n THE roanokf: NEu'S ( s.vil':id.y. Ai(;rsr :t, i- 'I'm letter of our corespondent rt.ixl.: nui'liinn tl:it ll LS alUII'lired since th. dam "f .!, i,,.. and while full of B-iliJ sense nil! be. found rather a itusing ti real. ! : (OMIM. fr'll'.t. We refer our readers tn the letter from the Farmer and Mechanic published elsewhere. It j;ivei a brief ont'iii.e ol the CJtra .lUrnc'ioi vv'iich will in ike tin; li'Xt fair uf tin; II cm .ke mid Tar 11 vcr Agiicilltur ti S ic'ety the most s iccesslnl ever held under thu aiisjiec e i f tli it wgin'r. t'.iou. We desire lion mr lo call the attention uf the people a bill.' nine fully to these, ii'tr.u-ti hh thm is u me in the letter ref rre l 1 1. The atlrac. i in f n the (1st diy is a F'.pcnn sli.ii't. T i the successful shot a fiaU brecc'..-1'ia lit o join mill be minded Ami tlio reputati in lor in uiWn inship ! ready nil liiii d by tin; e.Mitlcinc.1 h lnive cnlcic.l loi this contest m il s it ceitain lb tt the til m w!i i carries nil the i.r.e tuns, make a clean score. ,, , , , . lur the next d iy we have a R''h1 Military display ni.il coinpetitiie dull "I volunteer mi'.i'ary companies loi u flag and target sho .tirg lor a g'1,1 medal. And Fiidiy, the last day iliy of the Fair, bttngs us i tie ininniniem ever nnruie aim nnn (abre, to t'ie victor in which, beids ... . , 1 1 .i the usual piiih-e uf ch ."sin a qi.v.i id' hue nnd beauty from the mvtiad uf fa tn.ULtei.s in aiteioiance ni.i ue guen. au:.e tl..,roughbred h .rse. Tnisis an entirely I'ovel fi atme in fair pr.'gr mi.iies l ud we s'mll be di-app tinted il it d ies l.ot attract a very larg.; crad. ' W li.nd.liii.tnt the m'.r.i features l , . , i so i ins neroin. I no lust let in is ex- interest thin cnumcutc I wi have every ; . , , t , , ill uis'eil ma VI o ent sfrngltf hetwenii reason t hope that too regular features . ("eik, (' unt and S .licit ir, as t win tvill be fouutl much moro io'cresting had a p itent-right f r ru'u.ing the ma I'l in r..rmcily. A'realy wa lei-rt Ir on ! chine. At the end of the week it was a ... i- ,, ! i , drawn battle. M inv however of the hn larui'MS in tlie nc go ) u'l old t i it ; . , , ' ' ureverent s nt asserted tint the Ciei t. . a ....!- i i . .1 i. ",!!"""" J " the agricultural (xhibit nil tint c in le ilosiie.-! i d .1;.' i i the n a-ners id . . , .. , , , isi stables ol race-hoi es hue promised 1 U Oiiug f.eir Ii irsea Here. A . "i;r:i. sf'.M Mof tin; Richmond . ,, , uoiiu I'. -ii l i w o or- i" io.il ii.iiii.i i ' " 'I : Irom W. l ! in speaks as follows : It is i xpectel that a inimbiT of iner chants Irom this vicinity will nccomp my I the ex'-iirsionists to your city Auitust fitli. There is but little doubt that, . .1 . .1.111. ..I. won proper en ok, uie uaiii in uie uaue of this sictinn can be uecutej for ll'Chiiioiid. To this rem nk w.' d-'sire to csoress .ur hearty approval. 11 prop.'r cd'uts the bulk of the tia f; of this section Can be secured for I', corn old, and our opinion now isthit not much of an el fort will he nee led. The ereat, il :li cultv. which Ins ..-..ofo S'. 1,1.1 in ,i r ,i .1 : cases. A .1 n:is.vei e , an I inv surprise 1 the wat of th.s c nisunim iti on hls,r . , . ... on. pi is. , lor I rime tr.eie Ii eooi-ier i ,n ..nil...1 ... II ,.( .!, i "''" "'" ") l" I '- n i management id t .e . ter. )irg road in th.' n in Is Is of ,j i.iy, nhosc i wise f.resig'i! m iy lie r I ed on to g:c nil possibl.' arsis' p ee t i vi pn'e-prise. which must Co b-'ii":i t-t the corp.iri'.i in ntcr !i -se desti-iics he pre,i Ies si l'ii:Vu"y an 1 intelligcntli , : no t!i it tip; only tin g - - t It toe K ch n.oiid inerch nils to d , is t i let th.e ad tautag. s ol their ivy be known and slum- ; to tlie piirchasris of this I caiity tliat ' they may git as g iod bargiii:, in ! r.c chruoiid as c. sen here. II IW this shall be broudit nbiu', whether by Hiu n His or bv a lvei '.iseruer.t in the! local papers, delic icy fnbi.ls us to nd- vise. Tii'. it ui i y It ; d irie, w.i nie ceit lin, an I we are i icloi" I ti IHurve that the trade now given to other cities, which c nil 1 he diei t'd t Ilchiiia.l, wnull all veiy c nisi I r iS!y ti the iruspi;iity of th it p' i:'e . Till", ll.itish iiuterly Keview for July Ins been re;) ihlislie i by the l.Miiard ': '!t I'lhl.shoig rimpviv, II liircl.iv Street, N '.y Vok. The I'd- j lo ing is a su nil irv of t'l c m'o its : i 1 "Taiirc's I'.olos o,!w nf Art.' ' T... ,!.,, ... ,.,!. , I was prnpi'i Iv served bv Ilio sheiid, willi 1..1. Itnl 1. . ..... , 1, .1.,. .,..,,. 9 l,.r..i. . . , . ' ; the time and pi ,ce I or diawing the iurv woiksou the l.iilosophy and lie il of j designated. The C mr,,, ;.r,.r, held Art ii Italy, 'lieece, and the I, tw-l'ottti- j their C .nit open t.vo diys at a consilir tries, ex inline l.is d di lili on. and able expense to 1 1, c county, waiting tlie i.n..l,seshi, ace mot ol till! soikiogs of J Pfs-nce "I the S d.eitor b ,!,d not . . . . 'Come. On I'hiirsiay of this term the the physical, intellectual, nnd social pi ; , . , , . ; . . , , ' ' 1 i deltoid mis ajam demanded U trial The Cjharitics t. which it is due. j State sigmfied its r.adu.ess. The Solic- 2. "H.hics of F.'o'.ulion." ihsCU .sCs ! i i then nu tcd that the defend nils be at creat Ic ir-th llerbcit S eii':ui' c in- I ,r;J senirately, nliigii'g that tlie tie- caption or F.,it, a, f tin oiigiu and ... ... nature ol conscience, and paints out its 1 i icmsista-tey wilh other poui ms ' I that writer's soci .logical theme. 5. "15 an Waller l'roc ci ." A pleasant sketch cf tho liCe of one better . , . . i. ,, known by In pseu lonvru 1. ui y ( iru- J I 1 nail. 4. "The Russian and T.nl.Vi wr.r " fi. ''Future I'linisli jicnt." li murks the recent chiii'.' uf sentiment am profsvcd bciii.vers in relation tn the Subject of the eternity of future punish meut, and cuuteuds that the am'ubla dream of thrf rnirsalists are out of kjct'"g wl1'' ln0 faC!! "f txper'eiico as well M "vh tho pri .ciplit of Uevela- llou, G. ' IIiffNt History of the Huriult IJ icstion." Epitomizey the recent history nf this q'icir.i.in, an J urges lli.it 1 tlic burial of ilio dead should be a .mii- tirv, nut mi ecclesiastical mit'.cr. i i. "I tin Liter Greek Nition" I',-- ! ,iCWS V",h' 11 ,st"r' "f (J M- Thit article is milieu by III. A. lieeman the historian. H. "riieCingreg-iti.iii.il V ic v ofU ligioiu (' in m u ii ii i ." '.I "I' niti'tnp irary 1,'ter it ire." The ieii i licils icprintel by The Leonard Se.otl l'ublUhi'1,1 (' i 'II Ilir. clay S-.reet, N. Y ) are as folio, : Tne Komi in larlerlv, H linbiirg. West iiiu. ' ster, and It ilith nrtcrly l!ovicw, nn.l ' 15 actum o I's M lo.iziun. Itice, l a j ycir f ,r anv nae, or only l j'u all, and the p is' io is pnipYi I bjr the I'.ib- hshcri. - (i '. ri I'siioiitlcn.'e .ii N..w-. Ol .t I t Litio.t -;t T. Si i'IUMI Nlah, (' , ) August 1 i, b7, i) If th it chiirniino Ii ir history is to be hclieved, a eerliio 1 1 itch admiral mice Hie I iii t'lu I h 1'iie-, with a ne K mill 1 '-'liled t i Ins in iin i?i i t fi-r ifi ensn, ! Y'll Ihcrcby li, ,t he would steep j IMnos clean. ,i I i the nro-iu Z ition ol ,,ur lull ,m. (. 1U, p,iCy i w.n ad ip'ed. Hi' alls I -r the Dutch- m in. A! is I ir the ( sailed h iek with the V, . ijrt. 1 lie one 4 i islt i;ii s t'ui n otlier, is d.ing (lering in Ins re ir t!i Mill .1 I I ti i - 'I it loriiier nil'' is a fail. . E : . . r , , ; t 1 1', I Id (' i ... . . . . .. ; me. I ne i j cliu II , loi w ii c1', i; was ! i np' S 'd utioo the tix-;i iters, cuivic'iiig t''p ' f",i:tv ' "'".his "oust" 'id I . a 'i noli; lav in a il, prop ise in a few i lines to nreerve s one i Mi'inents u Its : s,,llt ljiiliit histoiy. . If i vii been a tales j irr at several of i:s ter ns, ari l w I'chi ig ;ls d lin.'s with souii-;hi.ig f ciri m'i"ss. j cUi.n the j ,i-ht stJ,';lli c I I II .1 . I i .n iniugs runs, nave a oegtuning anj . had won. ., ,1,.,,.. brow s.t. soiili,,,- I ' ti iurnph e as short-lived, the second heat ' ls ' "' "''ich f or his mett'e and sit he ! "suuelched earlv in the w ! . 1 r . , . ,. ; the fi 'id to tliecther c n est: eek ,..IV;, ' ' tints- who did 1 ,1,.1ul tnull, fl. Ue l,,,,.,.,-,.,, 1 At this stage brighter iMds and greener J pastures Inr lame nper ed iipon the eo- . t r i L. i- - , , rantiire.l c aze n he o hei or nn.l U l.. abmd ined the contest, leavi ig the Court in ii disputed ii issessio'i, these pas'mes being four hills of indictment ng limit the County C imrnisM uiers. All of whlel. I id .',.! I, , I ...... i - i l"v " '-' "'" u'" .. . . . . ... noes not necessarily me in, in tins i. iur that the p.mies will be convi te.l, in the sequel will prove. I s iv this paren thetic al'y as a matter id history. Th'S lu i es i.s dowii to the thud term of the C out, when c intrary t i all exoec t a'i in these stupid Coiiun issioners de manded a speedy tiiil This unreas ui. able 1 . t ? , Miami was relu-cd fro n d iy to i day llMil Sitir.ltv, the list diy of the I term, when the S iliotnr called up their1 I . ' 1 . dogs, nil I the surpiisn of inkers on may be better imagined than cxprcs-ed when, iu-teid of (i ting on the bill '. that , the j were set I t trial d nmg the term licit -r With the oermission nf.l.o I' ..... i "111 first h id and nbt lined, read one of four ) new hills, 'iicsh Irom the bands of the iiand .1 n y i made a long speech, in which he il. veil up in the p annuity nf the r; i i.e. char - ".I asked the C out ; I i bmd defendants over on the new bills ; I with :ii'. further atli I ivil or alle .i'lor. i'.-.,. I c, ;1i,.d i l.isspeich. This umtj ., unheal d of in an America a C iu:t ol j is. j Ilc''. s ' ' hive been iritorned by I iwyer. i the defend int- coil: s d s d eirnestly old -cted I to, C iptain ly ch iract'Tz ug the ord. r as sin idling nl ihi1 K issi m ; . n ;ln, ,,( of n.-uiocr i'ic i is.ice. It ,t tlx; Cmiiie was reel, oiing wi'liout his host and had to an ol .g z I r such an enthusiast c protest, firs list 'cune wis loo much for a II i. ifax roiii.H man's notions of fair p!av, and 'he delendarits gave their bind, wi'li g .o, llonoeritic nines there. in, with lot leaving tne (' nut house. u,v of the In slanders lem liking that his pr..ce. .ii g w :s a travesty on justice. The S d color then b nteij himsell h one, and the com t adj uir m d . This Iniugs us. lo the fourth tint of l be I' mrt at which term the S ilieii,,r lm,l pro nis. .( titrytht; C iiuuiissiouers, il notill nl. si that he could In present " 'l,,M1 llu' j " ' ' llr J " The notice ! f''l"l,-;'' "'d I b ive too many challenges ; il theji were tiied iointlv. Il is said thai i . ,, J . I I n in is on'.. nog pew under t ic ni, bat 1 . am i '.f.ruied by members of the bar that thus is a new rets oi f.,r a in .ti m lu .ever ; I however noveiiici are n.ithiu;; new in ! U l1' s 1 ,st '''"' w" ''" inm.li ol the new tiro.nn, thu sweep wis , . . , . , . , . , , loo l lcae. Uie I .oiiL 1. ol lo reins nit, I the tiial benun. Thu Solicitor afcr n iiiiiiiinf ..ne witness ar.ise in his place a-d said : "Iciii c .t to verdict of nut uuilt) ." The to xt three case he in.l prosscd. The fil'ilt, with three ihiin- deriog counts, we. t to the j iry. Under ! the cbari! 111 the lourt.two oTthe cnunis went to the dos, b. C uise there was a fatal tarialiun kslveeil the allegation and tl- proof, u the Uwyerti called il. I don't know what th if means, hut that ii what they said. 0.1 thu thinj jcharge thejnrj hung. " ' So Mr. K liter a'ter nil this flourish uf triiinpi'ts, nnd me n! months uf uiiiioiis suspense, .ill the people liave gut is fl'e smashed up bjls nf indictment and g into liumlreds of d dlars by nay of bills of C isl, and the premise i f other lumdredii I) pay on the other bill', when the same shall be sol jected to the crtici il eyes of I My a d .I' D. Monre. Verily tin New li.onni" siveejiet') clean. What I picked up and here offer yoii wrc frn. inents of hist r le't after the bronin was wearing apace. A round invar nished ti'e I have told tho people of th is k' nintv. I have i xtenti ilod nothing and put down nothing in malice. As a plain blunt ruin I have sp 'ken plain liu'hs, gml now in all cand t I ask If the I ile rior Com I is not an abominable failure, X. I1 S' Si en nrilinj the nit ve I have leaMied that (' d. C'.uk. one uf the ('unit had mitten out till resignation nt the list term .di.'iiled, I suppose, but win deterred from h anding it in by his friends. I wonder if it's !) tp ( Ol.. .1. It. .(tl.l 1( (H I l it. ' Honor to wlimn honor is due." The geiitleinin whose n iuie heads this article ih sprves and is I'minenlW ei titled t the thai ks of evcrv good l 'funeral of II J c.,lvAy, Sure the I! 'coi.s'ructi n A nei dineuts r;i i; ad ipted, no crulid .to in this county lias ever before inadit "i brilliant a campaign, r rendered to the cause of J ) on icracy such valuable ser vices. Star: inn on the cuirass only a few d its before the election unaided ned a! e, witl.o it a doll ns a.-s'stance frtn any one, with a Iiidical mnjnity of lentv-to liinol'i'd v ites staring hint in the lave, "it'i d'sorg in ziti in existing III the r.n.ks of l,:s own put?, with d Mill'. and misgivings expressed by many "f tils mi p iliti. al Ir moils i.s to tin; (' (leiliciiev .ii li s c ol e ; slid in s.iit ol ii,c ,! . ...n;.,.. ; . n... r...... ,.c ....i. cour aging circu i s ri'ices, h.i h is by his own indoiiii: ible w.l', t ic', t .leuts and persi-v. r t ice reluel and cut tlmn the IJ i lic.l m tj r:tv over a tliousan I v .Ies in I cle n 'y demonstrated the f ict that had he entered the field ten days s inner his eli-cti i'i would have been certain and lla'il is county would hive been rcprcr snnted in the S 'nate nf thu next I.egis, hture by an able, reliable and patriotic S "ml "r i i :h"pr-rsiu of V. d Jerome H. '. d' co.r r, I.et us ihen romember his services and cheerfully accord th.) need of praise s j istly due him and when so gillantak ight again enters tho politi cal arena, let us rally to his standard ami co-ipprrale with bi n in his nuble "t to redeem Ins c unity Irom li idi- . i . i. .i i . ... i . i . if la,;,l'i "t ami inisruio. y. teliloii .'lurkelit. Ul POIvTKD !T It. P. PPIKIta. Wl.l.IlilN, AllRllst I7. (,,'ion-r,owjt MkI'IIiiih; l-'air, K)e, Mill llin-"! ; !.ow Middling U.-i Oou.i Onlinarv si : Stained S. Ba. i-hil"kn I sides p ; smoked !a ; bulk Klioiil.lni'H he; Inilk inles shoulders ,r.'..nl e ( snyassed haiim .!, i 'ion 7'' per luishel, l.ard rje. K. ur-family in barrels KiS.ftO; Extra 7.Uii.i7.7,,; Super o.ni miaul. sinz.ir -'A' I ;te; 'li' JJxtr 'C 10o 'C Y' II iiv Ilrown suKar He. ('".')".' Kio lil-jiJlle; l.iinuayra 'I'liCXv. S runs (' iiiioi in liVatilii; Su,4r hoiuo Vii7"i'' per L'ali hi. Na;ls-:i.o."i i:t.,"ill per ke-. ' '' P ' '' -'i I !.' llli.) IIT hllilK. , i,..,n a ..!... ........ .... i..-.-i i i . , .. .Vulei'sr. ' 's"ml" rn Apples S .Vl.i4.liO. !t"t'SV:t .'l..:,r '.v, i'.iIiU rtninsmn Ort i c,.is. l .. , I so .... j ..,. 1... o.i ..., I I-. ....I.. SI . 1..... 1 ",, m"1"11"' r " r- , i osiim -a ae 'ori inj- In mm t I in lies. - A l en inrin.'. 1'nls et s ner Hi! t'l e X . 1---J0 eents per pound ; eo n. N"' ' '"''ills. ..":". ' " ''." ' ! salte.l dry, S.,10 f.'u . ,.r..i. '111 ..n.,1 Sole l.eiUiei N Ita itii aemts . conil l.i'i.aae I No 'J, i;'n:ij eents per pitum). Koss Os uno.-r- 'iii emits pi.r pound. Ilorrin- il .His;, in p,.r )lrrB, I 'all.- ies, tie-i I. rands from it to 8 eta, Whi'e e'oths lour iian rs heavy S et.s, M-. 1 1 1 1 . i I vi.le i!J. Whili. Iiniiiua o NF.W A 1 1 T'. 1 1 T I S I " M K, N T S . j c r. a v 1 1-; vi' ii o t K i;; I'.K.M'FOUT, N. C. tMF.O. W. l lltKLOI'TI', r h o p r i k T o v , i I.a'e Proprietor Aliantie House,) WAS i)l',:EI Knit TIIK KKCKI'TIOX ) tiUKvrsox ,m a y 1st, is;s. "1 he almve Hulel is situated iinmeilialelv on thu water trout, iii llm IniMiiess eentr'e of the low ii. nn.l o('-rs special iiiiiiweinent.s to eomm-ri'ial triyel rs and hs a view Irom iis proinenadu mi (he roof niisnr. p.fsnl l.y any o!lei hmhlinn ill tin. town, It l I.I, UOOM. This llot.M liits a spl&inlid 15 ill Knoiu at! n he. and a Itiud ol Music has buun enj-and lor the eiitirn seison, it nu(; hoi st'.s. CommodioiiH Ha'liini: Houses have been ereel "l on shorn nnd li a' h, lor tliu benclil .0 patrons lit 1 ti 1-4 Unlet. ( itoqi i;r iitoi ,l4. I'or th.) who 1 xl i Ii t ill Innoeciil niiiusi men!, provision has been wado, itoir.t. I'lst-ssitioi and vllnianued ISoats will be in readiness at nil hours to convey pa-tang. no about ttin lisrbor, and will eoni o -t wilb all trains. The United Slates Mai; li nt lauds and sails from Ibo IJotel w liai' I. FISIIIVCi. So-ufort olT.rs superior a.lvaotaizes U 111 ise 11I111 ilrli-lit in uilchini the fun;;' tribe. Tin: rtju.i: wtl. alwavH In furtiislind with ttia best Ibis and Ibo adjoining market alt" 11 'W. IIO I I.I, I Si Sl.( lM TO OM., Tne Servants will bo re(iiira.l to bo p lit and alt. nlive. liUU Tl( i no Altl. Iloar.1 1 or day ... - $1 .'0 11 md per iiioutli t i0 00, Juun J'i if. itlOIONSKOKO F KM ALIO COLLKOIO. Terms Urdu. d Iv Nwil tho Time. The I', h session will begin 011 Wednes day 2Mb of August. hnrgew I'vr Session nfiH Vebs. B.mI. (..xelusive of wsshiivj Rn.l liirlitn.) vt.nn, raiU.ij in full l',uirllsli c-ourse, (iil'VI Kilm Sludios lilinliT ile. For partictpars jpplv fot cilslo(nie to T. M. JO NFS, 1' r e i il e n I, July 0 -no. At)VKitrisi;.i;:NTS. T A Hit KN ION MAI.K ACA It HM V, FA I At HKSSKlN opon MniKlaj, July BDIIi, IS7H, And roiiliuues Twenty weekx. Total Kxpenxtx, - - f7." to $s5, Terms Half the ahove reipiirx l in ad wmee, l' e tinlanre Novenilier 1st. bTS. No c xtia eli uifes, J'uiiils nlmnju l from dateot entry to elose of i.eioii. Ad.lre-x, JitltX ''KAIUM, I'l nieiiml ; or llr. Sol. (i. Ward, Chairman of il iar.1 of Tiustee. J"'' " XTOTICK, SAI,!-: t)K I, AM) Klllt a TAX lis. On Mon.l v (he "ith .lav of August IS7S, I will Ki ll o' tlie hiuhn-l I'i'l'ler foremli at Ilio Coin li'oisB d oor in Halilax tow n nil lli ritfltt title and Interpol of It. K. Itniw.'ll in and to H eerlnin trant of hu ll Iviittf in H il i la x e ui'ilt , I'almyri Town Nliip. 'I'll ' s u I sale is to HitNfy Htale anil eoiinlv ta.ieMilii" lor the t ear of 1S77. 1,. K. 1-AltKIN, Sh.ir. IVr A. II. 1II1.I, It. M. dune '20 t il b. BURN HAM'S mmm. WARRANTED BEST & CHEAPEST. Also, MILUN3 MACHINERY. rr.ICEiJIlEDUCLD APB. 20, '78. r.uiil.:oUJ;cc. linii :, Voim, l' .Iilni' 8 Ii III, p i; it c I, I, il u I' s K , OHIO Mi. V A. ,1. IJ- J) A V I S . PROPRIETOR, n A t i; s , ? 5.0.1, ja..Vi, and ?,'."0 p-r Day, Ace.or.liiiB to I.iuMtion, July ly. rjlllK ItlMillAM .M.'IIUOl,, Mehnneville, X, C , "nrpasses all other similar Sehnnl in the .South; 1st, in )rej I'd, in the I'h ir.ie.ter ol its liuihlinirs, lid, in n ii in ' or; 4ih, in nrei of pairoiiaire; nth, in alulily lo provnlo i.rohtalilo employ inent for ill irolieient pupils; and li'li, while other expenses ale rathnr liclow the averau", this Xorth Carolina Su'i. ml coin. inaniN s oil"" I. al higher tuilinu fees than any oilier iio-lit.itinn nf leaiiiini; of any lira.le, or iiiaies, in (hi) Southern Slatfta, These I'aets uiaKu other lostimoiiials nil? nefo-sary, .loneL".ll in. N T 1 C li Under and by virtue of a nei-lain mort (jar;o deed mail.) to us hy K. S. I'inren i"d wilu, ami .Inly reeorded in tlio oliiee of the K.'L'isler of Dee.lH. in and tor Ibo eonniy of II ilil.i , w will on Monday Din .2nd day .it Julv i"s7& expose to pui.lio nalii at theCoiirt House door in Halifax town all the null! title and interest of said K. S. I'loree in ami to the estate of It. li. t ierce. Terms nf sale cash. WIS'KIKLI) A KMKV. Miv t!.Vf. A C A H K !' U I. M A X ALWAYS C A li HI K S vnpf rli'j or n nura nee AliAIXSr A C C 1 1) E N T S VHP CAM s-Kt'prtH oxk I TIIK Moifii i. i in; im itAXt i. ((), OF M01!J,r,, ALA. TWKXTV-l-TVK CKNTsI Will Insure Ymi Asinst Aeeilents for One Day In the sum of TI1KKE TIIol'SAXIl It'U.I.AItS in Ilio ev.int of Iiealli, Or JI.. I'Klt wiciois ixitKMxrry fo.- )isril)liii Injuries. H A T F S-Onn Day . - 2o Oents Two Uays ..51 Cents p'ivi. 1) ivs ... jjl.ia Ten 1) ivs - - . s 2 SO Thirty Diys . 6.iki. $.1.00 WILL IXSlTtK Y0lT AOAIXST ACL'IDENTS, 1 nil TH V. TKKM OF I YE ARM 81.000 H. F. lil"n.P.K, Atient, Wcldoii, N. O. May lily. Q R. E. I-, HUNT E It 7 S I It i K O X l I-. S V IDT. Can l.o found at his oltleo in KnfielJ. rurn Nitrous Ox'.dn Oia lor the Pain, less KstraeUni; of l'eolh alwaya on band, Juno 2 It. fi' a wn"k i 1 v our. 111 town. ."(tut OOO lit fr.-e. No risk. Keailnr, il you want a Iiiimiiosh al which persona ol eil her sex en miikn reat. par all tho limn they work, 1 ile tor pari 1101 !rs 10 II, 1 1 Al l. KIT A Co., Portland, Maine. June I y N ( It T It V A H O L I X A, llnlilii t'oniify, Snnorinr onrt. Peyton A. Dunn, Plaintiff JO.Isl Arnoldi,u O. Ttu s l-'e.leji,s I'. lleese, MarmaiKl It. ltiiete, lteKina O. Reesu, .I0I111 S. liurse, (fisrlcs L. It. ee, It. Merediih Heese, Ainolil K. Un.se and Virginia I,. lUese, all of whom reside in Itie pUy ( Kaltimore ,11 Ihn SfvO it Mirvlami llm last iiiimeii six ofuhnui ma .1'Unt.s. who have no tosr.hsn in ilio Staoi ol Is'i.rlh Caroling but who have for li.eir imnliiri Frt iune F. Kohsp sai l eitv ol iiallimoia Bill tvsliie of Marvlainl, Iiiilen.laols. Action lor rcexneut.n of lost deei fof 1,,,, It apparimt from the Hllidavit filed that the infant defendants Herrina O. Heese, l.mn . liepse, 1 nanus iieoae, n. .Men. tub Urt'se, Arnoid K. Ies and Vircniia L. It. cs", after due UiiiKcncn cannot bo lonnd within tun State m' .Vorlh Caroln a and do not r sidn in si i siata but ie-id in Ibo eitv of Hiliimiro in the Sta o ol M nyland and have 110 Kuir2:jn in the S alo of Norlh Carolina anil a Miinmoms cinnot be served 111 t'.iem rs.oiiH Iy and a cause oi iicliop vvillm. iho , 1 1 f 1 .1 i.'li "ii 01 this court .Kists in favor .. I le plair.lill' against said Infant defendants, 't said (nfint itelendants r hereby potiod and ri ihed lo be sues appear hi Uie nel lerm .0 Hie Suierl 1 i;i, j-i fit Iho County of llaiifay , !.,. ., K xw (' urt Hon" jn 1 he (own o(' !;:if,.ji 00 Uie tlnrd Monday ol 'September A. I). 17S, t,toi i.nd theii to answer or demur to I he complaint. Witness John T. liriiuori . Clerk of Superior Court at otlice in Halifax iiiisflh day of June ISTs, JXO. T. (J KKtiOKY, Clerk Superior Court. 0 Halifax Countv. T. N. HUM, atty, for plaintiir. June lo li w. A IHT.IM'l-'KM KNTS. Ay AKM S P I N i S , lVcalcrii or(li (arolinn. Is no'v npen for the reception ol pleas ure seckera and invalids. This loveiy place is situated in the bf nil tif.il valley .l tint Frenoli Itroad within eiirht miles of lailroad, W, have a linn I11.10I of miisle, attentive servant, ami all olher aueoiniiiodalions lo he found al a first class wateriiiR place. For particulars apply for .Inscriptive pamphlet. W. II. JI0VVF.KTON, May istl. Proprietor. Uean make 111 mey faster at work h f 11s than at anvlhlnir else Capital lint re. .iiircil; we will start you. tl2 per dav at hoiiin insdi) by the Industrious. Men, women, hrys ami g'rls wauled every wliere to wot k for us. Now is the timo. Costlv niillit and terms Iree, Address Tlll'KA Co., Aiiuiista, Malno. June 1 1 y. K W .'! 1 It I X (1 UOODSAT L. A. FAKINIIOrTS. Jt'ST AHRIYKD AND FOR fi.KlK AT i;riiKUi.i,v row iMtii:s, lieantil'ul Styles of Spring Dross UimIm Irom lile to fiOe per v d. Ilrown I. iiieii Suitings ! 4 wide, Pjiino from llti to 2.111 per yd, liishop Lawns, Figurud .Lawns, .Swiss Muslins. lilaek Alpacas splendid rjuality and very cheap. ,'ifl peiees Sprinu Calicos lije pur yd, 4 4 lili.'anllini; al He. Noriovs. Ladies Collars and Ct) IT-', Silk Handker chiefs. I.adins Silk and I.a.ieSearts. Tlink Combrt. Ladies anil (Jimls Lisle thread Gloves. Seamless l(oo and Half Huso white and striped. 2 Button Kid Gloves 75n pr. Maintmri! !'.ili;ini;s anil Insertings, White (iloves, White Ties. Silk and Leather Hells. Li.ion liosoin tjhirts, Percale Siliirts, Ac. Kiior.s. Ladies Horue Qailnr,' and Sliiipeis. (ients Kimlisli Ties ami nailers. Ladies Patent Leather and loiooe.o Si pi -pers. Misses and Children Shoes. Fine Calfskin limits. 1.0 1 m;, Just to hand a nine aisoitmmit of Ibo neaiect styles spring pants. Illtio Flannel Suits. Linen Suit", White Vests, lllack Alpaea Coats. Light Cacsimero Spring Fuils. HITS. Straw Hats all sizes and price", wido brim wool ami Icll Hats. ; not fk ii.s. Tim department is kept up to its usual standard. Sonar, (toffee, Haeon, Ivard, Flotir, An , as low as they can bo bought south of Jialli moro. I keop r n 1 ind all kinds of tfiirnltiire. Pi ices are rodiinod to eonlorm to the sieaeil.v of money and the hard time.", ran no 10 re piirenasing esowlicre and saye money, ortn-ly mjOfp business von enn ongairn In, JJk) L l.,ln$2i) per day made by any win ker of either set;, right in their own localities. Particulars and simples worth Jo f.eo. Improve your spare time at this business. Arid tec Stinsou ,1 Co., Portland, Maine, junolly. 11 f. a i 10 n t n a x 10 v 10 r. I am now receiving Sprinu Roods aU moat daily and it is rcallv nktnp.ishlng to see how- cheap j,'oods are. Arliclns and prices are too numerous i mention. However I will name a few. Ileal Prints from 5 to fij. Hest Urown Cottons from fij to 1 . Hest Hl.ll'k (tottons 1 1 .1 111 li) to It!!, Wanisulta Hleneliiima S, lircss (ionds Now Stv, Its from 15 lo 'i, Piqno lieantirs from 10 to 2) els. Coals and Clark's Spool Cotton tijia or !a per .Install, tiHOH.-i. II ATS. AMI I't.ilTlltMl VERY J.OW, MUM Kit I IS VKKV I.O IV. Syrnpi from SStofiO. Old Fnsliinn New Orleans Holas 7?. lies! Km Ci.llees from 1(3 to 2(1. Nice White Sugars 10 -is. Si. In Meat . 7cts. Seioiloer Meat nets Liverpool Salt Faetoi-y fill 4 Bushels 1 Ho. I havo thrown on my oounters about One Thousand yards best prima, .lark colors Sets per yard. R. 1 SPIK.KS. Apiil ll? If. Weblon, N. C. J. N A W , WBLDOX, X. C. I5AKF.lv CONFF.CTIONIOR. Miiiut'i 'tures all kims nf plain and fan cy 0 indies. Kueps always no l and tlie fullest stnek ol Caniliep. bruits. Nuts, .ve., to be found in Kaslern Noiji Carolina, which he sells hv wholcain or retail. Orders tor we.ldiiiK parties, anj b.ills prepared on abort notice ami (it mosl rca gniiaule prioeu. (ot 20 tf. TOTAL inSTWKIK r, SiVISfl KnB TILL IT Riri.s. Tliere is a curious smrv alien! isrrie n.Hivi wines which nro rviensivclv ailvcrtisfd nowa- cinvs. nnd have cmlv n nils bern pill upon the markcl. I1!'. Cnilvrhill, the well-known Kfnpc-prower 'f i iuum P.. ml, ....J la lS;i. home of hn heirs cntcrtaiiud temperance views of such clr"me kind, that ihov w.m uuwillnif; to allow the stock of w inrs ilien on Iiand io be sold or eny ni"rc to be made. The crapes have somctimci been sent lo mark.-t, and sometimes l.-ti 10 ilecay upoa the me. 1 1 i onlvro-.v that the other heirs have Mircredc.l in urranping fur n settlement of the estate and the sale of the winii on hand. Anion R Ihiss i:, 9 wine cf tlic vintage cf 1S04. described as a " Sweet l.'nion Port," but suggesting tlic Imperial T0k.1v mor.5 Una nriy O'her V.uropc.111 wine, and being rtv4iol'.v unlike any pthcr wir.e rf American growth, b, puniv, ngc nnd mellowness ore remarkable, ; nd boilj physicians and winc fancicrs have a special interest in it as the eldest name wine now accessible in r.ny ton i.id. ralile c.u.aniitv. Ttie vvlnte rtock is in the hands cf the ht'J kouwn wh.svsale tjroccry house cf the '1 ioirhcrs. X. Y. Tnbune, Xjv. 10, .l77. The bove ipralit f r itcif, bw we would add fhat this is Ihc pure juice tA the grape, neither (trucg.-J, n:l M vvtmJ; that it has been ripened raid mellowed by nr,e, .ini for medicinal or sacramental purposes it is unsurpassed. It cm be obtained from most cf the leading Druggists, throughout iho United Suites, nnd at wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free c f charge, on application. Respectfully, etc., fl. K. 4 F. E. THURBER & CO. Wut Broadway, Rca,!c and Hudson Strttt NLW-YoKli. June 29 6 m. AiJVKUTISMKNTS. J . T , G GKOCIUt & COMMISSION MERCHANT, SOLICITS CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ji K IS I' S 0 if HAND CROC K II IMS, PRO VISIONS, MOfcASSES, Which will be sold low for CASH. TEUPHOME. NORTH STAR. CENTENNIAL. PAPA CIGARS AND CLUB HOUSf Are the best ft cent Cigars. They are Havana fillers. IvA VALKNTINB, EMANCIPATION, JlAJlCAIjliTTA, GRAND pUCIlKSS ,re clear IJavanas. These Oiga are sold by all firsttclass dealers. Manufactured by M4KTOJE A CO., Mh3 -fini rroprlctorg Charleston Branch of the Havana Cigar Factory. T. N. WHIl'K, A. L. STAIN BACK, WiKITB, STAINBACK & G00CH. ? ij li i SUltCHSSORS TO .1 , T. GOOCn. J. T. GOOCH'S 01,0 STAND. Have juat opened tbeir Fall Stook pf Goods, which they offer to (be trade a, f, OWES T C A The stock comprises a full line of KKADY MADlvCI(0THIl.a, PRV (iOODS, J500TS, CAPS, Tho largest alock of UKOCKRIKS, SUG AKS, SALTS, tSOAP.v, AO., to be found in F.astern North Carolina. Tiiey call attention to their alock of the famous JIJf.KS rillLADKLPIIl.X, HANI) MADE ROQT3 4MD SHOES For IlolU LAU1KS ami GENTLEMEN. Oct 17 l y. T. N, WHITH, W 11 1 T K & 8 W E L D I I ave.inct rourniil fiont Ibe North with Laigett Stock cf DllY (JOODK, A'D tEADY MA1V. CLOTHING, JIOOTS, SHOES, HAW, GROCERIES, UlttLKS, AND COLLiBli, vcr offerAJ in tl..s iiurkst, whutv. Ijify are celling , O IV FOR Tiiey call especial attention lo their Stock it DRKSS GO.tttS, and TRIMINfiS, They will Dnplitate any bill of goods that can be urchasrd SonUt pt Nw York, Wo intend to ploaae. Call and tee us. Oct 7-'-y. A. L, i: L L li T T c o., lKY UOODS 4D OTJO.S 10, V and 1) TWELFTH STREET! A. I.. Hf.l.BYT, ) A. Jt'PSON WATJi INJJ, ) Cl.AV HRKWBY, 1 N. I!. lU'puiis. ( HI( HMOND VA 251 f. 0 0 C II , COTTON, CORN, &Q, A FULL STOCK 0 F N A I Jj 8 , i 0 , J. Tr COOCH, WELDOW, nr. c. J H. UWOCH , IK. o ,. c. S II V K I C E S. OOODhJ, LADIES DRESS SHOES, MATS, JJOTIONS , COFFEES, TEAS. A, L.. STAINBACK. NBAC K, N. C. T A I O N KOTIGXS; ANft CAPS, PADDLES, r a t 11. K y u jn 1) i. . I. O V 11 I, I N THE FASHIONABLE SHOE MAJvER 1- has returned to tyelijon where tie' an be louna over W. II. BROWN'S STORE, prepar4 to do all kinds of work in bil line. Repairing neatly and promptly done, .May ?5tf 1 ll