4 Royal makes the food pare, whoJeMSM and delicious P017DE Absolutely Pure BOVAl BAKING POWOEH CO., NEW YORK. WILSON LOCALS. A WKKK NKWS BRIKFLY TOLI FOB BUST READERS. . Home Matters Picked up on Our Streets by our Reporter What he See ' L ' and Hears. An oll: I.Htidutnrk tir . V--.Yesterday 7iorning between 2 and 3 o'clock the spirit of another old I' . . !... r : .... .'' : t .: . veteran aihi ine smvci to join ui comrades who "have gone before, i The citTZ-n i !b-jfm r. verr sur prised when it '. ( r'ed that M r. D.. P. Christmun .v..s dead. " F r some time he had ien . vi-ry feeble, suffering; Irom 'w?inv ! - -c ivgd in the Civil war, but his may h lends, die! not rv-h'ze ihit his rid .v.s nvir - Mr Cbristuian"- was, born ia. Wke county on Decern br-r i6th, 1842 He came here when he was v;- rv s ore of At 1 he be ginning of the" , r enlist d in Go. F., 4th"' R -'CMiMenv. N. C . V., and served, till, the end One of his old comrades, in speaking of his quahties as a soldier said thati -a better soldi r never we it into the Confederate ar- my. he was Daaiy wounaea, trom which he. has suffered a great deal. For about 28 vears he was was on the police force of the town, most o' the time serving as chief, and a : bet young and ever s - n Wilson's best citizens. ii N. C. NEGRO IN TROUBLE. He Kills Tuqj Unoffending White .Hen in Ohio ' V and is Raw in Jail. ; V- ? II! 15 11 NEGRO SOLDIERS INTENDED TO PILLAGE MAGOH r AFTER KILLING WHITE GITlfEHS. Hi IlLUlift : . "' t j. OvrH'nd lO'-is . N -v 22 .An in- .."..... . . . 1 ...... . . . f , . ,. .., . 1 ' UMi.i'.u in i;mi, rtnvi m:-u ni'yj rr:viMi , commercial j f - ? of, a j women and gi'r's sire; t hre ho )us: .ceHii.;. ov 1 : Fd ri". r.r,d !: F ..i V j.-nn GORBETT LOST THE FIGHT CN A FOUL IN THE H1MTH ROUND. : MOUSES SAY THE M JT5 JV ?ilC?.S CE:";;?tS-THAK RE? RTE 1- I-1T- hi id The Ml t:.t Ilii RESULT. p8$J.' L.uP-iftih -:? -lit Titers -sjf HegrD OfTscn t; iOmir.issions 1 0 The at y,ro leiiia:f :ed ;i drMsic whie i;i:n rilused, and t'ldt-rTd out. Sttfaiiciu atteinpled to ut the Neailv all women have good hair; though many are gray, and tew are ter 0fficer never wore uniform and -.' 1 - , bacfee. Several inotiibs ago the town the natural color, and thickens the cd.TnnissionersXt one of their meet growth of the hair, ings, added the "office ot street corn On Wendnesday, December 14th, missioner and gave it to Mr. Christ Mr. Robt. Farmer, son of Mr. W. fe. man. In this capacity he served as T- r-ii- A r T t iU:.' Irtnor rjs Thus beiilfh would oprmit. ! rarmer, aKeui ui tuc . w. " . - , groes from among their own number nlace will be united in maariaee to I - Mr. Chnstmao was a member ot " . r . . place wm ue uraicu uuiudiidgc iu 1 . " to naw exa mi nations for commissions. i- t- i r ht 111 it ' I 1VT T nnn T , 1 a M r . t T n A HI - e Miss ,uce uoyte, 01 ionoiK, va. ys.. - Mr. Farmer is at present located in & A. M., and of Ramseur-Grimes holding a responsible position with Camp Confederate, Veterans. the" milroad at that dace. Miss He leaves a wife and. five children, Wr tti v-irtj i. !c : rcatSi Immunes Tims- j int ui'.er out, when the negro ftrew.a ly D:r-3iVv'-:r6vaf.d tlie Carrying Out of ; ri-..o ver and shot both men. J.: Piin, &j"A-r'is.i'j FiHJ. 15 ih men iell to the ground anct ' . fh:nerf ran to the Erie "railroad MaCo.j G . . N . -22 - T . t.i t; - e and ju-ii j.k:1 oa to a pasii! , fist of Vv. civ r ;e-uy iu;enc-d o t hf- j fl ight train, ; easilxmul; He was infa ioiis e !-dtirj ! the new.ro troops' j overtaken and arresud a few stations here. Thr rsttUs ot iheir mutiny . . aw ay." Th men who were shot; both would have been terribiy barbarous died in the hospital sotm alter, had it not been discovered in time. Thenegro uave his name as Sam General ' Wilson has declared that uel Carr, and said his home was in he will not ask that the bixth. Virgin- Cleveland, JN. C He is 23 , years ia negro regiment be mustered out, as he is satisfied that their miscon duct has been partly lor the purpose ot getting out of the service. V The cause of the trouble is the fail- North Carolina yesterday. oldr He said he arrived here from Sharkey's nose. He was laughing at the end of the rounds f ;. In the second round Corbett up a superb defence';, but the sailor kept on rushing, and got irv. some TllTANTED sever as trustworthv Persons in this state to manage- our business in their own and nearbv ure ol the omcers choses by the ne- counties. It Is mainly office work con heavy blows on Corbett's neck and ducted .at home. Salary straight $900 .. , . , t, ; . i ' 1 - a year and expenses-definite, bonafide slightly below the t belt. .. He sent no more. ,no less salary. Monthly $75 Corbett down , with a tremendous stamped envelope, Herbert E. Hess, "S" on. the jaw, but. Corbett jwas GIGANTIC RABBIT FARM, j Scheme of an EnKllihman to Can the j " " Gentle DBniy, " . t "Rabbit 1 Babbit! . Oh, what er " mighty rabbit yoh ia! Look our Er'er i Rabbit! Dekin Martin," ho arter yoh hide." . There is a brand jiew scheme in Chi cago,' imported by Martin de Grody of -England. - De Grody 's plan has been car ried to success abroad in several in stances, and he has arrived here filled with eu eiitbusiasm -which is delightful to beheld. His scheme is nothing less than tho ttarting of a gigantic rabbit farm with a cannery annex. The gentle, long eared bunny will bo carefully raised until he has reached an aga ma tare enough, when, after a slight disap pearance, he will again appear before an astonished world, this tune nicely cooked, properly condimented and snug ly reposing inside the tin can of com merce. . De Grody says that tame rabbit is esteemed a great delicacy abroad, Paris alone consuming nearly 200,000 pounds a week. Phveicians. he savs. indnrsn New . York, Nov. 22 It was near the meat as one of the cleanest and Ivn o'rlork t'oniuht when Shark-ev healthiest of foods. Poor, poor bunny! n , . From a pet to a pot 1 Philadelphia x e uw. "S" The St. James Gazette recejitly. com- gressor, and in the first round put in menting upon the prospect of American a blow that almost reached the ribs, forces attacking the. Spanish coast, said u 1 r j u- u ! "The reception of the news evidences a ?orbett. deverlv evaded his heavy chaQg0 inbiio opinion which, at the punches and landed squarely.! on commencement of the war, thought Eu cu" !..... ..U t u - 1 u:i!. -1 I mnA Khnnld nntifv th( TTnitfid Stetpfl that the war must be confined to Amer ican waters. It is now recognized that the Americans are fully entitled to make war in- their own way, and they are indeed driven to retaliate upon Spain in this manner, owing to the tao- acs which Spain has chosen to pursue. Octiiul fjiled Him ;a tne. Ninth Round, ; AUiiough Sharkey Had the Reputation of Being an Unfair Fighter Large Sums of Money Lost on Corbett, Who Was the Favor ite by Big Odds. - put Mm Fifty Years Ago. Thi Is the stamp that the letter bore - Which carried the story far and wide Of certain cure for the loathsome tore That babbled np from the tainted tide Of the blood below. Andtwas Avert name And his aarsaparilla, that all now, know, That was just beginning: its fight of fame With its cares of 50 years jo. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the original sarsaparilla. It has behind it a record for cures unequalled by anylood puri fying compound. Itfia the only sarsaparilla honored by a .medal at the World's Fair of 1893. Others imitate the remedy ; they can't imitate the record: v 5Q Years of Cures. Doyle is one of Norfolk's most ac complished young ladies. three girls and two boys, to mourn rtheir loss. The sympathy of the en tire community goes out to them in their bereavement. -The funeral will be held from the residence this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Kre rills.- " Ijuckln't A tnica Salv ' The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains, , Corns, and s all Skin PIruptions, and positivelyc saan Piles, or no pay required. It is guar- Serfd your address to H. E. Buck- anteed to give perfect satisfaction or len & Co , Chicago, and get a free imney refunded. Price 25 cents per sample box ot Dr. King's New Life box. For sale, by B. W. Hargrave. Pills. their merits.". These pills are easy in action and are, particularly effective in tli -ii tp f f"intiraf tinn and iirlr . "I, I " . . . . . v-.. - - - - vvoric 1? progressing as rapiuiy as i . . , T . , 1 ... . 7 Headache. For Malaria and Liver the weaiher will permit on tne new 1 warehouse ot the A. C. L , opposite White officers were then placed in charge and this aroused a mutinous spirit, which caused j the white cap taius to resign. . ' The entire regiment is still under arrest, guarded by a battalion of the Tenth Immunes, who have orders to shoot any mar. who attempts to es cape. . Officers of the Tenth Immunes say the mutiny was more serious than has yet been reported ; more than a hun dred men left camp in small squads, all armed with rifles. 1 They intended to meet and kill the Prest., Dept. M. Chicago. SEPARATE CARS FOR THE RACES. If the Commission Does Not Fix the Matter the Legislature Will be Asked to Do So. It now looks as if North Carolina, like most of the other Southern States, is soon to have -seperate cars for white, and .colored people. This can be done by either the sopn on his feet again Jim was nervous in the third, but the blows were about even. Tom got in a tremendous left on the 5 ear in the next round and got - Corbett scared. He recovered in the fifth, Fans 3C UP however, and got in blows on Shar key's nose. The sailor, however, got in "some heavy swings, and made Corbett clinch. Sharkey went in the seventh round with a rush, and put a "left hook" on Val. Laces 10 to 1.50 per yd. White and colored organdies' 10c to 60c. A trial will convience you of white Pvost guard and all . white The (iw Wan'himsi'. the freight depot on- the west side of the railroad. This building has long been needed at this placeaud were glad to see it gouig up. We under stand it will be used for storing to- bacco prior to shipment. The build ing will be divided into .sections, one for each 'point to which the weed is shipped; thus making it easier to handle the enormous output from the various steitimeries which are located in Wilson The house wiil be built ol wood. " We know the company will re reive the thanks of all the tobacco troubles they luve been proved in- vvho would not join the outbreak. anteed to l lmely discovery prevented, tne. car rying out of these plans and arrests followed. " Legislature or the Railroad Commis- sion. . It the one does; not do it the V-VJ1L"-11 3 UIUUIU. uc lJ,:ai other very probably will. '. .' blow since the fight began.-" ' : At the next session of the commis- Corbett then got in good work m sion a resolution otdering all railroads earnest, and landed beautifully on in the State to provide separate cars Tom's head and body. Both were for the two races will be introduced when the bell sounded, but there vengeance on the Tefcth Immunes, by Commissioner John H. Pearson. as plenty of action in the next 40 inch White Lawns 8, 10 and "JSC people with whom they came in con tact and then pillage the town. They had also, sworn to wreak White goods in Persian Lawn. French Nainsook, India Linen etc, at lowest prices. ; Ladies Lisle Thread Hose, 25c. Good Seamless Black Hose ioc. Misses Hose 5c up. I Si. Biggest assortment of Umbrellas in town. ' (0 valuable. The) are - guar; be perfectly free from every deleter ious l substance and to be purely vegetable. They do n-t weaken by This resolution has already been ru.n. ,swlns: n tne jaw sent j ' -j -it ' j u.i i j iJ I Corbptt toward thf rnnP5 but Vif I arawn anu wm uuuuuess ue auopitu ;j jewel Belts 25c to I-5Q by the Commission. came uacK use a tiger anu lanpeu Leather Belts tocup ' It it is not, the Legislature -will be his right on the mouth of Sharkey, j their actitm, '. but by giving - tone to the stomach and bovels greatly in- DON T WANT JIM YOUNG S REGIMENT Macon, Nov. 22. When theinfor- vigorate the system. Regular size formation reached here last night that 25c. per box. Sold by B. W. Har grave Druggist. Sharkey gave Corbett no rest, ;but tailed to reach his jaw, which he jpvi dently was trying to touch. j It was evident when the ninth ibe- gan that Corbett was improving in his work. " Corbett hit Sharkey below Ou the War I'aJli. , A white muM walked into the Wil son Book Store y eslei day and wanted to rent a bicycle. He was evidently a little , the worse off for shippers of Wilson for - this addition. ' . . a amouIjt of t,ood .fire mere is en-ugn Kioarco sn.ppeu 10 water., he bad on board." He pulled jn.stify having it Killeil II U ;hii-k-iiH. out a pistol and threatened to wipe thines uo. Said he was the son of a a asked to pass a law similar to that now in force in South Carolina or Georgia For a long time there has been another negro regiment officered by among the travelling public a grow negroes (the Third North Carolina) ing sentiment in favor of such, a law, was to be sent here from . Knoxville, and the campaign just closed having the belt, but it was evidently an acci- there was great dissatisfaction ex- been fought out on this line, they will dent. j j pressed and the universal decision is follow , up the victory .and urge the . Corbett was outpointing the sailor that they will have-to behave them- passage of a -'Jim Crow-Car Law:" in beautiful style, but Tom had the selves .after they arrive in Macon. The resolution to be introduced at strength. While they were fighting From the reports which reach here the next meeting of the Railroad hard, McVey, -Corbett's second, today, giving an account of "the mtiti- Commission prescribes equal accom- jumped into the ring and cried, "time ny among them and the killing and modations for both races, though in is up," but there was no reason for it. wounding of sev eral; of the so-called separate cars. Such a law, Mr. Peari He was thrown out of the rujg, "soldiers" at Knoxville yesterday? son thinks, could not be objected to and Referee : Kelly said that as Cor- THJ and other actiohs ot the North Caro- bv either race. oett s second, bad broken the rule by Ladies Shirt Waists 25c to i.oo Men's Negligee Shirts 25c to r. Handsomest line of Ladies, Mis ses and Children s Slippers and Oxfords in town. White Pique I2 to 25c. Agents for Stacy, Adams & Co., and w. L. Douglas' Shoes lor men. - Crash and Straw $1.50." Hats 25c to Underwear for Men and Ladies. Neckwear to beat the band. V mm iiiiii-iliiil'. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE OF Iii GreetiKhoj Some nerson or Dersons went into nis Run naa Kiuea nve negroes, the yard of Mr. Joel Price, who lives warput out in short order before he on ihedue of town, ard wrung the could say much more and went his necks of all his chickens which were way rejoicing". in a coop. After this they threw the bodies in a pile and left. . Now'this is something which should wvrlntr, and ifth aniliv mt. Wilson friends of the Myrkle & ties can be caueht they should be Harder Company, will be gad to made to suffer to the full extent of KUUW uwl- WU1IC U1C ulu"uli,UdVC the law ' packed houses here, there are" other cities which appreciate their talent. A correspondent, of the Charlotte Observer, writing from- Greensboro, the Mayor of Wilmington and that iina"reg-,nent h is not thought that The only question, therefore, is as getting into the ring he must give llfala the Klondike. .-' Mr. A.- C. Thomas, of Marysville; says: Tpv ha fnund a inore valuable dis- I .Tl10 Mwrkla lrAr TAmnanw : , . . , 1 .u ' A,.. ' Q-,f .u"! worse than bandits in some respects. Carolina will at an covery than has yet been made in the opened a week s engagement at the S , . t u KlonHikP. For vears he suffered Acacjemy of Music tonight. Every J 1 , 1 r Jr. ' seat was soiu uciuic urtih. th, t . - - - 1 . 1 i 11 i n thev are any better than the Virginia to how it would affect the railroads, aecision 10 onarKey, dui aeciareq au negroes, the whole regiment of whom If, as in nearly every other State in bets oft. I are still under arrest and at hard the Union, all lares were made the The crowd was wild for a minute, labor, and from them trouble is feared same, say 3 cents a mile instead of but agreed that :no other ruling Was as a result of their coming to Macon 2 and ' 3 as now, the railroads possible under the circumstances and It is agreed on all hands that the would have to run no more cars than rules of the ring.- j j; j greatest trouble arises from the fact at present. But if the rvo classes 'of The fight was a great ; surprise, that these two regiments are officered fares are maintained it will be neces- especially the manner of its endingU by negroes, negro officers invariably sary to run at least three cars instead Corbett being the. last i.ian to be sus- having proved a failure in this war, of two, as there must be one first class pected of fouling an opponent, wjiile the first in which they ever participa- car for each race, unless the first class Sharkey had frequently done sd here- ted in the service of the TJ. S. car be divided in the middle as would tofore, and in years past had the re pi With white officers ' the negro be done with second class coach. utation of an unfair fighter. j troops are not so bad, but with ne- However these details' may be set Large sums of money changed thw ar tlo l it U nrPitv rprta n that North nanus on uie lesuu, voroen ucuJg early date have 1 ' ' t 0 SH 0 E S -AT THE- RACKET STORE. II untold agony from Consumption, companied by hemorrhages ; and was absolutely cured- Dr. King's New Discovery for Comsumption, Coughs and Colds,. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure ; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle.1 Asthma, Bronchitis and all, throat . arid lung -affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. : Trial bottles free at B. W. Hargrave's Drug Store. Regular size 50 ctsn and $1 00 Guaranteed to cure or price refund - They refuse to jobey officers of their seperate cars tor the races, and it is .I.'. - u... very likely that it will be the Rail- own cojor, tne latter siaie, uui ine j odds. Marriace Lxttt Night. mi A rnmmKcinn and noflhp T.POlS- incompetency of the negro officers is lalure that wjn have them provided. at the bottom ot the whole matter'. -News & Ot server. Last night at the home of the bride on Barnes Street, a quiet' wedding took plac, the contracting par tieslx'ing'.Miss N mnie Harrison and Mr Ed N:ita)l. . Both" the young people have a host of friends who will join the News in extending con gratulations.' . ' Bean the Signature of Jha Kind You Have Always Bought cd. (iiir to Kim K tsy; Dr, J. F. Brothers, who has been here for some, time, will, we under hand, make Elm City his home in - the future. He is' there himself at present and will 11:0 ve his family in a fchort while. . VVe regret to lose him as a citizen and practitioner, 'hut can congratulate our neighlwring town upon having Spain's Reply May Come Today. Washington, Nov. 22. Although the Spanish Peace.Comavissioners at Paris are given uoitii M "ul ty nx a reply to the altimamin ot the United Stales Com mi ssKmers, it is anticipa-led to a large "' extent "in '.official . circles here that Senor R' s" srwtemenf, niade yesterday in thes? tHspJitcbes, that he didn't want so much time and would reply Wednesdav. iiiHV prove prophetic. Others howt-ver.' do not think the answer wiif be forthcoming him locate with them. His Wilson tomorrow, ts Rios prediction was friends will wish him much success in based it is thought 011 a-i answer the his new home. i : charater of wnich wih not he tpe real one given, i No one doubts . the tlhi- YPU UEEO Hood's SarsapariMa mate' acquisition of the archipelagb . it your blood is imnnrr. vnnr nrme- . it.!., j ........ is. . ..: .r ny tne unueu states yovei mucin as Make your friend a Xmas present of a year's subscription to Puck, $5 00 ; Judge, $5 00 ; Munsey, $1.00 ; M cCl u res , $ 1 00 ; Fran k Lesl ie , $ 1 .op ; Cosmopolitan, 1. 00; Literary Digest, j iu the "mountains and a population Soo : Haroer's Bazaar. 00 : Frank hardy and brave witbeiut being unduly I Asia Minor and ite uafcral depecden ty MeEopotamia are , amoug the most desirable places ou tho earth's surface. In Kpite of Turkish in isrule, Smyrna aud Alexandretta are large and grow ing ports. Under Geriran influence Asia Minor would have half :a dozen entre pots of trade as rich, or even ' richer, and more flourishing. Not only is the soil of Ada Minor naturally fertile, but there is a profusion of mineral wealth 0rj 8 Pills Leslie's Weekly, $4 60 ; Ladies' Home Journal j $1.00 ; or any other periodical. You get them all at pub-lih;-rs' prices from E. T. Peoples, PhMie 69. Wilson Book istore. A printer does not rush to the doctor when he is out of 'sorts, nor to the baker when wants pie ; to hell when he wants the devil ; nor to the Bible when he wants a good rule; nor to the gunshop when he wants, a shootingf tick ; n -r to a cabinet shop when he wants furniture : nor to . the bank w hen b.e wnts qrioins ; nor to a girl when he vv utis a press i nor jo a law er vhen he hits a tiiryfctsr;xior to a butcher when he wants phal ; nor to a pump when he is 'dry and fanatical.- London Spectator TWO RSfclARKABLE CASES. -J. fcavo been an intense sufferer from Eczema for live years. I tried medicines, four doc tors, oca a specialist in skin diseases, with do imi rovcnieiit, and setting me almost frantic with O.rsadf ul itcimg. After using ttree bottle-! cf Cuticoba EesOlvekt, and one box cf U TJCiTriA Salve. was completely ctcred.' UliO. A. LOWE, 907 Market t., TMlra. I n-roma far seven years, and ray scalpel v.-i3 v .1 Daa state. inrec mcae3 or my oacK ' rr MiTre,lyithadryscsb. The itctjlnjfr was r t tx-. i I tionrrht ii vcnld drive me mcd. I ; tried -11 remedies, but weld ret getcured. I : tt:cu ii vfl bo-tles of Ccrictr&A E ekolveht, five : c-? cf Octtguiia BoAr.and five boxes of - tic XTOTTtiA Salve, and 1 teas enmplefdy cured, ,.j .... C. LONGf, &25 Wilton Avo Toronto, Can. - r-?anr rraB TBSirMEvTynB TOFrntro. Distto ' CciK3 HreoEs.wrrH Losanr Haih Wotn bsttuwitli PTtCTiRA 8l.rTi'' i.mnfinc with CDTlcu&A,ul dud doseiof ConcfTu fipsntvEST. iliousmess Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrify In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, ; P-T ITU insomina, nervousness, and, if not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood's Pills stimulate the stomach, 9use the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. ; The only Fills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. ; ' "'" : Thousands of j Men Suffer unnecessarily and become. Chronic In valids for want of common sense treat ment. Our Famous Prescriptions all in one box, securely sealed in plain; wrapper, sent to any address. Always cures and contains information worth. thousands to every sufferer from diseases" of indicretion. Price $2, per: box containing full treatment, JNo mercury, no dangerous drugs. I Address all correspondence to. r TURKISH DKULr L.U. Baltimore, Ma. $1,500 worth of men's, women, Miss and children Shoes to De turned into money regardless of the loss. Sl.OO DOES THE WORK OF 00 Lot No. 4. Lot No. 5. iiiiifi TRACEJL . .OfSICIIS. Th!rty-onJyeifB active precise- oinfontstq aliditr;' I-T?teTttabirry. V1-' K ff Everytbino; in the department must go. We need the money you need the goods. Below -we give a short list of prices to show the deep cuts we have made: Lot No. 1. About 24 pair ladies Douglas sizes 3 to 5 y2 worth $ 1 now..... Lot No. 2. Ladies Kid top, Douglas worth $1.50 for . T .ct No. 1. Ladies Kid Button, rear value i.2 now . All oi ourLadies Oxfords. GeptsTBuffBal's. sizes 6,' 7, 8, vorth 1 .00 for . , . . . . . ' 50c Sizes 6 to 10, Men's Buff Cong. worth 1.25 for . ... ... . .. 85c Gents Calf hand-sewed extra p-ood value worth $3 now . . . $1.60 CSCome during the week and avoid the rush on Saturday. 1 J. M. LEATH. Proprietor V'" THE GASH 1UCKET STORE. V i , (I X CORNER NASH anJ GOLDSEORO STS. We close at,7 p m. dunng the week 10:30 Saturday. ; 11 ijjij LotJNv6. r-j,. Lot No. 7. uus pne, yonr r.ut2i impaired. ' ; l , , , ,. -,."-.: