THE WILSON ADVANCE: MARCH 19,1896. TOBACCO REPORTS I . .... SMALL HRKAKS A N i r.ooD PKicEs FOR THL.(.OLl'EN WKE1. XastSWeek's Report of th Wt-d From Many Market. (From The Southern Tobacco Joprnul.) REIDSVILLE Breaks of tobacco ' have beeri very good this wee Danville, Va We hav t; to re port light sales this week, due to tin unfavorable weather for handling to bacco. (- Rocky Mount Our s ties contin ue very good for the time ol Che y ear. Sales are lasting from three to four hours. Winston The leaf market wi s rather a uiet the whole of last week . 1 the breaks being the lightesi week for quite a time. of any Henderson Our market ha been quiet with only moderate re ceipts for the week,! by reason of the cold, windy weather, which has great ly interferred with handling tobacco. Liverpool, Eng. Although there has been a fair amount of general bus iness transacted in tobacco during February, the mark-1 has, on the whole has been quieter than for sev eral months back, but this is not sur prising, when the large sales effected during the winter are borne .in mind Buyers' attention has this month been about equally divided between West- era and bright Virginias. Your eyes don't neglect them See the Specialist from Philadelphia. 40 years experience. . Finest ol spectacles and low prices, nL charge for testinc the eves. Don't imiss this - - - t chance, i ( Dr. C. C. Chields, ' t)ptician Now at" Mrs. W. W. Edward's, Tar- boro Street. The Japs, r 1 Manager Hargrave should be con gratulated upon having secured the appearance of Fukiho's Imperial Japanese Troupe. It was -certainly "the best performance of the kind the people at Wilson have ever j witness ed. They showed here Monday and Tuesday nights. Monday night, the weather was so disagreeable there were several that could not go. Some of their juggiin feats are truly wonderful, and seem impossible for any human beings to accomplish. One of the best tricks they jiad was that of the little boy, who, standing on his partner's leet turned a .complete somer sault and landed safely again in the same place. Then when the little fellow doubled himself up and was tossed in every conceivable man ner, there was some doubts in the minds of the audiance whether he . - 1 would get off . without having every bone in his body broken. Taken all jn all the show is certainly 1 fine and deserves' the patronage of any show going town. When Baby -was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them- Castoria, A Topeka, Kan., journal soberly reports that a local company has been formed there for the purpose of nlann&cturing cigarettes from sassa fras leaveS jtne main object eing th( humane o "of saving the boys of the nation' fem the tobacco article. Exchange. n T . 1 . ,r further than to brintr the butter 1 u(" - to granules about the size or wheat kernels. . Draw off the butter milk and rinse with co'd water or brine. Repeat the latter operation till not a participle of butter-milk remnns. ,Ltt tie churn stand in position,- alle'r the last rinsing, long en-.u.h so that the water win be pretty. thoroughly uraiir ed out. : ; , f ; SALTING. AND WORKING. Some buttrr maUtr.4 alt . .. .in- the' cjhurn. A good way is to remove the butter to a doai or putter worker, i . - T 1 i v. . ! ., - , .. .. ' , - then silt on the sail inrougn a seive. e best quaiity 'of salt shouM be used One of the indications oi good kit is readiness to mtltl Col.. T. D. uurf.s, who is- eminent authority, says- tiie salt should "melt in the-'butter like now fi ike hi mud. ! Let the butter stand) after salting till the salt has been dissolved and grain of the. butter has become more firm. Then work just enough to get out the surplus water that has come from the melting salt. That remain- j j - - . . I- " ing in the butter forms a film around each granule of it. I If the butter is overworked the gjranules are mashed, and the grain ruined and the value of the bin ter de- predated. The hands should ; not cpme -iu -contact with butter, as j the 1 r j warmth of them melts and injures the grain., r , : PACKAGES j Use neat packages and consult at all times the requirements of the mar ket. When introducing new pack tges have a kind so atiractive, and at ;he same time not too expensive, that tney will tend to create a demand for our butter. j Packages ranging in s'zes frqi'ii one to 10 pounds, made of Wood veneers, I ... 1 qt sheet wood pulp saturated with parrafine, are very poular wherevei :ntroaucea. 1 he latter seems to be greatly in favor at present time. A dox j holding five pounds is the size mainly preferred. j Some ' of the private dai rymen print their butter and find it pays' them to 0 so. An attractive package for form adds (greatly to the selling value of butter. I ! THE BEST BUTTER CAN BE MADE IN i : , PRIVATE DAIRIES. That the best quality can be made in private dairies there can hardly be a doubt, because, as before stated, all :he conditions are there directlv un ler control of the maker, while only i portion of the conditions can be un der control of the maker at the but ter factory or pubic creamery. The farmer that does his own work yets pay for It instead of having a share of whaf his butter sells for go :o the maker at the factory. - Then again his byproducts, such as skim milk and butter milk are in the best possiblexcondition. Further, he gets iall the benefit that comes from con- j . (ducting; every step correctly instead bf dividing it with less thorough pat rons, as he would should he patron jzea factory. This is ! true to a cer tain extent even wherjlmilk or crearn ps taken at the factory on the bas-i? ol jthe Babbock test Fj W. Mosely. Clinton, Iowa, in Progressive Far mer, i . . . -. : REAT SALES prove the great merit of Hood's Sarsapariila. Hood's Sarsapariila sells because it accomplishes GREAT CURES. This is how a leip year high school leap year girl parsed the seri tence,' "He kissed me!" "He," she began, with.a fond lingering over the word that brought the;crimson to her ) chefks, "is a pronoun third person, singular, number, mrsruline gender, a gentleman and pretty, well fiixed universally, considered a gocd catch.1' "Kissed is a verb, transi ent, too much so, regular every even ing, indicative mocdj indicating af fection, first ard third person, plu ral number and governed by circum stances." "Me oh, well, everybody knows me,", and she sat down. Ex. n'lum j ( I granular butter. . ' Churning should never be contin- T-1 XT- IT 1 TV . . i ue iew i crK urnes itiujuunt-ca that a certified check for $100,000 has been placed by Mr. Charles rnaHwav RriCf cnhiert to the dis- , . . - p0sai Gf lhe United Confederate Vet-. erans, whenever an equal amount shall have been contributed, fr the accuinqlation, preservation anli dis- olav of Confederate relics and docu ments. This otter was made Rcui-e several months ago, a iy Mr. lid the cenhcation of the check is bee i use of le nse- the fact that the proj-ci f ;f i iiietnorial; hall has assmntd. posiiive tdnn.' It is expected that at' half million dollars,:" will' be' east a raised through the Uniied Confederate Vet eran camps and other agencies .how at work. Franklin .Times'. There is a story told of the tamed British general, Sir Bartle Frere, which is worthy of repetition. On one oceasion his wile was expecting his return home, and sent her servant to go and not the general. The ser vant had never seen the general, and asked his mistress, "But how shalh I "-"--- "i know him?" f 0," said Lady Frere, "look for a till gentleman helping somebody.'' The .servant did as he was bidden, and recognized Sir by seeing him helping an old trom a railway carriage. His Bartle lady was a good motto ' "Be always helping somebody." Orphan's Friend A Nine-Foot 3I'u8tsich(. James H. Brown, issue clerk Fort I Iall Indian Agency, Ross at the Fork, Bin:' im county, Idaho, has the lor p ' -1. moustache of any man It i- usures nine feet from tip iv ing. to tip, fo ..d a half feet each way from Mr. It i. ttract tii ;;. lhis moustacne is Bi'...v i,s greatest joy and pride. mi! carefully kept and would marked attention anywhere. The In diaiYi look upon this enormously long moustache with awe and rever erence, believing Mr. Brown to have been exceptionally blessed by God Exchange. ' ' i Sunday, at Fayetteville, a" white woman tramp, the first on record in North Carolina, arrived on the trucks of a train on whieh he had ridden all the way from Florida oh her way to New York. She had money and said she was a female, suffragist who had just -completed 1 a lecture: tour with Mrs. France's Willard Ex. ARE YOU BANKRUPTinhealth, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour 1 stomach malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute ciirei A red hull yearling with a white star. in his face square and swallow fork, in right ear lindersquare in left, strayed to my tarm early last Iall and has there ever since. The owner please come r.nd claim same, yearling is about two years old. been will The Katina Howard. Feb. 24th, 1S96. . ; ,. V ilson, N. C. WANTED. A reiliab'e lady or gentleman to distribute samples! and make a house-to-house convasS for our vegetable Toilet Soaps. $40 to 75 a month easily made Address Crofts & Reed, 842 to 850 . Austin Avenue, Chicago 111. be and OllVlil to.everv boy girl's advantage who wishes to take a thorough course in Short-hand, to correspond, inclosing stamp, w FREE 1th Miss M. E. ExuM, Green Springs & 5th. Ave., 7-4 w Baltimore, Md For Sale I Handsome Buck-skin Ladies Sad dle. Address, "T," j . Wilson, N. C. I , - j mr - , - u'ut t.t Kttn Meat. j i As our farmers were so tunas , to have some hogs to kill this winter, now the question is, what is the best method to keep the joints. especially the ham nice an d vvt ei thsough theuminer. I have4 tried many ana various pians vui my ca- perience.has- led in e to 1 conclud e that the cheap :'St, .cleanest and sui est method is in the ispph'catio i .A ' veiized borax iust after the meat has j been smoked (or dried). Wash j clean and while the meat is damp j sprinkle the ll h ide t the nair.s and shoulders with the bo-ax. h 'VJ 1 n "in tu,e s-i pulverized - and it will keep sweet and clean all the year ; insects will not trouble it ; one pound is sufti ient for on: dozen' ordinarv siz.-d Mams or shiulviers. I rv it. brother tirmers. ana ste now. .youiike it A V ty '.(im Ii r i! l AIi.Se.' The Statesville . Landmark prints the following from its '-'Omega (Row an county) correspondent : Mr. Henry Knox 'gave an old mule-r-too o'd tor service to Justice P rry ; he considering the mule valuable, sold him to Mr. Grub fo:- four 1hv.,- hard J labor. Mr. Grub SWaDDed the mule n 11 i- - With Mr. lJOWell for ' a gray horse, Mr Powell' then swanned thp mnl iir. roweii men swappea the mule back to Mr. Grub for a scythe and' tmuic. j imiiv. iii- w i oULcu !Oi 1 1 L. . .11.. I... O j.' ....- - ve bushels of corn. I hen we con cludfcd that Mr. Buzz-ird would fore close his mortape as rnrn is dosnr cios,e nis morrage as ..corn lb aa Vane- ing, but alas1 ! He has prolonged it iinti more rnnvpn.Vnt c.oon anH .- , iine muie has been swapped for a pis tol and then fr a do.- Exchamt I ' . Tih e The men? who write for economic thinkers, financial 1 When a great business crisis occurs, or tariff complications anse, or financial heresy is to be stamped out, or some great scheme of public works is to be brought to popular notice, the men whose opinions determine 'public action state them in The Forum. Its discussions of political, educational, and labor problems appeal to the citizens as distinguished from the purely business man. In addition, The Forum gives space to religiim, literature, music, art, and the drama ; and these topics, together with articles by women, for women, about women, make its pages interesting and instructive to all members of A yearns reading of The Its price 25 cents a copy, purses and makes it the cheapest THE GEO. D. GEEEIf, Pres't. LAT. WILLIAMS. ; THE GEO (INCORPORATED JAN. 3, Successors to GEO. D.. GREEN Bt CO., WILSON "The Geo. D: Green Hiardware 1896, and as successor to the late firm general hardware business in the town occupied bv said firm. Will deal in Hardware, Agricultural utlety, Lime. Paints, Oil, Furnishinp; Goods. ' ' Mr. Geo. D. Green, senior member, the junior member of the late firm, tion to the business. Mr. Samuel Hodges, Sec'y- ani Treasurer,will join t"e" m the conduct and management ot the business of thfe corporatio'n. Very Respectful!' . 26-: 6m. After the D T Wi nartnn 1 J lit- h, ir Slid to hisrj, "Mv I rti ,., i ommend dne more to y0-, 'T r- lrohe 10 be will find it t?TI- Tl..w-:.s'. . r ever engaged in."-Exchan i.v.,11 n-,. - villi --.:- '- 1 'most careless1 Worst cCaCV -! 4 i 1 j j - : j tr&iC seem to v f-nnup'ortaflt 5 Pajs 110 rtttetiti 1 to them and takes ih0n. grown into fragging -paiiis that oeeaXT ally keep lieri m the liouse-that occasion tmt-lier to ped. Then she put the ! matter, jut she won't go to a doctor V ise slie- kijiows he will insist onJ'exai tions " ' ajnd " local treatment cause inations jrpes on,' with increasing sufferi life itself becomes a drag. Ner-ounp srhkingr spells," digestive disturbance r Slf S symptoms 4re treated as digestivt & eases when the rootof the whol the deraneetnent of - the oreans 'distinrtlJ feminine. Over thirty years a go, the ne4 for a reliabld remedv for so-onlVrl -i . m complaints,' was recognized byDr.R.?. Pierce, then, as now. chief eonitinv. sician to the World's Dispensary and Iwn . ' - v"fi vur ' t-v -; -i-r "i. -n uas- iotei, at uunaio, in. y.. He prepared! TVr Piprof's t?avoritf Prfsf rintinn tlio -. j u" t : i. J , ut. irierce s hvuiilc jrrcscnpuon, me mast - . w fJc,, trmina tic u exceeds the combined sales of all' olio rneaicines lor women, its erect is perce? lible almost (rhmediately: j It relieves pain, allays inflammation, checks debilitatinf arains, ana quicsiy suonues ouier distress- - CTmintftriia -'Tt tUa nn. - their surrounding tissue's strong J Healthy, thereby correcting displacements ' and invigorating the whole body. The Forum include; the best experts, and ptains'of industry. the family, j Forum is a liberal education. y . .. . ;ommends it to all $3.00 a year- review in the world. c FORUM PUBLISHING CO. New Yott SAM'L HODGES, Sec'y 4 Tr Corripany" was incorporated bnuary 5fy of Oeo. D Green & C will cojiducta of Wilson, N. C.. at the stand former v Implements, Buildets' Maten'al-S PJi rr bing JVl s tenths 2nd 1 II as President! and MrALat. will continue to jnve theirViprsonal Geo. D. Green Hardware CompaU' mm 'A.Jj il : A GREEK HARDWARE CO, 1396.) '. 1 i