THE ROANOKE NEWS AUVKKTI.SIXU HATES. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY N E W S P A P E II , THE ROANOKE NEWS. X A y PUBLISHED BY BATCUELOK A I.OCKII AUT, One Year, in advance, Bix Months, " i flireo Month, " ?2 I'd I I'd 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. rp W, MASON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GAKYSBUR1, N. C. Practices in the onurt of Northampton And adjoining coiinlies, also in the Kodcrul ami Siiproine courts. June t-tf JOS, B BATCIIKLOR. ATTOKXiCY AT LAW, RALEIGH, X. 0. Practices In thi courts of the flth fuili uslnl District and in tbe Federal and Su premo Court. May i! If. WALTER CI.AKK, Rilniirli, X. C. K. T. CI.AKK, Halifax, X. C, C L A R K, c L A R K A AT Tltt KY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. 0. Will pmetiea In the Courts f Halifax aoi moinin; coutitio. March 10 tf. KITl'HI'.y. I T V w. a. in'sy. DUSK, K II K N & AATl;,KNtV A 0 lUSHItr.LOtt AT LAW, t-illtiiiil Keck, Ilnlil.ix Co., N. C. Privities In tin Courts of IT'lifax and a lloining ! untie, and in tlio Supi-mno and FoieralOourtH. juil8 tf .iOMASJ X. HILL, At&ruoy ut Law, HALIFAX, N. 0. Practieo in Halifax and adjoining Counting and Federal and Supreme Courts. Will lie at So ilijtiiyl pjoitk, once every tortnijilit. Aug. 28-a W. D II. Day, A Y W. W. Ham.. HALL ATTORNEY? AT LAW, WKI.DOV, N. V. Praotiei In thn court of Lrilifax and adjoining oouotin, and ii) tbo Supremo ' and Federal oniirtn. Claims collectod in any part of Xorlh Carolina. jungolO, gAMUEL, J. WRIUIIT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JU IiSO. N. V. Praotiens in the (!ourt of Northampton and adjoining counties. sen 15 I Y A V I N I,. II Y M A X ATTORNEY AT LAW If A LI K AX, N, C. in His oonrtt of Halifax and adjoininn counties, and In tlio Supremo and faiarul Court. Claim uolleelod in all parts of Xurtb Caro,!irja. Offl3 iii the Court Hons. July 4-1 CI. R i . BURTON, J R. LAW, ATTORNEY AT HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In the Court of Halifax County, and Comities adioininut. In the Supreme Court of the Stito, and in tint Fednral Court. Will j;i ve ipa u il attention to tlio collec tion ofclaiins.and to adjusting t;o coiintu of Kxeoutors, Adiuiuisrators and Uuar dians. dee-ln-lf J. a;, g V. I Z 7, A R D, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Offlne In tlio Court Hons". Htrioi atten tion given, to all brauckos of the proles ion. Jan 12-1 o T. Li R A N p II, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ENriKLD, IULIPAX COUNTY, N. C. Pra.itiee in tlio Counties of Halifax, Hash, Eiiuioconib i cud Wilson. ColUotious made in all parts of the State. 12-6 i A U lial II A RA, ATTORNEY AT LAW E.iilrI&LU, Si. C. Praatioe In the Cnuntlo of Halifax, (Cdaoombe and Nash. In tbe Supreme Court of the State and in the tederul Courts. Collections mtda in any pirt of the Slate. Will attend al the Court House in Halifax on Monday and Friday of eaidi week. Jan J--t c A K El R E W J. BURTON, ATTOIIXKY AT LAT, WELUOX, X. C. Praelioos in the Courts of Ilniilax, War ren nd Mollhainpton counties and in the ' Supreme and Federal Courts. Claim oollHetud to any part of North Carnlina. june 17-a lAMtS M. Ml'Ll.KN. y U L L E tJ JOHN A. llnoiic. 4 MOOR E , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Iluliras, IV. c. Practice In tbn Countlns of Halifax, tforthampton, Edirenonibe, Fittand iMar La In toe .Sunremo Court of the State ssnM in the Federal Courts of tbe Eastern District. Colleatiions made iu any part of Xorth Carolina. jan 1-1 a VOL. VII. T W 5 LC !) T . I nm nilllnn in llin moonl iht, 1 o I be mo Hi bisnn's ailvei' light, While iiroiird nm n,l aromid me, Tbori 'h hirv land mni:hl. Ami the .I'phyt'i) bin: mo, Wliiper lo 1 1 H 1 moIV and low, As Ihi'v used to, ever Used to, In t' c ImiK ami 1 u i : to. In tlio twlilk'bl, U"l'l'ii twiiilit, I nm ever dm 1 1 1 1 f s ir o'er All (be suniiv devs of en ildliood, All I be sun i y oi ! "!. A nd I etiinol ti nv toi u"'t I hern, Willie the 0 ili.n jv 1 1 I f'. As 1 1 i t ever u-.e I to, e er used to, In l!:e linnr m il I, ,.; m.;.,. THE SECOND CHOICE-. 15 Y S.W.I.Y V 111-Mi s. T,u!u Mavl.nv was scnrcelv filioeu when A i j It it An -Irons beuime tiiinciinil of the liik'ii suhoi I at 1! .ckville. Her tiHelit, tliild'hh flui iiia:!i! her appear still voi.,ier, n n be iilVim- die niie l o treaiiiK her v.Uli that d.-T'ieiu-e ivilii which be tihvas addressed Ethel Smds, i Amniii; all lint ynil'n; -S of lloclf- vide sue :is pri'-e inueiit ; tad, lt.ii.-i'-r..l :.. i I. .1 i ! iui 1:1 ui.'.iiin, who aicoe.i rv: "jii's mil I.ibIiks (li-ieitiijT over cvoi of ever chiiii MMi' to iol.-t or haz d. us mirlii or saduevt buhl swuv. Kiln-1 as il.t;en. nil J in one year completed her i:ili:c:itiou nt tlio biell Imnl. Al tlio c.l isn of lh ! last, term she In. .mm; Archie Aidrciv,' wil'e, ivhile fi ilu continued his pop':'. Never bv ivui d or net dul slie betray the s r. row ihrot-ijiH wliicb she pissml wluci she knew I. or te-icher wis tint lij-lia .d ol Ethel and ne sands. Soe studied as faith.1'!!:!) inrr thL. ut missed a da v ilu two j cats of her si heel life Then she, tm, was rc'idi' ti -ne the hih s:iioo at I! ocktilb, a i l her pueats desired to send her to a f:ishior,iI)le b-mrdiu- s.'i'.ool -,ae CKiipli 1 1, but s i m b -- so heiocsick the c uiM study, e:it tier sleep, and liny iieiiher perniit- leii her to iciurn ho ne. Her uioihcr h id nr.tten that Archie Andrews was about to e:wao an siist.ii.t for iliu following ycir, and Labi at oiii.-e resolved to secure the place if possible. ,i one guessed her secret, and Archie wis us u s ispicious of her real m ilives ns the rest. II". k.-itw s'm was c t petent to fi.l tins pi ice, and she had no dilli :ulty in obtaining the situ it i-m . more in ill:.' same room with In n she lived the same, old lifii As his assistant lie treated her iv'uli great def'ereiH-e, and frequent ly spent tm hour in plensint connnsa lion with Iter. Tin; rich ciii:isoo would t o ne and ju i i her checks, her voice, low and sweei a'u-avs, would iiudl i lulu iniis.c as she replmd l lum, out never iti.t a in iu or iooi; wounn, throiioli she keenly fijueda hatmlcis j''!';' ii ysfs oi suc-i mtiiii iey in ttie school room icveal -d notutii!; to Archie f Ike hid leu ch ruber id L'liu's hi nt. She had nrnsn into ll I ise v wionaii, and inipbt ham cli se i n no i;; a dozen suitors, tm! s e ll.ili d. a C il y had . a c Ii. any oil-'re I a nl wen p j icle.l I'm theuisi lsi s to b'.i no. 1) it was ci'inii'd. Etlu I ns a mother, but heahh came back very slowlv. As the sum-ner ad vanced and she slid spent most of her time in bed or in no easy-chair, Hie phys cian tec ommio (!, d country air, and '.hey n s dved I i in we on a s n ill f u-.n i slnol distance fioin town. Archie hnd S' ut; a kuowU'dj'e oi I trminjj noil wis nut loth to g vi up tin; school rnoiii. lie tlioin'ut ol il hi foie, but feuio I it would in t suit ivlii-l. Hut Lulu heard of the change, with i siukiiii! heait. No sin. must learn to lie without his pri-si'nce A new teacher was soon secured, but she re fused the situation of assistant. Ethel inquiired in the village for a good girl to go with them ",o the coun try as coinpinion mid i iirs" for her They would hire a yirl for Iho general hiiiiSiMvoik besides, ail I. do grratlv as tonished her pile, its bl leliiu t-leui sue would go. Tnev lemoistrati'd s.iid they weie uhle 1 1 supp ut her at h im '. Hal they mifht as i il try to niue a mountain. S.m is it s ilule, und the dn she heard nf the situation i.ff.ued herself. Ethel w is delighted ; she had aUays liked E ilu. but would i-cu-r have thought of asking her lo become a kind of servant in her family. Indeed, thev were social equals. 'lilt what will people suvf" was Ethel's question to Archie, ullcr L ilu had e. longed ihn place. ' It won't mutter, ince; she is willing, mil am til-id vol aid bahv will have such an uereeublR I t1 In nurse. L dn bus too much independence to curu lor the gossip nf those who are too pioii l to t arn an honrst living Hut she niigln have continued teach- i , : -J , , inn, wlilC'i is co:isi.i"rea more Honora ble ' I, ".n hoiisewoi k " think slie desires a change, in d needs it. She has been tr oihled with a slii'ht cou"h for same lioie," uusweied Archie. A week later found the family in Iho cnuiitiy and L dtl established as com panion and naise. Tne baby, a strong, healthy follow of three months, klept nearly nil the time, and Ethel's clucks began to lake a new tdooni, and In r step hecsnie steady micfc more as the weeks rolled away. Lulu watched with a sistei's tenderness over the young wife and mother, and saw with pleas ure tbe vc'i-lion nl the noble husband lis ban 'sand face became brown Iron exposure, but bis heart seemed lo grow more and mme tender toward the wile and baby. Many times did Lulu see I him kiss llittui bulb as be came in from WELDON", N. W' rk, iinfl ns the li'tle fellow began to know his father and mother Archie would less hi n about, kiss and fondle Iii in until both were tired. Sx months L'lln tayeti us nurse, then Ethel mas bo well it seemed useless to have help in the nursery any longer, and E he! in formed ArJiie thut slu- folly able to do thai pait nl'the itmk herself. "lint ho,v sliall vv part with I, ilu?" she questioned. "She soi'rus like one of the fainilv, and lleoroia is so fond of hrr, I don't know how to give her up." " ell, use your iitii j id-:n: t ; yon know I would rather see you w. II a id with plenty nf mi ire line than ovtt. win l;d ued sick." svd Archie. Hut I'tlicl c-u si'leted the i xpenge, and thought twi yirls ii'ineccasai y, so she iuloroM' I I, d i t!iat day of her in tention to dispense nith her services. Alter n lew liniments' silence li ha :i;i;iy thoii; lit c line to Lulu. "I have heard you aish several times lor n I) "tier l;itcbeii rul. sh: said and i!' you . ml .1 me av.-.iv I will tlle I ll liO d Hi ! till) her pi ice. V hi kn- bal'.ini; I' r soine lime." "Why. I, ilu Mavhcv ymi wouldn't c uiseiii to c line int.) iny kitchen 1" s.iid K'h'-I, i i surprise. 'Why tn-l? I likt! living in the coun try touch belter th-t i t. nv i, and b.iusc tv oik better than toai'.hino. 15 'sides, how can I leave )ou nod (!e u-oie:" " . ell, y -oi are the most, i ,di oil 1 e-cr s i w. but I will led and I ii i .-1 sure your propusi'inn iieiuit'tit Archie, pleases (IK: " Au hie was quite ns well pleased ns his wile, and the next niutninp I.ulii to.'k h"r place in th; kitche-i. Thi us soon bejau to Inil: very different L ihi had a i.atural ta' - it for hoiis.-Leepinj, and once installed in a kitchen she Niehteoed up things as if by maiit. Tim luiije health was always clean, the bricks a brielii, re I, the bare H i-ir sinp. pi'diveiy morning, and lieoieie was p'Tmltted t s'ay iniicli i i lha k.tchen. The tin iMii--, Ii Is a il ten-'ielt!.; were jiolished 1 1 ii lie. t the face .nd the bread und pastry of the en. dt. were far sit- irn.r to ani fl. I splration fund her c--two wen; .liiiost spent uiiivli lime in I Miel eat'iered i',. mpuuion, and the inst -putai lu. She he kitcl.itu sewing or tnii ij;, a ol wlieu the winds was clone they sit down in the same room at 5llll!(! If'.llt ITutl;. f jiossij) S 111 ti flH'i made an ti'.tack up in L ih.', no o.- e dared .ay siio was not true, womanly and uioiic.t. A e..r she was thus eiuplovt-il in tin; faniily, having the respect of Aichie tin; live of lltin-d an I li no-eie ; then a ricat shad isv It'll across the house hold. An- tlicr liitio one cauie, hut Fthei's life went out when the re-v o .e cam in. Arch ;;i ief was too added to bis d.-o p b- for ulteiaiicp, and leaveineut came tin! kiinvleJoe nm kaowleJoii! Lal-i would new reliini home. Sue told him i'io could remain until Iu; couid (ill lu-r In: i", i.nd alter snine consideration he determined to xi '.e'.o a m ii len sister se.eial yeats his seui r and risk her lo t'die char;;? of his house She was quite wealthy und refused to d i more lb in tak.; a mere o.eisiht nl his family, saving lie o ust keep n muss and ii gill to do the umk. He imme diately appealed 1 1 L ilu to lake chaige of tbe childiee, and reinstated Jane as Cook. lilt Eu'u did not Id:e iho proud, stsleU .M ii ia A i Irews. A mutual dis like seemed to spring up between them, and had not necn f ir Archie's pleading she would have leH the house a week alter his sister ca ne Hut sympathy lur hi.ii and the children enabled her t hear the h-iuhty woman's ways until the little Sua was nine uioutlis old, Until nv in.'Cid nit she heard M.uiu iiccii.e Aichie ol showing alleii'i in to his nurse, "and ihe minx kisses the. baby no the verv spot you let kissed it, us soon as you aie goii"," she heard say I, o u's cheeks lel u nol. and site hur ried 1 1 her room, packed her trunk and lell tin; house ih it afternoon. M nil se n had reason to repent of be uolii. dness S'ni leaittol tnat to l.uln was due lbs good order that eery where pievai'ed, and a week after her depaiture the nhuld house seemed ch i ine l, d s irdor everywhie, the c ni di e.i cross, (ho co iking interior, (linnets late, and geneial lli-satislaclion. Archie li'lt i i HI st of n!, and gradually the t; dawiiei up.i.-i h'.ui thai he ought to In.e ii housekeeper. Maria threatened to leave. Si never did bk( children u d c oil I live u much unifier hie with lmr old al it and uncle, nlpmi she l a I lelttocotne ttierc . A year passed in thia ui.s.ilt'iii.tnry milliner, then iM inn went away, nun Aichie culled on Lulu for a privata i t'-rncw. She c mid easily guess lU na tuie, and in lo nninlhs they were miir- lieil, and Lulu went bick ti tbe dear little children who so much needed her love and cure. Archie Andrews never irnnttid his second choice. Those gl.iii ih su, inner niohts are here when a I ive vhispci3 impassioned words in the dreamy ear of a favmed in ii loo a d feels Ids undershirt sticking closer than a brother. 'Ah,' ixhi d a iiuii!r nmip. I 'ih I wss bo-ii, til iun d it I don't. He's ncsilv ,il ways ot a bit 11 hi inouili, wlil 1 hivun t lind a int in mine tor two d,ya." A Chicago man lias invented a kind of ink specially suitable for loveia. It remains bright for five days after use, in d then f.ulrt.s i ut, leaving the paner entirely blank. Tims the most gushing of correspondence would be safe ugaiust 1 exposure. SATURDAY, ADDRESS OF THE STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. To Hie Pcnmnitt'e Conservative of North Carolina : IVfy The C invention of your party held ut Kaleijh, Ju e 1.'5, 1S7S, made the fob lowino nomiaatioiis : For tbe Stipre ne C uirt ; For Chief Justice William X It. Smith. For Associate 'Jo-iices Thomas S Ashe, John II. lbllard. For Jo Iocs nf the Superior Court t r of ttie i :h Juuicia District Jesse F (i raves. For the 8.h Judicial District Al- phonso (!. Averv. For the b' Judicial District James (). L liuiloer. Vi'e cotioraiiilate the p rly on the favor with which th.-st' iiouiiuiiti.ii si have bf en received. The nominees for the Superior C uirt are men of tiUnimueut in the pr.e', ssion of the law, and have the confidence in d esteem of nil who keow them, while the nu'fes of S nith, As'ie and Didtrd are, well known throughout the entire S. ite, and uic iu every scciiou regarded as the synonym of high professional lairning, and integrity of character. We pu sent with piitlij atid satisfac lion this ticket to the voters of North Carolina conscious that no woids of eul ;:y that ire inihl pi onou'ico could ttJ'l iiutjlit t ) the just ("i'.eeui with tvhicti J the peopl-: of the Statu already rci'trd these distinguished citizens. Their truest praise, is to be fo.i d in the fact, that s deserving am they of public li'iice, so pure and p-iles have been their lives so cumtietciit are they to discharge the imp Mtant duties of iho high i, likes, for which they have been iio.i.inati'd, that no iippo-iti ia has been nniiiiVsted to t hoi r election ; mid we are permitted to h pfi to it thev will be called to fid these exalted judicial stations by the unite 1 yoke of a whole people. H.-siilt s the Jados, we have ulso t i ele t i) 'lienors, county nliicers and nicuio s of the C "tieral A-.seinhly. Tneie is ni-ich reason to expect to it m:r success its to these oliiceis will bis more complete than ever b dure. The divisions ati.-l dissensions that prevail in cumin iu the. ranks ol the 1! tpu'.ilica i pirty s'l iuid iiiiion'.'l us to (i. tike t'jitraoruiii.iry ellorts lo secure the ascendancy of our party in eveiv county where it is pna-ible Ihroiighout th.! entire S'-ate. Eery Democrat shotihl see for himself that his name t ct'it-iinly on the registration biiks; mid the 1 1 j 1 1 comtnillcis nun should be luily and thnroii ''ilv org-m-iz-.-ii in every ImvnsHip. Steps lilnnild uetike, tii have evi ry man likely lo support our iioun.iees br-.u-dil up for regis. i tii in ; und then means niii-t he provided to carry every Conservative to the poll:. L I every mm consider him st It a co ii m tit eeijj.t ii to see ul! of our limtids are present at. the great roll call , f iheir party on the first day of August i ext. lo liiis coiinuctinu v.-c desite to call allenti mi to the. cluing s that luve been made in our election I iw by the full iw ii g pi 'vicious of the act latilied l'.'th it iv "I Much, I-! 7, being sccti ins 21 tool: Tb" j nlges nf el clioti at each pre en ct snail upptuit one of their number to aite- d the meeting of the Fnird of County ( anvasseis as a member of the ! iat-,1, and shall deliver ti I'.iul the ori-.Mnal reuirii st.reoioiit of the result of thi! electm '. I'tte Hnird of I'm. vass'-is They shall meet August ,". I. at ii o'cleck, at the Cunt House, and without delay proceed wilh. their Lusi in ss. The 1! Mir. I of'.ly C.iuvasseis (' inn v (' immissi iiiers, as copied iu the piiuted liw) shall mats on' mi I s gu tlnee abstracts of all the votes cist n.r Judges ami lor fs-dici-tar, one of which shall bo deliver, d to the S ietiif and one t i Ihe lii'gnUr ol Deeds, and one 1 1 be snt bv in n!, i i a registered letter to M j. J. A. F, -gel-li.nd, iSccictatv of Male, lldcigh, X. C We regret to hear of independent candid I'es in reiUin counttcs. Tbe tendeiicv of such iiinvcmei Is is nbvay 1 1 loose i the bonds whiih bind our party fiiends tegctiier and to destroy our party org-miz iii n. Tlmsi! ln sio k their pnsoeiil prnmoliou at the expense of their party friends endeavor t i excuse their defection by decrying p ntv crganiz ition. If the ergnti z ilion of iho pirly is not maintained, the pnty itself been, nes hinken up and dis appears. We triiut there are but lew men c.i'iling themselves Democrats who would willingly contribute to such a dt (durable end. The people of North t'aroliua and of the South cannot regard with satisfaction that nun who would sec'.! to impair the efficiency of the Democr.tlij party. It his within the pistfew years, even under the most adverse circumstances, accomplished too much good to be lightly cast usido by ur people. Il has icdeeincd North Carolina, re formed our defective Constitution, rescued our public Treasury from ihe sordid a- (I vicious :;nv.p of needy ad venturer", broltgh order out of polll'c il chmis, re-established iho power and dominion oT law, avti'.ed grave public dangers ;hat threatened l" engulf in in litiiiinit and iiisuncclioii. and settled society on a firm a d desirable basis, so that our our people live together in peace, hiinnony and liiendly leUlions. It hits checked the reckless rxtrava- nanco of our uatiunul government, cur-. JULY 27, 1878. tailed its an mal cxoeiuiituKS mu y millions ol Hollars ll has required a change; in national legislation in the hit; rests of ihe people, und rescued the (luveriiment from the baneful ii t! leiices of corporations and of those powerful capitalists who. during the lute war, pnyi-d ui n ti e nee ssities of the people, and uceuiini luted vast treasure ut the public ex pencp. Il lea fougl-.t a long und glori 'Us fight with political .'.'ulnls who in lln-ir mad fai.nticisu: had subverted the loo st.tutioii mid rented miiitaiy J i i : 1 1 1 , i r -shi; s noon the ruins oT t tir former State (lovenni.ents. It has driven the U "pub licai iiaity 1 1 abind on its illeg il and in bit'-.iry measures which oper it'-d so dis isti oiisly upon our Smthem iudus. tries and iniperiltcd our whole civihzi tie: , mid by its s mud principles and it; wise tiolicv nf cone. lintion has reslnied peace a d h union lo our distracted (itt 'pie. It has In ' ken t!;f chains of a mii'f-iry despntism loiced upon mir ii"Wii-troddell peoj-.le, mid Ins freed Southern Stnte b ti ,;". fi otn armed soldier i rostital., d bv the 1! 'pnliliCin ndininistrati.ui to illi r il mid lnisi; uses. Ii I: is lorccd the R:'tublicati to desist fioio their schemes of linn a id lo leave ihe S ittlu'rn Iree to vote for the men of their leaders tisurpi- people choice ucc rtling to the dictates of reason und of conscience. Ji it v.hil I'.r.n in decliiting the right, whtle persistent tin! 0 inslituii in should he ohsivetl, while (U ter.uiitie.l thai law and order aid in'ttce should pri v.n the D nine; atic party has ever lecognzed tnat o'.;r iovernuienl is founded nil the will of thu pe iple, a id that tin; will of the people under the ('.institution must he obeyed : it has neither employed nor in yoked force bui has Used only peecpfiil and coostitu inethoiis t iiccompliulied the e ids it had iu view. o I i fi :e, it has restored 1 1 its the Coin stituti in of our fatlieis; has re-established property in our great public liuilhoii-, and has rekindled a:i ardent patriotism in the hetuls of millions of our Southern people. With such a record, what Southern Democrat will strike a blow at tin; D.ui,cratii5 p.irty now on the eve of its complete triumph ! Il il'iy there bo, we appeal to the people t i give thi-iti no aid and comfort nt the (tolls. We appeal to our fiiet rls to remem ber what would have been our wretched destiny h id not the Dent icr.ilitf organ! r.ttion rescued us from the terrible fate which K'-piiblieaii fanaticw-n bad pre pared for our people, and we org'! Ihein to st-iitl stcudias'lv by that ijrga.-iiz itiou wh'cli has so Itt'ppy delivered our country from those great p ihlic evils that threatiMied I o ovel whei'ii us He sure that he who is imt with us is against us ; u-d he who arriving him self in the dark of nn Independent s'nkes his covert blow at "i:r pa'ly. is a more dunoerons foe than the open urn iiounci'd 11 'puhlic u', who lights fairly because he tl.tes not prctettd to be with us, nor of us. Stand bv our nominees ; hold up their bauds; tegi-ter and -te, and when lha sun go. s down on August 1st wo will have iiuled the enemy, horse, fo it and dragoons, nil along ihe line. l!y the C niiuintee, S. A. A;-ll l-:, J. J. Ll i'( lll itl'li, C.tiiiriiii'.ti. Secietarv. LITTLE MISS MlSSiOSARY. A Thin! Strict fir, says the 'Cincinnati Tini'-s' had lis lull quoin of p nfei is, and in it loll; d iiloti.:. e ,11 ving tl'i'-u liont t he e isf and c nil ii t-i "I li'inie to linsiut ss vi xat itiiis ol the da v, liu' two or I bn e had so t hi ,g to p , v. Tne e'i ,t ie'eri-i ie pel Ii hness ntnl m-eii niiiu'iie ilive ies nt in,. c;i ow d eroi.,ed out in i- ) ein-'a uiatinc;. t l'.U'it Stn-it ii bright link' girl, whose talk s'lll n i nine I I lie dial in nl childhood's i in nt i I'm-. I F.i:.;.Lh, cue" In o l he car. She Imd in In. r lind In quet. its beiiii' y .row ing in roiiti-is' wi.h I In: living In-sinv ot ils I in v i in r. W it It an e isv inoveieettl a genth in hi pl it-ml her on t liu it-it lit II to a o-ntleitian whoKe iuttut'st in Ins paftr n ndeted hint un(Vitscinii ol Ihe iiinbeiiii that was by h: side. With nn intuit h uk ut It: in ihe child ui'Vil InT caily bend be. twecii llie imper Hud In tare, mill smilling s-.Vfctly hild up tne I'tq let with Ihe inc sisti1'',- invitsti-i i. "I'lfuse -ni,.l in y (1 iw pis." No see in-l i.q-its' ws n-c led. I In da' ie i i ll m nhiirt'l Ilu: o loioin i 'sis wis ll).. gill .,1 ll), low ,. eltil.l lil. ll won ihe hear' ol ihe geotleuoi.i thus linn, nii'i, ii'e.i t viny one iu the cir ni-'cunwl I'd jel the i Inn e.iiiig s wci-t ue-s oftlie i. CI by ,g vim; ihe (Vill i il s uile l':ieif w.i- n mor- silT loin h me not, i I s i ti t ling i,, t he c ir niter I hat TI,-ehthl n llie laity ol gaoiiiKili lo inaku sll Inn 1 1 oj en. SMART BOY, 'Will sonny, whose pigs nr.-. th bo I" 'Old sow's sir." "Whose sow is it?" 1 01 1 man's, sir." "Well, Hit ll, w ho i your old msn ?" ' ll you'll in in.l '.hit (lies, I'll run home nn I ask I he old woman " "Never mind, ait.nv. I Want a sin.irt bm; what ( in you d i ' Oh 1 1 fin do m int than CMisnlenhle I cm milk tne geese, tidit Ihn tmkeys to wnier. hamstring the iruli"pper light bgnt lire lor fl cs lo court by, cut tin Initio is uff dad's coat wiieu ite is .t pray t ra kn'p tn. lv lor i ad and inaiii when they scold at a insik -old woman ia always am ml," "0 .t any brothers!" ' L it's ol '. in. all mined Dili, ex opt Bob Ins n nil' ' Sum. My name's Lory, but th'-v ch!I on! I.szy Liwrenee tor shot t nets." "We'd, you'ie mint too smut for me" "fiavel on old stiik iii-ihc-uiU'1, shaut biro you for u boss to-duj." "24. Spiokii-' Kyks The more you ptmiy into thin.'S, 'he mnre woiideii you wtl Had, even in things so inmil as the ey nf il iMinh-r. Kiiiht is lint u-iitl i.umbi'r u spider Imp. and in each branch ol the lam lly thry me iltlleienily iirraniei to mil Iheir way nl lil.', Tliosu which live in csve or ds i k Imli'ti, mi 1 need lo fco only bel'Mc them, have nil the evfs in a -.'roup on llie It hi-I n( the I, col. Spiders which live iu a web have Ihe eyes lui-ed, no that tie y c ,11 s e nil about them, mid iliose ol the I iiinlv wh;ch ti ivel nh -ut tin I hnnl their pr y, have tlieiu more se ittnre.l. Tin y me very lirmri ul, too, nn tcr a microtc-qie- like mum diamonds. ooking -toliahcd A woe no who lis I spent the girder pait ol the il iv in roini; to Miction mlef, eoiiel'.i.l.- I slie wnuid a'tiMitl -i-rvicei at a tasiiionalile i Inn eh in X -w Yol k, on her win- home. Wenicl mid Worn nut, the ?o-m In e'u'iii- bt. vioiis lo lie: surrounding, und nn'y aw ik i.c l l.y tite rustling ol the c ceo leg ,t ion ns I hey ai o.-e to reet ive t!'e htuie.lie ion. Se.-iin; tin- n.iiiistir's hand l a'se.i in the nir. : lie wsvcl her lundker iliiil ut liiin. und sail in a Hun, mid clmr yoii-e; "I'll liike the eieeu w n-Ii st n n . I , il you'll tlimw in the howl and pitehei." I a-n si ltu;iiv. ss'd a lilt'tt Kreneh pirl nn her -fveuth birdnlnv. Why sn? "On, tool iv 1 :ii sewn. My r.ns U-jjin lo i.-nunt.'' 'Heroine' is peilni.;s us piculiar a word as any in our laugn no ; ihn t wo lint lettcri nl it lite nolle, the three li'Kt lemu'o, Iho lour (list a tinive niati,iiiid tlio wholo W(rd a in ave '.vi nnui. '.I 'hu,' s u I a iniis'i-r to liin npprenticr, 'vol! iiiu-t oicupy my plnea while 1 am i'i-iii',' ' lit on k you, sir.' icplled John, 'but I'd rather shop with the bovs.' . rt . GQQ'3 GL07.Y SHKJIMQ II. JESUS. I Iluv, Ir. DeeniH, in 1,'ranli I.nnliu's Sun day .Magazine for July. "The licht of Iho knu wlodgn of the trlnrv ofliod in tbn Iu-o of Jo-us Christ." II Cor. iv. G. . If men have prejudices against God. the t.ervantj of (lod cunot expect to escape rtiisuiiderst.tudi rigs and con tumely. Thev befell Paul. No other man seems rcr to have givea ( proofs of his demlim) to what he cons 'tiered the truth and the in terests uf the races than iii.ltlji man Paul. No one semis less a self-sctkcr, less craft v, 'ess intent on promoting his per sonal ease, emolument und lame. And yet through the whole of his Apostolate, he was misutidrrsim tl, inisioprfsented, maligned, mid perscciiied He was charged with dishonesty, with handling ihe Wind id' God deceitfully, with fail ing to preach the (iospel frankly and faithfully. Iut, he l iinti'd not." nml thc'cin is an example In all his l-nthren e alter limes, who must ciiduie tbe sunns disrip. ss. he cm nc-tly iritested ii:oiiiist such nrs'i-pre-i' tiiinn. lie did not seek his own ; he sought llie glcly ol lue I, ml. lie Jul not ,ie cive bis hesr fit: lie "used L'l cat i'ii niii-s, uureserT'(l" ne-!' ol ' upeech.'' n:i he sai s in the pieced ii,o ch.iptcr. He (1 nl not pl iy the priest, mi i ti v hick mid names to the list nl llie p't.'i s-ors of Chi i.slinnit v ; ho ronitiie tiled h'ocsell to every man's lon-ctcnee in the sight ol Go l, ile did not ti ck lo lor i it over nii'ii's cm scietnns. but consideicd himseli the "slavt " nl fdhi'is, humbling hiinsi ll In a siivile r-it inn, co that Iu might p i) note the sp unl ol the Uospel for lie: good ol nun and lor the gloiy ol Cod. D. then, men could pre Iho glory ol tiod in ,1,-sns, tbn fault wait no longer in the (iospel mir in the preacher, but in the he. tcr; the vail was on the bearer's Ik art. ai)vkuit;;:.:m:i r. VTATL'RIO'S LN XOULiE'.sT KKMUpy I liKHKiinil AUIMJi I It' N Si-UISdS WATKll AMI mass. "l'llieient, for Uiseisos,1' Dr. Car t ini'ton nf Va. "Specific iu Skin disease.!," ilr. Allen of N. C. 'l'neiiialod for Scrofulous atVtetioii." Dr. Walker ol Va. "1'i Miipt and bcnetleial a ati nllera- live.'' I'ron Duti'Mii, D. D., Into Prest, .kiiitliilnii Maeon 1 'ollej "Iteiiivi itaiine i n I ( rsons wotn with toil an I c ue. Dr. Ii lies of V.l. ''Invaluable IV .NeiiraluU." Ur. Harri sun, N. Y. "Kejtulite the Secretive- Org ins i)r. n' i. " Purifies tne ltloci'' Dr. Liingborne, Va. "Sneeessful in Dypepsh," I'rol. Jack sop. t. in ,', ol I 1. "ilas iioeiU il for C'Uills" itov. Kllison V ll , ,1s, ut, Va. "Excellent I' iiie and Ditiretiu" Med Ass-,. ,. V.l. I.'b'i.- 'I'nsurpnssi d tor disennes peenljiir to W-onaii."J 'hit P. Meltoiiui, M. 1). 1,. 1 D. of Vircinia. vVi-ll adapted in Ulcerative uffec- llons. 1 - rrot. At i ii nniii, .'.l. II, V a. " 's o.iti ha. n a e. i I 'i' range of tiscfu ,.:., ".-Vn. Ni'd. Montlilv. ' Very valuable for Stomach, Liver, Kiknt'V and How els." lion. Lnndon ' tr.ieus. Va, Powerful Nulurji! Riunody." Prof, liaiilin, V. M. I. Pi;li'l'.S:-Wvri:it. ?l cm ov no, OAI... llolTl.m; ?! I'oR 0 ii A I.., HKMIJOIIN at) i'kn r run hai.i.on. M -SS :--.() CKST A NO fl niTTI.U, f2 fit) AMI S.'i IIAI.P I'.'Z iN i tf"i AMI Jill DOZKM .sunt io-lpanl. l.iiuual terms iiroperlv cr itled to whole sale mid ii'tatl dialers. Analyst anil d irCeli-m w ith e. it'll luieknci). Kull pronl of al elnimeil sent tree noon nppiieitloit Sainple supi'ly free to physicians desiring lo test. TlirM! rh trmiiig Spi-lncs are opnu for visitors ami iuva ids the year round from and niter June 1st, l.sVS. Hoard :ta i month; SslOa week, fl.Tnl a day, Cnnvpv nnees daily from l.ynehburg to Springs, 1'J, miles ilNiant, nynr plea uut mads through pictures, pio eoinitrv, coiiiitvliiin with All the trains. Itonnd trip tickets I'm in all point SoulU nni Xnrtli at re duced rates, IliiildiniiH all new or thor oiiiihlv rclltled. Kuro an I nceommodstioim first-class. SUiltuI residnnt pliyu'elan. A. M. DA VI KS, I'rest. It. A. A I. Springs Co., Dynohliurir, Va. Sold ky A. H. iJLLlCOi' FKU' UltO. Weldon, N.C. JltllO I' Ul. NO. 1 1 Ii Oil -jo on an i o oo 40 oo (it) 00 ' nm S'juai , Two riiatv, Th roe iiiiarei, h'onr SrjuHrest, Kourth Col'n, Half 'nl ii in n , 'Vlioic c, luinii, a no I s nn I JO I ii 30 t'i 40 in 4C rj'l 60 ( 0 fir. ot 75 l t in no H no 11 no in on is (Pi 13 on i "(i on on j .'io no Olio Ycnr, ADVEirriSHMENTS. I' A I X T i; it s OIUN Wantot! in every seetlon of tlio tTnlled States and Provineos to aiiHwors this ad vortUnmont. A'tdrns, uanikIj k. itKAT'ry , . W a-lunuton, N. J. 1)0". ltf HAIMMNKNSOK MISKUy, IH TlTl'' iUKSI'lON Ilr. W. 10. iliiyt of :'i yours bili'Oimnful pr aeliett (.'iiarmlees sp.tedv mi l pi rmnnei i euro 'I' nil I'li.-mie, ,-'ero u I hi, 1'iivalc, Sypbililie mnl I'eiinili' 1 )i-. ii-1"., hperina terrlio, i, or Hi'lLaloisu nl lits Metlical Jn Mituli , A i; an A- Clitotev lib ok. impoHii,, ho I'll v Hall Park, S, raen-e, N. y. Mfd leiiiosnlit to nil pm I M ol Hit. I', S. nio I'aiiHila. Iion't be tleeeivitl ,y ndvertis. iin.'(iiaeks w ho Mining our Imo cities, imt eoiiHiilt I r, I i, i or muni for eirculai trnatiiiir on his i.,L,ei,nt u n pi his l, C. Itox iiT'l. LAIiIIM. Mv Kieat litpiid French limnody. A MIK DM I'XMMK, or famuli-. I'Viend, is iiniiilin iu ihn cure of all paln Inl and da'i;reroiis tlisrasest i-f your sex. It inodurite all exe, und brlnV's on tb iiinnmly period w ith regularity. In all net vm, and spintil nH'oetioiis, pa'ins in I he. back or limb, lieavinoH, liiliguo on nxuitioii, paipi'ation of the heart, lowness ofsnirit, hvstei i s, nick biadnebe, whites, and ail pair iui diso'iHi' oeeasioned by a disordered system, it effoets a euro wlim: nil oilier means fail. I'riee ?g,(i() per Bot tle, sent by mail. Dr. IV. :, Hoy t, Box ti'ii. Si raeuse, X. V, Nov 2j 1 v. g C U O O L T 10 A C il K R 8 You cm easily liicreum your salary by by (Invoting u very hiiiiiII portion of your leisure tiipe to my inteiel. 1 do not ex- i i" (-invass lor my celebrated Ifoattv'H I'innna und Orirans unless von eo Id to: but the servieii I remiirn nf v..n ill both pleiivaiit and protimhlo. Fui: purtieulai'n Iree. Address, DAXIKI, V. UK ATT Y, Wasliingtoii, N. J. MOUNT ;;ll3. HOCKY MOUNT, N. C. January 1st, 1878. Wc are now prepared to furnish tj.-i ttade with S1IEETING3, BIIIUTLNaa, TLOW LINES and COTTO?!.! YARNS, nil of the best (jttalily and at low prices,. our tcrniii strictly net cash, JO das. Address BATTLE & SON, Kooky Mount, N. C. 1S7S7 'an 2(1 a 1S7S. C L o T II I N G I SPRIXO AND SITMMKR STTLES .Tust Rki'kivkh At N u a Ii Walker A C o ' s Xo li!)Syeamoro Street, ITXIC T) H KSS SUITS, 1'I NK HtiS!NF?S SUITS, HOYS' AND YOUTH'S Cf.OTHINO, A full lino of nil grnd.i of Keady-Made ClotbiitK lor Hoy's, Youth's, anil Men, from throe year old up ut pliees to suit the times. Wo keep nil thu latest nlylos of Gents' Kurnishioy: (funds on hand. Samples mi hand. Clothing; and Shirts made to order ut tir Baltimore bouse at short untied, ut Itiiltiiitoi'o prices, PloasiS Kivo u.s a e. '.11 iinforo litiving. NO All WAI.IviOit A CO. n:t svcvJJsHa: stiu:kt, l'olersiMirj;, 'a. ALKX. K. SHORT, ) Agents, J.OKO. WILKINSON, J ROiiER ATKINSON -Salesman. Oct S-l Y KTAl.LIC HUlilAL CASEM fOH SALK Persons wibhioir M'-laUm Burial Cases can always oblaiii tiiinn by applying to me, at the Store of Messrs. Wiiitield it Kmry. I iM-.i still keeping, us boi'ittoloi e, lull as "i rtmeiit of the Very It 'st CAKS, at tho Very Low vst Prices, in my shseneo fiont vVohlou, Mnssrs, Winlield t Kmry wil; deliver Cases to persons who may wish tiium, JAM ICS SIMMONS, Weldon, X. 0, upr 4 1 Q mil 10 U N D K it SKIN I-: D VERY L ru.sinctfully eulls the attention of tlio trade n his extensive stock of ilomestio and imported liquors, lo which ho ia still making additions ui.d conuistiiiK of PUro BVK AND KHl lCnoX WllIKKIE.v Kreneh, Apple, Blackberry and Cherry llrandius, Jamaica and Ney- England Run: London, Tom Rod Hc.llai.i llin, Port. Sherry, Claret, Rhine and Ji .ve-year-old Wino. Scotch and London Porter, and a vcay largo lot of RECTIFIED WHISKEY which I am ottering nt prices that caunc t fall to aire satisfaction. S. W. SKLDNER, Ag:t. aprlltira illH'ounoKe bquar, SPACE if t ti j