7,000,009 less than for the same week in August, 1391, and -the excess reserve is between $2(5,000,-' 000 and S-7,000,000 lovyer. r J ARRESTING THE ITALIANS. TYarraats fo 34 of th Klotera and the harl3 After Theci- , PEiJTCEToy, Til., Aug 17. SheriS Clark t with tea deputiesf arrived at Spring- Valley yesterday with warrants for the arrest of 34 Italians and four Lithunians. The accused ars eharg-ed with assaulting, fchootinj? and driving the entire colored population out of Spring Valley. Tha complaiiit i3 signed by Charles L. Martin, colored, who upon esaminatiou was found to have forty-sevsn sliot in his back and twelve in his head and neck. The sheriff has stationed a lew deputies at the top of each shaft, the intention being to arrest the men as fast as they come up. Among the number wanted is seven men of the Spring Valley Ital ian band who are alleged to have led the mob in the assault upon the ne groes. . Xhe railrwds-liave aptde' tlte rate of oxe cent a nsfle t th Cottoa Stat C6 a-B d I irtrga.tinsl Lcpekiaa- 4 - yREGULATOR Are ycai taking Simmons Liver Reg ulator, the "Kinq op Liver Medi cines?" That is what our readers want, and nothing bnt, that. . It is tho same old friend to which the old folks pinned their faith and were never dis appointed. But another good recom mendation for it is, that it is better than Pills, never gripes, never weak ais, but works in such an easy and natural way, just like nature itself, that relief comes quick and sure, and one feels new all over. It never fails. Everybody needs take a liver remedy, and everyone should take only Sim mons liver Regulator. Be sure you get it. Tho Red Z is on the wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. THE ST. LOUIS'' TRIAL. WhUe tit Work on Her Yesterday a Man is KHletl. Southampton, Aug. 19. At daylight yesterday one hundred men went on the American Line Steamer, St. Louis, to prepare her for her sreed trial, which will take plnca in the English Channel. Tuesday. This trial is to determine whether she can fulfill the require ments of a first t'biss vessel yrulf-r the : A nierican postal subsidy law. To meet the requirements "of th.- :hiw be will have to run twenty knot- :;d hour for four ho:;r. Thv r-,vsf:i avus riv.-,tv a thbro"!.-; h s :r xpW-.'j. iUs s-.i-.-n 'v.-i;5a frorji two lifii-'-? ').' rttajTitjrtJ", .,t h: i hi-ei erected cronh i h ,jr in rhi d wh.o'was gti'tho- atu-e ioit ' "fell to the' bottom : vi ih A b.-;la rsr:, 'iii-l VVd3 ;;T to the il'il' 1-lU 'i did ll'Jt h :1) shin. Ar FATAL Utioa, N: Y., Afiir. IT,- -At ovclt CrC yesterday raornln. six man stopped I work on the elevator in course of con- strnetion in ti:a 3Iirvir, l-iook in this city. The eni.aeer siar- f i the ca:rine and the elevator 'wni dtviv !a to tha ttp of the builuiA. Jivpji - :a one of. the men vvp.s about to Lq-? oa tha tyraps rary floor, the r j hoJd;n tha pulley to the iron jri rdcr or thv roc f , broke and the elevator and six ; passengers fell to the cellar, 55 f-aet .bolow. Jere miah Iless. taken to city hospital, wa3 dead when he reach td there. His neck and left arm vyere broken and his fore head crushed. Albert McLay and Emery Wood were injured so seriously that they may die. The other three men will probably live. DREADFUL FOREST FIRES. The Ullnsnj; Camp of Three Foris Tiped Oat Fires Still Ka-;i!jr. Spokane, Wash. Atsj. 19. Threa Forks, a little mining- camp in the Spokane country in British Columbia Vv-as entirely wiped: out by fierce forest ."fires,-which continue to ra.cje with un abated energy, throughout the country; north and cast of here. The inhab itants left everything and fled for their lives. Several families have arrived at Kasola and Slocan more dead than alive. " - Nothing has been hoard. frora the litie town of Salte", in the Coeur D'Alene country, which was threatened with destruction, yesterday. Is- is ofr from any line of railroad and tha burn ing forests cut off any communication with it. ; " ' - ' TO TRY HCLMS i i 1 HJGAGG. Oatcome cf a Confarenc-3 K-stwcea Iavvjcr Capp1 arwi Atto?ii?j lraham. Puflabtxpfiia, Pa. , Aug. 10. It has practically been decided that H. IL Holmes, the alloged murderer of Min nie and Xannis Williams, IJ. F. Pitzh and half dozen others, will go to Chi cago for trial for the murder of the Williams girls. This, it is said will bo the outcome of a lengthy conference held in this city yesterday between A. W. Capps, of Fort Worth, Tex., and District Attorney Graham. "Woolen, Cora ad T7 heat Ijnmd, Wixston, N. C, Aug. 15. Albert All red's woolen, corji and. wheat mills; near Mountain City, ware destroyed by fire yesterday. The fire originated in th picking room from a hot box and eTtrythrogwa destroyed, laelv.ifng ?fh tmildinfl:; Rshlcrv, manufacared 9

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