I i THE ROANOKE MEWS ADVKIt TIslNlt RATKk. t r t S i f ! i .I ..I -A THE ROANOKE NEWS A DEMOCRATIC ) i ) WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISH KD BY W. II. D A Y. One Year, in advance.,! Bix Month, " rbree Months, " if? nfl I no 75 rts. PROFESSIONAL WAI.TSS CLARK, fcilolfrh.N. C. , . CARDS. " K.T. CI.ARKr' Halifax, N. C. c LARK A CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C, Will ornrrtien in the Courls of Halifax and auloliilmr, counties. March 10 tf. w. s. KITCUIS. w. A. PI'NN K r UX C It J5-N A , U N M ATTIRNWH A 01UHni.LOM AT 1 Scotland Keck, Ilolif.iy Co. AW, Praotice In tin Court of II-lilax nnd adiinimr o ni'itias, and la tho Supreme nd Federal Courts. juilS tf IKOMASJ X. HILL, AUoraey ml Law, HALIFAX, N. 0. Practleos In Halifax and art.joinlnp: Counties and Federal ami .Suprome Courts. Will be atSotlaud Neck, once every tortniijlit. Aui. 28-a W. H. Day, W. W. Ham.. n , A L L AT LAW, X. V. D 4 Y ATTORN EYS WEL99V, Prae.tlee In thecinrts of KalifaT and ladjoininu counties, and in tho Supreme wo'd Federal omrt. Claim collected in atty part 'if North Carolina. jun 20 1 U CVMUEL J. Willi; III, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JUKSOM, X. C. Prsetinfn In the Court of Northampton wad ailloinlng counties. sop 15 1 Y A V I K t. ' it Y M A N ATTORNEY AT LAW ' HALIFAX, N. C. Prantiois In th court of Hall'ax and adjoining counties, and In tho Supremo ud Fadaral Courts, Claims e illeeted iu all parts of North Carolina.- .. ! t ' ' ' ' Ornca in the Court House. July 4-1 Q. BURTON, i i l - 4 J R. ATTORNEY AT 1. t. - : HiUF4X, N. C. LAW, Praotices in I he Courts of Halifax County and Crtinties adlnlning. In the Supreme Court of tho SUtn, and In the Federal Courts. W'Ml jive epanUl attention to the oolloc tien nl'clai inland to adjusting the accounts of Rxeoiitjrs, Adimnmraljrs and (uar alanS. ilec-15-tf & i f Z I ; K E pl ATTORNEY AT LAW, , . , HALIFAX, N, C. . , OfBe In the Court Hnus Strict atten tion riven to all branches of '.he proles. sian. Jan 12-1 a BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BHFH5LD, HALIFAX COUNTY, ST. C. 'Prastiaaa In the Counties of Halifax, ash. Biteaouinb and Wilson. Calltationa malo la all parts of th tato. jan 12 6 I AMI O ' H A Ka, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . ES FIELD, X. C. Praetian In the Counties of Halifax ftJeniai and Nash. In the Supreme Oaart of th Slate and In the Fartcral Court.' Calls ltiona made in any part of the taw. Will attend al the Court House in Halifax a Monday and Friday or each Tk. jau 12-1 c K D K W J.; BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLDON, N. C. Practices in the Courts of Halilax, War ran nd Northampton con mica and in the ginreraaand Fedvral Court. . Clalsas aAllaeled io any part of North ttareliaa. June 17 a (Ann a. M01.LSH. U L L E N JOUN 4. UOOUK. MOORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Halifax, X. C. Praetloa In the Counties of Halifax, Morthamptoi, Hdtfoooiube, Titt and Mar gin In fie Hupreme Court of the State Mid in the Federal Courts of the Eastern District. Collaetiona ma le in any part of North Carolina, jan I-l c ''VOL. THE FROZEN HEART. BY JO K I. II U N T 0 N. The wittier mow Ml dp nnd fast, Vrplexliifc II the Annl dnv, While hliinr hlew tUestnlv hiitst Wlilcli - hook each IhhIIi t' i? and apray. The litt'n lilrda worn ilttmh nd i lii", And cliirrupt'd fort!) noclipcrfnl note, Thesiinpli'st mclodv they knew Had In in last in eyeiy throad. lust (hen, hencatli the cloudy kv, A litllnmald demurt ami su ch. Slot torth, witli sorrow in her eye, And ski, mini I Hie ll. Ul i with naUr-d fot. She lied lincAUie her h,tri w.is a're. A ml wIihii a tii ii lull . to ;t Innh, She thought ol her own g lot the more, And Meppel alde to tescue liim. I!n!, when I er brother f dlowed too, And Ii ire her aandaU in lii h ind. Slie aaid ; " The cold wli'cii chills me thto., is in my heait not where I Maud. "For these who Ii i!d me in their thrill Have linked inn to a loveless, mate ; No (Mlder loitune ran befall, Since I mmt love the one I hale." HER HEART'S SECRET. BY ANNA 8!1 11:1.1)8. 1 If you refuse P.incan II ilcmf't you urc a complete idiot, (Jeoieimi iiilroy, and I wash my hauls of your ulTiiis al- opetlier." Mrs C.issoniii sails iti.ij 'siio illy from the room where Oeorei a, her iiti tp, re mains nervously ijlasoing and U'clispieL' her s'e olcr h .It; fi ooeis, ami wnmlcriog why iii.ilrtinnny sh mil bo a posaive duty in the code by which she has been educated. S'h: is only hveutyt.vo, slen der, fair, and lo'iki'io uhont sixteen, with licr waving golden hair tied soft, brown eyes Siie 1ms laelvc l.uudred dollars a year i ll her ewe, ami why can't she be ali i ieJ t- live uiitt life unmolested. Since her own parents died, only thrre years ago, she. has been ur.teeei! Iroin country p.irs ma;e io whih l-or lather ivud tied died, savino the little lot tunc or lie. riii'i hv cl ise ecoieMtiv, to her nu-il a lasMoiia'iltf Howie, such us her rt otiipf pined for tliortuiliout all f7eor- inn's clrl !h K.d. ' When you marry, I hope, yen will re turn to ymr proper sullen:. .Mrs (il- ry would sav hc ever she i-p 1 lift ol (i,or"in,'s future; but she. never heeded much in those days. It the cosy study with In r fn'lier, her fluffy curls all rtiflljd bt er nerus fingt'ts as She pored ovt r iitin xer cises, or ttudicd history ; in the 1 1 aii ly furnished drawing room at her oit litth: ciibim't piano, playing softly or jjni'.dly as the mood seized her; in t'10 lice country, wandering here or there, Geot- jjitia ns titlerly, entitily happy. Her hums cf martyrdom mie spent in tier mothei's room learning aorsUd milk, listening to ihe (alt s ol the laded beauty of her fornifr cunnuvstti, bedsre and her (leoagianna of her i.oble sell sacri ficing other always grew lint aid angiy before slie "thiew lierstlf a.vay" upon a comurv piiison. ; 1 : Fitting in "Mrs CVsnwii, s crand drawitig-roorr, wailing for Dm. can Ho!. crnll to come and propose to l.tr, ns her aunt informed her he hnd requested permission to do, ie.irgina. timid ai d penile, fell her whole L'pinjj rise in re volt. Was life to lie to her what it was to brr aunt, a round of cuiliec, shop ping. Jiarly-going, 1 aity-eiving inter views mill dresMiiakcis and u.iUineisr Could she not escape to some locality where Lliuu were bobluc uiuis aud de sires? Win re? Mrs, finssowin l ad f i oMulaled in vain. lliiheito, tjcniJinu liuu been gently Ii. in. Hot on tins day even her Courage lans'd belore Her annl s wrath at the proposal to dismiss )unc in II il croft. He ca ne across the wide diawing. room as site sat( thinking, his footfall un heard upon tne suit carpet, lie was tall, erect. Ijnndsonir, past filty, ye', not old ; his eyes eleir as n boy's, his iroe grny huir curling ard abundant, his gray moustactiK giving a military air to bis well cut features. Kiiiltless in nuire, courteous in (uanner. bo also possessed half a niilliou atlracliuus in sniid invest nieiits. But all else seemed to kirn worthless compared to the possession of tho slen der, pale chill who, hall-buried iu a deep arm chair, realiz d as yet nothing of the yeaiiig lute ia the large, dark eyes fixed upo u her face, Il whs scatcelv to tfti siu.uosi d tout I)nnCan ll.dcrofl, bachelnr as lie wn, had travelled over sixty years of life willi untou:hi'i! heart, tut lie liad l'ved ..ver all ether love till this oi.e Came and CO' q lere 1 him. It stirred his heart wiih a R!ck pain, when leorgi.'a, looking up, piled to her lips, nliilo her eyes aerei lull of fear and trouble, seeing him. lie had nlways gien him A frank, cordial greeting, and lie had hoped to win sweeter tokens still from her soft eyes and sweet lips, ami ii. stead he had l st what was al ready given. ' Did you rot expect me?"' be said, gently ; "you look slartlid." "U did not know you were here, and it did startle me to se yon so close he- side nif I 'jeorina said, a flaming color shooting now over cheeks and brow, as slio wished herself a thousand miles away. He spoke to her gravely then, And very, very ge.uly, wooing her most ten deily, considerate of her youlb, tier timidly; and, heartily ashamed, she could only sob and shiver. 'Child I', he said at last, "do I so dis tress you? Am I so hntcfal ti you that" a. VII. WELDON. N. WELD ON, IJit she interrupted liim q i'ckly t ' Ynnr nre not lintelul to nie," she snid, impulsively. "I like yiiu ever ever so much, only oh, why do you want to marry mei" He could not keep lick simile, though his heart throbbed heavily wiih pain. "I lot e yon, dear," he said ; "I love you far loo well to wish to grieve you. Shall we be friends slill f" "0. if you will." alio said, eagerly, ignorant of the stab in every word, "id us forget to day." As if he could. J'ut he was n true geiillemue, n siiceie, nns. Ifiih l iver, and lie led her on to talk of oilier tn li ters till the ashy pallor left In r cheeks and lips, and shi was just lier saeet shy self again. Then he left her. , ft lirr to meet such wrath from Mrs (lussnwin that she r ise against the bitter speeches. 'I will go ti (i'aedallier (iilroy, since you mo s i tired to me," Georgiua said. "IwoulJ! fl", bury yourself in that wretched little furm-house tit l'ry Cornets; vtiu who n.ight lead the rah ion here, Duncan Iloltmfi'e wifel" Hut even Fry Corners was preferable to Georgiua, to Ihe piopect of leading the fashion. She shivered ul the thought, shy, little country (Inner, and accepted her oui l's ungracious disudss.il. It. even seemed as if she threw oil' a burden us s'ie stepped from the luxu rious carriage at the depot. Mrs. Cas snwio, slightly ri timi'selid, wits at the lust ino.'iioiit willing to r voke her do iree of b.iiiislinieiit, but Georgiua would not see the flag uftiue only hull' un folded, and went to Fry C rner?. It was not a fascinating abode, n small farm managed by a ti,Uetly old man, and one maid servant of seveti'y or Ihi rt iibout, n hose life was a burden because old Mr. Gilroy had failed to make her his wife, after accepting; l.er attentions for a matter of tliitty or I'oity years (Jeorgini hud the free, open country, perfect liberty to do as she pleased, the e.oiii:naiid of her own iu come. Jint she was io t hnppy. 'I dob'lieve I am naturally ifadis' co tctucd disposition," she thoiielit, as she wandered, lislhssly, up a shady I n e. '-I've got all I want, a country home, old women to hcl;i. chrlilieo to be kind to. I can play Lady l mntiful H half Fiy Corner on a small suilrt I have miles fcf good, tiselul sewiep, plei.ty of bin ks, o y own piano, ti .body lo scold me, no finery to worry over, nod yet I I wonder if D.incan 1 1 V- ciolt cares because 1 Inue gone: What made that question lenp to l.er mi d a hundred limes a day. She hud it fused l)!T, put Lit!) out of her li'r, and yet she thought often el" his c hi I y ir.aoiipr, his grave, gentle kindness, his r al conversation, so dill'erei t fiom lh" society smull talk that wcariini and puzzled her. D.d lift miss her? She fell herself such nu atom in his lircln of Ii lends; so lowly ami little, computed to Ihe belles llutinii g ever in his vi-w, so ieni iar,t at.d insigioficniit, that she could i i Iv woi.di r ulien she remem bered the honor he Ivul paid her. Spiirg (1. we s faded, son ner Id 'nm died, iiiituiiiii Iruits were gntlieri d in, wilder snos niclti d It was May nga'ii, and Gemiiii.ri hud hem one year al Fry Corners. The old larmer had lailed in that year, and ety tenderly and piti fully his nraridel ild nursed him. He learned lo love her as he hud loved nothing fur ivany yems, to which her coming, to fret sadly if she left htm A d, wear) ing for an interest in life, Georgii.a gave time, sirengtli and an m failing patiei.ee to ihe querulous invalid, nctcr lalieui ii io her svll-iuiposeii do- lies, lle.dnd. iu flay, blessing bi r with his last i realh. nfi after the fun eral, Janet, his old Servant, produced a ill giving her the fur n and Ihe sav ings of j curs (if grinding (comKiiy. Georgioa had known i f this, and hud gently remonstrated when Mr. Gilroy woiiU have in u do another will. "1 have rnor! than I spend," she said ; "and Janet has served you faith fully." ' Dot once more homeless she j lined a patty o! Mrs. Cass.iwiu's friends, and went abroad. Here was surely interest, variety, but never ease for the old heart-hunger. What would fill her life, round il to its lull perfection? Love was offered more than once, but met no return, and she sit'.c.i ueavuy ever licr osr) r:ira belli t. In K imp, where they party lingered many weeks, figorgina lived a new lile of delight in seeing what she had itn- agintri in hours of reading, what her lather h id often described to her, In ing visited the Eternal City as a tutor in his young days. Hut in Home, one of Ihe psrty. loung ing in luz ly to the general sitting-room of lha wide house where thy all Itidged, Said, hall yawning ; "ll dcroft is here, down with tna- lai ia 1" Where?" snrae onr: asked indifiVr- mtlv. "At the hotel whete we stopped the first week we were lu re, lie's going to die, they say." 'DielDuncaa Holcroftl" Georgina groped her way dizzily, noperqcived, to lie balcony. Nic must have air or smother. Dial Did Mollis Taylor say Pancan Holemft was dying? What ailed her bead f hy did lirr keni t brut so heavily aad slowly? Del Could the wiuo world hold so much nii-ery as pressed lier J..WU? Like a lightning flash the read Ihe cause of all her rest less craving since she had left tw .: C, SATURDAY, Yoik. She -loved? l)'nnu llolrroft, king amongst men. h!ie had ' walked away from her own paradise, closing ti e door, n d Dii' cun Il ilcrol't woulj die, and never know she had locd him. At the hotel v.here they had Stopped. Why it was close beside lliem. Slie could be there iu (oh minutes. She never paused to think of pripri. ety ' Wrapping her head and shoulders io u fli'ecv white shawl, slio sped aUog the' street, tliaikliil for the grv.lieting Iwilielit. The wiitns stared, but led her the ronm. At the d.ior she paused, S'ie conld sre a Sister of Charily k eel. ing beii.le A high be I, euulJ hear A faint voice say ! ".She is here, in lloni'.'. When I tint dead curry my message. Tell l.er I love J her lo t'e IasI. Y ii will find h r at the nddiesH I gate you. Oeoigiiia Gilroy I You wil. not f. rget the name." Trembling A 'd while, Georgiua crept in, sofily I.imii lier lian.l upon the bis lei's shoiihler : "I am Georgiua Gilroy," she whis pered, veiy I iw. 1? il 1 nv us it was l!o whisper reached Duncan Ilokroli's uos, aid a smile lighted his white, wasted lace. "L'llle Geoi-gie." he said, fainlly, "dnil ti.-, have von cume to suv fare well" ' "No I" she answered, strangling the sob iii her voice; "I have come to pray you to live for me 1" A great j y lioliled t'.ie languid ey es. "F ii' von 1 Ge rgie, do you love me at last?" I think I have nlways loved you." she soMied, ".mil I know it, at list!" "I cannot die now." he s ti J . A d he did not. Clasping Geotvina's slender Ii i n! fast, hi! found ihe liit-giv- iny sleep nil n u colics had faded to give him ; waking after many huns t see lovino eyes u i weuriedly wutihiiif' liiin- Ti'.py were married when the pries', c.ini r a few hours later, the good sifter fill remaining lo share Hie nursing li it the lile-givii g joy was ticorginu s love, aid all ihe leslless discontent If 1 1 lie- hr.p.iy life f never, when onca she ki ew the eciit of her owo heart. Mrs. Cass iwin snvs ; ' She cat.'l iindrRiand why Georgina followed Dmciti II hrofi to 11 .me, when she might ns well have had a proper wedd eg aid leicptmn at home; and Georgiua lias never ixpl.iii.cd. Fn C ruets sees her no more, t ov will her husband make her a slave to fashion or sociitv, but baud, in lined, throughly one iu I. cait m d mind, they find uselul woi k and tender charity to fi I all leis ure In u s, when frieship's calls are mi stered. HOW A WAN GAVE A BEAR A RIDE. O ice I'hic was a man whose li e had been spent iu "g dug Wosl ." llm lather and mother moved from Ndv E igland to Mieliigau when he was a baby, and settled six nsiics from any neighbor. Hut before the rVrrn was nil cleared, oilier settlers tame, and the family move on. "Don't want to lie crowded," the old man said. "I heard a i II and an ax that wsu't mine, yesterday." And lie went fuither and ftitthcr West eveiy year, lid by the time the boy I'm telling ton ol.eS a giown-iip ina-i they had gut clear lo the west pai t ol t). egon, ai d the Pacific coast. And as the old mini couldn't move West any futther wiihmil getting into the ecean, and i eighbots had moved within two miles of him, lie guv it tip, went lo bed sick, and died. "' I'ai ,'t no use," lie sun!, "iho,'er bound 1 1 crtiwd nu old man o iter the w. rl 1. I can't a her t iN tech tljows with folks, no how " 1 ' ' At.d so hu died, willi bis in urcst neigh bor two rr.ires pw.iy. Hut 1 was going to toll you of his son's si inpc wiih a bear. They built their Hist log house at the foot of a hill; but it was so low and damp that James for that was his namestarted to build a bigger one higher up, half a mile nlf, near a mcuiitaiii brook, will) grand old trees around the spot, and a fine view of the country. He took off the two front wheels of the old immi grant wagon that they had crossed the great plains in, nnd made him a good Strung two-wheeled cart, with a b 'X on it. And in this he drew back and fourth carpenter tools nnd his dinner and chips for the lire, over a rough road mat he had cut through lh" woods. ITii used to tuke a I'utle nap After his nouda meal, and ouu day while he was sleepiog on a sple ilid bed of ever green bougas that he had fixed near the timbers hu was at woik on, he was akeneil by a V u.l rattling of the tin dishes in his cart, lie looked around quickly, and what do you suppose he uw? A big black bear pawing over ihe luncheon he had left, and smacking his chops over a piece of wild honey and some corn-cakes that dames hadn t eaten uo. ? i.- - "Thii is s pretty "fix," sal J James to himself, quick as a fl.kh. "My liflc and ax are both in the cart, and that ugly beast would claw me to pieces be fore I coulJ get 'em out." He was afraid the bear would chssc him if he ran, and corner him if he I'aycd, and so he set his aits to woik to find a way out of the scrape. Good blight wits are too much for a bear, or a hard lessor, or a tough job of any sort, il they are only kept at work with no "I csw'l," or. "I doi,'t want to," or "0, dear I" to l.indiT them. It didn't lake James' wits so long as I have been MAY 4, 1878. tu'ling it to yon to make a plan for him,' ' ' 1 Hit jumper! td his feet quick rli a fish, iihbed the totigiio of tint eurt bef 're the bear Could suy Jack lli'ms'ii if he hud known how and fluted on a ke.-n run dowa hill, drawing the cart Ai d Ihe bear in it alter him. ''Well, I s'posc there never was a bear so astonished soice the pair saved Irom the fl md steptied out from N ah's ink and found the world drownel. Il.t had Aever had a ride before, and didn't want one now ; hot ihr" earl was ling so fast t'la1 he daren't j imp out,1 and so he just chiiitf on, utid I inked nut from one side to Ihe other, and fairly howled Its the curt bumped iver Ihe roots nnd stones. James hud been l tfn city once and seen the stree! Cars, and wlien he found lie bail the bear Caught, the fun of the thii g made him laugh. When the bear roared onc he hall ooed back; "All full inside tuki the next car!" And when thu bear gave n terrific howl, lui said, "M ive up to ihe front, pleass and d nt grtiinb'e. This is a thronah car git u,i there I" and he rati j st tho way the car drivers make the horses do when they are lute, and pretend they don't see a little boy cross ing his fingers for 'em lo stop on the crossing. The tin dMies in the b itt un part of the cart rattled like a peddler's wagon on the pavement ; the ax and gun boi.uced on the beai's toes, and he looked as if he did ,'t know which was the worst his mud or his scire. Down the steep hill Jines ran, straight for the corner of his lng-huuse. lie had his pl.ins ail mude, and as he turned the comer, be ran the cart agu'n st a log and tipped it right over, with Muster H ntr on tho under side. His other rifle hung over the door, in the house, nnd he grabbed it down in n hurry, and as tho hour struck his head from under the curt, he shot him be tween the eyes, saving t "There, that settles the question " "What question r", asked his wife, who c imo running out to see what thu noise meant. Why, the question whether I had caught a bear or he had cauht , me." M ircy sakes 1" she said, us si.e saw the dead bear. Then l.e tnld her the story, ao I si e kissed him, and laiijhed and cried at th ) same time. And he bud an mere nit made of the ski", t re men ber tb ti ne when be "gave a bear a lico liile " C 0 M EDI ES cTt H E COURTS. TAKE OI F YOVR I'Q.tT, (IllUiS FllliSlt VHWM Tilli Ll.Mi:sTO.;U ur.oios. Beforo .lustier Itix'iy. Judiie : Where did you find this c dored man, oliicei ? O.licc-r : I found him list nig'.t hang ing around Devlin it Co.'s clothing store Mr. Devlin lias had a good deal of cloth ing stolen lately nn-1 I biought this man in on suspicion. Judge: What is your tame, pris oner? Piisnner: Napoleon H itinpartc Gihhs. .T.irl.in. Wl al In i-i.iir iiri'iiii.l inn ? Gibbs; l'se traveling agent for de nev patent white wash brush, sah. Judge: Take oil" your cuat, Gibbs. Gibbs! I hopn you 'sense me sal). I'se been troubled lately wid the 'fl lency in de head, de 'zo, I c, tab. I'se very bad Judge: Take off your cat, Gibhs, (Gibbs lakes oft' bis coat slowly.) Judge: Ah I Another Coal under that ; nothing like being well wiapped up, as thev suv in Al ik.i when thev go a skating. Take oft your coat, Ctiibs. Gi'ihs: 1 issi.'t well, I isen't, s.ih. De doctor say, Nap.deon, you wear p'enty clothes. IK- 'lluen y, sah. (Takes oil' his coat ) Judge: Ah! What have we here? A swallow-tail 1 Take oil- your coat, Gihhs. Gi'bs: Dis yere won't do, Judge. I'se got a stiiffucss in de borax, I'se vary bad. (Takes i (This coat ) Judge: Ah! A doub'.e-'ireasted frock 1 Take ofTyour roil, Gibbs. Gibbs: Dars gwine to be a funeral here, dar is, sah ; I feels the stuffnesi rising in de borax. (Takes off his coat) Judge: What's this? A shooting. jacket, by the soul of Nimrod ! Take oil your coat, (nhbs. Gibbs: I'se gwine for a kerpm I'se getting c dd. Dis yere is murder in de first degree. (Takes off his mat ) Judiie; A linen duster, 1 Ihiuk I've got you down tn hard pan, Gibbs. I shall commit yon wiihoul bail. Take him down gently, ofiii;er, for he is a lily a lily of the valley. He toils not. neither does he sp'u ; yet Solomon, in all his glory, was not clothed like him. "Next I" called his honor, and a leap, hatchet-faced specimen of the rural dis tricts, with a greet Cotton umbrella Under his nrm, stepped up to the rail ing and inclined his ear towards the judge. Judge: "ft hat is your name?" Prisoner: It was the water, judge. Yuu see I have always lived in a lime ston region Judge: What is your name? (in a'.to) Prisoner : Yes, judge, I came down lust injit from llounduut to sell my teasels Judpe: What is ytur name? (I alto and rohusto ) Prisoner: I am sure, judge, it was the water. I have always lived in a limestone Jtide: My 1 this man Is deaf as an adder. T iro a hole iu his car, officer, and ask biro his name. 1k Odictr : i r h hi r Judge:' Ho W,l usoi an car trumpet, , the sound a cavalry charge Ihrough it aid fiid uut his name. .1 i Olli.cr (.hrouli ear-truinpitt) What is your i a ne? 1'. is oier ; Isiacl Fudger. l'.e been troubled for ihe last twenty yeats. nlge, w lh imeu noiii,', Jii'ul)'ig , j measles inilk-snkucss aud wmn s. u-e coier for Ihe pneinnoiii i, whiskv for Ucj Iuiii. lingo, gin any ta .soy . for lha measles, tone lence for the nii.k-sicknes, and I lend the worms on rum ni.d molasses. IS'jl it, wis the water tint done it, judge; :he limcstoine region. Judge ; UTieer, tell h'tn I shall dis charge him this time, and to II him to re turn to Ihe limertoue region and avoid liic is coast us be wou'd a creditor. Our (ulVrlor Court KlNliW.) IL), X. 0., A;ir'.l 23 id, l!ii8. With tnanv prmniset oli-conemy nd re lorm our newly aii) Inted l,'ialrates were induiiWd into olll n ami witli little or no apt) ir ot oi;)oiin in ornnzud tur veiy i 111 dent Infi r.or Courts, With an eniineul itit st the hea I and two Muinu lusty Iiui'h id tne law as r i I) t mid Utt bowir, so eaer a"d sin' p toitlinl a'Uuny s diellor and an over reidy a id wilumj vnuiii ill all ns cleik. Will (1 4101 llluU coo I .lid iiiihlul seivunts ivns tin; umv r al gi'itu'nii ill lenOcied by f .clito Hu. nihi l alter thu iinkuix ol this p ttils 11 II ; m' i ntj mi I it n u loudly hoped that no Cii'ii ill ol nilvcrslty -uld ever set it lo t i.lll : it plumnge ; bur let lis sen i 1 il In proien to Utr a searing fnglu n!ivay nl. I to luce will; ua'tiuiuied eye tl;u duZ'.ltug liebt ot invi siiguiion or is uu "lour ol mother kind, silent and lynx e'Od -midline, in lui;h pliees hoJ lur plaeei lot lood ol a iiiIjCi ibiu kiud to bo eagerly dev.vtin (1 Ti ub tliis "Pin (estliercJ Conn ' mast be lu-iily led or vise l.er pluuin.u will noi Uu ive, but lei us si u upon wlnil lit id In I m mv keepers liave fed lier that She hutll erowii s i gieat. With your p,mi:.inn I will cite u lew cases wiih which 1 am U miliar to ibu-tralo the- poiut in q'lesiion, iu wi It an 1 1 sli nv how great a lurhhlp I in c.iiri un.ter ihe present a ia igiinent and I lie (lis.e-itlin niuolio its lavoillis la make woik lor it is hilly to prove lor our people. Mta'e vs. Uciirge Odo:n, undo: the ms. ter an I iirivuiit act, Iri i at III. Jauuary lerni, veidicl ol jaiy "net gu.lty. t'nis i il-e c iii,o up belwie a innyislllte of tills loivusl.ij on two in p-irate ocvions over a vmr sun iioro wn not a pailiclv ol evidence st the III -1 ol iltcsd tii i'e thai U. lorn hat unlawlully nitiiel or pet- smiled awiy I lie servant ol anol ei, l ut Una master csreluliy laul his p ans and i si n 1 1 1 1 ui lit he hud the (i nu , u loin liiglitene 1 nut ol lii. wils l-ji;eii the p'lv ileMe ol suUinitiiiiL which Wss allowed al tilt nq'iest ol the pruiieculor who had th prouii-e In-tn Od in ol good tqu iru mm (1 believe fol 00) as lUmages, ulter th payment al nil casts by O loin. This ir il-niiiity awitie to fie poveity o! the tnsii an I the pre-it seareity ol n o ey was pel duly paid. When thu suit was agsiu revived six or einht witne-se wie sum inuiid coun-els, einnloveii and all repair to llalilaX tit lend court Ihe witnisst's nianily pour niea who Could ill afford to spare the tun nun h less the expense wee kept froei tii if home- fro-n loi.r ( srx divs ltd them selves on b ead ar.d waler anil were Ii o.l y dun-liaised wiihoul one cent atuooipcnsa tion lot 'liis tuv'fc to their couiilv. Iln soil was broii"ht lor t lie r.Covery ol $ 1 00 a'lowni tiis: pros cut. ir by ilies.it uiikin the i fl'-nee Tlis'L'ed s misdemeanor but the lv;ile tlironjli their r pre ei tatives we UXed lor th:; costs. Cise. N" 3. Slate v. riZ I sad C in!a b'e Hill vVnkii.s (colored,) ot Kmwood town, lor iiiil iwfiilly d 'Uiinng ttie person ol our nslv represi nutive t the lens lintvinitv. who w ss 'so slightly" i. etiriateil thai bo iiiisiooK Mf. Itiazii s store n am lloor lor Ins bed chsinoer his C"inato e audition Instil':: a nlc tuo l ino I -r Mr II hZ ,' convenience, an 1 the limir lor sotie men to r.-tire Iniving arrived. Mr. Ill T. kindly- su; s'c 1 (o C'on-tah'e Hill Wll kins tlie pri-p ity id cuing Inni s cnnilot tsWle to Iginj in the "ll .tel t'e Uinnwood " F.-r H.l- stlenliov. IO Ins peison, but e-p-i'oillv hectusd lie wss allowed to iju:I tlir IIoi.. bebou Settling with tliv Isud lord -Mayor II in is ui, the State saw lit t att'onpt s viii. 1 e.ii'Ui ol his uj i ed honor. S x or eii:ht of n it bu-y Urno 'S nt on: fur tawn uud -r "U'Miifria, t lie prisoners a-e en hand, but lo ! the pres citing wit nts is no whore to bo 'rTuud, all inj irits to Ills iniioceie e had been rrpalivd by the payment $ oO n trsstc. Ifn (mall must the inplins h ive been, and wlist a mag; ninluem Stnte. 11a'. tliu witnisit ct nitliing and the people pud the ilamaovs Tins is an agiienltiiral rommunity, the profits liom tins old nd honori-1 nvn's non sr irnt i ex.iro linit y small thai wit- citO'ossotm. Oi Ml ill toil H-.IIM ,o- Comes by useless monopulies in any shape, should be st once pounced upon, coa demiied nnd crtireot-d. There seems o '-e wide spread dm fat sfu' tion am"no t!iinin j in n st the woiking ,.f our Inli-iinr Court and it is well to rcq nre into, ai d belore il it too lair r-n e ly th- evil. 1 have thrown ut these liists thai our to ir l ol magistrate who are alonv tepou sibl lor Hie cotinuel ex'stcneo ol these c-si'tls as they now st ind, niny at our next inei'lins! t ke sirim step to eotrert the evil ly ii'tiiii! upon the Ocnerl Aseenibly (e restoration to Its learner slams p the jl lis.iietiea of Mai-Uates, as well as to reduce the luinhor ot our ln'eiior Courts to ta i'ls'eat ol fur ber vi Hr, and win their elli .unt alli.TS we bili te the Bens of justice will l letter iriv d sod with greater rcoccmy to the pe. p e. ' .... J P. L. Xehudy who Is alraid of l iuohhs, and hia tily ton, at his tiicnl, ran he sail la have a Itne anfl thorough love lor him; snrl on the other hsnd it would hetrsv a sorry want ot laith, to ditrnst a iron 1 b cause he laughs at ya. Few men, I be. lisve, are mucli woi tii loviuc, in whom there it not something well weith lauftiioz s' . . . . NO. SPACR a O a 8 00 in oo 0 o Oau Sr,u-e, Two .Squares. Three hipiares, Four Squnres, Fou -th Col'n, 3 00 14 00 it 00 SO 0 ,sa en 40 00 - is 0 so so 40 O 10 (0 B O l 100 II) i 0 I s mi I 15 on in oi I is no 15 Di) I rin (if) n tir i ouinin, 2!) 00 I 30 I eo oo Wh le t'i l imn, One Y tar. ADVERTISEMENTS. s ION PAINT K It S - VVa.iteri In every oeetlnn of the Unijed 1 sios and Provinces to answers this ad-1 voriliomeiit. Addrcs, DANIEL F. nF.TTY,""J "Vah1nfllor, N. J. Do-, llf ' " HAPlTxkssOR MiVkRY.'Isi TUR QUKSTIUN ! . . Ir. W. K floyt of 35 yers auceesaful practice tiiftrantees speedy and Osrinaneiit cure (fall Uironlr, iSeroful ius, Prlvaue. L.' , 1 .. . i . . . . . n ( iiuiLin nun iTiiiiiu iiisegses, rspprnia lerrbiv i, or seH-ahnw at Ills Medical ' Ir). tiliitH, Auan A, Cheney illouk. enooiite til i City Hall Park, Syracuse, N. Y. Med- .'ioeu. to all parts of tliu U.'H.. and Cnim lil Don't be deenived br ndvertls. ItiirijiiHeks who throng our ieijro citlee, but nutiHiilt lr. Jio( or Hend for ciriular eatioit on l.is hCiiaitiea to tia P, O. ll.X '.I L.VPIKM. Mr wrest I Ion id Franeh I'.n uedv, AMIF. D K VH M K, or Froialo rieinl. is mil nlinir in tho cure of all tmln- fill and d'l'iRopnis dlsrasesi pf viilir tl. It niodoriles ail excess, and bring nn the ilioiitnlv period whli ii;iilarlty . To all net voi.s and spinal attentions, pains Iu lha aoK or inn lis, iieariness, raliuue on g iu.'-.t eTirt(oo, palpitation of the heart, lownrss muni, liVHlerles, sie.n beadacbo. white. and ail p iii ful disoises orcasjoimd by a disordered Hystain.ll effeols euro when ail other means tail Price $12,0;) oar B ot- lie. sent by matl. lr. W. E. Iloyt, ii&x S!7'l. Syracuse, N. Y. j .Nov 'ij 1 y. s C II O O L t i: A C U E k a , You can easily Increase vnr anJaar ha- iv devoiing a Very small nortl.ni of year loisuro time lo my interest. 1 do not ev pect you to canvass lor my eelebrataal Htly'a 1'iatios nnd Oruuns nnles via lit to; buj the sorvico I require ol yos in uoiii pieiisant. anil proinHiile. fall particular tree. Addiesa, i DANIEL F. HF.ATTY, WHshlnuton, N. J. JiK'KY MOUNT XILLS, K0CKT MOUNT, N. C. 3 January 1st, 187?. V,'e are now prepared to furnish tie trade with SHEKriNOS, SHIRTINGS, PLOW LINES and , , COTTON. i YARNS, i all of the best quality and at low prices. Our tetrns strictly net cash, 80 days. Address BATTLE ON, ' 'an Co s Rocky Mount, N. a J) ASUOLPH'4 CO., GENERAL FOR WARDING I KD ronniKHTox jii;r iiatj, g Noifodk, VirfflaU. Prompt attention given lo all Consign ment. a Liberal Cash Advances made on Coo slgnmenH. LUMBER A SPECIALTY. KrFRirxrKst W. H. Smith .t on. W. C, Marrow if Co., A. Vrenn, Norfolk, Ya.i A.tJiirribaldl.J. W. Faucett, J. M. Mul len, Halilax, K. C. fob 21 fl n CTA1.LIO nuuiAL CASKS foa S.VI.E. Tcrsons within? Metallic Burial Cases cu always obtain mein oy i-piyin(t lomt, at ihe More of Messr. Wintield Jt Emry. 1 oio still kvepioe, as liereloloie, a lull rtmeiit oi'the Very Vtest CASKS, al th Very Lowsi Prices. In my sbseuce fioni Wcldon. Messrs. Winf.eld A Einry will doliver Case lo peraous who may wik them. JAM IiS SIMMONS, Weldon, N. C. apr 4 1 Q JL rospeoifully ealla the aUeutinn of Us tra lo vi his extensive slock of OomaoUfl and Imported liquors, lovlilehh ia HU ruaKiiiK addiUous acd ooumung or pur RTE AXD nOCRno WiTI'KIXS French, Applo, BlackherrT and Oirry Braodias, Jamaica and New Knt-lsrtd Knwi London, Tom and Ho11rl tiin, Fort Sherry, Claret, Kbine and t .re-Tfsr-old Scuppomoiig Winn. Swtoh aad Leudoa Porter, and a very larfe lot of RECTIFIED WHISKCYv. whirls I ara 9erincat priee BAtcaDBtl frsjl to give satisfaction. 9. W. SI-LTiNEU, AsV ; f;i S.e i . , tHevuVe rHBRr's ,-?-Vj5. -;VsMMJ6sar-

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