V THE WILSON ADVANCE: APRIL 2, 1896. ! A WEEPS NEWS CONDENSED stock and produce markets. .Cherry Pectoral . '-SAVED HS3 LSFE So says r!r. T. .1. Reed, a hlf respected Merchant of itfiic! cUetown, IS!., of a Young Man who vs supposed to be r. Consumption. "One of my customers, some 01 - -vear.s ago,' had a son wlio had all t the ' syinntonVs of consumption. & The usiiaVmedichies "alTorued liim oj no relief, and he steadily failed 3 until he was tumble to leave his bed. His mother applied to me o for some remedy and 1 recom- 01 mended AVer's Cherry Pectoral. The young'man tok it according ol to directions, and soon bojran to cj improve until he became v.;ell i and strong." T. 2.1. Reed, Mid- g dletown, 111. " oi "Some time ago,-! caught a I severe cold, my throat and limgs 0! were badly i::l!air.ed, and I had a H terrible cough. It: was supposed ? that 1 was a victim or consump tion, and mv menus had little hope of recovery. But I bought a g V bottle of Avers Cherry Pectoral, c took it, and was entirely cured, os Xo doubt, it saved my life.' 1 i: Jones, Emerts Cove, Tenn. - gj Ayer's " Cherry Pectoral Received Highest Awards ol AT THE WORLD'S; FAIR gj oooeoooooooooooocoooooo? "r'T"ir'"r1"",1"tfI1;"Li"l"'Mi"1'1I1MMIJallluaAIUil '- ff"!day, Marpli 24. Mr. DrnVion won her suit for divorce from .7. C4-num Drayton, at Trenton. Cuuse, deserdion. . Suva, the : capital j)f Fiji, was destroyed by a hurricane on the 6th inst. It-veas tho most tr'jmiilous storm . ever known in the southern seas. . S At crvliet, Mich., -15-year-old Frank Gouarh qnsvjreleil Ivtth his 12-ycar-o'ld brother ah(j';;$ a gun, and' was sli'ot detwl : by the yoinl -jpr loy. J - By n explosion of eras at the Borwypdr . White.sbaft Ut Dubois,. Pa , thirteen ltien won killed 1 A mine explosion at Adrian, Pa., 'killed ffMn -n. ' . p ? !nn'5ota'; ; .f(uii:'.-.'in-; olcr-.l'- a solid MeKinley deivgation to the Sc. Louis con yejitiou. j ; -: . ' . j ' Fire'y:3'fi.-iy a- Tiifro-se. Tv"is . ooush1 by a lociinimriv s:.ar. caasjd over ?2J0,- 030 d:n;iij! Closing. Quotations of the New York and Philadelphia Exchange. . , V New Yobk, Maroh 27. The Stock market to day displayed a moderate increase in business with the dealings in American tobacco and sugar refining, altogether disproportionate to the transactions in the other shares. Closing bids: j i . '.,...;' , Baltimore & Ohio 1834 New Jersey Ten- 105 Del.& Hudsoa4l25 N. Y. Central ...... 96 D.. L. & W ......... Erie Lake Erie & V. Lehigh Xav.. . .... Liehigh Valley-: 161 , Pennsylvania ...... 52 H ! Heading.- 9J U4 St. Paul 7434 41J4 W.Nv Y.VSr Pa. 2J 31J4 West Shore . J General Markets. ; Philadelphia March 27. F!our in lisht i demand; vyinjer suptfrnne. $2.:M?yi.7r, do ex-. ' trxs. $3.7-3f Pennsylvania roller., clear.. $1.40 ,o.50: do. do. straight. $3 5 V .7!; western winter, clear., $:i-4.n3.6f - Wheat dull; with i 70e. bid. and 70i. askwl for March. Ccrn quiet, with 5J5c, bid and'35!o. askwi for March. Oats quiet, with 25c. bid and 25.4c. asked for March, llav firm: good to chpics timothy. C5 CM ored. $lti.5':17. Heef 9 50'S.ll); family. steady. Pork slaw; mess; S1O.0O: short clear, Jll od- v?ho on MTu.y UL-v-lea criminal assaultj oa iir-. 11. )i;u-iii:. lytielieil !y a inolx The Aai -.n :iri F.l r;t; or' Laljor hits tp.vi W.e. u b..;:iu:-i;te alight for. the.(UK-!--'fc jHv.ir ti.vv i'f ii si-:ka o the -carpenters on r.. ,.- 1 I. 12.50. Lard steadier: western .steam; $5.40. t iittt-r qiuet and! steady; western cre'amerv, ! i:ia:J2c.; do .factory, i:lc; Elgin.-;, 22c: un ion iTeamer.r.l 1217c.; New York dairy. eansvirania and western creamery .Tohn V;is'i, 3D year? old, was stalb"d to death (fii a street in, Clevjland.sirnl italic prints. extrd, 2;Jc.t -ilo.ichoice; 22c: do. fair to j good, 18.a2lc.r prints jobbing at 2 K27c. Cheese steady large,- 6.alMj.; small, 671:).; part 8ims. ZfyVfr.:: full skim, 2-&2c. Eggs firm; New York, and iPeHnsylyania, 1 lhi't&llc.; Thursday, March 30. I.ir Stock, MavtJs. Brljrndier?, G-.'tieral Caey,. U. S. A.!, lje- ttn-d. tiivd u v ashing. on yesterday aged o-i 'yijarxl j I . " . Rev. IJenry Y. Satterlee '.vas coTioerjited 1 i 1 I. These shoes fit to perfection and wear as only , the best of leather can. They're shapely, pliant the most comfortable of footwear. They always manage to let in air and keep out water.; ) Sold by C. B. RUFF1N.; 25 28-lv - . JOHN GASTONV Fashionable Barber,; Nash St. WILSON, N C. Easy chairs, razors keen; Scissors sharp, linen clean. For a shave you pay a dime Only a nickle to get a shine; Shampoo or hair cut Pompadour . Yc"u dhv the sum oftuentv cents more. 110 WME R&GUSSES, -lore :OTteWvv.sfe E Weak iplsCOpi lrishop of Vashin'-ton, I). C. ACNiii'ij.-aJicisco Mm: Mary A. Dnyid-s-n was acquitted on the char-re of 'eitjort-' incr S3 ) ) fruin 11 v. C. O. Browa. j Kx-tifovernor Campbell.' of Ohio, J an- 1 nounces tliat h:? i. not a candidate fori the Demouraridiprosiilent-ial uoinina ion. i Xows 'ha.'(j..b,n received in Jjondon jthat ?Jark Twain has completely recovered his hoa-'i.' Hrf han sold the copyright of . a ;nnv -v.ork $30.00. j The circal-t ilephrvit Eniprcs.-?,. btltter known as (jrypsy, went on a rauipa in Cliicayro and.killt:d her keeper, Frank Scott, who ii her tiiir:l victim. j Friday, 31arch 27. Tho reported death of President Ilijfpo- lyte, of llnyti, i.s coniirjiicd. ' ; - The grcape.ri New York bpl has passed both hotiaek cf the New York legislature. In a saloon fiht at Medora, Ind., Andy ; Dorcas was killed and John Atlar knocked senseless by John Ulnicr, who was arrested, j The French government has distributed ja bill, which it proposes to -.make a 'law, placing Madagascar within the operation of the French tariff. . j R. W. Thompson, probate judge of Stod dard county", Mo., went tq, Cairo, Ills., last Friday and got a $1,200 check cashed j He hsitt it. riJfri cf(-n ainfp " In the Texas Republican convention the Reed and, lAilison men elected two dele gates each.j The McKinley men bolted and elected four contesting delegates. Saturday, March 23. " W. A. Iarker. of Sobago Lake, and a man named Dole were killed at ' White RockMe., yesterday by falling timber. Li Hung Chang jailed from Shanghai yesterday on his journey to Russia, w hither ho goes to attend the coronation of the czar. . -.if . 'j . ;. Republicans and Populists of Texas talk of fusion this year, Republicans taking the presidential elector and Populists the state officers. Francis 1. Fava, son of 'the Italian lam bassador anil professor of cj.vil engineering at the Columbian university, .died at Washing ton yesterday from consumption, aged u5. - . Racing stewards of the California Jockey club expelled ' Little Pete," , the Chinese plunger, and several jockeys for conspir acy to-defraud -bookmakers. "Peto" is said to havb realized $100, 000. j Slomiay, Slarcli 30. Henry Piper, who .'.ppropriated crude "amalgam from the mint at Carson, Xev., was lirjed $-00. ... j Two Tcdiims wero killed and three spec--tators yoitid--Hl in a raco track ligiic 'at Fort Sill liifli.ui agency, O. T. Mrs. Bodtir-Tucker arrived in Now York from Engl:hd 0:1 Saturday hearing iho olive brautihl from General .'Booth tqlliis son Bali iugtfm, r ' .-Twice. wtin.iv fortnight at.Chicago.:hd with wliat jnirpose is unknown, unsuccsiss fiil attempts-have been' made to kidnap Raipli, thd ' 8-year-old grandsim of Mme. -3J.odjo.ska, :tho actress. '.. . Police .Capca-iii Devcj. who on Fridav New Yohk. March 27. B -eves quiet and steady: native steers, poor to prime. $4&4.50; bulls. 52.V,o.-i.3 70; dry cows, $1.5(1.80. Calves quiet; poor ,-to pr'inie: vaals. $4tt.iK). SSheep firm: lambs quiet ;'poor to prime sheep, $ 50 4.C0; good to choice lamus,- $o.i.yij. Hogs steady at .3'i7l4.('i. East IjIBERty, Pa. .March 27. Cattleateady; prime, StoV&l.lK g.:od putcher, $i 8(14.10; bulls, sta-s and ookvu, 5l7")(J3.W. Hoars slow; priiueseieeted :m-!litnu I'we.itits, $1.1 oU; best Yorkers, ,$4 20(54.2" pi-. avto quality. $4.i.U); heavy hoi-j. $4dol.2ii; rougus, -; .1 '.; i , -. , "! .-'-Wheeling; Maich30. Fjip yhich broke out in the hu-iiiiess porCiqVk of- Weston. th'U stare, shortly after; midnight yester day morning destroyed property - to the value of 150,000, lnly about one-third of which is covered by. insurance. The prop erty burned was abouc one-half the busi ness portion of the ,towp, which is the seat of t . state hospital for the ins.ane. Dur ing - he fire a suspension bridge which sp v the West FoEk river, connecting the 1 - :.:.d with; the It own, gave way with a c - . w i of people. lA number of persons a- injured in the. fall, the mostf seriously ;-'ing ieputy phenit William-vv ood i :' broken in two places, and Henry r. J. S. Mitchell was fatally hurt r e 1 bv a falling wall. Journalism! at Welleslcy. TVellosley college shonld produce some briiliunt additions to tho journalistic rankn vithin a few years. One of tho courses in English offered during tho junior year is in newspapei'vork. It . is for ;t students ..who have done superior work. Practice in reporting, condensing editing 'and writing of editorials, topics and reviews, with the study, of current events, jinakes this half year's work of great valine . to thosd who, have proved their ability -for it. Gave All Her Scanty Savings. His3 Caroline Rnstad of Whitehall, Wia. , a Scandinavian spinster, Go years Cnros T-ar Drops, Grarn;I.if ion, Sfro l!u:ior Eyo.i, lizi tcii-Sye.LaskeQj atl.vaata.jj.e. SOLO Bv a: '" CLTRE. ; iuayi be. ussesi 4o ' '- A C&rlain ' OaJa, and .SfJeslSve Rsrcsdy fsr JPz'otl rirf.Lo h Zetlness, aiu& last-was' acquitted on -a jury trial of f the , ... 'lZ-nct.&yUij tiiu Sigfv. . the old-J charge of qx torsion, vill hi all probab&lity be rein-statiid on duty a-t tomorrow's meet ing of the police board. It THE COOPER MAKBLE WORKS, in, 113 ad 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA. Larc:e stock of finished J Teriri)ly lleaten by, Women. Bertkad, Xi?b., March 23. II. H. Wil ley, aoi'ihijr justice of the peace, and a man with d iargj family, wa3 .charged with improper conduce toward "the- 7-yeaivold : daughter olf 1 A. M. Hill," of ,' Bsrtran'd.j - A number of j women, led by the" mother of the girl, caught Willjy and covered . him. with a revir-iver, and after tying his hainds and placing a strap around his deck marched huu out in tront of the city hall of ago, has turned over to Banker J. O. Molby $200, . nearly all of her scanty earnings for tho last 12 years, to be sent to the' 'GnU'cring mifisionaries and Ar menians in Turkey, llie old lady insist ed oii making the denatien,; and so Mr. Melby forwarded the money to the Lu theran Missionary society at St. Strava- gar, Norway. Chicago Times-Herald. ; ' ' i - " an would banish the) skirt, bnt even if rach abolition were possible we would j dosiro i cr all ether occasions to retain the skirt. The masculine idea in femi nine drss.i is one which is thoroughly inartistic. It is. true men's dress is more convenient than that it women, bnt this is its sole advantage, for it is hopelessly ugly, and why woruen should imitate it ili any. respect I cannot imagine. They have net adopted its iit'ilitarian features, bnt have taken thoe which are most nndesirahb rNatnraliy the corset is an obstacle in the 'way of dress improve ment, ly wearing loose,' plain -'-waists,: whiyh is a; tlovenly fashion, not an a'r ' tistio tuiff." It was a bad expression. of a good iiinu, n;id ihe corseted ligaro has this aiivantngo, that it is a 'good cxprcs sion or a' had hint; smooth fit tii for .o World. 4 -11 ----,- r, ;7;ui 1:1:2a. ,lzo w e prcrc.r tno cornet ea v-aist cf the two, dl -iike fckill." lfew York Clubbintr' Rates; We will fend the Advance and any of the f .illowing. publications to 3 Monuments, Gravestones, & Ej Ready for shipment. jpfei3 Designs tree. iv m ra pj3 and three ivmaa at a time thrashed him ? any address post paid one year at the with blasksuake whip3 until his hands j i-iV it tf r ' . and face ivpra dripping with blood, were finally propped -by a constable, Willey and his family left town. 1 are subject to peculiar ills. The right ; remedy for babies' ills especially worms and stomach disorders 13 F rev's Vermifuge hos cured children for 50 years- Send for illus. booh abont the ills ana ino remedy. One bottle mniiwl for J5 cents. A,1-Protest" from Turkey. Coxstastixople, March 23. As a re sult of the;excraordinary cabinet council the Turkish government ha3; issued an ap peal, addressed to France and Russia, lash ing them ta intervene with the j object of regulating; $he affairs of Egypt. Grermany, it is stated Was also requested by the porta to exercise bar good offices in this sense. Instructions were 'also dispatched to ' the Turkish ambassador at London to make representations to the Marquis of Salis bury, but their tenor is not known. 1 j HOOD'S Sarsaparilla has over and over j again proved by its cures, when all other preparations failed that it is the One True DLOOD Purifier. t)rice stated. They 1 , .. " - -'-: and Now is tne time to get Cheap Literature. Il you want more than one ol the publications named ask for special i rates. '. SUBSqRIPTIONS TAKEN FOR ALL AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PERIODICALS. Munsey V... . . . .... ............ . . J. . . . .$i .65 McClure's :V. . . . ... ....... ... .... 1 .65 Cosmopolitan ............ 1.65 Godey's 1.65 Lippincott's ............ .... ......... 3.00 Review of Reviews. i...... 3.25 Scribner's .................. ...,"-.'i-v. 3.25 Century . 3.50 for Infants and Children. . " Castor! a Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A Archer, M. D., 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Castoria, For several years I have reconi, storia,1 and shall always ccctiCTT: !so; as it has invariably producta beck. ' Ed-k-in- F. Tardef., :,. p. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New Yr-t JTw Yort Citv. i I M I '.' - -.' : ! ' -:-!. i- The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, Net York Cci - "The use of Castoria is so-universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of siroererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria . within easy reach." j ' Carlos jIastyx, D. D., Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation Kills Worms, gives sleep, and pron "Without injurious nwdication. Y - - rm r '" '-- - ZjunT : y i mh r v rm AAAAAAAiiWi J , -..urir. , Pi DOS and h 3 nnV Mis Nash Street, 'Cotih.BuUdin W E WILL Bettie IT r 1 1 ;- ; 1 ACS GI VE YOU 9 i T- , ' . ., - : .: r . . ivm ran. - . i 0 1 H 6 f j 1 j ' y ' 'T!F1. ::': ;: 'i : ! :;' : t' : ;r WHEN, IN NEED THE OF ANYTHING IN - rAY sOF . . ". m, ST ATIC I EITHER PRINTED' OR BLAHK - CALL US. mm i ma una liuuiiiK vv .; Plate Glass. Front, Opposite Court Hdnss. i -3 -41 1. . 1 T no i nmnrn ut l uj lid ? (lilt b'i'u 1 W. P. SI5IPS0S, Preset. : . . SOLICITS THE BUSINESS O EUjfESS ir'iTS -70LLE57) F- th & ru i: li c c E x i-: u .m ' - . v. 4 A-l?9w' and' Comploto Treficenr, 'crrsisting cf RTJPPOSITCKIES, Curais ' of: 0rE5r.t. and tvo Boxes of Ointment. A never fi!ing Care tor Piles of every natnre end degree. -Is makes an c-pc-rotion with tho knife or injections of carboifc acid. v.liich aro painful and seldom a permanent enro, ami oft?n ce saltijjR in death, linncwssary. VVhw encJuro t.!fii3 torrible disease? VV? jriJSirsno O boxsjo to -cure anv Cfsse. Yon only ?-ny lev t-caetits, le caived. 1 a box, 6 f or f,5. Seat-V.-7E? ail. JAPANESE; PILE OSfiTEHT. 25?.. a E the creat LIVER nsd STCMACil BUOOD PURIFIER. ma!S. zv.ui i z.a .-pjasatt f3 take, especially adapted for chiiuien's uso, 25 cents. . - ! 6U. DOE89 For Sale J n- ' i .... in piiu r - "i ' r .... -, si) 2ST -- lsTi?.TS5i i-rra.;-:-.- '--?--? - " f W - 4 ' -' ' . . Handsome Buck-skin Ladies Sad dle. . Address, "T," , Wilson, N. G Tenney's Candy fresh at Cheat hams Nash. Street next door to ths Aadance Publishing Company. . tt Dr. H. 0.j HYATT'S! SaP 1 Kinston, N- C . DISEASES OF THE EVE; Original anl A I- f- 1 & n,md Brand in KCi a"" T5 .IfiJ with blue liBw other. Z' tim and imitation. J" " V" in ainpa for part c"' 43h to k Mtr Chemicul .. tji Sld bj all Local Draggifita. ',-"-. -: .1- : : ''-'' -.-';'-." !-: ! :

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