f Royal makes the food pore, wboleeoiM and deliclooe Absolutely Pure tBQVAt BAKIWQ fOWPCW CO., NfWVORK. Ml CiW! I AM I C tfcK'.vNKWS BUI KFLV TOLIJ FOR ItUSY UKADEKS. tioiiiM niuttrrH i'ickea up n our streets is by our Keporrr Wlmt h Seeg itnd Hears. Several new benches have been r nlarwl in the Court FJouse vard. rthe citv vesterdav making arrange- - - " - -. J t I Thpv will no dnnht be well natronized Vl.irtncrtl-iP summer' - Hall's flair Renewer enjoys the confidence and patronage of people all over the civilized world, who use it to restore and keep the hair a nat ural color; One of our most orogressivc citi zens, Mr. Howard F. Jones, has in vented a labor saving devise fi-r curing tobacco. See his ad. in an other column. The colored military company left yesterday for Fort Macon about torty strong. There were several hundred of their friends on hand to wit ness . their departure. Another -car of colored volunteers froii Fayette ville joined them here. ; The wooden- building on Nash street, just below the railroad, recent ly occupied by Mr. B. M. Owens as a store his been moved off. Mr. 0vens will erect two nice brick stores in its place. A few more like iinproveinonts would change the appearance of that part of the town a great deal. Liquar AH-latiin. The retail l.quor dealers of Wilson have formed an Association which a'ny person engaged in the business may join They have requested the Board of .Commissioners not to grant lic use to any person who is not a ineinU-r i f the association. I Rl.irv 1 mr v-iiiii:h. Still another residence is to be added 10 the '.grand total ot this sea son's record. ..Mr. M. T. Moye is preparing for the erection - of a fine residence on Pine street, between Nash and Green. : This year has been a red letter year in Wilson. Never before has there been so much work done in the building line. . : , - o Sean the STC The Kind You Have Always Bought Signatures of Alnrnv'.o I'licliy. The Richmond Maury Company h ive just completed the repainting of J their immense fictory. It is now a beautiful white monu ment, representing thousands ot dol-' hrs to Wilson, loth in the shape of a permanent investment and a con stantly recurring source of revenue to hundreds of operatives. Tli f'ri.- It is the unfversal verdict of the firners that the hot dry weather has seiiously damaged the tobacco crop, a watch had been stolen. .. morning from General bhafterj saying . They fear that it will fall considerably A message was received from the that he is just in receipt of a message short of last year's crop and of what chief of police of Kimton saying that from General Toral agreeing! to ex- was expected lor this year. , a Mr. Kornegay of that town had lost change Hobson and his men. The Thev n port the cotton crop as juch a watch an j asking that the exchange is to be made in the morn doing well , and the com as doing thieves be held until they could be ing He n fused to exchange y ester well, identified. The description of both day. Hobson . and his men. will be The weather that suits cotton and the boys and watch answered exactly, brought to this country.- corn is death on tobacco. - It-inurkx1le Cure. ". Mrs. Michael Curtain, Pjainfield, III., makes the statement lhat she ".caught cold, which settled on her lugs; she was trea;e l lor a inunih by her family physician, but grew , worse. He told her she was a hope less victim of consumption amh lhat no medicine1 could cure her.1 Her druggu.t suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for - Consumption ; she bought a' bottle and to her delight found herself infilled lrom first dose. She contmued its use and after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well ; now docs her own housework, and is as wells as she ever was. ' Fice trial bottles of this Great I)Lsc ivery at I largrave's ,T)mT Store l.an'e bottlts o cents Kver H nettling. The Wilson Homeand Loan As sociation are hustlers and are doing an immense amount of god, just where it is most needed. . - They announce, in another column lhat they will opes a new series (the 17th) on Saturday next, July 2d, and solicit the attention of the public. This institution has done more to help - along the working classes of Wilson - than any one organization that has been started in the town. Its officers are all citizens of the town and, with the exception of the Secretary, give their services absolutely free. We are proud, of .their success and , , will add trust thai each year they thereto. " I A (ranl Hxi-urttion. The excursion which is to be run to Washington, DC, on July ioth.TWoodard, who played a good shorf in many respects an exceptionally fine opportunity for a pleasant trip to the capital. Mr. Pipkin, the manager, was in J J y ; , n- ments. He has aDDointed Messrs. W. T. Edmundson and Berrv Hiri- nant as his local managers, for Wil- son, these gentlemen will be glad to furnish all necessary information. Mr. Pipkin needs no introduction, he is already well and favorably known here. Mr. Hinnant, by xeason ot his long stay in Washington, is especially fit ted for his place as manager. OIpiI.- Sunday morning at his home this city, Dr. Robert Best. n Dr. Best was' well known here and had a host ot friends He has been me up. Fortunately,, a fiiend ad for some ti.ne a patient sufferer, and vised trying 'ELctric Bitters:' and though his death was not unexpected, to my great joy and surprise, the it was none the less sad. first bottle made 'a decided improve To the sorrowing tamily we ex ment. I continued their use for three tend our heart felt sympathies. Th funeral services were held at I the residence Monday evening at A iiiiiiii-riii-nt. The many lriends of Miss Chandler McDaniel will be interested to know of the announcement of her marriage to Mr. raul K. olocunibe, now ot Wilniingion, but formerly of Fayette ville, N. C., which will occur in Octo- br Mis McDaniel is one of Wil- son's most beautiful and accomplished daughters. She is not only well known throughout the State, but is a tavorite in the social circles of Atlan ta, Norfolk and Baltimore, and other cities which she has visited. Mr. Siocu'.iil.e is also well , known. He was a member of the champion ship foot oall and base ball teams while at the University. He is large ly interested in the Carolina Cooper age Co , one of the most important and prosoerous firms of the State. He has many friends in Wilon. ItiK'klrii'H Arnica Salv. 1 .i ' 11 e ie oest saive in me woriu ior Cuxs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rfteuni, Fever Sores, Tt Iter, Chaped Chilblains, Crns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posiiivelyc sain Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. W. Hargrave Thtef ChukIiI. Our ever active police force found two negro bins with a very valuable watch. Th.ev h oawned it for a ------- ' small sum and ruspicion was nnme- diately aroused. The authorities of! the neiffhborme towns were intormed 9 . t of it and a description of the watch and the bovs sent to them, with the request that they be informed if such Mr. Kornegay came here this even- ing to claim his property. A Curiosity. Mr. Petrakian, formerly of Damas- cus City, but now of. Wilson, brought ti us Neitid,y an enoimous cu cuin'oer, the seed of which he said were sent to his by. 'his bntther from D i n.tMU-i lb- cas i! ti e "Pctra ki.in I'uni nj' i, " (I -.iw'that it i a t tvo! !t-d.sh m his !.ui r.-uiiv. . This .oii; '' raisrd lv Mi. IViih- kian lere in Wilson, and ne yard long and nine and one hail inches round Mr. Petrakinr. savs that it is tenderer ' and more Jit-ahhy than our cucumber-. . He says ihai they have both kinds in his counlvy bui they prefer the Petrakian. It does not cause fevtr. . He has seed with hirn which he givts to those who want The base ball enthusiasts have S nally succeeded in securing a team for the month of July The following men have been signed : . Boh Lawsnn, well known here as the great Franklin pitcht-r, who for the last few summers has been giving our boys so much trou ble in the ball business, and who is well known throughout the Slate as the great University pitcher for this Spring, accompanied by LeGrand, his fine catcher; besides these valuable men we have Lewis, ot Kinston, at second, an ex Wake Forest man Bryant, of Franklin, to help Lawson in the box, Unperson and Boyle in ' 3 the field. The other places are to be filled with i home boys. These ; are -Capt. Rob Wilkins, who made a name in Virginia at V. P. 1. as cap- tain of their great team; Graham on the U. N. C. this Spring and Steve Anderson, . who played pretty ball at short on Trinity's stropg team. Will Moore will be in one field and Tim Wiltihc nr5U K ot Gref ' ' ! j" nuta nui ai ill oil 1 Th5 a r all rA ovronotirnrl i Kill nkvprc 9nrl ;n uJn o m-M aJ break that mnnotomv in winnina every game complained of over In Tarboro. Kobbf tl lh Oravn. A startling incident, of which j Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was,- the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition My skin was almost yellow, 'eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continu- ally in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing; weaker day by day. : Three physicians had given weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life and robbed the grave ot another victim. 'i No of another victim."; No 1 one should tail to try them Unly 50; cts. per bottle at Ha-grave's Diug store. ' At thn Po'.ic Court. Ben Codoer was uo Tuesdav morn- ing for disorderly conduct haturday .' ... ' - . 1 night- Me was released on payment 01 cost. ; ; , v ; . TIip thief who some time afO stole Miss tjretchen oarnes wheel was cauaht today near Lucama. His name is John Davis alias Albert Tay lor, He had a pistol on his person, and was put in jail for carrying con cealed weapons on his fulure to giy,e abond of $100, and on his failure to the a $200 bond for stealing the wht el. He will be tried at the next term of court for both offtnees.: Iowii I mpriiVfiiifiils. The sewers that are ' being lai down Pine street to drain thje low' parts of Pine, between Green and Naslr streets will add quite a good deal to the desirableness of that por tion of town for residences, j Near the middle of the blocks there is a very low place which fills with water at every rain. This- drain will take off the waler and carry it to Hominy swamp. LAZi. U1.S wu. K KV u WlllJv,w. .!Jr stop, out co noi lei us oe usutu with simply draining. Were our streets paved, as so many of our citizens desire, fcind as thev oueht to be. much of this sort 1 I of work would be unnecessaryi H.in ti ie Kxeiiance!. Washmeton, July o. lne war I t x - TA m Department received a message this Shafter also reports all. quiet. Young leaves today for Key West. Hawkins has been wounded in the foot. The others are well. ' ; ' LATER , j Washington. July 6 A despatch to the War Department from General Coi bin says that Hobson and his whole crew have been exchanged. The.' ail at once lor America. , Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, const, pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly nrcd by Hood's Pills. They do their work easily and Best after 007 ODD thoroughly.,, fN f f dinner pills. . "n i H drupgists. " ' LJ - Li Li U O 25 cents.' AH dm? IN MEMORIASI. At the age of twenty seven, after a painful illness, Dr. W. R. Best de parted this life at the residence of his lather, Mr. J. ;H L Best, in this city at 12:30 yesterday, July 3d, 189S. Tnere is at all times' a peculiar sadness attending the death of those. standing as if at the threshold" of life ready an willing to meet- and dis- uuues ana responsiDiuties. This is especially so in the departure oi th5s yun2 man- V A few years ago he entered upon the' studyof medicine with Dr. Albert Anderson, of Wilson, and after a year c 1 j .1:1 . ,u uuigeni stuay ne went to the University of Virginia for the purpose of completing his course. 1 He ?aid to his relatives and friends that he would succeed in his work or spend his life in the effort. He did both. 'After graduation - he pursued a course in New York, and being thus fully equipped Dr. Best began his work at Henderson, N. C, under the . ' I most favorable auspices. Full of zeal for his profession and hoDe of success Lhe began his life work. The work necessary for preparation had so strained his system and its force that at the first ; approach of disease he found himself unable to battle for his life. ;; ; f . ' ' ' - . . - " With a heart crushed with disap pointment, but with resignation-to the will of the great Physician, he came back to those who loved him, and after a few months of suffering on his part; and tender careand sympathy on theirs he passed into the great be yond. He rests well on the other snore, and while we grieve that he is no more ot in the flesh, we rtjoi:e that he was a man. of faith in the power and willingness of the great Physician of Souls to heal from all disease and cleanse from ;t!l sins. To his parents we extend our ten- derest sympathies. He made a ood fioht and showed himself'-'- ;i man ; There is much in the way ot his tak jnK off to make us hold him in ten der remembrance. The dispensation f - ' - which we understand so little now will be clear to us when we shall know as we are known 1 . , I IiiijMirlniil Nf wti Ki-oiu S:tiitiH-u. V Washington, July 4. The Presi- I 1 t . . .. aent nas receivea important news from Santiago ' this morning, but it is being carefully guarded and not the slightest intimation is obtainable as to its character! . It is, however, believed that it con tains news that Sampson has bom barded the city from the inner.harbor ol Santiago, which is on the point of surrendering to GeneraL Shafter. It was given out this morning that it Shafter's demands ior the surrender of Santiago are not immediately com plied with concerted action by the fleet and army will be made between lhe two cities which will be wiped out ' ' Nothing new has been received since midnight regarding the Spanish fleet.. ' : ' : : ; The stories that the Viscaya can "i" "'1- u.c Cw Yor:: and the brooklyn can mtsail her. The President says that he expects o Santiago before njghu Ciinirru Coii Tlirotiili Cmml Is'malla, Egypt, July 6 The ma chinery of the Spanish battleship, Pelayo was disabled ai this point and was compelled to stop lor repairs. The oher vessels of Camera's squad ron proceeded on through the canal. Our little girl's humor commenced with a tiny sora oa cue nostril, but it kept on spread ing till ?3 thought sho -would never get it cure J. Wo tried everything wo Jcqa!d. Ct, but it kept getting larger all the t hr.e, till both nostrils, the upper Up, apart of Vie Isxcr lip, and vp one side tothe eye, iccreasoUtl sore. We thought there -was no cure, and that Ehe would be disfigured for life. Finally we tried Cuticura ibiarEDiES. We used CcTicrn RssoLVicrr and nearly a box o Cdticcea (ointment), and in a short time she was en tirely -well, with no scar or trace of tl'-e kwvr.c. r. Sirs. WM. CHICIIESTERj Plainvilie, Cv. ' SfIIT fVES Tr.EATK3!tT FOR TOBTTrITO. T""1 r,.. , TT'-v.ss WITH 1.0330? llAIB. WrTT)!.-lt v " J cu:'j of y UTlccr.A Bgaoi.VEST. ffri T.rmc'pwt the wnrid. Pottr Turn -- f -rur. k f.tr.. liostun. Jiow to Core iiaD iian..:-. V.e, Caveats. LABELS. 0 TRADE v o Marks. T3 DESIGNS. Copyrights. Thirtv-one rears activ practice. Opinion as to validity and patentability. Write for book of instructions and references. EDSON BROS., 923 P Street. Washington. D. C. . ; - - s 1793 Bingham School n SHEYILLE, I 1 Established In 1703 Mai. R. BINGHAM i f O A.M.. LL.0.. SapL Collision at Sea. Halifax, July 6 The Allan line steamer, the 'Grecian, has just en tered the harbor with "the ship Cro- maltyshire in tow. --Later reports say that at five o'clock on the morning vi the fourth a vessel collided with the steamer La "Bourgogne, bound from New York to Havre, carrying eight hundred passengers, in a dense fog sixty miles from Sable island. The steamer santc immeaiateiy ana only two hundred were - saved," among Whom was only one woman. Every. officer on board was drowned. Panic at Santiago. Kingston, July 6. There is much confusion among the refugees at San tiago. The British and Austrian con sulates are beseiged by hundreds im ploring a chance to leave. Injnany cases the fiightened Span iards are offering large sums of fnpney to be allowed to leaye the city. There; is a terrible panic among those unable to leave. The British IJ 1 I t' B' consul decllnes .to leave the city - 1 e ArcnblsnoP advlses General Lmares 10 surrender the city upon receiving a favorable answer to the cable to Madrid. No answer has yet been received. London, July 6- -Advices were re ceived here from Madrid this morn ing that demands of peace will be made to-day. . '- . ' ft. i A Do YouUse It? It's the best thing for the, hair under all circumstances. Just as ho man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation, can make hair. The utmost that can be' done is to. pro mote . conditions favorable to growth. This, is done by AyerV Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which, the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow -hair, when the roots are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your haii to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. Agents Wanted In every neighborhood in the Tobac? co belt to supply farmers with 'my Combined Thermometer , and Heat Alarm. No mf)re scalded or splotched tobac co caused by sudden changes in tern perature. NO MORE SITTING UP to see that your heat does not vary. Can be set at any degree and if the temperature changes from degree set at it WILL CALL YOU AND CONTINUE to call you until you answer it. For prices and particulars apply.-to HOWARD F. JONES, Wilson, N. C. PATENT APPLIED FOR. , 27 -4 1 No: War! Ruf top arp cnrp trt win our battle by firing at . the people of the city with our full . charge of Fine Stall Fed Beel, Pork and Sausage. . BARNES STREET. Phone 119. 2-12 BOY KIN & CO., 300 Sacks Meal. 3CX) Bbls Flour. 100 " Sugar. ' 300 Sacks Corn. ( 150 " Bran. 150 M Ships tuff. 200 Oats. 100 ' Cotton Seed Meal 206 " Hulls. 250 Bales Hay. ;i2l)()Yl(iir8r;Co, '? ', .?. ?, v'f. AM- M,. ,M ., ... -SUNDER mi & The Finest of all Mineral Watc nent physicians and Positive cure for Indigcs;ion. Jfe -C- Prostration. Infallable cure for Gravel and Stone in the Bladder A peerless climate, right in the midst of pines and oaks and towering '1 p hills. S IV ir...: t: i . I a niusic: riano aim K. A good barber in the hotel. Reduced J Tlie Buildings and Gronnds Haie post office: SEVEN SPRINGS. ! r PHONES FROM HOTEL TO LAGRANGE. KT . , Board per day $1.50; per week I7.00; per month $25.00. Special rates "d given to families for the season. Liverv stables furnish the best teams si fe for driving, t - . Address all correspondence to W. Jjtf!iv W w w Vi 'a? w "V.(?v4 Fans 3c up. Val. Laces 10 to $1.50 per yd. White and colored organdies 10c to 60c. 40 inch White Lawns 8, 10 and WHtte goods in Persian Lawn, French Nainsook, India Linen eta, at lowest prices. , Ladies Lisle Thread Hose, 25c. Good Seamless Black Hose 10c. Misses Hose 5c up. iewel Belts 25c to I1.50. -eather Belts 10c up. Ladies Shirt Waists 25c to i.oo GREAT CLOSING -AT RACKET $1,500 worth of men's, women, Miss and children bhoes to regardless of the $1.00 DOES THE WORK OF $2.00 Everything in the department must go.. We need the money you need the goods. Below we give a short USt OI prices LU aiiww liic L,ot No. 1. Lot No. 2. Lot No. 3. Lot No. 4. Lot No. 5. Lot No. 6. I -. 1 1 LI Ljj .ill , worth 1.2s Lot No. 7.. Gents Calf good value CSgCome during the week and avoid the rush on Saturday. - ' - J. M. LEATH, Proprietor " t - CORNER NASH and GOLDSnORO STS. We close at 7 P m. during the week 10:30 Saturd-. JOHN GA TON, Fashionable Barber, Nash St. WILSON. N C Easy chairs, raiors keen: Scissors sharp, linen clean ,: For a shave you pav a ilime Ontyanickletoctaslune: - " -r - " SPRINGS ; & 81 0 'A- v vV a, ?, Sri (' 1 vl iv nrtirm. all wlnj haw used iu -' Dyspepsia, Insomnia, and nervrm. ss,' sirinjrea instruments. s rates on A. & N. C. and W. & W, Been M in Thorough Repair.- r. r. depot: Lagrange. a I .n G. F. SMITH, Proprietor. M. UZZELL, Manager. " ; ii ne, Ht. He, te, 4 . Vii'WVtC Viv" Viii" ViVi 'ti$',S',,S'4t.: Biggest assortment of Umbrellas in town. ' Men's Negligee Shirts 25c to f 1. Handsomest line of Ladies, Mis ses and Children s Suppers and Oxfords in town, v White Pique 12 to 25c. Agents for Stacy, Adamr& Co., and W. L. Douglas Shoes for men. . , " Crash and Straw Hats 25c to - $150. Underwear for Men and Ladies. Neckwear to beat the band. tt OUT SALE OF 1 . THE- STORE. oe xurneu mxu inuney loss. av-v-p w o About 24 pair ladies- Douglas . sizes 3 to 5 worth $1 now..... 1 49c Ladies Kid top, Douglas worth' $1.50 for . . . . . .. ...... 94c Ladies Kid Button, real value 1.25 now; . - - 7c All ot our Ladies Oxfords. Gents Buff Bal's. sizes 6, 7, 8, worth 1. 00' for . .... . 5 Sizes 6 to 10, Men's Buff Cong. for . ... . . . . . 05c hand-sewed, extra worth $3 now . . . THE CASH RACKET STORE. n Annrn UlDCTP 'iTnli tUUrLA narunu uvjuw, . 161 abd J63 Bank St., I NORFOLK, VA. tanri stock of finished r i Monuments, Gravestones, Ready for shipment.'. J Desienslree ; v 2 i ' riCnVOUS Troubles are due to ; L J impoverished blood. Hood's "- 1 - c: i ! y: U.K. Ar