b 'i ' THE ROANOKE NE"'S. SV'ITUIUY, SKl'THMUKU 14, Tin-, niinoi uvnr th ki.t. 'on gross!, on u I Nominal i mil. viii: ( iini;i::s riusr iuntkii r: .1KSSK .J. VEAiF.S, el Hcrti'onl. run ciin'i.ki'.-'. nil i:i m-ti:kt : Al.l'UKU M U'Allil-XL. ol New H i uvcr. rou i oS(K!:ss, i" i ' i:'i'n um iiii ri J. .1. PAVIS, ol Franklin . viK ( Nii:i -;. vn rii ii- ri: ic r : ALITvKI) M S'WLI',-, ol' liu'.K'ur.l. yon i iiNiii:i:s-i. six in li n:i( T : WAl.TK'l I,. HTKKI.K, cf llnck in glia m . run t v i r: i s-. m:tiii mstimci' Hum:!'. r v. akmi'iki.h, i.f Iredell. ion ( I'N'i.Kr.s, ciiiii i'ii i i s I'l : i r : i,oi;i-;ur is. v nim-:. ill liincii ube, 1'i.r.t Tins Ti i.si'AY. NovrMHia: .'.ni. Tin: revolution i;; M line is su ureal us to incut sjii'ti.il nnti'.'i'. but in very truii tlie change is so ovcr-vl'ii'lini";;! start ling tl):it we (1 in't know what t snv nbmit it. Tin', the strongh il.l of K'.' publicnnism shuuM have repudiated tlie Republicans is s grc.it matter fur wonder and gra'u'ritwn tlint wo nro uaable to gD intit th(! cm-set that pro duce it and tlie rcsnlts which will ari-c therefrom. It is c iniili for u to know that M line will h ive a ljni.!rat c ti iv ernnr, that Ivigiitie. 1 1 tie, II. Vine? man 1'iiJ.iy will no longer bj in the 11 mse of K 'present itivcs and that Senator 11 unliu's suc;csi : will pr'obihly not be ii ll"publiciV As we stated in list week's issue, we are not prepared to c mimit ourseUcs to cither ol the Itjmocratic c imlul atcs for cnngrcssionil h inor, in this District. To have t candidates in the field, is to place the election of O'llir beyond (picsti on, a id we d not care t be in B'r i u ;at il in doing s , ho.vevcr, re ni itely or indirectly. W'j therefore re-peclfully siCit t M -ssrs. I, ,i r,ud Kitchen to lay their claom beiore the District executive I ' iiiiiittee, and agree to abide its decision, a id then we will end irse either nod give hiai o ir houty b import. As Ins already been sii I in tliis papc, we are not assured of a )- n- ocru'.ic majority in I' ingress yet, an Jl our patty shuuld be careful how they j jeoparjiio any election, and should use every moans to keep our people togeth- j cr. The Radicals are moving Heaven and earth to defeat us this year, and it we are to tuve inn a cl z-; n c inuiJUes for every oil'ue our dowi.l.iH is certain. lin, we cm uifird ti risk nothing, even in the most uncertain Di trict. Since wri'ioi' the ah ive. we notice I that Mr. A. J. l I illowav the C iairu, an I ,m'(" "" V c st r ,1 y , deeming it l.n of the executive Cmmittee has called a j " cill a convention for the meeting of that body in C l lsboro on ,nK, 's''' l)r"c,'ede I itself to nominate n the 17th to determine- whether or not a c"ul' '"e fl)r U-"g.s, and further, Mr. convention should be called. We aftf j Turner iilhit nominee. What consul, in doubt, as to the wisdom of ci'iiog a j ration induced the committee to make convention or the pr.opli: of the ! strict j the nomi;,ati m itself rather than call a now. We think it might perhaps b.- better onven'ion to d ) it, we are not advised, to lave the entire matter of n .miobtions 1 S ' fi,r "s PI'ears the only quesliou was as inlhu hands of those intelligent gentle men who compose tlie committee. We have however, heird the matter pretty freely d'.ca se,l hereabouts and Ii id i pubic opinion about equally divided. The notice of the sitting of tho committee is a very shurt one, which is to be regretted, for under the circumstances wo think it a go .d idea to have representative men from each county io tho District t unel the executive committee on Tuesl.iy liPX'.ttud determine among themselves till iset course to pursue, and we re spectfully suggest the plan to tha favor able consideration of such representative men and ask '.bit as m iny as can d so, go to (luld.boro on the 17th, and by all means let the many aspirants present lhi'iiisi;lves and lay their claims before that body. 'I HE I'l HVl.tM) JOl ltU. MEDIC II. The S -ptem ber number of this rxcrl- ler t publication has been toceived. It .. ! .l . , I . I I'. . . I iiiuiruiit.s inu i.igu sianuaru il assumed with its f,-i i"j!, ritorc t!::n i ycr ngo, and nireadt it tanks any similar enterprise puhlMicd South of I'liila delphia. Its t.i'jle of cou'.cuts is aUays full and the matter it contains is uf the very highest order of merit. The list of contributors embraces nimy of the m ist disti iguishcd medical men in this country and Ivirnpe, and the interest and value of the JunrmJ increases as it grow older. The number before us is specially excellent in that it contains a superb vuiety of nutter suited tithe wants of the practicing physician, and the general public us well. Tho senior editor, Dr. II. H. T. Manning, is well known to our readers and requires no introduction. His asso ciate Dr. T. A. Ashby is a man of high scientific attainments ar.d is a fit co worker of our energetic ci-townsman Dr. Mannine. We are gratified at their success anil ,i,h them all possible prosperity. 'I'hr Ji.V'o.r! Mr.Ur.'l J;n,;ml is published by lrs. Manning and Ailiby at Haliiuiore, M l , ut the low price i f $3.00 per year, F.ieiy physician should have it. It will be gratifying to the many old frier. lis of our former townsman, Walter Norman Allen to know that he ' still livts" and continues to battle fur democracy. 1'rom a reoent file of Kansas papers we copy the following remaiks made in the State Convention : NOMINATING CAN'nm.Vl KS. Y. N. Allen, of Jefferson county, said : I ile-irc to place in nomination fur liovernor a very distinguished gentle man well known as a man of ability one who will ever lin remembered for liis noble deeds ai.d patriotic virtues, a mini whose views pre in perfect accord with the progressive ideas of our party, and to whom we are indebted above all others for the preservation of the great fundamental principle of democracy, I he tights ol the Mates. ir, 1 iiMrui that lie acq oittal o! An.ly o .nnson in inn m.ii under articles ol lie.- peachment was the salvation of the Suite rights doctrine. It was this old Jefferson principle that was on tiial and not I'lCsideit J-ihnson which excited the interest and caused the alarm. 1 sliall rrver forget the d.nk shadows of this tri il, n ir the seven republican Sen ators who rallied to the rescue. There was one of the seven who stood out in gi -eater pruinio aoc ! tlnii all til.: rest. II e s ic: ilL'ed in iro ii'oi did more. It was his vi le that turned the .scale against the Coiupirilors, woo were seeking to overthrow the government, by ceiitralil ino the powers of the S'.a'o. To consummate the purpose they sought fust the removal of the ('resi dent to place in power Hen Wada of 0'ii .. If the conspiratois had succeeded in this, there would not be tcjav a single Federal Statu South of Mason and Dix Hi's line. Kvcry S;ate in the 1'uioii would have been stripped ul all the at. tributes of s ivorignty. 1 want to honor the brae man who saved ns from this calamity, who saved the States from being swallowed up in one consolidated colossal government to be administered in the interest of the money power. 1 nominate for (lovernor, K. II. I! is a man known and respected by the Djmocracy everywhere." There seems to be some chm.ee to elect a Democratic liovernor in Kansas. The Ridical maj irity was reduced twenty thousand, two years ago. Mr. Allen is a native of this county and wis born in ls3l. Kducated at Wake I' irest Odiege. Studied law at Chapel I Ml, and was admitted to the bar in 1 lie was at one time a member, we believe, of the Kmsas Leg. islature. He removed to Kansas about twenty years ngi. - - -Mil Tl iCM.lt Till'. It OK II. mi ii.ki:. It w ill be seen from the report of the proc.edms printed eKo.tliere this morn ing tint the 1! idical Kxecutivc Commit. tec for tliij Congressional District at its to the expediency or inexpediency of calling a convention to make the nomi nation ; tho propriety of not making one at all not having been discassed. In deed the whole object of the managers of the meeting seems to have been to bring Mr. Turner out as the Radical standard bearer in the quickest manner p issible. A convention could not have done it s ) quick'y, und might not havo d oie it at all a'.d it may bo that this con siJera'ioii induced the conrnitlcc to take the responsibility of acting and of acting at once. It ' course this sort of thing will stiike strangely upon both Democratic and Kidical ears. How far this action of the C immittee will be sustained by the pirtv we aro not advised at this writing; nor me we sullkiotly versed in Kidical I usigti to siy whether an executive Com- j millet has a right to refuse to call a j C .invention, and havinj s i refused to . proceed to make a nomination by its I 11 . 'Mi own w in or not. 1 n il is not a qui s- tin!! f o lis to decide. Via like tilings as we fi id them, that is ti say we find the Uidical Kxecutive (' immittee re fusing Io call into being the only parly authority superior to itself, and straight way proceeding to the selection uf a stand ird bearor for its party. Mr. Tur ner then standi beforo the public as the formuliy declared nominee uf the 1! idi. cil party, and must ba so coi sidercd until he shall be takcu down by an au thority ut least as potent as that which put him up. I If course this action of the Radical party, taken, as it avowedly is, lu des'r.-.y tho Democratic parly, must sever any remaining lio surviving from old time relations between Democrats and Mr. Turner. No sane man needs to be told that the nomination of Mr. Turner by the llidical party has nut been secured without somo considera t'un. What that consideration is, ci iprcsior implied, it is uu u waste of time to discuss From yesterday, r.t least, every sane man must see that Mr. Turner has gone over, horse, foot and dragoons to the ltadic.il party, His most devoted personal admirer may now no longer doubt the truth painful ns it may he to I. in. The question now i. whither Democrats will choose Joe Davis, the regular nominee of their party, or Joe Turner, tlie regular nom inee of the f! i licil party, who h is been chosen by that party, so it siys, ex pressly tu beat Mr. Davis. Radical Joe or Democrat J e is now the word. Precisely what will becomo of Mr. liledsoe d ies not yet nppoar ; whether lie will sub nit qiietly lobe thin un ceremoniously kicked from the field we do not know. Ills candidacy was as n Uadical, suhj-ct to tho action of the llolical (invention, not the Radical I'.xeculive (' immittee, consisting of six men, and two of them proxies, and one opposed t) Turner. Wiint course he will m)rsle . kl)(),v ,)nr d , kl)0W ,, far it will be aff c'.ed by the remembrance ofthepirt th' t.vo proxies at the inciting yesterday took io the Vigtist campaign toward himself He may think the action on yesterday was only a continuation of the fight made against, him in August or he may not. It is none of our funeral, and we refer to the matter only in pass inn. A id as we pot upon reo ord tho se lection of J si.ili Turner as tho llidical nominee for Congress lor this district our mioil involuntarily tin ns back to that solemn s; eue enacted no-.v near eight years ago in the C ipitol R iilding, when the liovernor of Noitii Carolina was on trill fir the highest critnts and misdemeanors in olilee known to the laws of the land. In that trial Mr. Tur uer was a most conspicuous witness. And with his lips fresh from kissing the Holy evangelists of Almighty God in witness of the truth of what be should say, he solemnly swore that the account given by (lovernor Ilolden, then as now the chief of the Radical party, of the arrest of tho witness was "as false os malice could make it." Aod how plainly Mr. Turner stands out before the mind's eye us ho swore under the same solemn sanction that his relations with (lovernor 11 dden were "j ist as they ought to be between a good man and a bad nun !" And how plainly, too, we seem to see him as ho swore under tho same solemn sanction in which be np. pealed to Alurghty (jod, the witness of truth and the avenger of falsehood, for corrections of his statement, that bitter as his foldings were toward (I ov. Ilolden, that he ''thought about as well of him as bo did of any man in his political party, and that there was a very little differ ence between them." And this is the man 'tho Radicals nominated on yesterday. Verily, if there be such a sontiment as sell respect left in a Radical bosom, there will be found Radicals to repudiate the action of the committee. Raleigh Ob server. - . Vi i.hon, N. ('., Sept. 7th, 1 s 7 . eiiiTihis Roanok i-2 Ni:ws: Will you do us the favor to publish in your issue ol the 1 l.h Inst, thu unclosed card. Yety truly Ac, D. C. Cl.AKK, M. I.ONi,. Whereas, thero his been a mutual misunderstanding between W. 1'. Hatch clor esy. and Spier Whitaker Kqr., and whereas the matter has been re ferred by said gentlemen to Mr. I). C Ciark on the part of Mr. Spier Whitaker and to Mr. , M Long on the part of Mr. V. 1'. 1'iatchelor and whereas we are satisfied that the panics have acted hastily and from misapprehension of each other's motives. Now it is mu tually agreed that the said parlies do mutually withdraw and retract all words, letters, speeches editorials tc, in any manner reflecting on the other. This tub, Sept. 187. D. C. Cl.AKK. e. m. Unu. ADYKKTISEMKNTS. OTIC E . N Ilnvliiir iippeim 1 a Ili aneli Sioro in En Il 1 1. N. I'., with a lull lino ni ite.i.ly Made ( lotbiliK. I'i'V liiiods, H .ols, Shoiisi llms, l ..ps, I In v am, I'rnkrrv, und Kiwavs mi Ii and a foil lino of (iiiHcries, which will lie Hupl elm ip. 1 liiive iiiiiiimifil l-.llw lvy n.v arnt who Las thu power lo buy anil M'll fur ctsh, und who will be Kind to wii't on his Iricudt itud I'l public ).'ci'cr.;ll v, H. WHI I'LOCK. August 10 I in. N u T I C E To tho eroJitors of John It. llary, I'.eceasell : Take notice that a special proceodiiiii lias nenii eonimeneoii nelnro tho Clerk tlie Sinmrior Court tor Halifax County Norlb Carolina, against Paul Oary, as ad ministrator ol John It. llary doeoai od, for an iicooiint and settleliienl of b, adnunis I rut i-n, ami lo pnv to the creditors what may be payable to them reipoolivnl V, mid mis is lo noiiiy you to npnenr beforo said Clerk on nr before the -sih day of .Septom- ln r A. H. ls.S, at his nines in ilalilax town ami fi lo your evi.lioici H of dent against aid dPoiHiont duly uiilhontiinied, or thin nniiuu will be plded in bar ol their rcoov. cry. Let a eony of this notieo lio posted nt ium i ouri :ioue in sum eounts or llah lax fur Ihirlv days anil a enpv thmeof bo pui'lis:i'. in ihe l.oauiikn News, a news. paper pulillshed In said rnniily, oneo a wi'i'K nir six HMceessivo wihiks. This the l.'th day of Auir. ls;s, JSO. T. OltEiiOllY, Clerk Suprrior Court, and Probate .ludun, Halifax County, ', C. AiiS'-'I'.lw, ALVEIU'ISEMENTS. w 1 1 ,sn . (. ' 0 1 . 1 . r.i . 1 A T E S E M I N A H Y HIIAO.V. X. t (r o ii von o i- v b i k ) I ho l iill St-ssioil ISi'Kiiis Svt. Nth. TERMS I'KH SUASION nV 20 WEKlo Il.ianlaml Literary Tuition 77.. W to ftio.oo. m.,.. ;ih usiii.f I'iauolur urucliuenii l'aintini;, Drawing, Wax Work. linn lo.ol). 10.0(1. For Ctitaloirnn, or information, address. b J. H. 111! KWK.lt, 1' i i n c ; p a I, Juno 2' 3 ni. ii F- U T L E K, Fire mid I. He Iiisiiriuirp .tueiil. Places rinks of all kinds i'l Mr-t-elass Coinpaniiis as low B'i nalety will permit. Pall and fee inn beforo insiiririK '. here, at llUmVVS IHitfi STOItF, Woldon, N. l Jul v i:i 1 y. w A It It UN I 'N M A I.I'. AC A II KM Y, KAI.I. SK.ssION opens MoikIiij, July 2!Mli, 1S7S, And eoiitiniies Twenty weeks. Total Kxpensi'.S J7", to Js,-,, 'I'prms-rllalf the abnvo rof j ii i j .d in ad vnni'ii. t1 n '.lalaneo Novmnber 1st, 1S7.1. No extra cliarniH. l'unils nharnod from datn ol entry to eloso ol hihshui, Addross, JiUIN i.RAHAM, l'riuuliml t or fir. Sol. (I. Ward, Chairman of Hoard of Tiiisteos. junu BURN HAM'S itt i.i.nniiitrn nrcTI. rUIACtDT ill vfAnnHnitij otoi . uuui .-' z4 . utnius uAPUtwrnv illbO, miCLinu iiiunii.i.iiii rSICES REDUCED APR. 20, '73. J-uiiii.hlcUfrto. Ovrict, Yoiik, i't, June 8 0 in, ItAll.VM HIUH HfilUUI, it a ii v n x. v. Always noons tlin last. Monday in An usl and closes tho last Friday in May fnlliiwiiiLf : Hoard,' wa-bint, lil end linliN SS to fll per mouth accordiuir to tho distanee walked, oilier aecomliioilallons liiniislieu. Tuition tf.l.oil to .."iO per inonlii. For additional in I'm ination address, HKV. 1). A. i.om;, r ii i n n 1 1' a i., Al unanve Co, N. C, July ill 1 t, A C A It K I'' U I. M A X A I. W A Y S C A 1! It I E 3 A Yearly Policy Ol' Iiihiii'iiim'c All A INST A C C I 1) 1' N T S Vnf rN sKi'PKH ONI-: IX Tllll MOIIII.E I.II'E IXSl KAM i: ( O. OF Ml IHI Li-., ALA. TWI'.NTV-l'lVI-: CFNTS Will Insure You AuVinst Acci lents for One I lav ill tlm sum of THREE TIIol'siAMl D.U.l.AltS in tho ov.inl nf Death, or ?!" I'EK WEEK INDEMNITY for Disabling Injuries. HAT E S One Day - - 2.i Cents Two Days - - 50 Cents Five Days fl.U'i Ten Days - - s - ol) Thirty I) i.ys 5.Dli. .1. 1) U ILL I A M li I'i JIM AtiAINsr ACCIDENTS, Foil THE TERM OF I YKAKKV,? 1.000 It. F. Ul'TLEK, AmiI, Weldon, N. C. May Illy. Q It. E. 1 . II V N T E R, K I' It Ci i: X I E .HIST, Can be found at bis olllee lu lOntield. Pure Nilmuslls dii lias lor tho Pain less hxiracliui; of IVulli always on baud June II. C'l' a w"k in vmir own town. JIOiil VUU lil fri ti. No risk, Reader, il vou vianla business at ulneli persons uf eiiher Hex can make i;i cat pav nil the limn tliey work, wi i in for particulars lo II. II m m: it it Co., P'irtlaiiil, Maine. Juno I 1 y A. L. E I. L E 1 T .V C U., 1K .(MMS AVII XOTIO.VS 10, 12 and 11 TWHM'riI STl'iKKT A. L. Ei.i.ktt, j A. Jl IISON ATMINS, ( Cl.AV I IKK w HV, ) . It. Ht-miKs. ; Hli'lI.MUNll VA CVf, J) L it c i: L L II O V S E . Mllil UI, K, V A, .1. II- I) AVIS PROPRIETOR. k i t r. . . J I.Uii, fi.'Hl, and $2.00 per Day, According to Locatioii, July i ly, 9 Anvr.KTIEMKNTS. y ARM SriSGS, H'oslorn IVwrth Carolina. Is now npon for (lie icception ot ploas uro feekP!' ami invalids. This lovoiy piaeo Ii Mlimtei) in tbbbrnu tif.il valley nt the French ltroaci witliin fn.rlii miliw ri f milinaii. We have a tine tiu.il of music, attentive servants, anil all oilier aecomiiiniiatioriK to lo found at a tirst class watering place For particulars apply for descriptive pamphlet. ,i,imv W. II. JIOWKKTOX, Proprietor. May IStt. 1 T can make money faster at work for um II Mm,, ui HiiviliiiiL' 9lso Capital not re- ouiiedi will start yon. fiaperdayau hilllio mai O OV llltl lioosil nuio. women. Imys and a ria wanted everywhere i,. wrk f. r ns. Now is the time. Costly outfit and terms tree. Address ini-h Co., Aimiisu, Maino. June 1 1-y. 1 U'P business you can engage in. DUO 1 t!i to S2U iier day made by any winker ol eiiner sex, nuni m own localities. I'artieuiars huh mniir worth $o l'i is', linprovo your spare time it this business, Address sstinws .v . Portland, Maine. Juno l l y. C 1 II K A P K H T 11 A N K V K It. I um now reee v ni! Sprlnil t.oous ais mi .ii.llv um! it is really astonislilnii to sen how eheap i;oods are. Arueies hiio "-- : . . . . i prices are too numerous in menumi. 1 1 nu-iii'iir I will IOIMIM U flJW. ItesL Prints from s ' "l. Ui.si iiriiu'ii ( 'iiilons from n to 1 Itest ltiiii'k Cotlnns Irniu to lL'l. U'umyoll.i ItleaehiiiL'S !-! Kress (ioods New Stvles from 15 to tin. Pimm Heaiities from 10 to 2"i els. Onus anil Clark's Spool Cotton GJjIm or li,5 per dozen. SIIOKK. HATS. AMI I'l.nTlItXO VKItV LOW. (iK(K liKJF.S VERY LOW. Senilis from 35tofi0. (lid l'':iiiinii New Orleans Molasseu 7S lie.st ltio Colloos from IB to 3. Nice W'liite Suirars ID'-ts. sido Muat 'ets. Hemilder Meet t.iveinool Sail. Vautnuv fill 4 Husbels l.ti). 1 havo thrown on my conn tors about One Thousand yards best prints, UarK colors sets per yard. R. 1'. SPIKKS, April 1:1 If. Weldon, N, Ci y-jrx aw, " '' WELDON, N. C. KAKEK .t CONFECTIONER. Maiiul'aetures all kinds of plain anil fan ny emdies. Keeps always on band the fullest stock of Candies, Fruits, Nuts, Ac., to bo found in Eastern North Carolina, which bn sells by w io emi n or retail. Orders lor weddiint parties, and balls prepared on short notice and at most roa- sonaole prices, Oct l!i If. TOTAL ABSTUKV K S.'.V! WiSB TILL IT UH'IAS. Thore i n curious sinrv about some nativa wines )iah nrc i m-i.-ivi-Iv advertised nowa days, and hai lb n-a-nilv bien put upon the markcl. Dr. Cndcrhill, the wcll-kiimvn prape-Krott-er i f t.'ri l.Jii IVint, (lied in i8;t. Some f hu heirs entertained lmperam-e views of buih cvlreme kind, that ihey wire unwilling 1 1 allow tlie stock i f m ines ihcn on land lo bo sold cr any more io be made. The Riapi-s have sometimes been Bent lo ,!,srl-.. nnil vfimrliim-a 1' ft ti decay upon the vines, It i . only now that lie! ether lien n h ive : m-ceeck-d ia t'rr.inj-t!i t"t a scltli ment ,.( csi:i;s n--.il tki !.:'.e of lie wint-s on lt.-ir.-l. Aiikhs lln-se is a wine cf the mniKc i,f iS '4, ilescniied ns a " Sweet I'nion 1'nri, bio Mi!fii'3tinvr the lnipeiir.l Tokay moio Ili-iii tmv o.her I'.c.ror-iaa wine, r.r.d I ritiff wiwltv imli! e anv oilier wine i f Amcman o, f ; iinrOv .si-is nnd mi ilowii'-bs are rumarUI.!-'. .-ml butli' pliyiicians niid vine- fancii-rs h o - a hwci.-.I nr.en si m 11 ... iiib .1,1.... .,.!,,. ulnn rmt erei-sslliii' in : nv iim- J.l..r..l.l!.'i.i,.,.,iiiv. 'I lie whole Mm Is is in lliu i ,.f n.n v..il .tnmvn wholesale etoeer Imnse cf te Thurbrs.-.V. )'. 'riime. A'.'f. i?. i "T7. M l,., s-i.-:-' 1 T r luclf, I "! i t WTllld nr'..l tli.at tliis i -. I'i ' pur-' j"luc i f Ih'J S.r.'I neither cm,;-- !. .-;:: ,-,. n- r vvl.rcJ ; In 0 it I... i'i',i-ii d : .l I icllinved In- w, r;i I for medicinal or :..ie-a-n. -..:i.l i n:;-' ms i: 1. ...ciimu it- It CIO 1-0 u'ol.lilll'l from Must f ti e Kailinr; Imt 'i is tli.i u-' ont tho rmn-d St;-.t '-. . .0 v'.iol' from tho inidi-r-ieii'-'l. who ill (urwsnl descriptive pamphlet, fir.-. f cn.-rirc. v.n upplicaiion. Jtecni'C f :i'v. etc., H. K. & F. B. THURBER & CO. IWir jruJii A.j..'. ..' UvUm Strcet June 2!) fl m. 1857 1857 ESTABLISHED Jaiiuury 1st, lfc57. RIFE DANIEL, lie has on bai.d .Millhiris, Kollcr, Grrmnu, ltruiilliul .Niilurnl Mnlerst, PICKLES, JELLIES, . BRANDY-PEACHES. His stools of Linuors ai.d (Iro-nrlos m liraee In part FRENCH, APl'LK, IlLACH'ilf RRV AND WILD CllERRiT BRANDY, WHISKIES, PORT AND SHERRY, MADEIRA AND CHAMPAGNE WINE (ileum, Huron, flour, .1oUMieft,L,itrl, Ginger, Pepper Spire, Apple, Coulee- liourrie, And many other Hrtielos too uumeroog to mention. R. W. DANIEL, lOWiisb, Avonue, AYoldon, N.C. uiu Ji 1 q AUVEUTISKMENTS. HENRY V U It N I T U 11 I T II O L S T E It A Si UNDERTAKER, WELDON Ni C. Mv Frinnda und llin Pnhon of Weldon and Surronniil iB Country 1 1 3 resre tfallv l- foru'ied that I will U'sn iireat pleasure, in serving them with any stylo of furniture; alao do UidiolsicriiiL'. fu rn mil Mattreuses or any tliini: in my fine will also, do lepuiiinif i,J ino niubi suusiaiuiai manner, ui pneos ii 'nun. -fr tti AT li XX Jli IN 11 1 PRACTICAL 0 A 1? I N V. T M A K E II, AND FURNITURK JtEPAIREIt. CASKETS, DUIU.VL CASKS AND COFFINS I.URMSH1'.U AISUURl fluutn, J . T . GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. O Jj I C I T S CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE, KEEI'S ON HAND g n o c k n i k s , PROVISIONS, Wliic!) will be gold low for CASH. nnr ft ftm TELEPHONE- NORTH STAR, CENTENNIAL. PAPA CIGARS AND CLUB HOUSE Arc the best 5 cent Cigars. They are Ilavana fillers. LA VALENTINE, EMANCIPATION, 1IARGARETTA, & GRAND DUCIIKS3 Are clear llavanas. These Cigars are sold by all first-class dealers. Manufactured by HAMOUE A CQ., Mh3 -:iui rroprlotors ( linrlesion liranch of the Ilavana Cigar FaelorT. T. N. WHITE, A. L. (STAIN-BACK, J U.UoOCH , JK. WiHIlTB, STAINBACK & GOOCH. W E DON, SUCCESSORS TO J, T. QOOCH, J. T. noocirs old stand. Havo just oponod llioir Fall Stock of Goods, which they oflar to the trad k I. O W E S T CASH r It I C E s. Tlin stook coniprlsKa a full lino of READY MADE CLOTHING, DUY (IOODS, BOOTS, CAPS, The largest stock of UKOCKRIEH, SUGARS, SALTS,. SOAPS, AC, to bo fuiinrl In Eastern North Carolina. They call attention to thoir stock of the famous MILES PHILADELPHIA, HANI) MADE HOOTS Ai!! 2HCZ3 Eor lioih LAU1KS and GEXTLE.M EX. Oct 17 1-y. T. N. WHITE, HITK & W E L D II lave just re'urncd from tl8 North DRV HOODS, .IEADY MADa. CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, HI OLE 3, AND COLLARS, vor offered in this market, which they aro soiling W F O It CAS II. Thoy call espocliil nttenllon to llioir Slock of DRESS GOODS, and TRIMISG They will Duplicate any bill of (rooda that cau be tmrcliaiscd South of New York We iuloud to jdcaae. Cull and boo uu. O-it 17-1-y. BORST, K I) E A L E H , um nine. 11 f T Ci m D U Jl D 1, PeptTtf. (iOOGH, 0 F COTTON, CORN, C, A f V L I, S T 0 C If 0 F M 0 L A S S E S , NAILS. A 0 , J. T. COOCH, H'ELDOS, Jf. C. If. C. GOODS, LADIES DRE8 SHOES, HATS, KOTIONS COFFEES, TEAS. A. L. STAINBACK. STAINBACK 0 N. with il0 Largest Stock of ANd NOTIONS;. BOOTS, UROCEMES, GAPS, SADDLES, AN0 i ,!4