1 WILSON - n JL 1 J: - M VJ U W 'J IJ It ft $1 A TEAR, CASH W ADYAKCE. jvpLUME XXV r ? : ' M,.,..Mllm,mllM.i.l,WLiill j - . " - ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' : A AT LAST THE GLASSWARE IS HERE! 4 Barrels Prices Cask i COME AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION BEFORE IT IS ALL PICKED OVER. Tur nnnii nnnirT nnnrp J. M..LEATH, Manager, im ufljn nnuiLi uiuiilu, Wash and Goldsboro Streets. 2 iji - - - HARDIN WILL STAND. Ton't Recede from His Position on the 1 Kentucky Plat 'or m. f Louisville, Ky., Aug. 26- Gen. Har iin and all of the other candidates on .he democratic eket were .present at the conference of leading democrats lierfi Saturrla.-u- A Gen. Hardin made a SDeech full of t Tfiror. lie did not recede nna iota from he position he had taken on the finan . cial question. He contended :he-.was ftanding on the platform, and was not n conflict with his party. Hardin said in his speech to the cora- nittee that he would submit to a cau ls of the party, but he would not ield to dictation. He asserted his bility to construe the platform,' and aid he abided by his utterances, which are been published, "and had nothing I retract ormolify. .When he closed there was warm ac cuse from the silver men present. All ... ...... luou. pitfciii. . I the candidates, with the exception I Mr. Tvler. cannidri.t,t- fnr H f-n ton -- Ivernor, agreed to stan'l by Mr. Har- n in his construction of the platform. r--Tyler announced his purpose of mtinuing to speak for sound money, ) matter what the utterances of the Jd of the ticket might bi on the cur- yncy question. ... " committee of five, consisting of pVi.i XXJ. J 4 -e appointed, to draft aa address to 5 democratic voters of the state. The .ers will be called upom'to support . Hardin, as well as the remainder f saver men am ,wn rm mr, 0 - he ticket. The address will also ! i democrats to drop the currency ;Ff omiuent Mlniser bead. EXANDRIA. Va.. An rr 2R rifllT n- .aerson Sutter. ' -w. VigUUCCU s has been rector of the famon st church in this city, died yester- ur. ounter Had a surgical opera performed upon him. Fridav. fnr cerous affection of the TivWr. it. o hght Mr. Sutter would recover from f the operation but his cas favorable turn vestftHntr eath. Dr. Sutter, was also the the Education society ,omniItted Suicide. A, Va., Auerust 24. F. minent commission mpr- city, and Grand Comraan Templar, Grand Senior e Virginia Grand Lodcre a at one time sunerinten- t. Vemoa Iron Co., com ' yesterday bv shaotinn- 1 J , r , , . "I nc.au. ne naa been mental depression lately f ft! V - an a rr flfl MM lit I I 1 w Bo I UN 1 LET ALL THE ESD3 THOU AIHS'T AT BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY WILSON, 14 Glassware! from 3c. up! BANK NOTE BOYCOTT. The Knights of Labor Asked to Join In It. Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 26. H. B' Martin, of the executive board of the Knights of Labor, who has j just re turned from the east, declares the knights are dead in earnest as to the boycott of the national bank note urged by General Master Workman Sovereign and that the boycott will be put into effect after Labor day, September 2. i 'After that date," says he, "all knights, their friends, farmers' organi zations, populists and money reformers generally, are requested to refuse to take bank notes for any obligation due them. We expect active support from the silver men, who recognize in the banks the bitterest enemies to the white metal. Many labor organiza tions have already given notice to their employers that they desire to be paid -re t . ." a-ch icuucr money anu. not in bank notes, and manv employers will on m leyai xenaer monev and not. in co-operate with us. We shall nut th bankers on the defensive, arouse pub lic sentiment against banks of issue and ultimately wipe out the malign in fluence of the banks on our currency system. - It must be remembered that bank notes are not legal " tender, and no man can be forced to take them. By the time congress is in session next December we expect the boycott to be in lull swing and to have on legislation." a good efTect "INDECENT-APPAREL." Female Cyclist in Ordinary Bloomers is Arrested in Little Kpck. Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 24. Mrs. Noey, the first female cyclest to appear ,on the streets of Little Rock clad in bloomers, was arrested by the police under an ordinance proscribing inde cent apparel." ' The bloomers were of the conven tional pattern, such as are Worn in other cities. The case will be fought to the end. Kames for tho'Wew Hun Boats. Washington, Aug. 26. Actio p; secre tary McAdoo announced the names se lected for the three gunboats under construction at Newport News, Va. No. 7 will be callerd the Nashville, after Nashville, Tenn.; No. 8, the Wil mington, after Wilmington, Del., and t No. 9, the Helena, after Helena, Mon tana. The name Unandilla has been selected for the naval tug now beimr arre xsiana, ual. The word is of Indian derivation and was borne by a gboat in the late war. - r If YOU Want to be hanm, vonrl - and get The Advance on year. XI ., AUGUST A SUPERIOR NAVY, If Not a Larger Navy, Than the Other Great Countries, IS WHAT IS CLAIMED FOR UNCLE SAM. One of the Vessels Uncouples Her Engines Ui Less Thau Thrre SUnutes, While It Takes the Great r.ntrlieh i lilaka Over 30 .Miuates. ' WAsniGTON, Aug. 26. An unolScial report to the secretary of 1 the navy re cently received contains further evi dence of the general superiority of the new ships of the navy over most of the navies of the European countriesespe cially of Great Britain. Mention has already been made of the facts that at the Keil, at midnight without a mo ments warning or preparation the en gines of one of the vessels, were coupled and uncoupled at the request of Emper or William, who was spending the evening on board, the whole operation requiring but two minutes and forty five second, greatly to his majesty's astonishment. But it has not been published that the same operation on board the cruiser Blake, the crack ship of the British navy, at drill, when every preparatien had been made for it, required 33 minutes for its performance. Another thing which jelicited expres sions of praise and astonishment from the official visitors to the Columbia at Kiel, was the condition and appearance of the vessel so soon after its trial trip. Everything was found in shipshape greatly to their surprise. After the Blake had undergone her trial trip, it was said, months were required to put her in order, the machinery having been wracked so in that ordeal, and it was difficult for visitors to the Colum bia, to understand how the American ship had so speedily been put in condi tion. The report further stated that the machinery in the Blake was to be torn out, and that she is to be reconstructed although one of the newest vessels of navy. . i SUPREME ROYAL ARCANUM. They Hold Thftr Annual Session and Elect Isew OlScern. Mokeiiead City, X. C. Aug. 24. The Supreme Council of the Roval Arcanum of North Carolina has elected the fol lowing officers: N. L. Sha w, Warrenton, grand dicta tor: G. W. Blount, Wilson grand vice dictator; N. Jacobs, Wilmington, grand assistant dictator: P. C. Carlton, States ville, grand reporter; S. C. Scofield, Davidson, errand treasurer; L. A. Bikle, grand chaplain; K. R. Jones, grand guide; W. H. Carstarphen, grand guar dian: F. Bozette. grand sentinel; T. II Gatlin, M. O. Parvis and S. H. Clark, grand trustees; J. T. LeGrand and E M. Nadal. suDreme representatives The next meeting will be held at Wil mington. " Towns With Phone t onnections. ' Raleigh. N. C, Au'er. 24. The Inter state Telephone and Telegraph Com pany has obtained trancnises ax tne more important cities and towns in North Carolina and has arranged to connect Raleigh, Goldsboro, Winston, Newborn, Charlotte, Greensboro, Ox ford, Henderson and other places. Work begins in a few days. Drowned While Bathing:. St. Augustine, Fla., Aug. 26. Jos eph McRimmon, private in Captain Pratt's battery, Fifth United States artillery, was drowned last evening while surf bathing. McRimmon en listed at Charleston, S. C. His parents live at Bethel Springs, Tenn. t m ' I tin A Woman Kills 1 woChildern .by aiistake. Newcerxe, N. C, Aug. 2G Hattia Outlaw, colored, of this city, killed het two little children, aged three and eight years, a girl and a boy, Saturday, by admistering a dose of strychine by mistake for quinine. Biff Gold Find. Albemarle, N. C, Aug. 26. A nug. get of gold weighing 12 pounds, avoidu pois, was found at the Ingram mine, now known as the Crawford mine. The nugget would have weighed 15 or 16 pounds, troy weight. His Request Granted. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 24. C. C. Camp bell, a convict who recently escaped f rem the state penitentiary yesterday telegraphed Governor Carr from Spar tanburg, S. C, asking that an officer be ent to take him back. smart Advance in Pig Iron. Cleveland, Ohio., Aug. 26 There is a stir in the pig iron market. Pig iron has advanced SI in the last three days and is now quoted at S15.50 per ton, which is the highest point reached since 1890, when it sold at 24.50. This advance has long been expected by the manufacturers, owing to the ever-increasing demand for pig iron, which is the basis of all grades of iron and steal. t A general rise in price may also be ' looked for alonur tfcvsa lines. GOD'3 AKD TRUTHS." 29, 1895. i REAL BULL FIGHT Takes Place n Colorado That is Dicgusting-to Spectators. iLLOD'S IDEAS WELL SUSTAINED. ' Two rsn'U. ae Cru-lly Killed and the Sher:ir Com -s t'p-m th - Sc!ie and Aireststhe Partie-, ht iive Bail Wicked port. - CsirrxE Creek, Col , air P" tie EU He has probablv made monev out of the speculation, but he has not succeeded in making the miners of this camp be lieve that bull lighting is entertaining srort. The novelty of the exhibition and the anticip ition of a confi.ct be tween tne sheriff of El Paso county and the management of the carnival. drew five th uand people who crowd ed the amphitheatre, more than the desire to see a bull slaughtered. The sight of an ordinary Hereford bull, accustomed to quiet scenes, being badgered and tormented, his sides pierced by the cruel darts and by the gi-ads o-4 the picadors, and finally the disgusting brutality of the stabbing and death of the tortured animal, was a spectacle revolting to American ideas of fair play. The Cripple Creek miners want the public to understand that they do not endorse the show: had the civil authorities used their proper power to stop it, not a protest from the miners would have been made. There is no doubt about the genuine ness of this bull fighting. La Charita, the banderilleros, Carcia. Esquival aud the chief Mexican, Cheche, performed their parts with sufficient agility, gn ce and fearlessness to satisfy the public of their ability. The referred bulls were declared "no good" by Cheche, In the mortal thrust Cheche, however, proved not to be expert, for both Sat urday and yesterday 'had . to use his long, sharp sword several times before th- bulls were killed. Excursion trains from Denver and Colorado borings 'were' waited for, and it was late in the day before the pict uresque cavalcade c.une into the arena and saluted the soee-ators. Deputy Sheriff' Brisbane, was present and declared that no cruelty would be tolerated. Manager Wolfe promised this, as usual, butr when the first bull was admitted to the ring, the picadors lost no time in prodding upthe animal, while several steel darts were swaying from the sides of the maddened Here ford. The managers and assistants were placed under arrest. A justice was handy- who quickly accepted bail. After th'e first bnil was butchered! ar rests were again made and boad as speedily secured. Adjutant General Moses advised with Brisbane and urged him to stop the cruelty. When the toreador bungled at the end of the second killing, the governor's representatives left the scene, evidently disgusted. After his conference with the governor over the telephone he returned and told Bris bane to go into the arena and arrest each mnrcordor every time a dart was thrust into the bull. The presence of a lot of tough men, all armed with re volvers, cowed the deputy, and he con tented himself with wordy altercations with the management. j Night came oa befo re the long pro- ; gram of wild riding, steer tying, lassoo ! throwing and other similar sports had j ende I and many left before the per- , forma nca closed. j The audience was generally quiet, j growing excited only when the bull ( drove the men id to boxes and over the barriers. But they watched the officers i of the law as well as the bull killing. BLOOMERS GO IN LITTLE ROCK, The Now Woman Must Dres Appropriate and Sh Didn't Friffhren Horses. Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 2b. Judge Wilson dismissed the prosecution against Mrs. Noel, who was arrested last Thursday for appearing on the streets in bloomers. In delivering his opinion, the judge said: "Women have a constitutional and God-given right to ride a bicycie and they are bound to have some comfortable and appropriate dress therefor. Woman with one foot in the grave and the other on a pedal, were she of a size to threaten to frighten horses, and impede traffic; or were her babiliaments of the sort orig inally designed by the woman whose name they bear, I should be disposed to give her the limit of the law, As it is the case, it is dismissed at the city's cost. Ballard to Relieve DashleL Washington, Aug. 24. Lieutenamt Robert L. Bullard. Tenth Infantry,has been ordered to the North Georgia agriculture college, Dahlonega, Ga., as military instructor, relieving Lieutenant-W.B. Dashiel, seventeenth infan try, who is ordered to join his company. e.- Jose Wolfe acrain carried out his Uptek ATnD Mv&Mf omise to give the reopie a real bull; mmM ht, the performance vesterdav re-i iting in the slaughter of two bu.l. S Sf ADVERTISING MEDIUM. NUMBER 35 ; Are yen taking Simmons Liver Reg ulator, the "King of Liveh Medi cines?" That is what our readers want, and nothing but that. It is the same old friend to which the old foBxs pinned their faith and were never dis appointed. But another good recom mendation for it is, that it is better than Pills, never gripes, never weak ens, but works in such an easy and natural way, just like nature itself, that relief comes quick and' sure, and ono feels new all over. It never fails. Everybody needs take a liver remedy, and everyone should take only Sim mons Liver Regulator. Be sure you get it. The Red Z is on the wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. (id PRIZE FIGHTS IN TEXAS. The Sheriff U Ordered to Notify the Fight. Injf Mamtgt-iuent to This Effect. Austin, Tex., Aug. 24. Governor Culberson, yesterday, made public some correspondence between himself and Sheriff Cabal, of Dallas, anent the Cor-bett-Fitzsimmons prize fight. The governor in his letter asked Cabal if he intended accepting the at torney general's opinion', holding . the prize fighting law valid. Cabal replied th it if aay writ was placed in his hands by the c- unty attorney he would cer tainly serve.it and he adds -that in case no writ is issued and the resp ii.-ioiiity is thrown entiu ir on him, he un hesitatingly discharge. Ins duty. He in tarn 'asked the governor if under the law he would be justided in using force, even to shooting down - citizens, or if such a course wuu.d'be a .i vised by him. In . reply to this the governor says that at the proper time what force maybe necessary to .successfully quell the fight will be easily secured. He fur ther advises the 'sheriff to notify-the fighting management at once that they intend to suppress the firht at all haz ards, so that the management can cease operations on the ring and build ing at Dallas. '. . " ORANGE TREES SPROUTING. The Farmers Hsive ami Hominy and Smile at Blls'ortune. Francis, Fla., Aug. 20. This week has so far been unusually) warm and dry, though showers are passing around, and will strike us in due time. Large orange trees that, showed no signs of life a month ago are now sproutinc around the crown or roots in fine shape, of dark green color and very thrifty. Almost every farmer and ex-orange grower is well supplied with corn and hay for his stock, which will stop up the biggest kind of a leak in his ex penses. . FREIGHT CAR WRECK. Two Tramp Injured and Another Is Kiilfd Oatr'grht. Oswego. N. Y-, Aug -JO. Yesterday a freight train on the R;;me, Western and Ogdenburg railroid. consisting of forty-one cars, nearing Pulaski, broke in two on a down grade. The rear sec tion crashei into the forward section and fiften loaded cars were completely demolished. The train hands escaped injury but two tramps who had - been stealing a ride were found under the wreck. They were alive but badly hurt, Later a man's body was found under the heavy wheels of one of the car?. From papers found on the body it is supposed to be that of Walter M. Sis son, of Yonkers. The damage is esti mated at 15,000. outh Carb.iua Election. Columbia, S. C, Aug. 22. Later re turns do not change the results of the election for the constitutional conven tion delegates yesterday as reported. Frauds by the Tillmanite managers in Darlington, Greenville and Fairfield counties, where the conservatives ran opposition tickets are reported. The conservatives and republicans were given no representation on the boards of managers. Furnace to .Start Up. Johnson City, Tenn., Aug. 26. -Men will be put to work in the Cranberry mites in a few days to mine ore suffi cient to start the blast furnace at that place. When the furnace starts anoth er train will be put on the Narrow Gauge between this place and Cran ery 1 -r 1 i r

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