9 THE ROANOKE NEWS A DEMOCHATIO ' 3 E .VI i W K K K L V NEWSPAPER, PUBLISH KI BY D I Y A BiTfllEIiOB, One Yar, in advance, i. M uitbs, " I'hree Month.. " $, Oft 2 0(1 1 Ofi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. w. p. ITt'UIV. ir ITCH r N w. a. m w .TIMKKV1 A C tStlllJI AT I.AW, Keafliind Seek lln!if 'o., .'. Prai-'ien in th ii 'mi- 1 of Halifax a,-d n tinning ' "I'll I""- rii'l I" Hi" funnnig aad rvlnrsi "on r--. Jaul. tf rji i nU: N. if LL, A I (oral-j itl Uw, HAl.IlW, N. '. Vnviens In Lilian " 1 tdjoininn til" and KhiIc -l hi' I Viipf'iiM'oiir'' 'ill lis At Su tUii i .'nek, ' nee everv U!it. A .'.:. 2K- I. IUT. V Y W .V. II A I.I ir a L T, A 4TTORNEY8 AT LAW, ' 'V KIiDDK, K. V. 'rie:ei In the courts "f Lalif.ix an! '.Mnlhf contains, and In the Supreme and Federal eurt. ''Il'n collected in f.'.y part of Viirik Carolina, jun 20 1 '.' mmuel J. wKimir, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JIIKSUV, . C. Praetien. in : in Court of Northampton an i a l()inii! cHiutiys. nep IS 1 Y Si P I H W H 1 I A K K tt , ATTORNEY AT LAW. IVriLI.il, N. v, Pr "t !. Ilalifix '" I ! 'iiine'iin ties. C jlli'i" i in proi, .ill v an. ndeg t" III ill ,iar't r'!'tl- Slat", fp 12 I Y D B- " M r N T E K Benin! $-. h n urgeon. Caii lii fminil at oili(.e in Enfield lurn Nitrous Oxiiln I!a for thu Pnin lais tSxtrautinj of Te ' n skrnn hand. nieb in a 0 A V I X I. H ATTORNEY AT LAW ,, ii M.ir vx, n. ( . Pr..-i.. ir. ill e ,i of II r' ax am! ailj niiiiiir o in'ifti, n m 1 1 1 . -.'uproiin an 1 Km lnr.l i'..'iri . i 'il n ln in I t. parts of North (Jir 'lo.. O'.B In I h i ' inrt H . iny 4-1 Q. n .It ! N, J R. ' NT Y VT LAW, uLW? x n. c. Pu.-ticea in 'l." 1 .o of HillUx Tannic an I i' i ' a . niiiK. In ihe r n l'ir ol llin S,'..-, allj in the Fa I. ml C hi-' . Will a-iv. ; il ail" m n the eol or Mo nl laiin Aii lioal! i iK the accoinu. Et It -, Al li , I.II..H Bil l 'illAr- ans. ilee-l i tf I Z . A H I), ATrOSMIY AT LAW, II A Li I 'AX, N i 0(8 "0 in ihe 1' nri II "is sir -t alien lUn given lu all I'rannlii . I 'o- protes. un 11 1 c r. it A S H, ATTORNEY AT LAW, "'NIY, N. C. i'es of Halifax, in I'. C.lltiu i.ii .11 ! Ill a'. parts of lha Ian 11! a I A M K K n ' 11 A Hi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Praaliaea In fia ''otin es of Halifax, lidrfveout'iH and Vtsh, 1 i the Supreme i'ri f tde ktsio an I u Hie Federal a-N. ('Ile't'ini mvln in anv part of the Iiala. VV1II atte- . a' the Court House In th4 nn Won Jay and lii.Uv of eaeb weak. jsti 12-1 e- A V D R K W J. B I'RT ) N, trrvSIET AT LAW, WELDOV, N. P. f ratlines In the Courts ol HaHlaa, War rwn m4 NorilisiBotn r inn ilea nd in the iit.rasi and fe4ral Courts. Clals f.llaaierf in any yart of North !rlina. Junel7-n 4 ' pVtLi.n. ..ins A. NOOKE. VOL. VII. ViVAMUSDUM VMNIUS. O 1 -k not. l'ink not, love before 1 'I ',"! nil In gloomy, chill, u re ruin; Aim lil nliif.il hiipn. Bin) anguish soro Av nit UK 'neatU 111 bu ui lire curtain. ,"- clsnee not, Invn, O glanpennt back I II" orra who iluih thn Hast reiiininher Th'-re li linl tombs and shadow, blank, A inl finled pasaion'a cheerless ember. N' ! It in live our fleeting day; Speed hi lha hum with inlrtli anil IstigMnr ; Ami, riming in oyr,u play. H-ed tint I lie i'anl nor th Hereafter I 'Mill darkness light Isdouhly clear, J'v doubly siveot in midst i.f sorrow ; Ami all that In ilny hold dear May I if In Rubin era toumrruw. Tl'n li'l lis 11 vo and Iotp, while vet ' in r sin irt-l i veil lin plnuss pmliiri th ; S ' ii. nil loo noun, will omnn recikt A n. I inri(rs that mi pliynlcrian rurntli. Our Kingwooil I. filer. lii.vf.ivnoi). N. C, M.rcli 1878. Mi; -mis Eimtohs The past weok has pk one pnrticulaily suited to furm will, and much has been dune by the entryut'c fanners. Many oats have been si-edeJ, nmre .Mention being given tn cereal, njfire wheat, oa's and clover sr. eied this season than fur manv past. I ii . lice much clearing in progress iii'icii i mber being dtslroynl, mimy old fii Us cover' d with pines too and three If t in diameter, have been tlajed by ti n ax of ihe wnodiiini-, vihich. if con tinued, will make timber in ol ject ere many ier9. I am in receipt of Ihe February and batk N s. of tin! South Atlantic, a monthly niannzuie, published a mi edited r , Mrs. Cicero W. H irriss of Wilming ton. It is filled with choice reanlin matter, and 1 wmikl ad vise nil lovers of incident, adventure nod sensation, to so scribe thereto. Surely its shoyld lor ier home produc'ioiis aod encourage h 'rue literature, hicli wa emi do, with '" fit In (iiirselvls, by sending three dollars for this Uitrrtaking and instruc-li-e niiitaxiliK. The death of Out t. K C. Wondsnn, o the llileih 0 iserver, is regretted by M VuiiNg. enthusiastic, hi'U'lil, he tins lieon cut d iw , verilving sung of ' II irtli'ii travelers ' : "I.Ike form driven knnwn hhoie. I ai (j lies to Rome ud- Vc are hastening on to I e ai-en no more, With no hope oi mtnrn, yet no power lo my, rtn a ! pausing away, v, e arn passing ; ," With the Wadeiboro Argus. I wish to !'. in my protest aiiimt the evident ' 'i-rt of some persons, to have Gov. j nee overlooked when the Senatorial ' i es are t' be put on the shoulders ol -! tie true N'or'h Cir..iiiin. (ioferi.or a.ice has never trimmed his sail to imt the popular brei i but forms his oj'iiiioi.f by the stundaid of princi le, prepared tn stand or fall Ihertby. In the Ri.ata no more faithful, el()( ient, tiruvrr cliMHipion nl Ike lights of the 'ont'i C"u!d bit f.uuH, and I predict for h ' hi in that iphrre a career of usefulness and h 'nor. I'.iiiiiciaiis niiv carp, and li irtiiiiii'r.i, and linic-scrvers iHsinuate, but III'- inicdi y people ore with this true and tried patriot, and if his valuable lite is "pari'ri, will, ere long, bid him "go up hither.' "Is t,iiere a swbject on which Shak s- j peare Ins dot lunched?"' innuired one i g Hitlemu'i of another, while discussing the men s of the great delineator, oier their desert. Just Iheo the party ad dressed cut eppu on apple ad fou' d it r. tlen. What does Siiakexpeaie say ol i"tteii op.J.'S?" said he. Instant was the reply, There is- small choice of ro'ten apple-," Irom the ''Taming of lite Shrew." It is hard to find a su''j Ct not loiahfil up-n by Shakespeare. Mr 11 t) Burton, Jr , a rising young lawyer of U ililai. appeared in a ruse at litis place la.. Tuesdav, and made a fine impression nn couit and pi' pie, and predict for him a career nf fertile use fulness and r in, hi . Neas item si tcarce I write dis juintedly. More anon, (J. E. M. WOMAN'S DRESS. jH . I n...nmg paper, P'" - . ' - .i A lady writ testing a-aiusi wearing dresses nl inordinate length aud cairyinj their si peifl inus folds is one hand" She d clare the fashion is "inelegant." and "pnsliveW ridiculous, as well as vulgar " And whs en dis sent from this? E-ery woman met in the street goes alnng holding her dress with one hand. The lady descends from l.t r carriagp, nukes a spasmodic I dait at the hem oi her garment, snatches it as a tmut does i fly, and then stum bles into house or iiore. The shop gi.-l, mincing ahiKg the avenues, twists her skirt ahnut her ankles, displaying a petticoat that in witny cases would be improved by a juJmious application of soap, water, and a aasherwniuan's mus cle, and at the same time disclosing to the sight nf man biisiery of the in nut pronounced and violent type, She smirks along with all .lit affectation of the fine lady. E'en times with market baskets on their arms go ambling alnng with dress up in one hand and their day's dinner in the oiler. Of course il .j r i: ,, navin t"U dia t on a little lark. lined that h." 4 .nallot, tha WELD ON, N. HE HAD A HEART. She was bb angel bint do, and tripped through the mutki t until she reached a stall where a handsome butcb.r StAllrf. 'Have you a heart?'1 she nid, blush iaf timidly. Hue I a heart, mins?" responded the butcher. "I) ynu think that I cm atch you day alter (Jay and sec your eves dropping as they meet mine thut I can feel your velvet breath on my cht'fk", m I Mnnp over to servo ynu and nut have n heart? Ah I mniden, I am nil hem t, and you ttsk me have I on "Ye, she kighed faintly, "this is beautiful, this is divine, but it ain't the kind I want this morning, so give n:e a bullock's heart, quick, a: l tiim it for "tuffinp, or my old man'll be raising Cain if his dinner ui..'l conked." HAPPINESS. At Italian B'uhop, who hnd struggled thrniigh mony dillicultics w-thnut repin ing, and being much opposed without manifesting impatience, being asked bv :i frienj to c Himunicate the secret of his always being happy, rewlied, "It cunsists in a single thing, and that K makii g a right use of my eyes." II s fiiend, in surpriie, begtied him to ex plain this meaning. 'Most willingly," replied the Hishnp. In whatsoever slate I am, I first of all lok up tn heaven, and remember that my great business is to got there. I then look down upon earth, and call tn mind how small a space I shall soon fill in it. I then lm.-k abroad in the world, and see multitudes are, in ail respects, less happy than myself. And thus I learo where true happiness is placed, where all mv cares must r t d, at d how little reason I ever had to murmer, or to be otherwise than thankful. And to live in thW spirit is to be always happy ." REVERENCE TO AGE. The wise mon snys, "the hoary head is a crown of glory when found in the ways of riahleousiiess " And sn it ought ti he esteemed. 15ut, somehow or other, it dues r.'ally seem that even matured old ae does not command that respect from the young now which it mice did. Even grown-up children onw-a-days, nfteii apeak of parent, that should bp revered, as ' the old man," and 1 the old woman," little imagining how it shucks the moral sense of those, whose better nature and more refined sensibilities revolt at such impiety, such uiifilial ways. Among curtain of the ancienis, want of reverence to parents was accounted nmoua the greatest of crimes, wniie lacK ol scneratton even to the stranger who had pruwn old, was I attributed to luck nf brei ding. And sn it should be in this our day, "fast" as the age is repnrtei tn be. Would that all our youth might be taught this luaSon, and bow reverently to age I WHIRLPOOLS. Uhicnen Timis Correspondence. It is amusing to see how many "Mis. .uidies" thete are in Washington. And it is i nt umusing to ice how many nice little wi.es and good, plain mothers are spoiled by a taste of gayety in nur republican capital. One mem bei's wife, when she came here first, a few months ago, was really homesick for her little village. H it after the cards came in to her and she began to fully renlite that she was the wife of a member of Congiess, what airs the o 'unity mite I mk on herself. Ladies whnse claim tn distinction rested upon their it iiale refinement and intelligence, and unt upon tin- accidental position of their husbands, werp passed unnoticed save by ike faintest stiiline.lcss inclina tion; and the grade or lank of a lady'n hsshiind could hate been told by i Innker n , by the warmth or coolness with which tite wife f (he i,rw member rvrlcoiiied tliem. The clianee in the toilet of the lady was niaiked. Hi t 0e eac(,ry ra,, (iver lilt drLKSCS f nir nrnmii tnee l,oin a m.i.ln.t tu.lv i a plain ulai K silk and sinonth blown locks she bin st into the less (Iktii que style nf liehl sitin and bare shoulders, and pyriinid-shnp'.-d head with the sur rounding thatch nf h-'ies which hides the broad, beawt ful brow and makes every woman Uok like an idiot. The lady now trips to her hired cab every day, and gives her orders tn the coac ti re an with aa icy. fault finding tone, which she, poor smi, does net know indicates her newness to iha luxury of a hired team ani livery. Her ri js are a mend of ceaseless, meaningless toady ism; her nights wild revels, where nrither sene nor cninl'i 't ever shoai its lain, nld-fashii'iicd face This woman, before br husband's electiou, would have sat up with her neighbor's sick child. She would have made in lint gra clothes and put Q iwers in its dead hands, the 'while her eyes wrra misty with sympathy. Bit now the is spoiled for everything. Slit will fly her round, fuller away her day, drop nut of life, and not a ripple on the tide of fash i'lnable snciety will show where she has Wl-.-Th" wheels of fully ru" ..tea wnmei. crw There i-respeelable r""l' .,, The.e ct ,, and lobster. si tempers O, SATURDAY, EARLY MARRIAGES. S mie one has truly said that at n time da yeung men leel so much the inspiration i f viituous love as when be giiini"g the hauls of life. Early mar riages are peinmnent moralities, and de ferred mnrriaces ara temptations to wick edness. And yet every year it becomes more and more ddlioult, concurrent with the reigning ideas uf society, fnr young men In liter upon that ii.iitriiuiiniul state which is the proper gu ird of their virtue, us well as the source nf their courage nud enUrprise, The battle ol life is almost tiUujs nt the begii tiing. i'here it is th. t a man needs wedlock. li.it a wicked and ridiculous publx sen timent puts a man who is in s miety, ur out of societv, f.r that matter, largely on the ground nf condition, ami but of disposition and character. Tne man that has menus wherewith he ;n visi bly live amply, is in gund siciety, as a general rule. The mm that has virtue and sterling inanlinitg', but has nothing withal external tn show, is not usually considered i good society Ambitious young men wd' nor, therefore, marry ii' til thev can neet their expanses; but that is deferring for years ami years the indispensable iriue. Society is bad where two cannnt live cheaper thin one; and young men are under bad influences who. when in the very morning of life, and better fvted than ac any la'er period to grow together with one who is their equal arid male, are debarred from marrying, through scores of year, from mere prudential cnnsiJeratioRS ; and the heart and (he liie are sacrificed ta the pxket. They are tempted to substi tute ambition fur love, when at last, over the ashes and expiring emhers of their early romance, they select their wife. While a prisoner was being searched at a police station, he su ldenly blurted out: "I'll never believe in old sayings tignin !" "What's wrong with old sayings?" asked the captain. "Why. there's one that says. ' Heaven he'ps them that helps themselves." 1 helped myself to a pair of pants, and now where am ?. Where is Heaven ? Where is the help to get out. o' this?" lhcy couldn t tell him. IsMUitiovs fiiiTiCisM If one were to go to the home uf his neighbor and deface his pictures', pull up his flowers and cut hides in his best clothing, he would be indicted fur crime and pun ished. Hut the nfiittise is a. small one compared with the- habit of injurious criticism into which sn many fall, where by the lives and characters of their ac quaintances are being constantly as satilted. It is not hard to plant new flower and sew up a cut in a garment, hl,t " is verv (limc" 1 10 "iend the tung done to a reputatinr. How a Xohi.kman Mam:s a Living. An expatriated Italian nobleman in Jack sonville, Fl.. fired vrith tc hope of re trieving his coiifiicaieJ fort me, his set up a novel ostablishme it on Biy street. He has a d zmi d ills, arranged on three tiers, and furnishes Ins customers with three balls lor ,i dime. If you can knnck !own a doll with ca.h bail, the Count pays you one of the d dl in of our dad- dies Of cnurs the odds arc greatly in his favor, a id the illustri ous foreigner wears a happy expression. Savannah News. -. - The Hell (Jitesiion in Sax Anto nio A sprightly looking col. ned man e tered nur office yesterday morning, nud ej ictilated : L i"k lieah, boss, is dat a lac dut it says dere is on bell in eex world." ' Yes, that's what the papers, say," was the answer. "I'ey does? and here, f, Ike a foul ni.'gah, has b'-en piy.ti' pw tent foah (Use last ton ye i lis. and sulL-ri V all da time fur (ret clnsu' -and fshmning down a d"IUr k ord u-d that much of the Daily "Spress" 1 1 keep Ira k of what was lintuieiiing in the wui Id. San An tonio Express. Wiii K r.;::.:i.;;i- 1'.v:li: is Tin: Hour of Nkicii At night old (iumbo was accusliniied lu retire to his lonely cabin tn libl his taliuw candle uud pore over a dog-Pared, d 'anidated Bible, and as he read he would at biiel' intervals pause and devoutiy exclaim with tearful, upraised eyes : "O.i 1 cum do good angel of the Lor' an' tukn poor (Jumbo home to resl." It happened of a dark night, when hv the liht of his tallow dip ho was intently rtudying his Bible, there came three solemn, measuied raps on the cabin d ior. (jmn'o heard and grew pale with feir, and immediate ly, with a spisrnoHic jerk, blew out the light nod demanded to know ! "Who am dut ate knock in' at dis are door?" when a dismal, sepulchral voice answer, ed t "The goud angel of the Lord has come to take poor Gurnb i up tn rest." When trawiblingly, wills auptratitiaus fear, believing that the gonj angel of the L 'id was really standing at the dour, he answers: -' I kno'a dat niggah Gum bo, but dat are niggah don't lib heab 1 Why, dat ar Gumbo am jesduo gone ded dese fu' yeas: Yes be am I bejl'sdoie 'ese four yeas." B . ' 'e-t storm miiol the sessno w at 'V w viiuoc' inso Irmn !jr.ruu i E it Rome girl home Sun s detested by lur lather 1 1 1 1 at his niii-tais. w,,.rt bo - good - Baste- MARCH 0, The "Browkhst" Wedding. T-e brnwucst wedding we have heard of took place, in Tuscaloosa recently. The groom and b'ide were Mr. David L. liiowtt nod Miss Minnie Brown, and the ceremony was performed by- Rev, John Brown, and the reception was given by Mr. Henry Brown. Miss Minnie Brown Las brown eyes and was attired in brown Irniisseutt. while Mr. David Brown was likewise dressed in a brown suit. Attn pettier, the occasion was a brown affair, and the Osx-tite uf the Oak City In ex lending, congratulations tn Mr. Brown and Mrs- Brown cnnRdenlly expresses a hope that the ''name of Brown may ever be perpetuated." We guess it will. Dtcatar (Ala ) News, Ouit GltKAT Men An amusing in- cident from the State House at IJjstun bus just been told. It was on a public occasion when a large number of promi nent men were present. A Springfield gentleman, having no nue to point (Kit the celebrities tn him, managed tn get on speaking terms wit.h uu intelligent looking lady who sat next tn him in the gallery. He told her his situation, and asked if she could name some of the prominent men who were present. As she proved to be a stranger, too, he pro ceeded to point out tn her the few per sons whom he recognized. "There is ex-Oov. , and next to him is Gen, ; behind hiro is Senator , that one there is , the poet," ic. The lady shewed by her looks that she wished to reciprocate, aud, after looking all over the hall, leaned forward excitedly, and pointing her finger, sai : "There goes Deacon , of our church." Recently, a. man who looked a' if he would dura l do right il he bad a ball chance, entered an oyster stare on Michigan awn lis and ceorteoutly la- qaired ; ' D.i you bare oysters here an the one half shell? "Yes, sir we do," was answer. "Which half of the (hell is the oyster onP was the next ii n lirr The oyster man ieKoVtl the stranger keenly, and alter a minute repliul that they weie on the le't half nt thu shell. ' Ah-um-tno bad," muttered Ihe man, 'I w-antet them no the right hall. Good day sir. I cau't ' lei t baoded etstt r. nohow." Got AvKnAou Hucckss During Ihe last year ol Ihe late war, when a rail was made Inr onr vear men. there was a yoiina man in West Virginia (h it hid some aspi ratini s for niili'ary heuors. He wrote to the Q-v nr lor a captain's cncoiuiion to raise a company nl nm-year men. He was sentfAsvcond lieuttnaiil's cnminisiuo, with privilege ot captain if he got up a com pany. He put up a lent, lured a man tn beat the dram, and in a lew days got one reeuit. and that was all he got In a month. The Governor, thinking that he miiiht have a company raised, wrote to ask him if he had a hundred gnnrf men fnr one year. The Lieutenant wrote Imck that he did not have a hundred t;"od men for one year, but he bad "ne d- il uond man for a hundred year... Detroit Free Prs.r. The logical capacity is o nf Iha moil beautiful and toucninc tlnnus tn be seen in Ihe modern small boy. At the cnne.lu snsn nl a festival lat summer an excellent lesclu-r, d.'iiroiis nf a Imimslcrinif a trifl ing moral Irunn, ir.q ilied of the boys if Ihey had enjoyed tha repast. With the ingenious modesty el yjiitli they all re npnnded, "Yes, Sir " " Then." asked ihe t xclent teacher, "il ynu had slipped into m garden anil pirke4 these etraWkatfies without my leave, would they have lasted a. gnud a. nnw t" Every small boy in tint stained and sticky company ihrivksd, "No, Sir V Why nm " ' "Cause," said little Thomas, with Ihe cheerfuleess ol conscious virtue, "then wo shon'do't have be I sujar and cream with Vin." Wem. Woinn It "'Can you let me have si me money Una moiniog to purchsu a n-w bonnet, my (barl'' 'Hy-isd-by, love." " Chat's what yon always say, my love ; but how can I buy sod buy witliou. inn a ey V And tint brnuiiht the money. 1st as one g i. nl luro tieioivv. sno'lier. Her wit was so lir.cc.alul that slit tried await the Hett wri k. I want monry my dear, to bnv a oaw dre.s." "Will. ynu can't have it. You called u.o a bear L.t i.icl.t." tall tier fcu-'nnd. "Oil, wo'l, dear, ton know it wsi anly breause you mm hind of hucnin J." It hit him jut tight aain, and she got ihe money, and sn nithiny extra. lie Ult his prtuy wile an I hmried aff to business, sayioii, ' Il tkes a Inriun lo keep audi a wile, but it'a worth it." Daring to examination a medictl sta d. nt bi iriK a-ked, " When duet umrtitica lion ensue f" lie replied, "When teu pop the question, and are answere I, 'Nn.' A tbetnitt ont Weal cl lims tn have dis covered a preparation which will m.ke leather bullet nronf. We guess it mutt he aa ax bide of inn. Age should be reverenced, hut when a fellow sect tha mma leg l ni litoii lor tea consecutive days familiarity is very likely lo breed conlemat. A little firl win was given an ark for her birthday was nm in delighted Is lid that Noah's family were ail clad in the latest style nf uls'er. A clrrgynsnn nf nrdina-y abilities asl el lor a license in preach. "I grant ynu f r m'saion," said his bishop, "but ctture it fraet it." A child ran pa k up good ileal of in formation it it will keep tt ran rprn wmlu id mother I. csnvvrsing through a knot hnle In the fenea with tbo wemao cm it or, . I. A. 1878. NT "i7 WHAT BOYS CAN 00. Years ago, la New Yo k City, a Scotch. Irish woman was I.lt a ptnnihat widow, with two litllv boys, Shit siiiiiinrie l In r elt and Umlly hy niakiru niolaae ranly whicb tilt boys auld na the atrert Inr a rent a slick. Thev were industrious, Ira gal, and saved sulll,:t nt ninney to open a imail she? Prom (he humble liusui"ss nl pi ildling candy amse one ol III la'Kesl I'oiifeeiiiipery maiiulae.tottes In thi eouturv Stuart's candies, hir Ihe two hors I ei'sme It. L and A. T. Htu irt, sin kr.own lor their ptiriiyand Inulht' in neas all oynr the world. From the esndy business the firm rose iritn sugar reilners, arquiriiitf both leuuia tlil and lortune. I he nnl Value ol iht-ii pr uitrty is eatiiualed at ah. ill ' n niillmn dollar., and they art at noted Inr tlu u litierali'y at lor tlieir wealth, 1 '111 men ar zjuliii!. BE KIND TO PARENTS. Be kind tn your parents, or B'nnd pareni ; care for rheni lenilerly, lovingly wa'chlully. Age has tak n l oin then the vi'a'ity which gives huny.ncy to youth. Mayhap thuy have drunk deeply of lile's cup ot sorrow with aching, h.avy and well nigh broken hearts'have Been hopes no I joys lade uway hefure their eves en Ime l much lor the s-iks f nthers tnd now that lile is f.ding, thuy nei-rt care and sujip.il lar morn than tne ymincr o ies. L:'t i a l ii m i) r tin u whiim, their clnldh- diss, thirir sucuiing peevishness. I..'t hml words and ants cheer tliem and nt ke Itlu a pathway more pleasant lur totieri'iir fee'. Maku a waim comer in evury heart for ti e bed scene is n it lar ilis'ant, aa I vnu shnllld have nn dark sput on innnoiy's page. The patting blessing nf w d age h like the very tlew ol heavnn ilsulf. Eiru it by kind actions. WHERE HE WAS STABBED. Elko (Nev.) Post "Orntlemeo nf the jury," (aid a Tus- csrora lawyer, "what kind of swearn has been done in this cnet t Here we have physician, a man w ho, fruln his high and iinnle calling, sheuld bo regarded as one who wauld scorn In at -tin Iih soul with petjury ar be guilty ol giving utterance to an untruth, fiat what did he te-lify, gentlvmeuT I put Ihe q ies'mn tn hint plainly, as you all heird: 'Wkrtre wa this man stabbed ?' And what was his reply! Ualdushiugly, hit features as col and placid aa thengh cut Irjui maib'e. hn lenhed that the man was rtablnnt all ut an inch and a ha't tit the left nf thu mod an line, and about an inch above tha uniilirus, and yet we have prove 1 hv three unlnipe n'lislile witre.sia that he was stsbbe-l just bsluw the Young America hoistiag-wniks." G 00 AND THE ANGELS LOOKED DOWN. Kansas City (Mo.) Times. Ii was raining, and the streets were gloom? and uninviting. An rxpris. wauoii healed the procession, in which sat a gray bsirnl old lady In. math an old untirelli, waich parti ally -Inhered her and the drivtr from the rain. She wa hawed Willi gritl an I snr.'o', aud wnie thai tired, weary asp ct of de-pair which betokmed hopelessness Jut behind her was a rough cntfiti of plain, undrensul pine a pauper catlie. What it contained eonld only be guessed by iiili rei.c -. In a I ;mber,wagnn just behind the culfin carre a lamily at children, drenched wi'h rain anal shivering in their tvet rags, li l t they were all cryirg nd bowed wi'h angmsh. II was a sad sight, and tol l a talc nt ynveily and snrrnw in language which rpnku louder than words An ajed widow, too proutl I give her deceased cor.ait a pauper's burial. A sad in I sorrowful In mi I v in a borrowed wagon. No Iriends, on hens, no cnllin but a rnllgh pl-ie box. Do carriages; nothing but a drenching ram, a dreary journey and a glowmy n turn. It was Ihe nisl affecting l iners! t lint ever pasted Ihreugh the .1 recti ol Kna City. PAST AND PRESENT. Young ladies nf the pris' nt day wou'd he lather shocked il tltey wire obliged lo endui tne mnootunous lift ol ih" girl ol a ttnli.ry ago. She was lauiht ta era htouler, to sing and to dani-i Hie m o let. She eatriid hin-dl upiighr, and sit bahil' ually on (lie t'lign nl I.ii t hair, and never leaned bark. Whet lur .he was nntde.t at heart or not, thu assume I n in "lest tie mes'isr, Hhe b.oke I i!od when gentle m-n tpnkt to ttr, and wa. shocked whan they (eeped under her bonnet, which w 'rally toaitttilng In d i in liinsc days Sin a.nc l.ir rite i t;'f !niv hi tht n- s:, 1 very shiift la the ileevet, beeaii'u it w Hit lashion, Sat alaayt spuke respect la'ly to her tide's, and fat in a rorrer until the gentleiean whn a 'mire 1 hn snu.'ht her out. When the dance J. she gave the tips el her Angers ta her t artnrr. and whea h paid her complirmntt she b u hed, or at lei hid her js' behind her Ian. ''geniinillty" Vtatp-r great.it charm "Tears nl tweet eeniilrtiity forced down her chreka," tays an oldl ubiuned novel, apeakiog ol Its heroine. She. aid out dream ol accepting a suitor wilhaut first consu'ling "papa." When the was mairied slit went, and si did ail the lirl lettnaids. The girl ol to-day it taught lo play ike piano and te danrt the glide Shi. stares ah-ut her, and there is na ecea sion t pti-p und-r her bonnei. At peseni, the chukti ha ttil with rc.r's and stand ing tufU -s, anil torB-timPi inin.get t'i give them anything but a molet floor. She makes nn seoral at despising old peop'e and at a party gaos about burning her hesng. When "be dintce, she telli her partner tn hntd tighter, and nut I t hrr tail, tud the It routed too highly la Idu-h. When slit bst an offer, she laughs, relu.e. it wl e, and arcep't it tha thiid lime, h l does not ukt "pa and mi" intt coa&dcnce until the laM mom Dt--nnt until it Is i ere nary Inr t be in t furaith her wedding uU'Ht. L' "k upon tint picture, tad I hi o upon that I Our friend II hai a four-vtar-o' I b j who generally vi': bit evening pray t with "Ood bh - ,nt late y, . a fr im torat pre add. lh wort THE ROANOKE NEW. ADVEKTISJINO RATES. Sl M SPACE e O Ono Hqaara, . 5 00 j 1 il 06 I N W Two .Squares, 3 1 0 ' H 00 J N iinee Mitmies. 10 no I Su nn an in Pour SiUre, 12 Ull'l uo g g fourth Onl'n. IS Oil Mil no aa nn Half Column, 00 I 40 04) I 19 It I )Pi Whole Column, OueYiar, ' Jl' ADVEKTIfEMEXTI. s JUwOL TKlCMMBD, Ynu ran anally inareawn yaar ataasr It bv devoting a verv small portion M y. . leisure lliitn lo my Interest, I nut -peel von to oanvass Tor lay ewlenrals Hnnttt'n ilatinn and Organs unites yi ealltlK) bill the snrvlen I rsejulrn f yr In botlt pleasant and profitable, ptttlluulara Iicp. Aildre.a DANira.K. UKATTY. Wnsbliigton, N. J. J II. K I C O H T , B.VLTIMOI1E, Mil. I'K. .1. H. Uli'Oitn, 1U Kavetlt f OhIow Howard, has devoted (hlrly yea nf In pxlonsivfi practice pnppplnlly to II treiitiimnt of fhrmilp and Privaln I'lstaia Allectiona tu ltie Kidnnvs and Bladder lllseasHs ol tbo tloart and Lungs; p( a ' mis Diaeasos nf Ihe lilood, 1 hn-Ht, No nod Skin; Dlspppsin, f-iti it'liirea. Chron lliaease ol'thn Uriuarv Organa, IJIeera, C l'niiHivL)isuliargos, .N'orvuua and Physics Debility, YOU NO MKN, vletlm-ol nl-nseaiid pxrpns, with Lnstl tiitlo. Palpitation nf the Heart, ringing: In the Kars, N. rvonaiK-ss, lilnab'tig, Timid ity, Weakness ot llin Itaos- nm Limb, In diiiPSlion, .hdiihl apply bnfiue It U loo late, and re-tore vib r io Hieir liodiea end minds, ore thev entail inieiy end Uisnase upon tiio-oni their postnntv. Privaln Ilii-ea-i's reppullr enntrarted enrod In three days. Mercury mid Potaab diaebargod. Cbrnnio ilonnrrhpa or Oleel it, five duvn by a local applieatirm . IVrnoi,a nt a dis tanen by giving aymptcmn, Heated nud tneilinlius sent by mail or exf.rnss. A cure gmmitend in nil ernes. Write ayriiptoins directed, nrt. RICOKU. 141 W. Knvette fct., Kaltiuiore, M.4 apr 1 l-o JOCKY MOUNT A-ILLS, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. January 1st, 1S78. We are no prepared, to furnish tlx trade with 8URETIX03, eiUHlTNCS, PLOW LINKS aud COTTON.t YARNS, all ol Iht best quality and at low nrleea. Our terms strictly net cash, 80 dajt. A til J reus BATTLE & SON, 'an tt ft Rocky MV-j-l. r a n u o lp a a vor, GENERAL FORWARDING AND 1 ceamsaisex HKBtH.tiTis, hrfoU, VUnlBisa, Prounpt aslisnaiin Rived to alt Cwrmiars menu. Liberal Ca.h Ad vane maio on Cc slgnuneut. LUMBER A 61TCULT7. RKFKKKtsni'. ; V. If. Bmllb ,t flin, TT. C. Marrow ,t f " , A. Wrr-nii, N'orf !k, T.' A. ifarrilialdi. .T. W. Fauceit, J. M. Mul len, Uulilax. N. C. fe n 21 0 n M Vs. WT W e.. ., . , iSsgswai Sfsaj-J it Persons vlshinp Mntsllio flurlal Casta can alwat a obtain I limn by applying lo ma, Ut the Morn of Mi-ssr.. mil, lil i.mry. 1 ri:i anil keppiug, as hHrntolott, a lull at s.,rtniniil oi llm Very Ueat CAdle'S, at tha Verv Lowt Prices. In iny ah'eoco fitjm Weldon, Massrs. Winflcld d kinry w deliver Case lo person svbo may wiA them. JAMES SIMMONS. Vt'OltlOB, If. C apr 4 t Q 1 -1(1 K UN D L it !s I Ii N & I) . rospactfullv rail the attend-mitt trade st hi evt.naivt atock r, 1 ami Imported liquor, lo T itli- - making additlo-js and ecioeiivlug BYK ASD not R BOX ffll' -e Krsneh, Apple, Ulakhnr-y ttid -t"hiirj Brandies, Jamaien and New England Rnro London, Torn nnd Hollai.. tim, pur; i Sherry, Clarnt. Ilhli.n and t.v vewr-oin Seiippnrnoi.g Winn. riitrb tn i Lcrndoi Portor, and a very large lot of RECTIFIED WHISXGY whieh I am oilorlngat prie thai .-Annoi tall toriva atifntion, , PKT.pKpi; Aft." 2tTvciile S-i