THE ROANOKE NEWS. SATURDAY APRIL 13. 1878. Special Locals. To TBS Lamm Wk have just lereivt i a few prices of beautiful dress goods call early aod get the first choice. Wuitk & Stainuck, B ttoru Store. SiNatR Sewing MicVmes, needles an.' all attachments, lor Rule at White & Stain hack's B. Until Store. 100 sack" nf Liverpool salt 20) lbs., at f 1.25. Alio 59 birre's herrings. WiNFtitr.B 4 Embt. 191! 101!! 101! !!. -On hundred lbs. nf BVisr just received and for milt cbap for cash. Whitb 8TAINBACK A Ooooh. Ladibi Fuhs. at c 't nt Whit & Stainbick ' tf "Bottom Stare." Call ail exanlia our largs and new enUitei slock af Crockery bef ore ptirchas Jug. W H tTtt, ST WMBltyif, G 9 lOfiH. Winds! I and Enrv h ive to arrive 100 hrrls of tl mr an I 2.",IM0 pounds nf bauon, which th n v will sell at Biltinore prims, wiili ut any unarms for freight, tf. Jut rend vela 1 t f Mils Celobrated IValkniinlu.t and UiH.loned Shoes. Call ad sea Ilia n, em ic'i irtnte "iilsfa'tlon. Whim St'WNHtcK Twe ele f hii t limine. an I pleasure wag ons I irons or two h orse' tr sals cheap at thu ItdiD'iku Agricultural works Weldon. if. Fr in thW d i', I wil'. tell a lot nf besvv clolliing.suab s overcoats and bout at New York cos1. A No a lot of ba I quilt and blaukote at oost. R. P. Spikih, B ottotn Store, Tu ran G 1 1 B tiled Li usee 1 Oil. Raw Linseed Oil. Midline Oil for Gins, &. Bewinif Mvhino Oil. Lird 0l, Tinners Oil, at T. A. Clark D ug Store. O.v and after October 1st all iniii will beasld, strictly fur cvh. Kvary thin' da n at lowest prina. Cut and see us before purchasing else whsre. tf Wijfiklb it Kxux Pliusr remember that your little sc HDta are pust due anH we respectlullv ask a setlleiueut the same. Whitb & Staisback, Bottom St. TO, PaRTIKS Indebted tn to Rnukh Nkws nrier to t.h of September 1H77 will please aula the sane witli W. II. Capell, at tba Weldon Hotel or witli Day it Bitche lor at the News office. octf tf T. L. Kxkt. Juat ta band one ear load Liverpool fine nalt, full weight, factory title I 1.85 per tack. Also at iJarys.hur.r S tore same price. R. P. Spikrs, B itt un Store. Thu Bbst isthk Cheapest Therefore yon should call and gel the prices nf Fur. tilizsrs f ir which wo are agents before buying elsewhere. WairK it STAINBAt'K, B otu.ui Store. I am now selling at rotail, orftty co(T-o 'i jar, at 10ai. pr p mn i. alionlilnr ineit 0), aide H'.U , a No t article of e;lrd ut 11 in., maiiiun quality at I'J'ta. It. P. piplKR, Bottom Store. Abb Tod Insuurd !--One aian "I a jiiod bii, i i. j mil I', he ke-H all Ilia inwrahle proonrtv insured in gand eninpa nies. Q i to K F. B itle.r ana' net liim to pl.ici your rnk in reliaol.', first elms com pani'd, such hs lie renruonU. Parmkr wave in may by uMn the Home KnitiliB ir, nude at home by fa Korinul of IJ ivkin. Oarmor fc l!o., which aa given audi eoeral aaiUfaintinti where trie ), roe cb ninaU can bi bid pure of T. A.. CUrk Vldm N. 0. AgJiit for Boy kill Carinor A Co. A. WHB AS m iae n;i)VHton iar Ilia family. "Uh who provide.! not lor thme r. kit h'iliild H woi' t h in an i nil del ' las irt vo ir lii! then in the "Melrpoli tan ' Life IQiiiraiiue uim oa iy. Uutler 19 the aijent. If Pure .Vpo'e Oi ler Vinnn ran be latind at Z-iPic tl.-r' Drug St oe. AUo a lull live nl tflau ware. lnclu li'ii limns lump fixture. Al-o a nice aj i tmtnl nl Jewxlry. all ol winch tbr i'ff r low lor price. LaTMT NkW4. 20 HirrelK ! R'tinrwu-k Family Kinir int ic eivc I nt White & tanih iek' "B iitom Sinre." We canmil teola'-e this" with am in mc v C.ll ear and bay before it i all tah. Wuitk A "'ta'nbkci:, if "ButtoiM Sture." To provide fir the future, N the part f wlalin! Hi ye. the 1, uireiore wise, Onar l ai;ii ist c niMiininiwa and insiini vour liffc and property witn W . Daniel who represents only ttrst dims No. 1 Comp lilies. Ilcn be found ei'uor at Bis olU :e or Z uliu itliir's ilroj at ire, Wul- doa. tl. JdsT raceire 1 at Z .llienft t's Dru.; S ure frah Iron thi oith. tb- tl u-at anauitm nl Frenci m 1 iilam cindie. irra, Iruiu e a . eir,. in l loim 1 i' Wc.d 111 I ndus arentlemen. and the pu'rtr. iri-neralU inf Ite I tu call an I 1 X unn.e tilt if utock be (r Burchieini! ele'here. New looks juat to hand and and foraale, Dinkeni oomulnte bonka 14 vliiuiea Illus trated. Price 14 dollars or 1 5 amgln volume, Scotts complete w irks, Wayi-rly Nnvels 'ii V'iIiiiiiiih, llliiKirnied at t'l'S or 1,3s aiunle copy. Alno compiute line of ebon I tiooks, McUulllss, Hnjnevi anil National Kiders. (iraiamara, (ie.ira phies, Aritbinelica and all kind of aebnol malarial, llvmn bioka and bibles a apeoiality. Complete line of atalloiiary, a number one arliele of letter paper at 15 cent 1 par quire. Ipsa bv the wholesale, It. P. Spiers B otluin Sure. Skwino Maviiinh.ii I Uka anlera for tb liillowinit rwuiK mai.'lnnet: Wheeler ad WiUon, Domestic, llonie Kliuttb, Floreiwe W. ed, an I American. Tiiue ia want nf a ma' bii.e wi'l do well ta corres. pan J wl'h or s. me as I can sell I lie ill lor annul hall the puce emnnixnly paid Inr tem. 1 alan keep needles for the mn rnaeliluei. price 5 cents each r 50 cents per dZ-n. ia ery instance person) orderv iag aeeill s just enrlnse the amount nmney per mail ami a p'Stsje stamp and I will send any number Iram one needle to Joi n. H. P. ?pikiis, Uo'toni 8ior, jan, 80 8m. Weldon, N. C. "German Mjrup." No ether tiieilietiia in the world has vr eiven such a test of Its curative qualities an Koslhkk's Ukhman Svrdp. In three years iwo million four hundred thou-and small bottles 01 this medicine waa di-trihuteo free of rbarue by Uruir (riat in tnis oount.ry to those efflimed witb Consumption, Aethma, t.roiui, severe Coiinhs, Piieumooia and other diseases of the Ibrmit and Itni9;s. giving tba American people nndniiiahle proof jtbat (iKKMaN SVHiip wi 1 uurn liiem Tiie rssult has been that UriiKgists in every town and villaire in the Uoitfd States are reoomraendinv it to their cuMoiiiors. Uo to vuur Driivgist, aud i.-k what he knows about it. Simple Rottles 10 nenU. Itijn Iar aiaa 7j cents. Three doses will relieve any oasa. For sale bv B W. Brown, Weldon. N. (.., Brown Carraway, HalilaX, N. C , and Petway . Bell, Euleld, N. C. Tmt Kdltnr of thlx paper is In no wav responsi blr for the views ormatements of C'orrosponi! ents. No rninniunleatlnns of an aiiimyinous character will lie punished ; the real nam ot the writer must accompany all communications. Any one who may lee' airirrieved at statements made by corresixindents can obtain the name on application to the Editor. Correspondents will please write only on one side of the paper, and to avoid havin their communications thrown In the waste basket, will furnish their names not necessarily for publication but as a guaranty of (rood faith. Wn will not notice anonymous correspondence. L O C A L Our AoK.VTs.-The following gentlemen will ant as ajtents for thu Roamoke Nbws: Captain A. B. Hill, Scotland Neck. K. l. Olrkens, Fancetls. Oao. T. Simmons. Halifax. Major N. K. Jenkins, Littleton. J.C. Hill, Palama. Dr. F. M Garrett. Ringwaod. Ksv C M. Cok, Warrrstoa. F. Eii'eni Foster. N.trtUam ptoa J D. Bsoae, .Isckson. N. 0. E A. Batcheli.r, Enfield, N. C. I " ' Our town is very quiet about now In tba way of amusement. Ho bops, no leading clubs, r,o candy atewa, nonircusea, 00 organ irrlnders, and 110 performing beat. What's to become nf us ? Mrs. M. W.Bmallwood returned from th north a few days ago with a full line of Millinery, and has opened tn her room over VVintibld 4 Emry's store. She would be pleased to fee all her lady fiieude, Thrkb was a JifTlculty between two nroinia,ent me hers af the bar In Raleigh lsst Saturday, which resulted In blows. The affair grew nut nf ri flections in the letter of a IUlib oorrespomUut to the Greensboro New North State. Co C'oi.ds arc prevalent. No .Spring chickens in nir'et yet. Sknd your Job wmk to J. W. Sledga. Ouk streets ar In a muddy condition, KorK fish were in the market yesterday. - - Dkad liutleillns make pretty atoa. men Is. Wk cll attention u the court natice in this issue. Bab k epeu are kept hu-y in Halifax this week. Sow enad thuughti aud ynu gaad aclinni. reap Tiikr.r is very little c lion coining into this market ju t now. Bkuavi rt is a rnii rur shows hi imnre in which every Cbinfrk translate It, -'tiD doilar and big fool soon patted." Last Tuesday and Wednesday were resl rainy disagreeable nars. A Urge Dumber of otir nitiitena are at tending Halifax oourt this week. Wr desira to call vertisement of Mr. attention to R P. Soles. the ad- Gknrrai, M. VV. Kansim and Major Henry Gilliam were in town tins week. VKORTABliK" arr pa-sio!.' thrnuijli daily Iram the South lo (he Northern markets. Owb friend Mr. J. II. Mc'iwigan, of En field, N. C, paid us a visit last Thursday. To prevent fl es Irom tainting ynui bacon in summer eat it early ia piing. MlsroitTUNKn, like liorrowed um'irellas, a' easily Cirrieil if they belong ta ethers Wr publish in another column Irnm W. II. Kuchia to the Observer. a le'ler Ruleijih Ip you want a thiiw rtone well. Ho it voarsell ; iherelure nlwsrs IhU 'h st v.ur own jokes. Wr loam that thora Is a great deal nf hickness inha country, principally nliills and pneumonia A LI, thse wlia have uiven it a tnsl will not he without it It cures Dr. B11 I ' UeUgh Sirup. THKRR was a eacml L'Slhenng at Mt. Ili-liops. about two miles from Ibis place last Wedneidsy nigh'. Oni young ladies have linen kept In dtora ail the week on nccount of the in c'einnni'y of the weather. It is said that ti e iron bn Ige over the R-anoke at ths place which has just hern rompleted weighs al out seven hunditd thnunanda pounds, and cost S. & R. li. U Campany upwsrils ef ferty thoussnd lol'srs. Wht do So many parents think rhildren trnubleroma I bsrause they cry, and why da children cry t because they suffer. Dr B ill's Hiby Synm relieves all pain thai rishyliood is siihpct lo, slid only costs 25 cents per battle. Wu lesrn (mm the eleclian In the Dialectic Society, at Chapel Hill for declaimer an 1 debater resulted in the chsicf ol Mr. J, M. Leach, Jr , nl 1,' xitii; inn as iho tanner, and Mr. A. I). .Tones ol Gary, as tin; latter. As announced in our last issue there was s rsce at the Filr Grounds last Saturday, between Gov. Hampton, L'Hle'ellow and Siiter to Hallerss. Gov. Hampton came cut winner Q lite a Dumhir of aur cit Zens were present. TnK registratinn oooks lor the ensuing town electian wh'ch tnkes place on the first Monday in Ma are now open at Z illicofler'. D'U Store. Mr. D B. Zilli- C'ffjr is Registrar. See that yoar names are ameng the number on the bosk. Noticb. There will bet mass meeting held in J ickson nn S .tuiday April 27th, at 12 o'clock. M., fur 1 he purpose ol chum ing delegates ta atteDd the State O inven tion of the D 'morrati --Conservative party, which will in-et in Raleigh en the 13 h, of June tn select candidstts loi Ciiiel Justice, and Associ ate Justice nt the Supreme Court all members tl the D.m ocraiic-Cenervative parly in the coooty e' Niirthauiption are earnestly requested to be pre-entand lake part in the meeting. Noithamp an county, Ex. Cum. D m Cc. party. R B. Pki bi.ks, Chairaian. W. C B 'WKlf, Secretary. Dird on Saturday tba 8th Instant Mrs. Ann M, Garrett, wila of Or. Francis M. Garrett, and eldest, daughter of James H Parser Esq. Thus lisi passed away In the flower of her life one of the triet and purest hearted of women (ilven by a kind God to elevate and tlei-s humanity. It was the privilege of the writer to have known Mrs. Garrett oh t rma of in timate friendship from her girlhood, and he has never met any one who during her who a lite gave a morn brilliant cxanipl ( t the beauties add virtneu of C! , To burs the duties ol lifo were ail of living, and her devotion to these duties made her the warm hem led friands, tlie a(T ctlonate daughter, the dutiful wile and the devoted mother whosn rieslh we mourn, But we mnurn not 11s without hope, for we know that hr life on earth so filled bar for the life beyond, that her spirit baa congenial companionship in l eaven. Wkathkh PUR the Ustics up tbk month or March Highest Temperature " Lnwest " 45 Mean " 57 Prevailing Winds Westerly. Amount si Rainfall 8 66 Inches. Wr notice in the GoliUboro Messenger that there was a negro biy by the name nl Lrei z 1 Reed, murdered by his cousin Jese Reed in the Nahunla s ction In Wayne county, on last Saturday. We de not know the psrticnlsra. Noticr Tr Ofpi.ictm) Dr. A. R. Z illicnff r & Brn., of this nlace have just recieved a large let of Buflila Lithia ant! BsoMord A'um mineral waters, direct Iriiri 'he Virginia springs. These water sre fine tonic. at.U are highly reenmen I by all physicians. ' Tk, ma lam." he remarked, "woman's pl c is in In r horn, ami I her cliildum and her household duties while tbe father toils for bread." and then he pbked up a hsl. and t'moght he'd go over for an hour or so an I sre what was gnini; un at the lnif.ehaH grounds. FirkCompint is Wni.don.- On con sultation with sumo of 1 11 r citizHiis, we tind 111 il they favor the idea ol having a Fire Company in this town, acd we were requested to bring this mutter before the pai pie ol the town , and ask that somo live energetic man take Imld of this enterprise and organize the company at once. This Is something that Las k"en nierte.l for a long time. There la a vast amount of pro. pe-ty bete that would be entirely den troveil should a Ore break nut. as there would be no possible chance to get a an til cienl quantity of water and foree to ex tinguish the flames. Now the aoove en terprise would be but a small tax on each one, and all who own property would not hesitule to contribute, if not henome mem bars of ihe company, as It would ba almost the same as an Insurance on the property. Wo simply mention this matter at the re quest of one of our cltizmia, and would be pleased to hear an ex presiuti t f opinion on this subject. We have quite a number of young men hern who would take a gn et interest In a F'ra Cotnpsny, and who we believe wsuld not hnsitnte to become members of the saint), besides wo are get ting big enough to net "ity like. A Nrw Vcliiub The numbers el L'fell's LivitK' A';e for the weekending Anril 6 II and 13 h the Hrst tw numbers o' a new volume rautsin Eqlili'v. h' Matthew Arnold, Firtnlghtly Review; The English Lmgnaga as Spoken ard Written, by Fiaacis W. Newman, Contem p rary ; Madonna Dnnya, by Emily PleinVi; Florence an 1 the M did, Fortnightly; The three Cities, by W. G., Ciirnhillj Within the Precincts, by Mr. Oiiphant, from advance sheets ; "II Re Gslactunm by James Montgomery rftuurt, Macmillan; "Only Jean," Blaekwn I ; On the Decay of Fine Msanert, Corahill ; O i Teaching English, by F. W. Newtien Fraer ; Spencer's Irish Riven, by P W. Javce, L L. D., Frsser ; Erica, translated for The Living Aije Irom the German m Frauvon Ing-rslehen ; The Centenary ol Voltaire. Psll Mall Gazette ; The Last ol His G isrs. Nature ; II 'w Great inca Watk Csssdl ; The Green Fl' R ol th Prophet, Cliambei's Juiirnal ; 1 ct ., ect Fur filty-two numbers, of sixtvfeur arge pages each ( r more than 1)000 p'B a year.) 'In snbiicription price (14) is low ; ar for $10.50 any one ol the American $1 monthlies or we klies is Sent with The Living Age far a year, both postpaid Litlrll & Gay, It istan. are the pub!islirs OfFtci BoanD County Commissi .nrr', Halifax Cihintt. N. (! April Meeting 1873. The following is a list nf Jurors drawn for the Spring Term, Superior Caurt. te wit : FIRST WKtl L ir.'t H'eines I suppose by mere accident A ate s is ol that delic te Lnwtiry mixlura and a man of bad habits.- A Female Barber, Miss Nellie Diggett hs opened a bar ber shop in Boston, and the rxci'emeot Is intense in consequence. She is pr t y and neat, and it is a well-known fact that wawt n can shave Iar better than men eae, il tl ey et themselves abi ut it. The yeurt m n ot the locality have their lisit rui s.-veral limes a week, and a thinking sriusy ol the needs ol their eye teeth at A gums. The old men are having tl eir fare and chins nearly shaved i ff. and are using ha r restoratives with a prodigality really frigbtlul. wAsiirsijTttVLEtnxii. Washington, DC, ) April 11th, 1878. Wt are having must deligh ml spring weather, a novelty Inr Washingtao. We are usually plunged Iram th rawest windy season that constitutes aur winter una intensely watm summer. But rs I J E Merecock. Wjatt Anthony, E'lt'i" Bellamy, W. E Livesay, Ore, n Hill. Hamlin Collins, Robert Harrison, Nicholas Smith, rfenrt Burnett, Jamas Hi I hips. Ililliaid Pollen, J. C. Arrington. fish- Bstche'e'. Virgil Nichi"lsn, J H Bisnch. W.T Wlillfield, Willisin Harper, II. Ba. Alc in il will elein silver Ex. Ye-, a cohol, well a'liikto, wil U' all the silver von have got. elenn Rkv. C M. Co k occuiiid the ptili it tn ihe M- hsdist chinch in th a plaie last Sunday iiij int. un I pleached a very im pr-si- e srramn. Thr Rev. Arthur baron Von Pusch, fate Lieutnnant in tbs German Army will pre. oh in the I.I erary Hall on to'tnurrnw at, 11 o'clock A. M. Thkrr was a b-iavv fill of rin all diy last Weilues.'av, wblnh bas put the land in -ueh s condition that it is almost im possible tor the farmers to work. Wokk on the l'ttrhurg R. R. bridge has Iv eu suspended lor the piesent. We understand tbey have succeeded in gettii g about two spans nut of the river. Wk publish 111 t ii-day issue as requested, Mr. J. M. Mulleu'a letter to tha Raleigh News, in reference to Ihe lieini oratie con vention held Id Halifax some time since. - . . - Wc underslaml from eur druggii-ta that quinine lisa taken a very si) luVa rise within the Inst two weeks, Irom 3 50 I J 3 per 1 i 1 1. will uul pay lo bave chills n iw Yaw will find 3hriner I idian Vermifuge Ihe most reliable remedy to derttoy win ins and cleanse the Intestines. One nr twe doses aught to be tekeo by eviry sdult and Child twice 1 year. Wis hereby ofler a reward of OOO OCO.00 to the man who will bring us the Hrst eotton bloom tufa year. Wo make Ibis announcement thus eaily iu order to give ev ry one a fair showing. Tub Demncraliu conventions nf six cnuniie bave thas far declared for Hon. David Sohenck lor Chief Jua.ioe, fvlx.,1 Lincoln, Alleghany, McDowell Heuder aoo, Cabnrrua and Halifax. Mr. Jo b st Y. NtcBOLSoif, leader of tbe Weldon Mring Hand, left last Thursray evening fir Petersburg, V.. to visit friends We wish jon a delightful trip and a al'a rturn friend "Xlck." Wk notice lhatilov. Vance delivered his lecture on the "Scattered Nation," to Iho delight of the li iy at Chapel Hill a short time since. We would be please.! iftbn O iv. would entertin us with his lecture sometime In passing. We will promise him a lurrje appreciative audience. Come down Gov. Vance and tell us about them "Scattered Nations." Wr have not seen many f the people from tbe coun'ry in t-wn this wee... Tnis is generally lbs husv season witb farmers, as they are now planting c rn end pre paring to sow cotton. We know they have some excuse whv thev have not been to see lis, as it Is a hard matter to Slav awav from Weldon lor a longtime, unless some thing very important demands our atten tion somew here Ise. Thk Inlerir Court in this county ron. vened in Hiliax last Mondav, Hon, Tnomas N. Hill presiding. We learn thst then are a good many cases on docket, sn I the preha'iilitics are that they will not he , hie to net through the list this weik There hai been qiite a crowd in nltendanre eveiy Hay. 8. me v-ry im porunt rases hasa been tried. The bar is well represented. Words 1 p WrsD'M The funliah and closclisttd in is h.'h siil in Ins heart, I will not aibstvihe tor the Ran k Nkws. but will steal my neighbm's pupi r and read it whenever I get a ihanre;" bill th wie man yaunteth nut himsell. is n I puffed a 0 or pnind'ced, but takes tbe psper and pays for it like a mi n, and with a clear conscience tied an sir af self-corn plscenny, leaneth himsell in an easy chair and rra'elh his pap"r; and ilepi ndeth not neon grabbing his neighbor's, with which tuetresh his min 1. V' tilt, verity, we say unto you, the good have their reward. Tun Lnvs of Flowkrb. The love nl fl iwrrs is cNttimenilalile in nil persoi s, mi 4 lew have a more exq i bile lasts for their cultivation than some nl aur Weldon ladies. The Iront yerds in some portion l mn town w In re the fioaers and ever gieens ate properlv cared Iar lank pir fertly beantitul. We aie a great admiisr ol fl iwets urKelves, and like ta see such attention na'd t their cuHiva'ion. Theis is nothing that looks nmie ilueful ai d inviting th .n s pretty flivver yard. Every oullnuk I1 sin the home should be pleas ing to ihe eie, sad every spprnnch tn tie hnuse gladd utile ronnr. A rest, rosy liitle rot. surroucded with evergreens, shrubs and fl wi rs, climbi, g vims, win ' ing salks and -h.iilr nook', di-plays more ale. sure and ronten' mctit to the woilil thst Hie lirge biown s'ane mansion with lot hid ling, disorderly vraumls, de'ttlute al shrubs nnil fl ers. A jtesi 1 e 1 mav be done tn hrau'.i'y l) I adorn the surrnunrl. bigs Plant a tree to shade sun a bats spot, a climbing vine to flutter in the bre.'Z '. fl iwi r-buds ta bloom aun beantily ihe uattiway ' a pieafant Heme, a ro-e whne il uisv b'ossoni and waft to you no tue gentle hreiZ'S its drliglillul Iragrancc. lant 0 1 vers, but do not negle t them; are lur an t cultivate them p'nperly. that vnur liitine mav be 1 heeilul and happy. B. P. Powell, J G. Moine, Geo. F'nmr, Z. M. Brsdlry. Lawrence Atringta, Hiilinrd Johnson, Paul Gary, A, Carter, J R Legged, J ihn Beavans. Sr . B. F. Arlington, Keni srd Bsicbeler, W. J riles, B W Hawkins, Asberry Smith, Geo, Beasley, John II. Kurt. Edward RicharJs, XCi'KD WKKK. J ff Junes, J. I". Wiitht, James Dsniel, Lewis Miller, G W. FuU'hum, Henry Droughn, I-r iel M' Lemore, Ma k Purnell, J L Medlin. By Order id the Board. R J. Lkwii, Cirk. THE MARKET. Norfolk, V , Apri It 1M. ('ttaa-Middling 10 oeala. Cora Market quiet at 62s63 bushel. 12, Wt, follow US Lew Uladllag U , PETKRsauao, Ta., April Cottaa-Firtn at the quotation. Miniums- io Stalled 8i. Dirtv bales Ta8. form Mite oar Is. Bacon Market asxiv. Shoaldora an 4 ldeast7, i; Built shoulders i. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. RAPER THAN EVER. I-aac Smith, W, II. (J assgnw. Henry Watson, letting JehnstHD, T II Blown, W. W. Bulls, G. C Hex. M W.ler, Cuihn II, Ate entertainment consisting of charades tableaux, Ac, was given by the young people rear Crowalb X roads last rrlday night. We understand there was a large crowd In attendance, an I every one bad a pleasant time. Our young friends shout Ciowells know how to entertain their visitors, we know from experience. Jrsr RKcuivnn and must be sold, a fine stock ot Wines, L'qU"r Cigars Ac. 1 n-sire to call special attention tu my stnek nl Drrwry's C lebrated Southamp ton Brandy, Biker's Fine Rye Whiskey Garret's Pute Seiippernong Wine I eel Porlneis Vienna Bjit at ten cents a bots tie. I also have a lull stock of imported Porters and Ales. Come ta see me 111 Court Week at mv old s and. II. 8. Nkvillb apr 1 1-m. Wb understand that the ladies of this town propose, iostea I al the charades sn I tnnieaux. tu ti ,v a feasl and Isir in th Literary lli'l. during the race.. Th pro-reds nt this etitertaioment are to ba spplivd to the improvemeut ol tbe Melha dut church in this pUce. They intend t have the church lot lenced in. ami plant d l . .... . . u iweis in iront 01 the ltinr and tlirwise In aulily the ihure.h y ,n. sn.l th-rebv ao'.d mil unlv to the appearance nf the cktrch but it i l ee a dec lid improvement that ponton nl the town. This. is a Uud able eiiteiprisi!. anil we trust that the en deavnrs ot our ladies, may meet with much success, Let eveiy one a'ten I the leu ami 'air, aim ia Ds'iail al tn Isdies w 1 pruiniee yog s plesisot time. Thk Fashion' f he bouquet 1 btoiaeted gloves sre navel. Cameos ate decidedly fashinoable iu welrv. Cardinal rapes are amang the new spring wraps, Silver ami mouse grsy shades prevail in kid g'uvrs. Pretty new Istis are ol rustic bamlmn hand psinled. Buileiflo s are among the new ornaments tor niiiing lints I he S'reet hat shoulrl tie da k aud to a cer'ain 1 X'ent plain. D'ei-es n ro trimuicil el double pipings al c"trrasting colors L ely spring ptints are selling as low as lour rents pe' mr I. Plained shirts have deep yokes, which gives a epli-nili l appnrnee ua qncii, tnliiely covirud with niwers are in vognre lor evemog toilets. Cteam color and greenish gray are Ihe popular tints in Imen mess goads. Misses' psrsols are al small siz in the design snd colors used lor ladies. All straw tints and bonneis are arincl- pally te-tiicte l to the dark calors Bvrnn co lars and c fls in guieur lace, lor the la in s, are anion : Ihe I test. Yokes and plaited and gathered waists are very becamiiig to tall, slender women. The aid oolnr. "ashes ol roses," so lung ant of lashivn. will be leviyed ibis sum mcr. H indsrim 1 veiling dresses are made "I plush grenadine m suli j c-lors of light hues une 01 the nnyeitus lor summer nreM'S is cap-batiset a thin linen lahric crinkled like crape. Colored embraideries aape.r on niany of the han isoih' st sets ol wide collars and deep tuft 1. Scail-ef ctape lisse, with the ends ems bio. d red in silks ot Oriental colors, are pretty novelties. Fluaers shuuld be warn mostly on the le t side nl ball 'tresses, as the e.-cott walks Oil the right. There is a decided change in the stupe i the par i-ois this reason hum tun.-o el last summer. 1 ne sua ne niue Madras ginghams are vrry popular, hut great car is required IB wa-Uing tlirm y ery One a "loreii emoreideries are teen 0 may ot tha newest styles of packet DBDtiKercDiet. Enoitwo iD, Halifax. Co., N. C! . Apiii 5 h. 1878 Pkar Nk as : -It was our good pleas. lire to accent sii Invit ition to attend lln A ssi il meeting ol the Piorei r Ag'iriilturn Club, w Inch, met at ibu residence 01 our rstei ined Irleu I U. J. Kovil. The club is cinnn eil ol soimt o the best and ni st 1 fl untial tanners ul Ibis viemilv. snd its met tmgs sre inlerrs iug and pnfl'abe. Ihe suhi-ct Iar di-cus-ion Wis. "Will drsiiiing psy." M nt of th club did not iniiik lhat it would, where lauds are chs.p and ahun ianl, and laher v.ry Irgh. Il Wss agrted, howiver, 1 li at it might pay nn some low Hit Inn Is atiu hi I sides. where it could be d ine with but little c'i and labor. Alter Ihe disciisrinn el Ihe question, dinner was sireunced. W li'ive otli n liearii sii obi ssylng that 'here is more enjoyment in 1 he ol a thing than in ihe realzitum theien). but this was nit the ca-e with Mr.. Boyd sumpiunus cinner, and while the nun r msa s Ita-ttu nn the tuniiling v aads. Ihe eye leasti d on the exq lisite li. q i-is winch a'lorned Ihe table, arianged by ihe skilful tinkers oi the accomplish I Mi-s B. We sre satisfied il we had many inni utian like tip Pio. eer Club our larmers would be luuell benefited thereby. Vl ITOB. spnng has been here for three we k. We have had balmy days, salt z-phyrs, bud ling leaves, h'ossoins. and all. flower have been in the markets lor tea nr thrre weeks silling at $1 50 per basket. Thr basket pretend to held a quart but sraicely 1 xcvsd a pint By and wy we can buy 6 quart Inr 25 cents, with which prospective we are quite rnntsnt in "blV a wee" lor our strawbirirs. The markets atiounH now alio in other gnen stuffs many al which, however, are so as en in hot-hmues as to hav little flawer ar substance. The radishes ate wsterv the cir urn hers woody and other salads 91 ny. There is. in reality, btlt little satisfaction to he gotten from trait nut of season. As for the city it is rlelighilul at this Seasen. Wlnngti n is oat what It wsv a d' zen years aga. Then it was low, ill- paved, muddy and dismal ; now it is in very truth a city of magnificent 1 II mees, winch dii'ances men wide site ts smi.olli'y paved, numerous and well k-pt parks. plenty ol room for everyhedy and every thing To one w ha a riecad an wade 1 in the evening threugh New York Avenue at its coifluenc with the rectangular streets, and ssw the a-llitent houses aai4 la up posts tiflix t in the slasrilog pools ol mud snd ws'sr, the candid ta Jay ol th Capital tharoiijth'ares is something marvelous. On c ty in the lind is sa well paved. AM the principsl streets are gride i high and laid with enhetum as sinnoth as a bn 1 ronn fl iar. It may rain hard lor two h urs one ni ;ht and the next noming a la ly in liupn cas c 011 the slreets anywhere dryi'n d. . ssars Ail Historical Fact. Rvery asrent ho has been steadily sv'llig the Im proved $'20 Homestead Sewing Machine for threo years, owns his 11 lung house, has a good account in bank, ia ulnar of debt, and baa money at interest '.be natural consequence nf securing a good agency lor superior goods at the lowest prices. A good nrst-nUss sewing Ma chine, most uselul reliable st ell limes, easy to understand aud oontiol, the same size aid does the same wot k as any ma chines thai sell at Four Timks the prioe. Thorn is nu machine at any price belter, ortli't will tin liner or inoia work, and certainly none so low In price by many dollars. 'Ihn HomiosTkad Is widely known nud used in thousands of families In tbe Kiuirrn end Middle S'aies, and daily be coining popular In tbe We t. It will save its ooai several limes over in one season, doing I lie work of the family, "r will earn four or live dollars a day lor pny man or woman who sews for a living. It is the elrnngnst m.inhlne made, Is leiulv Ft all tiiiios to do us wot I;, makes Hie atrongest and lines! stich yet Invented, and is lolly acknowledged as Ihn landard family Sowing Machine. Price, complete for do mestic use, -. delivered at your door, no mailer bow lemola von uuv reside. Bust ness perm-unit sod honorable, w ith more certain and raold sales, and larger orotH thnti Roy othoi. ICxtra irdinarv liberal oQers iiude to locai or traveling agents wbeie we bvo none nsiablished 1 01 if tharn is no agent near vou. send vnur or. lor direct lo the factory. Address John H. Kendall Oi ., 421 Broalway, New Torn. I am now receiving BorlnB Good at. most dally and It la really astonishing to see haw cheap goods are. Article and price are too nutnerou to mention. However I will name a few. Beat Print from ( to 6. Bst Brown Cottons from 61 to 1 . Rest Block Cottons from 6tal2 Wamautts Bleaching 1:,, Hress Gonda New Style from 15 to 25. Pique Beautlea from lOtnfiola, Coais aud Clark' Hpool Cotton 6U'a ar 65 per dozen. SHOKH, HATS, AND CLOTHING VERY tOW. UROCEKIES VERY LO Iff. Syrnpa from 85 to 60. Old Fashion New Orleans Molasses 7s. Hest Rio Colloes from 16 to 20, Nice White Sugars JOt-te. nlde Meat Tola, Shoulder Meet dels, Liverpool Salt Fantory All 4 Bushel 1.6. I have thrown nn nty counter about One Thousand yard best prints, daik colore iota per yard. R. P. SPIERS, Ap-ll 13 tf. Weldon, K.O. gTAl'B OF NORTH CAROLINA, 8UPF.RIOR COUHT, COUNTY OF NORTH AMPTOIT, JAlvUARY TERM 1176. R. B. Peebles as administrator 1' ben la non ol S. A. Warrrn, Flalntiff. va. W.W.Peebles, Defendant. It appearing ta the Couit In the above uitled aetlou, b affidavit, that 8. Emily Burawyn la a necessary party lo tba de termination of tbe action, and that aaid S. rC. liurgwyn ia a non resident of tbia State. It is ordered that publication ha made In Roanoke News, a paper published, ai Weldon, N, C. for six succassiv weeks, commanding and requiring the said K. Emily Burgwyn, to appear and be made party dsiemiant, on or ueiore tne sra aay of the second week of tbe next Term of the skid Superior Court, a blub convenes on tbe lltb, Monday after tbe 2nd, Mon day in February 187S, there ana tnen tn answer or demur to the complaint In the action. The ouroose of the action Is to rre rer the value of csrtsln property of T. P. Bur gwyn, sold by the defendant who olaimed the same as Trustee, and upon the ground lhat Plaintiff's Intestate Wsrren, who first Instituted the aetlon, bad, aa Sheriff, levied thsreon an exeaution In fay r if one Edmund Jacobs, Issued 00 a Judgement recovered by aald Jacobs, against aaid T. r. Hurgwyn. and the sain S. r. tiurgwn. Witness N. R. Odom, Clerk of aald oourt al nQlue lo Jackson, tbia tbe 2nd day nf April, 1878. 0, It. D1WM, C. 8. C. Bag ley, Mullen 4 Moore attorney. Apr 18 6 w. A Brutal Murder. Special Correspr ndence Rnl. Newa. Ruckinoiiam N. V., April 8 '78. A horiible murder was rmnmilted ahnut five miles kou'Ii l Satid Hill depot, C C K, in this County, and mar lit Sou'h Cur, ihna line Oi Ihe night e thu 6 h mil midnight, Nathan Water, of Nor'h Carolina, ami Richat I T Johnson, nl S. u'h Caiulina. w nt to the hnuse ol L ZZ Steine, alias Jones, so ' a't.-r being a shoit time, Watirs comiuercul Jel'ing like a will demon, lotison spoks ta birn 111 a persona ve inainer, and said it was not polite tu yell mt so. Waters took iffenre slid a qiiirrel, an they made triend.. Johns a thin laid si ross L zzie's h d, and a-ked her In take ft his ih oes. which she iliil ; Wa'rrs then commenced with her ; tried ta siiike bet with a box. She tan nut Into tbe y r I VVaiera caught her anil threw her down and said he was going te k II her, and did cut the bos on ol her dreii Johnson put an his shoes, came nut aud begged Wslers 1 1 stop, L t, getting t sy tram n alert about the tune Johnson ra ne eut Wstrti thm CsaiiBeiiCed en Johnson, Lzzn leaving the yard and gemg U wards tbe woods, iipecimg to hesr 1 Irk-, but did nut. Rut she did hear Johns n ssy "stop Waters you have killed me. Don't fallow Die I" Na'hnn Was pursuing CU'S'ng and cutting btm at they iao tn Hie lence, a instance at about 50 yardi lrm the bue, and in ihe direction lhat L ire had gene. Johnson era sed within a fe yards nf where L z.ia itoo pcd. went about twenty leet snd tell dead V stirs went back 10 ihs house, pr cured a light, viewed tha doad body, and said, "I have ruined Johnson." Then went bsck to the yard, got an till ill lurtl anil began to t.ku oe, tailing fur Lizzie She spptaaching Waters, beatd him sat 1 h it he ha t k lied Jnhnsoti and il k could kill lier he would be ssiitfivd to Uave Hhe then nn 1 0 again. Waters then lelt Mr Johnron was cut in eight places; one cut nn the lett side nf Ins thioat sham two and halt inches long and to the bone ir 111 which he would bave died in twe miautii; another under the le t arm and, one an the right arm about th elbow, each ol the.e Would have proved fatal. There acre Ave ether waunds. not dsnge v Ji Mr. Johnsoa 'i said ta have bcn a gentlemen, ana tbil was bis first Tint to tr rjoy Mfe. Wlnl a ben 11' Ifu 1 world we live In ! Na lure gives 11s grandeur ol monr.U ns. glens and oceans, and thousands rt 1:1 sans for enjoyuien . We can desire no better when tn perinot health ; tint how often do tbe suatorlty or nennlH feel like giving it iid disheartened, disoouraged and worried out with disease, when there is no occasion r bis fueling, as every sufferer can easi ly obtain satisfactory proof that Green's An ust Flower will make them as free from discuss as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint Is tbe direct cause rf seventy Ave per cent nf such msladies as Hilloiisnes, Indigestion, Hlok Headache Costlveness, Nervoas Pr-ietratlou, Ilizzi nnssofthe Hea t. Palpitation of the Heirt aod i.ther ilUtnssmg syuiptoins. Three dosea of Auuust Kl wer wiil prnve its wonderful elleul. Sample bottles, 10 cents, t ry it. For stile bv R. W. Brown, Weldon, N. C : Urowo A Carraway. Halifax. N. C.i Petway A Bell, K-itleld. N. C. TIC E How W atjhks arb Mapr. It will be apparent lo any one, who will examina a solid gold walcb, that aside from the nec essary thickness for engraviug and polish ing, uin targe proportion ni ilia pi aoiuus metal used, is needed only to a.illoo and bold the engraved portions In place, ard supply the necessiry sollditv and strength. I he surplus golu is actually needless, sn hir as utility :;d beaulv are roticerued. in James Hss' l atent Stitlened gold watch cases, ibis waste of precious metal I overcome, and tba same solidity aud strength produce! at IVoin one-third tn one half of the usaal r st of solid cases, Thi, process is of tha most simple oalur.. as follows : A plat of composition aietal specially adapted lo tba purpose, ba two p. ale of solid gul l soldeieu one on each aid.. Tne Ihrne are then passed itiiween polishe.1 sienl ro iers, and the result is a slrio of aanvilv plaled comisosittoH, trotn which the cases, backs, uentres, nereis, etc, are cut and ehaped by suitable clis and formers. I'lie gold In tbnsa cases is sumcieolly ihlck 1 1 adinil ol all kinds af chasing, engraving and anaraelliug; ani engrave ) cases bava been carried until worn perfoctly smooth bv time and use wituout removlag the gold. These rasas am far sale bv all Jawnlnrs, and are gjsr anteesi by special certifioa'e to wear for 20 vaurs If your Jeweler dies not keep lhain, send to nag-lox A raorpa, Ledger Building Phlladnlpbia, for Illustrated catalogue. Great Decline- in Nogar CafTea and Neat. I,. A. Farinboit's Retail Price Chrrrnt. Bulk houldrrs, 6a par 100 lbs. Bulk C. K. Sides, per 100 His, 7 e rer lb. Bv virtue ot (Judgment rendered in tha action of Ellis Levy, and olnsrs agalnat W. H. Jonea ard other by tb Superior Court of tbe county of Halifax at tba special terra thereof in January 1878. I wi l, as c immissloner or asm unurt, u at putillfl auction to tha highest bidder fer cash at the Court hnuse door in tbe town of Halifax on Mondav, tha O h day of May 1878 all tbe legal and quitable interest of W. H. Jonea in a certain paroel or tract of Und situate near Ringwood in tb county of Halifax, kuown as tbe Mobal son tract of land and embraced in the fol lowing boundaries, to wit : Bounded on '.he North by tbeeountv road leading from Ringwood to Hill' bridge icom Fiabing ereek, thence down said ereek to fcwifla lire, deuce along aaid Swifts line easterly tn Jack berae branch, thin e running North by J. P. Tyrea'a line to the aald road st Ringwood, the beginning contain ing live hundred acres more or less, lav ing and excepting, however, that portion of the land above rleeoribed which waa conveved by W. H. Jones In May 1874 to K G. Jones and by blot to B. F. Arling ton, and tbe Homestead ol W. H. Jonas which has been duly laid off aod aet apart to him. I will also aell at the same time and place and upon the same terms tba lot of land In the town of Hingweod now coca p.ed by Mia. Isabella F. Kyle, aud oon tsinlng one sore. April 1st 1878. SPIER WHITAKER. Comialsakiner. April lro: IMPORTANT SALE OF RKAL ES TATE IN HALIFAX COUNTY. Bv virtue nf a dead of trust dated tha 2tth day nl March 1871, and duly registered, and by direction of the rartiea therein secured. I shall on Wednesday the 17th instant, at 12 M. on the premises offer for sale lhat valuable plantation In the county r Halifax, N. C, now ocoupied by II. . rone li.i. The said plantation consists of three contiguous tracts kuown aa tbe Wycbe, Bell and Hall tracts, containing in the ag gregate. 907 sores more or less. Thla val uable property witb tbe building thsreon will be sold for oash. For further iu formation apply on the premises in H.J. Pope. Esq., ar tn T. R. liorland, AU-rnev at Law, Notfilk, Va., or to the at Wilmington, X. C. ALEXANDER SPRUNT. Aprfttde. Trustee. if O hTtIT CAROLINA, Bacon shoulders, Bacon C. R. Sides, Coflee, good Rio, Coftes, prime Rio, Coffee, LnGviia, NngirfJnght Brown, Extra C. Coflee Sugar, Standard "A." Sugar, Moissse tgoor.), l'.rleht Sly 1110, VaTFamlly Flonr, Va. Kaira Flour, va. Siiper rlour, 7 per 100 lbs, 80 per 1U0 lb. lfile per lb. 26 e per lb. 25 e per lb. 81 c per lb. 16 a per IH. l-H 0 per lb. 85 0 per gal 75c per gal. 18 SOhcO per bt I. $7 58 per bbl. 16 00a 6 30 per bid. Nail, (Old Dominion) 6 per tb., or f 3 50 per keg. Cotton Warp. 1.00 per BWk. Whole Stock Bragapa, 1 00 per pulr. A full lot ol Fl'RM itorb always on hand. Th prices named will bestrickly adhered to so long bs they appear in the advertise ment. All fall aod winter goods at and helew cost. "Mal e hay while tbe sea shine." Hall fax (aunty aparicrCwtit Q.S. Bel lis, plalatllt va S. A. J. Salter. In this osus. tt appearing by affidavit of tbe plaintiff that the defendant is net a rnsldei t of tbia State, and cannot after due diligence be found, and tt rurtber ap pealing that th purpose nf the aclinu i to recover Judgement against tbe defend ant for tbe aunt nf Ave thousand dollars and Interest due to toe plaintiff 'or work and labor done mr which a laborer's lien la nivd in the office or the Clerk of tbe Sa peiior Court of Halifax oounty. It la or dered that publication ba made for tlx suceea-lve week In tbe Roanoke Newa, a paper published In Weldon N. C. com mnuding tbe defendant 8. A. J. Salter to agpeeratihe next term of the Superior Court of Halifax oounty to be held at tha oourt bouse In said oounty on tbe 12th Monday after tbo2nd Mondayof Febrnary 1878 and to anawer or demur to tbe oom plaint f the plaintiff which will ba filed J-- vcw..g ,i.s third ! - t- aforesaid iii the office of the clerk of said court, aud let aim take notloe lhat If ba fall so te do, ih plaintiff will take judge, roent for the relief demanded In tba Oom- P'lnnwitneaa whereof I have bereta set my hasd and aeal tbia tbe list day ;of Marob I678.i JOHN T. GREGORT, Clerk Superior Court, Hsltrax County N (X a A dock Alty. Plaintiff. Msreh 28 6 w.