$ A YEAR CASH IN ADYAKE. " LET III THE EiiDS THOU AI 131 ' AT BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S AND TRUTHS." BEST ADYERTiSIKG MEDIUM. VOLUME XXVII. WILSON, N". G!., JAN. 21, 1897. NUMBER 3. DIRECTORY. DKPA151 UliK OF TRAIN LOCAL TRAIN?: N. Bound. PACIFiCAnO.V UAS BEGUN. S. Bound. a free and independent country. Between Florence find iWeldon, No. 7S: ( ' No. 23. 1:42 P. M. Leaves Vv nson 2:05 1 . ai. Between Wilmington and Norfolk: No iS No. 49- 1.2:48 P. M. Leaves Wilson, 2:12 P. M. 'Shoo" Fly' No. 40. 10:2 P- AL ' Wilmington to Rocky Mount: - No. 41. Leaves Wilson , 6:15 A. . M THROUGH TRAINS. Between Florence and Weldon: No. 32. No. 35- 12:22 A. M. Leaves Wilson, i inSP. M. corx rvof ficr. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS R. S." Clark, Chairman. John C. Hadlev, Shade Felton, Thus. Felton. . H. Nevvsom. W. J.Cherry, She 1 iff, T D. Bakdin, Clerk of Superior Cau J.H. (jRiFFiN, Keoisrer 01 weeub, Si H. Tyson, Treasurer, Wm. Harriss, Coroner, J T. REvel, Surveyor. rt. aldermen: J. D. Lee, J. A. Clark, U. II. Cozart, Geo. Hackney, ; J. T. Ellis. 1 st Ward. 2nd " 3rd " 4th ;. " 5th ' Uiisiuss Mn Report-! 10 be Prepaiing for.the licsniniiin of Couimfrc." tiomz is Keporteil Ileidy to Mk Piojes Terms . A special cable from Havana, re ceived in Washington January 15th, reports conditions rapidly improving on the fsiand. The dispatch say s: "In accordance with the 'resolutions passed by the" Havana Chamber of Commence on the 5th instant, during a session at which the representatives of the municipalties of Santiago de las Vegas, Marianao, Guanajay, Guira de Melena, and -Alquizir assisted, agricultural operations have been commenced in all these districts. "The improvement in the State of this part of the country is very marked. So short a time as four months ago the danger from insurg ent attacks would have precluded any attempt at sowing or preparing the cane fields and tobacco plantations. "Business men are of the belief that in a very short time tht work of pacification will extend to the whole western part of the inland. They are ! undoubtedly acting up to then beliefs as regards preparations for the . re suption of commerce. These facts seem to confirm the statement, pub licly made by the local authorities, that a short time would see the com pacification of the western part of the island. ' "The general impression here, as regards affairs in the eastern part of part of the island, is that Gomez is tired of war and anxious to come to terms." It is positively and authoritatively denied that the United States and Spain have practically concluded an agreement regarding terms to be of fered the insurgents for the settlement of the Cubm rebellion. . ; It can be stated, furthermore that until yesterday, when Senor De Lome made his usual Thursday diplomatic call on the Secretary of State, there has been no conference between Sec retary Olney and the Spanish Min ister since Thursday of last week, when the latter was among the list of diplomats who paid their respects to the Secretary and saw him regarding the public business. "The United States, as stated in the President's messagermade certain representations to Spain, and the present attitude of this government is that of, awaiting the response of Spain to the sugges tion that the interests of the United States and other considerations de- month and at Strickland's church nianueu mat iue war snouiu not ue every Fourth Sunday. Sunday School-, prolonged or indefinitely dragged at 5 o'clock, P. M. . . . lout." - . Baptist Church, service as follows:- It is denied also that a special Preaching Sunday morning at 11:00 ; m)oy of Spain hag heeri "is about "o'clock and S:3o.p. m. Rev. J. A.. Rood , , , TT . , tjo,- iw v i- ,v a ,u 'to be, sent to the United btates Pastor. Prayer meeting ednesday j ' , evening at S o'clock. Sunday School shortly as a private negotiator, with at 5 p. m., D. S. Boykin Supt. ' This is probably the fi Coxey at Work A ;:iln. st case , of its kindt where: insurgent have estab-1 1 r l" 1n ?-(. .St. Louis, Jan. 14. The common- lished their own post-offices and used Raleigh N C Jan 15 The i weas conference at the Lindell Hotel their in .tamps, whicii were trans-f PopuHsLcaucus at midnight nominal-! wa3 in -Sessi?n m 1 o'clock p. m. to mitted in the mails to the United ed Dr. Cvr Thnnf-;,1 5-3?. P-m. Yesterday! on the second ballot. Thompson, P. B. Deans, Mayor; Jno. R.JNJoore., Town Clerk; W. E. Deans, Collector. police: D. P. Christian, Chief. Ephriam Hakrell, Frank Felton, '.James Marshbourne CfiUKCUKS. St. Timothy's Episcopal church, Rev. F. C: Bayliss, Priest-in-charge. Services: Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday School at 3 p. m., Week daysWednesdays and Fridays at 4 p. m. Holy days at 10 a. m. Celebra tion of Holy. Communion on 1st Sun: day in each month at 11 a. m., other Sunda'ys at 7:45 a. m. Methodist Church, Rev. J. B. Hurley Pastor; services t 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 5 p. m., J. F. Bruton, Supt. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7J30. . Disciples Church Rev. D. W. Davis, Pastor; services on Second, Third and Fourth Sundays at 1.1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night. Sunday School at 3 o'clock, p. Im., Geo. Hackney, Supt. - Presbyterian Church, Rev. Jarries Thomas, Pastor; .services on the First, Second and Third. Sunday in every States . uie xusC-om.e epartment it . Dockery, Mott, Hileman and Guth was' stated that these stamps were rie, were voted for on the first ballot." good, so far as the United States was 0a the second ballot all except the concerned, as our postal laws require ' nrst two were withdrawn.' Thomp only that the stamps j be properly son and Dockery receiving 21 and 9 votes respectively. Sehator Park er, 01 Randolph, one of the bolters, returned to the caucus last night. It is understood that he will vote for the nominee. It "is not believed that Hardison. who went into the caucus with Parker, will desert Pritchard. The situation virtually remains lin changed. Fourteen Populist votes,; in addition to the Republican vote, will nominate Pritchard. It is claim ed that at least'eighteen will stand by him' to the Ias. At this hour there appears to be no reason for chang ing the prediction that Pritchard will be his .own successor." ended. The session when its labors was largely oc- cancelied.. and that the envelopes con taining the mail matter pear the post mark of a regular post-office.. These regulations haye been complied with, so far as the depariirien knows. "Had they not been admissible, the letters bearing these stamps would have 1 been marhed with the letter T, at the receiving office, in this country, mean ing "tax collect.'' ' ' ': The department; knows nothing about the post-office stamped on the envelope, except that fit is inSpan- ish territory, and Spain is in the In ternational Postal Upion. These stamps might give ristj to a delicate diplomatic question, in which the Post-office Department j would take no part, but refer the matter to the Department of State for settlement. Great I?rit lin's Frozei Meat Primitive Baptist Church, preaching on 2nd Sunday b Elder Jas. Bass; on 3rd Sunday by Elder Jas S. Woodard; on the 4th Sunday and Saturday, before by the pastor, Elder P." D. Gold. Ser-vicesbeginatiia.m. i.omiKs. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. U7( A. F. & A. M. are held in their hall,! corner of Nasi and Golds boro streets on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights at 7:30 o'clock p, m. each month. . , J. D. Bullock, W. M. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Chapter No. 27 are held in the Masonic Halt every 2nd Monday night at 7:30 o'clock: p. m. each month. Lat Williams, H. P. Regular meetings of Mt. Lebanon Commandery No. 7 - are held in the Masonic hall every 4th. Monday night at 7:3 o'clock each month. W.H.Applewhite, E. C. . Regular meetings of Wilson Lodge, K. of H. No. 1694 are held in their hall over the 1st National Bank every st Thursday evening at 3:30 o'clock, p. mv B. F. Briggs, Director. special instructions from Senor Cano vas, the Duke of Tetuan. It is said that this lattcr report probably arises from, the fact that Senor Solar arrived in Washington a few days ago, as noted hi The Post, to succeed one of the Secretaries ol the legation. Senor Solar was formerly the secretary to the Duke of 1 Tetaun, and when his coming was first announced a report similar to the present ' one was cir culated and officially denied. ' The Philadelphia Record men tions as one of the nlarvels of our State, the fact that forfy millions ot people in Great Britain are able to obtain almost a third of j their supply of fresh meat from the far-distant countries of Australia, Iew Zealand, and the Americas. - Science may 1 - point to this fact as one -of the great est of her nineteenth ceniury achieve ments. It has come frqm the brains of many great inventors. The an plications of steam power to ocean navigation and the steady evolution of the marine engine could not have made possible the transportation of r.i- 1 r 1 ... c i .1 1 iresn oeti anu muuon icjr tnousanas of miles without a corresponaing pro gress in the application science. j . From the statistics o traffic, which we find in it appears that when it bean, in 18S0, it made a small beginning.' In that year 400 carcasses of drizen mutton were shipped from Australia. Dur ing 1896 there were 5,717,937 car casses imported jntb G:eat Britain from Australia, .New Zealand, River Plate, the Falkland Islands, and Pat- Two N'stvinr Cniiptieil .. of chemical this great ,It is not a matter of immediate im portnace, but it is interesting' to know the estimate put on the relative strength of the Spanish and Ameri- J can navies by a competent authority. The Saturday Review of London, is generally recognized as unusually well informed and careful on such points. In its latest issue it states, that "in mere number of counts fifty eight, as against Americai's forty-two. but the superiority is wholly ficti tion." It sums up the American force of battleships and cruisers as thirty': to fourteen for Spain, the former . all "built since 1885," the latter antiquated." And it con cludes: "If the worst came, there is a chance that the Spaniards might penetrate the long naval line of de fence along the American shore, and wofk seme damage before they were overtaken. But that they would very soon come to a disastrous end in this adventure is -no more to be doubted cu pied, in discussing an address to the public. This document of about Soo words was issued over the sig nature1 of Jacob S. Coxey as chair- iiiiiti ui iijl i u r ri 1 r 1 jjr. ir- j forms -advyoated are the imperative mandate to legislators for non-inter est-bearing bonds, direct legisjation, good roads, an'cT triuomomic ballots. The populist leadeis of the last cam- 4 paign are arraigned as corrupt and incapable. Art organization; commit tee was chosen, of which Coxey. is chairman and Carle Browne secretary. All . reform ' organizations are in vited to send delegates to the national convention lobe held at Nashville, Tenn , on July 4, next. No name was decided upon for the new party, that being left to the Nashville con vention. One of the resolutions calls upon all unemployed men to meet in their respective towns on- Washing ton's birthday and organize for. week ly parades thereafter; The confer- ence aajourneu at 7 p. m, to meet m Mtmphis, Tenn., on February 22, with the Reform Press Association. . World's Tobacco Prod nclion. agonia. ' . . . the Record, '.than that they would from the out set be hopelessly overmatched in Cuban waters." Another point of really still greater significance is the unquestioned' superiority cf the mor ale of the Americans. It is not boast ing to assert that nd American army of 200,000 would have wasted two years in futile skirmishing as the The importations of frozen Spaniards have in Cuba, and there is bring 1896 amount- j no reason to suppose that the Span- ; ihuridredweights. of r ish navy has ' any more fight in it than the Spanish army; New York Times. " arid chilled beef d ed to 2,679.000 which 2,075,000 - hundredweights were burnished by the United States. The traffic employs "I123 steamships, with a carrying capacity of 4.530,000 ! carcasses each voyage between Great Britain and ports in Australia, New Zealand, and South America AVants a Half-Silver Monument. Cuban Stamps in tbe Mails. Washington Jan. 14. The ' ap pearance of the stamps of. the so called Cuban Republic in the United States mails has caused much com ment here and was the source of some discussion at the Post-office Department to-day, as to whether such stamps could be recognized as proper tor the transmission cf mails into the United States, as this gov ernment has not recognized Cuba as Cynthina, Ky., Jan. 13. -Major-Jacob Costhwaite died at his home in ConnersVille to-day. An ardent free silver democrat in . life. Major There wa? a real ndbleman in Crosthwaite left a will in which he de- Raleigh last week His Iname was sired that the base of his monument Count Neculia Cmcu. j He is a Rou- ' should be silver on which should be .manian and was sent here by" his this inscription "Free silver at theti government to study pur agricultural j ratio of . 16 to 1." The will prob methods and examine and purchase ! ably be contested by the relatives of such farm machinery as he thought: Crosthwaite on the ground ofiri- could be successfully used in his sanity. there for country. He remained for several hours visiting cultural Department, the Experiment Station and the Agricultural and Me chanical College. He (expressed himself as delighted at what he saw. From there he, went i to Savannah, Ga. He holds a general letter of in troduction from Dr. Dabney, the As sistant Secretary of Agriculture.- Ex. . " The follv of nreiudice is freouentlv the;Agri-! shown by people who prefer to suffer for years rather than try an advertised remedy. The millions who have no such notions, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla for bfood-diseases, and are cured. So much for common sense. - Through the kindness of Messrs. Ed, C- Geyer & Co., ot this pity the Sun is in receiot of the world's to bacco statistics compiled br Herr Darmstaeuer, of Halle, Germany, ancl published in the Berlin Nacrichten of December 1st, last. According to (he calculation of the noted economist, the average production of last year's croDS amounts to kilo- grams, or about 530,006 hogsheads of 1,000 pounds each, for the United . States as leading producer. Next comes British India, 'L with . Eurbpe, Russia heads, with 154,000; -11 J t A . ft.' -"iU lonoweu oy. vusiro-nungaiy, wnn. about 143, coo hogsheads. 1 Ilerr lJarmstaedter s estimate for China, (1 10,000) is probably tOQ low. Germany, with 77,000, ranks sjxth Qtnrnrr tVif rriintrip nf thf Irbf anrl third . anions those of the Euronean- continent, Cuba, Dutch . India land ' Turkey in Europe represent:: each e 66,000, Brazil 60,000, Japan -; 49,00a. France 44,00, the Phillippihef! Inlands 44,coo. : Persia 40,000, Turlcey Jn Asia 33,000, Cape Colony 22,000-, Bosnia and Hersgovinia 20,000,; Co lumbia 12,000 Belgium 16,000, Al giers and San Domingo 9.000 each. Argentina, Paraguay, 'Mexico, Puerto Rica, Australia, Holland, Greece, 6,000 hogsheads each. The remain ing European and Asiatic1 districts produce less individually; . The average World's total is about 2,000, 000 hogsheads. -The Baltimore Sun. if. : The fie liails Signature of i i Atlanta, Ga., Tan. 12. A special from Rome to the Constitution- says that Simon, Borg & Co,' ot New York, to-day bought the Chattanooga, Rome & Carrollton Railroad at fore closure. The property is to be - re- North Carolina is a game State. Our Richmond and other, tobacco -folks find fine fields of sport within her borders birds bountifully.. Greens boro shipped 5,000 pounds of rabbits in one; day North. Mr. . E. J. Whitaker and Ed. Abernathy killed respectively twelve and nine par tridges at one shot each. The North Carolina Atlantic is game and fish ground .world renowned. Her minerals, agriculture, tobacco farm ing, forestry, mines, make the Old North State rich and famous. Ex. The desire for lame is sometimes dangerous. It caused a i Michigan' man to write his name on the Wash- organized by the purchusing bond-1 ington monument four times the vnppez. holders. This line, is 550 miles long. other day. and it coit him $20.

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