V Royal makes the toojl pure, . wholesome and delicious? Ml pv ;? POWDER Absolutel Pur . POVW. BAKING POWDER CO., NEW VOHK. Herring's Drug Store ".WILL.BE OPEN NEXT SUNDAY; WILSON lilies; A WKKK'S NKWS BRIKFLV j'OLI) FOI! nrsY KKADKKS. Horn Sliitters rkked up nn Our Strfeln by o'or Reporter What he Sees and llesr. ". Mr. Robert R'ountree, of New .'V". - ' ' .. -'. ' Y6rkJ, was in the city yesterday. v lMf, P. C Sptzer, former! of Wilson, how ot Dunn, was in town : Monday. ;; ' 1 They ;ire beauties that ! souve nir of Kinsey's Seminary, at Privett S: Co., Jewelers. 1 Mrs. W.. B. Hill, formerly ot Wilson, was in. the city this week, .-. visiting;. Mrs. Herbert Rountree. Miss "Mary DeVane, formerly employed at the Briggs Hotel, was in the city this ' week (or a. days or 1 j -. two. . . ' '.- Messrs. W.-B. Moore and J B Rountree spent Sunday in Rocky Mount the guests of Mr. T. M. An derson, Jr. . V -yCol. Smith, cottonbuyer tor. the firm of Alex Sprunt and Son, of Wil mingtOn, took a run down home ' last Saturday, returning Tuesday. Remember . the drill- Monday ' night at the Woodard Warehouse T 1 r . 1 JLet every memDer 01 tne Company ; be in ranks'" and thus make a fine showing. - - ; ' .' 1 , ' When the hair begins to fall ont or turn gray the scalp needs doctor ing, and' we know bf no better spe cific than Halls Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. i ' . i The old 'iatt'.ce" house," on the corner ot Green and - Goldsboro .streets, is being moved: It will be taken over ihe rstilfoad and pr.ob1 ably.usedsas a "t'enement.T r-This week has witnessed the coldest weather of the season, Jortu nately it has been' perfectly open, thus one of the "most disagreeable features of w inter have been, wanting; , "We understand that the Build . ing and Loan Association have ap . plications for money, for . building . purposes, that will ensure the profit able use ol, al! the funds that they will take in for "a. year. . ;f Gilbert Walden, the jnoted Vir ginia elocutionist, at the Opera House tomorrow (Friday) night. ! The en tertainment is given in interest of the - Graded School Libtary, 50 go ,out ; aid spep4?.a pleasant evening, besides helping. to)uy books for the school. Mr. Sam Earle, formerly of Wilson passed through town this week on his way to W arm - Springs, Ark. Mr. Earl was much improved by his (previous trip and he is now going 'again with the .intention of . staying as long as there is any chance of a complete recovery. 4 : The outlook for building in .Wilson for the coming-season" is very en couraging for workmen.' There are ... enough houses in the hands oi the contractors to. keep alt our, carpenters at work for a year. It. looks as though there was to be no let up for this season, at least. Mr. R. E. Tovvnsend has bought out the insurance business of Wright & Carter. Mr. Townsend will con duct a general insurance office, occu. . pying J the old t ffice for the present He represents some of the leading companies in the country and we ; trust he will do well. Hart's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote. and the Hypo phosphites; if faithfully used, is a specific in the, treatment of Weak Lungs, Consumption, Bronchitis etc. Leading Physicians recommend it. Sold "by B- W, Hargra ve. . - -, ; '. --4. r Four leaf. clover charms just re ceived at Privett SdZo., Jewelers. r E F. Nn.-la't's Jmnlsome store', m the corner f N a.wl farboro streets, is beginning to take on the finishing touches. . The se vere weather of this wtek has ot course stopped all work but the build ing" is far enough advanced to show what it will be t The upper floor will be occupied as offices. Messrs. T). J. Rose &. Bro. have secured the rooms overlooking Nash street and will fit tllem Up for architectural and designing rooms. The Rose Bros, are thoroughly up to date in their busi ness, and art prepared to contract and furnish plans, for any building. Fhey have in their office Mr.. Barrett. a nephew of Barbour, the celebrated Knoxville architect, Mr. Barrett spent seven years with his uncle betore starting out in business -lor himself. The Dance Monday Mhl. The Harpers gave the German Club a complimentary dance Monday night which "was a decided success. The weather was so threatening that " ' 4 ' many, who would . otherwise have participated, di'd not turn out, those however who did go say they had the besf time they season. have, had this' It iK-klpii'H Arnica alvf. The bst ' Salve in.. th,e world . for Cuts; Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaped Han'ds, Chilblain, Corns, and all j Skjn Eruptions, and positively cures riles, or bp pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. W. Hargrave. w I'hotjjirraplie'-. Mr Viggp Lund has sold out his photograph business to Mr. G. V. Lewis, ot. Plymou'ih. N.-C, who'has already taken charge of the. studio, and will be glad to welcome the pub lic. Mr. Lund will soon leave lor either the Klondyke.or Cuba. He cannot quite make up his mind which he. would prefer, the buzz of Spanish bullets or the cutting winds which frequent the Chilcoot pass' He will, while making a .decision spend a few days with friends at Rocky Mount. Tobaci.'o Sal . ' The sales of tobacco lor the month of January were somthing 'over 650, ooo.'pqunds. . This brings the total sales "for the season up to a little over 8.500,000 pounds. This is about -the same that was handled up to this time last year but we can hardly ex p ct that we will get as much from thjis time forward as we did -.last sea son as the acreage was about 25 per cent short this year. The result of this shoratge. has been apparent,: in the good prices that have prevailtcf during the entire.season. '' , The V. L. I. met in their armory on Monday night Jast lor a drill but Capt. Bobbitt decided to hold a bus inss meeting in.-tead.. 2 Next Monday uiht bring the first in the regular monthly meeting will be heid, alter w Inch there will be' t drill at Woodani'i Warehouse. Dues will also be collected for the ast quarter 75 cents so go , pre pared to nay Let t very member niakea special fioit to report prompt ly at 7:30 and carry a full company oufon drill. It will only last a short time, and there is no. reason why every oneyshould not be on hand. 1 Nfw Krai Ktatf C'ini)n.v. In another column wilf be seen the advertisement of the Contentnea Real Estate 'and Investment Company. The Company has been formed for the purpose of handling real estate ip every shape, both in town and coun try . Especial nttentTon will be given to the collection of rents. 1 They propose to advertise exten sively, both at home and abroad, all property entrusted to their care., Pjlo "charge made for advertisements be yond the1 usual commissions, where; sale, or transfer is made. No rale no charge. ' '; " ; The company will also negotiate loarts, securing loarjs on approved se curity, af reasonable rates. The Company has- their o'vn Surveyor, thus enabling them to arrive-at the correct meets and bounds of all property th it thev may handle, at the lowest possible cost." They are also, prepared to furnish' plans and specifications on all kinds pt buildings with interior and exterior decorations also "Landscape Gardening," in fact they are prepared tqgive all neceS sary informotion in regard to building and - grounds together -with many other points that will be of use to the Purchaser,' the Seller, the Renter, the Rorrower. the Builder, and in fact anv one that f Is interested in real Droperty. ' All communications should! be ad dressed to the Secretary, Mif. J.' Taylor. " Thiim-iwii"r' - On Fniliy evening last ;i fatal af- (rr.x, KuHuopn nrjnU 1- I.jmm Mild r. ' . . - . , I store ot Lim n. it. seems ttnt mere had been some dispute between the carries in retrard to an account which, KrAA I hmnv c nn the dav . . w.enuoneu r.nman, accump... uy his son, went to the store ot Lamm, where after some words . Eatman drfw a nistol and fired uoon Lamm, . 1 a2.'7i, ,tu r;.Ut the ball taking effect' in the right .-... - , oreasi. rtiier , u.e M.m wrt3 'V c Lamm killed, the elder h.atman ana wounded the younger ; scr seriously that it was thoncrht he could not-'re .. v.ti.. -oiWii A r--- - IJUVtri-. 1 I C LUIUIItl' ncu tanvu o" on S aturday summonsed aury, who. : after viewing the body, .adjourned to to meet. in Wilson on Monday .and. har thv5denrt the rase. " , ' , ' ' ' : 1 1 j ; . : . .. - Monday, the jury renaerea a verpici to the effect that Eatman had come to his death at the hands - of one crn .viu t '..v, c-'tA l mm aPtmm l sell defence.- The Coiiiiiin Wmili ;. - , Who goes to thecfub while her hus band tends the . baby, as well as the good old-fashioned woman who looks- 1. , I Ml I l . ' alter ner nome, win mnn gei run down in health. They1 will be trou- utlj r Ji .Au o.eu uu.mSS yn lc, lta sleeolessness liinting of diziv spells. 1 ne most wonacnut remeay ior tnese uompn i F.lprtrir RWtprs. Thousands . T r o,;; R,ri, - .' ' ' ixr.i .....: 1 -II 1 vveaK, iMuncy .use up a..u . n blessed. It is the medicine for wo- men. t eirtaieicompiamts ana iNer- 1 r ixt -I trouble-Cffall- kinds are ...some ved bylhe e of Electric Bitters vous : , - . iencaie. women m.,u,u Keep mi remedy on hand to ! build up the sys- tern. Only 50c per bottle. For Sale hv B. W. Hargrave. , . The iteautifni miow. f The first snow of this winter fell on Sunday last. The clouds were thick ' : . . . ana inreaiening an me morning, yei . it was a great surprise to the crowds who attended public worship, " to find when they started1 home' that while. they worshipped the fleecy flikes had been fal ling, : un til their astonish - ed eyes encourrtereri, a .bewildering cloud 6f feathery flakes, which had already enveloped the earth in a white mantle. The snow fell steadi-. ly all the remainder of the day but it turned so warm that very little, of -it was in sights on Monday morning. About eleven -o'clock Monday there wasl japotler-5oWK.;storm, in which' the flakes were immense, but fortu t....'-.i :j!a yj'Ji'tf udiciy iijc yaiiu ; wvta pr.cij aiiu -i mpltpd as fjst-a4 Tt fell. Thu i han. pened that ali: the lovers of "the .' .xill - , magnincent signt, wnne tne more sober niinded were not. afH'cted with the many ; inconveniences usually at tending such'displays. To cap the clim'ax Old Sol ckme forth just before night thus making the variety "com plete, v " .V. - . Soiiiftliing hIimi) JurifH. Common a oalth. , .. Much is said in various ways about who should be admitted " to the jury box: Certainly rio'inan ought to be trusted to-decide the interests of other -..' men who can not and des not prop. erlv guard his own. -But it often hap pens that the most "noddle headed" soft brained: fellows are retained on a jury to pass upon grave questions of crime, or import-int personal interests One thing . is certain : In North Carolina where the races are mixed in the jurv box, no man ' ought to be kept on the jury black or white, who will, be swayed by prejudice, race prejudice or any other kind, so that he can not render 1 verdict according to the merit of the evidence -Material is being hauled for the residence, of Mr E. G. Rawlings, which is to be built' iust beyond that of Dr: E K; Wrigh't, nn Nash St. Souvenirs of Kinsey Seminary in sterling spoons and book marks, at Privett ct Co , Jewelers. . ; Raleigh News Budget. Wednesday January 26th. ! A case bt small cox' has developed in Charlotte. The State Christian Endeavor,convention will De held at High Point March 1 8th to 20th The; Governor's attack on Railway Commissioner Abbolt "nas incensed the Republicans. Abbott is a. de-y-Ued iriehd ot Senator Pritchard's. Judge s JNorwood decided at Waynesville .Wednesday ; that, the Buncombe bonds ot the Asheville and Sparta rjsttier railroad arer jiull and void, An Irdell man wins the prize. He went-to a dbctor -and said he desired to make . - an assigumerit. 'When -asked ; what were his assets, he replied, "two., mules. a.nd eleven childreh." The report of the State Supermtedent of Public Instruction, says.- there are 41 43 white and 21 1,519 1 'colored., children 01 schoo UOU NEED Hood's fe'arsaparilla if yojiy blood., ia impure, your appe- uie gonevyoHreartn inipaireia'. coin ing builcU up health like HOOD'S age. and that sen rn eoronment is. itsptctively, 222.252 ai.d -131 4?4.- Thursday, January 27. I here was a targe gathering of rav,rad officials at-them.t-tting .f ihe railw - ay, commission , today t show cause; why there-should be no rfduc- tio of passenger rte- No action was taken. Ihe contempt case.-cf Co!. AB.' Andrews aid others was not pushed The TJnivereity has ta- ken .the .-first plac.e-amorig similar 'in- I stiuijions. in. the-. South.. President Alderman has been granted jhree . ; . - months leave in which to visit Eu- rope. A Philadelphia an wants to buy 50.ooDiacres ofswamp land, in North Carolina. t . . . 1 r KiDAV. January 2oin 'ni ..:- . . other day doing-nothing. The rate I hp rai lu.au mmmissmn ctipnt an. cases were postponed until Feb 17th as was the:.conteinpt case The new rate ona?Uon was, recalled and thie old rate declared in force. The an nual min winter musical concert, of the Salemtiii!e' CoHege was given last -night knd is - SaKl- to'have been one of the most 'tiiefetonous ever civen. Vaccihatiou all over the Stale.) is b ecoming1 quite sthe fad. Thej Governor was r operated ; on y ester- terday. SatiIrd'A'y; January 15. Sup. Mewborrvs'ays he 'thinks that the penrtehttary wrill -soon be upor a rHFinnr rt tj AH ;WV f it- 1 1 I-l.- Haj,,js i " -wuviVia are now at Raleigh and will soon be employed injtne. srurrtactory. .o- Lav. a soenial ayent of the Unitedtates, is & Raleig h to super-: mtena tne ;trajijier,oi ine omce irom F M. Simmons. . to Duncan.-Olho Wilson is a candidate- lor the post- rAuhc it Kii pioti It ic cairt that f ..x..,... "- R4ehmond Petersbure and Rldtf, way R,. R. tapi?ogfehsinK and that it - it ". .11 nr win- oe in use,, in tne early laii.-r- 1 ne few rate of ferulizers will go. into, ttT !Kts Vhe m. vonege neia a-mass meeting ro- d aske(j rbf better food. The taculty will -cotisider their complaint. I m ... K - MOxday,; January. 31. 1 he railroad commissioners have been ordered to aopear in VVashing- ton and show cause why they should "c ... ing the two v usons Kevenue ioi lector Duncan is quoted as saying that there" wou'd he changes in his department ; all along the hue. Tt is said that" the railroa com mission will reduce first class;-f'tre to 2 M and sec ond .class to ii- cents per mile. State Labor Commissioner. Hamrick says that only 7 percent of the cotton factory operatives who have sent in letters- have favored the passage of any law to - regulate the hours of la bor. . ... ':. " 9 -I.". Tuesday, February 1 The railroad commission will pro ceed to haul up the railroads for issu-l ing passes to newspapers'. -Mr. E. U IJuncan nas taken tne oatn 01 01 .fiv Mr..M:Ci 'iyhmpsow was: also i"?.fCt'i..u -j mai:1; sworn in as unici uicik, hhu jvi i .- w u- ver DockerV, as cashier. Collector Duncan, re cop! mmns the deputy collectors lor tnntv aays. J ruuvulrL ME Pimples, blotches, blackheads, red, rough, oily, rnothy skin, itching, scaly scalp, ;dcy, thin,-and falling hair,, and'baby, blomisliosjprivenud.by; , Cutictjra Soap, the most eftt-ctive skill punfy- lng and beautifying soap in the world, as well aa purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. . Mm Isnold thronchoutthe world. Potter D. iitd C. Corn., Bole Prop., Boston . . W ' I low to Beautify the Skin ," free BLOOD HUMORS Permanently Cured hv CUTICUKA REMEDIES. r -SILVER THE ISSUE IN IPfin. Money the Pricing Instrument Civilization and Progress Have Kept . Step Wiih None) Supply in All Ages. w The Money Question-discuss-d; in the light 6 experience and history. The Reading Bimetallic Paper of A:njerxa. V. S. Senatomv. M. STEWART," Editor. ' A correct account of. the doings of Congress given each week. , A family paper for the home and fire- - i d side. All the important happenings of i i A large circulation; in every State and Territory.; j " Subscription Price, SI-Per Year. Send for sample; agents wanted. , . k ' PuWished weekly by the Silver Knig-.t r ublishjng Ct fl . j - WASHINGTON, D. C. t sunscriB.ions receivea at tnis titice for the Silver .Knight-Watchnraft or we will club ..trie, same with the Au- vanck tor yi.50 per year."; peci Tlght remedy for babies' ills especially f worms and BLoruach ..disorders is " i" Frey's Vermifuge has cnrHf children" for 6Q ye.rs. Ser.cl f r iilus. book aixnt tne Ills ana ine rfeinodv. due Unxu manf lbr IS eeou. h. S. FEET, Baltimore. Hd. ' liar Ills. The J 1 1 ' i j v 1 y j i 1 '' - A &'fz&&yi&" SU Ate- Fifty Years Ago. Who could imagine that this should be .The place where, in eighteen ninety-three That white world-wonder of arch and Should shadow the nations,. polychrome . .. Here at the Fair was the prize conferred On Ayer's Pills, by the world preferred. " Chicago-like, they a record show, Since they started 50 years ago. - , Ayer's Cathartic Pills have, from the time cf their preparation, been a continuous success with the public. And that means that Ayer's Pills, accomplish what is promised for them; they cure where others fail. It was fit'ting. therefore, that the world-wide popularity of these pills should be recognized by the "World's Fair medal of 1893 a fact which, emphasizes the record: 50 Years of Cures. W E no longer supply oar seeds to dealers tf " sell again. At. the same time, any one who' has bought cur seeds of theii local dealer during either 1806 or 1897 will be sent our Manual of MEverythine for the Garden " for 1898 r?rr?r? Drovided thev apply by letter riVCC and give the name of the local merchant from whoa they bought. To all. others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs ui 30 cents to place in your hands,, will be sent free on receipt of 10 cents (stamps) to covei . -M 1 -1 . 1 I J , 1 puiujge. lxouning uwe tins manual nas ever been seen here or abroad ; it is a book of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new. and these arc supplemented by 6 full size colored' plates of the best novelties cf the season, finally, OUR "SOUVENIR SEED COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all annli- cants sending 10 cts. for the Manual who will state where they saw tins -advertisement Postal Card Applications Will Receive No Attention BOARDERS WANTED. I would like to p(it d few boarders. Gan furnish rooms for four. Gentlemen : only need apply. . j Mrs. JOHN BARNES. OPPOSITE ELKW'OOB INN 28-2. 4t. JOHN GASTON, ; Fashionable Barber, Nash St. WI LSON, N C. Easy chairs, razors keen; Scissors sharp, linen clean. t or a shave vou pay a dime ' Only a.nit kle o get a shine; shampoo or haT'ut Pornpadour ; Vou oav the sut, nfiwenty cents more 50 YEARS' V EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Ofc. jrfi Designs . Iry? tll - CIopyrights Ac. Anvone sendlrifr a wketfh and description may tng a nketch i un our opinii : quickly ascertain our opinion free whetber an invention is prohablv patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest neency for securing patents. Patents taken tlirnuirh Munn & Co. receive, special notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. I-nnrest eif- year; four months, 1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.36,Broadway' New York Branch Offlce.,625 F St., Washington, I). C. hi Ml? The Birth 01 the iN.ew i ear r .1 xt - T is always welcorjied with joy. 1095 win oe aouDiy .wel comed because it has been pre dicted a year of prosperity,- No matter how prosperous people are, thev can't afford to throw money away, and that is why we want you to come to us "when you are looking for satisfactory musical ! instru ments.' You will make a good start by coming to us. PRIVETT & CO. x LOOKING BACKWARD Over the passing years discloses a growth in the volume of business transacted. by 'Hie ( ash Racket Store. : ; That is as gratifying as it is marvelous-. gratifying as an unerring indication that the "fe Anrm r..n.. ; lirr .1 " i UliJ jupu. aic ui-jic giving, price-levelmgpropensities ! Marvel- rjj oiis because it has exceeded even its owft most hopeful anticipations. I As there is no. ; pleasure without some pain, so this gratifying growth h&s its sting in the fact that in this . Tit! leveli"s of P"ces there has been the forcing of many fe hn of the 'JOld Timers' (clever fellows), to the wall, i . .- . Li fiitj m pi PEEPING v ! FORWARDS. ,. . . ' ' : ."P1-: A r-e greeted with ! the pleasant view of UjTI ' improved fa'cilities. enlarged quarters; in- JJ creased stock and a well'trained corpse of , JJjl -capable assistants bending their energies ' -; ' ' jJ to please you. H ' iiiy v. I I p m ' 1 oiuuj um niutjs ftuuiiuiiprtj uur mm. m J. M. LEATH, Manager . tjj r 1 r 1 t 1 r . : ll 1 ne usn u .. ' Cor Nash and m ' THE 'GREAT X OA THIS ENTIRE STOCK MUST GO AT C, RE AT SACRIFICE PRICES. Commencing with "to-day our complete stock of Ladies' and Children's -.-- ....... Will go beiowjNew York Cost. - ; OlR;r S'PLE JT) t AbSOR-T.feNTOlFD R ESS; GOODS WILL SHARE" AS ONE OF OUR GREAT BARGAINS. We will Sell 50 Beautiful Rugs .Irom 19cts Dp. ' . . . . We will put a knife in bur Clothing Department. Over Coats, Pants, Boys' and Men's Clothing, all at Half Price. f Ladies Men's --.Others - Remember our goods must Call and examine our stcck. Cor. Nash and Tarboro Sts. V VHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE W'HITE WHITE WHITE WrHITE WHtTE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WM1TE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE white white WHITE WHITE " WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE . WHITE ; WHrTE WHfTE WHITE W H ITE W HUE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITH WHITE jtVHITE WHITE WHITE We have Slides Shoes WHITE GOODS Ever Opened in Wilson. t . QALL AND SEE THEM. BLOUNT1 tuny j realizing, ine value jj b, il 'I Goldsboro Sts. DAYS SA ULt. andj Children s Shoes fiom 49c up. Shoes from 79c up. at Half their value. go, so save, time and money. 1.. DAVDl) JPr PTMCDT1DP ..... ' - : WHITE WHITE WHITH WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE . VHITE WHITE - WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE ' WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WH'TE WH ITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITEWHITE WHITE WHITE WHITEWHITE WHITE e prettiest line of ......... C APES an d COATS t WIST IAD.