Royal makes the lood pure, wholesome and delicious. mmmm Absolutely Pur RQVAL BAKIWQ POWOeW CO.. NtW VOWKi Next Thursday h as a day- of ihnnksg God for his ings. h iH theref r. town authorities t properly observe' f -of business be clt been . set Fox- Hunt part i itl liri-iiln-.. h V.iiilrfut Freak. party of young men went out This .wond"riui freak of nature has iu rtimijinty last week to hive a try at Sir Key- been on exhibition in the Gurt d great bles.- nird. The nartv ramned out all I House varrl Hnrinu thf - i ... . e wish .of the the day be that'an places HoreieMoi.dy. The satp nf ; '."wny ucau 01 noises to mft fr-i.V.t y-.U j . -s'-.-iirtir ana otner ex penses of bringinV the animals here was not a brilliant success as the sale did not net enough to cover one-half of the expenses. One fcood horse was knocked but night and started in on the chase with the first dim streaks of day- The hunters reached to h at about 8 30 a. m. Mr. W. T Clark secured the brush after a most exciting race. present week. " i Millie Christine was born in Whit- vi 1 N. C , in 1851. She is pos sessed with two well f rnud heads. four hands and arms. fur low. 1 Toe other bovs enjoyed the sport,, limbs, well formed in every particular, even though they did not get in at two pairs of .shoulders that blend iuto the death snoa enough to secure the trophy. Innp-ctin Hiid Drill. . The W L. I. were out for their an nual insDection on Mondav niuht last ,....- -J-11 ... . . r . 1 r -1 uouars, while the highest price Ccl. B. S. Royster, of Oxford, reore- paid was less th in thirty d illars. Hargrave's Drug Store W ILL BE OPEN NEXT SUNDAY. WILSON LOCALS. A WKKK'S NK WS BRIKFL.Y TOLD FOB ItUSY RKAOKRS. Married. Yesterday Mr. T. R. Felton was unitep to Miss Nellie Farmer in the bonds ot . holy matrimony. The ceremony was performed by Elder P. D. Gold. The groom is a son of pur well known countyman, Thos. Felton, while the bride is a sister of Mr. J. B. Farmer, of thjs place. The young prople have our best wishes tor a long and prosperous life. sented the Staf. The boys turned out in fine shape, fully fort five mtn responding to the roll call. This was a very creditable showing. - The inspection was made at the Woodard Warehouse, in the presence f 1 .. 1 e ' r wigc auwu 01 citizens, alter which Captain Bobbitt marched his company up town and to the armory. We understand that Col. Royster ex Unr IrxTliuK K'prsnlat;iviv Messenger We regret to state Mr. J. A . - 1 . . ..1 t . urw.i me. pnuur ann g-miemaniv raveling representative of the Mes sciiiici 11. leiimoraru v iaa up at tne - t 1- it-' 1 - ' cuv nospiiHi. nis ailment m-cessi tated-a suryical operation and we are tjrat fied t- state was1 success ruiiv perionnca Mr. v,rew s many friends all over North C-rclina will be Ud t learn that, although the op eration was ot a serious nature, the patient stood it well and at last ac counts was tree from pain and was She can converse on two d.fTerent c""eriui and his condition greatly im subjects in two d.fterent lantniaires at provea..-tie nopes to ne out again in the same, time. She is a sweet sinyei one head sings alto, while the othti head sins s -prano. She is well ed- I There has been a gfod deal of talk ucated ; has traveled extensively all bout ihe sentencing i f G orgejohn over the glob- ; has appeared before all mem Are the Messengers of Sense, the Telegraph System of the human body. Nerves extend from the brain to every part of tfie body and reach every organ: Nerves are like fire good servants but hard masters.'; : . - N erves re fed by the blood and are therefore like it In character. Nerves will be weak and exhausted if the ; , -. - blood is thin, pale and impure. , Nerves will 'surely be strong and steady if the blood is rich, red and vigorous. Nerves find a true friend in Hood's Sarsapa- rilla because it makes rich, red blood. Nerves do their work naturally and well, the brain is unclouded, there are no neuralgic pains, appetite and diges , tion are good, when you take nn r LrJ Sarsaparilla Th Onn Tni TUnnd Piirlfler. All ariifrarlal-a ei SOU to be-hanged at Wilmington on . Prepared only by CXI. Hood' Co.. Lowell, Mau. bers of royalty throughout thanksgiving day, and the news that W 0.lf the best family cathartic . ' , Lk n ' . . , ' rlOOa S FllIS and hver stimulant. 25c one body just below. ihe shoulder blade, forming but one woman, one spinal column Boih heads speak four languages, French, English.. German and Italian. " " short while. era Cotton-, like every other crop, needs nourishment. - . - A fertilizer containing nitro gen, phosphoric acid, and not less than 3 of actual - Fotaslh, Europe ; was commanded to appear betore the royal family at Bucking him Palace and the Prince and Prin- cesa Of Wales at Marlborough House. the governor will probably commute: his sentence is not surprising. ! fMm hMm9m Jrrfr"LV Home l-ttrr PU-ked up on Our Street by our Rfpfir-Whiit he Ses --itntl lleHrs. or "The rntrt Brick" The Centre Brick Warehouse and grounds was sold on Saturday last, Messrs. Cozart & Washington bid- Cotton stiffened somewhat this ujc HiuHr-ny .11111,550. week but still remains quite low. This is one of, if not, the finest warehouses in the State. Fronting Cora Van Tassell tonight, Friday TVrkn ' jr u u J on larboro and Saturday-three nights. commands the approach to the tobac- Col. B. S Royster, of Oxford,, co section from both ol the principal whs in town Monday, inspecting the roads leading into the town. W. L. I. ' j u: it u- 1 1 r p.CMCU ,sc,x ucing mucn pieas- She was examined at the Jefferson ed with the condition in which he m.a: rnr Pk;ijf,;n .uuuu uuui men ana equipments. was Dronounced the wonder of the - of the loth centuiy. She is not an So in thing to Knnw.v " 1 1. 1 Inrnnvfnipnpp to-. hprflt anri ic not a b ...uw w nui Lii uiiiciiiiiiv ill 1 r " . . mn aeiormity, is not repulsive to look A I A A L 1 . 1 C I PI a 1 n F a The telephone exchange will ob serve "Sunday hours." on Thanks giving day. Misses Mary Hadley and Sue Selby went off on a little trip South Saturday. Mr. C. E Kersey, manager tor liacklrn's Arnica Satv. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired out nervous sys tem to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and! Kidneys, and aids these organs in' throwing oft the impurities of the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or $1 per bottle a.t Hargrave's Drug Store. in town this week Mr. J. B Brewer, formerly con- riiaiiksglring Day in Wilson. mayor's OFFICK. "V Wilson, N. C , .," November 17, 1897. anteed to give perfect satisfaction or the Richmond Maury Company, was money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv B. W. Harerave. Tn -rue- Dnai . I am requested to New Market. gjve notice that the citizens of Wilson urant roster, an experienced I will observe Thursdav, November butcher, has opened up a stand in the the 2cth as nected with the schools at this place, was in the city Monday. Miss Fannie Williams, of Green ville, S. C, is in the city visiting her sister. Mis. John L. Hare. Mrs. Helen B Daniel and litle rear st6re of the Lineham building, on Goldsboro street, recently occupied by the "Cash Rachet' He will carry a complete stock ot THANKSGIVING DAY. Places of business will be closed, and may the cause of charity and be nevolence receive consideration from at, pleasant in appearance and inte esting to talk to, and out of the many millions that inhabit this earth she is ihe only woman of the kind. She is a physical wonder or rather two women in one and is un doubtedly a rival of the Siamese twins. . There is a total absence' bf anything that is vulgar or repulsive about her, whose four bright eyes and dazzling rows of pearly teeth i'ght up a fair Creole complexion with an artnimation hat is reallv attractive T T 1 l' Here we nave a woman witn one body, but two distinct minds, borne' by two separate heads that are pos sessed with marvelous intelligence that predominates in both brains. borne ol the sweetest music ever sung by a high soprano and a pure contralo was produced.- The notes issued from two heads, and yet but one trunk supplied the nerve. Some may have an idea that she or they " 1 T - ' 1 are repulsive. .it mis prejuaice should carry anv so far as to avoid her, they will be the losers. els grand son, Lenox Rawtings, are visit- meats, oysters, fish and vegetables the hands of those whom God lavors ing relatives in Rocky Mount. That he means -business is evidenced -There will be, a game of football by the fact that he bought a car load on Thursday next between the Wil son team and one from Tarboro. Col. W. A. Bobbitt, of Kinston. was in town this week, the guest of his broiher, Cap. S M Bobbitt. Mr. Morrisett, formerly assistant atjent at this place, now located in S mth Carolina, wis in to vn on Sun day last. The Rev. B. H. Felton has ac cepted a call to the Disciples Church. He will 'hold his first service on the fourth Sunday Nov. 28. Something has been said of hav ing a irame of football here on of . fine beeves his doors. before he opened with life, health Tahd" daily bread Very respectfully, P. B. Deans, Ma or. . Uonrvhnlil toln. The ancient Greeks believed thai the Penates were the gods who at tended to the welfare and prosperity of the family. They were worshipped as household gds in every home The household god ot today is Dr. King's New Discovery For con sumption, coughs o'd-i, and for a'l affections of ihe Thujat, Chest aritl is 'invaluable. It has been tried for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to 'cure, or money. re- Thanksgiving (Thursday 25th) bat turned. No household should be nothing is settled as yet. Tobacco is selling very high this week. Sme think the sales have ranged higher than at any time this season. . Mtssrs. T. G. Keller.of Washing ton n f 'and. K. W. Walker, of West Virgi.iia. arrived in Wilson on Sijnday last intent on slayiug a few without this good angel It is pleas ant 10 take and a safe and sure reme dy i for old and young- Free trial bottles at B. W. Hargrave's Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. ThiikciTinKServlef at the Presbyterian clmrch" at- Ha. m. Organ Voluntary. . . Invocation. Gloria Patria. Scriptures. Thanksgiving Anthem "Laudate Dominum." Prayer. Lord's Prayer (Chanted.) Chorus. - People with !iair tnat is continu ally falling out, or those who are bald can stop the falling, and get a good growth of hair by using Haul's Hair Renewer. - The tobacco warehouses will be Remarks closed from Wednesday evening, Offertory.- S Io Nov, 24th, to Monday mornine, Nov. " Israel." 29th. No sales on either Thursday K Hymn " America. Friday or Saturday .of next week. Benediction. Ail s h f.thall team Postlude. are requested to report for practice at the Wtodard Warehouse tonight Don't fail as there is a chance for a game next week and you should have all tne practice possible. - Do not allow dealers to sell you someihing just as good as Putnam Fadeless Dyes. There is no such a thing on the market. Insist on having Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Sold by Hawley & Raper, Boyett, N. C. 'Fear ye not, O Another Sh'tntintf iTpe. On Saturday night last another shooting scrape took place below the railroad This tune both parties were natives. - It seems that one Jordan Taylor was talking to a woman when Roscoe Barnes walked up and sought to take part in the conversation, he was told to leave and upon his refusal to do so Taylor pulled out a pistol and fired, the ball takintr effect near the the base of the neck and penetra ed to a point in the region of the back bone. Immediately after firing the shot Taylor threw the pistol as , far away as he could and mingled ; with the crowcl that was soon on the; spot. The weapon was recovered and.Tay lor secured and locked up. The wounded man wa3 taken home and an attempt made to locate the ball but without success. This matter of carrying fire arms is getting to be a serious matter and some means of abating the evil should be found or else the law prohibiting their use should be repealed. Per haps if a heavy tax were put upon all pistols the market might in a meas ure be cleared of a lot of the cheap weapons now so common. Winston Tub icco fair. ' The Winston-tobacco fair was a grand success. Col. J. S, Carr, ol Durham, made the opening speech and was followed by Col. John S. Cunningham, of Person county. The weather was perfect and the crod numbered from ten to fifteen thousand each day. The exhibits were fine. The prize wrappers Fold for 80 cents - per pound It is pro posed to repeat the fair next year. We do not claim that thej sun moon and stars would cease to shine, and this greatjbig world would come to an end; that North Carolina; or even Wil son county would have to enlarge her almshouse to receive the starving thousands if it were not" for TH E C ASH R AC KET or that the streets of Wilson would have grown up in bushes and briars had we never opened our doors at all. We do not wish any one to suppose that we think that our importance has assumed such mam moth proportions. But We do CI aim This, (and have both goods and prices to back it); that " we carry probably as large a stock as any in Wilson. Buy in large quantities, therefore cheaper, have better facilities for handling goods, buy for cash and sell for casfy, therefore enabling us to make the PRICES THE VERY LOWEST. Hundreds of people of Wilson and vicinity can testify to the truthfulness of this statement who have patronized us for 11 years, and helped to build this great business that has no superior in the little city. Tq all such friends and patrons :' We Extend Our Heartfelt Thanks. and to the few who possibly have not patronize us, we will say: You just try for a change some of the many hundreds of matchless values- we are offering daily. Compare the quality of goods, the difference in price, and in 12 months the saving will astonish you. will increase the crop and im prove the land. Our books tell all about the subiect. The are free to any farmer. GERMAN KALI WORKS, - . 93 Nassau St.. Nw York. WANTED. 10 'FAMILIES TO WORK-IN THE Wilson Cotton Mills. For full particulars apply to JAMES LIPSCOMB, 4-4t Secretary and Treasurer. AJ.Simms&Co., Real Estate Dealers, WILSON, - H. C, Will gladly furnish any infor mation regarding Wilson and vicinity. L No decision hris been announced in the Wilmington mayorality case. The (ash Racket Store. The public are cordially invited. Died. O.i Sunday evening November 14th, at 6 o'clock, the soul of little Minnie Ora. the infant daughter of Mary E and J JT. Hinnant, of Boy ette, N. C. took its flight to God ho gave it life. To the parents we ex tend our sincerest sympathies in their bereavement "Sleep on bt loved, sleep and take thy Dr. Albert Anderson was thrown irom his bicvcle Monday and haanis We loved thee wiell, but Jesus loved 1 - . thee best. Good-night ! A Urn ve Kigbt. ; The Southeastern Tariff Associa tion has ordered a furiher cut of rates at Greenboro. This is done, not that the people of Greenboro should reap a benefit, but that the comp t- ny (The Southern Stock Mutual) should be forced to abandon the field and pive the Insurance Trust full r sway.',. -4''. '.. " It is a real pleasure, however, to see with what loyalty the people of the State are rallying to the assistance of the home company. Its agents re port that business has steadily in creased since the fight began, and that instead of injuring, the tarif A c 1 w OP THE MERITS 1 n BT-i AYER'S Cherry Pectoral would, include tho cure of every form of disease which- affects the throat and. lungs. Asthma, Croup, Bronchitis, "Whooping Cough and other similar complaints have (when other medicines failed) yielded to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ; J.' M. LEATH, Manager. Cor Nash and Goldsboro Sts. WILSON, N. C. N. Baker. "1 m. iTT A rrryy CATALOGUES FREE Ofi REQUEST. PKrTcr mnNG 1 have just received th3 most complete line of Carpets ever seen in Wilson. You Will be Astonished at the Cheapness ol my Carpets. ALSO A FULL LINE RUGS. MY PRI IS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT, COME EARLY. Yours for bargains. 27 42 311. corner WAbrl AND TARBORO STS. BEAUTIFUL mrmiiw ft in if vt rest; Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour s sociatim has actually been of breast n as great lace badly scratched. He waajurn in tht corner at the Methodist Church, when his wheel struck the inclined pavement and flew out from undt-r him. . The doctor's nose must have struck the ground first, and did w not know positively to the contrary we should, sy that he had been in a foot ba scrimmage. ed no serious injuries. Good night'!' 4... A Frend. assistance. - The Greensboro people have orlnnrprl a novel Dlan to make use of tfiP.r' enemies' ammunition. Thev r i n a r 1 j n Keai tsiaie croiers ana uocmission Merchants. Or KKA Hi) S K OFFICE ON NASH bT., OVER rv. J. URANTHAM & Co. SWlLSON, N. C 3 nights. 3 . R al Estate Bonbt and Sold. d Rp.ntq MpcM 1 - a . 4 ww m. warn ww w iai NOV. 18i We otie ,toIlsa,e Buildin? Lots in the town of Wilson and Elsewhere. We invite intending. settlers to call and see us. Correspondence solicited. BEGINNING - ..THURSDAY, MISS CORA VAN TASSELL tInformation given free of charge. AND HER OWN COMPANY OF, COME DIANS PRESENTING ' Thursday, THE NEW HIDDEN HAND H. G. CONNOR, President are accepting all cut rates and paying Friday THE GILDED AGE BRANCH CAS For Infants and Children. TOR I A Saturdnv. THE . UTTLE OFFI CER. Tfcafto- Fortunately he sustain flfwart over the difference, between the stand- arrl and cut rate, to the treasurer of the ho,ne companv. $ that virtu- Popi PfjCeS, 10, 20, 30CtS. ally the home company Huany receiving a large amount of premi- u n for risks carried by outside com panies. & eo. The fae-fit TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING " 0SINE5S IN ITS FULLEST SCOPE - SOLICITS THE BUSINESS OF THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. 2S-2J-tf .' . , WILSON is. a town of 4000 inhabitants with all the modern improve ments, such as Water works, Jilectrtc. lights and Telephone service, and is the most pros- perous town in North Carolina. We. have the best Cotton and Tobacco Market In the State. Yet farming lands are reason ble in prjee, from $10 pe acre up. We are in a pos- tion to offer ji - ' Building Lots in any section of the town, and call attention especially to vacant lots on Academy, Spring, Goldsboro, Hines, Daniel and Park streets, rang ing in price from $I5Q- tb $1,000. If you want to sell your lot place it with men who arejn touch with purchasers. If you want a tenant for your building, and the rents collec ted promptly make a contract with A.J. Simms&Co. No 5. Farm of acres 6 miles from Wilson, l tenant houses, a eood i hors'e farm in cultivation, adjoining lands that ca.i be boueht reasonable. Price. L $1,000. No. 8. A valuable erist mill com plete, heavy 40 inch runners, and a large Wilson cotton seed crusher. No. 12. A farm of acres a miles from Wilson, 150 acres in cultivation. 25 acres eood1 pasture, well watered. 4 tenant houses and eood out build- mes. ino Deuer larm in tne countv. Price, $4,000. No. 13. A good 4-rootn dwelline- on corner of Spring and South streets. A good sized lot cheap lor the price, " $800. No. 15.. 1,250 acres timber land on and extending from the W. C. & A. and C. C. R K. in Columbus countv. Productive farming land if cleared. Place is paying rent as turpentine farm of 10 per cent, on price asked. Price $2,100. . - No. 18. A farm of 80 acres. 8 miles from Wilson, buildings new. Horse farm just cleared. Price. $850. No. 23. Farm of 00 acres 6 miles from vVHson. One horse farm in cultivation Good buildings. Fine tobacco land.' Price. $1,000. . , . , No. 25. Vacant lot on the corner of Spring and Hines' streets, 4$ by 1S5 feet. Price $100. 9 t . No. 38 Vacant lot on the corner o Goldsboro and Hines streets. bv . i. C. HALES, CasWei h feet. Price $ior . - ; No. 39." Vacant lot on the corner of Spring and Dairy streets, 47 by 185 feet. Price $100. No. 52. Vacant lot onHhe.corner of Goldsboro and Dairy; streets 46 by 185 feet. Price $90. No. 19. Lot on comer of Spring and Dairy streets. Good four-room dwel ling, good water. Price low. Popular prices 1 " No. 55.-- 60 acres of land on west end of the city. Suitable -for lavine out residence lots. Price low. ' 4 T 27-18 iyr.