THE WiLSON ADVANCE: JUNE 25, 1S96. LOCALS. . We have had very little warm weather this summer in fact - hardly enough for the season but it now seems as if summer has come sure enough and "Old Sol" is putting in his good f?) work. I Several of our citizens have started the ball rolling by . putting in sewer age. The plumbers are kept buy all the time. W e hope all who are nble will nut in sewerase. It is cer tainly a great convenience and is nec essary for the health of the town. MYSTIFIED BY ANNIE ABBOTT THE LITTLE AVO.UAJI OF MYSTERY On'y Oun Country. General Longstreet in telling of some of his experinces in the war, said that during the campaign cf the peninru'a he never had any opportu nity ot sleeping except as his corps was parsing him. j One night, as he h id dismounted, leaving his, horse in the charge of his orderly, and going down into the angles of one of those Virginia' fences1, he overheard two . i soldiers talking, which interested him considerably, and, instead ot. sleeping he listened to them. One , soldier said to the other : "I suppose it's. "Things Seen Mightier lh:in HiiiiRS - Heard'1 Wonderful Power Fxlii lited by the Georgia tV.iinau. That one woman has often proved irresistible to a dozen or more men, is a matter of history, and this being true it is also on record that history repeated itself last night.. Annie Abbott, the little "woman of mystery' from Georgia, charmed, electrified or mystified a dozen or more Charlotte men, mak ing them weak or, -strong according to her will. Charlotte people are mostly familiar with the history of this little woman. For years she has been giving exhibitions of her power or skill." whichever it may be, before not only the dignitaries of this. country but -.before the crowned heads of Europe. .- ; . She is one, woman who raised the Prince of Wales. He sat in the chair for her, as did several gentle men last night, and she "gave him a lift." . Last night she began her enter tainment with a talk which was very interesting. When she called for "re cruits," the following, alter consider able persuasion, went on the stage: Dr. I. W. Faison, Chief of Police Orr, Messrs. J. M. Scott, B. S. Da vis, Harry Dixon, Russell Robbins, C. F. Wadsworth, Richard Harriss, Bingham and others. Jflr. Scott was the first subject. He held a chair in both hands and was made to walk around with it simply by the passing of Miss Abbott's hands near him and the chair. Oth ers tried to stand their ground, but were not able to resist the wonderful power of the little "Woman of Mys- tery." Dr. Faison and Messrs. Dixon., Orr, Davis and? Harriss, in another test, were unable to lift her from the floor. When their hands did not come in contact with her skin it was easy enough to lift her, but the min ute their hands touched her fleshshe was as immovable as the rock of Gibraltar. The efforts of the men and their weakness in her hands furnished material for peals of laughter. The audience was convulsed all the time tliat it was not wondering how she did it. She held a glass to" her head and neck, and a loud tapping was heard; caused, it is assigned , by the electric ity in her. body. Miss Abbott will remain here pos sibly for the remainder of the week, giving entertainments nightly, and a matinee tomorrow. Charlotte Obser ver. - all right' that we should march all msht .and fight bv day. Of course it is right that we should do that for the love of country, if nothing else. I suppose that we jstipuM be poorly Clothed, as we are. lor the love of .. .... . j ' , . country.. We should endure it. I suppose that to be poorly fed, as we are. we should suffer for the love of country. Of Course we should do that.. And I suppose, when you come to that, that necessary, for the am willing to. But j there is just one thing that I want to say, that if ever I live' to pet out of this I'll be ; -1 1 ' - - . - -r d if I Will ever have another . a t i country. Rugs. A new lot just in. Young's. M. T OPERA HOUSE we should die, if I love of country. GUAVESOFA NATION. . Where the Pisirt niKf Our Couulry Lie ' TJ aried. 1 he Cigarrette. - - The opinion that the smoking- of cigarettes is peculiarly injurious, has obtained to such an extent that many States have enacted stringent laws intended to restrict, almost to the de gree of absolute prevention, the sale of that commodity. It has been stated, and is generally believed, that the burning paper wrapper "inflicts harm upon the mucous membrane of the air passages, and that the tobac co used for the filling is frequently adul terated with opium or ether harmful , . BY J, M. 'ROBINSON. George Washington is buried at Mount Vernon, Ya.; John Adams !at Quincy, Mass.; Thomas Jefterson at Monticello, . Va.; James Madison at Montpelier, Va.; James Monroe at Richmond, Va.; John Quincy Adams at Quincy, Mass.; Andrew Jackson at Nashville, Tenn ; Martin Van Buren at Kinderhook. N. Y.: William Hen ry Hartison at North Bend, Ohio; drug. But if we are. to. credit so high John Tyler at Richmond, Va.; James : an authority as the Medical Record, Knox Polk at' Nashville, Tenn.; all this is erroneous. That paper Z tchary Taylor at Louisville, Ky ; states editorially that many profes Millard Fillmore at Buffalo, -N. Y.; '.sional singers use cigarettes without Franklin Pierce at Concord, N. H.; 1 deleterious e fleets, and this fact alone J lines Buchanan near Lancaster Pa.; 2oes a lon way toward refuting. Abraham Lincoln at Springfield, 111.; ' charges cf adulteration. The Record Andrew Johnson at Greenville, Tenn.-; ; submits that? the high cost of opium adulterations H1 ISreadMadeof Sautll In times of famine bead has been baked (r ' H 1 he ' .r n bran and husks of corn. bread" i5 mvAf t., . r . ; y acjtcnncr .a. nnsr rT rnp poet - : resinous it with water to remote ;aav o ? matter. It is tnoh ,ir:.i " - I ii II in i and reduced tr i Vea Mm Ulysses Simpson Grant at Riverside .arid.,-other.- injurious Park, New York; Rutherford Birch- " makes their use improbable. -Boston Budget. Living for S If Alone. The man who lives for himself be- queaths his own folly and meanness for his monument. He while he has and poverty has benefitted nobodv, t - dwarfed and warpe4 his and senseless stone or own powers, marble, how- : ever lavishly supplied to mark, his resting place does honor.' He has lived in himselfj and has died in himself, and all that he leaves in memory of himself speaks no word of praise in his behalf ustification. This is no services no word of true life. It There glori world for He who wisely uses them is the Wont of failures. ... ' ... ous opportunities in this ard Hayes at Columbus, O,; James Abram Garfield at Cleveland, O.; v The evil and it is by no means a small one begins when a boy be- C! e .ter Allan Arthur at Albany, N. Y. ' Wns to smoke cigarettes. The Rec- mt . . ord notes the fact that, thirty or 'forty Johnson's Kidney and Liver Regula- years ago it was rare to see a juve tor, the great Herb Tea, cures all kid- J hile smoker under sixteen or eigh- ney and blood troubles, torpid liver,' , . ' ... . 1 . . - ' teen years ; but now, the editor as- Large packages, 25 and 50 cents, at serts' perhaps too sweepingly;, the, Hargrave's. ' . ' ; the addition cf a little tj0ur. wnicn, wiien biked ,1 yeast and water, it f j t. : .1. 1 bread resembling iri aste cur ordinary Exchange. ' soap Drown breid.- Xi l'r:!'r;is!.,i ltio "Ethsj," h ' whispered, m a rr v m e- r J T don't know, Charles " ,-, plied coyly. ' "Well,, when you nad oii;' aid; risings "send me word, will vn,) shall beat Mabel Hick's imS! o'clock. If I "dont hear from y0u bv : 0, I'm . going to ask her."'L0rido Tit-Bits. M ILem.ti kabie MemorUs , 1' ' ' 1 as they do to swear, and are equally abl proud cf and eauallv addicted to V. ""-".Oil. y-lILV-VJ ICIlilJ A- knfU UUUJ nni . -w-v . m ' - vices. ine Kecord declares e memories. : said H. Host- : 1 j- . 1 tiidi uicic n iiu uibpuie concerning wick, a New York traveling man, at the iniurious effects of tobacco on the : itional. "I have a customer ; growing child and the only differ v Lyons, at Marble Falls, Tex- j encei of opinion is as to the best 's has natural! r the most won- the nam as. dti I : cai f or w retentive faculties in the world, v-e. Lyons is wholly unedu aid has never learned to read means of repressing the cigarette evil. Referring to the anti-cigarette laws that have' been tried ; in various States, the Record Questions the r;te, unginaiiy, 01 course, this j the practical working of such stat- was because -ne lacKeu opportunities . j .i 1 iiir.. .1111.1 11 1 v irr , -?5 enriches both his race and himself, and dying leaves a monument which outlasts cranks and is briehtei than polished brass. Ex Marvelous Itt'snlts. - i. -' I ' From a letter written by Rev. J Gunderman, of Diamondale,Mich., we .are permitled to rrlake this ex tract!: "I have no hesi ommending Dr. King's 1 cover y, as the results marvelous in the case While I was pastor of Church at Rives Junction she was brought- down with ceeding LaGrippe. ation in rec- New Dis- were almost of my wife. the Baptist Pneumonia suc Terrible parox ysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dri King's New Discovery, it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results. Trial bottles free at B. W. Hargrave's but -;nce he has been grown he has rather prided himself upon not need ing book knowledge. He can count so far as addition is concerned, al ways being able to tell just how much certain figures in a business transaction aggregate. In fact I am told he was nevei known to make a mistake- He owns a large general er Gf cjj.jes that much surer re sults can be obtained by working through; persuasion and example J upon the boys themselves. . For these reasons the Record gives its weighty indorsement and hearty support to the "anti-cigarette leagues", which have been organized in the j jjiu ci.ia Jcxi. yjyiiicxA oviJUUia KJl il U Hi uch in Little Is especially' true of Hood's Tills, for no medi- f! ine ever contained so great curative power ia 0 small space. They are a whole medicine EJ y 1 hest, always ready,' al- Iways efficient, always sat isfactory ; prevent a cold br fever, cure all liver ills, "jsick headache,' jaundice, constipation, etc. ir; rThe only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ph Ollli!'l';i! jr m I shall be in Vvilson for t-iie last week to close business from Drug Store, Regu $1.00. -. ar size 50c. ' and 1 Ayer's Pills promote the natural mo tion of the bowels, without which there Can be no regular, healthy operations. For the cure of biliousness, indigestion sick headache, constipation, jaundice, and liver complaint these pills ha've no equal. Every dose effective. store, a stone quarry, and a farm, in all, employing about one hundred men, each of whom runs an account; at his store. All of -his transactions he retains in his memory, and an tell at any time the exact, amount he owes or that is owing to him. In buying he remembers. just what he bought and at what -price. Several attempts have t)een made to cheat him on account ct his inability , to keep books, and his refusal to, em ploy a bookkeeper as he says such an employe vvould rob him, but they have always failed. There is not a figure or a detail in the whole range of his extensive business transactions that he does not remember. He is very proud of the faculty, and having become rich, is not in favor of educa tion, saying that he would have been poor if he had used up his early years studying. No one can convince him to the contrary. Washington Star. The Record closes its interesting and u seful article with the wise re mark that the power of association, in keeping a boy or a man true to his idtals, is far more potent than re- strictive legislation, which has often even an opposite tendency among the weak or obstinate. The estab lishment of these leagues, the' editor says, promises well for the physique ef tfie future generations, and they should he encouraged by all who ha e the mental and physical well being of the young at heart. Wash ington Post. CREAT SALES prov6 the great merit of , Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood Sarsaparilla sells because it accomphshes ORE AT CURES. ! -m : ; ' Ladie's Hats, trimmed and un trimmed. M. T. Young's. June 1st to 6tli, inclw, 1 1 . . ... 1 1 ; and will make fine i- Cabinet Photograplis lor $2 a doz, Other Sizes in Propartion. : Remember I shall not operate in Wil son after. June 6th, Save Your Orders for Ms, . 5. J. Iaber, ; Nash St. Cor. Goldsbo. m I f Lf 1 CLIclivntfr's KncIKii Iiumon! Rrani NNYROYAL.PILLS. Original and Only Jicitulnc. safe, always - reliable, ladies aE Druffist tor' Chichester s A'ic'w .lH-i rnonct Jirarul In ilea am -oia bi'i" boxes, scaled with blms. rilihn:i. TaUe lions and imitations. AiVruzxM.'-V' in BtarVps for partictfHrs, tw'.iioM' '-': " kliT fo- !.!.. in retv M!L -lO.WOO Testimonials. .".,,.. ". heterCfacmicalCo.,3iac'i-...iqui..i hold, by all Local Uruggi GEO, D. GREEK", Pres't. THE CODPER MARBLE WORKS, in, 113 and 115 Bank St., v NORFOLK, VA. Large stock of finished f onuments, Gravestones, & Ready for shipment. Designs free. LAT. WILLIAMS. 1 SAM'L HODGES, Sec'y ;iv . & T:ta Loafers. t t . Better for grocer,! dry goods deal efs, druggist, tobacconist, or any other business manj to ofiend a whole coterie of loungers than to spoil his trade by incommoding mean Dusmess. JNo persons who likes to For a short season. Commencing THURSDAY, JULY 2, Miss Annie Abbott, The Little Woman of Myseery. Uuparalleled success. The greatest mystery the world have ever known. The lame, the sick, the deaf and others-suffering fronijieadache, neuralgia, rheumatism, or any kind of disease all are invited to come (before the per formance begins) and be treated and cured free of charge. Don't puffer when you can be cured in a few' min utes. ! ; V 21. Children Cry for one place small orders ihen a lot of idle persons-are listening', ready to make comments on them chases as soon as turned. Michigan Merchant. apd their pur their backs are Counting the clerk hire, mileage and incidentals, a member of' Con gress now receives frpm the treasury 12,650 lor his two years' service. During the days of Calhoun, Clay, Webster and Benton congressmen foe the; same period received only $3,328. : j " j". ':- ; Pitcher's Castoria. A Chicago man whose wife's affec tions have been stolen is suing for $50,060. If some men would value their wives affection hah so highly when they have them as they do when- the affections are gone there would be fewer law suits. ; A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. "The Fly-Wheel of Life" Dr.Tiitt: Vnnr Liver Pills are the fl v-wheel of life. I shall ev be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tutt's Liver Pills GEO. D. GREEK ARDWARE CI GEO (INCORPORATED JAN. 3, 1896.) Successors to ! D. GREEN & CO., WILSON, N. C. "The Geo. D. Green Hardware Company" was incorporated January 1896, and as successor to the late firm of Geo. D. Green & Co,, will conduci' general hardware business in the town of Wilson, N. C;. at the stand lorniei occupied by said firm. Will deal in Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Builders' Material utleryi Lime, Paints, Oil, Plumbing M aterials and House Furnishing Goods. Continue to give their personal Mr. Geo. D. Green, senior member, the junior member of the late firm, wi! tion to the business. Mr. Samuel Hodges, Sec'y. and Treasurer, will join in the conduct and management of the business of the corporation. 4. Very Respectfully, r. as President, and Mr. Lat. Vi!i theci. 6-23-6 m. Geo. D; Green Hardware