YEAR, CASH IN ADYAHCE. OLIJME XXVI. "LET ALL THE EHD3 THOU AIMS!' AT E THY COUIlTnTSJHY GOD'S AND TRUTHS." BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. WILSON Cm DEO. 3,1896. NUMBER 48. "" " " " .- - ' " T '- ' ' ' . ' - -.J--- - . . . . : : m " I i -1 : : : ; : rv oiid ol-Sip Seeing ? Ye! Well to see sights that will please the eye and suit the pocket book, we advise you to take a look at the 55 Of open to you at the GASH RACKET STORES. They a re sights worth seeing, worth buying. Not confined to ?nv one line of p-oods but all. ! " daughter of a Spanish lofficer. He is well educated, bright, alert, : dashing and daring. He will weai the Span iards out by guerilla war constant sur. prises ambuscades, attacks-and,. re treats. Mosby with 300 men kept o 000 men constantly employed 'for two years in the mountains of Fauquier and Loudoun, in Virginia, , chasing hint up and down hill and dale, but they never captured him, and he cdst them thou sands of men and millions of money. MIt is a condition and; not a1 theory that Mr. Cleveland and. the', congress are bound to meet, and ja condition can not be dodged. It grasps- men "and na tions and makes them act.'' Observer- 1 EVER;- BEF ORE 1 . has this store, in its whole history, placed before the people of this little city such a variety of goods at prices quite so ridiculous. Ladies and Gents PiipniQhintfQ 1 UilllUiilU 0uj Laces, Corsets, Notions, Stationery, Hardw are? and Tinware, Soaps, Brushes of all Kind. .-..:V- We can knock-competition clear out of sight, slang.) Come, see for yourself. (Excuse the As an emergency mejdicine, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral takesj the lead of all other remedies.: For the relief and cure cf croup, whoopihg cough, sore: throat and the dangerns "pulmonary troubles to which the young are so lia able. it is invaluable, being prompt to act, sure to curerf Sunset.'P?rsonally Conducted Tourist Ex cursion to California Without Cliange of Cars. Leaving Washington," D, ;C, Sat urday, November 14, and every Sat urday i thereafter, the Southern Rail way (Piedmont Air-Line) and Sunset Route will operate Personally Con ducted Tourist Excursions to San Fancisco, Cal., without change of cars, conductors or I porters. The route is through Atlahta, Montgom ery, New Orleans, Houston, San An tonio, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern Carolina. The cars are J. M, LEATH, Manager j "The Cash Racket Stores, Cornernash and Tarboro Sts. tUUA- LIBUE. Cleveland Sliist. .spak-'.Var tiiiauii 'Loiitf lOnough toiiRTe-s Will U- ISoth msjj Tlie Condition of the Island. Baltimore, November 30. In dis cussing the situation in CubA, General Bradley T. Johnson, recently returned from there says, that it is impossible to get reliable or accurate information as tojthe Cuban army. "I investigated carefully" said he, "and was never sat isfied. Consider the state of mind in Baltimore among the southern sym pathizers during the civil war. Recall the exaggerations of enthusiasm - and the dreams of their hopes. Then inten sify that a thousand fold and yon have a faint idea of the condition of things in Havana today. All Spaniards are ior the government all Cubans are for the rebellion.'. . '-What sort of i"eoie are supporting rebellion?" the generrl was a skied. "The bankers, the planters, the wrj ;, lawyers, doctors ihe professors of the' university of Havana; and the peo- i tie university 01 11 1 c I have a few American aud foreign artil lerists, who will raDidlv instruct other foreigners in'the service, and as their artillerery 1 is reinforced skilled men will be ready to use, the new cannon, I would say, without any. definite in formation, that they need pompany of ficers, captains, lieutenants and order ly sergeants more than anthing else. "They are making the gamest fight that ever Was made not excepting that made by the confederates in the civil war. They are wearing out the Spaniards and after General Weyler comes back to Havana again.the Span iards will not throw up the sponge, but Will Isit in the towns and make faces at the rebels, who will rule the country. j" "But if they succeed will they be ca pable of self government?; Will there not be a! repetition of San Domingo or the very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist Sleeper, -beds equal to those of any standard sleeper, lunch, lava tory (private apartment for ladies) and toilet facilities of the. most ap proved style. Three: and one-half days to New Mexcio and Arizona, four days to Los Angeles and South ern California, and five days to San Francisco. Portland, ' Or., througn the semi-tropical garden of the South and via picturesque j Mt. Shasta in seven days, with onljjr one change of cars.. Tacoma and Seattle," Wash ington the afternoon I ot the Seventh day. ucn service and facilities for transcontinental travel have never be- record again as saying that we do not believe there is any foundation for, any such absurd claim. In, fact, we denouce it as false. . , ' "There never was a time when it was more important for people to be certain where a man stands before they send him to the Senate than now. We have no fear that any Populist will vote to. send a goldbug or a monopolist to the United States Senate. '-.:'-'.. ' ''.-.' . ' 'These boasts are an insult to the People's party. 'If there is. any doubt about where any candidate stands- let him be re duired to malce' a pledge like Zeb Vanca made News and Observer. - IIusell Talks. i' Daniel L. Russell, governor-elect of North Carolina, in a recent inter view with a reporter of the Messenger in a .great measure outlined his course for tbe public.' The following is ajpartial report of the interview: What do you think will be the out come of the Senatorial contest ? "iVope Pritchard will be elected- What will be the chances for Guthrie and Dockery. S "Neither of them will have . any showing, because neither of them can never get anything But Democratic votes, The democratic j members might swallow Dockery but he will be an awful dose, even for them. But Dockery says he - was consci entiously for silver and would have refused the republican nomination after the St. Louis convention declar ed against silver. "Yes; And he was lool enough to think hat, somebody would belive hinv! ! Before the republican coven- tion he was pretending ibr,Kl lison, an anti-free silver man, for president- But after the republican con vention turned him down then he was so' strong for silver that he could not support Mckinley ! ! Nobody ever heard ot his being foj silver till But ler picked him up and chunked ijiiri at the republican partv. Butler fore been offered. The tourist car fare, $8.00, to San Francisco and in-1 thought that was great politics. By termediate points, arid railroad fare it he was going to disintegrate the re the same as'any otheV line, ejecting a seving of $2500 to $30.00. For further information and reservation inquire of any Southern Railway Aent or A. J. Postori, General Agt., 511 Pennsylvania Avfenue, Washing ton, D. C. j . ,.;e- run and r. re hcrt bed of patriotism, noys 1 .;V l)y the .seor'-t to join Gomez Maceo, and some of the professors Ministers plenipotentiary from the Cu ! ::i repub;ic tothe Soath America gov 'nments, '-' as': Franklin and Laurens were from the devoted colonies to niheVJh 1777-7S. I t'vhi.k' the property; the cuUure, .and the'eburage of the isl arc 0:1. the side, of the rebellion. The insurrection is supported by .weal th''' .and directed . by'-intelligence and Mexico?' : . . "No Latin tribe is capable of self government. That requires the Con stant struggle against the forces of na ture, and, the press'uee of power such as the-Anglo-Northmen conducted for THE POFUMSr.S NOT I'MSnGEO. The Caucasian Speaks Out A;iin n tlie .siiaruiHl Ouestion. I ', ' ' The Caucasian pitches into the Senatorial question jthis week with eloves off. It tells tbe Democrats to keep their mouths I shut -th-it the Populisis want no. fHee advice and then proceeds to do pritchard up in It .says his sudden rrt-p'i t f v 1 f 1 ! . . I. " . C1V.IU .-i-l-- thousand agams tne lempcbis. 1 - , , . coiuiucte.c) with KeniiTp and courage. 'T think the rebels out ; fight and out maneuver tjie Spatnards, and will wear then.out. There is no chance of ..the rebels be,ing starved oat of the fJina del Rio district for ! the woods are full of cattle, hogs and sweet potatoes. They wiil always have plenty to eat. They are armed with Remington, Spen cers, Mousers, every variety of carbine and revolver and all of them first rate, but their calibres vary, Which is a ter rible disadvantage, i In war all cart ridges ought to , fit all guns of the same kind. They have since I left git some dynamite guns, cannons u ort-Pfl hvTnmnressed air 'and some guns for smokeless powder They ( is a quadroon of the North sea, and the encroacn-j merits of feuadal power a thousand, years'to; produce such a race ds this stlf-reliahth self-controlled, liberty lov ing, justice and right practicing Amer ican face. It is, the, flower of civiliza tion, and no Rontan race w i 1 1 .ever, e qual it. "Its area is about equal .to Pennsyl vania; its population ' 1,102,899 white 485,187 negroes ,' and 44,811 . ' Chinese 'Negroes."' include ail mixed blood, white means pure bjooded. You per; ceive, the population is about equal to thatof Virginia, and is similar ly nnxed:about two whites to one of all other races." . "With 'peace and order restored there, how long would it take for 2,000, 000 American merchanics to take pos session of the island?" "Such an immigration of skill ener gv and industry as would flow into Cu ba, the world has never seen. That San Domingo, h'om sib pebhean party, give Russell a '.Vshakin ague" and i';keer" him so bad that he would come down in favor of the popnlistcondidate for governor. So out went old Dockery "a shortirt', through the woods, dishing out ex ploded unveracities about Russell's buyiug " the republican convention and about his knifimg the republican j ticket in 18S8, and appealing tore- publicans to vote for Bryan and Guth rie and free silve. (I hear that' he voted for Watson and I 'Believe! it,) Every time. - be opened his head he rallied the. republicans to Rus-cll. He was about the cheapest help any body ever had. He could not have' done better for me if I had hid him on a 3' and he had honestly tried- to ver to the gold; real tpitdard was not a opinion f ' but backwards to be ruu over by the dem ocratic machine." Why was it that you did not re ply to Dockery attacks on you dur ing the campaign ? "Have I not already told you that ' I wanted to keep him going ? Besides it Consumed too much time in a speech to take up in detail his stupid falshoods. For example, he said that my brother Thomas B. Russell went to his house in iSSS to get him to support me for governor. In thjs there was not one 'word of, truth. It was well; knqwn that I would -not ac cept the nomination for governor' or anything else in iSSS, ; because I wanted to head off the democrats by refusing to run a state ticket in that year. The resuit showed that I was right. He said that I bolted the . , '. , ... .-j . . 1. . ..... -i ticket and caused his defeat for gov- ernor. The truth is that I supported the whole ticket. I quit my private business and lost several weeks in that campaign, paying my own ex penses, asI always have. Time was worth something to me. My person al earnings have not been confined to beating confiding friends by1 borrow- r ing their money and paying them in bankrupt notices or desperate com promises. I have not followed the profession of office seekingfor a liv ing. Indeed, I have, never, held an4 office that it did not involve pecuni ary loss. Yes,"" In 1888 I bowed to the decision of. the party because of my devotion to its piinciples. The say you changed your ground on the silver question alter the St.' Louis convention. - T do not claim absolute consisten cy on that. However, I said time and time again in the campaign that T did not aeree with the St. Louis dec .laration 111 favor ol the gold stand ard." . ; "n- It is thought by some and denied by others that the McKinlev admin istration will adopt strong measures to compell Europe to accept bimetal lism. What do you think ? The republican party declared for this in equivocal words. The money -kings of the world do not want silver as standard money, even on a parity with gold. They want a rising dollar so that their. securities, bonds, billsr notes and all other forms of, debts due to them shall appreciate inj value as time rolls on. The people of this country expect the republican pajty to redeem its pledges and show that it is in earnest on this question. If e protective policy prosperity, and the a l : tarn ' i ' r c j r liianagGir.eiit our return to th does not brine: property and lab try will go to gold unit continues to advance while br decline, this coun- the silver standard. But this may come without unlimited coinage at sixteen to one.' - i. had fc O N-i C L. - :rthcr accuses the monev issue nrui because the help rc elect Yvn :f h their cause. The -'Caucasian Pritchard ot-dodging during the catnpaig qnd.adds 'Iris noticeable that '.hemade very few speeches duringjtljie last can:paign, and that he could not be gotten to sneak where he! would lil 1 - s large Populist audieiice "We repudiate the. charge, that any Populist member of the Legislature is pledged to vote fbi a goluuug Sen ator If anyone is pledged - who got the pledge, then ? e challenge the man who holds' such1 pledges to give A German, Carl Refers.- has issued a-pamphlet with the view of sJiQwing that, our recent elections were influ- upan his party'., a' j enced largely by English subsidies. k t. tb-y were and .. Any one in the United States knows nroinhiS'd to J are ashanie-d of .and-;' - in solid fyh?g the 'that siich h the case without even' cam e 1 r es u 1 1 e d in f o r c i ibout because v 2 i::uk ;thvk .gold :-men worthless -.htilk republicans so that in all the state j seeing . his production. Our fight there was ?c ireely one vote! not even ; was to free ourselves- his own, ' which left us to folio Dockery. Butler thought he was ! loaded ! and he. fired, He '"busted his sun but didn't even sflu5h:' t the game'. . However, Butler's case is irom such do-. minion. . ' - The condition of afiairs in Cuba is ncaring a climax. Weyler, who be- ; gan his campaign several months ago and which has resulted in such Kicrnal He is young.yet. '.Be-;-failu has returned from the- field. rely have a i sic- his follies have not prung frcjm ! His; troops are sick and demoralid, treachery but from a laudable ourpoce i L'-r v , , . , luc escc1uK "vj r.ay bUCCesSIUliy to advance his own party. I believe -u .kv ' -. - : ,. J coping with the insurgents. . It is on- tnat those repuncans are m error 'i0 m, ,, f v ' 1 o " . : . F . - ly a matter of time when Spain must, who think that Butler is a general . not hopeless. 1 - the ol a single memoer - so &; i who v.ants to betray his arfnv bv.i - leading them back to, the enemy's Buckingham's Dye for the Whis- camp for capture, condejnation and execution I believe that he is in-. cere in saying, as he does sav. tlit lis would dispose of the. iNexican, niggci 1 nledcred itidtcw.ia . 1 i.T-i Mt.,,r n-onfc t r rrt nn 1 .Ninritl t iirrl:nn miict pn tut r- TJlo mnthpr was the 1 I1C VdUclDidli ;vtiii v.. . fcu4..v.x4. : - t .... . . . ers Is a popular preperalion in one . vttle. and colors an even brown or . ick. Any !. at home. rierscn can easily, apply