THE WILSON ADVANCE. & GASH IB ADYAHflE. r- : i : 5 YE yir ui onai occiii : . ; - 1 "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU IYAIV AT BE THY COUSTRY'S, THY GOD'S ASD TRUTHS." ' .' BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. WILSON, 2sT. a, SEPT, 24, 1896. s. FROM CURRITUCK TO CHEROKEE. tobacco: ! A RE VIE VV OF;. RECENT HAPPENINGS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. 1 GLEANINGS ! FK03I THE TOBACCO I - ' ! - v- JULKNALS 1 FOU THE BENEFIT ; ' - : i OF THK TOBACCO FAK.UKltS. 4 ' The Greensboro Tobacco Compa ny his been denied the use of the i EDUCATIONAL- "i-:'-- - -r ' ' i This Column is i litrt Especially for the feathers of Wilson County. ' I- The Democrats and PoDulists in yes! Well to see sightfe that .will please the eye and suit the 27th Senatorial district havej ils as fraudulent the pocket book, we advise you to take a look at the ": Si t 3? bf Bar ex an) b Now open to you at the CASH RACKET STORES. They are sights worth seeing, worth buying. Not confined" to - - Una rf rrrrr a Tnt- nil NEVES BE has this store, in its whole history,: placed before the people of this little city such a variety of goods ' at prices quite so ridiculous. , .. Lies and Gents ? flKPn In tno rfiponf lomnrofif" rrn vention held at Lexington vacancies were left for Populists. V Although Wilson and Danny Rus- seipare at pads Wilson says Kusseli is to come down, but Danny says not until yon put 'up the cash. He is out, too jmuch to quit what he thinks to be awinning game. While Russell and Guthrie decide which will come down Watson will climb the fence. The Buncombe county Populists held a caucus Saturday and decided Notions. Statione FurnisMngs, Laces, Corsets, v, Hard ware and 5 ' ..... Tinware, bopps, Brushes, of all Kind. AW: can knock com pet 1 . r . i 1 r -siano'. ) tome, see ior vouren. Hon clear out of sight, (iixcuse the At its recent annual meeting, the ' Tobacco Board of Trade of Raleigh, elected officers as follows : Mr. E. L. Fleming, President ; Mr. V. B. Moore,Vice President and 'Mr. E. W. Thomason, Secretary and Treasurer. L. W. Ashby's Sons, plug tobacco manufacturers .ot Mt. Airy, N. .C, made an assignment Snptember 3d, : to Mr. T. M. Patterson. A merchan- tllf. firm of tl-iof- r-v1lc tn trViI-Vi Viotr were interested also went to the wall , Mr. E. T. Mosely, a prosperous farmer of this rountv thi? vear made to call their county convention for j 19.500 pounds of tobacco- on 14 acres October 2'. The Populists willnot of land and sold his crop ungraded fuse but will probably nominate sound fir $1,950 co Messrs. Crisp, Wootten candidates named by both the Dem-s: Co. ' He made a fine profit on his ocratic and Republican conventions, j tobacco crop.- Kinston Free Press. It is said that nearly ' every man in the c-iucus expressed himself in favor of endorsing J S Adams for Congress. Calvin and Oliver Duncan, broth ers an$ members of 'one of Alegha hy Co's best- families, were ' brought Here is the latest on the tobacco worm scQurge ih Western Kentucky: The, tobacco worms continue , una bated. The flies have laid a new "setting of egs which are now .be ino hatched. . A farmer in the Schoc- J. M LEAjTH, Manager here and placed in jail Saturday for oll neigborhood "Voiild not put his safekeeping. They are charged with ;.tobacco in-tlis'barn'for fear the worms being implicated In : the murder of vouideat his bam down, while near Scpitk McCraw j iiler of Aleh any, ; Spa this' week, after eating up a forty several weeks ago. The brothers, ncre patch, the worms had one of the with their friend,; Offered to put up ,;irm lURds down trying 'to choke a Corner nash and Tarbord Sts. PTlie Casn Rac SOUTEEEH kfit Store: 3, 1 EW 1 Manas.. V;: 1 tes?ul r..Uesr..p't v o;'t. 17. A ?i. iinue-:iifuleve--.rofw;iy' to vert. tlio tSusuns-.i N:iHwiinl bank. Thy.!h:6vo.-. ?u'f-'Cv,iO:l only in forcintr' the "m:yn iloor to vhc. h:nk l.)nil(lin;r. v.'hon ' tf.oy'wore ir;:vh toned awav ; bv: the electric iilai'm a $50,000 bond r but judge Hoke, be fore whom they .: spr"; ?.red ; refused to bail them. The meiL wiii have, to fe here until March before' they are tried. Winston Sentinel. " q"jid out ,cf his mouth. Russellville Ledger. . . Education can only develop a.nd - unfold, it cannot create anything new." Rosenkranz. ; It is a chief business of education to pass from distinctly percieved v indi vidual notions to clear, general nc- tions," Pestalozzi. - More people are spoilt by a false . . '. education than ever inherited - their corruption as an endowment from nature. Rosewitz. I Education gives man nothing which f he could not have developed from within himself. : It gives him that which he might have developed with in himself more quickly and easily.- Lessing. : ; 'He who. early teaches children to bear what they will have to undergo in alter life, who lets those rules, "which are in future to guide their factions, guide them now and who finally has them repeat these so often and so long that they no longer err, has ; accom plished not a little." . ' L The marrovv of education is itself ' - destroed, if the first fesh presenta tions become , old without being per ceived, of lifeless repetitions are tedi ously extended, where interest should eagerly seize ; if life 1 fqrrns of speech in which' wealth of convtction even best loves to express:ite)f, are. bereft' of their spirit, . and laid away as ""j .'' "; ' - c ' v corpses n ine- caverns of memory: I leibart. ; - , v V '.iTTf.E Kock. Sept. 10. In" 'UncraV t'fiih!p n i-.'-ye-ir-ld Polish boy 'jnamed -Ku iiNk! kiiled a""-l-.yfe'ir-ild child bt An- (bew Z::l.-;.?ic by striki:itr it on tljo head which con p.oc-t.s thiivu-i th." Tho,nlarni -.-Jso with a ehrb.'-He. l''--du.! ?i' shallop-firuye ' connects Y.i:h the beaiooni ofC. L, Hyn- sen. one tlv." director-; of the bannk, -iud- j Avhen it'founcfed-((u;ckiv tircssed and hurried to the built inc.- Ho found cvevy- thin 'quiet, but evidence; of the attempt .iintl.lmrk-dhis liatle comp-anio'ii, -ajid then -'-o::ile. Ala., ep't. 21. The Mol-ilo col- Sidd. ': Ly.'( i;iri;G, Va., Sept, 17. Messrs Bow- :i;ind Sharp, United States coutrt com-Jin.-sioiiois. sold here vesterdar af dcrnooh ;the-I) division:-.of the Norfolk and Western .railroad Th.e fthlv lid 1ras one "' n;ade bv the bondholders' re .vau men are pinnnmtr to help the ( uoans u 1-("';;..-;. i that l.(iJ) will be enlisted in tnetare of f.v.f.;irvi . A kw writ.-moet- ' Va. "Pa so.- Tex.V ont. l.h A tele-rrani inpr was held, Fridav nisrht and iseveral ! frou-vLas Cruces, N. 2.L, sttfes that a bod Mated colored volniiteers enlistfcd, it -is; of seventy-live armed Mexicans has just I -IT ill I' 1 111 I'V. passed a station above Las Cruces, coming towards. 'El Paso, that the. nic:i a re well inoiint e 1 a :ul all ariviod with new Win chester rifles. At midnight the. police ar rested 'three Mexicans 0:1 the river above '". '! v l'u.-e. '.. ..'.. C iucord, Sept. 19. -The Populist county convention was held in the court bouse to day. fusion with the Republicans was effected by leaving the nomination of sheriff and one commissioner vacant !fur" the Repub licans. The nominations were as folLows: commissioners, J L Stafford, E P Deal; coroner, M C Walter; sur veyor, M G Lents; cotton 'weigher . R W Diggers; treasurer, G Ed Kest lerv register of deeds, W M Wed dington; House. A F Hileman; Sen ate, John A Simsy Charlotte Obser ver. ' " I';'1-' Kiicky Mount Ileporf, i As our market and Rocky Mount are rivals for the honors as a .tobicco market "sori:e points printed, in the Western Tobacco journal will be of interest to 'Wilsou tobacco men. The fo!10wing;'.'is selected from that ; re port,. The 'feport was made by Ed gar W. Smith' Pres. T. B. T.3 f ' ,' Below I append the figures taken from "the records 'of ' the' Board of Trade, and they can. be relied on as being as tccurate'as it is, possible to obtain them :' Ar. Value. ' ' 'Ay.. 140,625 tK) i 2 50 "265, 300 00 f ( 1 2 00 ; 585,Op6 CO II OO 487,866 66 ' ' ' 10 23 740,604 52; ' 9.85 ! A glance at the above figures will reveal a record of which any market could he justly proud, and many easily . Pouiids. -'91 1,125,000 '92 2,215,000 . '93 3-5(K).oq '94 4,768,232 '957,606,264! 'iiization crinitLeo. V Va i a ScDt. 10. Mr. I3ryn, to whether ho-had received ItaiKlolpli's Strn Tic ket. The Democratic convention met at Asheboro Saturday and wascalled the city, armed with three new Titles, six I tQ order by Chairman Ross. It was . . J . ; . ; ' - .u . u rcvlvers end i,oo;i rounds of annrainition. - 7. ' . .put us in the front ranks oi the tobac tne lartjesi conveuuuii asscuiuicu licic . . u t 1 . co pnarkets of the world. I have not in years. Everything was harmo- : . . , r .- i: .v .- y , ; . seen-the official figures. from the. other. nious ana a winning ticket was uuun- - -t: ; 1 . -,' i I'mi'j -! , ,t ? Ti-i 7i -rill i ! f -:..;i:;ai..n y:the People's party, said Ml icad the .letter as pu!)li.shtV but -later Allen; Mr, Bryaji iaid he i'i 0-iji ;j v -would 1 Ki fir.pnfjm'fi fiarlv t V.-ei-:" it -H.UOY i-inihis with fin.. Sent. 17. "Mrs. Kr'nan. liv- S'ity. has driven lurth -tq a boy two heat s. liotti- tne neatis Persons coming up troin tne valley report th.-'.t the island tvventy-four niiles from EI j i.'asoisaue wn-ii. i Louisville', ' Sept. lOi A wholesale I shooting aifrayvis reporled "to have oc- curred Sunday at Lonp:' Branch, a village - in Marl in -county. According to ; the re i "ports-received Atlania-n Ilarnion quarried ! with his b:-o:lvjr Henry in a. churchyard f durin ' the nieetiuT ofthe Mountain Bap- tist a'ssoeiation..ana .sno.s mm. j: nenas of the two men took up the quarrel, and natecl. The convention went wild with enthusiasm over the speeches of Dr. Woolen and Wiley Rush. Cyri'is B W.atson sj)eaks here on the '"26th instant He will be greeted by a large crowd. Randolph's dele- sliots were fixed. Several persons were woun.ied, and it is feared some of gation to Bryan's speaking at Cjreens 'tOKM-:,,.f.uv.i..,:..-v;;.i 1 ...nt-,nn,i tn. I them will die. ircverai oineers . were oni . , ,i,n,ul KWhor ::t ih,. fx.twrm the crouinL out; wf iwttenw!, io te directions; looking to the back quell tne nor. ; - ( Xew Orleans - Sept. 21. Ever since the closing of the Union National bank, due to the embezzlement ot over ib00,000 by the bookkeepers, Colomb. and Leefe, through collusion with outside' parties, intense interest has been manifested here markets of this State, but from the. best information .obtainable I think we can justly claim to be the second market in this State in quantity 'of -' - , pounds sold and perhaps in general average. "In fact the figures 'warrant the assertion that we stand as the third largest loose bright tobacco ! of these ''superficially educated'' Kl uf;it L' Vi. iii Ilusi.s. When we. come -to -decide the qut s-' tion .cf solid learning among great numbers cf 'women, the balance is,'. I am sure, in favor of American wo men ; that is, if solid learning be con sidered desirable in' a woman. As human nature is .-much -the same inde pendent of ehmate; one-hears plenty of com plaints abou t the su perficiallity Of the t ducaaqn f)bta:,rH:(i in' the gov ernmen-t and; in . the fashion able schools generally; I retain a very uislinct , recAlkction of an ex tremely imusing- case of that kind I One ; of "the : caclets Lroni the Pagej's Corps- favored me With a lfvejy sketch, accompanied by mimicry, Of the most fashionable private school p " St. Petersburg, where accomplish ments alone were inculated on the usual plan and at a high price; The young page ; clamored "for "trie more solid instruction of our girls,vi'as,if he had been the sedate fatber of a family of girls, instead of eighteen years of age or thereabouts. It was excellent ly done, but i .could hardly, restrain my laughter at his apparent, innocence of self . analysis anoj his sincerity.- I was perfectly w-elf aware, if he saw not, that it he were otiered the choice, at. that moment, bet vveen one , 1:1 i)) t-o the front- Tinfh mnt.hw n.nil" child arQ well, and the ph.vsicians pay ihere is fcVt'ry prospect tif the chikriiving. Lol Isville Sept. 21, Chairmari J. P.. Johnson, of. the Democratic state) qentral cwiiinittee, came to Louisville and ivas in -uun rence With-Chairman JA.j Parker t'onnnitteeman L. K. Tavlor, of the PUiist committee. The Ponuliss. im- diately ieft the city, and Mr. Johnston '.s to talk, but it is accepted as a fact fa fii has been agreed 'upoiis and J'Ji.v the details renniin to be fixed jbefore rhm is made public. ..jj 0!:folk. Va:, Septj. 10. The forfolk Westeru railroad system, except the Llrvl.-m.-i .... i ii' i f .v ji iU.i r v. . wjti.aiiii, v asuingconaiia mcj jay iacxi- 'W-Tl' t-r.-4-.T r - 1 1 I iiei-uav to iiessrs. George yoppen, a,- JV'nnetly ;Tod,- Victor -MoraWejtz and K. Ciyn, all of "New York, wh jrepre the reorganization committee of the - 'Iholaers.' There was only one bid NjM,ij()-(the minimuTn fixed by the court) -that was made by Mr. Coppell I for the . 2'anisHtion commit'toe.."-' ! l ; is ea t .-1 every "vrappei. as,' to the guilty parties. , ""An examination into the bank's affairs resulted on Satur- i market in the, world': And this- at tained in five; years. What other . market can show such a record ? ,i ' ' We must remember, however, that fusion in ron, ' Roxboro', N. C, September 19 The Popuiist convention met here 'to day and fused with the Democrats it is essential that we. pull together, arid filled out the ticket as left for Let there be harmony and. unity tbfim hv thp nr-.nocratic nartv. The ' anion? all classes, buvers as well as t-7 - ; - r- ; - rt ' j ... day in the arrest of Louis Gallot, charged , cj-gt named is a strong one, and in from the SUres iuc (juumy t 'i ui vmi a.iii vv, uwij i.uiupLuuuii uu warehousemen, and remember that pnihezzlement of over f20J,000 Union bank. ' Gallot Was formerly chief and confidential clerk bf August, Bphn & Co., large cotton buyers. . Nashvii le, Sept. IS. A mob visited the Obion county jail, at "Union city, yester day and demanded a negro prisoner named Bill Jones, whoni it was the purpose of the mob to lyncli. There was a force of ten deputy sheriffs on guard in the jail who Had been placed there in anticipation of the attack. This show of force was t&b much for the mob's courage, and when the deputies presented their Winchesters the attacking party, quietly withdrew. .Tones, the nrisoner, with his two brothers, stabbed to death City Marshal Jesse Wal- Kitchen. . ; . Dr Dal by. who w;js nominated at Durham by the Populists' conven- sides. It is true the smaller markets around us do not amount to much at present, and all ' realize that we Lave girls and a girl brought up according . ' to his exceedingly positive and ma--ture. theories a member of the.' Higher Courses, for example as his partner in a ball-room, or; for life," he woulci promptly turn his. back on the weibeducated, well-behaved girl, like the rest of his seX; in Russia and else where. There are few exceptions. If the 'xther ort of, girl" the gitl of his choice made his life wretched and eventually landed him in the divorce tion on Thursday, was present to day the .advantage of location, banking fa- court or some other equally unpleas and was the most lo'nesome, woe-be-gone looking n tn I ever saw. The Pouu'ists Ifti iii n entirelyvalone, not t-ven calling on him for a speech. One of the m 1st inflaential Populists said cilities, railroad transportation, etc , but let us not. underrate the competi tion we have to fight against, apd as, "Eternal vigilance ' is the price of lib erty," so we have got to be ever ! watchful and: leave no gaps down, to-day that he would not pole nine votes in the county, Kitchen and nor neglect anything that will enure ter, of Fulton, Tenn., some time ago, and 4 sifver will carry the day. Richmond to the growth and prosperity of our wa s nantured and brought back from Mis-! ' a , V ' I souri, where ne naa iukcu xciu&o.- uiapoiv.... ant predicament, J could foresee that, instead ol recalling, and abiding by the sentiments which h e was expres sing tQ me' and attributing his unhap piness to his own folly in not having been guided by them, he would blame the woman, and hovyl for sympathy in his woes. Isabel F. Hapgood In 1 October Lippincott's. 4

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