THE WILSON ADVANCE: AUGUST 27, 1896. i WU.bON LOCALS. FIv' Sy-'Kfi" UK I F.FLV TOLD FCK V K V ijCSY ItEADEK?. PERSONAL. MENTION. day. Rev. Dr. Hall was in the city Mon- -,t iters Fiflced up on Our Streta 1101 ,,v mr Keiort-r-Wi,at,lie .Ne s ' ami Hears. Alex Green has returned to the ! city. ; ' l J. Wiggins has returned, to the S city. . Call at1 my . , . Walter Aiken leit Sunday for Spring Drug Store and get the rj , " , r . jHope. i D. Herring. ' eo W.. WqGten I'eir Monday lor I T-TioVf.rir Vo.r. frieRd will tell you to carry Henry .Blount has .returned from YPl,r watch and jewelefy lor repairs j Asheville. to 0. V. M ivmrd at J. J. Piivett, Ed W. Simpson left Thursday for the Jeweler. .' S Ringwobd. . , I:- vu want a reliable dye that will J Mrs. Calvin Barnes left Friday for c0!or an even brown or biack, and Somh port. ivease and satisfy you every time, ' . ' , v"" r-i K. fuJwu;, 1 Mrs. Mary Daniel left Tuesday, for ,.e Buckingham's. Dye tor the Whis-! ' , r r V ... ; Seneca, S. C . kers. .- - ... 1 ' Our buyer is in. the Northern mar- j W- M. Carter left Sunday for a trip tsoetuW in bargains' lor the fall , to Baltimore. trade..- Before purchasing your goods j Mrs. Tom Davis has returned from be sure to see ' the new stock ot M. Seven Springs. T Voun y. See new'ad next week. I j' i ' , rt tvT a r i. iuV r Geo. Hackney left Monday for Lyman A. Gotten went Irom the . Rocky Mount. . Horner School at Oxord to Annapo- ie stands i Rev. F. S. Stickney left Friday for Mr. Gabe Royal spent Thursday in Goldsboro. . Miss Eliza Hodges left Wednes- coin petit! ve examination. amoi the first in a' large class, in which are gmany college graduates. . Garon the fashionable barber sit- '.uated cn'Haft:i street,, ucai uuui iu ;aay ior laruoro. Haro rave's .Druor Store, has had Herman Winstead left for Rocky e'.rctne Justs' put into nis snop. it ; ro.v presents a- nice appearance. -arid 'sce' hi:n and. he will do you ; Mount Sunday. W. II. Davis returned from ; eigh Wednesday. Ned Rawlings left Tuesday for a business trip iri the Eastern part the State. Miss Sailie Hadley has returned from an extended tour in. Eastern Carolina. MrJ; Bruner, the pitcher that d the work ior Franklin Thursday left on Friday. - i Miss Minnie Humphrey who has been visiting Ed Mayo left Thursday for Tarboro. .. Messrs. Chas., Harriss and John Green made a flyine ' 1 visit to Elm City Thursday. - Mrs, Fentress, of Wilmington, mother of Mrs. Maggie .Nadal, is vis iting in the city. Mr. Emory Douthit who has been visiting Mrs. Moore returned to Ral eigh Wednesday. j W. D. Watson, a large tobacco . i exporter of Danville, spent some time in Wilson this weekj 'j - Miss Lizzie Farrar, after a visit to Miss Mary Hadley has returned to her home in Tarboro. The Misses Bryan, of Goldsboro, who have been visitiriir Miss Mahe Deans, left yesterday. K. W. Weaver left Saturday Ringwood where he spent Sunday with E. W. Simpson. Miss Mary E. Williford of E City who has been visiting Mrs. J. P Williams left Thursday. r .- t .. .r-.. " or Mr. F. W. Danner, general agent of the Equitable Life Assurance Seciety, was the guest of his brother W. A. Danner on Sunday. 1 Miss Ray Camp, Frank Bow ers snd Richard Kitchen, of. Scotland Neck, who 'have -.been visiting Mrs. Setzer left Wednesday. ' i Rev. T. D. Thomas of Rocky Mount spent Friday with his brother Rev. James Thomas, pastor of the Wilson Presbyterian church. Rev. M r. Long pastor tf the First Baptist church ' of Go'dsboro sptnt Thursday with friends in the -city He a zcom pained by Mrs. Long. ; Messrs Applewhite, Peacock and Amerson ofStantonsburgleft Monday for Littleton, where there will attend school during the coming session, S. T. Honcycut. passed, .through Wilson Saturday enroute to Washing ton, where he played . ball against Franklin on Monday and ' Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Holt and Mrs. C M. Roney, of Richmond, are on a visit to Mr. j. G Roney, the American Tobacco Co's. representative at this i ' 4 Mr. Ed Barnes has returned from an extended stay at Morehead and Seven Springs. W e are glad to see that he is very much improved in health. . . Elm'" City was the scene of an at tempted murder n Tuesday. A strange negro said, to be from Rocky Mount and a negro barber, Ephriam Joyner, were in the woods near Elm City gamblings The . parties were ,alone, so It is not known how the quarrel began, but jthere was a quar rel the result of vhieh was a fatal wounding of Joyner. The would-be murder escaped at once. The hounds of Mr. Grantham, Ex-Shentt of Wayne County, were immediately when ior. . He Came bringing the hounds. Tlie dogs' found a trail and ran it for several miles orv Tuesday night, but nothing could be found , of the assassin's whereabouts. The: negro was not dead early this morn ing bui is expected to die. m A social was eiven at the house of Mr. Doug Hackrey on Friday night f moth Wednesday.. to a party of friends. The party was treated to 'nlcsic and refreshments. . . ' f , 11 . 1 4. ! Tre honor oi -Deing an exceiicui xiusl . T . n. r - u, , 1 . .. . r , i . Miss LizzleXrowell left lor Vcsn- iRd hostess ,-as given .., ana j N c Fr;day Mrs. Hackpey. - j J- C. Ratliff.the hustling proprietor of the "Bee Hive," returned Thurs Havfrom a trio North where he has Don Tyson left Thursday for Oak j been to lay in his tall and winter 1?'.,r-( whr he wiil he. in school i Ji- " F. F. Rollins returned Plv-1 . . . - I - fe nnnncr me coining vtai. "v t . . . i .. . . I TTic: nif DailcrhfrHTe of Roc 1 -r : i i J I " nsrnesi. i oung peni a icw uay, , has been " visiting M the city tms weeK. i laot 1. ivi. miaerson jeit l uursuay cy . for Goldsboro. At this place he. will SS i 1 1 Hf . A' j 1 tl oe joiuta oy ivirs. niiuejsow, lhc3 Messrs. jvrooiten & . Stephens have just received a new lot of furni ture from tlie new factory of White Co, at Mjbane, N. C: This fac ..tcry is-doin; excellent work and we are "glad to see that it is being han vleu bv 'our furniture houses. j Dr. N. B. Herring left Friday for a week at the Sea Coast. . . Mr. Litt Alley, an old Wilsonian, was in .he city Sunday. . Robt. Drake has returned from a tour in Eastern Carolina. ; Kate Mei cer k 1 1 Monday Misses Nora Sutton and Dawson at Seven Springs. i i of LaGrange, passed through the cjty Thursday enroute to Tarboro." will spend the rem linder of the. week i Tohn C. Hadlev left Tuesday for Mr; Gabe Royal,, of Goldsboio, j BaItimore to huy 00ds. : I Misses Daphne and Irma Can away ; who have been spending :-o:ne time M-. Winstead of 'New Bern, wjth eir uncle in Greene County, who has been visiting relatives in the returned to the -city Friday. . They city left for his home Thursday left; Monday for thier .home; in Miss Florence Boylan of Raleigh, Greensboro who has1 been visiting Miss El Branch returned home Saturday. en who has been in the , city lor some Vi'i- Lpp-n pmnlfived bv Mr. iiVrji, . iia-i w . - - t . j j Cheatham i to ; make candy. -After ; Mr?. Bettie '.Irwin, of Texas, is vis itine Airs. Frank Barnes. ' .i t i : j t? i. : ; T,.. i.. ... 1 facVt nrl r fail DP I . , , . . v pfnnj a have returned to the city.: had every day at Cheatham s stand, ; opposite iNational Bank. Dr. F. M. Moyehas gone to Sev- ; en Springs for his health. Y,uri).y won't Live a Month. Rufus Beeman of Speights Bridge iSo.Mr. Gillam Brown, of 34 Mill j eft Monday for Littleton. Sr, South j Gardner, Mass., was told j Mrg R M White, of Baltimore, is : 1v the doctors. His son had Lung j . . Maie Nadal. r.xt.... 7-J- - . J. H. Taylor received a prec ions little g;li Thursday, in the shape Miss Daisy Gillespie,' of Tarboro, ol.a: little curly hairexl four year old came to the city Thursday for a girl. She. came in on the A. C. L. train from Norfolk tagged to :"my Grandpapa." the1 Mr. P. R Brooks, of Black Creek, was in the city Thursday. ; He vvas H! I . ..1 kTnHorc iirhn ha? hPPIl . ' , . . . . ,7. . . t A . everything else indicating that he was Ka ,n pvtPnHpH vmit m Virginia and - - Gladness Comes tTiith a better understanding 01 me VV transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef- forts n-entle efforts pleasant efforts rio-htly'directed. There is comfort m the knowledge, tnax so many iw " sickness are not due to any actual ur ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, syrup 01 u pxuipi. ly removes. That is why it is the only ., remedy with millions of families, andia evervvv'here esteemed so highly by all : whbValuc good health. Its beneficial effects We due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness - .without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore, alf important, iri order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by. the Cali fornia Fi? Svrup Co. only and soid by 11 reputable aruggists. ;n ti.n. pninvmant of crood health, and the system is rcg-alar, laxatives or other remedies are then not neeaed. It afflicted with any actual disease one; may be commended to the most skillful or, n if in need of a laxative. one should have the best, and with the well-informed - everywhere, fcyrup oi Figs stands highest aad is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. weeks.visit with the Gold family. ... - ; . Major B . S. Royster, Inspector the State Guard, passed through city y esterday enroute to Tarboro. trouble, following Typhoid Malaria, and he spent three hundred and seventy-five dollars with doctors,: who imally gave him up, saying : "Your i.., ' nn c month." He tried wjy v11 L M . 7 Bri t I King s New Discovery and a few bottles restored him: to health and en abled him to go to work a perfectly vyell man- He says he owes his present good health to the use of Dr. King's New Discovery, and lnows it to be the best in the world Trial Bottles Free J. Willie Stallings, of Newbern, is visiting relatives- in the city. Mrs. Elizabeth Griffin returned to her home in S. C. Tuesday. Mrs. Lula Hart left for Baltimore on Saturday to visit relatives. - . .. Alex Greene and his little daughter left, yesterday for Wbitakers. Miss Katie Thorp, of Rocky Mount, is visiting in the city. : Rev. Mr. Davis and family have for Lung trouble, lnal bomes rice , frQm Elizabeth City, at Haro rave's Drug Store. Regular j . . f p ,r size 50c. and $1.00. thel Last Excursion. : Mr. R. E. Pippin will run a grand Excursion to Richmond on Sept. 3d, returning on 'Sept. 6th. There will ; also be an excursion run by Mr. Pip j pen from Raleigh on Sept. 8th. Ar ; rangements have been made ,.by ! which those who desire to spend sev- . ':. 1-. 1.- 7a;rnnPr- era days in with her mother in Washing , i Jon can wait over until after the sec , w . una excursiun. xiw 0 be made; to Weldon on the return Jtripr This is your last chance to see Sam Clark left for Rocky Mount on Saturday to visit relatives. Mr. Tucker, of the firm of Tucker & Co., spent Sunday in Raleigh. " Fred Hewlett has returned from a visit to relatives in Charleston.S. C. Miss Virginia Thorp of Rocky j Mount is visiting Miss Daisy Weav- er.' : ; '. Mrs. F. S. Stickney is spending the Maryland, has retured to the city. . David Qats,of Clinton, one of the staff of the North Carolina Baptist spent a few hours in the city Thurs day. . . ' Mr. Sam Honeycutt after doing up Franklin in great shape on Thurs day left Friday for his home in C ton. Messrs E. B. Ruffin and J. Iullock have 'returned from New York where "they have Seen buying a straight Democrat- Mr. Brooks says Black Creek must be counted for Democracy and if hard work will do the business it will be,,' lay goods. To Cleanse the System Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is' .im pure; or sluggish, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to : Y) awaken the kidneys and liver to heal thy activity, without irritating or Furniture weakening themto.dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, use Syrup of Figs. See our Dress Goods. Young. ''- . . Nickel alarm clocks one dollar on y at . J. Privett, the Jeweler. Rugs. A new lot just in. M. T Young's. The prettiest line Shirts in town." M. T. Young. ' Have you seen our Straw Hats ? M. T. Young. Big line ' Summer Clothing at M. T. Young's. ' : : n " Wear at M, T - New line Nec Young's. Lace Curtains and Scrim at M. T Young's. 1 : It will pay you to see Young's Clothing at half price at M. Tv Young's. Ben Amerson has returned from the Firemans Association at Salis- i,0 of Richmond. The ; bury. . ; points of interest are' the Jeff Davis Mrs. P. A. Tyree. of Enfield, who Monument, the Confederate Monu- has been visiting Mrs. Simpson left rnenf Fee's Monument, and several i Tuesday. other old souvenirs. . The excursion Messrs Ed Barnes and T. M. An- Mr. Henry Blount left for Blowing Rock Tuesday. He has been invit ed to lecture before a large audience tonight. N. B. Smith, of South Boston; Va., one of Nashvilles hustling auc tioneers, passed through the city Thursday. Messrs Tom, Hannerford and Abe Morris after spending a few days with friends in the city left for Washington on Friday. j . - ( Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. j Wright, who have been : the guests ; ot I Dr. Herring for some time have gone to Mount Olive. j ' Mrs- Joseph Mullen and her j son, Silver, 16 to 1, or Qold. It takes but little of either, of piles of stuff from the these precious metals to move H 1YC. 55 The most of our goods come from busted merchants and bankrupt sales at fifty cents on the dollar. Therefore we are in a position to offer greater inducements than he who buys on lone time at credit prices. Cash is the mighty lever that; keeps the ponderous wheels of f s "Bee Hive" 9-rindino- out bargains. ; .t 1 .i -. Swill be un to date, special 1 have been secured at all the leading j ; hotels. The refreshment car will di vide the train, so the colored and i white passengers will not. be together. y Fare for the round trip $2.50. : derson returned Monday from Seven Springs, ;Tie fae- visiting Capt. Sam Hodges left for their home Tuesday. ' W. J. Nichols and brother, of Pitt County, were in the city Fnday. They recognize the good qualities of the Wilson tobacco market and so bring their crops here for sale, i the "Bee Hive grinding out bargains. We are offerinp; special bargains in Shoes, Clothinp-, Hats ; ! auio Jww r " " ' ; j I - v -u - 1 Mofht, of Baltimore, who have been anfj Trunks. A big line ot' dress goods, and notions on hand at prices that dely competition. f Always visit the "Bee Hive" before parting with your cash, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Respectfully, Jf- G. 2a lt-9m. &

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