The Wilson Advance. ST. THE ADVANCE PUBLISHING COMPANY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. W. L. Cant well - Proprietor. Entered in. the Post Office at Wilson tf. C., as second class mail matter. . SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : One Year......;......... , $- ix Months 5 Remit by draft, post-office order or registered letter at our risk. Always give post-office, address in full. JST Advertising Rates furnished on application. No communiration will be printed without the name of the writer being known to the Editor. Address all cor respondence to The Advance, . Wilson. N. C. Ex-Judge G. V. Strong, who died at Raleigh on Sun day last, was one of the old est lawyers in the State, hav ing attained the ripe age of 79 ' years. In his time he was fre quently spoken of as the best read jurist in the State. We are in receipt of a com pact little pamphlet entitled "A Handbook on the Annexa tion of Hawaii," by Lorrin A. Thurston, We have not made a study of the question 'but have rather opposed the annexation of this island. The Asheville Citizen serves notice that it "shall not advo cate fusion" with the present Populist party, meaning the set now mismanaging the State's affairs, and pithily adds that "we do not propose to advo cate fusion with them any more than we propose to wash in tar for the sake of cleanliness." In looking over the tobacco journals, week by week, we have been struck by the fact that the Wilson market is rarely reported, while all the other markets of the State have a regular place in their columns. Is it possible that no one of the many tobacco bro kers here takes enough inter est in the market to make a weekly report to the? trade journals ? It certainly looks that way. Mr. Bryan does not seem to be carrying out the prom l ises which were made us months ago, that he would be a "star performer" in the Ohio campaigns It was stat ed about "the time that the Ohio Democrats adopted free coinage as the entire feature of their platform that the silver cause would be discussed from every stump, and that Mr. Bryan would be engaged in constant work during the entire campaign. Instead of that the Ohio Democrats are absolute ly silent on the silver qestioun, and although the campaign has but three weeks yet to run Mr. Bryan has not set toot in the State, and it is understood will not do so. . . Charlotte Observer. We undertake to say that the American Cotton Compa hp, which has been organized to control the packing of cotton in fcylindrical bales, will prove to be one of the most gigantic trusts in the country. A New Urleans paper has described 11 as the child of the sup-ar trust of wide extended and baleful influence, of which all the country knows; and color is given this statement by the fact that the president of the American Cotton Company is the - secretary of. the sugar trust. lhe JNew Orleans pa per is quite right in saying that this new trust should be muz zled before it gets too big to attack. 1 he thing- to do in case of this kind is what -is sometimes done in the case of a dog- strangle it while it is pup. . FIGHT THE STRAIGHT FIGHT. We print, on the fourth page, an editorial clipped from the Wilmington Messenger It Js all right and breathes good common sense. We trust that this influential sheet will stick right close to this text and help the Democratic party out of the quagmire into which it has deen drawn by un fortunate attempts at "fusion" and other ill advised schemes. .t t t trnble tradesrv anact- ed in Raleigh Monday ' morn - another warning; to all i young men Drink led this unfortunate man -7 't 1 ..:rv Aith and then snoot himself. Now he is dead and her life -hangs by a thread. ... ; What is to be done to tlip lawlessness of our out-lying population? a serious question and one that is every day callir.g more ur gently for a .solution. Only the most severe punisnmcnt ted upon to stamp - l - out the evil, but much could be done to check its further growth. The first step to be taken is to ofeserve strict or der among the white popula tion, The young men are allowed entirely too much h- . - 1- C A cened. Ihese can ue iuiccu to - behave themselves by an t - r ,t - . a surance that 11 tney arc caught violating police regula fmnc rHpv will be severely handled. When the negroes see that the law is eniorced against the whites they will respect it morebut so long as white boys and men are allowed to defy the police, just Hi i a 11. r so' lone will mere dc iruuurc m across the rauroaa. rugnt the heart 01 the town, two ua? grant violations of the law have been committed during the nast ten davs bv whites - t -, - j and ho official notice taken. riSSTKANGK! Mlf PASSING STKAXGE; When the newspaper was started, it was looked upon as an instrument for the informa tion and g-uidance of the peo- - 1 1 r- pie, now a careiul reading 01 the average paper, would lead one to think that their sole ob ject was to follow, as near as may be, the wishes ol their readers. . What a metamor phosis is here my countrymen ! We would riot have you think that the people should cease to think for themselves, on the contrary, we believe that they would think more and to a better purpose if they would read what they did not believe. When the averaq-e mnn sees only his version of any case he is bound to un derestimate his adversary's strength. There is alway two sides to every case, and often much that is good on both. A MA1TEU OF TASTK. In their last issue, the Times is pleased to call attention to an editorial which was printed in our issue ot the 7th, and in commenting thereon they seem to wish to create the impres sion that only those who follow out the "Chicago platform" are worthy of the appellation "Democrat." Now that is sim ply their opinion, and if it suits them we have no possible oLv jection to their shouting them selves hoarse, with their cry for "Bryan and Silver" but as far as we are concerned, we must admit that one drubbing is as much as we care to invite. We may be wrong but we claim only the same privilege which we accord the Times, arid that is to say what we think is right. To us, the "Chicago plat form" js simply "a last year's BIRD NEST." Don't bolt your food, it irritates your ' stomach. Choose digestiible food and chew it. Indigestion is dangerous sickness.; Proper care prevents it. Shaker Digestive Cor dial cures it. That is the long and short of indigestion. Now the ques tion is : Have you got indige? tion ! Yes, if you have pain or discomfort alter eating, headache, dizziness, nau seau, offensive breath, heartburn, lan guor, weaknesc, fever, jaundice, flat ulence, loss of appetite, irrafability, constipation, etc , Yes, you have in digestion. To cure it, take Shake: uigestive Cordial. The medicinal her bs and plants of which Shaker Di gestive Cordial is composed, heln digest the food in vour sinm help to digest the food in vour stom och. When your stomach is strong care will keep it so. Shaker Diges tive Cordial is lor sale by druggists price 10 cents to Sr.oo per botte. to OASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tlefae . simile signature 70 . it im 41 - nm vnppM, STATF. NEWS. REVIEW OF RECENT HAPPENINGS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. Again is it rumored that a new Democratic morning paper is to be established in Raleigh. A mashal's ball will be given at the Yarboro House, Raleigh, on Friday night of fair week. Two neighbors in Salisbury beat each other dp because one accused- the other of stealing his fire wood. During the past year the Southern Railway according to its annual le- port, handled- 4,057,327 passengers Maj. Grant says that he expects to see Governor Russell under the care of Dr. Kirby, ol the Insane Asylum in less than six months.- The twenty-one convicts sentenced to the roads by Judge Robinson at the last term of Wake court, were sent out to the work house. It is announced that Senator But er will speak at the Rocky Mount "air, Friday, October 15, and Alex ander. Bertie county, October 16. Wayland Todd, a young man from the eastern part olAVake county, left or Utah last week, where he will pre pare himself to become a Mormon preacher.. The Young Men's Republican League. Promoters decide that ne groes shall have an entirely separate organization, so negroe? will not meet with them October 19th. fudge Purnell has extended until October 15 the time for the State to file an answer in the Western Union Telegraph rate case. The case comes up at Wilmington, November 1st. Prof. C. W. Scribner, late of the University of Pennsylvania, who was recently elected professor of Median ical Engineering in the A. & M. Col lege, has entered upon his duties. Marshal Mott is out in an interview denouncing Grant. He says he is opposed to Russell's policy, and is in thorough harmony with the Republi cans of his district. He says he wili "switch" Grant on sight. - Nine more convicts were sent to Tillery Saturday. They will be ad ded 10 the number already there har vesting the crops. There are only sixty convicts left in the penitentiary, these are women and sicl: or old men. Claude Dockery and other Repub hcans are conferring about the organ ization of a Republican club in Ral eigh October 19th, Tuesday of Fair week. It is claimed that every county will be represented by leading Re publicans. The directors of the State library decide to allow the teachers of the Raleigh public" schools to take out books, just as State officers do. Now let it be arranged to keep the library open nights or Sundays and give the workingman a chance. Deafneen Cuimot Itj Curel by locaj applications as they cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed, con dition of the mucuous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely jclosed, Deafness is the result and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, toe hearing will be destroy -ed forever; nine cases out often are caused b catarrh, which is nothing bnt an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars. free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. "Sold by Druggists, 75c. A Kitchen Convenience. A small, flat paint, brush about one inch in width, is a kitchen conyeni ence that no housewife should be ,-Without. For the greasing of all pai s it is both neater and more eftectual thkn the usul bit of paper. Also, if all meats were brushed oyer with sweet oil and vinegar before sending to the refrigerator they would retain their juices and flavor more perfectly than is commonly the case Charlotte Observer. The Auditor of this State says that the penitentiary can hot be made : self-sustaining. The penitentiary has proven perhaps the most perplexing problem in the past govern ment of North Carolina, and yet Superintendent Leazar, during tne last- uemocratic administration of this State, was proving, if he had not already proved, that with care and economy the institution could be- made practically to pay its own expenses. It is so easy for the incompetent gang now misgoverning-the State to say. "Thus and so," and in the meantime to tap the State Treasury or get it tapped so as to nil their own pockets with the people's money. Mr. Air is talking through his perfor ated hat. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS Gei'Inc Rid f Ttoarhes., Sprinkle powueuu uuiax plentiful ly down into their hiding places wher ever they may be, and in a week, or before very long, they will disappear Oil o! cedar will kill roaches. Put the oil into an atomizer and spray all the cracks and crevices in the wall and places where they inhabit. This is a sure way to kill them. Chap. A Cook is sure to be the dis trict attorney of the Easter district, so says a close friend of Senator Prjtch- ard, who has just returned from Mar shall."", He declares that Senator Pritchard is not lukewarm in his sup port of Mr. Cook, but that he is sup porting him with all sincerity. B?ich Blood is absolutely essential to health It is secured easily and naturally by taking Hood's Sarsapar ilia, but is im possible to get it from so-caUed " nerve tonics," and opiate compounds, ab surdly advertised as "blood puri fiers." They have temporary, Bleeping effect, but do not CURE. To have pure ood And good health, take Hood's Sarsapar ilia, which has first, last, and all the time, been advertised as just what it is the best medicine for the blood ever pro duced. Its success in curing Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Catarrh, .Dyspepsia, . Nervous Prostration and That Tired Feeling, have made Sarsaparilla The One Trne Blood rurifier. All druggists. Si nff - are purely vegetable, re- nOOU S KllIS liable and beneficial. 25c. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF Branch & Co. Bankers. WILSON, N. C, At the Close of Business, Tues day, Oct. 5TI1, 1897. Condensed from the Report to the State Treasurer. RESOURCES. Loans & Disc'ls 243.551.07 Overdrafts...'.. 6,828.50 Stocks ik Bonds, 1,600.00 251,979. 57 Ranking House. Furniture. 5,000.09 1,972.80 6,972.80 Due by Banks Cash & cash items 27,832.54 51,812 54 1310,764.91 LIABILITIES. Capital 50,000.00 Surplus 10,000.00 Undivided Profits,........ 9,275.20 Bills Payable 55.00000 interest unpaid, 130.12 Due to Banks. . . . 4.385.25 Certificates, 30,132.17 lndv'1 Deposits, 151,842.17 186,489 7 ' 310.764 91 iNORTH CAROLINA, I Wilson County, ji I, J. C. Hales, Cashier of above named Hank, do solemnly swear that the fore going statement is true to the best of my Knowledge and belief.. J. C. HALES, Cashier Sworn to before me this, the 9th day 01 uctober, 1897. J. D. Bardin, C. S. C NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 Pages a Week, 156 Papers a Year FOR SI DOLLAR. PUBLISHED EVERY ALTERNATE DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. The Thrire-a-week edition of The New York World is first among: all ''weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication, and the freshness, accura cy and variety of its contents. It has all the merits of a great 6 daily at the price of a dollar weekly. Its political news is prompt, complete accurate and impartial as all its readers will ttstify. It is against the monopolies and lor the people. It prints the news of all the world. having special correspondence from all important news points on the elobe. It has brilliant illustrations, stories by great auinors. a capital humor page, complete markets, departments of the household and woman's work and oth er special departments of unusual in terest. . , We offer this unequalled newspaper anu mi;, AUVANLli to- ffil Kf gether one year for ..3.IJJ The regular subscription price of the inu papers is j2 00. MRS. ATKINSON'S TRIAL Evidence That She Signed Judcre Cam den's Signature, After Ills Death. . Glenvine. W. Va.. Oct. 9. In the At kinson trial yesterday various letters written by Mrs.. Atkinson to a Mn Stalnaker after the death of Judge Camden, her former husband, were read to. the jury. In these letters Mrs. Atkinson asserted that Owens had not paid for his land. The letters show date subsequent to that of the receipt. "William Worlman testified that Mrs. Atkinson, about two years ago, pro posed to sell him land belonging to "the Camden estate, and wrote and deliver ed to him the receipts for the purchase money, dating the receipts back to the time prior to Judge Camden's death. This witness received a severe cross examination. The defense endeavored to show that he was and is in the em ploy of the prosecution for the pur pose of giving and hunting up evidence. Circumstances, open to suspicion were shown, but the main evidence of the witness was not materially weakened. S. M. Peters, one of the best known farmers in the county, gave evidence for the state tending to establish al leged systematic forgery. He stated that Mrs. Atkinson, after the death of her former husband, wrote and de livered to him a writing which she signed with Judge Camden's signature in Peters' presence: - of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations goes sounding through all the ages and enters the confines of Eternity. With what care, there fore, should the Expectant Moth er be guarded, and how great the effort be to ward off danger and make her life joyous and happy. MOTHER' S FRIEND allays1 all re lieves the Headache ; Cramps, -j and Nau- sea,andso fully pre pares the system that Childbirth is made easy and the time of recovery short ened many say "stronger after than before confinement." It in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used " Mother's Friend " say they will nev er be without it aeain. No other remedy robs confinement of its pain "A customer whose wife used Mother's Friend,' say3that if she had to go through the ordeal again, and there were Imt four buttles to lie obtained, and the cost, was $100.00 per bottle, he wouia nave tnem. ' UEotiAVTOK, .Dayton, umo Sent by Mail, on recc?rt of price, SI 01 PP P-OT- TLB. Book to "EXPECTANT MOTHERS" mailed fre upon application, containing val uable information and voluntary testimonials ThcBRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. G a SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. WTO TtAVTA M V. o l prepared especially for von.whiPh we mail free. It treats of th r laj 1 1 1 .Li 1 1 n enrnorc tx-w, . that everv hiM ia iioMA 4 2. trhc " w ttiiu lor r rev's m Vermifuge 14 1 nas ceen successfully used iwi wail utsuiiiry. One bottle man fn k E. & S. FRET, Baltimore, B J. Wanted -A.g-en.ts. "The Confederate Soldier in the Civil War," Just published, contains 50) naares Uxl(5 in. and overl.liX) larart; Jlattle Scenes, l'ortrjitp Maps, etc- The greatest and lai-irest war hook ever published, and the only one that docs justice to the Confederate soldier and thr cause he fought' for. Complete in one vol ume. Ajrenis wanted everywhere to soil this book on our new and easy plan. Jinny of the lady and gentlemen aueuts ho are at work are maKing: lrom $io to 52CO per month. Vctornns. Sons .nl . Iliinirhtfra nf xrtw., no and others interested are requested to f e;id lor a beautiful illustrated descriptive circu lar uree) ana terms to agents. Address CouRiEit Joi'ksal Job Piuntino Co.. - Louisville; Ky, ." Enough For all the Winter Evenings ALMOST FREE, ! send, on receipt 208 5th Ave., N. V.. Tnn& Tnoinc win lUiliy IVriVtfi of this adv. and FIFTEEN cents in BtflmT5. flnv tvn rt th following prize novels (TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTV-SIX pages, regular price FIFTY cts.); for FIFTY cents any FOUR; for ON1S DOLLAR any TEN : for ONE DOLLAR AND A II A LF the whole library of SIXTEEN volumes. 6 THE SALE CF A SOUL. By C. M. 5. Mc- I-fllan. - 7 THE COUSIN CF THE KINO. By A. S. Vav NVeatrn-n. 8- SIX MONTHS IN EADE3. By Clarlco I. 9- TI1E "SKIRT3 OF CHANCE. By Captain Alfred Thompson. 10- ANfHONV KEN r. Br Charles Stotes Wayn. 11- AN ECLIPSE OF YIETUE. By Champion Bissau. 12- AN UNI EAK ABT.E SIREN. ByJohnGilllat. 13- THAT DI.EADFCLi VVOiiAN By Harold It.. 14- A DEAL IN DENVEH. By Gilmer McKen- dree. 15- TH I ? SAYS GLADTS. B7 David Chrfstla ft: nrrav. ' i6-A VEtttf r-EASEABLE GIRI. By I H. - oicKiorn. 17-A MAKKIAGE FOU HATE. By Harold K. Vvntif. W OTTT OF THE FTTT "PHtTR. By T. O. De Ton. 19-rrHE WPONG AT AN. BvOLnmpion Biasel!. 2(1 -THE HUNi' FOtt HAPPINESS. By Anit Vivanti Ctmrt.-"s. ' -UE:t STKANGE EXPEEIAIENT ByTf-,r0ld . ' i Vvuup. Aiitiicsta the nmcbers the novels you .ranL Stop The Man or Woman who has bought R1ITURE FROM Wooden & Stevens, Will tell you, that is tne place to get the Best Goods for the least money. PRIVETT & CO., JEWELERS. Friends and Patrons: : You have, no doubt, experienced the need 0f a First Class Jewelry Store in VVilson. We have it. wWc mean what. we say. AN!) A NICE LINE OF STER LING SILVER NOV E LT I i:s We do not show you the cuts in catalogue and then order the o-oods, but show you the genuine article and pass the same over the counter to you. We make a specialty ol sisfifiiasia Mil VI Call and see us at J. J. Privett's; old stand. Yours to serve, 27-36 ETT&CO, CHEAP AS T II IV CHEAPES' WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods and Dry Goods, Which we are selling at prices to ; make your mouth water. And SHOES ! Our SHOES ARE THE WONDER OF ALL WHO SEE THEM. " IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Carry tlrC Best. Try a barrel of our "HARTER'S Ai FLOUR" and vou will come back for another. - We have a few COOK STOVES on which we are offering a bargain COME AND SEE U5 FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. RESPECTFULLY, " H. D. BARNES & GO., , JEFF. D. LEE, Mgr. Cor. Barnes and Tarboro Sts. :7-i-tr Southern Railway. j (Piedmont Air Line.) First and Sjecond Divisions N. C.) Schedule effective May 2nd, 1S97. This Condensed Schedule is published as infarmationWly and is sabject to vhtiupv with out notice to the public. . . 'i NORFOLK ANirCHATTANOOGA. ' (THROUGH KNOXVILLE, MORKISTOWN, HOT SPRINCS, ASHEVILLE, SAI.fSI',1 KV, GREENSBORO, DURHAM, RALEIGH, SELMA, WILSON,5 ; . ROCKY MOUNT AND TARBORO. No. 36. . l(j and'lO No,13- ((CENTRA I. AND KA9TEKK) No. 11. No. :.' irV.wMI Daily. j",iiV j -1MB.) Daily. Daily. -'j-Vly. 1 12 25 m 1 1 -JO pm Lv NashvilkT Ar 6'4 am "l : juif 60 4 15 aui " ChattanK'tra " lT:iVi)m iWiv St 55 S 8 25 " Knoxvillo 7 20 . 4111 10 55 0 50 " . Morristown " 5 55 f 12 2;5am 11 " Hot Springs " 31-2 fun 141 125 pm Asheville " 2 25 V VI f 3 15 3 33 " Marion " y?l f in pin- aw 411 " Moraiiton , " 1128am 1 inn: f 4a 4 30 "Connelly .springs " HOti ( i it; 4 2-5 4 5i) Hickory " 10 47 '.r.u; 4 Ha 5W " cwton 10 20 't 1". 5 Ifi , 5 4S Statesville S) 4(i 4 6 00 6 40 " Salisbury " 8 55 7:55 ' ' ' (Central time.) .. - ' 10 47 am 7 10 8 15 "rr" JSaliabury " : ir, am (Eastern time.) , - 1310 pm 8 CO 9 52 . '..j- Greensboro . jl 1155 am o':rpra V5 10 52 5.10 am " Durham " 33) lino 4:1s f2 710 " lialcii " 200 8 53.. 3 4.' 4 3S 12 4i Selmu, " 7 4! 2:K 1 43 Wilson . , A - . 1 42 5&" 140 . G7ldsb6rf; : 7 10 I l i aod ! "TZ ; : , "i p" f 515 "j" South Kooky Mt. -j f It: f 5 05 " PinnTs''Point " .. f it ii 5 25 Ar No rfolk Lv I n2". . 'y.OSZ Jc 8ind 16TT?.' ,, MMrt CliHiiano-.c Limit, ii. Jietwecn Norfolk and (.'li:ittaii'ii P,mmn ffJLV. "ff,e,h'ulfire'9n8boro. Salisbury, Asheville. Hot Springs and KmxW.U:. l1.mblcclin8:aTvno rfolk and Naslniile and" bctufon ltia. ia i?,uerh tiekei? Zn sale at PrinciPal stations to all points: For rates or' information fp-' ply to any arent of the company. . W.H.Green, j M. Cuip ' w A Truk General Superintendent. f 'v TralHc ManaVer. GeneralVussen r Atr. nt. loa3 Ta. Ave.. Washington D. C. 1 year old 2 years old 3 years b'd 4 years old C" o L T S WE HAVE A FINE LOT OF STANDARD BRED COLTS From one to four years olcT. Both broke and fresh. Also a few full strain Jersey Calves. For full particulars ap ply to Fair View Dairy, W. T. FARMER, Propr. WANTED A rellialeJyor gentleman to distribute samples and make a house-to-house convass for our Vegetable Toilet Soaps. 40 to 75 a month easily made. Address Crofts & Reed, 842 to 850 Austin Avenue, Chicago 111. JOHN GASTON, Fashionable Barber, Nash St. VVILSON, N C. Easy chairs, raiors keen; Scissors sharp, linen clean. For a shave you pay a dime Only a nickle to get a shine; Shampoo or hair -ut Pompadour Vou pav thesuru if twenty cents more. Atlanta, New Orleans, Augusta, Ma con, Chattanooga, Nashville, Meni-j-iU'. Florida, fexas, California and the en tire South. IN EFFE0T MAT 30, 1897, Lv- Portsmouth Ar Norfolk " Iewiston " Weldou Henderson " liaieiArh " Southern Pines ' WilminRton " Columbia ' Augusta " Athens " Atlanta (Cent. Timej "Macon CofGa jucKsonvuie " Timia ' - "Birmingham " Montifoiaery " Mobile Chattan.K)a W & A - Nashviiio N rr.v r 1. Me. iij; his K O Al & ! SAL; . NC . SAI CN & L 8AU l'lantj S Rv W of A L & N. No. 41- No- 4C3. () 20 am 9 55 a in ii 41 a m liiHpra 3H4pm 555 V 111 J5'am J0 25 p m 17 W a 111 J 1325 n'n 3 45 a ni 5 s0 a 111 11 411 a m 850 p m: ;i0 a m 114) n'i: 10 al a m, 350 p ni: 8 10 p ni 1 00 p ni 7 00 p ni 40 l Ui j-4", j 111 jr.;.' j 1 111 114". I'"1 U n p w i: .v; n m 2 1 i !a -4 -si n in i" h:!n a if 4 30 j' " ;n.'( iiu 1 1'.pw 2' 50 l'11 m 71 a m 4 45 "D 10 10 w t'.O l'W :i 0 . a i" 7 40am ;h p"1 t;4:.aIU 7 40 a m Priro lira Itlnl.i 1 eud uh your order. Daily tDaly ex Sunday. $Daily ex MoiultfJ'-. ' T&neitl?!.9Bt New Orlbins with Soiitht'rS .poiuts in lexas. Mexico and California. x .iiArrive,.Portsmouth daily 7 25 am- -Arrive Portsmoutu daily 550 V ' Nwf5k"varn: Jh PaS8'r Agt" lain St' Murray Forbes, Trav. Pass'r Airt . PorW". mouth, Va. , . V rai,s r Ak " E. St. Joii v. Vice-President and Gen l Mrr 11 it" 'C,,,EB Uen'i Superintendent. 11. . u. tinovBit, T. J. Andbksox. lralhc Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agu Porthmouth, Va.

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