-r.,-MM..IM,IWI i i I,,, in, THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING KATES. THE ROANOKE NEWS A PE MOCK A TIC W K R KLY N K W SPAT E R , . . . . i ffi PUBLISHED BY BAT IIELOK V I.OIKIIABT. OnB Year, In advance, Mix Months, " three Month, " 2 CO 1 01) 75 cts PROFESSIONAL CARDS. rjl W, MASON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, GAUYaUUR'J, N. c. Praeticnsln tho courts of Northampton nnd ndjoinlnir enmities, also in tho Foderal and Suprino courts, Juno S-tf JOS, B. liATCUKLOK. ATTORNEY AT I, AW, RALEIGH, N. t Practices in the courts of tho (HIi Judi cial District and in Uio Fodural and Su preme Courts. May 11 tf. VTAI.THK L'liAIIK, Itilni?li, N. C. K. T. CI, AUK, Halifax, N. C, C L A It K, c LARK t ATTORNKY.t AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Will prHoticeia the Courts of Halifax and adjoining counties. March l(i tf. . II. KITCllKX. r I T C W. A. M'NN. 1) U N N , HEN & ATTORNEY A C lUysnr.r.ollS T LAW, Scotland Neck, Ilnlilux Co., N. ('. Praelien in tin Courts of Halifax and adi'iinim; o moties, anil in tho Supremo and Federal Courts. .'.nils tf rpUOMAS' N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in Halifax and adjoining Counties and Federal and Supremo Courts. Will baatSoHlaud Neck, once every fortnight. Au. 28-a W. H. Bay, '. V. U.U.I., ALL D A Y H ATTORNEYS AT LAV, WKI.DOV, N. 4'. Praotlee In the courts of Halifax nnjl adjoining countios, aud in tlio Supreme ei)d Federal courts. (Maims oollGolod in any part of North Carolina. jun 'M 1 Q s 'AMU EL J. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JAdlSO.V, N. V. Practices in the Court of Northampton iiud adjoining counties. sop 15 1 Y A V I N L. H Y M A N ATTORNEY AT LAV HALIFAX, N. 0. Practices In lbs courts ol Hali.ax and Adjoining o mn'.ios, and in tlie Supremo and Federal Courts. Claims collected, iu all parts of North Carolina. Office iu the Court House. july 1-1-Q. . BURTON, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in tho Courts of Halifax County, and Counties adjoining, In tho Supreme Court of tho State, and in tho Federal Courts. Will give speiiil attention to tho collec tion ofclaims.and to adjusting the accounts of Executors, Adiniuisratois and (iuar dians. ilec-15-tf J. M. O R I Z Z i R I), ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Office In the Court House. Strict atten tion givon to all branchos of the prnfos jrion. Jn 12-1 e E. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ENFIELD, H1UPAX COUNTY, N. C. Practices In the Counties of Halifax, Hash. Klenoombe and Wilson. Collections uiado iu all parts of the State. Jan 12 0 i AMES E. O U A It A, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FIELD, X. . Practices in the r uintlos of Halifax f.dgocomho nd Nash. In tho Supreme ;ourt of the State and in tho i-tidenil Courts. Collections made in nny part of the !S!t.e. Will attend at the Court llouso in Halifax on Monday and Friday of each wek. jaii l-i'l o A N D K E W J. BURTON, ATTOltXKV AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practices in tho Courts of HaliUx, War den and Northampton eoiintios aud in the Suprouio and Federal Courts. CUIms collected in any part of North Carolina. June 17-a IASH3 II. Hl'l.LES. JOHN A. MOAitK. U L L E N Jr MOO K E ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Hull lux, X. C. Praetioo In the Counties of Halifax, Northampton, Kdgnooinuo, Tilt aud Mar tin In me Supreme Court of the State nit in tho Federal Courts of the Eastern District, Collodions made in any part of North Carolina. jan 1-1 o VOL. VII. TO MY WIFE, HY V II. ntllloll.V, 1 loy.i thno, darling? Toll m novor Of tho hour when I will know Tliat thy lovohas ceased fir, nor From my heart for mo lo How, Oh! 'twould niush my heart In breaking, If thysmiles for n,e should wane; And no halm could he.il the aohli'n Of tho bitter, hitler pain. Love tho, darling ? Let tho twilight Of all other loves r;rov dim : And us stirs in di'piist midnight Nil i no t he l.ri u hi "-I , lock to Inin Who iu youth to tin e has plighted A 11 tho love his young heart Knew, Though the (-tnrues ol !ih ,nve hiiirlitcl Its lair booms, in ,.ut) iv,, hi view. Lovo then iliirling? Till I perish ; ' Pill my hand iu ilcith grow., cold; Till ail thing of i-arlh 1 o:ioridi Slurp in death's nnslir hi ling m.uild -Till until I cannot tell thou If my love shall ever din For some whisper se 'ins lo tell mo "It will live In vol d the sky." WASHING DAY. dear tut! I what shall wo dor" Slid Mary L nm x. It's inst cxactlv like thoso woikiiio people, to en and fall ill just when ive nee I them most. And every napkin in the wash, and not enough table linen to ist two weeks, poor manaper, 1 on must bo a very grandma, tint to have things !'' in r ol such Oal Mis. L-ntmx sil is slie rubbed the glasses of her sp xtanles "My dear," siid she, "l skoul.l have bad mure if I e ui!d have airtded them. But limes are hard and " Yes, I've lieaid all til it btfore." said Mary, irreverently. "Dut tho ques tion is, oiandina, fth.il shall wo do about the washing, now that Katiiua cannot come ?" Mrs. Lennox heaved another mji. She was eld and rlusimaiio, an 1 the great pilod-up basket of clothes seemed a tcnific buebcar belore bei eves. I'm sure I don't know,"' said she. ' J).it if yoti giris will belo a liltlo about the dinner, 1 will try and see what I can do. U must bs g it uill, I suppose, and " Iiut here a slight, daik-eyed girl, with :lear, olive compl, xion, and wavy black hair growing low on her forehead, turned from the table, where she was rinsing chin. You will d) nothing of the kind. grandma," said she, as resolutely as il she had been seventy instead of seven teen. ' You attempt a days washing, at your nge'r" "But my dear," said c:lidi)ia Let,- mix, leiulv, "ivho will no it r "I will," said the daik-'-yed lassie, "(jcorge, I'm surprised at youl'' siid Mary. "S liv you never did such a thing in your life !'' "I liars no rrason I never should. "15.1'. Gemgic if any one should see you ! 'We don't generally receive cemnn y in the kitchen," said (Jeergic Leunox. "And if any one should come iu " "Well?" "If ihey like mj occupation, I shall be very much pleased ; if iliey don't they are quite a liberty to look the other "ay 1" nd Miss Lonimx tied ti prodigious crash nprmi nmu"d her, rolled up her sleeves, and resolutely took her stand in front of the wash-bench. It seems too bad, my dear, with those lilllo white hands of yours," slid old Mrs. Lennox, irresolutely. "Oh, my hands 1" laughed Oenrgie. "vYhat are they good for, il not to md:e themselves useful?" Mary drew herself disdainfully up. "Well." said she, "I never vet stooped to such a degradation as thai!"' "It would be a great in at worse ueg rndntion to stand by and let my rheii. inatic old grandmother do the washing,' o'lservcd (jeorgie, with philos iphy, us she plunged her bands into the snowy mass of suds. Old Mrs. Lcmms had been loft with a picturifcjue farm-house on the edge of isdonia Lake, mid nothing else. And so old Mrs. l.Minox bethought herself to eke out her slender means by the reccp tion of su'iui cr houuieis. And in Sep tember, when nor two grand-daughters obtained their fcn-t'.igbts h'ave ol absence from the typesetting establish ment iu Troy, where they earned their daily bread, they came home for a breath of fresh mountain air, and helped (iiaidma Lunnox vt itli her board' is. Fur there was no giil kept at Ihe farm house, and no outside assistance, c.illid in, xccpt as German K.itiina tame once a we' k to wash and scrub. It's diudeery,'' sighed Mary, who was tall and slender, w,tti a fair com plexion, doll-blue eyes, nnd a I'.yronic dissatisfaction with her lot in life. L's funl" said Georgie, who had no such exalted Rsuiia'.i uis, and like to make custauls, wash china, and decorate the tea-table w'f.h flowers. "You'll bang nut these clothes for me, Mar, won't vou?" sud ili .rgie, as she flung the l ist red-bordered towel on the top of the clothes-basket, ".vhile 1 wash ihe pillow casse?" "ledeed I shall not," said her sister. "With ihe .Miss Pauleys playin crequet iu plain sighl? Never." "Theu I must do it myself," said Oeorgie, with a little shrug of the shoulders. "And" Hot just as she spoke there came a tap at the kitchen door. ' Come in 1" criul Goorgie, valianl'y, while her sister with burntiig cheeks, endeavored to hide herself aud her occu pntion of peeling onions behind the bijj p,,llnr.l,wnl tuiivi iwni.it WELDON, And Mr. lliymond Abbott "walked iu" accordingly, "I beg your pardon, Miss (joorgic," said he, rather blandly. "I didn't know I should disturb you." "tih, you're not disturbing mo at nil," said Oeorgie, serenely, resting one dim-pie-dotted, rosy elbow on the washboard, and looking at him like a practicalized copy of one ol Guido's angels, out of a cloud of soapy steam. ' Hot," he went on, "I was going to :isk one of the servants for a basket to brine fish hoino in," "I will get it for you with pleasure," said Genr.jie. And as she turned to tho dresser, her sifter aesworcd the puzzled expression of Mr. Abbott's face. "You arc surprised to see Geni'Vic doing that?" said she, with a gesture toward the plebeian tub. ' And I klon't wonder. IS il ii's only for n frolic a wnger. t. J iris will do such things, yon know 1" Hat Oeorg'e had heard the last words, and turned around with crims ned cheeks and .sjitrkling ( yes. "It is not a frolic," said she. "And it's in t a w.iger. It's set inns, sober e.irnest. I am doing the washing be cause Kitrina his sprained her ankle, and there's no one else but grandmamma to do it." "Indeed 1" said Mr. Abbott. "And can't I help you?-' "V os," (Jeorgie promptly made answer. "You can curry that basket of clothes out to the hleaehiiig-ground for nr.:." "(Jeorgie. 1" exclaimed her sUlrr, as Mr. Abbott cheerily shouldered the load and strode anay in the direclicated by (leorgii's pointing; linger. "He asked mo," said Oeorgie. ' I shouldn't have asked him 1" ".Lidge Abbott's son 1" groaned Mirv. ''The liehest man in Dillston! llu'll never ak you to go out rowing on the lake with Mai again." 15 t the reanjii-arence of the gentle him in question put a stop to the dis cussion. "Hiss Oeorgie," sai I lie, ' I would rave hoisted them upon the riggings for you, but the wjtid takes 'oin oil so. 'That's because you needed the clollies-pM s," sai l Oeorge, banding thorn to him with alacrity. ' Ooiildii't vou come and help?" said Mr. Abbott, wistfully. ' Two can man age so much better than one." "Oil, I'll come and help," said Oeorgie; "and be olad to get my chillies out drying." She lied on her small ginffham s,'!- 1 n-H'i, and t-,i : i out - tit the yellow Sop- ten.ber sunshine, while Miry burst out cryiug with miegied vexation and anger. ' I shall never get over the disgrace of it in the world," she said "never, never 1 Oeorgie has no dignity u proper pride ! No ; don't speak to me, grandma, or I shall say something dread ful 1 l declare I've a ininj never to oivu her as a sister ag liu !" "Have ymi fi I's'ied the washing 5" said Mr. li iym uid Abbott. "Yes, I've finished it," said Oeorgie Lennox. "Hot I shouldn't like u earn my living as a laundress. It's a very tiresome btiisncss." Oeorgie was "cooling off," under the shadow of the frost grapevines in the woods, with a bonk in her hand, and the curly locks blown back from her pretty Spanish forehead. Mr, Abbott looked admiringly down on her. All his life long, his experience hid lain among (ho smiling. arlili,:i.il dolls of c oiven' i onal siciely. lie had admired Oeogie Lennox the first lime he had ever seen her; but that day's ex perience of her fr.ii. k. true nature bad given depth and earnestness to the feel ing "Miss Lennox." said he, ' do you know what I have been thinking of since we hung i'. those towels and tabic clelbs together?' "li iven't the L'ast idea," said uncon scious Oeorgie, finning herself with two grape-leaves, pinned together by a thoui. "I have been thinking." said he, "ihat I sle ulJ like my wife l be j ist sach a worn iu as you aie." "A washerwoman?" said Oeorgie, try ing to laugh olfher blusl.es. "I .no ipiiie iu earnest, Oeorgie," he said, leaning over her. "Dear Oeorgie, will you be my wife?" "Hit I aoi only a w irkiog-girl," siid ingenuous lleogir, begiunii g to tremble all over, aud ball inclined to cry. "We are type-sellers, Mary and I, and we are very poor." "My own love, you are rich in all thnt heai t could wasiil" pleaded Abbott, t iking both her hands ii bis; "and I want you for my own !" Raymond Abbott had fancied Georgia Lennox when bo saw her playing croq let, in pale pink muslin, with a te . rose in her hair; but the divine fliuio of love first stirre 1 in bis heait when she lo ked at bun through the vapory clouds of the wash tub Ouido's angel fold in" her lair wings in a latin-house kitchen. J.ist so curiously are romance and reality blended together in the world. "You waut lo brake on this road, do yon t Well, you can sit down there. We Imvo no v icmey just at piesant; but we kill uboiit two liraki'inen a day, anil I dare siiy in a lew niinuics I shall hear ot in no one lnt,in4 an mm or Iclf. hoi! then yu enn have the job." The man thought l,n -f,,il,l Pot Willi 1 he would not wait. N. 0, SATURDAY, JAKIE ON WATERMELON PICKLE O d lady Jones borrowed Mr? IS own's receipt for making watermelon pickle the other day, and being bard of hear ing, and as she couldn't see to read well, she got her grand-boy, Jakie, to peruse it for her. Jakie took the paper like a dutilul child, nnd, bidding it upside down couvnenced : " Take n green watermelon " "Why, Jakie ain't you mistaken ; I thought ilu; melon must be ripe." "0, what's tho mutter wi I you; j-w-ever see a watermel.m that wuzo't green ?" "Out the watermelon into four halves " "Hut there ai .'t only Uo halves to anything; I don't believe you are read ing that right J.ikie." "Well, 1 don't halve to. I! it nny how that's wat tho resect fays. Then souk the watermelon ia a pint cup " "O, dear inc 1 how in the world can you put a watermelon iu a tint cup?'' "Well, I nir.t here to tell the where asses and llie honfores. I'm just readih' the facts, and you kaa put iu the philos ophy lo suit yer taste. After soaking the melon, put it iu a skillet aud fry it for four days 11 "I wonder if Mrs. Hrown sent me such a resect as that," said the ul l lady, but J.ikie ke,it on : "Then put the watermelon in a q lat t bowl aud pour over it a gallon ot viae- gar, taking c ire not to sp'.ll llu y'lue gar "I'd jo;', like lo know how yo'i can pour a gallon into a quart without spill ing any of it," b it .1 ikie continued : "Then silt a peck of red peppers through n milk strainer over the uiel oi ; and to one cup of butter add the whites and the yolks and llu shells of three ei;i:s, nnd throw in lb.; "Id hen that laid 'em, and four st'u ks of cinnamon drops, and a bottle of I'r. Miry Walker's Vine P ir I litters, ami two table-sp oonfiiU of qui, line, :.iid it through a colloj mill, and l:'t it stand till it ferments, and the i put it in a lio can, an 1 lie lho can to a (log's tail this will stir it u,i to the light cousistceny ml th.m you can turn it oil" into cr icks and hive it ready for us.:. S.tvi! it up cold and spread il on mince pie. and it m il.es a capital dessert," and J ikie slid out of the door, and left the old l.uly looking like a wi inkle on a monument. ' I golly 1" said J.ikie, "bet yer sweet life she won't ask me to lead any mere resects 1" WHAT A FLY DID. The v'arthage (lil.) 0 az"tle records the following interesting case ; .Mr. J lines Howard, of Walker, married an interest ing young lady named Svin,'iid, about a year ago, and Ihey have lived cosily and happily together ever since. Hut the other morning, nt breakfast, an in quisitive and hungry lly dropped down Ir on bis pe ch on the ceilino, and, stretching his legs, begin skinnishino around lor his breakfast. He crawled slowly around Mr. Howard's coffee con mice or tn ice, sniffing the deiicious aroma, and wondering how he could manii'jo to get a drii.k, when his fo t slipped, he I 'st his giip, and in n mo meet more w is ft Hindering nr nnd in the I quid. His struggles attracted the uttei ti oo of J imes. nnd be pulled him out and piiylully tossed him across the table. The unloitiiiiate (1 alighted i i a wet ami hedr.ig'fd condition on Mrs II 's plate. S ie indignantly urabbed him :'uii fl ing him bi k into her has hand's p'ate. .1 lines g ?. -d steadily nt her a moment, mil seeing bl iod in her eye. dohberVrly picked up the fly, and. w th a hand ticinbi'ig with suppressed rage, thro it hick on her plate. Then beoao n regular "ime of shuttlecock be tween the two, and that lly 11 'w back and forth nihil he was completely worn out, Tiu-n the young wile bursting into tr..ts. soV.hI her bonnet and rushed lioui the bouse to the residence of her parent, vo viug q would never come loirl (led .fimo u-enr. not tit llm lvire . . .j, r . swearing to ImnsMI. In an hour or two the lather of ihe mnch-abu-ed wife came over with a team and removed nil her baggage, and now they "meet us fiiendi no more" They have s"parated for good and thus lv lives are rendeied miserable by the single misstep of a fly. O. i such small th'uies do our destinies depend 1 MARFIAGE. J'cthiips n I'.hieg sh iws the I'sistence of the I). vice idea in marriage so moch as its inco.iipicheosib'.o mystery, which ail thosi! who cter it, sive ihe m st frivolous and thoughtless, an: oUiged to rtcogn'z .', fueling then) .elves as much surrounded by it as if t'.iey lived among the great primeval agencies that first si l t4ie world pninn for lo all it seems as strung as il they were the first and only ones, and they were at n l st to explain it or penetrate the meaning of the deep and sacred cnig na. They understood a mother's lovo for the flesh of her flesh in her children, a child's love for the visible pto'. idence of its father, but who is to comprehend the love of the hus band, who, arrived at maturity with all his prej idices formed, his couisa marked out, meets one who, iu scarcely more tha i an instant, becomes umr6 to him than father or mother, or sister or brother, or all the world in short, on whose presence the happiness of the wi rid binges? And who shall compre hend tho devotion of the wife, who, if need be, would die for her husband? 1 8, DAT BOOKKEEPAH. We asked Amos how eettii B alono nt school. his boy "Pleg tako dat boy, I done tuk him wav from de school 1" "Why so?" "Oil, he was geltiu' mns' too sm vt down dar wid d.it book l.irniu.' ' Ton't do for some niggers to be too much ejikated." "Why not, Amos'r" ''Well. Sail, jess take dat boy f'r in stance. I put dat boy fer lo keep books fer me 'Uout do selliu' oh de gar den truck dis summer. Well, sab, he jess lit down charges d ir in de bonk lor all de truck dat 1 took out ob de gaid n an' charges fer all dat was eat in de house, an' credit hisself wid de little 'm units dat I let him hub 'long at odd Visions, nil' den he go an' add 'em all up, an' stuck a balance, be say." "And how di 1 you come out?'' "Onme out 'Fore de Good Master, I I didn't come nut at ali I ll.it b iv done stuck me Cr 'bout "-, 'sides hi. wages us de bookkeepah. Now tint's n hat de Aggers said." "Well, what did you doi" "I jess burn d it book right dar, an' den 'seharged the bookkeeah, an' hire him ober again ter saw wood for bis board an' close.1' "You did?" "Yes, sah ; I did dat. Why, boss of dut I) oy iio;i ii,i u.ioii on me till now he'd done own dat Ionise an' garden patch, an' bin cdiagio' me an' inainv ler bed an' bread I I tell liyer bunk lamia' is ruinin' (lis breed ob niggers 'tis -.hi) 1" his of: yer dis you i i GOD'S LOVE. S appose a meadow in which a million daisies open their I-omhiis all nt one time to the sun. H i one of them, while yet it is a bud, a little st inn has fallen. A', once crushed nnd overshadowed, it nill s't uoglo hi u vol v against nil odd, to expand its petals like the rest. For many dais this cll'nt is cmti-iueJ with out success. Th j tiny stone mighty rock to the flowei) qiats on its breast, aud will not admit u single sunhiam. At length the II o.ver stalk, having gath ered s'.reigthby its constant exertion, acquii es loice inoi.gh to overbalance the weight and toss tho intruder eli. I'p springs the daisy with a bound ; and in an in .taut another (1 iwer is added lo the vast multitude which iu Ihit meadow drink their fill of sunlight. The sun in Ihe heaven is not incom moded tiy the ad 1'eioe.al demand. The new comer receives into its caps, as many sunbeams as it would have re ceived, ulthnugh no otlu r II iwer hnd grown in all ihe earth. Tims it is the sun, Unite though il be, helps us to un derstand the absolute infirmitode of its ni ikor. iVho.i an immortal being, long crushed and turned away by a load ol sin. at lenclh through the power of a new suiiual life, throws off the burden aud opens with a bound t ) receive a Heavenly Father's long offered bat re-j-'cte I love, the giver is not impovished t'V the new demand upm bis ki idess Ah hough a thousand millions shou'd arise and go to the Father each would receive as much of that Father's love as if lie al me of a'l the fallen creatures had Come back reconc led to God. THE FASHIONABLE WIFE. The fasbioncble wife looks on her hus band's money as spoil something which he wants to guard, aud she siize. It is no j iiut property which it is as much her ielerestas it is bis to save nnd usm wise Iv ; but an enemy's possession which it will be her gain to lose. As for com- p.iuionsnip tenj .ins perorix pans, ana so evening spent with her hus'uwd along coir ts as the ne pics ultra of deadly dullness l'eisond love for him bis died out, if even il i nee existed under the guise of passion because of novelty; and whatever she may be to others, her t Ixich.tn.l fi,,. 1c Iw.r I t.I f.iri.tl f f-nlil niul W. i .... . . . . . pellant Motherhood is her bugbear; children unwelcome intruders; and there is no more miserable woman extant than the fashionable wife with a bahy, that hinders her from j ioi 'g in the season s vulg ir pleasures. r.ssemi.iny selfish and shallow, love has a liltlo meaning for her as the declrine of duty or the glory of sacrifice; and those who know her stand aside in a kind of woe dor at the scheme of cicalion which includes-, a.pong its offsrt-', a being nith out uses aid ilh out virtues a woman with presumably a soul like nny other, absolutely destitute of the love which saves the wurld from woise than death of the reality which seeks truth ai d lives iu it of all nobleness of aspiration and all lighteousin'ss of life a woman whose god is pleasure, and her one sole religion-.-fashion. WHAT A SPORT IS. We overheard the following in a beir saloon the other day : "Whoo is dot, Hans?" "Oh, dot is a sport." "Yat you call a sp Tt, hey ?" "You not know vat a sport is?" "N x. Vot ish be I" "Veil, ho ish von of dem fellers vot has loodle knife mit dwo blades, and he opens him and shuts him again, nnd shuts him again, und den he blows his breath mit dot knife, U"d den he bets a green Dutchman five tollars he cm nix open him." OOTOBKR NO. WISE WORDS. Willi the humble there is perpetual peace. The crow thinks fairest. Sands from the mako Ihe year. her own birds tl.o mountain, moments Keep clear of a man win) d cs not value bis own character. Ue "ho goes tho wiong rad limit go the journey twice ever. He who has to deal with a blockhead has need of much biains, We mount to foil mo bv several steps ; but rtqairc only one step to Come down. M inkind worships succ-s?, but thinks too liltlo of the means by which it is at tan 'd. The most rfTecluil way to secure hap piness to ti istives is to confer it upon others. The heart that is awake lo the (1 iw ers is always fitst to be touched by the thorns. 1! enevolence is the light nnd j y of a good mind ; it is better lo give than re ceive. I". 'erjb -dy seems to think himself a in; .-.al half-bushel to incisure ihe world's frail ies. Society is a masked ball, nbcre every one hides his real character, and re- e :ls it liy hnlmr. A band-saw is a useful thing, but not to have with. Apply things to their proper uses. "iH SUSPENSE, The Klniira Gazette tells this storv : "Why, my doir, what is the matter? What can you menu? You look so de pressed. It can n -1 be and yet ob, relieve this killing suspense I Alexander, have you failedi" sr.d his wife with clasped hands. ' No, my dear; my credit is yet un impaired, and business is looking up" ' You can't una i to say, dear, that your old pain in the head has Come back?" No." "You haven't bad to pay the note for your brother J,is"ph '( "N .." "Hue you n iv tell me, Alexander Hidl ick, l;..vc y m bad another attack of vertigo?" ' No." "lias your cashier broken his Mmphv pledge r" "N i." "Now I know I expect it I knew it nil the time 1 felt sure it would to so. Mi. Hebouiir his asked you for S.onphiii i ':" "No, nothiep of ihe kind." "Toen tell in'.', i li-oit a ting r.nolher minute, whit has happened ; I can't bear it ; let me knoiv the worst." 'Well, that breeches button that I told you about has got tired ol hanging on Ly one thread, unci here it is." H"W gently nnd sweetly (alls Ihe peace ful ''Oou.l-niglil 1" into true, lovin-,' hearts, us nivinliers id a linn'ily h p.rnti! nnd leliie ler the nmht. Wind myriads ol lusty w, r Is and llinujhtl"-? ae:s, rioo n hre 1 in the hurry and litniue-.s ol the day. sre for evi r lilotted out hv it:, liiiiiii mil leiicc I Small token?, indeed; dut it is the In tie courtesies tli 'it c in fo lic:iil i i ir y rnun I i il the (niii ire comers ill tlio homes ol lulior in' men an 1 women Tim sin, pi" ' I thank ru!' lor ii favor will fill with Inipp'n.e-!' the lieu! of the (jiver. True wcaMi is not counted hy doli'irs an I cents, hut hy the grutitni.e and nli eti u o( the heart. It n tiome ho happy, whether the owner possess n pa'cti ol cround ot oi'o or a thousand Hives, the,' ure in the en I wealthy luy Hid nia'lo in atieal eah n ations Then hew much more lovingly are ti.e rn'ole lohU ol tdil'it glt!l,!ed lUelOl i III" !l 1 pV llOU',1 S ho .v mil. 'Ii nvite c n'l' iipelv do its nieiiihcs ri'poc their weary h dies in the cure id divine goeilers. hi ,t! it;;; tlrir overt iXed ininil-i I,, the realities ol a hi nutilul d.'iau. I'inil ; av.alu in d. lelieshtd und invigorated loi the coming day's lnlor by linvirg hi Idee their loie l ion s "(1 "(! night '' And if d(ir::i ; t!r? lite we have liiitldully ittcndi'd to ull t!icf little ciHirtesies, t'icse li't'.e.soul nee Is -If we have gnirdc I Car." lully all "Hod's In arts" pi ic.i-.l in our 1; 'ep., in:;, nt the close ot its lo.el yet i ventle1, d iv. ho.v m u h ce-er to hid aii nor iliarl) beloved o:,ci a I'm d ' ilo-t.l n'gbt." IF Wc LIVE Vt fluST GROW OLO. Soiii" people think tlv t a:;e is t' 0 worst thin' sve liave to .lie i I at ie a t p. ter il ly. I, ithin.y '.,c an e .li iiien into i ' Mleli ns wc have never known ; hot w'lese bio il decs not ear He : n f.Hle tlio-ieht ot old ace i And Mi, il we live, wo must tow eel. v, e nil knoiv it, I, ut lew n-n'if.-' it No or-e c in I" ''., ve t!; it I. is s'.ti iiiitli mi -1 fill, his hair e'ow ir'av, his skill f.a'o into wi irk1 . U'e ',v th-. -c things e me t i our oraiol jiao nls -to dor pari" s tlo'tn s,;!vis; u I I then We nill'er. IJnt what yoi.iii; pel v, i in Ii' k ia the minor und acliniiiy lauey what his I - will be in old e i To think ot In mould i-teriihle to m any persons ; vet old people open fee'it veiy luippv. lV'ilnp s e. I'm we know nothing ot eon.es with n::e. or it may be that wc sjriw ol 1 so crude illy the moment ol rcul ..ition M'vir nttivis. Alter all, il is fel il.iin that one go's to be so old that he it not willing to oe tti',1 older. "Why. howdy do, Mis. Crippons; are nil Ihe lolks pretty well i'' asked one wi m in of another, w hom she met in the strict thn other day. "Oil. ic. tolerably so, liisul; jou. Eatlier is Ini I np with his side again., and nioilor's ihcuni itisiii has ejot so bud she 1. ain't been able to yet down fair for a v.eik, nnd .Maths June hud ami! her lit ycterdsy, an 1 Hilly cut hi lout with a hatch, t, an I Tommy cau't spexk above a whisper lor the sore tliront. sad F.li.i has a gaihcriu'; in her cuts iioain and the hsby hua had four spells of rtoup. nml my husband enn haidly woik with his sore eves, and I thmicht I'd iiii hist nmhl with the pick hcad-r.cho, but wc'ic all about as well ss common. How's your folks i" c 0 3 on I S oo I 10 on I H CC 14 00 M 00 30 ( 0 mi; on 10 00 I o 20 CO SO (10 40 CO 4tf 09 fiO 00 (!f 00 75 09 "no Square, Two Squares, Throo Squares, I'mir S' inures, Fourth Col'n, Half Column, H'holo Column, 8 no in no lo 00 18 00 H III) I oo oo -d en m i i) liO CO One Year, iVDYKIlTISh'MEXTS. g I O N I' A I NT EKS Wanted in every sooliou of the United Stales and Provinces to answers this ad. vertisomenl. Addrns, DAXIEL V. liKATTY, )s. ,,f WashiiiL-ton.N.J. nAl'lM.N'ESMOIt Ills KUY j sj t5 lr. pnii' l I', ilnyl. of .1) years micflensful Siiaruntees speed v and m riiuinnnt. eiiroifnil ( limine. Seiol'n! ins. 1'ilvmn Svpliiime and female .'liscusrs, stcrinn len lio' i, or Hel.,ln,Ho ni his Medical ln stiluie, A fan A chenev Hloek. opposite huCny Hull Park, Sei-.iciise, N. Y. ,N!cd ieiuesi iu to all pans of tho V. H. nnd ( an.id i Don't ho deceived hv advoi'tin. lio.' q oaeks v.-tni ilironi- our hu no" cities. Ion t-.:-.n-i!t Dr. Una t or send lor circular I'ealinir on liis specialties lo his P, Q. Kox '.:Tii. 1. A i 1 1 1: -!. Mv err- it liquid Fronch Homely, am IE DK I'.'.M M K. or Eemalo Iriond, is unfiiliiiK in I ho euro of all pain till mid d.'inuornus diseases of your pox. Ii. moderates all excess, ,in,l Driiiyn on tho monthly period w'lh regularity. In all nei vin,s and spinal iiifecii.ins, pains in ;!io l ack or linilis, heavipesu, fatiuuoou Hlig.at oxeriioo, palpitation of tho lieart, litwuag ofsniri;, hysterics, sick h( adaclio, whiteg, and nil p i j t: fol ili-oases occasioned hy a dis-trdorod systnin, it ellccts euro wiion nil other means fail, Price fg.lK) por Hot lie, ..out hy mail. Dr, W. K. Jlyt, liox 7'. Syracuse, N. y, Nov '2o 1 v. g V U O O L T E A (' II E Its , You can easily Incmaso your salary liy hv di'Volir.H a very Hiiiall portion of your loisurc lime to my Interest. I do not ex pect you to cuiviss t.r my celebrated li-nttv'o pianos and munis unless yon see tit to; hut the-xervico I require of you In bull ploasimt and prothnhlo. ull particulars free. Add rem, HANI Eh E. HEATTY, Washington, N. J, MOUNT MILLS, K0CKY MOUNT, N. (J. Juiiuary 1st, 1 STG. Wc are now pupated to furnish t lip trade w itli S1IEET1M0M, runnmas. PLOW LINES and COTTONs; YARNS, nil of the best quality and at low prices, 0;ir teinis strictly nit cash, "0 d.iya. Ad Ilea llATTLE & SON, 'an 2d a lioeky Mount, N. C. U- F- If U T L K if, Vlre ami Lite Insurance Agent, Phi-os risks ofall kinds i-i nrst-elass t'omp mios as low as safety w ill p '.-mit. Cull and seo mo before insui ing c'.so where, at liUOWN'S DltU'I STORE, V'oldon, N, C July 13 1 y. J LCl'P business vnu e in cuaato in. J VJil I to $g.) per day uiado l y any wo: k"r of cilher sex, r.ejiit In iL'cir own l-ieiiii tics. Particulars and B'tr.ples worth "t f, i e. Impr.ivo your spare titno nl tliis business. Address Si'Inson A Co., Port! Hoi, Maine. june I 1 y. f BURN HAM'S f; v-:- Vi Alse.M!f'iN3 n'ACHiWW. v-ktv r. V T'''",' T" -r-" '-fl ea "72. .liliLIM, Ull'M, YuH&t 1'jV lime 9 0 m. li'Al.l.IlJ IJliUAL lASKS KU1J 'M.V P.o-.io-s wishing Meiallie Porial Csm 1 i in uhi i v. otnaiii theoi bv aiudviim U iuc ;u the More ol Mes-i-s. w'niti, ,'l ,y l'inry. 1 i-i:) Mill keeping, as heretoforo, a lull as t ."tuieot ol the Very U'st CASK-, nt the Yer,- Lowest Pries. In my bsence from ' We'd 111. .Messrs, Wnilie.d A Kuiry wi! deliver 1 'uses to persons v.'lio may wisli JA.MKS SIMMONS, Weldon, N. C. apr 4 I Q; rA U V N D K tiSltiN l'l II V K II Y 1 respcetfully calls Uio attentlun of the irado i bis i-Ntensivo stock of domcstio nnd imported !io,nors, to which ho is still making additions ar.d consisting of purs HYK AXI BOrKKOX WHISKIES French, Apiilo, Blackberry and Cherry P.randies, Jam.iicjiatid New England Kuin l.onlon, Tom Mil llulhit.v Oin, Purl Sherry. Claret, lt'uino and 1 .vo-yoar-oid Kcuppernotitf Wine. Scotch and Loudifl Porter, aud very lai ire lot of RECTIFIED WHISKEY which I im oftorineat prices that can 11 (4 fail to giv eiuishiction. . 8. AV. SKLDNKR, Ag't. a; ril d- ilUoanoKe bquy.re. SPACE 1 i? 1 v ..ii P. ; f f I'll III ? I 1 1 i f I f ! hi f, mi Ni 1 f. ? s - s'-I is t P In if 1 f.t 'Jr I hi W, 1 a. t J Rk, 1 4. . j r 1 I- I t 4 ' -t , 1 tj I