Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious QVDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. MtlW JOS Nadal's Drug Store WILL HE OPEN NEXT SUNDAY. WILSON LOCALS. V WKUK'SSKH'S UIUIIFI.V TOLD FOR l-.USY IKADEKS. Huini- blatters Picked up tin Our Streets by our lie porter What ho SSees ' and Hears. lioobltf Tm at the Cotton -Mm, The Wilsdn Cotton Mills are run ning day and niohf. The hav msiderii.s. I . . - 1 , nmcp-rn - , ' - ' I ders enough In hand to keep them at work, double timd ahead and every e or- for a long way ndication points to aauy increase in the demand for warps and yarns. ItflifcciiN triumph. ' The Opera House was filled with people to witness the reproduction oi Rebecca's Triumph. The play was well acted, many thinking it an im provement on last year's perform ance. All the parts were well ren dered, bin Gyp carried die house off Us feet" bv a little bills)., Mullter Goose IJicyrle Carnival. On Friday (tomorrow) evening, Nov. 5, one oi the most enjoyable treats ci the season will be given at the Centre Crick Warehouse. Moth er Goose with all her attendant of every firmer, we find it difficult to , Something Worth Truckers' and Planters' Journal. I'eing, as we are, native no u a sec tion "! "country . where raiding live stock is a regular part of the besintss IN EW YORK WORLD. TIIRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. O r I x proved by the statements cf lead- J ing druggist everywhere, sliow 1 iiries will, be seen (on bicycles). The participants will be children but the old folks should go to see them The grand procession will be headed by Mother Goose her.'elf while "The frog that would a wooing go" brings up the rer. The ladies have taken hibituate ourselves to the practice among the Southern farmers of buv- ing ana consu ning lmportea nors-- s aid mules. We cannot neisuade curseives that it is good business. In viewing the situation we find nothing in.natural conditions to prevent stock tliat the people have aa abiuinj in Hood s Sarsaparilla. Great confidence a iro proved hy the voluntary state- ; 83 Paces a Week, (56 Papers a Year FOR SI DOLLAR, Cora especial pains in the selection of the breeding and we believe a colt can I The frog's Milton illya Mud Dor. fc Mr. Frank Webb was brought to tne city Monday s:-orning and ar- - i - rangements" made ; send him to Baltimore for Ul lament. Early Monday morning Mr. VVebb was at tacked by a dog and was badly bit ten in the lace. Mr. Webb runs a small store at the fork of the road, just beyond the "Calvin Woodard Place." . k You will not appreciate-fine sta tioner till you have seen that at the Wilson Book Store. The regular monthly meeting of the town commissioners will be held this evening -at the Mayor's office. Have you seen the latest in Sta tionery ? ' Look at the. "Royal," re ceived at the Wilson Book Store. The Wilson Book Store receives Royster's candy and Lowney's Choc olates fresh every week. It's fine. Monday' dawned ' dark! and gloomy. The elements were evi d?nlly not overjoyful at the prospect of "court week." Our inost eminent physicians prescribe "Hart's Emulsion of Con Liver Oil" with Creasote and he Hypo phosphites. R; J. Grantham has moved the Tabourne house off of thejot recent ly purchased by him and will erect a new dwelling thereon. Nearly all women hive good hair-, though many are gray and few- are bald. Hill's Hair Renewer re stores the natural color, and thickens the growth of the hair. Manager- Anderson says that there is one thing that piust stop that of going out between acts. If this rule is enforced he will have the thanks of all theatre goers. Do you know how to wash ? Well then you know how to dye, that is if you use Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Just boil the goods with the dye that's ail. Sold by Hawley & Riper, Boyett, N. C. If you have anything to do in the way of buying, selling or ex changing of real estate..: If you have rents to collect you should call on A. J. fcimms ec Co., who make a specially of all such work. We have just received a nice line of tolding lounges from the Indianap olis Lounge Co. Also we are mak ing special sales on next Tuesday, only. Give us a call.- G. S. Tucker & Co . I lis Honor Judge Timberlake, arrived at two o'clock Monday and " promptly "opened Court. In his charge to the grand jury His Honor called their attention particularly' to a species of fraud that has been prac ticed a good deal on our warehouse men. He says that if a man gets an advanee on tobacco by promising to bring the tobacco to that particu lar house to sell, then it is obtaining goods under false pretences unless he complies with his agreement. liucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. W. Hargrave. characters and costumes is! an importation from a costume artist North. Admission 10 cents I he I.:ii1iiii tlriiiu Hit; Company. On Monday evening the company opened their week s engagement w ith a one act play "The Rough e foaled and put on the market at less cost than in the north The causes that prevent horse breeding are arti ficial and grow out of the suicid -.1 methods of farming which prevail. Berore the horse can be made a regu lar product of the l.irni cotton imi t be relegated to a suboidimte position and in its stead forage and home sup ply crops must be made of first im portance.. We must convert our raw material into the finished product ments of thousand; of men and women -snow mat unu fcarsaparuLi ao- pLlHED EVERY ALTERNATE DAY uuuiyuoes possess .;-. V - EXCEPT SUNDAY. PoWfT over disease b" Purine. en- The Thrire-a-week edition' of The V W 1 ripiiiii' :nii i:i'Y"fr:itinry tha - . ..r i i- . -.--, 0 -- Nfexv jorK worm is nrst amons; an oiooa. upon wiucu iioi ojuy maitu ui lue . wticky" papers in size, frequency, of j xu.-f vut j publication,. md the freslness, accura- W 1 1 tif. "((! s Sarsapanlla m rv and variety of 1 J C9 eurin-' others warrants oil ih mt-rit; of :i you in believing that a faithful use of Hood's price of a dolinr w Sarsaparilla will cure you if yon suffer from news is prompt, any trouble caused by impure blood. and impartial as Diamond," followed by a three act tarce comedy, "Matrimonial Trou bles." The audience was much larger readv for the market in the shane of . . . . .. 1.' .. . 1 man one would have supposed when horses cattle, sheep and hogs, and Sarsaparilla Is the One True Flood rurifior. AH (Insists. SI. Prepared only by C. I. IIoo 1 & Co.. Lowell, Mass. nOOCl S FlllS to operate. 25 cents. ts contents. It lias great $6 daily at the eKiv. its political complete, accurate all its readers will t stifv. It i.s!lt the monopolies and f r the people. . !t prints the news of all the wcilld. hn;nii corresponderce from all important. '.news 'points on the jll It has brilliant illustrations, stories by ;rear authors, a capital humor pajre, complete markets, departments of the household and woman's work and oth er special departments of unusual in terest. Wero.Ter this unequalled newspaper and THE ADVANCE to- At ( eether one year for . f ..... .O ldU responds readily to proper fer Larger crops, fuller ears and larger grain are sure to result from a liberal use of fertilizers containing at least 7 actual . 1L1 W IKOLHJl Our books are free to farmers. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New Yorii. ; 10 Send us your ordt-r. tWQ papers is $2 The regular subscription price of the op. the terrible weather was taken into the waste matter from the process I our to Five D.illus IS -itfr. , Our attention was called last week to a sale of tobacco made at the Watson Warehouse. The owner of the tobacco told us that the same lot was a load that he had offered for sale at Rocky Mount the previous day, but being dissatisfied with the prices paid he took it in and brought it here, making the average gain of from four to five dollars pier hundred on the entire lot. ' joiisiuerauon. i ne LoniDanv snow- - J ll 1 .1 - wneir appreciation Dy tnrowing a the land for improvement. There zest into the play that brought' forth shbuid be fieIds of forage crops where rouna alter round of well merited ap- we now have Datches and oatches of 1 "V ' T 1 " ,,tmI piause. un luesaay evening "lhe cotton where we now have fields. v'iunr oi iviome ennsto was pre- Then we would alvVavs find a ready . j . i semeu to a large ana appreciative au- and Drofitab!e market for our cotton. dience. lhe YVednesdav evening s k )n.;tI!--,n,t a,;' r j ivjuavvu, nut to aiiu ii uliv, vviiiiv. viv performance was going on as this article for home consumption would sneet was Dsingr onntea. mere will Lt f, ... cir.- n., be permorances tonight, Friday and farms woad become self sustaining Saturday evenings to which we can and self improving and there would sneiy aaviseour lnenas to go, as Mr. an end to the everlastme drain cn Assaulted AVitli s lirit-k. Near Sander's market Saturday night Robert Williams was struck on the head with a brick at the hands of Sandy Battle. Williamson and Bat tle (both colored) had some words, when the latter picked up a brick and let drive, the misle striking the former in the forehead, fracturing the skull and infiictincr a serious wound. The injured man fell and when last heard from was in a dangerous condition. His assailant, Battle, had iust re turned from Washington arrived on the 7:30"train from Norfolk. Tobacco Sale. The sales of tobacco on this mar ket during the month of October amounted to 1,678,907 pounds, and would doubtless have passed the 2,000,000 pound mar' if lhe last two weeks weather -had not been such that it was almost ii;-. die the weed. This sales up to something pounds, " j The sales yestt;.1 issible to ban .tries the total ,ver 5,000,000 v were very large indeed, .blocking at the 2nd warehouse. Prices still, continue high Many peopls are surprised to learn that milk which is liquid has a larger proportion of solfd contents than have many articles of food. " Milk aver aes 85 per cent of solid matter, of which a considerable pirt is albumen. It is this which, co lgiilates with heat and sliil more when rennet is used. Potatoes are 80 pen cent, moisture, -though when the potato is cooked the starch in it expands, making it seem much heartier food than it i.s. The solid of the potato is mainly starch. .That of mlk is divided between case- ine. butter fats and sugar, the last of which is found in whey, which, even though it be soured, shows by that Jact that it has had some sugar in it. The only permanent cure for chronic catarrh is to thoroughly expel the poi son from the s)Stem by the faithful and - persistent use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla This wonderful remedy proves success ' ful when otherSfreatment has lailed'to relieve the sulTerer. 1 1 on an eoo ad es. Soiuetliiiis to 1vmi1 On. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Co.vden, III , in speaking of Dr King's New Discov ery says that last winter his wife was attacked with Liur-ippe and her case grew so serious tht.' physicians at Cdwden and Pana could do nothing for her. . It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Having Dr King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of if, he .took a bottl home, and to the surprise of all she began to get better from hrst dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and - well. - Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs anerColds is guaranteed to do this irood work. Try it. Free " " r - trial bottles at B. ' W. Hargave's Dru Store. Langdon has always presented good plays and the samples thus far given ndicate that he has not changed his lans. V Legal Point. Last .week a country friend sent in a legal query. The case was as fol ows: B. was appointed administra tor of an estate which was settled in due for with the exception of the por tion falling to one heir,' The where abouts" of this bein-r unknown. Later the administrator receives a letter rom a lawyer, in which he is notified that the heir has ben found and wishes an immediate settlement. B calls upon the lawyerwho produces and reads letter and power of attor ney from said heir and demands, in the heir's name, the portion falling to him. B., acting under the advice of his lawyer, refuses to pay until claim is astablished by suit. Suit , is there upon brought, judgment given plain tiff and money paid ever to the court our soil that is keeping us bankrupt. During court week at Whiteville probably fifty head of horses and mules were sold. Wiiy send this money North ? ;Why not raise our own live stock. Old Pe iple. Old people,, who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will fmd the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine 'does not stimulate and contains no whiskey or father intoxicant, but acts a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to tne organs, there by aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids diges tion. Old people find it iust exactly & a f what they need. Price fifty cents and St. 00 per bottle at B. W, Ilar- grave's Drug Store. THE WHOLE system feels the effect of Hood's Sarsaparilla stom ach. liver, kidnevs. hen-t. nerves are 1 'i .1 . 1 . . . . 1 ' - ' y ' anajuagment docket endorsed "paid strengthened and SUSTASN ED. in full." Alter a lapse of tour years the heir comes forward and brings suit against B., claiming that hs has never given power of attorney nor has he received his portion of the inheritance. The question now arises, should the heir be able to prove that he has not received the money who is to be the loser ? The heir, the administra tor or the court. Wc are rather in- inclined to the belief that the court must shield the administrator and if it is shown that the money was paid over without due authority being filed by the attorney, then the clerk's bond must make good the amount. f'artloiiftl His Sou. Those Fire Proof Vault. Col J. B. Neal, of Scotland Neck was in town this week trying to get the County Commissioners to act upon the question of providing fire- vaults for the offices oi the Clerk and Register ot Deeds. 1 This matter is one that should have been attended to many 'years ago. One little fire would cost the tax pay ers of Wilson county more than an hundred times more than the cost of the vaults. Deeds and transfers cf various kinds covering millions of dollars worth of property is daily ex posed to a chance of loss and de struction, when the expenditure of a few hundreds of dollars would make them secure. Let's have the vaults. OETTER than cure is prevention. By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla you may-keep well, with pure blood, strong nerves and a good APPETITE. Exchange. ' ' The belief that Governor Atkinson will pardon his wife in the event of her conviction for forgery recalls a fa-. mous case in Kentucky. When General Desha was Governor of Kentucky a traveller named Baker disappeared from Doggett's Tavern, on the Licking River, between Car lisle and Maysville. Baker was journeying from Texas to New Jersey, where he was to be married. He had spent the night at the tavern and set out alone on horse- bick early the next morning. Isaac B. Deshaj son of the Governor, had also-been at the tavern ; he too, was an early riser. The same day Baker's horse was found riderless, 'but the owner did not appear. After several days the body. of Baker was found hidden in leaves. Near bv was a piece of a riding whip, tipped with a led fer- V till rule. li.iKer nao oeen murdered. The death blow had been struck from behind, and the riding whip been the weapon. Some--of Baker's fine linen wish which his traveling bags were packed was found in Desha's possession ; the piece of whip, was identified ae Desha's. Young Desha was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to be hang ed. He was twice respited and final ly absolutely pardoned by his f.ither. He disappeared soon after, and is be lieved to have died recently in Honolulu. ' CASTOHIA. lie fas simile elgaature of 7 1 en , every Any sarsaparilla is sarsapa rilla. True. So any tea is tea. r So any flour is flour. Lut grades differ. You ivant the best. It's so with sarsaparilla. There are grades. You want the best. If you understood sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it would be easy to determine. But you don't. How should you? When you are going to buy a commodity whose vaiue you don't know, you pick out an ckl established house to trade vdth, and trust their ex perience and reputation. Do so when buying sarsaparilla, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been on the market 50 years. Your grandfather used Ayer's. It is a reputable medicine. Tfipre are many Sarsaparillas bat only one Ayer's. It cures. . " THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, in, 113 ai.d 115 Bank St., NORFOLK, VA. Large stock of finished Monuments, Gravestones, Sc Ready for shipment. Designs free. P t WANTED. FAMILIES TO WORK IN THE mm Facts Wilson Cotton Mills. For full particulars apply to' JAMES LIPSCOMB, Secretary and Treasurer. 4o-4t - We do not claim that the sun, moon and stars would cease to shine, and this great big world would come to an end ; that North Carolina, or even Wil son county would have to enlarge her almshouse to receive the starving thousands if it were not for IvJ. Simms & Co., THE CASH RACKET Dealers, WILSON, - N. C, Goldsboro, N. C, Nov. 1 The County Commissioners this afternocn d 'cided to have the execution of Sam Wright, the negro murderer,' the" 10th inst, in the jail yard; private. Three burglaries were committed yesterday, one inthe city and two in the country. In every instance the thieyes were alter money. Asheville, N. C, Nov. 1 Con tempt proceedings against Judge Ewart did not come oft because Justice Deaver has been found guilty of embezzlement and retired from of fice to day. Proceedings in Deaver's court were set for 6 oclock this after- . m noon, but his resignation ends tr e whole case against Ewart. or that the streets of Wilson would have grown up in bushes and briars had we never opened our doors at all. We do not wish any one to suppose that we think that our importance has assumed such mam moth proportions. But . ' W e do O J gi i 111 T liie., (and have both goods and prices to back it); that--we carry probably as large a stock as any in Wilson. Buy in large quantities, therefore cheaper, have better facilities for handling goods, buy for cash and sell for cash, therefore enabling us to make the PRICES THE VERY LOWEST. Hundreds of people of Wilson and vicinity can testify to the truthfulness of this statement who have patronized us for 1 1 years, and hejped to build this great business that has no superior in the little city. To all such friends and patrons We Extend Our Heartfelt Thanks. and to the few who possibly have not patronize us, we will say : You just try for a change some of the many hundreds of matchless values we are offering daily. Compare the quality of goods, the difference in price, and in 12 months the saving will astonish you. : Will gladly furnish any infor- ! ! ination regarding wuson and vicinity. WILSOM is a town of 4000 inhabitants, with all the modern improve ments, such as Water works, Electric lights and Telephone service, and is the most pros perous town in North Carolina. We have the best he Gcis R(m6 i 1VU J. M. LEATH, Manager. Cor Nash ahd Goldsboro Sts. tore Cotton and Tobacco Market In the State. Yet farming lands are reason ble in price, from $10 pe, acre up. We are in a pos- tion to offer Buildino" Lots' in any section of the town. and call attention especially to vacant lots on Academy, Spring, Goldsboro, . Hines, Daniel and Park stf eets, rang ing in price from $150 to $1,000. " - . AKER, wilson, n. c it you want to sen your lot place it with men who are in touch with purchasers. . 7in popular; PRICES CATALOGUES FREE OM REQUEST. PERFECT fTTTING. I have just received ths most complete line of Carpets ever seen in Wilson. " Va n 1 ill Kft fi nAnioVi.-rJ ni 4Va lltnnnniin. -C O B 4 iuu urn uo hiiuiiiucu ai iiirj uiicapucbb Ul 111J wpwlS. j ALSO A FULL LINE BEAUTIFUL RUGS. MY PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. COME EARLY. Yours for bargains, 27 42-.-im. Lorner NAbll AND 1 AKliOKO bib. Real Estate Erokers and Commission Merchants. Office ox Nash St., over R. J. Grantham & Co. Wilson, N. C. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Rents Collected. We offer for sale Buildino; Lots in the town of Wilson and Elsewhere. We invite intending settlers to call and see us. Correspondence solicited. 22? information given tree oi cnarge. If you want a tenant for your; building, and the rents collec- ' ted promptly make a contract, with ' ' A.J.Simms&Co. No 5. -Farm wf 52 acres 6 miles from Wilson, 2 tenant houses, a good 1 horse farm in cultivation, adjoining: lands that caa be bought reasonable. Price, i,coo. No. 8. A valuable grist mill com plete, heavy 40 inch runners, and a large Wilson cotton seed crusher. No. 12. A farm of 250 acres 4 miles from Wilson, 150 acres in cultivation. 25 acres good pasture, well, watered. 4 tenant houses and good out build ings. No better farm in the countv. , Price, 4.000. No. it. A good 4-room" dwelling on - corner, of Spring and South streets. A good sized lot cheap jr the price, 800. No. 15. 1,250 acres timber . land on and extending from the W. C. & A. and C. C. R K. in Columbus countv. Productive farming land if cleared. Place is paying rent as turpentine farm of 10 per cent, on price asked. Price' 2,100. No. iS. A farm of So acres, 8 miles' from Wilson, buildings new, - Horse farm just cleared. Price, 850. No. 23. Farm of 90 acres 6 miles from vVilson. One horse fafmgn cultivation Good buildings. Fine tobacco land. Price. 1,000. : . , No. 25. Vacant lot on the corner of Spring and Hines streets, 454 by 185 feet. Price ioo. - -t 1-- H. G. COmOR, President. J. C. HALES. Cashier BRANCH Zl GO. No. 38 Vacant lot on the corner o Goldsboro and I fines streets, 45 by 1S5 feet. Price $ 100. r No. 39. Vacant lot on the corner of Spring and Dairy streets, 47 by 185 feet. Price 100.'-" No. 52. Vacant lot on the corner of Goldsboro and Hairy streets 43 by 1S5 feet. Price 90. No. 19. Lot on corner of Spring and Dairy streets. Good four-room dwel ling, good water. Price low. Vr c: fio acres of land on west end TRANSACTS LA GENERAL BAKKIKG- BUSIHESS IN ITS FULLEST SCOPE, of theJ dty. suitable for laying out resiUence Jots, rnce low. . 27-iS-iyr. - SOLICITS THE BUSINESS OF THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. 25-27-tf 5 ' mmm

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