"LET ALL THE ENDS.THOO AIMS!' AT BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S MD TRUTHS"! W I LSOX, X. a, SEPT. 17, 1896. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. KTJiMBER 37. i Sight Seeln Will ,yes! . WV' to sec sights that will please the eye ai pbclit book, advise you fo take a look at the id suit iam J. Bryan Arrives ia. Wilson at 11:30 Friday-Speaks Ibr 30113- ; utes Hear Him. William J. Bryan will C f - TZ3 T-r 4 -r W fcass through bur town Mx i.:- rL-L IP on Friday next. He Vacu DArui:T!' cTnD-c j speaks in Goldsboro in at the - CASH RACKET, STORnSJ ihft mnrnin nri Ip.vp, are;s!LmuuuccH svw l on .a soecial train at 10- 30, arriving in Wilson at 11:30. : His ' snpftrh ,H H Hi" ) H P., iV: IV A, v. -JL- J J . j NTov opcjn to you hey are shts wortl . Ko A nf cmorlc; ihnt all. any 11 v w t? v i - - i . . - : R here will be about thir ty minutes in length. s this store, in its whole hi story placed before the people of. Special trains will be tHs l;ui citv such a variety of o-oods at prices quite so 1 un to nOCKy IviOUnt On tne . u l. wnere ne i makes a long ; speech j Friday evening. i- r.. .:u i j . ui an win uc met in s Goldsboro by the following i committee from-Wilson: V. i P. Wootten.. F. Y. Barnes. G. rlnWille, Straps, IBmsheS "61 all iVlllUo j D. Green, A. B. Deans, J. R. Uzzeli, j. 5. Woodard, V. i j Woodard, Dr. Albert Ander- I son, Editor Advance. Editor I Times, C. Barnes, J. L. Man- We caii knock competition "clear out of sight, , (Excuse the ' ning, H. M. Rowe, Col. Jno. 1" ' lies ; (ind Gents FurriisMngs, Laces, Corsets I Wtous, Stationery, Hardware and Cd me, see-for yourself. ; F. Bruton, Jas. Lipscomb, - Dr. I. B, Herring. .Hoke Siuith to Speak for IJryan. ' ' i Atlanta', Ga.. Sept. 9. Chairman Clay of the Democratic Stare Exec utive Committee, announced to-day that former Secretary Hoke , Smith had consented to make four speeches for Bryan and Sewall. He will soeak at Daiton on Sept. 19, -and later at Brunswick, i Valdesta and Augusta. Senator John'B. Gordon has tender ed his services to the State Commit- 1 i i . . tee and Will ' be heard at Buena Vista to-morrow. : '" :FRGM A REVIEW OF CURRITOCK TO ei THROUGHOUT THE RECENT HAPPENINGS carriaofe factory EROKEE. STATE. 'If Chairman Jones Estimate, we carry South1 Dakota, Nebraska, and Kentucky we shall be within ten votes of an electoral major ity without having a single vote east of Nebraska or north of the Potomac river. That, you see, does not in clude Minnesota, Iowa, or Illinois- -"I regard Illinois and Kentucky as doubtful States, but think that we will have a very comfortable majority in Indiana. ! The reports from Wis consin and Iowa shov that we are in better shape there than I had: sup posed. - ' K . , j "Michigan, I think is safe, and I. have strong hopes that we will carry Ohio. You can see that .with' the is now being spoken of for Goldsboro. A number of our moneyed men are interested in the movement and will form a stock company' within, a few days, sas the Goldsboro Headlight. Anson county Republicans have nominated R..J, Beverly, colored, tor the House of Representatives. The convention endorsed the nominees of the Populist party, except that J. L. MathesOnl was nominated for register of deeds and three negroes for coun - . .r . -ty commissioners. The Republican c has passed a resolution Republican State committee to take Col. Dockery oft the State ticket be cause he is lor free silver and Bryan. We notice that J. H. Atkin is secre tary of the club, . This is the same J. H. Atkm who conducted a free 'silver paper in Statesville last sum mer. ' . ub of Marion calline on the ca and south of assured to us, States west of Nebras the Potomac already we are bound to carry enough elec toral votes in the central battle-ground to win." World. have nomi- for the Senate, M; LEATH, Manager TTlie Casli Racket Stores, POLITICAL miE s f and TarBoro PEEK'S iTEWS CONi)'ENSED: Ti:qs(l,!7,', Sept. S. I Vice Piwl,l.:iV .tev('nsori.-.wll speak for . N7;'n ;tjul MIve- in the pve.-eiijt campriign. ij.pulivt tn:uiaEer.s.'at.'Wasbingtoh' fcGaaaauii the Canadiain oarsman, -ilrs. Acnes do ycre, who 'was injured in Nejvv y ovk i n ;i bicycle collision, 'died at thd Roosevelt hospital.- . ' JThe Iowa Populist state convention ;in-doi-sedthe Democratic state ticket, and deelured for-IJryaii and free silver. ueen 'Victoria has appointed Li Hang Chang grand knight commander of the hath, and his two sons knights command-" Kx-Governor. John Young Brown, of Mr. Bryan h is bee:y forniely noti fied of his noniinaiion bv the Nation al Silver Party. ) He accepted-. the p. onri nation. ' Gbvernor Evans has been beaten tor the Senate by General Earl, in South Carolina.' ..-.His-"- majority ' will be over 3,000. ' : ' ;' Tarn many leaders propose to m;l1r::e ! s is'a Tie. Des Moines, la., Sept. 9. It ntay , startle people in . the! East to know that as Iowa st mds to-day the .yote'is about a tie. The extraorcfiniry r silver seatimnt here has been sud denly revealed to the Republican strength of the Cabarrus Democrat : - ' i 1 nated C. D. Barringer M. F. Nosbit lor the. House, Thos. J, White for. sheriff, 'John K. Patterson for register, C. W. Swink for treasur er, and J. S. j Harris, I. j. Foil and M. L. Brown lor commissioners. W. G. . Means would Have been nominate -for the Senate but he de clined. ' ' - ' Mr. J; A. iDu'a, of this" coutyy has discovered a rich go! J rnihe on his property near Hartland. The ore tiii, .!Sr.il&J k; t.-i :r..:, 1 caivass of the counties,: ; ' ' Something like two-thirdsi of the districts have been heard iromj; and they sho w a Republican bolt of more than thirty thousand. ; - The Democratic defection is in the their ratification:; meeting of ; Sept. j -neiohbofchoo.d'ot ten thousand. With ' - . i J W 1 n rr I : n 1 -my I r.S.'nmco aI - - V the thirty two thousand' and odd j Populist votes joined to to the Dern- -ay, K:ikind,for2.500an4 the, world's thaiupionship.- ! ' ;. '-' J " : r - : tt, . 1 i .-1 i : . ,i n i . . aoraiDainelVv'; Jones, Democrat, was Mniucy, nau iu arm m;u cuuu- uuiw erdav docttll covernor of ;Arkansas. ' broken by a fall while boarding a. 'street 1, l; , '" " Uiai, ifUUO J1UIJVJ11LJI 111" I I'J.'.i'f.l It 3 assail jiiiil,as-: ;u-d m;iy reach SD,0Q0. ' - - . t i'c-ter, Coxuit Kapnist,. idor at Vienna, will suc- moff-Rostovsky as Rus- foreiirn affairs. WvUiijesaay, Sept. i). Hteafr-fr.Jv r; Cl'I Coiuicr-tif 'fe. ,. ... ca , 4 u it t I a IK :..t ! ' car in Ltouisville. . Saturday, Sept. 13. p"nited Suites Senator Gorman has taken chtrge of the Democratic campaign; in Mir viand. 29 one of the greatest political gath- j erings ever held in Ne w York City Daniel S. -Xarnpnt, Secretary oH oqratic strength Bryan would have a War, after getting all out of Demo- m iiority. . i! cras' possible has .declared for the j The Republicans do not attemp gold . platform of Indianapolis. He to conceal the facts. They lrankly has run hxs course "and wants a cli-admit that the Stffte is 'dangerously max. ! close. And the most remarkable The American Railway Union has 1 thing about it is that Mr. Hanna has declared lor Bryan, They have risen 1 been looking lor a Republican mjor- ecretary of the Interior Francis has up in a mass against'' the practice "of j -ity-of fifty of seventy-five thousand Wne to Jamestown, R. I., to join his fam- . . t , . , ! ;n Tn.a Wnrl ii4 there for a few davs. coercion which is being practiced on in-.iowa- vy oria. on the property ng to work the says the - mocratic h.xecu- been invited to. van on his tour iiL"ht.nnt"f Poriulists norm-' r alte for rovernor. . i-M1- ;iu ". . . . r. -r. tW P.-ili; riv:n,i V:i; ; CC !-n'!.ftwl Mi. . . ..... i .. ie state committees 3iis- been, issued ac vismo- all A t:i Viin.-iiinrn rnn ifiTi'i- ,-: lrohil)itionists homiiiated f. with Edward 6. Man- them. An order signed by Debs has j R. U. i ffhe trades union coiress m sitting men to vote tor Krvari.-, . Station demanding-that imnortedpV ; John ;C. ' Black,, nominee of the;? red. for iro-rnor. . J..'-5r:r. wj-np term as treasurer O., expired yesterday 1 ah:on hf nv ftO'.) short iere iiUied and tnree y he upsetting of a tally ankment at Vf arsaWy Ind. last niirht William J. liially "notified df his nomi ijlver party, and accepted "What Free Coinage Means. '" It means that the money of the peo ple shall not be boycotteil." It means that greenbacks shall be j pcir behr the stamp of the country wherein Goid Standard Democrats of. Illinois, ! redeemed with silvers Jwell as gold. ltus mace. '' L, - ; ..' ri i. i x j.i a? j. Tias flpr)nf-c tn 3rr?nf thp nnmina-: Tt mpans that no more hohns shall i ! P-cwi! ironi c airo, rzypv, i Li) luw.bu.-u .v - " . -r,- - r- ' T . ) . , : . 1 x-:i.- . -Tu .1 . t . . 1 se- V1; tween the' free silver and the Reoub- I iLmeanS tha.t silver shall continue oiiuis H. Carter, ex-chair U'jua.l Republican commit; letter ilrecing the -election ind HoLart., . fte pe,f tak!nf l.'M ballots, Demratsof D 'tt 5 rt.hiKf"ntuckv district nominated orettnorress. -.. tjates Senator, Henry B. nk paralysis! at his home in yday. acred 80. .-"-ill i; ID, v-'.-ieu lUevoWi ! . VI ar .IiampntTin -a letter to tjctrl .fna'i. chairman of the sold Dern- . I I - V , of Palmer and an; has been named for ' gov- Bn0vi;:itcr Un favor I -lit ft arm :' "at?-i !nieral- lllack ilAelinihs- the liJT- , r -P-ianlT executed, has been tiL nun .L - "AIM ag an inquiry into the cir- the affair. ;;Ji1ir,,. a5-.spt. r1 l-jK ipg stallion, John R. Gen- at Glen's Falls, a : 1 II It would i make silver bullion i worth as much as if coined into dol- ; . 1 v 1 1 - j . .. hig may be expected soon.: ! lican candidates and that his' aqcept-' J ye a ieai uer" . ; ' . I Monday, Sept. 14.' i ... . , 1 . , ' it wo u Id mean money ehoughf in ,.on.-.pv hii iifH-n discovered Bel- ance will only hurt one of these and , .f , . 1 -.w u A conacA oem oiscoereaat i5ei t . ' rT,, . , . . t 1 circulation to keep pace with the m- grade to depose Jvmg Alexander of bervia, : so declines. This: IS ijust what was. nt.Q ; nnnniot;n ici cirr,rm Frpriovick Vprdoo. c. m. (t.. i ' . . J . . . crease in popula tion. . n:T 9. R. S.. is dead in London, aied63. 1 wanted when ne was nominated but f Henry Claussenius, formerly German their plans have been disturbed. , , i . - i n 1 ; 1 . ; - consul at omcago, is ueau at ienm, uer- ; - , . , or.c ; V , . - 1 three Steamships brought gold ars- . - . . - - i There is much excitement at Rawlins, fro 11 Europe into the port ol New It would stop the redemption, ot PS 1? diSCVery - i York Saturday, making the . aggre-' .eenbacks by money sharks who (rrand Lncampment creeh.. ' . 1 .,,,11 talr cilvr for thfm Albert G. Whitehead, the recently re-' gate of actual . importations up to ' . , . .. - . . . I i .z . . T i - T. ...-W11I-I miirntoo ctonilltr f O Dlir leased, dynamiter, sailed irora yueens-; , Q TJ . : , amount ' 11 ""U1W MaV- j". town for this country yesterday. . , date ,020,0qo. 1 ne total amount c irrencyt It would gradually raise I Near Limestone, Sumter county, Ala., ! of the yellow metal engaged lor im- ,.tjje general level of prices. : feSSovJaSIM-S ! Prtatiun U3:fer' icladinS the gold . ,t W0u!d mean better prices for in his own body. iiotn were iarmers ana i iijai lids' aircauy diiivcu, is .ZKi , , wneai cu . 000. Nearly all of the banking t It would mean more work and .bet houses in New York that do a for-1 ter pay for work. . eien exchange business are now en- i The panic makers- would go out of gaged in the importation of gold. The cry has been that gold would certainly leave our shores until after the election seems-to have proven on illusion. Shotguns were, their weapons. f ; V Clara Barton Returns. I NeW York, Sept. 14. Miss Clara " Bar ton, the representative of the Red Cross so biety, arrived Saturday from Queenstown, after an extended stay in Turkey, where ghe dispensed relief among the suffering Armenians. Dr. George H. Pullman, who Svas also .in Turkey with Miss Barton's party, said: "We were well received in ; Turkey, and got nearly eyery thing we 'wanted. We found needs for $5,000,000, and could have spent that amount with out wasting a cent. We spent $116,000. 'While the relief work in Asia Minor is not iS CS k -Tror. rrm-iri1itd fho miccinn DTI which W6 every J ' wraypei. went was completed fully." - 1 . flEAT SALES prove the great merit of Hdod's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla sells because it accomplishes CREAT CUREG . business. t We would have no more declara tions from the White House that the government is bankrupt. .; There would be no more syndicate ' bond purchasers at robbery rates of .. interests. " ' v ; It would mean the payment of 100 cents on the dollar for indebtless and no more. -: ;has taken an option and are now prepan mine on a large scale noir Topic, j . . ' Mr. Vn. II. iJernird, .as a mem ber of.the State De tive Committee, has accompany! Mr. Bi hrough North Carolina. He regrets that his engagement compel him to deny himsell this pleasure; but he will see Mr. Bryan at Goldsboro, and present'him vvith a genuine left hind foot of a North Carolina graveyard rabbit. The gold delegates to the Indiana polis ghost' d? nee 'from North Caro lina were: ' "Louis De La Cfbix, of Oxford; H. E. Fries, of Salem; Edwin Sully, of -Rockingham; J. C, Tipton, of Ruthertprciton; V .. W. Clarke, of Newbern; William G. ; Cruthchfield, of Greensborb; SoliclforV Cone, of Greensboro; '.A.. E. Slover, of Wil mington; Lindsay Patterson, of Win ston; d I I. Tozle, of Salem; William Calder, ot Wilmington; Thomas Moss, of South pott, and D. F. Mor row', of Rutherfordton. News and Observer. f " ' Charlotte News: Dr. Faville, the Government expert, has finished his examination into the trouble on Mc Watkins dairy farm, and has returned to his home. He found that the .disease that has been raging there is Texas lever. It was either in some cattle 'that McWatkihs purschased and brought here, or the locality itself is permanently infected. The cattle now -remaining on the farm are safe from the infection., Dr. Faville says the disease is spiead bv the or dinary cow ticket. A cow that is free of ticks put among an infected heard is safe from the disease. The ; ticks can be picked and scattered oyer a five acre lot, cows turned in and they will all take the disease. So lone as a cow is free from ticks she is 1 ' safe from infection.