THF. ROANOKE NEWS. SATUHDAY. Al'Ql'ST 24, 1S78. XII K DKtKMUVTICTK KKr. foils; rrviloiiiii' Nomlnuf ioiift. vq'. c oNdui'.i nusr nistut r : ' JKSSH J VKVTKS, of Hertford. FJR costs ut-tss third distiikt: ALl-UKI) M WAPDKLL, of New 11.1'iover. Fait ciNni-:ss. KouuTii distiikt: of Franklin. vou ';.S!iuw, iiitii M-iTUicr: ALURKlM STALK'S of Guilford. vou coNoi:r.s, sixth imstukt: WALT Kit L. S rKKLK, of Rockingham. voit niMiitiP'i, sr.vrsTii district: now-xr r, aV.mI.iki.d, or Iredell. rou ro.iiKst, cii.inn i-istkji :t ' i; J Kit T II. VANVK, ol 1'jiico nbe. F.''tMN TlT.-illAY, Nov KM lint ."if, I ITIK UOI.S. The mirj. recent bug-bear ofmodcrii politic is the new party rejcnly nrgm iicd, or rather now in procew of or ganization, and culled by its members the National party. Who flic its lead ers what its objects and how it hopes to at'ain ihesj objects are a'l maUnrs of dispsle. The only thing dt finitely known oc the suhjct being that 1). V Butler, a man who gained some local notoriety during the lite war in connec tion with portable articles of personal property spoons and things, lias gone in to lhe. new party and is bidding for t,h,e leadership. This new party however, without form and roid as it is, seems to have carried terror to the breast of certain gentlemen, who oujlit to know, better. Tbey seeming to regard the embryonic Organisation as the cloud no bigger than a man's hand, from which the del UfO w.ili hereafter come. We hardly deem it necessary to say that we do not share in these alarms. While our days are yet too young to re member much of. the formation and growth of the parties, a somewhat care ful 6lt;dy of -political history leads us to believe that the time has not, yet come when tho disorganized fragments of a beaten, dead and dispersed party, without principles and without leaders, can control the politics of the nation, and so far as can be now seen the National, party, 50 far as it has organizitbn, is composed of the remnants of the late National Republican, paity, and its lead ers, if it las nnv. were, n very short while since, the head lights of thai now happily defunct orgauizition. The new National party is, in our opiuion, a bugaboo to frighten children. The young man who goes hit it as a leaes Jinds Bt'n'n',n5 political power will very soon feci the need of a dry nurse. The old Democratic party is alive aud full of vior. This party gov erned lie country nell for many years. Wc believe that it can and will do si far many more after the election of lftxo. ion The list of Democratic !ioiiin&,t'tOt)s, f'-,r all except this, the second, t'on re5mal cli,tricu, was completed last Thursday by the nomination ut Raleigh of lie tiied and tiusly leader of the democratic column in the Metropolitan District, Joseph J. Davis of Franklin, and lo-day we run the ticket to our wast bead and begin to clear our decks fjr the decisive battle of November. One thing very noticabl? about the ticlet we present is that, with one cx epliou, the K'liiucralic members of the present (" ingress have been nomi nated fur re-election to their posts. This simple fact speaks mure than volumes for the gei.Oemcn. N iw let the people of ;he Districts do their duty ud this li-,t will be elected. In ihij district nothing has yet been done, nor are wc informed what steps the D stiict Executive ( unmilteo have in view. Oar own opinion is clear that we should have a regular Iyinocrutic ticket in the fiflil, ni mnny reaimis. First we should have a ca-nliilate as n ineaos, of preserving p.rty Jt is well to Lct ear mppmtert in the habit of voting, for while the prepou. derancc of the urgro Tote i this Dis trict is such that in county and District elections we have little hope of success, there may come a time when the vole of this C ingrcvsional district will be !cll with terrible effect in the State elcc lino,. Another and- a stronger reason why we should have a candidate in the field is that it would be to llva eternal dis grace of the white people of the district ulsould J. E O'Hara be allowed to win without a contest. It is our duty to protest by our votes against the shame whiph the bUck clement hat put upon us, and, we can do this only by voting aisinst hup. These reasons, are sufficient why thp Committee should give us a candidate of our own, and we call os the Commit tee to set at once. irui r.oAii management. We liae been handed a n. ai pares- phlet coataioing the proceeding? had I t,he stockholders of the North Carolina Kailroad C impany at their Sy,h aom a' meeting, together with certain reports from certaiu ollbcrs. and from the Finance C iramiuoe, which said report from the Finance C.msmittee.ia so full of -'chunks"-of solid monetary wisd im, tbat we reproduce i; entire oo our out side page. In eiaminiiig this pamphlet the fust thing that strikes one is, that for the fiscal year ending Miy Slit, 1378 the excess of receipts over expenditures was f 233.37.j,G7, and that this am lunt had been applied to the fund for the cxt'w gu'shincut of the debt ol the Oimjiany. This was a good showing, and, upon reading it, we turned over to the report of the Finance 0 unmittee, for the pur pose cif seeing how this fund was rnan- gud. It we err at all it is in being too mild when we say that this report dis closes a iiiost disgraceful system uf mis management. The coinmittec.rpens its report in re lation to the deltj, of the c, on'jni'.y bv saying, that the amount of the bonded iudcbtcdnes of the company duo on the litdiy nf November 177, and still unpaid is S'U.oOil.OO, The committee further slates that it lind in the hands of N. II h, Wilson, the Trustee nf the sinking fund lj,fiiiO 00 consisting of CSiV'in items detailed. Now why this amount was allowed to remain in the hands of the Trust 'e, when this large debt was doe and unpaid is, one, of those things "that," at first sight, "uo fellow can find out." We arc sure that no prudent business man in the State would manage his aifaiis, in any such manner, and we are of opiuiou that Trus'.ees, should manage trust funds with st least as much of care as a prudent busi ness man would bttotv on his private affairs. Dit an examination of the items which make up the total of flSo, GGO.OO solves the problem. The trustee had sunk the sinking fund. Instead of extinguishing the debt, he hid extin guished the fund with which the debt was to have been paid, and, when the sinking fund w to be used, it had been flittered away. l,'o show that i,lu'se strictures nre deserved, wc will look at the items in detail, 1. The first item consists of a judge ment against the Atlantic Tennessee and ilhio Kailroad Company for jl-v-7-" H and 31 gold bonds of the same Company charged at f0 per cent, mak ing a total investment in th'i company ol j73 570 ."i7. What this investment is, worth we do not personally k.iow, but gentlemen, whosi judgment is relied on in business circus, have informed us that they look upon it with grave sus picion. 2 and i. The (Second and third items are, we suppose good for their face value, but even in these gross negligence is evidenced by the fact, that interest on them has not been collected, for nearly four years, and this interest amounting to i2(O0,O0 is allowed to lie iiile, when it should be either ciroin; interest or paying the debt of the company. I Tlio fourth itens, in the account is a certificate of deposit of Wilson and Sliobcr for f 2j.0iW, with interest at 8 pet cent, from Uiih (btober se en id by person il security and, mnrt gige on the Greensboro Female C -lege for 10.300 00. What the pers n al security is we are not informed. las mediately after this l-.h item is one, ml nu nbered, Consisting of a note for $17,. 1'? 07 secured by secmd niprtgae on the Female College and a n He for f -iOitO, secured by a moiage on pianos ar.dbinio furniture and &32,8(it U( uf notes nf the Dink of Cipe Fear. This develops tidiness. Wilson and S'lober is the lirm of bankers in Greensboro, which litely become si veiy insiWent. N,. II. D. Wils'ii was a partner in this concern as well as trustee of the Uiil maJ C iinpany, and si it appears, that the trustee loaned $2o.OOO ol the trust fund to himself, and secured this sum by vague personal security and a mmt. gago on a "gal school" for $lG,30rt.(Hi C..IJ licaited UoUitk of law would Call this by a harsher name than mere mis minagcmont. Tno certificito of de posit on Wilsou and Sliober is not worth the paper it is written on. Tlie pcrionsl security is not set forth so as to enable one to judge of its vslue, and if there is one tiling that a railroad company has no use for it is a Female Collene. I o Here's $25 0,00, gone. The mmurtibercd item which follows number t is in much fie same con'on, amounts to 22,- 102 (7 and is secured bf a 2 .d, mnrt eage on the college, a mortgage on 4 pianos and a lot of furniture and some Hank of Capo Fear m-'es, than which, since the Harvey Terry decision, more woitbless bits of papir do not exist. And, while we often bear of a railroad company's organ, this is probably tbo first instance on record where one in dulged in pianes. 5. and G. Items 5 and G ar Ike No. 4 only more an. Thoy bring up the amount loaned by the trustee to him self to $41,311.50 and are teemed It a $10,000 mortgage ot, , spoke B..d bindle factory, another tery useless piece of property to a railroad" and $27,- CO.'i Qil more of Cape Fear Dank N;oles. !l. The only remaining Ueto worthy of separate notice is numbered!) and consists of tmles and. drafts on one, Y 0 H indl -y for $10,700 which the com mittee believes will bo paid, which be lief of theirs is shared b no other, hu man being, with whom no have talked on the subject. T.his rcvipw we thinly by the facts disclosed iostiiics us in savins all wo have on th suhj ict. '1 he pamphlet to which we have referred gives further evidences of grave mis- management by the olli,:crs of the com pany, such m;s nana ' in fact as a rash mm w mU cill corruption, but wc have not space now to advert to them. We hive aire idy treated of th:s solved at greater length than we nre in the habit of doing, but the .1:a'e nf North C irolina own- three millions of doPi'j worth of s'.ock ol the cmpiny an 1 the pc pie of tlm stte have a right to ice e h 't is d nic wit's their prop erly. We h,4vc spoken as is our wont fully I an I pii ily, but we have made no 5'rictuies not warrraulel in our opinion by the facis of the case, and our opinion in this behalf is shared by s me of the best business men in the Guile. Men who have mado fortunes for ihc.-nsclres by legitimate businrss enterprise, and who are n.i wijliog to sec the fiui.s of tiieir labors wasted by tie irq.impctcntjy or corruption oflheir iigrots. It IM UMt' Si'OOI.S. Hin-ociiii, N. C . A;ig loth, $ia. Missus Kimtols: Allow me through your cnlumiis t present t the reading public, a few thoughts and con siderations on the ubjc'. heading this article. The subject, although a trite and, common one, dues not receive that attention its great importance merits a,nd demands. ' The object iu framing our system, is in-, deed a most wise, and laudable one to oOei and afl'irj means to the great bulk of children, growing up arour.d us, for obtaining u practical education thereby becoming fitted for properly meeting and d'schargin the mighty responsibil ities of life !j have stated the object our wise legislators had in view, in framing the dec school system, and have also stated the results it is tx peeled would naturally and reasonably follow. Now, I ask an intelligent read iug public, to notice and note, the prac tical winkings nf this system. Tlie most important nlli:ers in this free-school de partment, are the school com nittecmen and on the manner in which they meet and discharge their duties, does success or failure to iicooini lijii good follow. Generally it is the duty of the Com miilce to employ nnd dismiss teachers to locate school-houses and in loca ting them, they are required both by the Ic'lcr nnd spirit of this law, to place them in a central position i. e. in a lo cation, best adapted, to benefit and ac commodate ths greatest number of children, il is also their duty to de'er uiine the pay per month. It is their boenden duty to visit these schools, to see if ihcy are properly taught, and to take r. general supervision of the opera lion ol lhe public schools in their res pective Districts. Tney should, endeavor to b.iild up nn educational ii.tercst, and sec that the law, so far as they' are charged with its execution, is properly infoi'ced. N iw Messrs. F. litors, I have stated the duties lint pertain til the ofihe "f the School, Committee, now, generally. Is o do they perform their ollicial obligalions? I will try and an swer by on illustration. A wants a free school, after several intervies with the School C unmittee, he or she, is granted the permission, to teach one some where provided A. will obtain a house and the school g ies into operation the C. immiltee in many cases, hard'.i- know wheie the house is located, never pay, as a general thing one single visit to see how things nre conducted j f ially the teacher winces up the school, the Com mittee give an orJjr on the proper dis bursing nlTicer, for the money, and there the mat'er cuds. Now. who wilt say this is not the prac tical w. iking of this system ia our midst? N i wonder tint in many cases, these schools accomplish very l,tila good. The honest and hard working lass payers of our country are the sources from which this fund Springs. They should constitute our school Committees, and not these professional men, whose du ties and neenpati ins ui a such, ihnt they cnu'iot render ellUiunt service lor the public schools. It is quite common, for children to go out oflheir own town ships to free-ichools. This is right if the emergency the law contemplates arrives, and verv wrong and unwst, if al lowed, contrary to law. In casvs of very great hardship or inconvenience, it is ullownble, and then the respective School C imiuiuees, should see to it, that cacti township is responsible for its free school children, when the piy aiiporuouej. 1 conclude tliat il our free-school Committees would ddligcnlly and cllidenlly discharge their duties, the people would take an increased interest in these schools ; a-id as a result, we would see verv ecneral improvement 'e as a people should shake off our lethargy, in this rcspcrt, and we would do well to imitate the New England States on the free-school saMect There "education is more general, than in any other part of lhe world ; and large funds have been set apart by the different slate Legislatures for the support nf common schools. It is rare to find, in any part Of the Eastern States, nat'nrs of the country, of mature age, who are ignorant of re iding, writing and arithmetic." What n hmenlable contrast docs North ('-ar'liiia Tor instance present, when ire for one man e it cm te pl e the number, grown up to manhood, ai d womanhood, whose minds have nevr been the recipients of eten the clemei t tary pKrivjip'es of education? Ii my lii x', I will endeavor to point out the good re-ults, that would Bow from our common schools if properly con ducted, toward, educating, enlightening and reun'.pg the body p' ljtic. ' ' 6 W. 0 F. ADVKItrl: EMENTS. llf AIUUCNTO.V iMAl,K ACADEMY, FALL KKSSIOV (.pons Monday;, July asllli, 17 And continues Twenty weeks. Total F.x pensOH, . - - - to JS5. Terms-Half t Im above reo,iiir.'l in ail vmi:n, U 0 tmlanee November 1st. !-7H. No extra eharuos. 1'iipiN I'liard I from dato nt entry to elosn of mimsuhi. Ad re, JOHN i.RAIIaM, I'rineipal ; or Pr. Sol. (i. Ward, ('liairiiinn of Hoard of Trutee. .iui BURN HAM'S WARRANTED BEST A. CHEAPEST. Also, MILLING MACHINERY. ITilCZS S3DUCED APB. 20, '73. ru,'ounw. UrriL-E, Voan, l June 8 G m. C A It K f V I. M A N . A ALWAYS V A 11 HIES A Yearly rHcy Of Insurance AGAINST A OC I I) E N T S YOU CAN SKCITRK (INK IX THK moiiim: ivsntwt K to. OF MOIln, ALA. TWKNTYITVI-: CENTS Will Irosnro You Against Aeri lonts for One Div In tlio sum of Til It ICE THOUSAN'IO DDLl.AKrS in lhe evont nl Death. Or $r SEH WICKIv INIUCMNITY for Uls-ntiliiij; Injuries. It A T E S-One Iay 2." Cents Two Hays 03 CdiiU Five Hays - '- $1.25 Ten ISavs s 250 Thirty Diys -- b.W. $5.0 0 WILL INSURE YOU AGAINST ACCIDENTS, Molt TH1C TKV.M Olf- I YEAR"" 81.000 K. V. Ill'TMCR, Atxent, Vfoldpn, N. C. Mnjr 11 1 y. I-, H U N TER, si'nu i: ox d n s r i s t , Can be Coumi, at his oflK-0 Us n field. I'nre Nitrons Osido (l is lor ton l'ain- lesM Kxtraeti',;; cl'Teoth always on hand. Juno ll. a woek in vourown town. $jOut VUUlU free. ' No nsk. ltei,.1pr, il you want a hiiMnt'ss at whieli persons dl eiilier Hex ean niakit ureal pay till tlio time they work, wiiln lor imrUeuliirs to II. IIai.lktt A Co., Portland, Maine., ' uno 1 1-y. Q K E IC NS HO 110, ! IC A I. K CO L L 1C( i 1C. Terms Iteiliiccil lo Suit th- TIiiipn. Tim 4" h will beirirs on Wednes day -Sill of Aomist. I ImrKO Ior .HetMioii oTSO tVt-ekN. lloaril. (ex'-ln-iiv.' nt waihin? ami liirlils.l arin.nn, Tiiillnii Tn (nil hiiu'lish eourso, resold. Kxtra SlndiOi nioder tle. For parlieu'urs apply foi citali-Kiio to T. M. .SOMCS, 1'roii Jen t. July 6 'im. 1857 ESTABLISHED 1857 January 11, 157. RUFE IV. DAM EL, U has on 1 4i .d Apnllltnirl, Sell jit. frniii, tiroiiiuni -is a I n r a alerts. PICKLES, JELLIES, BRANDY-PEACHES. His stock of Liquor ti.J (iro"rk.i m- bract) n part FHKM'.II, API'LK, li! ACR UHHY AND YV'ILD cnCKIU' DU.VKDY, WIHSKILS, POUT AND SllfiltitY, M.VDKUtA AND CHAMPAGNE WINE Cigar. Karon, Clour, Moliissrs, Lard, .lliit;e, ltpp.r fpice, ppkes., (onlrc ttonrrli'K, An,d many ot'or artiulBs too ntimproin to mention. n. w. damkl, 10 Wash. Avonue, Wxldon, N. f, 41 AI)YLKTIKMENTS. WiMlcrn Xorfli Carolina. I a no- npon for the reception ol ploas urn Heekera and invalid-'. This lovely plaee ii siluated in thelifau valley of lli French ISroad within einht 'liiln's of railioad. Wo have a lino Dn.d nf musie, Rttentn , n ...I...- ..n,.,...l.tiiiin lo sorve.n's, arm hii ninri tc t'p-fobiiil at hrHt cia wateruiR plaee. For partieulars .".poly lor duseriptive nauiphlet. 1 1 W. II. HOWICKTON, May lStf. PropneUir. Uean make in mev faMw at.wov,K f? lis than at anvtlihiK olso Capital not re. oiiii ed; n will stal l you. J 12 per ciav at homo maiio by tlio Industrious.- Men, women, beys and r j-U wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costly nutlit and terms tree, Address Turn A Co., Auiiusta, Maine. June 1 1-y. jVq- E W SJ'KINti G 0,0 D S A T , A. FAUINIIOLTS. Jl'ST AKRIYKD AND FOR SALE AT EXTKEMfcLY LOW TltlCES. Iteniitifnl Styles nf Spring Press Cc ods IrOirt 1 On lo 5(i.! per d. ' Ilrown Linen Soitinirs -i i wide, Piques from 1JJ to or,,- pur yd. llisliop Lawns, FiyureJ .Lawns, Swiss Muslins. Illaek Alnacas splendid quality and very choap, oj.pciiAs Sprins ('alieos Cle por ydi . 4 i liluachinii at Ha. NOTIOXV. Ladies Collars and Cults, fejll; Handkor-ehif-fs. Ladies Silk and Lane Scarfs. Toeii Coilibs. "' Ladies and (ionts Lisle thrend GJoyeii. Seamless Hose and Half Hose whita and striped. 2 rstitton Kid Gloves "oe pr. Hambiirij ICdyincs anil inserting;,. Whiin yjovr?, White Ties. Silk and Leallior Holts. Hiien liosom Shirts, Percalo fjhirts, Ac. j HO ICS. Ladit.i Sorsp Gaiters and Slippers, (lents ICtnjlish Ties and Gaiters. Ladies Patent Leather and Morocco Sipl pers. Misses and rhildren Shoos. Fine Calfskiu lioots, iusl to hand a nien assortment of iuo neatest styles spring pants. Hluo Flannel Suits, Lmen Suits, White Vests. Hlaek Alpaca Coats. Light Cassiinere Spring Suits. HITS. Stryw Hals e.ll sb,es and pricos, w Ido brim ' wool and felt Hals. ;it Mtihs. This department is kopt up to its usual standard. Snirar, ('ollen, liaeon, Lard. Flour, Ac , as low as ibuy can bo bought soulli of Haiti more. I keep on hind nil kinds of Furniture. Pi ices are rod need lo eon lo nil to the saeaeity of money and tho hard limes. Call before purchasing eUpwhcre and snvo money. ' ' ' o I S7-ly 1) IjC'P business vou engago in. JjJjJOl fito?.M per day made by any win ker of either sex, right in llieir own loeiilitjcs. Partieulars and i implex wortu fi ee. Iinprovu your spare time at this business. Address Srissos A Co., Portland, Maine. jnnelly. c II E APE 11 T 11 A N IC V E R. I am now rt'cciviiiu Sprint: Goods al most daily and it is real! v asloiiishlnir to see how flump (roods nro. Articles and prices nro too numerous to mention. However I w ill name a low. Hi st Prints from G to HJ. Host Ilrown Cottons from C. to 1 . Rest Lloi'k i'ottnns lioiu 01 lo 1'.'. Wainsiitta Lti.(.-hini.'3 ' lJ, liress (ionds New Styles from 15 In lio. .que Beauties from 10 to 2o els. gls and Clark Spool Cotton Clots or in per uo7..'n. 8IIOES. HATS. AM) I'l.DTliIXO Vl.iU' U'W. KKO( E1C31.S VKUY EOtV. Syrups from Itatof'O, Old Fashion New Orlouih Molassis Iti-st Hiii Coitcos from' liltoai. Nice Wnite Sugars lo.-ts. .sido Meat Vcls. Siiimbler Meet fids Liverpool Sail Kaetn-y fill 4 RusliPls 1 h ivo thrown on mv counters about Onu Thor.saiid yards best prims, dark colors acts per yard. it. r. st'ii-.iiM, April U If. Weldon, N. C. 7" J. SAW, WELDON, N. C. DARICK A CONFECTIONER. Manufa-lures nil kinds of plain and fan cy emdies. Keeps Hlwavs on band the fullesl stock of Caridn s, Frnils, Nuts, Ac, to Ln found in Eastern North Carolina, which ho sells liv wlmlPMilnnr retail. Orders tor woddiiur partifk, and balls prepared on short Untie and ul most rea sonable prices. Cet n tr. milll!STI!IBSCF.SiVaWnETlLLn . sirns. There h a nirinn smrv ftl'oiit snme iMie 'iiirsli.i'li aif i -vuiiMvelv ailvertisrd nowa ilivj, and han onlv ren-nilv been l'1" vV"n Iho maikci. lr. I tulcrliill, ibo n-ll-knon Rrapt-Riuwer if ("rutou 1'eint, died in i8;i. twine fi h:5 in-ui iniciuiiiii 1 lunpw.ime virws f mch cxtn-me kind, ll-v Mtro unwilline M allow the Hoik ( winrs ihfn on bund to lie sold cr nnv more lo be made. 'Itic Rraprn have sometimes been sent lo niarkit. ami wimctimrs b(l lo decay upon lhe mc. Il is only now that lhe oilier lii irs have nurrcli d in arranging for n settlement nf tl c eisie nnd the ae of the ninos on hand. Amunc these is a wine c ollie inlnpo p( 15(4, ilrseribcd ns a "Swerij I nion Purl," lut Micpesdrift 'he lmpeiinl Tok.iv more lhan any oihcr l'.urepeai! ine, nnd beinjf wholly unhke nnv oilur vine t-f prowrlo. Its pnniv, ni;c and mellones are remarkable, rnd bulli pl.yicians nnd vine lauciers li.ive a speiial inierest in it rs the (Ulest nanvc wine now acer.iblp in nnv con siderable niianiiiv. The whole stock ia in lhe hands of the well-known wholclu proecry house of the Thurbcrn. .V, 1". Tnbmte, Ssv. to, 1.7. ... The almve speaks for itself, but ivc would mid flint this is lhe pure juice of flie grape, neither dnwJ, liu.mi nor waimd; that It has been ripened and mellowed hy nge, nni. fur mediciiikl or sactamcntat purposes it is unsurpaiscd. It can be obtainrj from most of the loading Druggists throughout the I'niicd Slales, nnd nt wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on application. Respectfully, etc., H. K. A F. B. THURBER & COl liVVrf PrvaJuxir, Kc.i.le untl IIhJiqh Stnct Nlw-Yufs. Juue ti in, ADVERTISEMENTS. J . T . GQOCH, GKOCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT S. Q L I fy I T S CONSIGNMENTS. COUNTRY- PVjDUCE, JfEF. ?S ON irAIjfD GROCERIES, ?RO YISIpNS., Which will bo sold low for CASH TELEPHONE. NORTH STAR. CENTENNIAL. PAPA CIGARS AND CLUB HOUSE- Are the best 5 ecnt Cigars. They nre Havana fillers. LA VALENTINE, EMANCI.VATIQN, MARGA111JTTA, k GRAND D.UCHKSS Are elear llavanas. These Cigars are sold bj all first-class dealers. Manufactured by MAXTOUE A CO., Mh3 -Z,m Proprieiors Cljarloston Branch of the Havana Cit;ar Faelory. T. N. WHITE, A. L. i.T A I N BX CK , J H. UOUCH , JB. ' WHITE, STAINJ3ACK & GOOCH. X V. L D- . SUCCICSSORS TO J. T. GOOCH. J. T. GOOCII'S ' OLD STAND. Have just opened their Fall Stock of Goods, which tbey offer te the trades LOW EST A S II I K 1 C E S. The, stock comprises a full line of REALY MADE CLOTHING, DRY (iOODS, ' HOOTS, OAFS, " The larpost slock of UKOCERIES, syoAita, SALTS, SOAPP, AC.., to be found In Eastern North Carolina. They call atlonlion to their stock of lhe famoi,s MILES PHILADELPHIA, HAND MADE For lSoth LADIES anil GENTLEMEN. ' Oct 17 1-y. T. JJ. WfITE, W H I T E & S E L I lave just re'urnril fiom the North with DRY UOODS, AN tEADY MAI)L CLOTHING, 8Hov:s, HATS, ltII)LK, ANp, COLLARS, vor offered in tLis market, which they are selling LOW F O K They call fpecial attenllon to their They will linplieale any bill of kooiIs that Wo iiitl'iid to ploaso. Call and nee ua. A. L. E Ll.K T T A V O., OltV UOOUH AXO NOTIONS 10, H nod 11 TWELFTH STREET A. L. Ei.i.ktt, ) A, Ji'nsos Watkinn, I Cl.AV HKKWKV, 1 s. n. iii-oypx; j RICHMOND VA OF COTTON, CORN, &C. A FULL STOCK OF MUL ASSES, N AILSf., k C. J. T. COOCH , V( ELDO, If. f. GOODS, LADIES SHOES. NOTIONS. CRESS II ATS, COFFEES, TEAS, SOOTS AND SU.OE3 A. L. STAIN BACK. T AINBAC K, O N N. ihe Largest Stcok f i) BOOTS, GROCERIES, CAPS, SADDLES, C A N If. Stock of PRESS GO.TDN. nt TMM1NG5. can be purchatid fcjouth of Kew j;oi Oct 17-1-y. Kf'KLL UOU8E. SOHFOLK, V A. J. iy I) A Y I s... PROPRIETOR, RATES, tt.OO, t2.5t), and $2.00 per Day, According to Location, July 6 Jy. iitf, A ifV

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