THE ROANOKE NE'S S.VTUKDAY, JUNE 29, 0 U II T I C K K T FOR CHIEF JUSTICE: w. x. ii. smith, o i w a k i: . FOIt ASSOCIATES: TIIOS. H. ASUE, or n s o s . ISO. II, DILLAKD, ok oi'urottD, THE BINGHAM ttCi.OOL. North Carolina hai unuy thingi to be proud of. Within its burders can be found every variety of climate, tnd their several product, but there it one iosti. tution which has growi up in cur midst which has in )ears past been at useful as nil utlters and which we hope will fltur. ish yet many years to ihcd continued bencf U upon the ) ounjj nx of the State. We allude to tho school whose came liendi this art tie. This School was established in 1793. m re than 80 years sg", by tbe Rev. Wra Bingham, grandfather of the pres ent proprietor!, who taught first at W i 1 -miugtoo, then at I'iltsboro', in Chatham county, and then at IIillbim,' and af terwards, till his death iu 18!j, at "Mt. ll-posp," in Orange county. The late Win. J. Hingliau tonic charge of tbe school at his fathei's death, and shortly afierward removed it to IMlsboro', where he taught until 1 4-4 Heinj unwilling to educate bis own sons in a towo, be removed to Oik, twelve miles south, west of II illssiro,' where he continued to teach until 1863. his shim William and Robert, being associated with him after 1627, aad his nephew, Win. B Lynch, after 18T,2. It being difficult during the war to get supplies sa far from the Riilroad, in tbe bands of the late C l. Win. Binglnm, the school wis again removed, during the winter of 1861 'C5, 1 1 its present location, three-quarters i ii nine from .Mcuoneville, a station on the X C. R R . 50 milet west of RaU eigh, 30 miles east of Greensboro .' Such in brief is the early history of the liinghara School, and such a history is in itself u 111 ient to show that by its merits it has planted itself firmly in the affections of the people. The resent status of the school can best be inferred from the f lloaing facts, that the num btr of pupils is greater than at any school 1 1 the S mth of like character, that it c inimaBds s unewhat larger tuition fen than any school of like character, that pupils who have finished tbe c iurse at this school with distinction are sought a teichers all over the country and com nund salaries much larger than the aver age and that the Bingham School draws itl pupils from an area of country compris ing Virginia, on the north and Texas on the S m'.b. These facts, and they are fact, are sutlicient to recommend this strictly North Carolina Institution to parents and with them we leave lb matter. THE POLITIC AL hTATlS. The Raleigh O'ae.-trr has reeently printed an interview with Gcneii Clingnan, a man who bas iu former days oecuj ia I no inteasricu ni p t' on in the oouaci's of the iVo ecralic paity. Tuis interview we reproduce partly, for the reason, that we are of opinio that t!ie people ha.e a right to bae the words of men whom they have honored by their coofijence, given them for their consideration, but mainly fur tbe sake of the curious bits of political history it contains. We aoote from the Oj server : "General, in view nf the struggle that is going oo the State, which seems like ly to distract the minds or the people iu f latino to the coming ."senatorial elee liin, I would like to have your candid opinioa od the outlook generally, ,,d "T suggestions ym may be willin to olftr. lm r flection, replied General ('li'igmsn. I can see no good reason why I fhould not gie you. my opiui, on the general questions involved I do net desire to be understood as intending loia'ae part in any coolest between individuals, nor help to hurt any as pirant. We all understand that the Constitu tion gives the right to choose Senators, to the Legislatures of the State., ind nut to the popular In accordance with this well-settled principle, it bas heretofore been the custom iu this State for the people to choose the best mem bers of the Legislature that they could aelrct, and then allow them like an im partial jury to cIioom such geutlemea as they regarded at most able to represent the State in the Seuatt of tbe United States. There fysms now to be a labored ef fort to change this system tod get out candidates 'edged to vote for narticn. Ur individuals. I regard this praitice as objectionable on mors than one ground. In a party poiut of view it is objectionable because it tenda to emu divisions. If candidate ba pledeed to i ..i ir.r.' j j , . . . n. au u iceuus may decline to gift cordial supiort to a mm who Intends to ceieu meir lavorite. F.ven a mora serious objection sug. gests itself ia this, that such a custom if introduced, teods to g as adrsa tage to the least worthy aspirants. A high toned, honorable man would scorn to resort to such strategems In secure this elevatiou. Such iormer Senators as Mangum, Graham, Badger, B igg od others that might be tamed would no more ba thooght r resorting to such movements than they would of at tempting to induce a SherifT tu pick nut such jurors as would promise to fl id a verdict in their favur. In my opiuion the members of the Legislature when they choose a Senator should be aa free to select tbe best man as a jury which is required ti be impartial when it is impannelled to try a rase. Q. Do yon think a man's being an in euuibeut in the office ought to give him so advantage? A. Not in the least; and such has net been the view in this State. Gof . R-id, for example, was superseded by Gov. Fiaee. ol the same parry. Though in 1858 I waa nomii sited by acclamation, yet in I860 several prominent men en tertd the lists against roe in the canvass, ft has alaets been understood that the incumbent took his chances like any one else, and waa merely to be re elected if he was thought to be the best man for the position. Q What do you think of the point used that because a man was the cau cua nominee and had been defeated he ought tu have the prefereuce over others? A N weight whatever has hereto, fore been attached to such a considera tion in this State. In 1842 Bedford B ovn was the nominee of the Demo cratic caucus, yer. JuJge S Hinders op. posed hiin, and nfter a struncle which luted nunv weeks, drove hi.0 from the track, a-d Win (I. II j) wood was elected, lanugo Mr. Brown bad thus been beaten, and was in a candidate against roe in 18C0, yet the parly de clined to elect him. In 1852 a ttill more remarkable case occurred. Mr. Dobbin was the nnmi nee of the party and jet Jurlee Saun ders and Col. R G. A L e voted against him for months, be sometimes coming within a vote or two of an elec tion. Mr. uobDiii was finally withdrawn ana i waa put in nomination. I came near being elected, and it became ci. dent that if another ballot could be had I would have been chosen. Thereupon, as the day for adjournment bad been fixed and was near, my pilitica) oppo. nents threatened to fillibuster till the end of the session. They thus pre vented an election. At that session Mr, Dobbin was thus dtfeated and I wa, by the adjiurnmeot, left as the regular nominee of the party, ard jet when the next Legislature as sembled they passed over both Mr. Dobbin and myself and elected Raid and Biggs. Qiestion. Bit suppose that s man was really elected and kept out of his seat by political enemies, would rot this give him a claim to another election? A. Not at all; in fact tbe question nas more man once been settled the other way in this State. Gov. Graham was elected and received the e tiro vote of the legislature except thirteen mem. bers onto. II went to Washi nte.n a..H was relosed the sea', and yet in 187( though ureed as a candidate, he was uot elected. 0 I that occasion it ia !! known that St-iiators Merrimnn and Ransom and Gov. Vance were all nr. ent and not only did not recognire Gov. Graham's claim, bat were cat.didwtei themselves. Acain in 1872 neither the Gov. Graham nor Judge Moly, who bad both been elected and refold their seits, were recognized by Ibe Legisla ture, I now recall the fact that fl, Tti-.- and I in 1861 both left tha Sent account of tbe war. Gov U Off ft riarl four years to serve and I had six" He . J .i e. . . ... "ruu uia ouie in a n rn.. while cot the four years of my tern in tbe Confeder- aie army. Aiwr the war bad ended it was not proposed to pive us an n. portunity lo ill out oue terns io the Senate. The rule heretafor e acted m m tkt. &ate has ween for tbe Legislature to select those whose talents and public spirit seemed likelv to render ablest Senators. As county'rons and meetings are oflo controlled bv a Um m,if.. managers, they seldom rtffett the views of the irrnj .rity of the people. I fact tliey very freauenllv are mOr,,,..i.i : bunging forward men who could not ob- lain position nn thert own merits. When we see a man carried alon the airx.i. on a stretcher, we know that man is nine, ir he er, Bn n4 mt) nm walk along himself than kw a msn nf merit would rather be elected as the free choice of bis fellow-citixeos than be toted into office. If legislation of late has fir-it KssflM asal isfact ory, k may in part be due to this praetor which f-ld-ra f.sJ the best men. Thnu.h I ... j to bosh branches of our Legislature, and for fourteenyeara to Congress. I waa never nominated for any one of those places. When hi the Senate of th S ate ;n 1840. on the mvitatina of tbe legislative caucus, the Hon. Willie P. Mangum, the "n. ii m. a. uraham, tbe II n. Iwis Williams and the Hon. Wm. B. Shdp ard. all addressed us on the political issue oi me aay. Alter hearing them we adiouraed for several dan anri then met and made our selections. Had we been pledged to any candidate, their speaking to us would have been as Tarcical as would be for a party to open hjs case to a jury that bad already de cided against him. In fact a man already pledged can not fairly go into a consultation with others who are impartial and pretend to eoufer with them. He is like a gam. bier, who ltjt for the money of otbtr people without staking bis own. At best he resembles a juror wbo decides his verdict after hearing only one wit ness, while there are a dnaea others to be dimmed those evidaace iaimpcr. taat. I observe the statement in some tf the papers that tbe members ought to oe pieagea lo prevent their misrepreseu ting the people. To avoid this let hou orab.e and wise men be chosen. Tricky meu can find excuses for duiug what thev olease to do. Firmera Buncombe when they turn their stock out into the range often crop or spill the ears of bo ned cattle and brand their colls with a hot iron. I hope tha time Das not lit airi'ed whio it is deemed necessary to send our represen tatives to llileign ear-marked, or branded with any letter from A to Z. inclusive. I do not select these letters because one of tbem begins the i ame Augustus and other L bulon, but my ub ject is to include all tbe letters in tbe al ohabct. As to these gentlemen themselves, without di'paragir.g either of them, I thiuk it mar fuirlr be said that thev have no advantage over several others in the State except tbat for the las', fif teen years thev have been more oer- - r sistently seekers of high offije, perhaps, than any ol their rellow-citixeus Mukine continual claim, as the Itw yers say, d es not give a ma i a title to political mtwe. IM r does the lact that the people have given a man an off) place them under any obligation to gie Dim anotner or rc-tlect rum. There seems to be en attempt by the partisans of these g ntleuieo, by coo stanny placing them in antagonism I each other, to create the imuress'un r that they possess some sort uf preern nence nf claim over others. Anthmv and O.tavius divided the Unman E n- pire between them iu its state of decay, out inougn .virtn Utrolina Sulljrca greatly by tbe wjr, she is still too large ana too strong to oe carried in the pocket of one man or even divided be tween two. Though I was myself twice elected to me senate, jet i never (ought to nave aoy one pledged to me bd ire bis elec tion. Ii two instances men who were pledged to vote against me, wsre for that reason be ten by my friends. If man pledged should be opposed by respectable candidate who was not pledeed. I should eire the oreference to the latter upon the same principle that 1 would meet a man as a Juror wbo had formed and exareaaed an ooinia i. , i - J here is a sense of mstice m the minds ol the peoole. that I crcnerlv appealed to. will induce them to nrefer fair and honest dealing to political contrivances a 'd artful strategy. f uo old the members of tbe Leeis Is. tore decide to hold a cautw, it seems clear that those can fairly meet t con sult together wbesi minds are open to conviction, A man who bis aireadv p'edged himself bas no right lo pretend to unite with others for a fair consulta tion when his hands have aireadv baan tied. Lke a juror who bas already formed and expressed au onininn. ha -l i j . . . . - -r - snouia sun J aside. Io comp'ying with your rersoest. thus given my opinions as thev are en tertaincd, without considering whether they may prove agreeable to tbe aspi rants and their friends or otherwise. I hope the people of Ihe State wrH elect the best men they can secure, and that when assembled they will choose that person whose talents and fiJelity to the public interests wiil make bim Ibe best Senator. I NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1857 II12USHZ 1857 January lat, 1M7. Rl'FE W. DANIEL, He bas on xwi.d AppolIlnarlH, Wellicr, German. UroulhaU ftalnral Water. ' PICKLES, JELLIES, BRANDY-PEACHES. Hia stock of Liquors aa.d Oreeila em brwea ia part FBENt-U, APPLE, BLACS.3f URT AND WILD CUERRY BRANDT, WHISKIES, PORT AND 8IISRRY, MADEIRA AND CIUMPAGHK WINE rifar, Baeoa, riser, Molaauteis, Lar 4, VtBajer, Pepwrr Mplaw, Apples, Caalee tionerlra. And avany other artirlee too aumerooa to menUna. R. W. DANIEL, 10 Wash. Avenue, Weldon, N.C, me Ph I Q ADVERTISEMENTS. n T U H N K D J. J. LOUGH LIN THE FAUIOXABLK SHOE MAKER has returned lo Weldon where be can be iciuua over iv H RROWX'S STORE. prepared to do all kluda of work in bla Repairing neatly and promptly done May 25tf L. E L L E TT A CO., DRT GOODS AND NOTIONS 10, It and 14 TWELFTH STREET A. I,. Kl.l.KTT. A. JiroaoN WaTKlira, Clay urbwrt, 8. II. Ht'DOKS. J I RICHMOND VA May 2itf. N O T I C E ITmler anil hv vlrlne nf a certain raort sane deed r,do to us by . 8. Ploroe and wife, and duly recorded In tbe offli'eor the RHirlnterof Deeds. In anH lor the oonnty ofllxlifax, we will on Monday tbe 23od daynljulv 1S78 expose to puiilic sale at the Court House door In Halifax town all ine riitni line auc inmreM ni sain r. a. Hlerea in and to tha eaLata of R. 11. fierce. Terms of sale cah. WIXFIELD EMRY. My 25! f. ARM Sl'IKOS, Heaters North Carolina. Ta nn ftnon tnr (he rAPMnlinn ol ntaaa. ure aeekers and Invalids. Tbi loveiT olaoe Is situated in ibe beau tiful valler of the French Broad within liirht niilas nf railioad. Via h.ira Hnu nf miialn atlnnflva ervmitM, and all otlier aocooiniodutinna to to leuna at a nrsi emiit watering piaee. For narticolara annlv for dwHcrintive pamphlet. W. U. HOWBKiOa, May l!Hf. Proprietor. CAREFUL MAN. ALWAYS CARRIES A Tearly Folic Of Inaorance AGAINST ACCIDENTS YOU CAN SECURE ONE IS THE MOBILE LIFE INSUUANtE CO OF MOBIL. ALA. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Will Insure You Against A'ciJents for una my in me m or TUKtl THOUSAND W3LLARK in the evant of Deaih. Or FEB WEKK ISDIiM.VJTY for Disabling Injuries. RATES One Day . - 25 Cense Two Daye SO Cents Five Days ... J1.2S Ten Days - - 2 50 Thirty Day a .. &.00. 5.00 WILL INSURE YOU AGAINST ACCIDENTS', FOR THE TF.KM OF lYEARMoSSl.OOO R. F. BUTLER. ARent, May 11 1 y. Weldon, N. C. D R. E. I.. II U X T E R , toil Rarg Dentist. Can be found at hrs office in Knfield, f Pllrfl NitrTMia OvlHa H.i In. IVtA lees Extracting of Teeth always on band. M U IIV iii if. W TTQ'I1 r,",'n,,,', vou can enjaae in. J-JXUO I s5loa per dv made by anywoikerof eithar i-ex. rialit in thnir own Ixr-Hlillca. Parlicnhira and a mplea worth r.f,pe, ImnrnvA vnur mur dm. at this buainnaa. Address fSTlNton A Co.. Portland, Maine. June I 1 y. $iC we'k TOllr own to-vrn. JSOut UU lit free. No rmk. Rea lor, it tou wain a niiMiinta at whica person, nf either aaa can make ureal pa? all the time they work, wiite. for miini.r. mn u . , 4 Co., l'rtland, Maine, june 1 i v. N O T I C E. Unitkd Statrs or Avitatc, 1 In Tia Oi'Tbict Court J Or tb Ratrrn (Albrmai.k) j Pistrrt nr North I'sS'iList, ) Nntina is berelw givon tbot I have ken ilnlv appiutH suigne ia Rnkruptry of John R. Tillnrv of Malilax eoonty. Bankrupt, June 17th, 187. G. L. HYMAN. . Aaalgnee. June 22 3 w. A BURNHAM'S WAKRAHTED BtIT k CHIAPEIT. AIM, MILLINB MACHINERY. PllICES SEDUCED APS. JO. 78. l'Wh:la (m. Vwtkm, Yaaa, l'a. JlHlU, JT OTIC K NOTICE. N nl ire la hernhv oivAn iKut rm ..j a'ter thirtv dv Tmm ihn Ar ti. nn tio the votlng'preon('tiii Littleton Town shin, ahall bn at thi. i 1 ini.iA. iM aid tnwnahlp, nii't the voting precinct in i nnoyra uiwnxnin anaii tie at Kraewell'a Cross Roads in xaid tnwnnhip. By order nf the board ni Juftiooa of the Peae of lla'ifax county. May 13ib 1H78 D. C. CLARK, Chairman. May 18 tf. ADVERTISEMENTS. Ucan make m mey faster work I r aa than at anything elae Capitl not re quired; we will start you. 12 per days, borne made by tbe Industrinua. Men, woinea. hoys and g'rls warned everywhere to work for ua. Mow ia tbe lime. Costly outfit and terms tree. Address Tuna A Co., Augusta, Malue. June 1 1-y. EW SPRING GOOD8AT L. A. FAIUNHOLT'S. JUST ARRIVED AND FOR SALE AT EXTREMELY LOW riUCES. Beautiful Styles of Spring Dress Gxods Irom tOo to 60c per i d. Brown Linea Suitings 4 4 wide. Piques from 121 lo 2oo per yd. Bishop lwns, Figured .Lawns, Swiss Muiiin.i. Black Alpacas splendid r)uallty and very chesp. 50 peiues Spring Calicos 6je per yd. 4 4 Blaacblng al 8c. NOTIOX9. Lad ie Collars and Cud, Silk Handker chlr fs. Indies Milk and LaceScarts, Tuck Comb. Ladies and Gents Lisle thread Gloves. Seamleea Hose and Half Hose white and striped. 2 Button hid Gloves 75o pr. Hamburg Edging and iiihertlngs. While Olovea, While Ties. Silk and Leather Bella. Bosom Sblrts, Percale Shirts, Ac. snoEs. Ladies Serge Gaiters and Slippers. Gents English Ties and Gaiters. Ladies Patent Leather and Moroooo Sipl- pers. Miase and Children 8 hoes. Fine Calfskin Boats. CLOTHING. Just to hand a nioe assortment of the neatest styles spring pants. Blue Flannel Nuita. Linon So in. White Vexts. Hlack Alpaca Coats. Light Cassiuiere Spring Suits. HATS. Straw Hats all sizes and prices, wide brim wool ana lelt Mats. GROCERIES, This department is kept up to its usual standard. Sngar, Codes, Bacon, Lard, Flour, te , as low as tbey can be bought south of Balti more. I keep on bind all kioda of Fonvltore. Prices ara reduced in nonform So Hie saeacity ol money and tbe bard time. Call before purebaslng elsewhere and saye money. etn-ly c U K A P E K THAN EVER. I am now receiving Sorine Goods aU most daily and it is really aWomshlng to see how cheap good" are. Arlieiea and prices are too no memos to mention. However I will name a few. Beat Prints from 5 to 6J. Hem nrown (kitlons front m to Best Block Cottons from 6J ta 121. namsiiria Kieacninga m Dress Goods New Styles from 15 to 25. fique Beauties from 10 to 2S cla, Coals and Clark's Spool Cotton (Hole or oi per nozftn. SHOES, HATS. AND CLOTHINO VERY LOW GKOt ERIES VERY IAIT. Syrnpe from 35 to B0. d rasuton sw Orleans Xolaasta 7.'. nest mo uonoes Irom 18 to 20, Nice White Sugars livta Hide Meat 7cn Shoulder Meat Rets Liverpool Salt FaotoT fill 4 Bushels las. I kave thrown on mv counters about una inonsand yards best prints, dark cuiurs outa per yaru. R. P. SPIERS, April 1J If. Weldon, N.C ADVERTISEMENTS. 1878. SPRING 1878. I am now opening iaily, NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, II THE Latent and Most Desirable Styles, For Tub Couino 8ksom. II EE B.N ER RAItWAT rower, Thresher and Cleaner. Tbe Moat Maohias for Efflcient and Economical TURKS II INO GRAIN. Capacity of I horse machine 12S ir.20rhus. i " " tm to Jeo bushel.. rwscriplive Circulars furnisfied! oa an pltcaltoB. 1 E. II. TLUMMKR ,t CO., General Agents, Petersburg, Va. Tee 12 tf. BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS AMD CASHMERES, BRANCH AGENCY FOR E. BUTTERICK k CO., Celebkated Pattekhs. Samples ef Goods and Catalogue of & shram buuii uu application. Address, E. B. BLA MI RE, 146 Main Street, Norfolk, Va. March 23 3m. V. J. N A W , WELDON, N. C. BAKER A CONFECTIONER. Manufactures all kinds of plain aor) fan ev oindies. Keeps alwava ou band the fullest sleek of Candles, Frulla, Nula. Ae., 10 be found In Kaatern North Carelloa, which be sella by wholeaaleor retail. Ordora lor wedding parties, and balls prepared nn short notice and at most rea son ule prices. Cct 20 If. 1878. 1878. CLOTHING. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES Just Rkokivrd At Nash Walker A Ce's No 14ycamore Street. FINE DRESS scrr FINE BUSINESS SUITS, BOYS' AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING. A full line or all grades of Roady-Mada Clothing lor Boy's, Youtb'a. aad Men, from three ytara old op at piieea to auil tbe times. We keep all tbe latent styles of Gents' Fnrnkihlag Goods an band. Samp hw on band. Clothing and Shirts made to ordar at nnr ftalifcmnM -. short notice, at Baltimore prices, Please n a chi 1 Deiore DUyiDg. NOAH WALKER A CO. 113 SYCAMORE STREET. Petersburg, Va. ALEX. F. SHORT, J. GEO. WILKINSON, J A"T"' ROUIR ATKINSON-Salasman. Oet 3-1 Y J . T. GOOCH, GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS 0 F- COUNTRY PRODUCE, COTTON, CORN, AC. K E E TS OK HAND A FPLL STOCK O F GROCERIES PROVISIONS, MOLASSES. NAILS, & C ; Whicb will be -ld lo-r for CASH. J. T. COOCH, WELDON, K. C. apr g Km TELEPHONE. NORTH STAR, CENTENNIAL. PAPA CIGARS ANO CLUB HOUSE Are tbe best 5 eeDt Cigars. They are Havana fillers. LA VALENTINE, EMANCIPATION, MARGARETTA, k GRAND DUCHESS Ara tlear Havanas. These Cigars are sold by all first-class dealers. Manufactured by 1HANTOUE A CO., Mh3 -3m Proprletora Charleston Branch or tha Havana Cigar Faetory. ATTENTION, FARMERS' $17.50 .'nru OF LIME for 37.SO PER TON, CASH WITH oitDElt H THE MATES PHOSPHATE is the eldest and Most Reliable Phosphate In the United State. ,! .. faction wherever used. The GLASGOW PHOSPrUTB U Vroo.rSd ?L" "l Flesh and Blood and requires atrial ta enaur.Tl. cossM.. Twill it for tha same price aa Mapes. w'" I am selling at tha above named fabalouslr low nriees ta enanre ..i.. j . .are to the farmer the Age.f. Commlaaiao. and iuSitS LiberalCaah Advances oa COTTON. PEANUTS or other COUNTRY PRO DUCE. March 23 3m. JNO. O'CONNOR JR. PORTSMOUTH, Vw. T. N. WHITE, A. L. STAIN BACK, J H.QOOCir J WHITE, STAINBACK & GOOCH. E It. SUCCESSORS TO J. T. GOOeH.J J. T. GOOCH'S OLD 3TAJH. Have jast.pwsd Fall Stock or Goods, whies tbey offar lo the It... . LOWEST CASH PRICES. The stock iramprlaee a fall line of DRY READY MADE CLOTHING, GOODS, BOOTS, CAPS. Tbe largest slock of GROCERIES, SUGARS, SALTS, SOAPS, AC., to ba foond In Eastern North Carolina. a.tent!ra ta tUIr stock ,h. f.mor,. MILES PHILADELPHIA, For Both LA DIRS and Oct J7 1-y. GOOD, SHOES, NOTIONS LADIIS DRKSS Hats, COFFEES, TEAS, HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES GENTLEMEN. T. N. WHITE, A.L.STA1NBACI. WHITE & STAINBACK. W E L D O 5 N. C. I bavejoat re'arncd freaj the North wMh tU Largest Sleek af DRY GOODS, ANn. tEADY niDLES, MADa. SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, GROCERIES, AND NOTIONS; AND GAPS, SADDLES, COLLARS. Tar ofTered In this market, whieh tbey are selling LOW FOR A S H. JhT."II '"Pc,1 nttanlloa to their 8 lor of DRESS GOODS and TBIVIfl. Oct 17-Iy. 1 n

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