The Wilson Advance. BT THE ADVANCE PUBLISHING COMPANY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. W. L. Cant well - Proprietor. Entered in the Post Office at Wilson C, as second class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : One Year...................... $1.00 Six Months.. 50 Remit by draft, post-office order or registered letter at our risk. Always give post-office address in full. 3y Advertising Rates furnished on application. No communication will be printed without the name of the writer being known to the Editor. Address all cor respondence to The Advance, . - Wilson. N. C. The Greenville Reflector gives an account of the sale of a wagon load of acorns. It would be a difficult matter to starve a man in a country . where the woods are full of berries in Summer and acorns in Winter. The anti-football cry is just now claiming the attention Of the public. Ex-champion Cor bett has a letter in Sunday's New York World in which he asserts and quite clearly proves, that of the two, foot ball is more brutal than prizefighting. The Monroe Journal reports quite an amusing incident A father and son, each trying to get away from the other, join ed the Wallace shows while it was in that city. Both parties were much surprised and dis gusted t.T that the- other was on the min, The growth of the popular belief that gold is to remain the world's standard of value is stimulatino- the search for the yellow metal and resulting in very tapid developments in every direction. There are now indications that Montana and Idaho will produce enor mous quantities of gold in the next few years. WERK WE RIGHT? . -i-A orWfi the socialists are to dc cucv .- and anarchists. .'-wiien-ever you (farmers) want comfort why ust think of what wheat is bringing Several readers of the Advance have informed us they construed the article in that paper ot Oct. 21st just as we did, that Tt classed the silver ites with the anarchist and socialist. They also com n end us for not noticing--bis editorial in last week's issue. Since be insists we reproduce hisfirst editorial which provoked the reply, giving it in lull, leaving our readers to judg2 whether or not we told the truth-. - We call your espe cial attention to the sentence which contains the following clause : '-which the advocates ot silver, socialism .and anarchy have. been dinning into the people by just such falsehoods for years." We only said the Advance classed the silverites with the social ist and anarchist. Reader, we leave it with you to say whether or not we were right. "The friends of the free coinage proposition are never so happy as when they are able to make other people unhappy. That organ ot the silver trust, the Philadelphia Arrieri can, in a leading editorial in its issue of October 9th gleefully announces that wheat has fallen 14 cents a bush el since September 1st, and proceeds to argue that the advance in farm products, stocks and everything else was merely temporary. The fact is that wheat on October 9th was just 4 and 5 8 cents per bushel lower than ' it : was on" September 1st, the fall being exaggerated just 300 per cent, in the mad effort to keep up the dissatisfaction which the advocates ot silver, socialism, and anarchy have been dinning into the people by just such lalsenoods, tor years. The re ports of the NevYork market show ; that No. 2 red wheat, which was worth $1.03 on September 1st, was worth 98 7-8 certs on October 9th." The Wilson Advance. October 2 1 st, 1897. - Since we have shown the editor of the Advance his error, it will be a graceful thing fo. him to admit it in the next issue of his paper and con fess that the two insinuative articles he wrote were entirely uncalled for. It never hurts a gentleman to confess Za. 1 1 1 u wuen ne nnai ne is in error. Wilson Times, Nov. 12. The above article appearing m me limes ot the 12th re quires a careful perusal. As the Times states it would te the graceful thing to acknowl edge our error, if they had shown it. We however fai to see wherein we have erred when we claimed that the limes was wrong in saying: "According to the Advance the advocates ot the free coinage oi silver imagine vour cotion is selling in " " ! portion, but don't allow yourseu to think. It you ao, me will hang you on the gibbet and say to the world : -Behold an anarchist" Times, Oct. 22. We reoeat that the article ,mnn which the Times bases its comment does not justify the language they employ. We quoted an editorial from a Philadelphia paper, in which a manifest misrepresentation of "act appeared, and commenting upon the same, we showed wherein they had exaggera ted and proceeded to say that,. "the 'fair in wheat was exag gerated just 300 per cent, in the mad eiiort to keep up me dissatisfaction which the advo cates of silver, socialism, and anarchy have been dinning - . . 1 into the people, by just sucn falsehoods, for years." It will be noted that we mode three distincts classes, vis : 1st, advo cates of silver, 2nd, socialism and 3rd, anarchy. But this was . not all. 1 ne Times, speaking of the far mers, says: "but don't allow yturself to think. If you do the Advance will hang you on the gibbet and say to the world : Behold an anarchist' " Have they any ground upon which to make such a state ment, when immediately fol lowing the article that they pretended to quote this edito rial was printed. STOP AND THINK. Nothingpreads; pore rapidly than bad news. Thecry of hard times has been used by politicians as a campaign fund, for year alter year, until they have impressed the people with a dread, not to be shaken off by any ordinary force of circum- . - stances, Every auman being is more or less dissatisfied with his present condition, and it is an easy matter for a smooth tongued politician to make him believe that this or that cause is responsible for his discomfort, whereas, it would take only the aver age amount of intelligence, properly exerted, to satisfy any reasonable man ot the fact that no one cause can bring about any given effect. To get out of the rut, our people must, first of all, set up a little THINK SHOP OF THEIR OWN. Listen carefully to arguments, on all sides, then go home and digest them, us ing thesalt of common sense as fla voring. Once form this habit and it will be a hard matter for any speaker to lead you far astray. Advance, Oct. 2 1 st. Does this sound like we would condemn a man for thinking ? Do we not advo cate, Jiot only thought, but careful painstaking medita tion ? And again how about those who differ with us? Is there any evidence in our col umns as to what we think of them ? surely there is, read : 'We have never believed that the free coinage o( silver would correct the evils which now,, exist, but while such is our opinion, we accord to every individual the right, which we claim for ou reel f, 'to think as he pleases.' If we do not agree, why, th6 only thing that remains is to wait and see what the future has in store. We are all but human, and 'to err is human.' "Advance, Oct. 28. On the whole, after careful ly going over: the entire ground, we fail to find any reason for retracting anything mat nas peen said. Don't think your liver needs treating if you are billious. It don't. It s your stomach. That is. vour stomach is really what causes billious- ness. It has put your liver out of order. See what's the matter with your stomach. ,Sick stomach poisons liver and then there's trouble. Shaker Diges tive Cordial cures stomach and then all's well. That's the case in a nut shell. cui t: ... ouiK.c;r jLvigesuve oratai is no se cret. Formula's on every bottle. out u s sne simple nonest way it s made, the honest Shaker herbs and other ingredients of which it's com posed, that makes it so eflacious. Any real case of indigestion and Diiiousness can be cured with a few bottles of Shaker Digestive Cordial, try it. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to pi. 00 a bottle. - ' Twenty convicts were taken to Halifax farms to-day. - the NORTH CAROLINA. Sampson Democrat. Have the men who put their shoulders to the wheels of reform and rolled the fusionists into power con templated the result? Perhaps not. Their zeal for the faith that inspired them and their feeling ol anger to ward the mother party for the re proof it gave them as wayward child ren have stood in the wav of that. Let these be laid aside, and what do we see ? It is this : North Carolina which has been . on a forward march since its redemption from its enemies in-' 1872 has about laced and gone back in sight of the scenes of 1868, as a return of the republican party to power. It is the repetition ot history The -white men who lent helping hands in this matter did not toresee the evil "esults that have followed the success of fusion. They dreamed of better things and strove with the in' spiration of honest convictions, -in most instances, to obtain it. They were deceived by a desert mirage. There is not a general disposition to censure those who as plain citizens contributed to this state of affairs be cause no wrong was intended. But hereafter the public judgment will be different. Havintj seen the evil fruits ol republican government as a result of fusion there is no excuse for white men who respect themselves and their families and who prefer white to hlack government, to again torm a cohnbi nation with republicans to defeat their own flesh and blood. It is not hard to forgive mistakes of. judgment, but when men persist in doing what they have found by experience to be wrong, then there h no place for for giveness or room for charitable judg ment. Here is an article setting forth in earnest, dignified lang- age the objection to the pres ent system of government. No abuse, no vile epithets would not the Democratic press do well in following its lead. ss State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) c Lucas County, j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HaiIl's-Catarrh Cure, 1 FRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber. 1886. ' A. W. GLEASON. seal I Notary Puti:c- Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and aets directly on the blood and mur cuous surf ces ot the system Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., .Toledo, O. CSTSold by Druggists. 75c. . FIVE SERIAL !TORIK. Five strong serial stories are announced for publication in The Youth s Companion during 1898. They are 4,The Freshman, a romance of col lege life, by Jesse L. Williams; I he Gold Fields .of the Yukon," a, story of placer- mining in Alaska, by Irving Andrews. "Ferieda' Fairfax Writer," the story of a girl who wanted to do newspaper work, by Marguerite Tracy ; " 1 he htory of a Bee rarm. by Edith A. Fairfield ; and "The Making ot Zimn Bun ker,'' a rousing tale of heroic deeds during the War of 1 8 1 2, by William J. Long. Ihese stories make up only a small part - of the good things that will be spread before readers of TheCompanion during 1898. Present readers of I he Com panion who renew their sub scriptions, and new subscribers will receive free a beautiful calendar printed in twelve col- ors, and embossed in gold. The paper will be sent free to new subscribers every week from the time the subscription is received to January' 1898 ; then for a full year to January, 1 899. An illustrated pros pectus will be sent free to any one addressing The Youth's Companion, . Boston, Mass. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia,, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. "The Fly-Wheel of Life" Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful fpr the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life. J. Fairleip-h, Platte Cannon , CoL Tutt's Liver Pills Tuesday, Nov. 1 6th. New Hanover today paid - 518, 7CX) taxes into the State Treasury. " Much cotton remains in the fields. Some farmers apj ear to be paying lit tle or no attention to the crop. The Loutneastern Tariff Associa tion makes another big cut in fire in surance rates in Guilford, county.: O. C. Mitchell has ; been recom-' mended for the position of ' general storekeeper and gauger to succeed Dr. Blacknall- . . It is strange but true, that the frosts in the eastern part of the State have -been far heavier than here, where they haye not injured thi ten- derest flowers. 1 , - News reaches here of a fire in Guilford county, which burned a saw mill, roller mill, cotton gin and, much wheat and cotton, the total loss beiny $7,500, with no insurance. ? Messrs. W. J. Penny & Co's stote, at-Wilmington, was robbed in a bold manner early this morning, several suits of lob. s t o watches and oth r an c . .! - value tie stolen. . '. It is generally believed that Gov ernor Russell will commute the death sentenee of John Evans, the negro convicted in Rockinghnm last week f criminal assault. Evans is in a dazed condition and walks his cell' constantly ; he says he will maintain his innocence on the scaffold. The decision of the Supreme Court in, the case of Harriss "and others yer.sus the Wright Boaid of Aldermen of the city of Wilmington was handed down today and favored the claims of -Mayor Wright and his board. This decision settles the constitutionality of the act em pow t r- ing the governor to appoint one al derman in each of the fwe wards of Wilmington. - Fayetteviile, N. C, November 15 -The dryhouse of Rankin Uros factory collapsed today while pipes were being put in. Four persons were buried in the ruins William Manning, D. Teachy, C Underwood, white, W. Hat wood colored. All were extricated with difficulty. Tea chy and Hatwood are supposed to be badly injured. The building was not quite finished. WMWM Soft, "White Hands with Shapely Nails, Luxu riant Hair with Clean, Wholesome Scalp, pro duced by Ccticcra Soap, the most effective skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest, for toilet, bath, and nursery. The only preventive of inflammation and clogging of the Pores. tlcnra Soap i told throughout the world. Pottek Drco and Cbsm. COKP., Sole Prop., Boston, V. S. A. ma- How to Purify and Beautify the Bkin, Scalp, and Hair," mailed free. DRDV UlllinDO Itching and ecaly. Instantly re Li AD I nUMUnd Ueved by Cdticoba Kheoim.. are a source of comfort. Tliey tre a source cf care, also. If you care for your child s health, send for illustrated book on the disorders to which children are subject, and which Frcys Vermifuge has cured for 50 years. On bottle by mail for 25 cents. ' 23. fc S. FREY, FOR SALE. - THE HOUSEand LOT -Where I now reside. . JOHN K. RUFFIN, 39-tf Trustee. Prolessional Cards. F. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLLOR AT LAW NASHVILLE, N. C. Practices in Nash, Edgecombe, Wilsoi Pitt and Halifax counties: A. J. SIMMS. A. B. DEANf A. J. SIMMS & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS Office in rear of Court House. P. O. Box 162. tt ILSON. N. C JJ G. CONNOR, , Attorney at i-iw. WILSON, - N.C. Offire Branch & Go's. Bank Building 13. WORTH I NGTON, A. B DEANS. WORTHINGTOV & DEANS. ATTORNEYS-ATrLAVl . - r: Wilson, n. c. Prompt attention gjvan to the collect lion ot claims and settlement of t states Office on Court House Square. mim 11 n 1 when the Creator said to woman, "In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children," that a curse was pro nounced asrainst the auman race, blut the joy felt by every Mother wHen she first presses to her heart her babe, proves the contrary. Danger and suffering lurk in the pathway of the Expectant Mother, and should be avoided, that she may reach the hour when the hope of her heart is to be real ized, in full vigor and strength. MOTHER'S FRIEND so relaxes the system and as sists Nature, that the nec essary change takes place without Nau sea, Headache, Nervous or Gloomy Fore boding of dan p; er, and the trvinpr hour is robbed of its pain and suffering, as so many happy mothers have experienced. Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does this. Don't be deceived or persuaded , to use anything else. "Mother's Friend" is the greatest remertye'-er put on the market, and al I our customers praise it liighly." W. H. Kino & Co., Whitewright,Tex. Of druggists at'Sl.OO, or em oy mail on receipt of price. Write for book containing valua ble information for all ' Mothers, mailed free The Bradfield Beffalator Co., Atlanta, fla. Stop Them The Man or Woman who has bought URW1TURE -FROM- Woollen Zl Stevens, Will tell you, that is tne place to get the Best Goods for. the least money. MOTHERS 1 Mk 1 h r-.rTV ImrtVi-:., . -; - 1 1 MAKE NO MISTAKE WHEN THEY INSIST ON HAVING IiTTlR OIANT SO MQOIl For their Children. Built lor Service. They are Pretty, Too. Sold by I E. TowiMil. "The Confederate Soldier in the Civil War," J ust published, con tains 503 pages liiia in. and over 1,100 largre Battle Scenes, Portraits' M aps, etc. The greatest and largest war book ever published, and the only one that does justice to the Confederate soldier and the cause he fought for. Complete in one vol ume. Agents wanted everywhere to sell this book on our new and easy plan. Many of the lady and gentlemen agents who are at work are making from $loo to $200 per month Veterans. Sons and Daughters of Veterans' and others interested are requested to send for a beautiful illustrated descriptive circu lar (free) and terms to agents. Address COUKiEK J0D8SAC JOB PltlNTINOCO.. ' Louisville, Ky. f?i rj You Tcad the smallest line ? If not, there is something the matt r with your eyes. They need attention. We will not charge you anything for examining them. And we examine them thoroughly. . W e are gradua ted opticians and understand what we do " 1 . , . .-v- . - : ' Yours to serve, ' J. J. Privett & Co. U11UT1L 11 rS X 1 TV VJ 1 11 u GHEAPES' WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods and Dry Goods, Which we are selling at prices to make your mouth water. And..... SHOES ! Our SHOES ARE THE WONDER OF ALL WHO SEE THEM. IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT We Garry tlr z JBest. Try a barrel of our "HARTER'S A 1 FLOUR" and vou will come back for another. .... We have a few COOK STOVES on which we are offering a bargain. COME AND SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS AM) YOU WILL. SAVE MONEY. RESPECTFULLY, : H. i). BARNES & CO.. ... JEFF. D. LEE, Mgr. Cor. Barnes and Tarboro Sts. i :5 tf n FINE No. Buck's Steel Rar. Size 238, Yalue $65.00. tW Will be jfiven to the hold r of n-oi these cartls bearing number cor rrpondinj; to special card sear d and deposited with us by the "HUCK1 STOVK & RANGK "" J 1 here are 3 000 cards issued, one to each c;ili purciiasi r of $1 00 worth of tjods at our stre. ! As soon as the 3,060 canls arv i sued the sealed card will b - "exanbv d an V the number aiiuouu- i, and the holder of the cones -oiidms; number will receive" for $ Loo cash the BUCK'S STEEL K ANGE" v dried at 65. Geo. D. Green Hard are Co. WILSON. W. C. S LE AGKNTS FOR Back's Great Vilhite Enamel Line. Buck's Junior FULL NICKEL ! PLATED Q Gf( To be given FREE To the girl under ) 14- years old who cuts the greatest num ber ot our' advertisements, containingBuck's Trade Mark from the newspapers of our city. - TRADE MARKS must be tnclosed in envelopes or neat packages, plainly marked with name and address of contestant, and may be left at our store ;is often as desired. COLLEC T AD VER 1TSKAIEN TS FROM OCTOBER 21st TO "DECEMBER 21st; 1897. T. us c(jmpetition is designed to call the atten tion of the public to our splendid line'of W Buck's Stoves and Rano:es,W' . r . .... ' ' the only line in the world equipped with WHITE ENAMELED OVEN DOORS, giving to the Oven all ihe superior baking Qualities -of the old fash oned Brick Oven, .. - '' GEO. D. GUEEN HARD WAKE CO., 274i tf WILSON, N. C. 0 PC o o CD CO a 3 a a C 3 CD ( a Si a o o 03 CD 2 C ?

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