I -j - " I THE WILSON ADVANCE: FEBRUARY IS, 1897. A V IX A l EIfiii, so many H ijiiiii. in Hit l.ets'aMiro iiu Oui Jiif Isu. Kxrinc! From JtHili-s, MONDAY. : HOUSE. Bills introduced as follows : .To require owners of personal property to list tjie full value ; to allow Duplin Deeds of this State ; to regulate the Count v to levy a special tax ; to 'de- practice of medicine in the State to clare bicycles to be baggage-; to make incorporate the Grand Lodge' Knights ! . :t a misdemeanor to give ur stll in- " IJylhias of the Domain of Noith ! toxicating liquors to any 'habitual Carolina. ' drunkard; to allow ; fender County Mr. Clarkson arose, to a question 10 use her bridge fund fur general c f persbnal privilege in .regard to the purposes ; to allow a county to adopt statement made by the enrolling clerk as its own an agricultural society to the newspaper correspondents. It farmed in another county. was moved and adopted that a com- - Bills passed were as follows : To niittee of three be appointed to inves- allow Richmond County to levy a gate. the charges made by Swinson, tosue bonds for water s pplies ; HU claimed th:.t the kill io. regulate the sale of animal frod. ; cattle will endanger, ibe lives of the ! to appoint a cotton weigher r the jravtli.ig public. The territory com- j town ot L ujrinbure ; to improve the prised in the stock ' Litv ls hlocn nrr I iMiki;,, 1 . i- t .i ..... . - i -' . i . . puu.iv. uuuij , i ,ortn Carolina ; to and the owners of 1S.600 do not want ! prevent the-, hirino of convicts in com- the law repealed. B petition with tree labor ; to regulate ( vote, of iS to i6. ft-j -if tl- t-u-rj , j t- . .-' .. v, .u, jucima.ahu tveglSterS Ot rnrnAV 3 11 passed by a j i special tax ; to amend the stock law in Wayne. NIGHT SESSION. The Senate bill to establish a uni t yrm standard ot time lor the State a(opted. the enrolling clerk. Resolution asking the Treasurer to furnish information as to whether the penLentiary is self supporting was - The calender was taken up. The bill which was introduced in regard to the procuring and and distribution of dead bodies for the promotion of medical science was taken up. On motion of Mr. Smathers the whole matter went over' tiH next day. : -WEDNESDAY - was for its second ' time tabled. A resolution was introduced to abolish the office of enrolling clerk and put out A. L. Swinson and caused a hot debate. After much hot talk among the Reps and Pops a vote was called with the following result. Yeasty. Nays 31- The resolution passed all readings, j house. The bill in regard to non residents j Bills introduced in the House were: ot the State fishing in any waters of. To provide for damage suit against a the StettAvith seins, nets &c , without resident of another State who has paying a license of $2,500. was ' property in this State, so that it can fussed. A bill was int&oduced pre be attached where there alp nnli'nui. bar- j dated damages; in regard to agricultu ral liens; prohibiting fishing with gill senate. . f nets in Albemarle Sound; to exempt The Senate met at 4 o'clock. Bills Dr. D. W. Gresham of Duplin, from .were introduced as follows : Con- physicians' license tax ; to provide cerning the A. Sc M. College at Ral- ,1"or working public roads by taxation, eigh. The, Populists and Republic- "Hauser's bill, to restore to the State ans want to take it out of present " tne nianagement of theA. N. C. R. R. h inds and transfer it to them ; to reg- ; lt)ein& tne special order was taken up uiat'e "the transportation of bicycles. After a long discussion the bill Bills passed to aiiow Montgomery psssed all readings by a. vote of 75 to (.OimtV-an nddirirn;il Ip.'.n of rnnrt 2 to prevent public drun-kenness apply ing' only to Buncome, Transylvania and Henderson Counties ; to require venting minor from entei ing rooms and billiard rooms. SENATE. outstanding debts; to incorporate the ulna iuuuuulcu 111 iuc oenaie were w inston-b4lem as follows : To amend the charter of , Southport ; to compel emolovers to illegal faxes collected in ! pay employes weekly when hired with that wnderstanding j to revise and improve the1 public school sys terii of the State ; to regulate the sale . of. fertilizers ; to protect creditors and the commissioners of Craven Conntv I to refund NIGHT SESSION. : Bill for the reduction of railroads, steamboats and express comvanv rates doing btiisness in the State was j innocent persons where property is taken up. The' matter was referred lo the Committee on Corporations. Bill relating to chattel mortgages providing lor the sale after two days . notice passed all readings ; bill to pro hibit sale of spirituous liquors within 200 feet of any church ill the State was tabled. Law prohibiting disa bled Confederate soldiers who own , $100 worth of property from receiv ing pensions amended so that they may receive pensions. , TUESDAY. HOUSE. . ' The House met at 10 a. m. The ; following bills were introduced : To provide that authority to collect ar rears of taxes shall cease two years and three months after. March 2, 1S95; to amend chapter 16, sec. 701, of the code ; to appropriate $2,oco annually to the colored normal school at Eliza beth City; to 'extend the corporate limits of Maxton ; to revised he char ter cf iMorven ; to amend the law re gardiug the analyses of Utilizers. Bills passed were : To proHide for graded schools at JNIonroe; to allow Madison to levy a tax to buikl a bridge. The bill to make it indict able to interrupt a public speaker came up and caused a lively debate, After an attempt at amendment it passed third reading. Bills 'were . passed ; to allow ex-sheriff Griffith to collect arrears ot taxes'in Davidson; to forbid hunting ori lands of another. in Yadkin County without leave ; to incorporate the. Peoples Relief and Benevolent Association (colored) at Charlotte. .. . senate. .. ' The Senate net at 12 o'clock. Bills and resolutions were adopted as follows : Bill to authorize Charlotte mortgaged in other States ; to enlarge the power cf the Railroad Commis sioner. A petition was read from the Teachers Association asking for a reformatory, for youthful criminals. O. D. K. Coles, of Statesville has been appointed Adjutant General. The committee appointed to investi gate the statement made by Enrolling Clerk Swinson reported that from the evidence given he was found to be grosly extravagant in the manage ment of the office. t3;i 1 u 11 . THURSDAY.; ' HOUSE. 1 1 . t n s were mirouuceu ; 10 anow HOUSE: Bills and resolutio;ns were intro duced : To allow no member to vote rinlil the title of his sert is decided ; to ex tend the stock law. fence in Richmond County; in regaid lo marjiage cf women under 1 j ears.of age ; to re duce the tonjiageon jfertilizers to 20 cents per ton. Bill pissed to protect fish in Neuse Riuer. j AFTERNOON SESSION. The following bills Were passed : To make it unlawful to remove minerals from the land cf another without permission of the owners ; to amend the charter of the Atlotic and Danvilie Railroad ; to' repeal the char ter of the Goldsboro. and Moreheacl R. R. Co. ; to allow Duplin to levy, a special tax. - j ! Bills that were tabled , were ones to require the vaccination of all children over two" years of age ; to releive from taxation people who ost property by recent fire ; to prohibi t free passes or franks by public officers. - Bills were also passed to repeal the charter of Ruffirt, Rockingham Coun ty; to provid ; for a new board of man agers for the colored normal school at Elizabeth City. . , The bill to provide for the election of a county physician by the county commissioners annualiy,: they to fix his compensation, caused a lively de-. bate. ' After much wrangling the bill' was passed by a vote of 48 to 17. ' : . " : 1 . . SENATE. : The Senate met- at 1 ii o'clock, the calendar was taken up arid the follow ing bills passed : To; authorize Rich mond Countv to issue bonds to pay LjI I ft T X. "N. I 111 111 J Mi I I I I 1 for Infants and Children. "CastoriaissowenadaptedtochiMrenthat Castori cures Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescriptioa Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eructation, known to me' ILAncnZl. D , Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- 111 So. Oxford St.- Brooklyn, N. Y. gestion, "Without uijurious medication. "Tho vise of astoria la so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not, keep Castoria withia easy reach.'" Cakujs Mastys, D. D., . New York City. "For several ye-ars I have recommended 'Castoria and shall always continue to do so, cs it has invariably produced beneficial results." 1 Edwix F. Pardee, M. Dm ia-th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. The CEXTArs Company, 77 Mceray SjrREET, New York Crrr. 3 County Commissioners and Magis trates in joint session to adopt a ma jority vote on alternate methods ol working public roads; to extend the time for organization of Bank ol Lum berton ; to repeal section 35, laws of '95 incorporate the Newbern Mutual Fire Insurance Company.; The bill appropriating $5,000 to North Caro lina on J;Vheels was ordered printed. Bill to take awav the State fire' relief lund was made the special order for Tuesday. Bill passed to iicorporate Boyette, Wilson County. v SENATE. Btlls were introduced in the Senate, to amend Seotion 2,056 of the Code, j relative to ownerships of land ; relat-1 ing to personal property which makes it a misdemeanor - to go to a store to get goods to look at and fail to re turn them or pay for them : to amend section 2 chapter 355 laws of 'S7 re-i Litive to oenal institutions : to oav I RfiL judges of election. in iNorth Carolina. Billj relating to stock law in in certain parts of Cumberland County was op posed because it is said will be a hardship on the A. C. L. It is Southbound Rail road. 1 ' The bill to prohibit tile use of free pAsses" by public fficers was taken up. It was moved that the. matter be made a special order for Febi uary 37th. Roll call w;as jordtred and carried. Ayes 21 ; noes 19 The bill providing for a general supervision of railroadsj, stcainboat , express, telegraph,! and .telephone companies doing business in the State, providing for a reduction in passen ger and freight rates, pissenger rates as amended to be 2A. cents for first class and 2 cents for sedond class per mile, was made a special order for February 16. The bill to take the department of agriculture and the r . S college c f agriculture and mechanic arts out of the hands of the present trustees and officers anci constitute a new board of sixteen commissioners came up The bill i was1 opposed but after much 'back talk' i was passed. SATURDAY. . HOUSE, j Bills were introduced a$ tol'ous : To allow Alleghany to levy a spec ial fax ; to protect fish in Trent river ; to regulate hunting aid fishing in Curituck ; to tax cigardttes 15 cents per package; to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors i 1 Hyde coun ty ; to protect deer and turkey in Pender county ; to deliare ordained ministers and justices public cfficers ; tov amend the of I.umberton. Bills passed allowing Washington County to levy a special tax to build 1 of the peace charter Continued dn 6th' page. TR'p ivlinnsnp"? rlvsnensia. headache, const nation, soiir stomacii.-iM.icetion are promptly i -;red by IIood"s Pills. Tlley do their work pi i ' n 9. easily and thoroughly! Best after dinner piUsl op; pitit All r1riiorri;tSL Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. The onlv PiiJ to take with liood'3 Sarsaparilt', Pi 81s John Hutchinson & Co., the Real Estate Agents, will fill this space next week. GEO. D. GREEN, Pres't. GEO -."D LAT. WILLIAMS. ' ,THE " SAM'L HODGES, Sec'y, & Trea tH H v H ARDWARE 1L17JL1 (INCORPORATED JAN. 3, 1S96.) Successors to GEO. D. GREEN & (E0 W5LS0N, N. C. c 1 ne oeo. u. Ureen Hardware Comnanv" was inirnorntprl TnniJo,. iS95, and as successor .to the late firm, of Geo. li.-Green'& Go., will rnnHnrt general hardware business in the town ofWiison, N. C. at the stand formerly' occupied by said firml .Will deal. in - - . t .. . - Hardware, A oricul tu ra 1 Imhl em on r c; RnJIflorc' ATntorioi. utlery, Lime Paints'Oil, Plumbirg Materials and House Furnishing Goods. . Mr. Geo. D. Green, senior. member, as President, and Mr. Lat. Williams, the junior member of the late firm, will continue to give their personal atten tion to the business. Mr. Samuel Hodges, Sec';. and Treasurer, will join them in the conduct and management of the business of the c orporation. Very Respectfully, 6 23-6m. Geo. D. Green Hardware Company. H. C. COKNOR, President. B J. C. HALES, Cashier. '1 (y iJt dt iai , "77"i3ijS02sr zsr. c. v. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS IN ITS' FULLEST SCOPE. SOLICITS THE BUSINESS OF THE" PUBLIC GENERALLY 25-27-tt . . . A I - 1-n.xiirri. As bright as Silver. As pure as Gold. ; As cheap as Brass. While North buying- Silverware Ave selected a full line of orna ments in . . .... . ALUMINUM . Pinsuckles 5 Picture Frames, Match Safes And a hundred other articles, lute ouarantee not to tarnish. Every article sold under abso Also a full line ol 3 . G. Plate Glass Front. tiJl I W LI CClt