4 -" i V. -!C. ? II. ! ( r-3 ..; m .! I- 5 iH ' I .it 1 i 8 THE WILSON ADVANCE: MARCH IS, 1S97, 1897 MARCH. 1897 ;; . Su. Co. Tu.jl?o.;Th.l Fr. Cs. Ill j . ' T2 IF 4 j5 G lip I ; TT Tfio 11 12 Is fill ' 1415 1 17 18 19 20 ' . - .: ! " 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 v rib 28 29 30 1 31 ' . -t. " : J : ; VICTORY FOR DAIRYMEN. , v. iii it i 1 i MOON'S PHASES. New Moon First -i t Quarter 1 i o 6:56 O P.m. a. id. Full Moon Third Quarter- 18 25 4:3 P- IT . 7:0 Q a, ixu A POSITION -FOR-EVANS. The Tennessee Republican to bo' Commissioner of Pensions. ' HEATH TOE' GARY'S' LIEUTENANT.- The Brilliant Young Journalist Will be First Assistant Postmaster General. The Four ITuropean Ambassadors I'rob ably Selected l'aliner for Public Printer "Washington, March 12. II. Clay Evans, of Tennessee, has been tender ed the office of commissioner, of pen sions, and in all probability will ac cept the appointment, which Is one of the most important in the department service at Washington: outside of the cabinet, offices. . .. Henry Clay Evans represented the Chattanooga' district in congress for several j-'ears, and. in the Harrison ad ministration " Was first assistant post master general. Later he ran for gov ernor of Tennessee on the Republican Interstate Commissioners Declare Rail road Charse Ui just and JSxceSsive. I Washington, March 15. The inter ' state commerce commission has an- nounced its decision in the case of the Milk Producers' Protective association I against he Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company, the Erie ! Railroad company and other lines ear j rying milk for the New York market, i The complaint alleges that the carriers' ' practice of charging uniform rates of 32 cents on milk and 50 cents-on cream per can of 40 quarts from all shipping stations on their respective lines, wit fl out, regard to distance, was unlawful. The commission decides that the' uni form rates complained of are unreason able, unjust and unduly prejudicial to producers nearer the points of delivery for the New York market, and that for this traffic, there should be at least four divisions of stations, namely: The first group should extend 40 miles out from the terminal; the second group should embrace" srations Within the next 60 miles; the' third group should include ! points within the next 0 miles, and the fourth group should cover stations be ! yond SO -miles from the terminal, i The rates' on 'can milk should jnct.ex ! coed 23 cents for the first, or 40 mile ; group, 26,. cents for the second, or CO I mile group, 23 cents for the third, or 90 ! mile group, and the rate cf 32 cents ia held not io be unreasonable from sta ! tions in the fourth group-. A rate which is 18 cents greater per can on cream than on milk, the present difference, is held to be not unreasonable. The order to be entered is limited to interstate traffic. No order is made - as against the New York, New Haven and Hart ford Railroad company, tl;e rates o:i -.. which road are now much lower than those determined lawful fcr the other carriers.- ! r -fir .. - fl 1 Got Drunk on ClvlinI"s Wine. Trenton, March . 13. Fivs Trenton employes of the -Pennsylvania Railroad company have been discharged for getting drunk on vine belonging to e:c I'residnt Cleveland. The wine was shipped from Washington to Princeton, the ex-pre-ide:it's hevv lib me! The car, it was clair.-cd., had been broken into and : the wine, stolen. The men deny that it was stolen, and said that one cf the cases was broken and that the wine was given to them by an employe of the exprvs. company,; Whether the wine; was stolen or not-' the men got drunk on it. and the company decided to dispense with their services. .The officials refuse to give the names of the offenders-. , n CLAY EVAXS. . - ' ticket. -The result was in doubt for many weeks, and it was not until after a warm fight before a board appointed to review the election that it finally was announced officially that Governor- Turney, his Democratic opponent, had been re-elected. Mr." Evans is a i manufacturer, and has a large rail- j road supply repairing establishment in Chattanooga. -j One of the assistant secretaryships has been tendered and accepted, and ; the luckv man is Colonel Perry S. J Heath, of Indiana, 'who will be first', -assistant postmaster general. . Mr. I Heath is . well known as a newspaper:, correspondent and later as. proprietor. 'of the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. ' During the campaign he had charge "of- the Republican literary bureau at Chi cago. Our foreign ambassadors will probably be John Hay of Ohio, Great Britain; Horace Porter of New York, France; Mvird-r Ouiclily .Ufu;",'l. Hopkinsvine, Ky., March If,. Police man Henry Tayne was shot and killed Saturday night by Walter Merritt, a gambler, who was in turn killed by Po licemen Moorman arid Cravens. Mer ritt was drinking, and had been dis orderly all evening, and Tayne went toim and told him that if he did not go home 'quietly he would arrest him. Without Warning Merritt jumped back from Taynev and shot him in the left eye. The ofiicer. expired instantly. Merritt turned and fired two shots at the other two, officers, both of whom shot him, one ball striking him in the face and one instantly. in the heart. lie died MWTIl CiGRESS Ctoi Fear andYa&Yallej Bj, M tlanticcoast Meets in Special Session to Enac a Tariff Measure. I Inn:; Gill. Receiver. CONDENSED SCHEDULE In effect ecu. i , REED AGAIN : ELECTED SPEAKEE. All of the Old Republican Ilouse Officials Re-elected Dingley Bill Will Probably Keach the Debating Ioint This Week and Reach tlie Senate in a Fortnight. Washington, March 15. The Fifty fifth congress met. in extraordinary session at noon today in pursuance of President McKinley'sf proclamation. The Work before, it thje passage of a tariff bin is pretty yell cut out in advance, but the indications are that it will be a stormy session, and its length and scope are as yet mere mat ters of speculation: ' ' The first business .in order in the house .after the formal opening was the election of officers of the Fifty-fifth congress, and,; in accordance with the action of the Republican, caucus on Saturday night, all the old officers were re-elected, as follows: Thomas B. Reed, speaker; Rev. Henry M. Gouden, chap lain; Alexander McDowell, clerk; Ben jamin F. Russell, ergeant-at-arms; W. J. Glenn, doorkeeper; Joseph C. Me-. Elroy, postmaster. The complimentary vote of the Democrats was cast for John W. Bailey, of Texas. So far as the house is concerned, the present determination of the leaders is to direct the energies of the lower branch :to the accomplishment of the task before it with all expedition, and throw the responsibility for any com plications Which may' arise out of de lays in the senate ; upon that body. This Was made manifest by Speaker Reed's speech at the Republican cau cus, when he'rpolie of the.. necessity of bringing the work of the session to a speedy close. Yhether the leaders will . emphasize any inaction by the NORTH BOUND. No 2 DAILY. Leave tVilmingto'n . . . . . ... . . Arrive Fayette ville. , . . ... . . . Leave FayeltejiHe- ict ve Fayettex ille Junction Leave Sanfjord . Leave. Clihfax .-..'. Arrive Greensboro.... Leave Greensboro. . .-. . . . Leave Stokesdale. . ........ Arrive Walnut Cove.;. .. .... Leave -Walnut 'Cove., . . ... .".' Leave Rural Hall . . . -. Arrive Mt. Airy..' .7.50 a m. . 11.00 , 11. 2 1 . 1 fi 27 . 100 p ni. 2.55 325 4-23 - 4-55 . 5.26 5 26 .6.50 i i Wilmington and W 1 1 . .. v , and Branch k's and j,,iVA:U : : RailRoad! LUkE TRAIN GOING Sorilr DATETI Feb. 7th. A .M.i-. M. Lv We Id on 11 ' y Ar Uoekv Mount, line ; 10 4 SOUTH BOUND. No I DAILY. b 40 a m 10.04 " 10,32 'V 1 1.07 ' XT 4 Leave.Mt; Airy . . . 1 . . . .... . Leave Rural Hall Leave Walnut Cove. ,: .. .-'. Lea'e Stokesdale . .... - -. Aative Greensboro. . . , Leave Greensboro. . . . . ... . '. 1215 p m Leave Climax .:. 12.43 Leave Sanford. .......... . . 2.55 Arrive Fayetteville Jumqtjon . . 4. 1 2 Arrive Fayetteville. . - . . . 4.18 Leave Fayetteville. ... .. . . . . . 4.35 Arrive Wilmington. . . . ... . . . 7. 45 Lv Taiboro... Lv Rocky Mount. 1 Lv Vison... Ly Selma ... . Lv Payetteville. Ar i ioienee Lfv Goidsboro... Lv Mairno'lia.. . . .Ar Wilmington. ! 1-12! ...... -'2 10:;, 2r. ii 1 , i 2 0 ..... . 4 1! 1 tu i y o : TRAINS G()IN(i Nil i NORTH BOUND. No 4 DAILY Knocked Senseless and Robbed. Williamsport, Pa,, March 15. Mrs. Henry Pope, of Wharton, Potter coun ty, the wife of a rich lumberman, drew $900 from, the bank at Galeton and then rdeparted on a train for Wellsboro. At Ansonia, ' while vaiting for the arrival of the -Fall Brook train connection, Mrs. Pope walked to the village hotel, one fcurth of a mile from the station. The road passes" through the woods at this point. A half h ur later she was found unccnscicus in the road. When restored she stated that, a man had struck her on the head was gene. v. ilh a. clufv Her .money Engine Pinned Down Sixty Faet. Rome, G a., March 15. A frightful passenger train wreck occurred here early in the morning on the ap proach to the high bridge on the South ern! railway over the Etowah' river. The engine plunged down a bluff 60 feet high into the river, with the engi neer sticking, to his post. The wreck caught fire an seven cars were burn id. -Strange to say, nobody was killed outright, though seven were injured, and Engineer James T. Pittman and Fireman Alfred Kennedy will probably die. .-. .. . PERKY S. HEATH. ex-Governor Merriam of Minnesota, Germany;, General William F. Draper of Massachusetts, Italy. General Pow ell Clayton is fixed for minister to Mexico, and his nomination will prob ably be made soon. It is also announced that Frank W. Palmer, of Illbriols, has been decided upon for public printer. TJiere is strong reason to believe that John A. Logan, Jr., whose name has been prominently mentioned in connec tion with the mission to Austria-Hungary, will not rece-ive that appoint ment.. It is understood' also that con siderable doubt has arisen within the last few days as to the appointment' of Bellamy Storer as assistant secre tary of state. The Transvaal Steadily Arming:. London, March 15. The Daily Mail's Cape Town correspondent states that Germany recently landed numerous large shipments of munitions of ' war at Walfisch Bay, a circumstance wliich 5 excites suspicion. The Transvaal is "also arming steadily', the shipments of ammunition, guns and military sup plies from France alone amounting to. tCO tons monthly. All are being lodged s.t important points. . Death of the l.arireHf Landowner. Keithsburg, Tils., March 13. William Drury, the millionaire land owner, died Saturday at his' magnificent heme, Verdurett, north of this city. Pie was the largest individual landowner in the United States, having hundreds of thousands of acres in Colorado, Ne braska, Kansas and Texas, besides 6,000 acres of rich farming- land in this county. He. was 87 years old,, and a native of Ohio. His investments were in farm land stock, alone, and he added every year to his vast possession. " Gordy Arrested on si .Murder. C1rg. Georgetown, Del., March 15. James M. Gordy is under arrest here charged with killing the' -woman whose dead body was found in Broadklln creek last week. It is believed that he had recently married the woman, and murdered ' her to get possession of her money.- She was Mrs. Mary Le. vis, a widow, cf New York, The prisoner, who is about 30 years old, has followed farming- Cor a living, and is supposed to - be worth considerable money. He is an ignorant man, however. Not Encouraging:. George I wonder if your father would have me for a son-in-law? Marie Very likely. . Papa ami I al ways disagree. New York-Journal. ICH RED BLOOD is thefoun dation of good health. That is why Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Blood Purifier, gives HEALTH. wS&MmM Leave Bennettsville. Anive Maxtoa. . . . . Leave Maxton ...... Leave He'd Springs . Leave Hope Mills. . . Arrive Fayetteville. . S-20 a m 9 25 " 9-33 44 I0.02' " 10.47 '4 11.0S ' , SOUTH BOUND. No 3 D.,I LY : . Leave Fayetteville. . Leave Hope Mills... . Leave Red Springs. Arrive Max ten Leave Maxton Arrive Bennettsville. . 4.2S p ni 449 " 536 " . 609 44 . : 617 " . 720 " . NORTH BOUND. : No 16 mixed daily except Sunday,. -v Xr.LK0NT IHN'GLEY. JR. . senate when the lull reaches that body by a program of three day recesses re mains to be seen but it seems likely that the sp(jak'er vill, at least for the present, refrain from appointing any but the actual committees necessary for the transaction' of the business in' hand. l' . Vhe new tariff bill, upon which Re publican members of the. ways and means committee have been working laboiiously for three months, Was for mally introduced! today. It will be printed and' submitted to the Demo cratic minority, kind receive formal consideration by the full committee. It is ' not expected that this will require more than three or four days at most, although the Democrats ; will probably protest vigorously 1 against such expe dition. At any rate, the - house leaders hope to enter upon the. consideration of the bill in the house before the end of the week. : Some of them have fixed Thursday as the day on which the de bate would probably commence. Al though the limits I Of the debate have not yet been decided upon, the prevail ing opinion is that it will not last over ten days. Niglit sessions will, of course, be held throughout the period allowed for debate. Unless some unexpected hitch occurs -the new tariff bill may be sent to the - senate a week from next Saturday, or a fortnight after the ses .sion opens. j ; Vice President Hobart rapped the senate to order at noon. The week does not now promise to be a busy one in the senate, except in the event that the arbitration treaty (between this coun try and Great Britain is considered. Senator Davis, chairman of the com mittee on foreign relations, said today that he would force the cuestion of ratification to as speedy a determina tion as it would be possible. The treaty will be considered in executive session. There will be considerable opposition to itA even in its airjended form, but the friends of the "treaty assert that there will not be to exceed 20 opposing votes when the final result is announced.! Leave Ramsuer.. . Leave Climax. . Arrive Greensboro. Leave Greensboro. Leave Stokesdale. . Arrive Madison .... . 6.45 a m . 9.20 9-35 . 11.07 tK "-55 '1 ', SOUTH BOUND " No 15 mixed Daily except Sunday Leave Madison -... . . . Leave Stokesdale. . : '. Arrive Greensboro, ..,. . . . Lda v e G ree n s bo ro , . . !,..... Leave Climax. . . . .. . . . . Arrive Ramseur. . . 1230 p.m 1 28. 2.40 4.20 6 05 NORTH BOUND CONNECTIONS at Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line for all points North and East at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Greensboro with The- Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cive with'the Norfolk & Western Railroad for Winston-Salem. ' . DATMD Feb. 7th, h A. M. Lv Florence .... i S-4." Lv Fayetteville..' H 0 Lv Selma.... Ar ilson. 1 (11 ! 14V 11 :.u" 1:. Lv Wilmington ; . Lv Magnolia,..: Lv Golrlsb'oro. .... LvWilson.. .. . ..... Ar-Rocky Mount. Lv Tarboro. ... Lv Rocky Mount. Ar Weldon M. S 142 kM:, lr;i 141 A. !. 4 1.1 Hi 10 11 ?l mi Tnuiv'f.cq, v 1 Daily except Monday, day. - Train on .Septland Xeek-bnuielt.-roaa i,-.-Weldon 4:10 prn. Halifax 4::Jm m- arrive .land Xeck at"5:0; (J rccn ilic t;:.7 p m. K 7:f5 p m. Returning leaves Kin.tn Tri'- ummun.- O..I l 111, ili 1 i S II "IT III J ' H P'-IV , xruuit on uasnington l.ran i; U-av,-v-a in?ton Sfjn a m. and ':tYi v m. nvrix . i..-'J !) 10 a m, and 3:10 p m. returning it-a f Viv-l le io;iua in ana f:yu p m arrive Valiinrti 40 a m and T:20 p iii: daiiv e.xcd't -Suii'dav Train leaves Tarboro dailv'.iiJiO n m. :in-.. Pl5-mout.l1 7:40 p rri. Returning leaves K mourn ,:;o a m.-arrives- lorboro iOiClam Train on Midland X. C. Hrancli icav.i;.:' boro daily except'. Sunday 7:10 a 111. ran.4 Mnitnneia b:3U a m. Returning U -avc Siuir field 9:00 a m, 'arrives at Golds! "ro H'C'iaia. f . - r 4- 1 .on - ' 1 ... ' ... I .'iimiu uii;! 1 ui, arrive Aa?uviiie.;a.)m. Spring II ope ":S0 p m. Ret urninyr k-ave vu nope r:iu a m, Aasliviile. a ro. arrival Kocky Mount 9:Co a 111, dailv except Sumliiv. Train on Clinton branch leaves Warsaw'!;- i.nuron uanj' except-suncia 5-, n:i a ra a-j.i -l iu p ni. iteturnmg leaves Clinton at .:m:i and 3:00 p m. Tram Xo. 78 makes close connection at"Wu uon ior an points norm dailv. a!i raiivj Richmond. .Also "at RockyMoun' withN'.: folk and Carolina rail road, for Xoiioika: all points north via Xortoik. H.'.M. EMERSON. Gen'l Tus? J R. KEXLY. Geu'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON Trall.c Manager- JOHN GASTON, Fashionable Barber, SOUTH BOUND at Walnut Cove with the -Norfolk & Weston Railroad for Roanoke and points North and West, at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company for Raleigh. Richmond and all points. iorth ana Last. at. fayetteville with Nash St. WILSON, N C. Easy chairs, razors keen; Scissors sharp, linen clean. - " For a shave you pay a dime CONNECTIONS 1 Only a nickle to get a shine; 1j the Atlantic Coast Line -tor all -points naos.to nave -pne ot my boots on inese.u Sonth at"MiYtnn.H-itli' cMlinar,i -eases. Address R. M. Woolley, Atlapta, soutn at Aiaxtotvitli beaboard Air Box 3S2, and one will be seat you tree. Line for Charlotte, Atlanta and, sfil; : 'r Shampoo or ha;r Pompadour You pav the sura of twenty cents more .', NOTICE. T . j . : v- T't-'I J. CVCIY'WttU ttHU 111 Hie .i-'l . . . . ...... , ,,:i-i.:--t scales interested m tne upiina atu viiisi Nickel alarm clocks one dollar on points South and Southwest. . W..KRV. W I? WT. Gen-l.Manaser. Gen' Pass.; Agent, ly at f. J. Privett, the 'Jeweler. ; - 'A. J l iSiW IS K r -vLIWtlfbU DOUBLEDAILY SERYICE eclxea-uLle in Effect e"to. Ttli .1897, Disastrou- Fire in .Klkins, ,V. Ta. "vvheelin.fr, W. Va, March 15. At 7: 00 o'clock 5-er terday mornins-. fire which started in the buijding of the Elkins Hardware and Furniture company, in the town of Elkins, the home of Sen ator Elkins, burned almost the entire business portion ofJ the place. Elkins has no fire department,, and tlie flames were soon beyond control, having most ly frame buildings in their pathway In all the buildings were valuable stocks of goods, only portions of which Avere saved. The , loss will exceed $100,CC0. ' - '! , : - Wasliont Causes a Fatal Wreck. Princeton, Ind., March 11. A train on'the Terre Haute and Evansville road was wrecked by a vyashcut near Ilazel ton, and the engine; and smoker plung ed into six feet of water.. Subsequently vthe bank again gaveway, and the two remaining cars fell into the water. Four men were killed in the accident. They were: George' A. Sears of Terre Haute, conductor; Joseph Boleman of Evansville. fireman! Herbert Allen of Evansville; an unknown p.assenger. SOUTHBOUND. Lv New York via Penn R li Philadelphia " Baltimore " Lv Washington . " Richmond ACL Lv Norfolk via S A L Portsmouth, " Lv Wel65on, via SAL Ar Hendersor-, Ar. Durham, via SAL Lv Durham , " A r Raleigh, via SAL Sanford, " Southern Pines, " Hamlet, " Wadesboro, " Monroe, ' Ar Charlotte, via S A L Chester via S A L Lv Columbia, C N & L R.R, Clinton, ti. : JGreenwnotl, " Abbeville, " Elberton, . " Athens. " AVinder, . " Atlanta, Cent. Time.) o.,403 11 00 am 1 12 pm a 15 .440 86 8T5pm -8 45 11 28 pm 9 00 pm 12 05 am 2 50 4 .30 8 05 9 05 9 20 11 55 am K0ETHECUND. Lv Atlanta, via SAL, Cen tral 'lime, , Winder, " Athens, " Elberton, " Abbeville, " Greenwood, Clinton, 12 56 a rn Jl 39 p.m -uJuuluia' v- . xi 17 32 a m 14 09 p mt tester,; b A L t5 20 p mill 10 a mjLv Charlotte, ; : 2 16 a m! 3 34p m- Lv Monroe," via S A L Hamlet, Ar ViImington :'. Southern Pines, ! Raleiirh, i ' Henderson, , ):55 5 03. 4 22 5 5 510 6 53 5 45 8 11 6 43 a m; 9 12 a on n -m 1'i1 'TiTymi1 Z m i in T-, rJA'r Durham, via S A L -8I0amT0 4.pmLvI;urham j I HC 00 P m:Ar Weldon, via S A L 9 45am 12 10 a m i; Richmond, " ! 10 C5 ; 10. If Washington, via Pa R R Raltimore Philadelphia New .York. " No 4C2 No 3 11 05 1,1 40 12 07pm! 2 41 115 3 5 159 ! 4 30 2 50 j 5-0 Ar Portsmouth, Norfolk. 12 00 n"n M P" 2 40 pm 10 4- 3 i . ! 11 'Jti 4 15 11233 a' 5 15 : 1 V 5,41 6 U 3(t ' 7 CO 813 pm 10 25 pra-tO 9 40 !60S 11 23 : ! 5 30' amil25Ps 12 14 a m f s: 216 amHH-:v 328 73 am 5 20 .11 W 815 12 81 rm.UM 1 43 pm -12.4:1 3 50 1 m 3 4-V-6 23 ' ''"' 0 t-J 30 a m: 7 50 No 403, "The Atlanta Special,"' Solid Pullman. Yestibule Limited Tra n. with Rufb-t ei'Sand IVinchps Inti r.v--a f.i -.. Vohirirtfn to AtljmtB ' -" iino-i-KCiiinnal' r.iniitfl." I'U.-' Parlor ahfl Hininrr f.-i no V..-i A'urt to Vflt.hinB-tfin- .TMlllmnn Vs.t-iKu'.ll Tlratt il,; ' " Sleeper?, Portsmouth to charlotte (open at Portsmouth 9 p. m.) No41, "The S. A. L. Express," Solid Train of .Pullman Sleepers and Day Coat hc. 1"' mouth and Weldfin to a tinnt;i -Pullman Slcet-ora New Ymk t uvidmi !ii('fli;pir No, 402,-"The Atlanta ypeciai,' Solid Pullman Vestibuled Limited Train with 'I.Lr'v Uuttet Drawin?r lioom Sleepers and Day Coaches (ho extra fare . Atlanta to-Wasjbi''. Pullman Sleepers, charlotte to Pn mouth. Pullman Parlor Cars Washinirton to M'"' jo. ..i lie S. A. L. Express. ' Solid J rain with Pullman Sleepers and Dav Atlanta to AVeldon, Weldon to New York, Atlarita to Portsmouth, Cape CharieS to Nv" Daily. . Dailj', except -Sunday, At Atlanta For Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, Mexico, California. Mat& . A . . . .l . . . . . .... - , ai i-ortsmoutn with Hay Line, coastwise steamers, Washington-, steamers an ' . Charles Route,"" to and from all points North and East. NO EXTRA FARE ON ANV TRAIN. For Tickets, Sleepers, and Infcraiation, apply to Ticket i Agents. r to " ' . T.! J. Anderson General Passenger Agen" Murray Forbes, Tra v. Pass. Agt., Portsmouth, .Va. E. StMohn. Vice-President and Gen'l Manager.- V. E. McRee, Gen'l Superintendent. . If. V. H. Glover, Traffic Manage" GENERAL OFFICES, lORTSMOTTH, VA.