THE W LSO N v. . i t "LET ALL THE; ENDS THOU AIMS'T AT BE THY GOOSTRY'S, THY GOD'S AhD TillhHa." BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. , . ; , . ' ' ' r ffe have ; jus. re IWiH WILSON, N. G.; ABRIL 9; 189(. NUMBER 15. ON. SPANISH BAIillAlilTlES. THE M (iUATl! ISQBEL ciitl He explain s'lOioquentiy wny he iett her body in the. house, miowing, jis he said ; he knew, that she wasdead on Sunday night!, . ' : necl -rom n' New we- expect the time t.nis goes to have in the press to til or a greater The Secrecy Hot a Candidate for Statements Mads by a Leputable Tho Philadilpaia Tragedy Still tha Presidanoy. i American Journalist. ' - -n J : ,-' uaii xu. v atci v moy -; , ' j. ANXIOTJ'3 AE3TJT TEE PLATFORM. 1 irt of our purchase. While 'Not Authorizing His Friends to Pre-, sent Ills N.nnn to the 'Democratic Con vention, lie Urges. Care ii'i the Declaration- of Party Principles. J ' ' a'. ' j - WASHINGTON, April (K-rSecrot.iry CarT lisle has wri; ten tho. folio wine: letter on the Mibject of hij candidacy. for the .-presidential nommaton at the Chicago Igonven tion. It i addrcs sed to -Charles It. Lion-?, chairman of the Democratic .central com mittee of Kentucky. "Your.favor of March 39, in which yon say,-in substance, that many of my friends a H0EE0R3 OP AEMF.NIA; EEOALLED. XTEEN V, .OWNED LAITGDOH HELDF0E GEA1TD JURY. tlrutallties Unequal e-J Outside, of Darkest . Africa or Fanatical Turkey Tlie Annilii lalioti of Cubans ami Confiscation of Tlieir Property Urged by a Priest. . j .'KE7 Ouleaxs, April 4". Th&Picayune's special T-Iayiaa'- letter,- dated pMarchi 27, gives the following summary of events the Guardia Civil, where theypTashed him lie Lot all over the body. Then they;toolc him In Stewart, the colored servant girl the outskirts of the town, where they com- pcated her original story witho Wiiieii is declared to he accurate in every respect: ' V. ' ..p-y In Bainoa Dr.' .Vodal Sotolbngo per formed -an operation on a poor-old man, and when be was convalescent he wa one in Kentucky and elsewhere desire me to ij night arrested and taken to tlio armory of become a pamlidate before the approach-: ingt national Democratic convention for nomination for the office of, president, and requesting me to give ''.some authoritative or delinite expression" upon, the jsubjeet, wn,s duly received, and has been maturely considered- V ! ."Many communications upon the same subject and of similar import have been received from friends in different parts of the country; and while very grateful for these mmiermis expressions of canfidoncc 'and esteem upon the part of my Demo- rSij'sicians Who Examined the Body De clare That iliss McGratU Was in Perfect Kealtli, a:fcl Tliey Can Give No Reason for Her DeatU. ! Pill LADE LPT! I A, April 4. Coroner Ash bridse yesterday held an i'nqaest into the ' personally investigated by .the writer, .mysterious death f Annie McGrath, : and at the conclusion of the testimony tne jury found a verdict recommending that Samuel P. Langdon, whose mistress the girl bad been, be held to await the action of the grand jury. He was committed , without bail. : The most important witness was Bertha She re peated her original story without varia-; pelled him lo make a grave, in wliieh they ti,on. The last she saw her mistress alive buried him afrer he died from the ill treat- 1 wa3 at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, ment he had received. . i- H when she gave her instructions to have On the plantation "Salvador" of the tiie dinner ready at 4:30. When the wit Count do Uai-reto, Lieutenant Betancourt, ness. ranj? for dinner she heard a scream a'Cuban by birth, belonging 611 h-is. troops of General Aldecoa, shot. to:,dea:ii, after hacking him with his machete, a defense- By the Xlapitl Rise of t'ie A"ater in South ern Streams. BOOXEVILLE, Ky.i April 4 The cloud burst Jon Lktli Sexton ami Buffalo creeks did more damage than at lirst reported. There; were probably sixteen drowned. Sexton creek ri-es near Burning Springs, and i one of the feeders of the south fork of the! Kentucky river. It flows in some places! through deep gorges, flanked by roclcs.j- Through these gorges the stream rushes, when in flood tide, with the speed of a race horse, and- striking the; bottom lands ;below, and spreads out with won derful, rapidity. The cloudlmr.-t. occurred in the gorges, the water gathered in a moment, and the wild flood poured doyn, in a solid wall, carrying death and destruction in : its path. ! Five people were drowned in tho Little Sexton. Buffalo creek is even inoro crooked and tre. herons than Little Sex-,-ton, and by it nine people aro believed to have lost their live. A great many logs were hurled down with the tide,-and t hese ppeedily Knocked the cabins and outbuUd . ings to pieces " ' The dead on Buffalo creek are: Mrs. George Gepson and threo children, Will Burns' two children, iMiss Mary! Garrett and two unknown. Mrs. Joseph Crano less colored resident, Who wao:V3iis fray t ask,e.d what the matter was Langdon told tojom his family. - On the 4rscmacaete ; her that Annie ha I a bilious attack. anS. ran up stairs. She knocked on the door rind Tino-rJon resnonded. He was in -r t - , , , , v 1 : hi nwhr ilnthfis an 1 when the witness was lawmy wounueu uy uruing 1 g.. ;., r? f . -r , 1 . i i I 1 the drift and rescue his family. His house A' 1 s S 11 0 ii J 4 1- y 1 4 n 5 po-; tae ;e;-iv :ratic -fellow citizens, I hate not been able J blow lie lost an arm and tBs second hi to reach the conclusion that the (existing i head, ( ';. 1; :; j conditions require ine to comply with ' In the city of Batabano the chief o tlieir rcq-uost.4 by authorizing' thepi to an- j lice and -other - local authorities arnj: nouiic-e me as a c i:i.lidat.e for tio presi- thrca' individuals' and, took" Chem to dential nomination-; " - our shirts ot the town, where? Uiev -v .... '.'While I feel a pi-oCoumi "interest in the .butchered ami left dead on the road jde. j welfare of r.iy p-r!y. I nuU'h .more j the murderers bringing, the report to it ';e ; eoiieerned about i: ion. oil; priiici- 1 ' ci"7 that the iLsu.gjiits hact kiilled. the j pl;s than in ;ts s--!eetion of -andit:i: , be- 1 me:?. . . . . I canse, in my o;i:iioa, its fatlurj V -success' 1 In the ."village of Felip3 soldiers as well' its Uh-capacity for r- under com ma nu.s or' .Colonel :-.fcuai pts. ii ;it - at t lie; e!e;tu. usef ul servU dept-'vils upon the position it takesjor omits to tako upon tli -public -q-ue'st-rons now ep a:r-!orr tir; a. '. etirioii oft if purple, and especial !y ihe qtt.:st.ion-i t-.'fL-oiiiafMe imm etary syst-etii o the coantry and 'tihe char acter and amount of taxation t0 -be im- 7Ji s; upon oil!- t ic e "i : A 1- i:i the cou'nt.'V in tiiie future, 'i.Coioitel Linat'es captured I laborers ami iu!l";'d them tc 'pieces -nm id ! the a;i:rlite.:- or the tioops, who. shoujyd tnat thov cotud uoS serve the insurgents any iu m-c. ... , In the city oC;-K.jugHl-. General Call Ruiz was waited .upon by. 8 JverTCabau surge it :V?.io w,isi le-.t-to -siimiuuei, a - tjs iV.-etv .-.ullVring iVoai bilious fever." He w-el-com'vl tlieni, and a- uired ' the;n that -they wou!l iio,i i.; troubi 1 ?? s. 1:;: 'Its position up i these and otHtcr sub net's having hs.r n-greod upon, and clearly V . e r. -h 'Iwi UiiU. L Jl U and dlsiinctlv atumaced, t;ie coavention ought to have no uHlibulfy iij Relucting-an acceptable canuhlate who will . fairly r'ej ' resent its' views, and in order that its de Ubetalions m'av be embarras as llttle a.spos-.:Vde by f ty;; cont'm'i :js idraJitiS UiiA - . "i ii;. : l to tbcV party -wili be best peri.Kaned by le cliiiing to participate in: a, canteat; for the liorriaation. : ' v ". "The obligation a;"umcd when I ac- ont-.o-;h;iai' ;positsori require t However, ihe tak.,n out and shut lowing day they av? to death. ' -' . ;'' . rila.- butchery of the peaceful. inhabit an'ts of Huatao sdil1'; remains, unavenged, and Bertha asked if she could get a doctor, and Langdon said that io was not neces sary, but told her to gefe him a pitcher of water. She heard no .more of either Lang don or Annie that evening. She waited ' dinner tiutil 0 o'clock. Two hours later she listened at the door -; and heard -loud breathing At 11 o'clock she. went to the door again, and heard the loud breathing. Then she went to hed. On the following' day. she did not see anything of either -one; until 5 o'clock in thejattcmoon. , r - of! rival a "'"'4-'''';-y '' cented m v' v .ine t-ode vtre my e:i i re tinu and to the:ouh!ie int'ere conirnitt; rsro, and I sii.Ui litteation 1 to mv lUau. to--'.ischarg-3 tho diitie vu-rosed o-r me to tlj 10 fx . i it i . v.- v f v -and in such ma -mortis v lU'Waienc, mossceviaiu-; ) r-ru.o iat re opinion of tacky;; my 1. s of th : c ,i:" ; ;-.a-my. fellow jpeaiocrat s jrvic3.; f atit ia 'me commenaat-ion an a approval gard.-theiu .indor-ieraean'-.ot my Min ?('' a's an a:-i":e reVrartl forithe-fiitic r v.---.. M'-ln t ' !ii'"Tv.!ivii-ln ljeh'l f if l-.onest 'sulministrat-lon "aad.ia best of s will, in -a'te the if, in the ; in i'len t'o tholr 1 ivould re public 1 nancicii o s.-n d to there 'is- -to iihIihoo l that 'XhvA justice.. Th.-1 i.vl:i., Wo terri bear .testimony -.-rrainso the Spaniards. On -.Colonel .Ltrqi'iez'':' .de- .Cvora. will eternally ret tii was lost. - v ' ' "; - 4 , On Sexton creek Captain J. SjiL Bull, Irs. Wade Mcirders j a nd child and two unknown people werodrovned. j Jackson county suffered heavily, as did Clay and Owsley. It was the inost dis astrous Hood in years,jand came so quickly that i t is a wonder any. of the valley peoplo tseapd, . i . f- , 5ic- Mriifanin-s iiV tier ,nnrinei. . Cleveland, .April ii The stories that have been toIH concerning Uy. tortures in- At that time Langdoii came down stairs Cicted by the Spaniards in C' "are more and ashed for something to eat. She'askod'.-. than confirmed by Mr. E. II. Taylor, who. how ?-tho family vra?," and Langdon said has just arrived in this city after a roi that lie AVas ill and that "Mrs. Langdon dence of three ye.irs iu'ITavuiia: "I. have- wr.-Vpoiivl y. .Thj wit ness wanted to take ' known, of prisoners being strung up by the- pome'poached cg'r-; and toast up stairs, but thumbs at, Moro Custlo and-, lefffor days. Langdon said that is; wa not necessary, as at a time -the mercy of the vicljous flies, "his wiie did not want anything." lie got which were attracted in swarms by molas- sotnotiiing loeac and then:went '.upstairs, se?, smeared upon tho victims', faces', and Sicbirqtienily he came down a'sairi ready chests' for that purpose. .If rhey would al-; to go -out. 1 - ' low some of t ho persecuted ; yrejtches ' in He s;)oke to - hor about hei wages, and Cuban dungeons to testify stories of fiend- gaTo" her -fiLO, . and started out,, saying ish torture iHmid be ilraearthed which that he was gain'? away. Ho went as far would startle the Cln.iHixaiAyorld.'' . as 'the-door and returned and handed the ' ' ,- ; . v td Bertha, telling her that .she could Ten JJea-t in a. Tenement .Fire. 'jiohje'' of having ea- terb'.l a town mid ' given his soldiers the orders't-o shoo"; ever." one, ,110 matter who tlrc'y were. As a reso't t Ii e '.vomen and children, the-li;l; aid, the dyinf, v'civ butchered wi-tir. -bullets in sotno eaH and with cold, gllcterin; steel . hi . oth"7 ;. an Courier-, e.'.liioi'ial Ot i i if K1 s 1 or'ii A cce .'LoiilsVlLl-K,'' April S- ---.The Journal pttbi-i's-hes the f-.n.jOwihg on 'the lei ter ot Secret X"-: : Carlisle: '-The posit h'm which.. Mr.'. Ca.-iiile rates is ne entirely in accord wi, i the dignity of the office of president -air.l' -thej duties of tlie otiice of secreiary of the 'treasury.'- Ife declines to participate: in a;: fur a nomination, ' iiiiding that -the oaf.terV)f ' firsC .moment is the dxeiaration of ,t-he patty's prTneiples. ile desires tht indorse l menV of his services by the s'tjate, and, I'tlmiisrlV ' ho does nob say so in j so many Tins has na-opene;t- vram Jose, 1 .'.- ;'.i.! .' lis... ,-ia-j. .Isus -"Del ." '-.... In-.C-mu-iao aiohe, a;u i'nl'Orme'd by - i-.t--blo w.'Vf. roe, the ;.iu;u')ie oi: kiHed, int'lad ing wouivn aj I children, ri- f o r t y-su v e; t . persons. - ' . M ' : '- : ' j. thp rdantatlon bf Jiqiiia'ba, Cis prop' Oa' or K trios L'jA. ::a ar-nt, of j aru co i'-ranlisf) t.oi)s a a a 1 ;...'.-: h is -. ; : -.- ; a; h-w 'Aim in her. arnraud brca-ii-' ao .11 errv townsiii; a sam L- j. a. li.i.j-.e tying Kla'lo Pe.ho deatii, o:;e of t'he.b tlo cliikt, wh'eh wa ing her arm. . '. In the of La S'crafina, of ..Don Felipe Cra::, Sergeaiit . Altam-irano shp;rn aged laborer- anned - Carlos ...Saiichci be cansed'he rav-ed to act as for. the Spanish column. tihe ic : cae sac itjux. u -gt 'i.t. p was the first time that Langdon had ever j gone out without; Annie in the evening. Prior to that Monday night- Langdon ; had never mentioned the snibject'of money to the witness, an.l never before paid her. ' She was engaged by Annie, atid always received the pay from; her. After Lang- ; do:?. won't out she concluded to go upstairs 1 and sea if ' M'rs., Langdon" would 'not have soared h in t to eat. ' She knocked a'; the door, but received no f hen sue went m. 1.; . -."Biido-HLV:':',. Ma-cii LZ- Vin persons met .death, m a lire early in the morning atXo. 36'.Unio street, The building was a four story t eh e.i.n en t house occupied byltalians. The ilead are: Augast'Buuo, his wife and two children, Sally, 5 years old; arid Jo hanna. IS 'months; Lena Cahibia; 13 years old; Nicdo . Tralit, 83 years, and his daughter, Lena Tralhi, 25 years; Domi nick Trali a; his .son, :M, tiud an 8-days'-old baby, and Cornelia Marretti, 2G years. All "met deaih by sulTwcaiion:- Tho bodies' of some of them Were badly burned. The Cardinals' I'lea fr Arbitration. -Cat d inal G ibbons words, if his state Hliallipresei't Ms name to the national convention on aj satisfac tory platform he will undoubtedly accept. " . - . - j - ... "'SSnsruIar and lY.tal Arcid?at. 10V s . i Hi ! v Al - " naven t Esters,-' aged Gl years, employed Ponds, N. Brunsvv ick-to iliac pi; was burned to deavh in a pecull; He. became pioepy da ring : h e t ri alighted cigar in his ve?t peel mat the -wi to find hi- fdii lio :ao ran. away, aadlike ; li t, . .-I., w:n down 10 saw roe scv the at Pre-di while '' .'driving from New Hitur'Hay night On tne plau;a-: ion oi nandez, near San Antonio, ue his -Vegas, Captain Mamiei Ruiz' Adatne, of'tba regi .liicnt'of Isabel t he Catholic, shor. to death an inolTeiisiVe imbecile who imncyeu ;he trOOpS. :' . ; ;':'-- ;'-' . -tjied tenant Corral y Pedro -fi, of a epvalry battalion, made -the statement in the pr-es-ence of various persons thtvi ho had st-rue'i-down "v.dth his sword tv,'o negrpe.:,. a-ivl turther ad-led. that- .yrhm h? 'left -. for th field he killed over .'-Cidiaii.'h'b could gee hold of, on tho ' siraplesV r'-i:.- g , a.-: cvf-rr 'Cuban 'was r.ndns.ur.jeu at heart, pl that ah.;.v,'cr; an-l-. tlio ixno-: without fiav cfie'cc. . The-room was dark, and she hoard no j' shuud. She struck a and lighted the j Baltimo'iis. April . gas.; - Annie. -was. lying, on tiie nea in pre- 1 vp(-,f,i.lS.-V,.lvc, nat an anneal fori arbitra- ciely the same - position as on Sunday, tioR. j-ad, of war, signed-by himself wherisshe peered through t'i p open door- ;Vatl Cardinals Vaughan,vf V.retminster, way, while hauding.J.aagdon tiie pituiier : Rnd Ti0up. 0f jP?'i;iad.- The .document is oIv;.tier. - I the rcvsnlt of a correspondence Oil i the sub- iihe though that Anni ? was dead; and ; isct-' between . Curxiinal - Giubonsl'and his rr . ... , i, -, P 1, ! ., .. ...i , , . i v i.tut lit.invii, uv I . colleagues,-whoso nams are nxed to tho e ignitad and i--.;ter? clothlag. in a mas the Xi. liui'l Some;ii spectacle - man al ho .1 uon novv XT ever, died a fe .... ii . .ui 11X1 n at us -'fS to I? iven iastr"uct!ons mann'.-r. and put.l woks h ? a' 111 uiu th: ru Ji'S on :.i Ge''nera-l'V, cylcr lias the commanders to t to disroo'-of as ma thh:ers as possible, . ;o wiiat I h 1 while there a'f r Caivuv C dm ra. ovrr. she caliod, but received no " answer, ine.'v soe ieit tiie ii.hijiu miu .weni; uoia where she informed her brother of 'wluit she had seen, and they returned to the neighborhood. There ihey found Police man Keck, and notified him of the case. : Aivether important witness was. Drug- gist iiorrard A., wao said that " 'the -girl, a ; personal friend, Jvad -bought;' ; chloroCorm from him on tho Wednesday j prec 'ling her death. She sidd she wanted i tire uruig to Jail a canary bird. She seemed i to be do-.vnciist and que -tinned him as to j which poison would cad li(e with'the least -j pain." . 1 - ! Ilelatives of the girl U5credit the testi mony of this lass witness.' -, Thcy point pi gn'i.flsnn t ly -to the fact -tlia:- he Las maim etaiued alienee 'until the inquest, and as 'iRnvt thai on Thursday last ho was in con- appOitl, and was issued because cf the appropri on Elister ! Sunday tencss of :the day. :h Lanpd!)Ti's law vera the girl '.may hav ;.a m: To furth p -er-j this couatry ;l wi'l I n the city of Triiudi ;r "'. - The'-' Ii rv. J virion away how- -5 a 1 PIT! ton,"- t a-r . MS. JL ii , 1 W 1 : i Va'A-yrc.:. ": t i i geaer ;('' IdBORO STS. H EATH Manager. suCi'cd froni. vertrgrn 4- "v iio va , )a:eio.i . ll iUY- , iior ' hla lived. thatjie :a? old. maga- ls,i the best Pi. I V.-:- ; hi-zl i saal: 'it bio shonu try,, and I faniii from .mulatto. and' -.ri. -tu-eir prep WC V.ordd and 1 .j that ai-rh to aoa -. l'i :.- lit lie ;i-! 1 riT ?' - a i .t"-;n;nner:. i; weald be l ! to- Caha... . :: Tha. ne-mes rmi-hau-hl'rdi bp killed -oh; tiilef ly 5 ,-4. ! :-' - -r rvW? i J 'i - -i !',l --e p-..-- p-;. C:);i.; i'.d. SO thaO spt ring : ai'rs; over fr-an '. i vi or ;i?ard in ;:W days, laoai :a ; po ;. i .r".L i a .ti a s;:e : a '-! !' yi'ap-rlit over them tcu-.cor could niake'a goo oroi t.,i i Pi. tlii. ,1 1 - 1 start inane. . zinos. ' 11 knov;n of wlilch are 'A Lector Day iramt" and Ha?vuibal or Xew Yorlt.V He was irrijdmated from th-. -.University hi '-P'enn- sylvauia, and the Honorary aegpe 01 a. M. had baen conferred upon hiinu ie. great- . lobnson's Macrnetic Oil is t est internal remedy for cramps,1 colic Land all internal aches and .pains, for man or beast Large bottles, 25 and 50 . and McRe. tThey ara searching for the .. TT . - 1 .. I tlio-T" C'1lif.ftorS. CentS. ai nargiavca.- '- IlAVitriTltlJ., p7a-s., rA'vril Arthur Bradley ahd.lchard lhgtabp .twa factory, h ; 1 a a s c m p i o y e t i 1 1 i hi s ci !rp , c n z age d ii 1 d prize 'light e-a;urday night, and as 4 result the latter died at midnight." The fight was -to be a friendly one, to settle the title of which vas tho better man. The knock out blow was landed on the vein under the right jaw, after' thirty minutes' fight ing. The police-arrested Arihur; Bradley, James Meserve, Thomas Gibney, ireu Whitney twoiner named Mcintosh th ch the inn ir cide. Jt ticn that cae-Mii-iKs ; Dr. .' Leilmauo, who'; ma jeaal y.- is o tae girl's stoarv Whilo e pur- arm from Ii' that shp cn: at,,- 1 la r'--ai -ajr'l of , iKi 1 an, aer's in, th.vy de;iy j p i x v ti rul er's examina roT ;'a 'ciiioe- .i a chemical 1.. ai-l h? had .;xis-;n. n M;it ha An- A Chilil Uecomes ia Mitlicvnaire. f-SYRACUSE, X. Y., April 4.p-By order of the surrogate there. will be a first division vt the funds of the lata p. Edgar Grouse, the 'opulent - wholesale jgrocer, on the- 23d Inst. The l:stributionj among the- heirs was ordered after liircelyears of litigation, and one half of the S,ob,OJwas awarded 1 to Edgarita Dorthea Chouse, daughter ; or the deceased, and Mrs. tSigbeft Kpsterlitz, j of -New-York ciry. This little niiss has I already received nearly ?a mill Ion; dollars, i and wilt have (:.75,0' jhore placed to her 1 credit. - ' . . -Ttos Sciitencitf to ELKTOet, "d., April A. Vrif-: -s oa .-.i- a- i t tehee of derail-on Ja?yepiTnry Truss, who .was convicted vd :Lu"s der of Cap; v-i l'Tij .a Nl: J.. in Chu-ai 0 c asked if he d 'notarivo A. , d'l.ip'e .To eph is ;yd 'iho 's,m-. nd of that me L-t'Pi-: y.i d hy last of the nisir LVi.aa. of Goshen, ke City on Jan.;,- last. la:d.'ajj"thi:ig-' to say ! i'rlT-f T 11 14 TO -Ra.V. ma" justice." llo olid indifierence. 'found . no true e ithcr ho hoe C ,1 pa;.'iitlj the body was ia she condition of a woman enjoying perfe'et health.' There wereaeo s-pas oi tt-sease, u'o m&ri-pi oij vi- Icnce and a:o cviayuqes of ppoun ii the stomach. - - ! : . : :p rh:vtevcr Lingl.)-:- knows . a'bortt the death of ids "im.mjrma lie h.v. !: :, . a 1. The state:a..Bt.. he made i-egsialiiig natay ami ! , I- .. ' 5 1 : in-: tu;p i'i jus jiieiit-oi- i died at lO,-p.-m'."- dlc. ac- coroner that -while he t Si' 1 1---' ulti: - i - 1 v;ntn f e. r. ,r a able topi vr kayirsg duv w coasei ing 'of tkfe.iussu'ult upon n Ira' : e::i';i!i, tho : vi n ..oae. wa.o asas- .a 1 .;yrlj-"'. kiilad h ;;.p harr night, : . '-.i . e was never a c he; , r a c f 'ji a S t t re t r aged y , irpp the b !-.!' i;ittrval that ho -a j that he Beni4?.riibore'd noth- himsclf. that fateful, r TcxpiaGasi ea dum bo' vp: '." knoYledped ey v.aas in memoran- ' Tlie latest results off pharnidceutical o uici no i. u'jl iliv know it, he believed that ( 1 : : see'--'im Annie died u& that tune, and gave it as : h? ron for sleeinn- unon the. fioOr all night. p '. . It was shown at the inquest that Lang don registered at a prominent hotel on iMonday night as John Jones, of San Fran Cisco! He did not explain why he went there instead of returning to the Girard avenue housed if, as he said on the day of his arrest, he did not know that Annie was dead, but only ill when he left - her. Nor science and tne best mi are availed in com llencd century in existence as fplJy abreast tf the goes to make it dne purifier. xiern apjfliances oundintr'l Avef's thcuj li half-a-a medicine, it is ao;e in all that standard blood Alary -Anderson Navarro has de clined an offer ol $5oo,6oo for her: return to the stage for one season. - '. ' 1 I 4 i 1 t 1 i 1 i i f 1! 1 : r. Ml I! 1 M ! A ! 1:1 r 1 ! -J U t