THE ROANOKE NEWS. SATURDAY AUGUST 17, 19.8. IiETTElC FROM OXFORD. ' Oxkord, N. C, Aug. 10 h, 1878. Editors Nkws: This being my first a!. fempt at newspaper correspondence, I leel rny utter incompetency to please a critica public but I leel a duep sympathy tor my female friends who arc sometime prpt'4 to travel without aa escort as wa; not long aiuce, which compel) me tp write this. I desire to mention some facta in connection with some of our Railroads. I think I will c immence in the middle ol my journey, and state first, my enly grievance. Arriy. jng in Weldon two hours behind the schedule time, wo were taken aboard the Rilelgh train by the gcntlennnly, and ex ceedingly polite an I attentive. Conductor nl the Pcte-sburg R 'ad, Capt. EuionJ Scott. Without a moment to Bpu'e. in a crowded coaih with two young ladits. and two until children, and ol course many little i.tuhuls and baikcts, jt was just im possible lor me to purchase tickets. Much tn my surprisu, J. wt rrijuircd by tno Con .duetnr, to pay extra tare lorlhe cutire party end the dint-ince beiq short, it amninted to at hast halt a Jare exdra. The umniin, iitintruo w U sin ill, but was there justice ,iu it! I wt.uld matt respectlully earnest fo all Railroad authorities the propriety ol s i lar amending such rules, as under some circumstances, t leave this matter to the discretion of thi C inductor, an 1 should he n Jt possess that virtue, why, discharge htm and employ one who has. To J.r. L. E. Clarke and to Capt Scott of the Peters burg Road, and to dipt. Ward nf the Raleigh rond, my little party' are under many obligations, lor unusual attentions and great kindness in our traveling .troubles, and I leel it W a duty I owe my sex to recommend them to the rare el these gentlonanly ofiijers. with the assurance that they will want for nothing in their power to bestow'. Respectlully, A.'L-PT TiuyitLnn. Tun Editor of tilts paper It tn no way responsi ble for the viewn or statements ot Correspond ents. No communication or nn anonymous chameter will po published; the real name of the writer must accompany all communication!!. Any one who may fis-i aifrieveil at statements made by correspondents can obtain the name on' application to the Editor. ' Correspondents will please write only on one side of the paper, and to ayoiil Ravine their communications thrown In the waste basket, will furnish their names nit necessarily for publication but aa a irtinranty of (rood faith. lA'a will not notice anonymous correspondence. -The fijlowing gentlemen euts for tho Roanokk Our Aoents will act as i News: Captain A. B. Hill, Scotland Neck. R. D. Pickens, Kaucetts. Geo. T. Simmons, Halifax. Major N. E. Jenkins, Littleton. J. C. Hill, Palmy i a. Dr. F. M. Garrett, Ring wood. Rev. C. M. Cook, Wurrenton'. F. Eugene Foster, Northampton ,Ca J. I). B tone, Jackson, N. C. E A. Bachelor, Enfield, N. C. John II. P. Leigh, Petersburg, Va. Iu o c A. 1 Sknii your Job Work to J, W. Sledgo. In plavlng archnry young women don't m I ml Hi beau. ftY windows aroaafrt burb-jrs at night lor little smacks, Tmk ban 1 that rooks :hn cradle U the hand tl,:vt spanks the world. The woman with her band Mod up la an inilex of the preserving season. Tub bright black eye, tho melting blue ; I cannot ohoosi between the two. Tun 0th Weldon Fair beaius on the 28th ot October and continues five days. The Tar river part of it comes brilliantly tn time. It is a home institution. Our lair. If an Eastern man can only patron ize one, let it be VVeHtoo, More anon. Tar. Southerner. Tiikhk i a decided letting ijown In the confidence ql the Uidical papers with re gard to the pending elec'iocs. They be pan wjth "We shall ;" soon (roppel to "vVc expect," and are now humbly piping, "We ought te be able to." A bad marriage is liko an electric ma chine; It makes you dance, but yon can't let go. Thb woman wao doesn't forget fo dte )jor letters sjiould. be cherished above rubjos. Kitten AsJIIKVILLK., N. C, Aug. 3 d, 187?. VficsiRS Editors: We still make Ashe ville our place ol headquarter, 'and Irom its convenient situation; (he other places ol interest can he yisite I most easily, having within a day's jiurney Borne of the most piciuresq le scenes and places nf Western N rth Carolina. Here we are with mouo fains oc oyery side, aiitl what it is, a posi tion lor those who a-o seeking health and its attendant, happiness, lor we have noth ing at a'l to disturb the peace and quiet of the town am ing the Hills. The voice ot the locomotive has not been heard in .the land yet. an I I tnurt c inless, Mr. Edi tor, that it came a teeling nl loneliness to taKe posses lion ol 'me at the absence ot fcuch arc inintinces.'with whom I hive been so intimately associated. It was my lortune a lew days ag. to witness a sunrise Irom a mountain which .is very near to u. The name of the moun tain is Beaj-Cattber, and h iw it cmie' by such a cognamen I am un itdo to tell, but I think it very expressive, aud I have no doubt but thatU mcani a ireit dual to one part n par pfeatiop. It it had beeu Iudiau I'u'i'ts origin, I would have se irched up all the old legend) ul that historic race, aud told yu s tine beiutilul story ol ailyenture and love, but unhappily I am entirely dis armed and all of us' can very well see that the mean! in lsimnlie l in the term. But I am afraid that 1 am leaving uiy first Bub ject, which U a sunrise as viewed from M mnt Bju Catcher. In order to witness .this buaulitul stuht we were obliged to n-e very early in the morning, an 1 alter a very pleasant tide ot a mile and a' half, we reached tho summit just in time lose the 'aun as it was coining over some distant peak. Asheville was entiiely hi'lden from our sight by a thick mist and log and it se'eiucfl '&s )l y?e were'abaye the cloud), for "the appearance above are the same that one finds underneath I Can only describe Jh.ii tea otfo to you by atsociating it with the ocean and, indeed, the resemblance was very striking.' There were the w ives driven beU e i th wind, and as they would fetch the mount lin siies, the; would disli against the rocks and clilji and scatter their spray in every' directum, uud all that 'was needed' to make It a counterpart of the ocean Us'elf Were the nuis- 'and roar that 'always atteod'the inovemants ol Its ever ' rest Its J waves. While we are ab-orbjd in the beauty of the scene a id the sublimity f this noiseless mountaiu-ca. the sun 1) is 'climbed up its way behind us io all its luUless splundor, and andspire and hill and mountain have caught the heavenly light, anil every point heuus with a gloiy that is almost blinding in the intensity el its brilliancv. Then I wished lor the lal- of souie great painter ot Nature, that I "flight transfer upon canvas a scene Iruight with so much that wa interi'Sting, grand, and aibliuie. Bv this time the m'st has been toattered and Asheville can be seen lying snug and still, guarded by its sur -roundinirs so strong an I seeminglv impreg nable. But we have tn leave at lajjt and s we slowly go down the side ol the mouo tain for a drive along the banks of be.iuti , ful Swannanoa, we olteq look back aid think of the Impression that hive In en indelibly stamped upon the tablets of our memories. In about a week I will bid aduu to the City among the Hills in order tospand a sh irt time in ll-nilerton munty .before returning to Weldon, and if I see , anything nl interest or note, I will acq uiut , JQU with it in a short time. Jiiurs truly. ' TlHTKI.KIl. A uice little excursion party Irom Rd eigh to Old Point passed through here on Wednesday last. Watkuino nlice scandal seems to no enpy most nf the spice in the New York pipers just n w. Wk have upon our table an open cotton boll, from the farm of our worthy liiend Mr. R. FI. Cochran. A drunken negro was run over and killed by the early' morning train an Tues day last near Stony Creek. Sjf E was plump and beautiful, and ho was wildly fond of her ; alio hated him, but. woman liks, ahe strove to catch him. He was a tjea. A pretty llni.sji (or tho bottom ci' an overdress, Is )o ' cut It in arinare, and fasten up ono edge of the square with a liny now oi ribbon. Kentucky Ohati(. "I wish to bo a Iriend to the friendless, a ful tier to the (atheriesa and a widow to the widow- less. V Give ymjr neighbor a helping hand by recommending him to keep Dr. Bull's B ihy yrup in his lamily lor all the ills bibiei are subject t". Tk last of Woldon'n lady visitors loft for her home In Virginia, yosterday, and to-night will witness several young gents roving aroutic with no oue I hi ye and no whore to go. And ho gaz'd in her picturo a moment and then at a late I bunch nl violets, and then he heave 1 a sigh and said, "I'm get ting lo bo a reiil darned f ool V And he was. It is foljy to pretend that one ever wholly recovers from a disappointed pas sion. Such wounds always le-ive a scir. There are laces I can never look upon without emotion ; thero are names I can never hear spoken, without almost start ing D. F. A girl in Kentucky struck Iter croq'ir.t partner on the head with a mallet, brain fever set in. ami the young man ncnrly died. Tho girl was kept unlcr aircst until I) is recovery, and when he got well, rh married him, and now he's entry lie didn't die. Notrs ok Tim Wkatiiku Yin tiir PJL-T Two WlCUKS. Highest Temperature 10Q" ljnwest " v.j" Mean " 8 Prevailing Wint) Southerly. Ameiint of Hiinlall 0 7 inches, Foi the information of the "Private" who complained " the ollicers nf the millitary company, f,ir nit atending the drills f thu same, we will say that Mr. Uitchelnr was appointed Drill Master at the organiz ition, an 1 but lew drills have taken place, without the presence of, at least, one ol the oll'iccm, and when absent, It has alway been with a valid exitHc. Yocno ah I oil are t. tH del and de bilitated until Hie becomes a burden. The thought never occurs that worms are tho cause. Shriner'a Indian Vermiluge will give the relief yon a ) much nee I. WiirtN a hoy does something lunnv, and you laugh at it, he will invariably keep doing it twenty or thirlv times mare, till you hva t knock him d wn with some thing. Our military friend are drilling with renewel .'al since their guns were received. and it is by nn in ans certain that it will he the worst dnllc I company at the next Fair. Tut Burlincton Ilawkeye savs: ''If any subscriber finds a line in his paper that he des oot like and cannot ajree with, il he will brine his paper to the etline ami point nut ths offjnding line' the editor will take his scissars and cut it out for him." A yory prttly young lady sent to our ofllce tho other day lo borrow a newspaper containing something pretty and Interest Ing. Wo tbnight one time, nf wrapping nuranlves up in a papnr and toddling otf to nee hor. At last wc have resisted 'tjmptatinn. , The cxciir-ion from Richmond to Bc'nufort made up nf a lot nl tho cleverest gentlemen in Ki' limund and Petersburg pasied here Monday and Muj r Sully took us in the baggage cars waved his hand in the direcs tion of the groceries and said "Come with ns." It wis like tearing out heart strings t relusc, but duty bade us and wc resisted. At the recent election in Alabama 89, 0Q0 votes were polled lor the democratic State ticket. There was no opposition, and the Legislature will be almost entirely democratic. It will pket a United Slates Senator to succeed Mr. Spencer. The Dimes njentioned mot prouVinently in con nection with the senatoiship are tho e nf lion. George S, Houston, the present Guv ernor, and lion. L, Pope Walker, for awhile Confederate Secretary of War. Tni5 District Conference of the Mnr Ireesboio District, M. E. church, Iluv. B. F. Woodward Presiding Elder is pro. greasing at Kclribeth church near Jackton in Northampton county. We learn the attendance is very large. A large number of vi itora Irom a dis'ance are being in ter: ain d by the neighbors, w!ps doors, we learn, are thrown open for their accom modation. Wk ci.ll attention to 'tho advertisement ol Mr. It. V hit lor k announcing the open ing of a bianch It uise at E ilicld with our old friend Ellis Levy as agent. Also te the card ol .Mr. W. T. Divis ol "Southern Female College," locakd in Petersburg, Mr. Dwis has a reputation second to none We have often leared we were living to no and that we would some day lie down and die without leaving behind us a single good work, but yc terday we changed oi(r mind as a gentleman hurried into our olHce with a formidable lo iking document ip his ban I and wanted o know il we would publish it, and fellow-townsmen! What do you think it was. One of our commns:oners, actually had the energy to get mad and write a letter iu reply to s.ime of our nccnt strictuns n the town government. We may now expect a great work, lor "Whom the god) wish t de stroy they first make in ul," and then we ill be beloved ol our townsmen aud I in u re generations will risu up and bless us, Tuts wce: hai been prolific n( Pic Nics, Wo had invitations to lour, which were, no doubt ul the most erjojable clnuactir il u ate allowel to jinloe fiom tlinse having them in charge, Wesincinly ru tutu thanks to nur considerate liiumls lor inviiations to D.atuo'id Green, Kicks L'ord, KitiAiiod n d l a place near Little ton, anil regret that a pre-arranged absence prevunlrd our attendance, otherwise it waul I have rfi'irded us much plc isuro to havu enjoyed thu whole lot, We believe lun is like trouble, it never comes iingly, and hope il may lust oue more wet k, that we may have yet a chance, A great press ot matter prevented our menlion ii last week a delightful day spent at the planta tion of Mr. V, II. Gray in Os'coneiichec Neck. It was a stag party, aud the absence ol the ladies was the only drawbtick( f) to our enj lyment. Certainly it was a good !o,ig time belnrc there was any draw back Irom the table. The diuuer, consisting ot fish, bnrbacue, lamb, Brunswick Blew and vegetables was prepired by direction of a connmssi ur, Mr. JNat Uason anil was prniiounecd by nil to be txcellut. Brunswick stew was thu lavoiite dull particularly with who wa) helped four times, uud ate with a sp ion. We wero accused of eating half peek ot tMi but we don't believe, it as wo were not very well that day. Another tlm Iry is promised at tho same place, when we hope to be able to eat more aud lit less about it. 1,mt el Jurors drawn at the Special Aiijn.t M"ettnjr f the B"r'l of Corr.rcis sioneri for the FallTetui Buperior Court to wit: FIRST WRRK. 1 Archie Holt. Oeo M Scmorr, 3 Alrica Will. .3 Wiley Wills. 4 Enoch Ga'kin. 5 J T Cole. , fl Bra Itotd Avent. . 7 R C Rogers. '8 W B Stamper. .6 J T'Oooctf. 10 R B Morecocj.-. 11 a It Hunton, 13 J E Rue Jr. 13 Berrv Draughn. : H Virgil De Berry, 15 J B Bneman. 19 Daniel Conigland s 17 Manly Jones, 10 R II Dmiel. 20 lrnry Johnson SI Benton Brantly. 2) Ambrose (Ireen. 23 Sam Smith. 34 J E Anderson. 2 ) 1 W Rcid. 2fl A White, il Jordan Lawrence. 28 A M Inge. $9 1 V Cullum. 30 . T II Christie. 81 Robert Thornton. 33 U C Dunn. 33 JeiJ Jones. 34 in the South as an ladies, and has au years. instructor of young experience ol many David Jones. 35 18 Riebard Brinkly. Neptune Anthony. 30 SECOND WEEK. 1 nowell PritchetL Robert Ravage. 10 3 RC Whitehead. Om-ar Anthony. 11 3 Henry Pir. II K Crowell. 13 4 Sandv f'enner. Ntd. Hockaday. 13 Many thanks to our old frlnnii Mr. H II. Coohraii fir a basket lull of large pres peael ea. They were J nit aa ntca, aweet, and juicy aa they oould poaaibly bo. Qur fUi wvirn that h". tt vote far Mr. Cochrau lo go to Congrova. . . . TiiKHE was a cdnsiou on Wednesday morning on the Kichmond and Petersburg lUilnia I. iut at voa enter Jiuchistcr Both engines wire badly damiged ind one of the fireman was hurt but not seriously. i TllK beauty nl the ladies of Baltimore has become the standard l compuisan '.he world over. They maintain that peculiar clearness and richness ol com plexion by the occasional use (as required) ot Dr, Bull's Ulnod Mixture. . Aai Intorrnling Cull Couiinunleatlon ol Roanoke Lodge of Maaonn was hold in the Literarv Hall on Thursday niche. A regular communication will take place the 1st Thursday jplght in September, when full a tan Janus is doaired, as there will be woi k In Uie 3rd Degree. S Isaac Jnbnsten. 8 Edwird Wills. 7 John Qrlggs. 8 Hilliard Lawrence. 0 J L DvBuele. Daniel Kimball. 14 Robert Ferrall. 15 J. T. Bowert. 10 W. II. Smith. 17 Simeon Long. 18 II. J. LEWH, Clerk Evkut now and then some shsp writes to a newspaper for a receipt to prevent hair from coming out. If mon would go home from the lodge bofore midnight, with their legs sober, their hair wouldn't con e out so rapedly. We always go borne early, and we have tnoro hair now, than the day we were born. Mil J. F. W. Doiiman of B.Jtiniorei manulacturer ol rubber stumps and print' ing p'i'ssrs, nfl ;ra as a premium to the b ty net over fourteen yeats nl ago alio Can ehovv tlu bent printing, txecijteu by him- bcII, a number 3 sell-inking press. Said press and sampled ul printing oUered by contestants, tu be on rxhibition at the next Fair nl the R ianoke aud far River Agri cultural Society. Come in boys an I take jout chances. We have j'Ht receive I a l. tter from an ofli ;er in the E Igeconibe Ouarls, saing that H ie company tin I voted to attend our E or and compete lor the handsome fli.5 oflfired by the 3 iciety. From present indications we arc 1 1 have a magnificent military displty, several other companies having already decided tn comu. As the contest is open to a'l the States, wo expect t i have quite an army, and w Ui the thousand, ol visitors til tt always attend nur Fih t, it will bo a gala timu iu WeU dun. Am ind the editorial corps atcntnpiny- iiil too i'u(ri euursionists we met Ma. It. H. Glass ol that ixc.llent paper thu Petersburg Post, and Mr. Taylor of thu Kichmond Slate, one nf our lavnrite exebaugei. Mij. Ulasi an t ourselves were "boys together'' a lew years ago, and spent several pleasant summers in the .Virginia mountains, Wo recalled mauy plenasut little incidi uts ol the past and tpeut the short time we were together (tost agreeably. IlAYKSihed tears over the "piir Afri can," and then promptly withdrew tho army and left him to be "chewed up" hy hit former master, lie determined to lelorm the civil seivico, and then promptly provided all the titled thieves with ollices. tie announced "no removals except far cause," and then laid low and bounced Arthur and Cornell, flinging alter li si them a goo I recommendation but no charges. He set himself up as a pious statesman, and then tpld more, lies to tp plicauti for efQce than be ever made prayers. IJe earnestly erota lo Julin Sherman not to dn any crookedness in the count business, and then tus'aincd every rascal wlio lied or (urged, cr tide. fix, Tntittic wus an excursion Irom Peters burg to Old I'oint uud the C'IH'J Tucs day the 13. Il under the management ol that prince ol excursionists Mr. T. J. Jarratt. It was our good luck to hti among the number and we can truthlully say, we never spent a more pleasant day. Thetraiu lelt I'etir burg at 0:30 o'clock, with about 500 people on board, reaching Noifolk about 10:30 when we were transferred to the Sleamur Acoomao, which took in to Ol I Point in perhaps one nn I a hall hour , when most ol the party remained sighi-sceinij bathing while the rest went out to the Cape During the alternon quite a sove.e blow was i x .lu'ienced and just a'ioi)t III') limn of leaving the waves were running very high, cauaiii! iniiny cases of seasii'tnesa, while the efforts ol purlin to change thi tr p ositimis on the bunt, wire amusing an I nl the bust ludicious churactir Our attem pt to conduct a () r : y ol ladie through the boat atlemted Willi much danger to s.imeol the passengers w ho w. iu stietehed on the 11 mr an I our passage was by no means expeditious, lor instance wo in tt another small puty, ami lor III' spioe of len minutes, we engaged in the iuie eenl aoiueuient "f humping each other greatly to the detriment ol the ladies head fixings and our special pets, several nict littb corns, but as it I. our p'lilm iphy to luigb rather thac cry, we ei j iyed the row ex cecliug'y; even t ow wo snile, llioug'i bareljiited. Nothing of an tinplcjtut natutu o.-cuired to n; ir thu enpiym nt id the day, but th! narrow esoiiie fiom diowuiiig, of a gentle iniri hy 'he n.ini ) ot lluzhes, who was carried out by thu soil, an i Wss almost ex muled before he was discovered, when a bo it was ui i'iiw I by three noble men, and with griTt risk tn tlivmielvis ho was re-cued j i-t j. tiuk lor the third tiui". Hi was soon restored t' ciisrioiisiiess and no doubt, went liiuil') gratelul to til l bravo uies who saved him Iro n a watery gr ve. The p itly reached Petersburg about 10.33 e V and ail ex pressed themselves pleased with the day's enjoyment and leeliog under obligations to the manager, fo; his untiring tffirts to please every tody. Fir Mr. Jariatt has such a clever way ol doing things that rach one lelt that he was the recipient of his special attention. We are, certainly obliged, for many little additions hern us, though we did feci a nut id grim satisfaction, that he w is a rmirricd maii and wijl pry tb it he will never be a widower, at least, while we a-e on the earpct. Communicated. Kcwupaper Men, Towu Mutt era Ac. When p ibiic curiosity whs a' i t hitjlieit pitch a lew months nito, 'o kuow, who would probably bu brought out by the Dc.nor.ratic convention as' candidates for the Supremo Court it, it is sai'd'ii venerable and ifisiingtlished gentleman of 11 deigh when a-ked by a li iend whom did fie think most suitable lor the posiiions.replie 1 in a Viry e i ph .ti.-. manner ''Why d m t sir. place ou that t cket three I t rs oy an nieam." Now Messrs. Editors, it that wise man's advice hud beeu taken, and it bail been possible lor that convention, to have taken another step ib the right direction ami pause I an ordinance making none but E litors tan I newspaper nun eligible to municipal offices, what a good thing it uld l ave been lot our country, ami what iiingnllicTUt and glorious government wrul I in A short lime have been established in i ur gocd old 6ta e. Shades o Cicero and the Cii'sars, an I v Icirncd sages ol Rome's goldiii agi I Hallowed aud honored nanus I bullish Instill y, Chatham, fox, Mans- field and Iflackstone I 1 tremble io think io what great d.inguf your cherished fume wus exposed. II ul such a contingency oc- ciirie.1, ne v sistcms of lunsuruileiice in all likelihood would have been inaugurate I aud new policies ot municipal government iniroiliuM i, that would have piion a'l your liine.hnnoic I theories in o shade, and couv'nc.'d the rcul 18 of nncient an I modem his'ory, how l.tlleVm knew about llilngs lor which, the civil'.'d world has given you ciedit and praise lor lo ! th'.'e many centuries, isueb ull 'cliona ns these piissl I li rough my min i the other d y alter rending l lie pungt iit aiticlu that up neared iu the local colt) inn of thu lastiisue undei the head ol ''Our To wo Government." Now tii y dear airs, 1 hope 1 have loo much discretion (which is said to Ire the better pan of valor) to alio myself to lie drawn into a newspaper dtscussi ui with tho paity who runs thu machiuu, Iur In that event the odds would be too great ng iinst me and I o, iitiu,i hat however long the contro versy might be kept up, at last (as is gen. erally thu case with thosu who attempt such rush lliings.) I would l0 apt to come out 'I he littl.i end ol the horn, or il per- nance victory peichcd oil my banner cvuti then, my lib-tida might siy the "game wasi. I worth thu candle. lint permit me il you pLase, my young trieinls to ca I your attention to a lew plain tacts which posit bly in your ardent zialtn ervutho public may h .ve been overlooked. There are only two regular policemen io this town. I hey have no slury and draw no per diem They are compensated lor their services only In the p -tty bes which accrue to them in cases that are tiled in the SI ivor'a couit ami only i:i those wherein the accused are convicted. 1 hese lues amouut to a small sum in thu aj;rcgate,aiid do not (I suppose) average hlty vents a day to each policeman the vuar round. How theu can it be ex peeled to keep men who have families to support ou il nt v all thu time, day and night lor such paltry pay. Besides, il they aru on duty, tiiiforiini iti ly, thry pos-ess not the powvr ol ubiquity and cannot bo at every place at the HHine time, 'and it is liaidly just, il an officer is ou' duty at one streei nod a disturbance occurs on another that he should bu ceinmeil lor not being present where tho offr'bKO is committed. As lor thu two ci-cs Hint excited such holv horror in yuui iudionatit niitids, they were duly inveiiligated ipid disposed ol accord lug to la. The tight between thu i vpiiins occurred ou Su idav was tried early M in diiy mur .ing and the guilly parly pun ished to the nine ol J 3 85. The evidence in the case between the "giant negro and tin' cripple im'iecile," proved that the cripple m ule a violent and unprovoked nt'sck on the other party w th bricks Mid rocks, and was thrashed lor his temerity.1 O.i account ol the mental irresponsibility ol tile assailant, the case was disu anj. Such is a plain, unvarnished histoiy ol the too cases III it raus'.'d the sxathing rebuke ou our town olll 'crs publi-hed in the last issue ol 'your p iper. In conclusion let me assure yon that the office of tow n commis sioner is no siliecnre, and as a prominent county i'li'.,:iul said the other day in Ilali f ix nl liia on, no II man?, i either. It is the best p'a.'e J haveevei known lor a man to be well abused in, and il you young gen llemeii think yu can run thetiwn better than it is being run. I will be glad, and I have no duu'u my n-sociatcs will heartily concur, to tutu over into ynir hands thu reins of government. But in doing, I w.itild lull iu my duty, not to remind you that ill (lie performance of your facred trust, you will lliol it a vastly more difficult matter lo HI mage, a i as lo please every one, than it is lo drill a sq la I or con Im t a serenade, the ar lilou dillics of which responsible positions, I know ikcb of v'ou I think that I can lurther stato without any exaggeration whatever, that a wed worked cotton patch tr c irn tielJ, that was first well manured and properly pre pared will make a lull crop, nine times out of ten. 1 nave diverged Irora'my early training in farming,' aud experimented in vain since the surrender, trying to mnkc crops without u-ing so much labor, and it has always resulted to my disadvantage. It takes twelve (1.1 nieiiilit work tn make a crop io this section of ths county and without it the cops will lie wanting at thu cml ol the year. That bi ing true wc farmers should commence work nn the first 1 day January instead of M irch and April.' Sumo one niiiihl aiik t lie qustion what cm we do tint e riv tn the new year, I wilt answer by saying, split tail's and repair your fence, drain a'l of youf dry di'ches, clean un hedgo rows anil ditch-banks and make compost to put under your cotton that you expect td plant Iur the ensu'ng yrur winch wilt an swer In the plaou'uf commercial fertilizers, and at the end ot thti jeaV your obligations will be much smaller and mofo easily set tled tin, and leave you better prepared to dultay your' ixpones the niXt year. Mr. E Ittor belore closing my short communication, I wish to havu something to say in regards to the pic nic viven at the Roanoltu and 1 ar River r air U rounds on Monday Ihi 5'h day of tins month by thu colored citizen of Weldon and vicinity. Weldon is a place ol gaiely an I amu-e- ment as well as ol lo I and labor. Pic u cs are in vogue, oncjlias just paste I effand I hope we will have ano'.hir in a slinit time. flic dinner was t xcu lent; and alter din- n '.r was over nn I night fill set in, dancing sits and courting seta made their way lo the second u'lury ol Agrtcullural II all, where they were entertained by thu meloiy nl Pompie Long s 11 Idle until a late hour tu the iilg'ot and I am gUtl to s ly as a specta tor on the entire occasion that i very thing passed ell' quietly nud lively and each gentleman uccomp anied his jnrtner hoinu to n early breuklasl. Now that the great political struggle is over, it imkcs one feel luiiely that took an active part in helping to pronnte the in terests of thu good pe.iple of II ilil'ax coun ty and Stite ul North Carolina. Oa the corner of cverv street and at evi'ry cross roads and allotlbr places cl notoriety in the colinty, you would Cn I A large assem blage ol cilivi'ins contending lor that which thev lliniii:lit was right and denuuncing that they considered to be wrong. Hut it seemed that the poinical course ol Halifax ciunly was a fixed l id, des pite the most energetic cfl un to carry it otherwise, however, theie is oue tiling worthy of mentioning in the reccut elce tion. There was a spirit ol unanimity in existence that I never wftni'tsed in nriy preceding election in ihi) count); the white man and tho black mau reoogn'zjil at last tl'.i'if mutual dependence upon each othur tn I seem lo havu shaken hands at last' and have determined that they will stay and stand together srd unite their most energetic efforts for the up-building of their own lortunes and for the strength and prosperity ot Halifax iiuuty and State ol North Carolina. The dark'.irss of ignorance and error are disappearing before the powerful rnys of intelligence a'ul truth. The causo o' rivilzi'im is onward and the (J "rat human family is marching lorwurl to one general, nniversil and iilorinus destiny, ordained by the Creator liom the founda tion ol thu world. And now my cobrcd Iriend what part are we playing in the great drama ol human uetmn and human activity? Aio we as a racu proving eur selves worthy ot utir cit:i 'nship and of the age in which wo live ? We must re member. I hut librity b ings responsibili ties as well as blli-siug and tint it is a IntV which v;e oAe alike to ourselviS, to iiiankiii I and our God to put forth m r best and niot persevering endeavors to ra'sc ourselves iu the scale o' beinL'. SANDY LONG. New biokH j'lat to hand and nnd for sap . Dickens c uiiplcto bonks 14 voloiiiBa illus trated, i'rlce H (lnllara or 1 ainglo vo'umo, Kcotta eomplote work, Wayorly No'vola Zi voliiinns, Illustrated at $2t or 1.2.1 sinirle copy. Also coinpioto line of hcIiooI books, McUinilosi,' Hornera and National Roadera. Guam main, Geogra phies, Arithmetics ami all kind of aclioi I material. Hvmii booka and biblos epHciality. t'omplcto lino ol stationary, . number one article of lettor papor at 15 cents per qu irn; less by tlio wlioleaale, R. I'. ISpiora Bot,ioin"Htore. Urcnt Dcclinn in Kiigur t'offi e and llril, Li. A. FAUlNHOI.T'a ItKTAtI, rRICH ClIHRKNT. " k. .' li'il K ahirtildrra, (ij por 100 lbs. Hulk V. R. Stilus, por 1(10 Uw 7 o por l'i. o per list ins. Bacon Hbonlilor.-r, It icon C i. Sides, ('iilloo, good Rio, v (lottco, prirno 1tlo, t'olfoo, l.aUjiia, Sug irHrmht Itrown, Kxtm t'. Oollbe Hiigur, Standard "A." Sugar, Mnlaases (good), Ifriglit Syiup, Va. Kauilly i'lour, Vii. I'.xlra r lour, 8o per 100 lbs. ltija per lb, 20 e per Mi. 21 e per lb. rl c pur lb. 10 c por lb. i'H c per lb. iio u per gal. 75u por oral. ?s .Mhi per bbl. 7 MiiH usr bbl. Va. Super Flour, $ii 011,1:0 iiO per bbl. Nails, (Uld Dominion) 6 o1 pur lb., or $1 50 per keg. Cotton Warp. 1.00 per Hlock. Whole Stock Itroariinn, I. (lb per pair. A lull lot ol i'i!UMTi'itu always on hand. The prions named will besirtekly adhered to mi lung as they nppoar in tho ndvei'llrg- muni. All fall and velnter uoods nt and below eoist. "Mai'o bav wliilu tho sun shmos.'' M-:W AUVKUri.SKMKM'S. W. T. I.AV1S, Prinoipal. gOUTUEKN KKM AIjICCOLLhliU , ii,Ti;:tMtUH(;, y .. Hussion t.'oMMKNOKrtrn SniTKMBKn 1S78. Iloiird, iou udiog Fuel, Lights, and Washing, and Tuition In Kngliah coiuno per niiiiuni, J'.'UU. Sond for Catalogno to Aug XT Having oppenel n Rrancb Storo in En ll'.dd, N. C, with a lull l(no of Koady Mado l lotliing, dry Good, Hoots, Shoes, Hats', Caps, Tin Wuro, Crokerv, and always in hand n full line of Uio, erics, which wilt be sold cbea'p. 1 I have appointed Kills Levy rr.y agent who has tlm pow er lo buy and sell for cash, aiiil who will be glad tor wait on hia friends and the public gerenillv, H. WHITLOCIk, August 10 1 m. o T I C K N OTIC K AM HisriRiCM. I'''T. Kvery au'ent who has been sU'ailllV selling the lin (irovod f-'l Homestead Sewing MacliUui Iur throe vears, owns hie ilwi lung bouse, nas a good ui'coinit in bank. Is clear H debt, and ban lummy at liiturest '.be natural cousin. unnco or Nei'iirlng a good agency for uupcrior goojs at llie lowest nrlees. A cm id llrsl-cMss Miwlog ria uliliio, most ilseful reliable at all tiihes. easy to understand and control, ma same sio and dues tho s uno work as any ma cbiiius thai sell at l-'ullii Timks the prion, I'liere is no ibacbiiie at any price bolter, or that w j 1 1 do liner or inula work, and I'eriainlv none ao low in nrii'o bv luanv dollarsTbo Homkstkap is widely known and used In thousand" of liiiiuiies In tho Kaslrru and M.ddlo Stales, and daily bo couiiu popuiuf In the WosU Ix will savo its cost several times over in one season, doing the work of the lamlly, or will earn four or five dollars a day for any man or woman who sew for a living. It Is the Ktronitest machine made, is ready at all tunes to do its work, makes tho strongest and finest stitch yd iuvoutod, and is lolly acknowledged as tho Standard f amily Sewing Machine. I'rice, coin pinto for do mestic use, (2u, iloli ve.o.l at your door, no mailer bow remote you may reside, lusi n ess permanent and honorable, with more certain aqd rapid sales, wit, larger profits than any other. Kxlra ordinary illvcral oilers made to local or traveling agent wharo we have none established i nt II there is nn agent near you, send your order direct to tho factory. Address John Hf. Ke.idall Co., 4.'t WroaJwiv, New York. to lie lespectivcly well aiqi tinted. Should however this loituuate arrangement lie iff cled, thee could bu no good vronnds lor newspaper attacks on our town govern ment, uud no I iciJlty to bear iiL'idn lrom (.; K t:v IM ' Wki.iion, N. C, Aug. 15th, '7S. IV i: Alt IVKI.IIOX. C.UOVE Pl.ACK NTKAIt WKI.IION, N. C, ( August 13-h. 1873. I Mitasiis. tin Tons Deeming it ol l in a poilance to your retdcts t i kuaw the gen nil prospects ol thu crops in my inline bate aer.iinn of the county, I give you the trouble ol these few linns lot the purpose nl ititutniing you what I t !: ink al;out the villi! ol tlio present urops. Cotto.o is generally veiy email for the seasnu ol thu year, mi .Her than I have known it to be lr noma yeas, except on highly im roved land w here the col ton lias had a plenty ol work, il i as good at it usually is lor this suisoi id tlm esr. Seme ol the larmers mv that the Clops are only good on ceituln i harucleta of land vi., light (amiy land liluhly mnnuird Willi a plenty ol stable mari ne, or (oui post, and (agree with them.'' I think this h is been rl vary unfavorable year for tin cultivation ul cotton but m"iu than fav oraiile lor cum. especially the young corn the old st'fierrd some triim droughi but it is looking a ureal 'ileal better r.ow llllili' the more' lavrabie couditiona of the weather, aud t am saiislied thu; "a lull crop will bu made. The pea crop a sorry one, caused by a cool spring and ate planting. The cotton crop will tall below last year.' crop in thu yield t think abiiu twenty-five per cent, cuiluinly not less than tint. A grcr.t m my ol the Turners think dit ferently'and disagree with me concerning the yield ; I know the cotton lias grown very rapidly since the warm weather set la but it was so late be'oro we had any good weather. Should we have an early fall the bolls will t it mature in time to in euro a largo yield of cotton. The fcfat curse and himirapro to the farming prosperitv ol Ibis section 1 that we larmert have to contend with such nil culty in unsyateniaii. 'd class of laborers The jbsu'tcc'sstulii'ss nl the farmers in this section il Caused more lor the wtDt id work than e,ious, I was brought up by one nl thu largest and lb nt sucrraslul larmers ol ihis neighborhood, and I n.: liced very closely hit mode ol cultdie, He alwavt merited his tuucrss by hard 1 wiik and strict siienticn ta tmiinvus, and In time of pea o Prepare for waii. While nil is quint, don't furirnt to Insuie your property with It. P. Holier, Uonerul iisnriincu Aguut. SiNOKli Sewing Machines, needles And all attachments, for sale at! White Si Stain- aack's Bottom Store. 100 I 11,:) ! ! 10) ! ! !.-One hundred lbs. of t'lonr Just received and fur halo cheap tor cash. Wniri: Sia;ni;acu A Conrit ('all and examine our largo and new seloctti 1 stock of Croekary before ptirclias- tug. WlHTK. Si ViMUAUK, tt tilMOOII. If vnil die soon will your family be pro vided for II not be sure to insure your Uio in ttiu M K r It o p o i, i T A N . 1'.. I'. Itvn.Kii, Agent. Two elegant business an I pleasure wag nns lr one or two linracs lot sale cheap at thu ltoanoke Agricultural works Weldou. tf. WiiiUold and Kmrv bavo to arrive lno arieis of li mr and '.'i,i)tnl pounds ol li.icon, which they will veil at biUj'iioi-e prices, without any cliarg .' for Iruigbl. tf. Ju-t reeoivoil a lot of Miles Celebrated Wall;enpb:ist and liuttoned Slums, fall lid sue Ilium, rie goariuten sat isfuetlmi. WlllK rTAINHAI'K AdOOCII. K p e c I a I li o r n I s i The Hoard of county Commissioners Hnli'ax county w ill s!t three days coia iiii'nititig the lirst Monday of Augiisl ncyt, lor thu piirposo ot revising the tax list lor 1S7H nod listing the taxes ol all who have failed to list, and also to hour atl ootiiplaluti of oxcu'isive valuuliou. 11. J. I.KWIS, JulyUTuW. Clerk. 1 1 .SON CO L 1. 10( i I A T K S K M IN Alt Y w UII.SO, IV. c. I! s .1 (V OR Y O t! N O t. A I) I'lu1 l ull Session Itegins Nril, Dili, TKliMS PKIl SUoSION' OV CO WEEKS Hoard anil Literary Tuition $77. oO to ?D0.0fl. Music, with use of I'iniio lor pi ucticos "o.iK ruiiitiitg, i.vts;. Iii-awinir, 10.00, Wax Work. 10.09. l-ir Catalogue, ni imformatio'i, addrosv, J. It. ItuKWKK, 1' i 1 ii c ! p a 1. Juno 21) 3 m. ' ( KAII.UI II loll iSCHOOL, U li A II A .11 IV. ('. Always opens the last Monday In Au gust and closes tho last Fr iday In May following : - Hoard, wa lling, l.l"i end lights fS to 111 por month aeuording to the clitnne walked, other necoiniiioda'.iiiirt furnished. Tuition Ji'i.riO to $4 . ru per month. For additional inl'oi ination address, " KKV. D. A. LON'tJ, 1" R I H (l I P A t., Alaniuiice Co. N. C. July ill) It. N oriCK SALI' OF l'HOl'KKTY. You can find DoiL'd Linseed Oil, Iiaw Linseed Oil, Machine Oil for Uies, At. Sewing Machine Oil. Lard O.I, Tauncn Oil, nt T. A. Clatks Drug Store. ON ai.d ai'ter Oemlier 1st all kuoiIs will bo li old, stricily Iur ce.-li. I'vi.ry tbin dow li at lowest prices.- Cull" and aoo us bofore purchasing el ;o where. il -wtm'iKi.ii v tanx .'list t a b:ind one car load Liverpool lino salt; full weight, factory lllled l.ii.'i per sack.' A '.so at linrvsburg S tote lino price. 1 It I'. Ni'Ikrs, llullom More. ToviiK Laiuks We have just icceivel a few peiccs of beiiu'illul it rest goods call early and get the drst rlmice. n iiii'K A- NrAtNtni'K, '" H 'ttutn Store. Pi.f.asr remember that vour liltlo ac counts aic past due and wo rcspiutlulu ask a kdlL' ol the same. Wild n & Stainiiack, Hot to in Store. Tun P.K.sT istiik Cukapkst. Therefore you should call and get the prices of I' or till.ers lor which wo aro ngeuta beforo buying els.iwliere. Wiiitk ,t Stainiiack, It ittooi store. I nm now Rolling at rotail, pretty coffee sugars, at Ibcts, per pound, sbouldor meat tit, sides Sclis , a No I article of cofoe at rids., medium quality at 111 -is. ? ' It. I'. .Xl'IKRS, Bottom storo. Karmkrh aave money by using the Homo Keitillzer, made nt bonie by the Formula of lluykin, Curmer tVOoi, which has given audi leiieral whore triml. Tho chemical can bn bad pure of l. a. Clara cidoii s. C. Aguut lor boy kin Curtner a Co. Latkst Nkws. 20 barrels ol Brunswick Family Flour just received at White A. StalnbtcU't "Dm torn Store." We cannot replace this with any as nice. Call early and bb) belore It is all said. WniTB & Staisu.vck, tf "Ilottom blure.'1 On the intli day ol Anmi-t. 1878,1 will sell to tho highest bidder, iu the town W Weld on, tivu valuable tuwn lots twenty six lest frae:. fta Washington avonue.aiid oni hiiii.'.red ft n deep, tt being a portiorf lllielot on who'll Uie old xUliou House now stun-Is. on tho followiiisr, easy terms one thir I casli, uiiu third on the first dny of J nonary 1 S. It, and the remaining HUM the lirst of Jiiiiu ii y H-Hl. Title retained until the whole purchase money is paid. Bv order ol II iiinl of Commissioners. The iibovo salj i;' 'piis'piineil until the second oattirday ii November. 11. V.. MoRKCorK, Town Constable, July 1.1 tr. OTU'K TO TA X l'A Y F.KS. All iiersons who buvo lulled to pay lbdr property tux must roiun forward and ael' tle at once, or their irope-y will bead vertisetl, and sold as no lonnet' il diligence .rill tie given. I'oli-tax ilnliniiiiunU wb I be udverti-ed at iinco, if not pal l. Hy older ol Uio Hoard ot Commission oi. ' - it. V.. MotlKl'OI K, Towu Corislablo. July j.l tf. U T L K'll, riaees risks of all kinds In firat-clasa Companina as low au Gaiety will permit, Call ant! see mo before Insuring o'. wbera, ut ' . ' ' l.ROWN'S MUM STORK, Woldon, N. C. July 131 v. s I'KONO'S LAW SCHOOL. The next regubir a.'ssiou of tbis lnsti luti'iu will begin on Monday, the 2nd nf September next, and continue till tho first day of Juno following: Applicant will, however, be received at any time and lectures will bo delivered during vacation to those remaining In the City and wishing it. Occasional lectures will be delivered In tho school by distinguished members of the Ralelr-h l'.ar. Tlm advantages which this city oilers In the 0'invenience of accc-s to the best libra rie, In opportunities for attending the courts which are in session more than half the. year, and In meeting members of the bar and other pivuimout gentlemen, surpasses those cf auy otuor looallty lu the Stale. ' , , , ,' Kkk One bundled doll irs for which the stmloot oau attend as -long ho may choose. ' . i;ood bosrJoau be bad lor $18 to f IS, per mouth. ' For further particulars, ' Address, GKOU'.li V. 8TUONO, Ka4eigb, N. C. July 13 1 in. I I M t i t i 1 1 if FT

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