r 1 1 1 1 " (THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC W K E K L Y NEWS P A P E 11 , PUBLISHED BY 1!AT IIEI.OK & LOCKIIAUT. One Year, In advance, Six Months, " three Months, " fa co 1 0(1 '5 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. fJJ W. M A S 0 N . ATTORNEY AT IYW, GARYSBUR1, N. G. Practices in tho courts of Northampton ami adjoinina countios, also in tho Federal iand Suprorne comls. Juno S-tf B. BATUHELOR. ATTORNEY AT I,W, RALEIGH, N. 0. 'Practices in the onnrts of the fith Indl ,cil District and ill the federal and Su preme Courts. May H If- WAt,TEH VI.ARK, Riloigh, N. C. LARK & r.. T. n.ta, 0 Halifax, N. C. C L A K K, ATTORNEY AT l.UV, HALIFAX, N. 0. Will ni'Hitiiso in tho Courts of Hitlifnx March IS I f. .an 5 a ijoinins! counties. K 11. KITl'lIKS. r i t v il E N W. A. ttt'XX. DUNN, attorneys a c xjvsnr.r.iRs at law, Scotland Neck, Hulilix Co., N.C Practice in thi Courts of Il'lifax and ftij -lining o lil'ltios, atl.l in tlio Supremo nd I'V.eral Courts. If T N. HILL, Attorney at I. aw, j.VLIFAX, N. C, Practices in Halifax anil Hdjoininp; .Ciuntio.s and Federal ami Supromn Courts. Will bo at Solium! Neck, once every .lortuight. Auj. 2S-a .W. D II. Pay, A Y & ATTORNEYS WEMtOV, W H AT of . v. ir all. ALL LAW, VOL. VII. WELDON, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST IT, 187$. NO. 27. On Hrjuaro, Two jsnjuiirei, Three .Squares, f our Square, onrtli Corn, TEARS BY KATtlUK UYAN. Tours that trickle il mn our evn, Tin' V ilo 'lut fall to earth anil dry ; Thny soar like annuls to tho xkies ; Anil, like angeis, c'lin t die. For o! ! our immortality Sounds in u.i'M tar sounds in each sigh. What waves of tears sunje o'er the deep, t'f sorrows in our restless souls ! And ihey a"1 Klrunt;, not weak, who weep Those drops from out the si a that rolls Wlihin thuir hearts fnrevcriiinre ; Within a iltpiU without a shorn. But nil, tho leirs that are 11 it wnpt The leur jtyal never outward fall The (hiii'.h th ll'Jnef lor years lus kept Withm lis-(hey are licit of al I Tho I i'ii r- our eyes shall never know, Are deeper lliati tho tears that 11 v ! Each night, upon earth's II nvcis below The dews ,',01110 down from dtir'cost kkiox; And every ninlit our t ars nl Won do up, like ijii'v.s, to l'arajisn : To keep in lilooni, and o ake ir.oro fi'r The powers of crowns we yet shall wear. Tor oh ! the sure-it way to find, Is up the lonely stream o te;n-s That iJ'iw, when b willing 'ncnlh I, is rod, And Mil tlieti;lo of our p is', years. On UiiL'htm' 3 billows he irts aiu lissod, On waves ol io irs ho heart is lost. Flow on ye tears! nod boar inn lioun ! Flow on, ye waves ol deeper woe ! Flo n on, vo tears, that are bur torm (V' deeper wave, that will not How i A nd little while I roaeU the shore Where tears How not loreverniore 1 -i ' ' iii 5 FOUtfD AMD SAVED. v. Kal i la it and Supreme tho Praetie.3 in the court il.joiniiii eounlies, ar. in alio r eonrai o-mi, i.i. ' Claims oolloe.ted in ar.y part of North Carolina. ju 1 l SAMUEL J. WRIGHir, ATTORNEY AT J K HNttV, K. .Praotinet in thi Court find adjoininx counties. of LAW. Nortiiampton fiop 15 1 Y A V I N L, II I MA S ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX., M. I . PraotioBs Ir. Ihb ourts of Hali fx and BdjoiniiiK e unities, an.l iu the Supromo ii'l Fa leral CourH, Clailin eolle.ctHi in all prts of North Carolina. , 0II1J9 ia ths Court House. july 11 Q. B UKTO N, J u. ATTORNEY AT LAW, KUIFAX, N. C. Prutitices in Ihfl Courts of Halifax rounty. and (Jo llities ndioiniiiR. In the . Supreme .Court of tho Stite, and in tho Federal Courts. Will uive sp'i d il itttn-ition to the eol'.ee tien ofelaims.and to sd.j listing the aee omits of Kxeoutirs. Adiiliiiisrators end liuar- dians. J. M. OKI dec-l'i-lf A E l ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Office in the Court Hons". Strict atten tln iriven to tranehoH of ;h, proles- J-'. T. B P. k N ATTORNEY AT LAW, i KNPIBLP, IIAI.1PVX COnSIY, N. C Praaticns In the C.mnties of Halifax, i-Hush Kduecombi anil Wilson. ' Cnllootions male In all parts of the State. AMES K. iau 11-0 i II A li A, reenvcrwp .liiinscil with u lieightcnd there ATTORNEY AT LAW , miHi.l.u, N.c. Praotines In the fountlos nf pallfax, Sdtfuoornhe and Nash. In tl.n Supreme ..Niurt.ef ttO State nJ in tho Federal '.Courts. Collodions made in anv part of the . tate. Will attend a! the Court House in ''. Balifax oo Monday and Friday of each week. W I n A K p R E W J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAT, WELDON, N. C. . I'rwtloes in the Courts of Halilax, War ren and Northampton counties ami 111 the Supreme and Federal Courts. Claim collected in any part of North Carolina. june 17 JOHN A. MOORR. M O O R K , Ham . iri.i....i. u l h 12 N ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Hallfut, N. . Practice In the Countio of Halifax, Morthami ton, K dcon:l e, Fitt and Mur ' tin Iu the Supreme Court of the Slate 5' sn.l In the Foderal CourU of the Kastern District. Colieetions tnaJo iu any part of North .Carolina. jau J-l o 'Yes, there is no use lieoyiui! that we had rather a slnrinv time of it." Ami Captain l'etdiiiiini! riiwrence stroked liis ir.ilstftclie, and conii'lacentir liandled the scabbard of Lis sword, as lie spoke, with the air of a hero who has no objection tu being properly appte cialccl . (J race li-yati has listened to tlio whole of his cit'Cinr.stui t'al description with blue, dilated fts fixed on li , curved lip-, hall npart, tnol a cheek where the color varied, as you liato seen sun and shadow chase one another over slopes of blossomi g U'asi No wonder that the daiijjlity capu'm felt inwardly elated ol the success of his eli)(;ue::ce. IJ id he at last s'ruck the responsive key-note to this pals yotiep; be.vity's nature I Vas liis lon servilud? of love a', last to meet its exceeding preat reward? Oil. (.'.tplain Liwrence! Ciplaiu Law rence I could you but have see into the hidden mysteries of Grace Uryan's lhouht, what a cr.is'i there would be iiMiono t'nc doling colontKid"S and niry pediments ol vour e'aud Lli dc M en '.';' iij a i' .' H it love is blind, and so, uiiloilii'iatelv, is silt-esteem I'.iptain Lawrence," said (Irace, with her little hands nervously interh ckcd, and her S"rimis eyes never ninvinr from his face, "was there not a private in your company called John Iiairalr'.' Cap'ain Lawrence gave a rpiick, in voluntary stiirl, but immediately, though color on !iis ehei k. "U ural If it'tu! ; yes, I believe was Ami can tell nie what has become of him! ' Upon my word," said the captaie, yMii a little uneasy laurii that was decidedly at vati.ince with the keen jjlanre shonlini; from underneath li's bi nt brows ' 1'i'ivate llarral is a IncKy fellow to have i: spired such an inter est !" 'Can vmi 'ell pi" what Ins become of him?'' repeile.l Grace, as calmly ns if title had not heard the covert sneer. "One don't kern tho run of these pritit.e.," Slid Lawrence, carelessly; ' hut if Mis Grace really cares to know, why, of course, my poor services aie at hcr.'.iiposal 1" lie drew nut a little memorandum book, neatly bound in black morocco and leisurely turned over the Ienve3. "Let me see Gates Hall lianna nh, here it is I llarral John marked ,mis ii g.' Just the s rt of fellow to take particularly good enre of his bones and si. es de-erted, 1 date say. Oil, they will do i', Mi-s Grace. Hold on, thoueh. here's another entry, llarral killed in the action buried on left side of ihe cretk hum ni m. Any thing else I can do for yon, Miss Grace" Hut Grace did not answer; she di 1 not even a--K to s.'fl toe iieacnrrous "minute" which might have revealed their own inconsisti ecy. t'ic sat . like one stum c.l, with ha-idj still folded, and eyes mechanically fas'ened on Ihe winter Minshine that q iivered along the opposite wal1, while the blood slowly teceded from her check, ami the culor frotn her . "Gracious Meavens, she has fait ted' ei iculated the captain, springing from his seat. "Hallo here, somebody t Uriug camphor, cologne, anything 1 Confound Private II ural I" Am there a" wounds so bitter that Time whose gentle finger draws the iiintitlo ol velvet grai.s ocr new-made graves, and puts the chiiru-:scuro of many sunrises and sense's between us and our griefs, cannot heil them? Yes, there are some that bleed on silently, nd mine, life and heatt liwuy with their uniieen gush and such a one was hidden under Grace Hcyau's sad smile and heavy eyes, always luminous with the melanchnlljr hine of unshed tears. "I assure you, Miss Grace, L consider it a ver Q lixotic pieco of business," said Captain Lawrence, in accents of grave displeasure, ''lou'll do nobody any good, and only upset your own nerves. lis all nmiveose, this idea of ladies visiting the hospitals what caD a woman who has been uccustuiued to shriek at the h'v lit of a snider do iu the midst of S'ich dreadful scenes? My dear Mrs. ljiyan, do persmde you daughter to abandon the absurd fancy !" Mr?, Hryan looked helplessly from her daughter to the Captain and tbeo back again. "Captain Lawrence is right," she said. "C insider, my love, what suilering you aill be compelled to witness.'' "Mamma," said Grac, firmlv, "is it any worse for me to witness than for these brave fellows to endure? Oh, mamma, to think that wo have been s'H ti"g ut home in ease and luxury while the men who periled life and limb in our behalf lie perishing within a stone's throw of our Ahiddiu pal.i est Let me go, for it breaks my heart to remember how se'.ftih 1 have been.." S ili-iintuied Mis. l'ryan looked ap peiilingly toward the Captain. IU shrugged his shoulders. '.'VeM, if Miss li.yau chooses to be so foolish, I have, of'c itirse, no right to in terferc. (July " "l ni't trouble yourself to fi ,isli the sentence, Ciptaii Lawrence,'.' said Grace, quietly. "I n "I'd not say that I have not expected the honor of your attendance, nor d.i I ask Cor it now I" She walked out of the room with the air of a young qieen. Liwrence watched her with a glttice in which vexation and admiration were curiously blended. "The superb little v:xen !" he mut tered betwern his teeth. 'What evil genius lias put that hospital idea in her head? lion ever, it can't make any difference j lie must be dead long ago Only I wish I could have dissuaded her, r if pooh '." he broke off suddenly', .'there's no use bothering myselt with such an exceeding .improbable suppo sition. I wonder what makes me love that giil better the more she sets me at difuiice? Why can't I scorn her as she scorns me? It's a curious psychological puzzle, the ins and outs of that throb bine, passionate .thing that we call a hea t! By all tho powers! she shall be mil e if I peril my own soul to win her." Tie noonday sunshine lay brightly or. the floor of the long barrack room, with its wooden ceiling, and range of narrow pallets on either side, and Grace Hryan felt a sick giddiness running through her her br.iiu as she saw the pale, 'ghastly faces of the men outlined against pillows "It was not from loolish terror, nor shrinking tremors," said Grace, meet ing his exultant eye with flie serene glance that disarmed its fire at once. "No; what then?" ' from oay great happiness the hap piness of meeting one whom I have mmrncd for as dead." "Mourned for as dead?" vaguely re peated the captain. "I have seen Jolin llarral this day. ' Oh 1" said Captain Lawrence after a moment's blink silence, during which the ticking of his watch sounded like n thousand trip-hammers, and bis face turned a dull yellow. 'Indeed? Par don me, but I've just recollected good morning hope to see you again." As so Captain Ferdinand Lawrence walked off the stage of Grace Hiyan's existence. Need wo describe how Miss Grace transformed herself into nurse, physi cian, and consulting faculty to a hospi tal consisting of one patient? And how she found it an ever more "interesting case" tha i the honest ward surgeon had done 1 ff our readers want any more explicit details they must ask Mrs. Ihrral. WON AT CARDS. It is a favorite opinion of a friend of mine that parental love docs not equal themselves the inaneled limbs scarcely whiter than shatleied r.nns, the bound down to wooden stretchers the expressi uiless faces whence life end light were drying away into the shore less tide, side bv side with muscles all racked and contorted by fierce spasm! of pain ! This then, was an hospital ! "My dearest, yon are fan li"g I" "'.', ninmnin, I mn .int." sud Grace, resolutely battling with the involuntary reco'l of her whole physical eatnre. 'Let us go on ; I fuel quite well now.'' llnw .'.lie sunken eyes of the sick men brightened as the fair, slight figure bent nhove lliem with gentle words of pitying encouragement what healthful remem brances of absent in dlier and si-.'.er love returnee! to them with ti e touch of her long, s ilt curls upon their burning fore ieiUs the cool contact of her hand against their fevered palms 1 And as she passed on, strength and courage came hack, and the surgeon himself wondered tit her nerve and calmness. They had reached tho last of the white beds, where an uncounted figure was supported among pillows, with an open b mk helmo him. Not readin,-;, however. The heavy eyelids drooped above the hollow cheeks, as if slumber had weighed them down, and there was 1 3 soit ol weary reposa suauoweu over the sharpened feature. "He is asleep, do not disturb him 1" murmured Grace, under her bieath. "No, lie is rot usleep," eaid the sur geon ; "and this is one of the cases on which I most piide myself. Just gone, when he was brought here dreadfully wounded ut Fredericksburg, but he is m a fair way to recover now, thanks to our new system. C nne a lime nearer--hn'll l" be el.ul to ste you Ihe heavy lasties were smwiy :il fled at the tiound of their footsteps, disclosing dark gray eyes full of the strange mysto ly ihat only conies to those whose who have stood nl Ih uth's threshold and seen the II ivy of the d trk, daik river !" "llirrall what's the mailer 1 Speak to mel" exclaimed the surgeon, in dire perolexi'V. "A glass of water, Johnson, nuick ! he's swo'Uiii g again " Where were your eyes. G i n), INcula piu, to imagine that John llarral could swoon with thu'Cllutteiiiig lingers in his own, those blue eyes pouring tides of eager light into his up lilted heart? Your riiarniacof to a knows no such remedies ns these I "I know you would not leave ine all alone 1" he murmured with tho p: ssive bliss of a child who wakes from hideous dreams to find his face against his mnthei's bosom. For Grace ltryan had laid her cheek on his pillow and breathed one whisper into his ear a whisper that was like the nulsine of magnetic life through bis i a o veins. "Tell me mice more that you love me Let me hear it over and over, dearest 1' he laid with closed ryes. "Ah. i shall soon be well now 1" .It was not until they were in the open air, safe beyond tho hospital ward, that Grace Bryan fulfilled the Ciptain's pre diction and fainted. Of course; didn't I tell you it would he so?" triumphantly exclaimed Captain Lawrence, misting the fingers of bis buckskin gloves round and round. "A woman cau't help fainting iu such place." . that which n man feels toward tin adopted daughter. II instances his torical names to t.how how eminent men have been devoted to those girls that have been brought by accident or other wise into Ihe relation of daughter by udoption. Vhere is, he says, another a nl a stroiificr lova than any a father can feel toward his own flesh and blood. 1 wi.l not theorize upon ttie fact, and being neither natural nor legal guardian of any intelligent and beautiful girl who leans languisljingly upon my arm and looks confidingly ut) to me, and loving ly implores, in accents suit, for the coiu necessary to ad iro her beauty and en hance her churxs, I caunot speak from experience. I write a hiutory of the wild and wicked days' of 1840. I was then among the gay and irresponsible ones. Law, during business hours, a feast ut dinner, a frolic at night an easv. care less, devil-may-care existence. Sobered now by the experience ol years, una weighted with responsibility and cares, I look back upon the early (lays of fun and i dity as u bright point iu my his tory. 0 ie night i had sauntered into one of our most popular gambling hells; un excellent dinner of terrapin and champaign, and other good things, had disposed mo to generous payment for hospitality, and 1 was piling red chips upon a spotted green cloth, iu evidence oi'niv devotion to the unknown god. At a late hour I had stretched myself upon tin easy lounge, half dreaming and half d.iZ'il, when I was aroused by the entrance of a man and a bundle. The man wait drunk, the bundle was a baby a two-year-old, iolet-eyed, staring, wide-awake baby. We all recognised Will Seymour, the cay, rcckles, dare devil, gambling, handsome, well-bnm, highly educated, and, when drunk, most desperate and evit tempered inan most reckless of all our knights of the green cloth. V'e all knew how good and generous he mas the best and purest of sweet wives when sober; wc knew how terri ble and dangerous when inspired by the demon of drink. We know with what generous love he poured out upon her his weallh of affection when he was linn self, and r.o knew that, in his mad mo ments, in sneel from heaven was not safe horn his brutal passions, fc' ie bad died murdered not by a single blow, but starved in her uffections; worn out with anxious, learful love for her hus band, she had ja id down tiie weary load, and passed away, leaving to her drunken and crazy husband this tender little waif. vWhat fremy ltd prompted liini. at this late hour, to seize this child from its cot ami biiug it down into this gam blers' rendcz ms, I do not know. The proprietor was dealing the game. I will not name him, for this is a true story, and not a romance. We called Lim "HhiM." Il was his mow rf , i ec'C, when we were fighting his infernal game. I lii was educated, well-born, generous, and had he not been a gam bler, would have beea a gentleman, l'e is nut a mmulcr, now: He lives, ana is a gentleman. In the mine of God, Fill S"ymour, what are you doing with that child? cried "Blaze," as he suspended the deal. "It's mine," responded 1MI "Where is the mother?" asked "lilaz-t j" "have you had another quar rel with her? Go home; take back her child ; lor God's sake, Bill, don't dis grace yourself; don't kill your wifel" "Dead, Dead." said Will, in a tone of bitter anguish that I shall never forget ; "dead gone to heaven, where ! hive sent her. And I Khali send myself to bell that I may utver trouble btr more." It was a curious scene, this gambling room. Kvery eye was fixed upon fund Will Seymour as he stood there with his wide-eyed baby-girl, every voice was hushed ; the prayers nervously fingered their chips till "Blaze spoke again : "For God's sake. Bill, go away.' Do you want money?" "Whnt good does money do rue? Oi l it keep me from killing my wife? Will it save llaud and me from the end of the wharf to-night? Ifey, Maud I baby-girl, you shall go to see your mother this night, and 1 will go to hell where I'll meet you. 'Blase,' ond all ol you," and he laughed a wild devilish laugh, then kissed his baby-girl and cried, and then said : "Damn me, '1!1jz",' I will play the baby against money enough to leave the country. I'll copper tho turn, baby agair.st Gve red chips " "Done," said '"BUite." "I have no children, and. by heaven, I'il play you for this oue. If I win ber, now. Bill Seymour, on your honor, she is mine. My wife has an unfilled' place iu her heart for a baby's love." Seymour seemed for a moment stag gered as by a blow ; then, with a reck less laugh, ho said : "Here goes $o00 against tho baby. Ill wait for the turn." Ihe game pro ceeded with the stillness of death ; not a word was spoken ; we all gathered around the table. At each draw of a card the money was silently taken up ; at the final deal not a cent was on the cloth. It stood for the queen to win or Jose against tke knave. "I copper the queen, said liill. as lie laid the baby upnn tho table, her little bare feel with their pink toes just reach ing the ten-spot. "Blaze" held the silver box with trembling hands and drew the cards ns bo had never drawn them in all wild life before. Slowly the i tck showed his cap ; the queen hid woo, and tho baby hud passed by the laws of honor to a new father. 'N i more game to night." said "Blai"," as ho passed his cards and box to the lookout. Seymour stood like a dumb man. "Biuzo" gathered up the bundle and the baby, looked dowu into her pure bright eyes, kissed ber, and I saw in that net the birth of a new soul. I saw over that face of the gambler pass the flush of a stern resolution for a nobler and better life. I saw Seymour reach out for the child with an imploring look. "Blaze" gave it back to him, and lie kissed its little glossy golden curls and pressed it to ht b smn with a wtl I, des pairing look, and L saw on Ins face the seal of a lus', despairing man. As ' Biaze" took back the baby, he said: "Will Seymour, I mean it; I will keep this child ; she will do me good, and I will bo belter to her than you would. Bit take what money you want; try it again in Borne other coun try,''' und he pressed upon him a hand ful of gold ; the baby looked up to the face of her new found parent and laughed and crowed ns her own father passed out into the da.vn of caily morn ing. The next I heard of Will Sey mour was at 1'iinaoia, and the next I heard of him he was dead. The i cident was recalled to mo the other day while traveling in the country. in elegant carriage, drawn by a span of Kentucky lu'l bloods; inside a diguhed. elderly ucotleinan, whom I recogu'Z'd at our old friend "Biazi " lie st ippcd and introducing me to his daughter and his grandchild another golden-haired, violet-evcd baby Maud invited me to visit tho ranch. I did so. It was home of refinement and culture its owner an honored and honorable gen tleinao, the daughter n happy wile, the orand-daunhter u rompiun irirl, who was incredulous when I informed her tl.nl I had met her mother twenty -even years ago, and more incredulous and perplexed hen her grand lather said he won her by beating the knave when, like jump ing jack-iii-lht-biir., he came out ahead of the queen. THE ROANOKE NEWS ll 1 . , V , ADVERTISING RATE3. SPACE c 3 00 II CO 8 on in wn 15 oo 8 00 10 00 00 IS 00 20 00 Half Column. 20 00 180 00 Whole Column, ' ' One Year, i 14 00 20 00 30 10 36 00 40 00 60 00 THE INIQUITIES OF THE FATHERS. During a feaion ol religions awakening a ease nl interest presented iUclf. A'younft lady called at my stu ly iu deep disircts. As she wxs not a member nl my congrega tion. and her paster won a in ,n uuviver.nl ly esteemed mid btlovtd, I wdhjered that she Blum Id nnnie In copiult a comparative straniier. The mystery was 'sunn solved only to give plne to another. She had come because she loved Iit own pastor to much thut she cauld not bring herself lo make a confe'ssion which she knew would urievc and hivilyhim. I! n't what was the conli'ssioii ? She hid supposed it' would be a le-s di.'lkult tusk to coniniunicsle it to me, nut her cour ire laiied her. it wai some terrible gin, t the wry thought ol which she ehudciTC'l, hu. tho nature ol which her lips relu-c I to tell. Some timu pae I in fiiiilliss f fl irts te secure Irom her the co lesslon which she had co me to iiiikir, mil her agony seemed every moment to Increase.' At length I took my Uihle an,!, opjniiig 1 In the 20th chapter of Exo.Iuh, aked her lo pUco her linger upon the commandment she had broken. Slowly and with a great struggle she lined h.T tinker an t placed it upon the words. "Thou sink not tike the name nl the Lord thy G "1 in vain.'" Knowing her ijentl'. birth, h'e.r pious parentage, her re lijlious traininir, and the relined society in which ?h moved, I was aniaz..'d, and in qnlied ho -v it colli ,1 possibly be. ' The silence win now broken, and she told ran u'l. She did not, inden t, uttar proTeinty with her lips, but her mind was l.lle l witn Horrid oaths ; oatr.a which, at he protested, 'she htd 'never' heard Irom humaii lips, and which, therefore,' could only originate with heraelt ; Oaths too urn lit) he reptatod, arid not obtruding themselves tipoii Inr even In the midst of her devotions, until her soul seemed to be but a depository ol thu most blasphemous nd rcvolt;n'' formulas ot prolane swear inc. bile bad beard oaths at times, but never such as those which wero constantly 3 coming into ber mind. How did thevH oriejiniti'l isy wliat stranue law ol asso-il ciation were they constantly cnmiinj; tntu her mtnd How did they orieihati? Ii what strange law ol association vero they conatiuutcd ? Must there not be come de moniacal possession to ndconnt for (Ueoit Loin; ill I this itist e-stug state of muni continue, and even alter it was gone, and pe ice and relief wei's luund ut ihe cross. there remained Ih6 unsolved mystery. Whence came thee'e horrid oaths that so' luted ail I hautited t'lij soul ul this gentle mill puie-mind'cd womiiu? 1 tine rolled on, nud my mind revolved ab nit the inystery, until, on a ceitnin oc- cvsion, some gmtlciueu were speaking in my ptoe ice. of the lather of I hit young a ly ii u I ot his reicit de ease, when one ot them remaiked that lie hail heard many men swear, but had never known auy man who could invent such strange and awlul oaths, and utter them with tucli terrific emphu"!', ns did this man in his earlier and irreligious days. To my readers must be kit t:.c couiieelion b tween this extra ordinary prolaoity ol the lather, an3 the j terrible visitation in alter years upon his lovely and accomplished (laughter. Had s'ic heard liini use these oaths in her inn lancy und before his conversion, whim he conceived that slii) was too younsi to re member them, or had this tendency to prolanily been tiaiismitlu I as a hetrditary taint, just as the thirst tor ardent spirits, rir the love of money, or any other base pas sion, is trau.-i.iitlc'lf I only state the facts. I base no tiu'o.-y upo, them, but I 11 id iu l In in, however explained, a startling ful filment uf the Sciiutute'j truest that "the iniquities ol the latheta shall ha' visited upon the chil lr, n," and I fllid iii thciu' a aolcint: admonition to pnren.s to guard with tlio utmost care live vvliuli 'aie mil only lu'l ol solemn responsibility as re Uaiils themselves, but ino nentous in their intlaenee for good or ill upon their rliil ilrcn. Ufev. T. D. Wilb .Tspoon, m Suutii cm Cliiilchman. M O 20i0 40 f. 4 00 600 65 00 Co 00 APVERTISfCMENTS. gIGN painters Wantod in every section of lha TTnilnJ States and Provincoa to answers Ibis ad I vartisouiont. Addre. - , i DANIEL V. BK4.TTY, ' 'lnhitlfftnn. V r Dee, ltf . ' ,j HAPPINKSSOR MISERY, IS THE UliSTlON! I - . t " Dr.'W. I;. Hoyt of 35 yeara suecsnifiil practice tfiiaranloca (need v and Diirmmint curerf all Chronic, Meroful mi, .Pi Ivatn, fiyphilltlo and I'or.iale IWae, Hpernia- lerrlnm, or ell-abft'se at Ins Medical In- ftitute, Aiian t Cheney Block, nppnailt tire City Hall Park, Syracuae, N. Y. Ml ielue Beni to all pW of the VS&.y and Canada. Don t be deceived bv adverlla' liifr quacks who throng our larye cities, but consult Dr. Hoyt ir send for circular t'eatinir on his apociailica to his P. O. Uox 27tl. , , LA DUOS. My Kreat liquid French Remedy, AM IK DK l'MM1S, 'or Female Kriond, is unfailing iii (he cure of all pains fill and 'dangerous diseases of your sex. It moderates all excess, and brings on lb montrily period with regularity. In all neivoua and spinal nljoctiona, painsln Ihe back or limbs, heaviness, fatigue on alight exertion, palpitation or the heart, lowneea of spirit, hysterics, sick headache, whites, and all painful diseases occasioned by a diHorderod system; It effects a euro w'he Btl other means fail. Prleo t2,00 por liop. tie, sent by mail. Dr. IV. E. Hoyt, Uox 27(5. Syracuse, N. V. Nov 25 I y. g C II O 0 L TEACHERS. You ran easily Incroaso your salary by by devoting a very small portion of your leisure time to my Into rest. I do not ex pect you to canvass for my celebrated lieattr's Plunos and Organs on lass yo seefittoj mit the sorvice I requlre-ofvnu In both pleasant and profitable. Fall particulars free. , Address. ( " 'DA.NIKL F. BKATTY, Washington, N. J. MOUNT MILLS, IIOCIU' ftG.UNT, N. 0. January Ut, 1878. We aro now prepared to furnish tbs .. . ., " trade with i SIIEETIKG3, SHIRTINGS, FLOW LINES and '" ' ' - f COTTON.; YARNS, J f v II of the best quality and at low prices. Our tenns strictly cetVash, 30 days.' ' ' i . . I l-S 1 e - Address 'an 30 a 1878: C L SPRING A large owl was caught in a singnlar wanner nt Manchester, Vl the other day. lie entered a hen coop in which ere a hen en;, bro-xl of chickens, the structure being propped up with a stick to allow the fowls free ingress and exit. s soon as the owl came in the hen and chickens ran out in such a hurry as lo knock nut the prop and bring the coop over the owl, holding hi in pnsiner until the morning. Some amusement was caused not loni! ar( in an K iclish court, by a fe male witness, who, nn tho oath being administered, repeatedly kissed the clerk instead of the book. It was some timo before she was made to understand the proper ,r, ul 1ca1 ll.d ic-t lltiog to do. Twi sable philosophers took shel l r tinder the same tree during a heavy h'icr. After s tne liine, one of th 'in complained that he felt the rain. "Ncber mind," replied Ihe oili-r. "Jere's plenty of trees. When dis u i is wet through we'll go to the order." The season is nearly expiring, and there Is a shout from every oyster of the country that he won't have to submit much longer to the indignity of having what religion there is in bun drowned out in same miserable acoloey lor a stew a: a cnurcti lair. GOLDEN JNLE. The person who first sent these rules to be prinU'd says duly that if nny boy or girl thinks "it would be hard woik to keep so many of them in iniiij a'l the time. jul think also what a hsivny rluce l. would make nf home if you only coiihl." 1. Shut every door alter you, aud with out slaiuiuini; il. J Never shout, run or jump in the home 3. Never ca.il to persons up Uiro, or in next room; il you wish to speak io them go O'lii tly where liny are. 4 Always spe.k kin lly and politely to servants, if vou wonld have Ilium do the ssme vou. 0 When toh! in (1 1, or no to d a thing by either parent, never ask why you should or should not do l. 0 Tell of your own Units snd misdoings not those ol yniis brothers or sisters. . C irefiilly clean Hie mud or mow oil ydiir bu t belore filtering the Imcae, 8 H i prompt at every meal hour. 9 fever sit down at the Utile or in the parlor, with dirty liandt or tumhlcd h nr. 13. ,cv.- ;i.t,i:tipt an; conTurF'tliua but w ui I patiently your turn to spesk. II Never reserve your good iiituocri fur eoinpsny, but bo ciiiially polite at Home and abroad. 12 LjI your first, list ami best frieuj be your mother. "Why. my sweet Arsbella, you haye papered this romn since I was here the spring beautiful design? Does represent seaweed or some pretty little round blossom? "jt. Jirs. bptegmgi haven t papered it. 1 heee hgge which you nee is where I mashed mo) keeters on the wall I A Wisconsin editor illustrate I the pre vni me extraveence of pcoi l j nowa days, bv calling attention to the costly babv carriages id use.' while, wbeu be was a baby, they hauleJ him round Dy hair of bis head. Mind votir stops. A comrositor in set ting up the toast : "Woman- --wiibout her man would be a savage," got tne punc uatiun in the wrnne place, which made it read: 'Woman, without ber man would lo a savage.'' Probably there is not half a dozen hired sir Is iu the Lnited Slates wh dou't know which' are their' "nigh! out;" but the man isu't born yet h can point to one whe can explain bow the nose of the water p.tcher got cracteU. " She asked the clerk if be was post live thoroughly convicted that the ce "ere fresh. "Oh, je," said she young philosopher, "I know they are why, the farmer caid none of hij hers were more than a year old." She brought a basketful on the spot. BATTLE & SON, ; ' l i o) Rocky Mount, N. C. O T 1S7-&- U r1 ,G 1 STYLES AND SUMMER Jitsr Rkckivkd At Noah Walker A Co'i Xtt 143ycanibre Street.'- HNICDHKS3 SUiTS, FINE in SINF.SH SUITS. HOYS' ASi) YOUTH'S CLOTIIINO. A full line nf'nll grades of Rondy-Made Clothing (nr Hoy's, Youth a. and Men, from three 7t Jrs old irp at puces to suit the times-. - We keen al. the latest stylos of ieiit' Furnishing; tJonds on band. Maniples on hand. Clothing and Bhiria made to order at no r Eallimnre honse at short notice, at Baltiwir.m 'prroes. Please give us a call before bnving.. NOAH WALKER A CO. IU SYCAJIORK NTKEET, rrirburjE, T. ALEX. F. SHORT; ' 1 , Agents. J.UEO. WILKINSON, J " IIOUER AThTNiSON-Saleaioan. Oct 8-1 Y 4 TKTALLIO BURIAL A 8ALH. CASKS FOP. J Persons wishing Metalllo Burial Cases can always obtain them by applying tome. av 1110 isi.Hrw Ul MdHnrft. w llliitou a, r.im I eia slill keeping, as heretofore, a full as sortmniit of the Very Uest CAUS, al the Very Lowest Prior. In my absence from Weldon, Messrs. WinCeld A Ktnry will deliver Case to person who may Wish them. . - i JAMES SIMMONS, 1 Weldon, N. C. apr 4 1 Q milK UNDKK8IONKD VKRT jL'rr sportfully calls the attention of the trarhe v bin extensive Block of domeatlo and I in pored Ihiuors, lo which b la a tit I making tdiiitiQns acd eonalatlug of pure , . . ..... -.. - - - RTE AND BCl'RBOX WHISKIES French, Apple, Eltokberry and Cherry Brandiea, JamalcAand Hstv England Ra findon, Tom and Hollai.iv o'in, Port Shorry, Claret, Rhine and i.ve-y earmold Hciippernong Winn. Rcoteh ami Iioodoj Porwr, and a very large let of . ... VP,-. ' REIFIED IA)(EY which I am ottering at prioes that eanaot fail to give aatisOiction. " 1 prll 8 -a 21 Roanoke bquare.