I I. . . . . . I Ve can knacl competition clear out of sight. "(Excuse the slan.V Come, see for yourself.' - ? HI 0 ryyiE xxvi:: WILSON, X. C, OCT. 1, 1896. 1 111 v Mi Sigh Seeing? y ! i i i NUMBER 39. '! Pll'il r, PTHmTTTTnr I r, ,. . ... ' , il-iVLLU L I IVKL 1 LLK I. 1 Pults and Republicans 'lus.e in; .DCI 10101' TO rtlRkMVR 1 Wake County. On '.tone side ''there'- T - vw-lvx-, was Otho Wilson, advocating a sell j If my brotner neighbor trs fallen, . v ,. 5 out and on the other Spier Vhita- : and I have said so low down in my throughout the state; i nnting for a strict adherence to consciousness - that I could hardly the cause of silver. Otho -won his hear it myself, .."I. am glad of it," fight in the convention. As. has been ' "od will punish me for that. thepo Weston Tx . flps; f hp errant- pvm. , i i . , , . . " v-i- - oil to see Slgnts tnat will please the eye and Slut gelist, is holdino a Union meeiino, at' the case here a"lJ elsewhere this sac-! It may not be ours to inter con- i nfice of principle has caused , discon- ! viricing arguments, but it may be ours :kct book, we advise y'ou to take a look at the Kinston. The Populist County Convention : of Wayne county met in GoMsboro j open by the Republicans. - - ' negroes went to the house of a Vouner me .waKe county uemociatic. white woman named Faulkner, of ill open to you at the CASH RACKET STORES. ' .:- - 1.., . ..I, ! ... 1. 1. . :. .A.r . r i hev are sigius wui lu seeing, wuiui uuying. iot connnea to one line of goods but all. T. KK' of Forsyth county has been summon is this store, .in its whole history, placed before. the people of, ed before. Judge Hoke for not appoint ing ropuiist." registrars m several townships. " . . : . Colonel - Jule Carr in New Vork ! I ten;. j to live holy lives. It may not be Near Henderson a horrible muf-' ours to De subtile; ad learned, and logical, but it mav be ours to be BEFORE among Knowing evil experience, then re penting, being forgiven and restored. In- i -. " .... n . : .,4... :r.i i . lis htti!" ch siiqu li- vcuiciy )i i guuus- ai prices quite so diciilous. : . aM Gents. Furaisliiogs, Laces' :test otions,' stationery, ilardwaro-und Tinware, Soaps, Brushes of all J . . . .1 r" i xt Pr,-r-ori :u4. was commuted- rnaayj iiews ol it reacnea here vesterdav. -i t wo ooie anu sweet, anu pure. uanon Farrar. ''There is an ! exnression wmuu,uullia 1 iluiy aiiU uuc a, repute. With her was her -child- less ! some oeople that a, man is a- better luuuckei. ine proposition to luse than a year old -She refused t0 ad- man alter havin tagted sin aker iiiA.iiiC 'U11SIS K1UCU 111 . me j mjt the men and, ordered them to caucus. i leave. They entered and attacked 'The clerk ol the Superior Court her with an axe. : She received five This is a mistaken impression". wounds on the head, and her' brains j-nocenee is fir better than despair, ' were dashed out. She raised her j but a life is never so beautiful after arms to- shield her -head and both ! sin's fire's have swept over it' as it were nearly severed. The negroes i would have been if it had been 'kept were captured and are in jail at Hen- untarnished and had realized t God's -derson. While trie evidence against: first thought for it." ' ' . . '.''"',. . . ' : whom they were and found lor Bryan ; . . j rMV111- fiatl loses, ue ena. .uij me . ! saia te ne very strong .Messenger. : means, man a one dues that. .The i' French Phvsician's patient died," but- 1 X v asked si.tty-eight cab drivers . for 65, McKinley and undecided i. Messenger. . . In. liutli-L- C'oiisisN'ist . nrni,;,vt c .. . c i he insisted it '.iv n hrilliant: nnpra- ' the .News cc Ooserver is in re-! - ' . , 1 .. i ! . i Ti : .. , . A . ,..,1 i V r i - r , i i i-uiler, chairman of the NaLonal Fop-. egiauiuve tvuies, opecuuy 1 H(L i-cipt ot daily letters endorsing elec- . . J a -a j : .. . , i : umsl commute, nas, prenareQ anQ ior- i r 1 h'S'1 lv' "-mv toral tiision in. the State. These let- i Irom both Demi Populists J. M, LEATH, .Manager 'Tb8 Cash Racket Stores, : . i 'I li tt" . i i o . ' i warded 'to' his paper, the Raleigh ! they meet to legislate, not to talk as vuim. uum utinui-iaia ciiiv.i , , , i T Caucasian, an euiionai warning ropu- j 1", ui I list .ne--snaners in North C,Trrlina' i how T-he Supreme court of North Caro-;aoahlst retaliating upon Democrats lina granted license to .fifty-four j because Democratic papers, which JiK k is wonderful i's voices are to Corner nash and Tarboro Sts. San Marctjs' I'lienoinenal Ilain Storm. SanMap.cos; Tex., ept. 2S. Such in- vestigation ;:s" could be; maclo yesterday shows that no lives were! lost as, a result of ; Saturday's downpour, whefn eight inches of rain fell in eight hours, but it is apparent that the loss will not be less than tie estimate first .made.1-40.0J0. The' dam age to this t ov n i s very heavy. The wh ole soutn p&rt, which forttinately' was not very thiclily fettled, is almost "gone. The houses geneiwy were .small and flimsy, wdthey were floated a way as if they were ts. People were rescued from the tops of them and from trees i n boats. Had the rain occurred at night many lives would kave been lost. The SanlMarcos river rose twenty-five feet. Usuallv it is a small fream three or four feet: in depth. g Five at Mt. Ilolyoke College. Daring Hold Up in West Virginia. - Charleston, W. Va., Sept. 28. A dar ing hold up occurred on the Short Lino railway between Se wall and Cliff - Top, eight miles from this city. Joe Thomp son, who came from the west about a year ago, learned that W. L. AVihson, book keeper and paymaster of the Longdale Iron company, atvCliff Top, was going up : the road in the af ternoon to pay off t he men. Wilson had 1,800 with him, and irode on the engine. When the train reached a lonely spot in tha mountains ; Thompson, who had hoarded the train. held up, all thofe in the engine at the point of two .revolvers-. He suddenly grabbed the numey from Wilson and jumped from the engine.' Wilson phot at Thompson twice and missed him.. Thomp son returned the fire, shooting Wilson fa- tallv. Thompson made good n:s escape i Hadey, Mass., Sept. 2S. Mt.l and VTUson is dying. A pose is in pur-. flolyoke college, the pioneer Institution w the higher, education of women, re-feivcda-M.-vore IjIow vesttrdnv afternoon -athe burnincr of the main buildiiiir, with JpnibaUe of OVer -ir0,(KJ(). The build- l!12h;tVl' fiwt v r &VAM ivinl.'l not" M-tunai(JM-n jne of the 400 students or iilty were injured, there being ample iefur their escape 'With part of their JEiilotfects. : : :, " -Vji;;d. s-pt. Aj dispatch to , The U'eial. i ro,u Hung j Kong says that ";ai:irs which have arrive! there from :n;k the : capital ot ft he Philippine J'Hls, bring the. announcement that d er a. hundred monksj have lx;en niur- jrod iu the islands siiW. the beginning "ie insurrection.- Many of the victims been fastened to trbek, their clothing . Vlng been soaked with kerosene oil and ea United, and been burned to death. ' - -Alive with a liroken Neck. ; pj, ;n:'n-:-t. -X. Y., tiejit. 28. Herbert Whir' " Xai 11 isth street, this city, adi at Worin a tree, fell to the ground, stance of eighteea fdet. anil broke his W i llAXVr extreniities are para soim 'v U hs is "live abtl perfectly con- -o. Jl0 ..U1 t ,. i f thQ accl. lhe T-.hvsiCiji'-na tViinir hf, will-re- dent. WVer if ,ock.' 11 has no netvio.us 6v physical . . -. 1 I . ssasshlatVd at His jS:upper Table. sSTflXv Lil-' Sept. 28.fA dastardly as ni;;at'uu" took place here Saturday thLf v'thu being1 Edward Beatty, off b f his hesad being literally blown ' gtitiU. u (if buckshot fired from a shot Wip he was eating supper at his lei1 his family.! Every effort is HKiiiade to capture the assassin. 0 D S Sarsaparilla has over and u0v"er aain proved by its cures, 1 other preparations failed, that 18 the One True fcLO'OD Purifier. suit, and a lynching is expected. . IJabv Killed by Kats. BALTIMOUE, Fort. 28, Three bi? rats .at tacked the 2 -months-old boy baby of Isaac " Asher, . llni) Low street, i' Saturday night, 'gnawing its face, iiead and neck to such an extent that it died in a short time. The mother of the child had gone to. market, and the fat hex had left it sleeping on a i-.or! ti .m HOTiifon the second floor while he went into his store down stairs. . lut a short time had elapsed when - Mr. Asher heard the infant crying as .though in pain. He hurried tip stairs, and as he entered the child's room three large rats .lumped from the babt's couch and scampered off. The little one died in great agony before a doctor could reach the house. Coney Island's lilj? Elephant Destroyed. New! Yoi:k, Sept. 28. Coney Island's elephant was 'totally destroyed by fire last night. I The huge beast, built of yellow pine and sheet iron, towered high above the huge structures, and occupied about two acres of ' ground. Shortly after 10 o'clock flames were seen issuing from its sides, and within an hour the ancient relic of Coney -s former greatness was a mass of ruins. The chutes adjoining were damaged to the-extent of $3,000, and the Seabeach Palace, opposite was badly scorched- The big elephant cost 168,000 to build. '- A Seven-Year-Oid 3turderer. Wooster, O , Sept. 2.S.-Thomas Kidd, aged 14, the son of W. K. Kidd of Cleve land, was murdered yesterday at Daltn, r hpr bv Carl Mcllhiney, aged . The TTiHd hov who was a cripple, was visiting at the Mcllhiney home. The boys were left together while the Mcllhineys were at rViTiTVi an H thev ouarreled. Young .Kidd 'na rifb his crutch. The latter wmt into'" An adioiping room, procured his father's gun and shot Kidd, blowing ix -e us?, KoaH i ne vuuua iLiixi- Oll 1UjJ Ul uio iiw'i. derer was arrested. young 'men. on Monday afternoon Wilson ciid not have a representa tive among its' applicants. Hon. Rv B, Glenn in speaking ot j the political ' status .in our 'State says j that he has. never seen Democrats more enthusiastic and that he never spoke to larger crowds in his life. Mr. B. F. Keith, State Chairman of the National Silver party, 1ias is sued a lengthy address to the silver voters ol North Carolina. In his ad dress he endorses electoral fusion and urges every true friend to silver to suppo rt the ticket. Hanna has gotten Pritchard in a hole. .The, cards have not turned out to suit the magnate and so he has re fused to send flown his liberal dona tion. If Russell does not comedown the Messenger has it on good author ity no money will come to the State from Hanna. In the Wayne County Populist primaries last week the negro Pops were shut, down on. Although , they claimed to be fall flooded Populists, those at the door told them that they had no business in a Populist meeting. This is father' hard on Pop-Rep .fu sion.' ' ; ; The Fayetteville Observer says'in Cumberland courUy a lew days ago a young- negro woman in a ht ot an ger shot her husband three times, in flicting -what is thought to be fatal wounds. She made no attempt to escape arrest and she is in jail await ing the results of her husband-'s inju ries. - - V profess, to be for Biyan, advise their readers to scratch the Populist j nominees on the fusion ticket. Taking llietiin to the otton. Messrs. D. A, Funderburk and j Jno. WY McCain, of Jackson town-' ship, have purchased -i field cotton gin outfit and will gin cotton at the fields. They will locate at any place where .they can get five ' bales, or more of cotton to gin. Their price is for less than 25 bales, 30 cents per ;ioo pounds of lint ; nd lor 25 bales and more, 25 cents per 100 pounds of lint, The out fit consists of a six horse power portable.engine, mount ed 80 'saw gin and press. Monroe Journal. BUSINESS I.UPKOVING. As the liaiiees of Free Silver- Xlrighten i the lSuiiips of the Country Improves Evidence. . No one will deny that "the chances for Mr. Bryan are better to-day than ever before. No one will, claim that the demonstrations with which he. j is being met in almost every northern town is not a significant meaning. No one will deny that the fusion i which has. been agreed on in Illinois, Indiana.v North Carolina and many ' other states gives the. question a seri ousness which : it has not heretofore possessed. The indications . are favorable,- and promising conditions are arising every day. With this we see an improvement in business. Mills which have been shut down for some time have opened' up. with renewed energy. . At Biddefotd, Maine, the v York Mills employing 1,600 hands Governor Carr Friday commutted j and which have been idle since May, the death, sentence of Frank -Howard, j are to start up on full time -October. 5 of Cabarrus to life imprisonment. .m an departments,' with the exception Howard was convicted. of arson and j Gf the gingham weaving department, sentenced to be hanged on August j From Sanford, Maine comes the 28. The criminal was of a low order .news that the Godall Worsted Mills of intelligence. -The offense was also will run on full, time with full crews, of a technical nature and for these both night and day. These are only , prefer the best quality ol it. themselves and how dreadful to everybody else. They f irget r.that ' speech was given to lead 'to ac l3n not lor talk's sake. 1 When a rosebud is formed. - if - the soil is oft and the sky is' genial, it if , not long belore it burtds, lor the lite within,is so abundant that it cannot longer contaia-it:allt but in blossom ed brightness - and swimming fra grance it must needsilet forth its joy and gladden all the air. And is when thus ripe it refused to expand, it would quickly decay at heart , and die. And christian charity is just piety with its petals lully spread; develop ing itself and making it a happier world.: Jatnes Hamilton. '"I wis once ask to visit a sick man who was anxionsly seeking sal' vation without any seeming result To minister, elder, friend and others who called to help him, he had but one answer, "It is no use; I can't un- v derstand." I did not try to argu with him, or even to read to him; but i going close to his bedside, I repeated very slowly and distinctly : these words: ;" Look unto me and be ye saved;" "Him that cometh unto Me, I will in no. wise cast out;"" ".Whosoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely";'' "Relieve on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt bp saved-" "''I see. I see." said thp sick man, "my part i is the looking, : : : .l. - .1. 1.-. i: . 111c v-'Jiuujg, ilc idKiug, iac u'ciicviiig, Jesus does all the rest." It is something to j-be: thankful for that there are so many really fine hymns, and also that so many hymns' which in whole or in part are not of the best which have been so f-uitful of blessing. A high standard ought tn bp maintn:r.pfl 'hnt nnt in a finir-al spirit. 1 nousands have lound spirit ual help in hymns which In them selves are open to severe driti(j:ism, but which at least have trained ipeo ple to love sacred song, and often to reasons his sentence was commuted. The Goldsboro Headlight says Os car, the 7-year-old son of Mr. Levi Edwards, of Wayne county, met his death in a peculiar manner a few days ago. He was on his way to the gin with a load of seed cotton when the examples of the conditions that are It is an old saying that the' devil lound all over the country. - Bradstreet's report for last week shows a decided improvement in business. This is especially noticea ble in Southern centres. There is al so a marked improvement in- corn- vehicle struck a slump and thfew the I merciai circles. The jobbing ,busi boy against a fence. His head struck ness in cotton goods is brigter than a paling, which entered his brain i for some time. Everything betokens causing instant death. a rise in prices. j cannot abide a good hymn, and flees when he hears one.; Certainly noth ing else except prayer is more trust- . ft 1 .... ' worthy source of help in sore temp tation or sorrow. It is wfll for 11c all, even for those who cannot sing, to familiarize ourselves with good hymns, for they are , a ceaseless source of comfort A and strength. I Congregatidnalist. .