JL JL d T.iSH IN ADVANCE. V " LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIMS1 ' AT E THY COUNTRY'S, THY GODTASD TRUTHS." , w m- BEST ADYERTISIKG MEDIUM. WILSON, X. G., NOV. 5,1896. JL MBER 44. i" Yes' Well to see sights that will please the eye and :-' tfie pocket dook, we aavise you to take a look at the GOOD ROADS. nine months, including salaries, ma- f RQM CURRITUCK suit a systematic a tt-mpt to improve our chinery account, and material, was j KoaU Nectary-Good Roa.ls Save 4,076.52. The W monthly re-Mouey-Iiiols from Those of Expert- , - ence. j port shows no convicts on the sick- Wilson County has to a certain -' list, and no escapes during the month. , extent-profited by almost every new The convict camp is moved three or j undertaking. She has been among four times a year. In summer can. ' the lead in improving- her facilities vas tents are used. In winter the 95 r oi along almost every line. '. But there is sides of the barracks are boarded up ! Carolina. He has conducted a meet TO CHEROKEE.. REVIEW OF 8 RECENT HAPPENINGS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. Re V. Sam J ones isi one thing in which we nre behind and leaving only the cover of canvas." there is with us almost every county Under the present road-law for the -'j CL i w f m i,abierii aionna. 1 m? ueimquen- : uuuca mi niduci pii.cu m tc cy is in road building; - Our people hands oi the county commissio ; ;-Now open to you at the CASH RACKET STORES. Thsv a'r.e signts wortn seeing, worm -buying. iot conlined to the town, but in the country as -! the work in Mecklenburg says anv one line of goods but all. cy is in. road building; - Uur people nanas oi ine county commissioners; seem to have taken no interest what- i and they, expend the money as they L, I i j , . , ' , i c , . . - i , . ' . .. , . r a resident, of Los Angeles, CalM for- iiiciiy ui i.uiui v ti i J i i i j cv is tx idiivji- ' '. I . . . i i '- ..-- ! ' ing in Winston and Greenstj pro- Sam North Carolina. General Johnston nrill n.Q i-. .iv.J.. lt Thp aim r tn rran rnmrnicintiPK ii vv, in- .in. ,uK ucic(l "7 , . 7; ! bom at Hillsboro, N1. C, and during Ittakes only a few hours sunshine to has been to make all the. available j , i .; i . r I Ck V 'rr i j r ... '. ! the ear y days of our btate life -played maKe our sireeis 100 ausiy to travel ucy guw jh is puaaic iuvwu viv .. i p ' - . , , 3 . I. , j . , an important part. anu u laKtrs uui a iew- moments rain , l-i-ii luaua lai.-ai nuniui r X" . . ; . i , : , . , .. I . of Nor again in North is at present in seems to like ones, at present date for the Senate. Gen. Jones was to make them too muddy to walk. I of people and to do the work in such . .! . i , . . . . Wltli uprvlittlp pvnpnco tlilcmnirl ' n manner, that thp roads mav he still has this store, in its whole history, placed before the people'ol : " V j . ! r t - a C 7 V Ildb uup i ' ij r r Tl-.c . r further imnrnvpH in thf fntnrp Tlrv to' this little city such a variety ! of goods at prices quite so ' coud beb ridiculous. ":'.. I . remedied. There are forces which rought to bear that would ' this end, the plan has been made Ladies and Gents Farnislimgs, Laces; Corsets- Notions, Stationery, Hardware and Tinware, Soaps, Brushes of all Kind. in a, great measure releive us of this perfect plans in every case before has ranged from $2700 to $4000 per mile, according -to the amount and We can knock competition cledr out of sight (Excuse the 'slang.) Gome, see for yourself. 0" h-'-l"-.- . J. M. LEAIH Corner nash and Tarboro Sts. Manager 'The Cash Racket Store nuisance. For those who are inter ested in road improving some hints are here given j from authorities who have been and are to-day interested in this improvement. Charlotte has probably, the test system of roads leading into it than any other town in the State. Mr. 'Tompkins, who is at the head of this movement in Meck lenbug County, has issued a pamph let on road-building in the Southern States. He takes as an example the roads of Mecklenburg and makes an The win He was adjutant - Y i h Carolina from 1877 to '7Q. term in the' Leg- He also served one isiature of North Carolina-. down an opinion in vi Supreme court has handed he case of Good- the Caraleigh company, re affirming the decision 'in Sutton vs. character ofjgrading required. The value of the work to the farm ere may be jddged from the statement of Mr. B. H. Moore, one of the county com -missioners.before the roadjeongress at Raleigh. He said that before the roads were macadamized there jW ere times when a pair of large mules could not draw a load of more than 1,000 pounds from his farm to the city, whereas now they can at any illustation which might be of interest to everyone who is interested in the ! seasoned raw from 2500 to 3500 betterment of roads. He says the j founds. 'The. question now with result of the work has been to lift fus, he saip, 'is not what the team Charlotte out, of : the mud fl 1 irn a t n 1 1 rn i TmT minri I11MUAKNKNIJS m ake it a city 6f verclean and attractive appearance. Major McKinley Has Addressed Nearly a .Million People. h"u " HS HAS MADE' 214 SPEECHES. From the Day of His Nomination, on June I XlVlj,'-" 18, Vast Crowds Have Visited Canton to people pressing toward the stand Pay Their Respects to the Presidential Candidate. ! streets. In the country it has gready increased the accessibility of makets to farmers, be-! sides furnishing attractive drives for the people of both the city and coun try. All this has been brought about 1 me largest aeiesatioTi txuiu nixa visucn wiium n icw :yca3 wimwui. am Canton came Saturday afternoon. It was r:,u 'unrfiPIie nnnn thp nennle in froin Young-town snil othsr places in the F : Mahoning vallev, and numbered 9,003 peo- I a section, where from time memorial pie, 2,00) of whom were women. It took ! have been com. this splendid Mahonms valley delegation ; luc ,uau . . . more than an hour to pass in review be- ! pared to the tempering pits in a fore Major McKinley. When the parade , . I came to a halt and the people massed . unLK"dlu- themselves in the streets and yard about j Here we have an example of what Major McKinley' s house the Bepublicau , 1 exnenditure of a little candidate looked down upon the greatest , tlie proper expciiuuuie and most inspiring audience that : has money will do. The city folks are ereeted him. In addition to the visiting : th f.rm.r a delegation there were thousands of other not uum well. We have a means nere wmcn hold up."' 502 in which it tonnage tax on ional. The court opinion that ihis with the United Phillip!, 116 N. C, was j neia tnat tne fertilizers is constitu also expressed the tax is not in conflict i ;i 1 ! States j Constitution as interfering with inter-State commerce. The-opinion by Judge Seymour cf the United States district is quoted in suppqrt of this latter position. did well. Mr. a gold medal for -.r.XT to 'could be used to a great advantage, I i,m ' . ILUU J - c - Caxtox, O,. Nov. :2. Saturday' evening Practically ended the most remarkable po litical campaign in the history of jtho United States and of the world. Canton, . which has been the Republican Mecca, has figured more prominently in this cam paign than any; other place in the coun-tr7- Pilgrimages have been made by men anil women from every walk of life, and front ull ouarters of the country. The ac - tnal caiiipaiga has been of 122 days' dura tion. v . ' j .,.-' ' . :'';'.,- - KHimrJatins Sundays, there have been W (lav's of tK? fuiiTiMicrti Tti that time spik each flag waved, and a preat chorus tiat js lhe utilizing of our. convicts, nf nhpprt; rolled likj a snrg3 of the sea. up ; ! , ' . . ., , , . aheiWpWt8-;- ! TheSC PersJaruP in Jai1 at the CX ior McKinley had a prepared speech in his ense Gf the county when they rrMutTi '.ShouId.le benefiuins tbemmunUy .moant.M.mportance in the wave of enthusiasm which swirled arra;nst w hich they hav e offended, and far-reaching m its consequences, and eddied about mm. -tie , The problem of good roads is one in which every one is interested. From our early days until we are through with this: world we use more or less roads, and it means a great deal to us whether those roads are good or not. There is but two ways ! of getting these roads-; one is by Stnte or county tax whilethe other is by the issuance of State or Countv bonds. The latter method provides at once a considerable sum for imme diate expenditure in the construction of roads. State Geologist Holmes, in speaktng of ,the best method of a- " " ": "''' ' ' - providing a means says: "While it may be best under our form of government "for the 'sev eral counties, to bear the main burden of constructing and maintaining good roads.yet in a work of such para- to every, citizen Guilford,' N. CJ, Oct. 31. The i ; i . 1 - r . complete premium list shows that Guilford College Pearson received the best school exhibit of 'Natural ! '-! I ! " - i History and Geology, also a gold meda' for the best display of Zoology in the State. Also three first premi ums The on specimens from the museum, art department, in charge of' Miss Hill, of Indiana, received four first mos How! premiums... This exhibit : attractive of ! its kind at a Deniociat "I'liasfd" Iob was the the fair. Ii!gersolr a ranirl .v -" . r thinker and usually has a good reply on the end of his tongue whenever . ; . ; j L --- he is intenuptedi in the midst of a Col. Robert Insersoll is speech. I On one occasion, however, his gift of repartee failed him. ;It 1 1 . 1 - - j happened that he was unusually se vere in his abuse of the Democrats, acting, cf course upon the tiori that he was ence composed entirely ot cans. After he addressing! had about ,..ldA .and snoKc as . ne aicer-..- 1 ut- uiuu!V.u.. wards paid, "just what was m his Heart, . qpent jn the ia . . 1 - 1, in m rvCt hpnrtsi. ' - . . . . 1 it-nt-- i i,-,of- nno rvrnHnr-1 h; lien-. ueciareci: : Aiieiu is ju, p class under our flag, and we an oeioiig lu it," such a cheer went up as Canton never hf:ird before. . ! Malor r,,ir;.,i' ui.ti.?.u ot t oopj i At?A MoTCinlev never looked better nor aa avor;1(-. ,r f.Wn . fl.-w. i He ioonwd in better health taun ne uui ye3- reached th ,avimW when on Saturday, ! t.oruav. He went to church in the morn tv ronds, tendecy to n;rs. W his diatribe he asked "Is there a Democrat in t Ilnnncf'tlin! - rf ! ivhpfp larc an P Y nfn C 1 1 1 1 1 V f t TP. I tiUtUCllt-C. Al lUCIC lb 1 W ...... . M I . . w . . . ... how be feels.' A grayrhaired old man ill " " M -..' ' 1 m the crowd arid uolonel il could be made to j quired demanding intelligent super- ial results on our ccun- j vision, the btate should co-operate Besides it would have - a wdh the counties in the construction ent many misdemea- j of the principal highways, as it has prevent many nnsuemea-- j ui tue piiucapu uuways, as u uas j --- j - p , ,ien the culprit knew that ' done in educational matters, in the ; tnrned on him his Vemj would be spent at work in-1 construction of railroads, canals and i't- r-M. .he twenty-one i i .1. .. 1 1- on1 n flri-r times, s ins as usual, ana to d .am - - i - t -nr- in u 1 i rvr JiTr-HT" :l s-eaci of in idleness he woulc1 be more ; other internal improvements. tn' iS-f SS? Ms SSnSi ci l,e to do a ! no : other, .way the ,, shoH!d -co- , -luoaest little home in North Market street, ing much better, xne aay uiuuSu,u- similar act!" i ne cost ot maintaining;! -operate witn tne counties to tne ex- If in l?"Weir, now, just tell this vast audi , rom a temporafy 'stand at the edge oi, noyation tor . . , - - - on theroads is not -large, .ffent flof, allowing the use of con " uoor yard: A very few have been maae .delegation. xn . -nta3-: . ! r,,!-,'. nails, -when the weather was too in- a huntlreu urst vulCx - - Mr: i tiompson gives ine iouow-ing v.icu.. in suui auumicb ur group ui counties as agree to rais Homnnt e , -i - 11 TVio aso-rocr., - -v ,i,iciori ic iKf 1 nDO members m that city, -no -statement ul"iouit to estimate Some have placea ic ciemonscraiiou c" " '. T r '- Mc port Ot tne county engineer auu bu- ; cieiu wr uie . uhisuuiuuu ui utruei t-"?f ilSt called at ueri'nter.(1et of.county work sho-.v tfcat roads ; and f2) by providing for the 'Kihley at st-, tUi- .in tia. is. had not ' the house to shake haudsvith him. j xney , . r. feecjine clothing and . the employment of .ifirf ' .f,,MiPri home in me evcumg. t . - - ,' , "pen counted before a crowd was surging ' returned home in tne dUout his house ami demandins "a speech a practical engi- uarding covicts during the first five ! neer of roads who can visit the vari- Was comnnVl nf nr,nlfl nf Canton rnnrmou3 Dainase by Floods, in France. ; th of iSq amounted tO 202 ' OUS Counties, give, intelligent advlCC -'"-fullv Oft (iin 'rt n,amwi,r, in rflsnnnse ! n.mi! Vnr 2 Telegrams received from - - ' i ' '- ' ,' I j j..- .u - j tf.f, v . ' w . i . - i Anw. .- . - nf f,1T.fv,pT nt? ner QW, -me - average nuiiiuer rai u untciiuu iu i ic wuuw, eum iuua to the signal of the town's, fire bell, had ; the departments bring news of .further cents per u y, . , . A r t - v ; ' i I ea to the housed Forty-five minutes ) floous and of alarming The ; aid m the production of uniformly per good results. ' - j orked Would it not be wise to consult mre camp. w ArLciiinn nnrl was ioined f v sfeiare. - The authorities Hare -. : - - rk..j:. .t i iL.. .c-j ...... ur hot. i ' . isai iucu" " fVaiKh-(rHP5 have been cents, uuriuiz me . aiiiuuy uuiscivca diiu uuu uui uciui c th a ti , i v.o a fr-nm Xitiies lnoraer - ;w,Anrhc r.i that x'Mr an 3v. our rpnrp;pntatii'f fnr thf Hmise leaves U3, and instruct him j to have a bill introduced which would insure some means bv which our roads 'So you're a Democrat, are you ? ence now you your sensations feel. Just I want supposi an audi- Republi- finished bis whole ould like audience stood up Insersol crowd to know what you feel like." A deathlike soilness fell crowd and the old man re loud, piercing describe; his great, upon the plied in a could be voice that heard all over the house: "I feel like: a sound hazelnut in i a bushel of rot ten beans." ' ! I A roar of laughter went up from for once the colonel - - -i x - was not ready with a very good ret sponse. News and Observer. months of that year an av- banks at Lauson, erage of-90 convicts per month mov- to this the camoaWn in Canton has been ': v " nllerv waarons from Nimes in order 5 fi , - animated one. T 1 ' toasS in "the work of relief. The ; iver ? Senatnr-Pif T,li-rtT,fr.ihii ted hand-S.,a T-t its banks at Lauson, : erage Oi comely to the brilhknt close of what has ; h j now isolated. The only cbm- ,: . 62,? cubic yards of earth on the hflfrn 1 .. 1 ... .j 3 f ', yi-i,u. , t,? r?a-nWn districts O ' . pornaps, the Aiost interesting uaj nnication tnrougu wuBm----- , , i j j ared 7 iSi the camnnr xtT M.iri.iP.r met Mr. nca. avonn have eone to Avignon r0ads, and crushed ana piacea 7,301 Foraker atlhe station at 5 o'clock, and j a-gslst in repairing the broken banks of .. ards miles): of macadam, . home one proposed tnree cneers iui the Rhone - .111 iiitii mnni sr-v rv'i u 11 11 kv 1 1 r. 1 uio t i built Or TCpiircU. uunug ; uic tiin iuiu auu 11 w u in 1114x1 mar ' time the total cost oi the camp during ters to wait longer. A coujrh whibh oersiststdav afttr . -. " : - K - . T took off hifi hat. ntiHl inri t.h cheerinff. Sen- ator Foraker remained " at Canton but 0rty-five minutes, having to reach Clere- "i time to deliver shee'ih at nurnt. !Th8fa9 siaila eignature of might be improved ? The matter twelve feet wide. Five bridges were will have to come belore the Legisla- Ja t 1 i j'i . uciy, siiouiu not RDe negiectea any longer. It means something mor than a merejlocal 'irritatioii sooner it is'relieved the better. Takte Ayer SjCherryJct01!- It. is prompt to act and sure to cure i Take a look at G. S. Tucker & Gos trunks. They can eive vou anv 1 Kind you want.!

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