i ' v urns j auburn j. jmi ..w. THE ROANOKE NEWS A DEMOCRATIC THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING KATES. W E E K L Y N K W S P A 1' E 11 , M: RW ft HPf FIN Ik r PUHU.S1 ED BY KAT4 IIEI.OK A I.OCKIIAKT. One Year, in advance, Six Months, " flrree Mom Im, " ?2 no 1 no 75 cts, PROFESSIONAL CAHOS. rp w. "mTs o"nT" ATTOKXEY AT I.1W, G AUYSUUR', N. C. Prtnn In thn nonrU of Northampton iinil uli'iiiiiii ; ciun'loi, also In the Fuienil and Supreme- courts. Juno 8-tf JO-. IV ISATCIIKI 1t. ATTIHSY AT I,W, It AUNG II, N.C, Prieiicvi b thn courts of thn (1th IndU Ci'll District inn) In the, l''odernl and Sn prmim Courts. May 11 tf. WAl.Tt'.n Ot.lllK, K. T. II. IUK, Rilolirh, N. C. TI;ili f.ix, N. (', Q Ij A It K A C L A H K, ATTOitX KYI AT M.nr,,A HALIFAX, N. C. Will prvttion in tlm Courts of Halifax and a ijoinimr counties, Mareh lfitf. w. ii. kiti'iiks. w.'A. nrxx. JIICHEN I) U N N , ATTirtMIIYl .1 O H'N'SKt.T.OIlS AT LAW, Neatlaiiil ck, llnliNx Vo., S.C Pruritics in tlH Courts of il'lil'ix .mil Bl i-l r r f) HT.iiH, I ill tllO Xiire'lHI and Federal Courts. , ' juilS tf fffeilOMASi N. .1111,1., ', . ' Attorney at taw', HALIFAX, N. O, Practices in Halifax and adjwiiiini; Counties ami Poderal and Supremo Courts, Will ba at Soitlaud Nook, oueo every tortuight. Aul'. US a W. II. DkY, W. W. Halt.. J") A Y , .fc V. L I, . ATTORNEYS AT LAV, WKMIOV, X. V. PraetiC3 in thn court 'of Kalifit and adjoining counties, and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Claims collected in any part of North Carolina. jun lid 1 H gAMUEL, J. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JAl'KSOV, Si. O. Practices in tlio Court of Northampton and adioiuiiig counties. Sep 15 1 Y AVIS L. H Y M A N ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. Practices ir. II6 courts of li ili ax and adjoining counties, an 1 in tlio .Supremo and Federal Courts. Claims cnlloctod in all parts of North Carolina. , tlUje in the Court House. .inly I I f). R RURTON, J it. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in the Courts nf Halifax County, and Comities adjoining, in the juiiremn Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. Will ifivs sps iial atto ition to the collec tion of claiins,and to adjusting the :i"C units of Kxeoutors, Avlmiiusrators and "iiiar dians. tlee-l'i-tf J. M. a R I Z Z A R D, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. Q. OtTJce in the Court Hons". Strict attcn linn uivon to all branches of the roii-s-ilon. Ja,i 1-' 1 n E. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BNFIKLO, HALIFAX COUNTV, S. C. PraTtles In tha Counties of Halifax, JRasb, E'la;eooinhe and NMImin. CollBoiiona made iu all parts of the Stater jan 12 fl i AMES E. O ' H A 11 A, ATTORNEY AT LAY, R!tt'IEID, Si. V. Practice in the Counties of Halifax, Edgecombe and Nash. In li e Supreme 'Viurt of tha Slate and in tho Federal Courts. Collations msile In any psrt of the State. Will attend at tha Court House in Stalifas on Monday and Fiidar ot cai h vraek, js" e J. B U 11 T O N', ATTOKSEV T LUT, WKLDON, X. C. Practices in tlio Courts of Halifax, War nn snd Northampton enmities and in the Supremo and Federal Court. Claims eollooteil in any jiart of North Carolina. june lT-a Iimm a. anxin. , U L L E N f Sntl A. HOOK. MOOD i: , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ilalirai, X. i . Praettc lit thn Counties of Halifax, Northampton, Kdneoombe, Titt and Mar iin IntiiB Supreuis Court of tlm Mali' n. In tUe Federal CuurU of the Kasieru UlNtriet. ... Callenlion made iu any part of Norlb Carolina. Jau 1-1 c I f VOL. VII. . DO YJU LCVS.ME. Do you l.ivn me? Tt;U nio truly, IWnVp, d not -he hv i T"'l inu now that 1 may 'fully UnilcrMunil tlio reason why, Yi"oi forever ere so 'luliipjj When I tn It of love to yon I.ove that's holy, Iwve that's u-ushinj;, Jjiisl and b;,t, the love tint's true. Tell me, ilnrlinp, do you love mo? I am vailio;r; aiuvver, luvc?, You look fai'er than alilv. Like soiui' an-oi Ironi ah .ve. C nio now, darliiiL', c one and tell mo, Do you luve me ? " Ves, or No," Ah, your looks they , i me ,:ln lv, That you loye mil ; ain't it so ? Now my hear! is in a Mutter, A t my ilai'lmn looks at me j 'Ye-,-' I heir her softly niter, "1 love yop, is von l'nvo tne." KASHFUL HZD. ,Thi' were soututl on tha vld i tiorcli that run on one si ie of (lie Iiol-,o. The oni of t'te Lite Uilieht w is tibscurin" oi lectH cneral U bi.t it. WikS fin-iii vl very law of ei tics 1 1 aitpuiise llio vvrv daiit circle iiround protty Nellie 1ithams' Mender fir.-t a shad iw. 0.1 !n contrary, from the fact el" her hioi.l rost iog so peculiarly . tin Ned Wur.e.i's shoulder, it was only evident that every lli'ino I'av.ireJ tlio ass iiiuiti mi ol' its beia" his c i t hleeve. '11 it your father, Ne'iie," tim younj; insii) was saiiuo ; ' lioiv on cm m shall i over sn!inn:iti up- S'lliljicitt courage to ask hiiiir" ' ' 'lv;e:,icnc.9 Icaclies," rqiliej the in!-. 1 ' Virtue trutj. .li.it what have I had in that line? My education unfortu nately Incited that Mry essential worldly ingredient chci !( " ' Tliore iv is n tautnent:iry liltiiifT t,f the fair late, and a pair ul sparkling eye shone iiiiscldcvuuslv. while the tiiic rod lini tiidrinurod : ' i "I don't know about that. 15.it veil must nut luiiii't-ratu Mr. Warner in tny learino, sir. i w.ll not permit it. What. ever your previous opinions u nv have been in that particular rcsjiitt lite events go t'i sliow tliev are ultogtther UDl'. undcd" 'What do yop riiran," There was no answer, furthermore than the shapely head with its golden j curls co ly seeking tne response ol his coat collar, a ir.ediH which ot eourse I oh Jiis part resulted in a. more compact arrangement ul the sleeve contaiuiog bis : ei ciicbeg arm. The reply, however, saeh as it was he see.iu-d to coiuiireheii'!. and c mti i- I n. d ; "Oh. yes, hut adii "i jeti to marry me is a far d floret thin.; from a:kin;, your father's c oi-ce.t t i uni on." ; "Wliy s'.iuuld it be?" . ! , : 1 dTp on my wonl I don't konw, tu t t ku .w tlvre is. I a :i not at a'd reckless, but the present spciVng I feel c ti viiiced that ii-ipe a c; n oi iii'!o-oyc. noe lor a !iit'"all wen! an easier pl ocec ii i u than to approaja vo ir fa' 'er nn I say 11 it what iu the iitilU1 of en, lines should I siy, of ho.v sh i d I say it? I ol:e i'sh. N'"ie. I hid teen Ii: roph uo a fi:st-cl.iss liel'diiiiigi nl or l.fe i: s-ir-at-ce agent ii.gteaii(l of a sec n!s h.ss laivii r, indeed J . T."'y never lee! the ii fl leocs of a i ov, rivliel nmg sense of mod .'sty at ir,.Mtivenie. t tim.-. "I wonder if I c id in'i read up o;i the subject !" he rcMimeJ ar:cr an ii: teres'.ing pins'. "U's hardly worth while." Auoti.er sh irt s.vis m of mediutioe. and It proce.Mol red;?, ll .( ly 'Now if it was only iMnrfu 5 a sum- mors, or a ni it, or something 1 .11 us. il 1 1, I'd approach his presence le u lesly l'.ul " he slop, ul, an I (hen a .Mo I oi the i.i riu'se cf ai iasiiiat!i', "We cnildn't eet nnnicd n it ho j t his consent Could we?" "Oh, ,Ned 1" There was sonx thieg so rep-eacl fol in the rxorcssi hi that he undo ol. f peed to rectify it. "I don't ci telly moan that. I it isn't there some ether way ? It giies mo the horrois in think of it. Hug my hick - w.iid'ics, anyh nv 1" 15 it Nellie kept silent and would effer no sngcesiioii She pr iliably knew lint her bashful lovei's repiiji aure to apeak ing in her lather woeld he h.ief, frit, was foobfhlv loundid. Mr. I.itliam bad alaays Siiuctioni'd the young linn i.ti i 's attention to his d iiie'n'.er and 110 d nitit 'ill wry liiliuee aiu it ncsepi ill.O Hli bi sou in-law. ib'spito Warnei's tnlenlf, he al.Ts seemed t 1 be oier-e. ai,ic in q.i -sii m iiftl.e hiait. II. s C'.uritl.ip oi Nelbe had been 111a ked by a suppress;' 1 earnestness end devotion that wis unit; plain in the la gu lye of eyes an I ao iop. bat found t o coadjutor n the. topgue. His avowal ol affection tful (oolit evru was almost acciueut .1, bit when in tne alter st iocs ho I'outiJ his ar:a about liir waist, and her fps looking Iota mlo In-, he wonder? ! and regreit-i C19' mailers s i pleasant in llu ir tesiiln should bo so hard in their uccoiii:li.s!im"iit. 15nt there was no help for bim cvi ilenllti !) bad jHerHiied l have Nellie, tnd ru the ptut nal. apprevid a necessary p'cliiniuary. bo b iacd to fate. Mr. Liihnm's study opened on the porch and through the glass door the eld gentleman biaiaelf could be seen reading. Warner hud an oppoitut.i'J' thcielore, by u survey of the enemy as it were, to nerve b; nine If Tor the cu counti r. Tre cotivcrsation bitccn the lovers continued a while longer, but to hi ill ppeated la be iiubucJ with s ru'c'.birg WELD ON, N. of the spirit of a farewell interview pre vious to iiseendins the scalFdd. "Whatever the end, Nellie," lie tllixmiily remarked nn risine, "ivill you not still love me? You will continue faithful?". He wailed bieatlilessly, his lintid on the door-knob ' Till death," she whi-percd throwing him a kisj ar.d vanishing among the shrubbery nf tho garden. Ned looked upon the prey boarded, kind eyed IWiny t!ut held his liappi ni m in the h.il n.ci). As he gazed he thought how willing 0;C icieliis of ol Ion ti nes rushed to destruction lor the sake of l ho maiden tliry loved, and loll tint bo c mid do as much or more. l!it t!i-v (,-, not troubled with the necessity i.f askiig a father's consent in the matter. All, Unit made till the difference in ike worn! ! !l this wis ml ll inosi alles nor he a U daod. If it had bee he would step, per have ct.tcrod with a firn haps. Mr. latliaui greeted liitn erv liiendly. "il ive a cigar, Warner. As a man of law your opinion is always worth something and I want it mi this brand." lie took t'ift weed with the ar of one arruoMno his head on the block. ' Del you ie id of that Third strivt foroeiy yesterday?" he conti.tiel. ' Exceedingly sharp trick, L assure )'"" " . .- r . Warner had n it luard of it. The i ld gontlcm iu stated thn facts. A pmr of cool, cheeky vill ains h id nria. aged to pet a bog '.is chctk lor seven thousand dollars cashed. As the boldness ef the swindle had been the most proi, ,ent f'eaturo nf the busini'ss, it naturally led to some rema' ks nhetjt the S'l' j 'ct. Warner was neil had been as far in the interview, singularly abs..iii-:i)indcd and C"iti aini'd. "i know of noihiiie, Mr. Litham that is more uselul, under some circuu' stuiic: s of life than this very quality of thdk" v He lit his cio.ir as he spoke, anj the dei se cloud that sum hung round him seemed some h it sy tub, die of bis till.. J at that moment. "Now I i uty iin.ioine," he resumed, pulling fearfully, "if 1 had the cheek ol some men I coul l come In you here and ny, Mr, Latham, love your daughter and she loves me, and we want your eonscul to our u.arriaee. but as il lie ft pped short, for Mr. Lithain had taken his !...iid and w.ci shaking it em ees'.lt , "My c msent, my dear boy ? Why you have it with nil sa' I my heuit," he Tie c'gar Jropoed fr.1111 W iruer's lips, and he tinz 'tl, in a d 1 (!, stupid S irt of hi i' ner at the s ni hug old gentleman In le.e l im. Why Uy nhitt" he at let't'h b! 11 ite I out ! K'd all over aid I didn't k 10 y i' ! Mr. 1, ilb 1111, yen know my bisiic-.siiow si'C'! I t"IJ it uecon ci'Uisly, out X'.'i'l si will dispo-i'd to the s.vii ilhis w .os! escapade I r uieht it abiills ieii lTth.lt I'd be nil ill ' 10 , be s vindlrd to the same cxttiit uiy- ",!- l,nii 2 these remaik he returned the ha. id gr isp s i cordially in the excess of his cm ilion and e taiisi ism, th it his pr .sp.-i live fa bet -in-law wnull have anus' swotn I'len was a coiitinuil Ciils' i;io .in I d s! icali "I nf his bones ir.m ii u f 1 irr t 1 tie me fc iui 1. S'mt! alter 11 !, Warner, like a j retired All s with the wot Id otf his biek. ! etit in so 11 ch if N .'.!'-' ti see ub ut the app.'iilme t id "the day " MR. BUDoTlSABLLLft. 11Y MAX A1M.I.1:!!. Mr. 15 1 Id picked up the paper and in ni n.ing hi, eye over i', while his wile sit upon the other side of the table j se.Mne. Without knowing it, Mr. l!idl I got to rending i i the coluinii headed "(nape 1 inc tui'.urc, and pieiOntly lie exel lin ed : " A by halloa 1 What's Ibis" "What's what?" asked Mrs 15 1 Id "-io ps.n? NjI Why it can't be! Win 1 never Li uid of s tcli a thine 1" "Whit on eut'i is the miUci?" tic- 111 i.ui. ti Mrs. ii iiid. "Why. j 1st li-tnn to this! This paper sas that n lit, I'll read it lo you. 'We n coct to li-Hrn that our friend Si nps in, has had a Trent deal of trouble w dh h;s cri fi e I-abel!a," ' icer, isn't it ?'' " hat kind of trouble?" nsked Mis l'.idd. "Why," said 15jJd, "llio paper says f.iill-cr : "15 ing in a very unheal hy c 'lidiliuu, and seeming to lack vitality, Mr, Simp sin mile a carclol ex imin'in and dis covered that his Isabella was literally covered wiili small bugs" ' l'id you ever iiear of such a thine?" "Ilusl Covered with bugs! Why what 011 earth could l.fve been the mailer with (he woman?" I always thought Mis. Simpsou was a scrupulously uice person " "S 1 did I 15ut that's what the piper liys. II Id on; suppose I sie what else there is about it : "Mr. Simps 1:1 wmsomewhat perp'cxed to kuo what to d lib nit the mutter, but he finally applied a wash of carbolic acid, with good results, ami he is now I'li'kii.g every day for bis Ijibclll tu leave." 0., SATURDAY. "I don't exactly uuderstuni that " "Leave lor where?" Asked Mrs. liuid "It don't say. Going away for her health, I suppose," replied Mr. lJudd. ' ll.it there is some mr.re still j "Mr. Simpson tied the Isabella why the Isabella!" asked Mr. Hudd "tied the Isabella up to a post an 1 " "Tied her to a post?" exclaimed Mrs. Iiudd, "why I thought you said he wanted her lo leave?" " That's what the paper s iys. U's verv queer, isn't it':" "Tied her to a post, anj Cu nf Ui of the 1 irgest liu.bs " "11 id ni! how's th.it? cut off t.i of her liml.s. ..credible I Simpson niu-t be .'iiii; mad." li'g the nw-t lioriih'o t',iri ever he.,r!i.l!"siid.M,-.l!,idd ,1. I bey certainly ev '" iiili arrest him, won't 111 "Miould tiilnk so, ol wm.der ho didn't kill her. irs. T'.'.i a li.n the story is not dme yet : "He performed the nprn!i;in a little too late, for his Isabella h" jin to bl.-ed, mid he feared he had done a permanent ,,j ,rv." "I shnuld ihink so. 15 .(h legs er arms i Q". 1 rmancut irj-iryl I can't imae'tno how it could be anything else than periinneot." "It is dre.ull'ul 1 said Mrs. liu.ld. "A il heic's more yet : "Mr. Simpson theuglit may lie wood, ashes mioht do some good, s i he put them nli around and gave her ad ilh! snaiiii'.ids sin; coiil. I take. I'p.in the whole his trealiiieut oiay b8 regirdeJ as jadici his " "Tint's the c litoi's npiui in. He must tie insane, too. They'll kid that woman certain, if t'ley feed Iwr on wood nshe- and soapsuds." "Il l were you, I'd wiile to the mayor about it," saiJ Mrs. ludd. "1 think I will. ISut let's liaish the article : "Mr. Simpsim declares if lie his much ttioii! bother with the rnntier, he will chop his Isabella up and ' "C'l .p her up I lid you ever hear such cold-'.loodi d discussion of a prohu Llc murdei ? It is a disorace lo the newspaper I" "There uwit certainly be s luiething ar.mg about it," s-ii 1 Mi's. 15 iii. ' .No, t!u paper iys : "IT.- will chop bis I...ibe!l.i u,i a'id burn it." "What d ies 'it' mean? V iop 'bei' up a .d burn '.t' j hanged ii I u idersland such nonsen e," Is tint ii'd?" ask d Mrs II i Id. 'l'ie:iy nearly." "Web,' read the te-l " "Why, it says; let ;uo sec, O i yes, it says : "laUfl it lor all io a;!, .Mr. f-unps n coiiiiuced that the N'iotli.1 is in, t the i. . .. .. . . . i. . i. . U' si oest ioi ine oe.si j "Win, ps'ia v lli.uiih, we've bee i i i . . i ' ii...moS a i.i.-.aftt: i "Not the be,l gr ipe vino to cultivate iu this regnrn." - j "ll wiii i ll )' Mo p .iMl S grape, v a!!cr all." "Mr. 15 1 11. you're a f .. I or v i vould hue kiiv.i that 1.1 the-1'. s! j ..,.., ,, 4, , ,.. , llu !l;l!,.ir...J ,, p 4 pla;e." in I l.u .1: i .v il enouo I r u'.vhiii i!,it "Mivie I nn I ina.h" I nolsiidl' i .y l.e a !-. id i li-n we bom I H.ldJ wearily, but I .11 II 't as b as the nn 1 wii 1 give , ,. 1 s.ic.i uo lui.nib name u a gr pn vine. j A ,d t'l 1 tine wis a I 010 fl ish of ! s'.iciice i i t'l.: 1! 1 1 I I iiili ly circle. Till: O -t o'. cr 101 ,. her of 1! .uk.v iiid'a M ig'.Z ne, j.isl pu jiishc.l by Tiie I. nu ll: J Seaitt l'.ihl-hing ("., di Iiirclay Street, New York, Contains an unusual f.iuety id leal ill,' aiticlcs. The place ol honor is n yi 11 1 1 the npcniin chap-)kll.v '.cis nf a sena1, "Ti c N 'W O .1 -al " a f.i , , . , , , 1 story of tho Inline, l-i style, subj -ct. and trcatai!' t ST nnly reuu 1 J. J us ul the author of "The il.t'lo of l.,iki,i:." It ii ery cleveily wiif.nu. It npptaisps if an A l'tnli ia l.nril- 111 11, 11 . ,1 cane wioild be 1 ceded 1 1 H.iw amy the c! m is that uie (.iilheiing round ' J d n Caldigatc." "Tved" is probably by lii'ph l.ind.m. W'c wish ha aoull wide smm thii g a Tulle more cheer fal. "rirc-fjies" is 1:1 iiul 'scriii ibl article. 1'verv one shni.ld res i n"d J d.r. l -,n j it for himself (if he can ) "The Troubles of a Sets Traveller" gies tha anias'..o an I s urctiriies dislrcssiiij; experience of t traveller in the sewei tee. th ct" tury. who explored ivirope, l'.iicst,.i,', aud pai Is of Aft ic.l. "Three I y 9 in I'm is" gossips of the the sights ar.d the people, I'uiis iu general, and this ixhiVuion season in particular, tor the seat'ian'tunl there are numerous p ie;ns, and tha concl.il ing articles treat of Indi.i and the Knt, and England's and Kussu'g iutcrc-t iu the ii. The periodicals reprioHd by The Lo oiarJ Sc Ut Publishing On. (41 Hir clay Sleet, N. Y.) nre ai lollows: The lii"don Q lartrtly, Klinbtirgh, W:Cst mins'.er, and I5.ilih Q artcily Ueviews. and lJlackvood's Migaiine. Piicf, $1 a year for auy one, or only $15 for nil aud the postage is prepaid by tho Pub lishers. tc pi-e n't Ilia meatiest ol lasokind ; a wip u,ay iting a giant. NOVEMBER 2, 1878. T:. c pttr.ii'rB A i nc inn i1A Max Ade'er eivrs as loll.iws his cxr1" ricacii wit'a that n ieivnei chat'icfer w ho rl't.s over tiie c nmtrv tv.'ry siiui'iier ilraw lno 1'iit the mliiiir itiou ileal the pennies ul the boys-; I liiipni'iH'd to m"ct Mr. I'oti'-'. the tne. rot I ' 111 Ml. n:i Hie t,l i, the Other tny. us he was ridi!i; over to Tu'i'loiid lo buy le.wlni'.i ol h i, and lie e"l to IcMiiv; me ali.oir the 'p. cu'.i iriiivs nf hi Im-inex. "Now thi'ie." snd Mr 1'o'lle, 'is my t;ir:'.llc, 1 li.va had lioulilu witli ti i ;il. t' one tune ieo he lin.lte hio,i! u..'l wen! i.noind Ih, lic l;;lOorl;"O.I lltl mo i, n in ,, y. ,). lile'it illit nin'o.is. llihl ? i"r I ri t'-i-ellll lre: 1'hell lie Mldd-'ilv di velo;ie,t a l.'ii linss for t.il'liloi:: oil' e'li-nney tops, I'.il he kept n lo,)lii' iironiid until mi" in.- he s . a'.lo .veil v'tiick Mat, ir.'d it civ.' ( i ill i!ysi ep.-i;i U i . t,t i;et il i. ut 1 iloi'i't kno.v. foiu -lio i udvitid il Nlc.in.ie!! puino, hot there wa-n'l a to;i.uh pii-np in tlieeoiiiiliyth.it had a rmeli ot ihven Ic t, nn I Ih it is what ! he eir .11 me i-iire I bom hl. i.es .10 vii to hii inside How il i vivi Cunl' I .,i it .op ? I tied Ins four Us to a ilerriek. t ri.'d him upside down, an I shook hioi u itil the bnok roll.d do vn the ihroat. I've olteii thou jh: how lue-ky ii i-ii'ioin-.i Ininos uie not built in lint w iy. l'o-ts in siii.'i a tciiiialotii p-ice lor shirt eoT-i's. "Mv' pohr bear iiaii'iys me worse tliouoli I believe. li'tween ourselves, you know, In.'a mure'y nn oroinaiy h!a"l b 'lir, nad I ti o v i! to ii.-eo him up eveiy now uud then looiveapoi r naoict. At Hist I used to white i ll him, bat the liaie '.I eat iu nn I mike'ip!! h ,vl so's lie woit'd seme in'o luu'eilc- ill the I ii'iiei who e-i'iie. to tlie slio.v. Tiii ii lor n.vhiie s.'.ve.l ti i -ii nn in bi !-p sk't.s, bill tliev would -lip :iroun i n flint the 1 would be mi hi.4 back, nnd c.ri-e people to make n. marks. So now I -ink ei,,M ul raw cotton nil over liiui wi;h iiiueilae. 1! it it irives linn a kind ol spick i 1 lo ik, so tint Ih ap;) 'iirs tj.bn a s rt ul i:io:j l)'(n',e'i ii pilnr bear and a skunk, nnd critical spectator want their nioni y back. "Dnl yo.i ever own rm oitii.'h 2 No ? Sow, tl.cie's n nice kind of a pet bir I to have around the hous.1 Nice lor a ci.'i-! III! SWailoW! I tliei'leo While III! WSJ I' 'S.le ol It, nail then he'd e( :!i)iiliio urolli'd your kileliuii tryuit; to lunch i ll' olthellil irons I've known my ostrich in a untile moniKii; to eat tip eleven wo idea ten p. mi and lour leet i.i lio'itning roi; and tha' veiy Pinie alt rnoon ho put away tluee hnts '-lioi .i an l n ta"k Ii iiunicr. lie is a boioh s -rt ol a bird ! 1 know, but sum no r, iv lien he (-willow.'.! n.y rev ih'er, nn I tn o l.i.ite juice snnsi qu-ntly s. t the tri.; e.'i ne iin::. I tlw.uj.li: ti.r a -v h i ' th.t ii w is ! . ncr. I! It ii Iter l.o Ih .V the sue, he i IT n -l i the let;;, ! h ilcs ci.i-nl Up, he oa'y s e i.e I a liitic taint, and in hour later lie at'- I He ii m k"e pel's l paes ubiell i. ' I've i .! ibe linest elepli oil out of Asi i! I'l'ibcih- 'iiniiibie and ".oed-liemor:. I. II. kil'e I liii koi'!r f.v-i yirs ajo, but 'h i-.-a- the m i i'r, o'vn luiit. i lie k.ayr wn en."i .ell i...; p.ilec! y fiui in Willi lie. jili'int;, all i appealed lo 111 vt! nil i.l.'l lllat ' 'I 'I ends oi t lit- nn una' wet,, i vue' ly nik : j i lie wo .Id ,ht l-t in 'i y ii ; to lei I the s i le;.lia:.' a;-nn 1 by tlio lad. nn I ae'.-d lis it it '.'.us a m-i'ii-r ol pir:." t iu.l.ll -re-Vc H'lieth.-r tin aoiuiil picked up his I, iy w.lU i his tni'ik oi h s nil So. on,' il .v. u !n-u m ui w is r v i i! e n iiersii i !e tne i !e. , j lllk ,lv ,,;. ,,it. ,,,, ( ,,, ,,; . , ,,i . i,,.,-k,o , ,t. r. the !. p-omt pu' n r !, i I, . and ki-k-'d him i:i'. i n III r' 01 l'!l l ... p" ,. , i,u know, C, v.. r .lo i;,t ii iw.. i'li'i.'s no in " -ey in ill' bi.i'iu a iy mote ilooijli, I lie I l.ls r. :l'. tl I !:,..vi' I 11 i 1 -I bos-enn. !, 1:; .ci h;s he id out by 1 Im t ii 'ii'li in I h ; air. me rai.roi 1, 1 1 . 1 . 1 ... 1 . 1 1 trie i f.i cm !, in to conic down, but he u m .1 u d.p, rlrctU q 1 el. ail when I cnni" to i ur n.m 1 !,.un,l ib:,t ho had 'llo-l m I In ! he top ol a t Icerapll pole. i"i' bis w ,y dow u uii'il 1 'l' I til ' Uf.Utl I II W 1- 'ih no" I i ''r . I. s I 'i it k j It 11: IV l.i.'e 1 c. iinv h ie I., i a j lie w .s a c oj s. . dred d dials e -) "Tin- 111 ' nk.", 1 111 1-! 1 !'!. . l-d h ill I d .n't know. 0 el, .-tin! h'io- k or 11 il 1 -p psia. lio a . nn. vi r,' 1:1 I tli re .vi re I nit liun- ? ca to anu e tin p o le ru o k y mi si- f. !) 1 y ni It's u .0s;live .,ss to 1 v, ham in h iuj' tl.a I net I. a 'm'l o ,t ' like 111 mi; s i Vi'nv, n in.nkv mi , a ,hi n Uh :?. ,u, t ills lake you Iran wit'i y-.cr band. I:' 1. a! y t I N "v- ''l'" "' "' ' " ! Il Ton ! id 10 b 1 .4 u:i 1,1 la- j: li'o-ai ui a . r iw ! I I. -s, . -,r i' h voir h .11 d. yen 1 cotit.l !i..i f your ninner l a with your U. ! I1 loii a a, wiisin: 110 ait down the , , , io'i.ii m ii;e;n w n 1 n oi'iy. V 'U (-.in, 1 r.iny bin n your arms nil five fun spo. nl.il id p.ii -:.'.'iie with v n r t.il !l v.. 11 .n'rl to 'sk.- Toil." Iin.dy nut for m iiiiii,' yo 1 ci.u! I oinli.i rhil I with e-i'-h I 1111 I nn i pu 1 the ha'v r.-a"'i niih your ii'ii I 'i ii lo'l.i r it's n deid bo to y.oi, '.tut jou'ie !" I ;'H:lt like a 1110:1k y Krin li d I, iri ' At,;-1 miHi 4; t out ii re. (' ni 'llltlll I S I -' r'"!tT Tl.ti't '..i'.? ta jod lll'tllltie' An I Mr !' llool A IV (l! t1 'e ii-iop nr. an I throiio'i 1 1.0 THE STORY OF LIFE. A s 1 a w a'k ing by t te si le nl a tir nieo 5,;r n ii. i In ard vo.c s, st J listenine,. I Cai'i'ht tin so words, "W'li it we.il 1 j mi thai I shoiiM yivt' yon J" Another v .iee r. piu l I wuM you jvive uie it' tli ii li'e." "And what use won',. I you ai.heofrltr rial lile i" '(h. 1 wuuM !aiii;h and finsj nl! my lays ; lespintj Iroui lock to lock na il 1 teiehe l the broad liver ; then on th'; si a, lip re to trnlie w it i the wttves," was the td! r icpk, "An l what thei f" ('ui voire ask. d. "Oil. then I should p av hole' and ink with the fi-hes, and In Je in the nut'v sbcllf." "And whit then t" 'I could bo kissed by miheaui', wiirm'.d by ilikir, rays, enrned by thtiu to another plnce, anil lino Im let loos- i.dn I lie yentle bii-nai nf nurae lovely ll (Wer, lo (jlmidt Q its l.ea't." Ami wha'. thirl' ' I Imubl be the li' ol tint fl .wer. hi. mui! ladisntly, strcaiuing Irarrauceio i very nm't pstli. "And tlitti'' 1 Q "Wei!, I don't ki'.mv. After ill. that is but phiy. Well. I tliii k I should learn the will o! the Cover "I cttrip.il life, aid do tint with nil my bent." "0 i thai to-day nnd every in the pres ent lift, srd the eTiri.nl li't shall follow this for you, without n doubt." And havmj lenriu'd my lesson I came aav, bopino tha' l.o me, bo, .should Inl low Mmt o her life to wnn h this, is but the p elude. A MARVELOUS SUNSET. I'll ANTi M Mul'NT.'IH UO.VS. and r mil rtAis- 'TIlC he'lT. IH decl-'ied the e,,ry ;, (),, I. and the linn mi oil she ver.l lim haii.li woils" in ti e mui ct u 1 1 11 h ul tiiturdiv eve in I i-t. Siich n si.;lii is rnielv bad liiie.'ind never tl-twli-te Til 81 who h .ve b, en In re sen-. ui nltei sc.i-on, lor plensuic an 1 'o'it s ".'i:ij, 'I'loiii tint they never -'..v a y f ' ! 1 1 iT foi ij, nl it led .re, and .Mr. Aikon, of the Mount W i-liiuefoti railroad, who Ins beer, here al nil eas ma of the year lor leu nr twelve yeu.s, and Mr. Mur phy, ol the ioi,-, s'aMor, who Ins been licie ia the saiii'iier's ci'iin an 1 the wius tei'.-i storm, c oi. e Id these no on Satur day I'M-iiiiio to b : he Ii it st an I mo-'t w ill . dertiilly ung'iilijcut that they had ever see' , J iijt before the liuitr fur it setting, the nun was ealir-ly nli-eutid by a heavy clou I, which di l.ii.ed the mountain top with a ilriviuo sli i.vcr ul ruin, but the cloud lilte I in-tiiutly. j'H: nt the moment ol seliim.', and th s ia luilicl tin inouii tiinto)) in a oolilen kIow, soltcned and shaded by the r ll-etion ol the d 11U elouils who !i hum? Hbo.it tint horn in over npninst the Fiiiii'.uit nl llio lu.uintuui-: 80 Pliaiply and clearly wire the tajs ol tho fiiii tnrown uuen the mountain, through a rdt in the clouds, that the blades ol era's in what is kno.Mi ns "Hto iiw'3 I.'iwii,"' at the henii ol TuckerniitiN fnvltie, could lie tC in 11 -1 counted 1 1 0111 1I11 niniiiilitiii top, more Ihnii a tlinil-und feet above thein. 1 11 -t it 11 i ly . and ui il by manic, the most biidrint rainbow ever even commenced loiinin.o, one. cul ol ', no', leu nnd i riin son showers restine in Turl;-ruia'i's ra vivo and the other ilir.cfly ever the (!!en II. cis,'. A compl.io nreli noon lormed. ilicll ill tile heavens, so soil and lharp as to rcpre-enl iwo-lhirdi or thiee-luurtiia ot 11 circle, iiulea I ol the Iht aich ina-.ll ft'cn iu rain'i 'w s, an I llu; co'ors at the lower 1 xfieiiiliis wile po briliimt tint a sen I. ilil'l or eyin fcipth r. ll c:ion eon d ' c si tii against tne m-m 111 ai 11 sides w In r,' 1 bey res'e l. A f'.nkinj.' leaturo ol t ic occasion was a hu.'e lnnk ol white i ll 1 Is b inoino .iw beiieaill the Very eeitie ot the nr-h. the iippT eda ul wluc'i took a l'oI.I 'u huo Irmi the Mltine; sun, nn I eace to the lortuaat! spictalors a eloil wit'i n ijo'dcn iiistcid ol td'.voi I -y.f.j. A net or leniarltab'e si tti t wa the .-Inidow ol the in mntnin top thrown ncaiest lie -ky nnd nioiir.t .in rnnijcs to the c .s' w Hui, ibri c'y tiemnlh theenitie ol tlnj uic'.i, nnd so ilnoinotly tint the snnpe and leiiniiini id M nnt Wash in ;i 111 w .s i.s eViri,' dili .cl a i tl ! iiiO'in!..in it-ill, wln'e l'io lorin of ih" S'l iitiiit II i.l-e eoul I bo dn ti 1 l v s en on the ere-t of the fhnl.iw. I lie oiow of the settino sun 1 so blllh mil 111 I so char t'nt the (ireea M nin'si is aoiii-- tlio Wisteui sky wer.i c'enly niai ,,. . a i l (.'ini l'- II i n,) M int M i:i- Ii -M 11 11 -1 I iy !' 1!; c unl d s':n.".ly reco. II .1 'I 'm the 'op -l Mount W iskin -.ton. a- v II i' i'I the ori'-r in I'lri'-i'-ns I ) Ibe n i'tii no 1 s mil, i: w i' a et ei i'1-ly enr j. ui an I 10 1 pr.!l':oot si'it. h.i I 0110 tn ,t .v , : Ii n : a 1 1 P tii it I'll ot in in if .- 1 r. Ae'ono tit .. 1 1 hi Is, JI Hint -li -.toil, AllMlrt ill ll. TE1.21F1C STORM. TIIKHUIIS OV A Ni-.V MIA CI. lPD-ll'JJtS'P. Y -fer I iy. aS nit 1J o'.-lo-k, whi'c the ri: z -i al ll'iiii ivi ti' vvi luii! I t n'l 'lhcr sho.v. r. Tn. ml is en.V'ii. i'1'lnvi t nf lieni, wns villi I by lie.li ji-t cio'l'l tiai-i evci tu nc'leed in lira tcctui'i ol tile c mil' i y, T:p! torrent p, ! 'o ititlnl n'oout Mount II "i' lad wis ii.it'.y bioken a! tint p lint. I s m iia force wa s n-m I. over .iown.at a point b t veea I) nii'as- rciii nn I what is cade I (im nc mi I D nwlissis woikinj; ab nit one hundred and tiny iii"n, an I Ins ramp is two nn I a halt piirs b. lo tin. p out whee the lor rent UK sud n Tiom n c my .a. The line o! I r c w i IOC i -. I so'P'i, ol nerosa the ecu' ei. a i I ii i ;.' UII--0I of carili ai I rck wo f Ii i le I do.vn toe -i I o' th in oin'sin by ill" ll"il. I, ios we e c i lied an. an 1 Ii il o a'cnii', w.iiih eoul I not Inve In . n iii..v. d by oriliii'ity iniec, were to n up by the lo old Th" torrent was 'it tons two hundred yards wi 1 an I eih' en in hr d- en ; th"ii ns the r myon r mfi ie 1 the w iters it w mi l be s'xy yr f' wide and p'obahly (our lc I in ib ptn. I his hcijf v li ne i I w-ler pe i .low o the r icy. oi, csirvuic; nil l hire i; nni. nn!, Inn. r..tti anl (nith wete enrrivd aloiw with i'. iwo honlrel aid !ili vi ' wi ie pure I ironi w Ii. re they w ; re n w nitmo vhqi.iunt, r.,r rie I awiy an i part in 'ly Imi rd in I hi- in I in une ple,. (!,,. w,icr t ifeps way dire"';, i liroio i til ' nil" n! i he r invon, mikin; a ti' li teen fct deep and tweity lie' wi le Kroin tlo -e hi'', foiiic idea o! ibe lerce (' thi-d.-luire iinv be lotin. I. The e ou l ciiiitin led lo ili-eloi-oe its b irden lor Ihiee lionrs, whin It r n d, hi. I the w'ers weir soon ftpriad out over the plain below. Two turn hippcrie I In be near the pain' ot en' tact wiiea Ilie w iters he'su lo InU, anl tcviiiK br the ntcy ol )oi!s,- m,n. one ol thc.s; nnu stalled limn ti e in ula lain s'.le lit the t .p of bis upc I to wa'n the iinn. llrre , i.nc I aa rxcitmif m e The nie-enofr, a'snrel tint there s dentil in t' e eimp below, redoubled bis iced, while the angry fl i.nl crept niong b i le b'tn. as if con cioui ol Im intention to warn its victim?. 1I re an I Ih re a mis ol toi k or p ie of loos w auid stop the fl iod, and the tU'itier won' I n iin, bu' aoon the nb-triicti in would give way with a Crash and be w.itl.l aain be urge I tn kit D m t upei-d lo keep ahcn l. The etinp w at la-t le-clii! I. Iioa-cyer, and the lew ni'ii who were a'lout yot out ol Inrm't wsy jut as the aarrv waters broke io on Ihr Camp ami rarried ererylhinf pniiaSle down the mountain si le. Rena (Net.) Gatte. i A wire niaa' tbougtsti walk with bin), bat a tool's wi'lnu!. NO. SPACE I I O One Square, 3 00 Two .-opiums, Ji (.0 I Three .Sijiiares, 8 Oil Four N(i.in,a, id in) I Koiirth t'ul'n, 15 00 1 Half Column, 110 00 j XI H 8 00 10 00 1.5 00 i.S 00 L'O 00 I Z M 00 no oo 50 (0 ;m oo -to oo CO 00 00 (i So ( ,'0 I 40 I 5ll I : l;o l 7o ' oO 00 ' hole Column, One Year, ADVERTISEMENTS s I U N r A I N T E Ii 3 Wanted in every soctinn of Ilie Uniled S:atosaud Provinces to Rnswers ibis ad vertisement. Add res, DAN'IKIi V. BKATTY, Dee.ltf WtM.,tton,N.J. nAPl'IXKsSOU MISKIIY, IS Tiji tiL'KSTlON I Dr. W. K. iloyt of IP! yearn success u' iraot..-i j; 11 a ran tees apce.lv and permm 1 r-i euro 1 fell Cbronie, t-ornfiil ius, Hivi;. Syphilitic and I cm.ilo l)lsi-a-eH, (Sprru ' lerrlniM, or self-abusii at his Medicil 1-. titnle. Aenn 't f'benev lliuek. mum-,,.. llio City Hall Park, .svihousb, N. Y. i.'td leine-ent to nil puis of tho V. S r 1 Caii'id.i. Don't be deceived hv aily'eri', ineqincks who tlir-me; our iarco r i 11111 eoi.siilt Pr. iloM er send for ei'ciPr.r 011 lliM Kl eciaitios to bis 1', O. 1 .on, LAI'IKS. Mv urr-it liquid F.encii Itoinndv, AMI K DIC K.-:.MME. or Knna'a I'rio'id, is ntil'illinir in ton mini of .,11 ,,.,1,,. fill and ilanireroud ili-ciisei of rourmn. It in iileratei all eximss. and brl lie's en I Iia inontnly period wUh reului ity. In all tun vol, a and spinal 11 Heel ions, pa'ius in 'bo back or limbs, heaviness. fHtiiztm on .Ur-1. exertion, palpitation ei ibe heart, li.wne-a ol stun!, hysterics, sick headaclio, white and all pain fill diseases occasioned liv a uisor iernil system, 11 effects a cure whim all oilier mean fail. Prion $0,00 per Dot tie, sent In'iniiil. Dr. iV. E. II,,vi. I'.n. 27(1. Syracuse, IN. Y, winy, gCIIOOL TEACUKllS; Yon can easily Inerenso your aalnry l y ' by devoting a very small portion of your leisure time lo mv inierosl. I Uu not" ex . pect you to canvass tor my celebrated U'Mtiy'a Pianos and Dryans unless you see til lo; but the service I require ol you In both pleasant, and profitable, i'ull particulars free. Address D.txirr, f. i;i:atty, WasbiiiKton, N. J. JOCKY M 0 L' NT jXlLLS, ROCKY M(.)l'NT, N. C. Jiiuuary ljt, liT8. Wo are eow prepared to furnish tha trade with SUEETlNVi.-s, fllllMTNGS, PLOW LINES snd COTTON. YARNS, all of the best qt ilily ninl at low rices. Our turns stin ily n, t tnh, 30 days. Address DATTI.E a SOX, 'an -oa lioiky Mount. N. C. R- F l U T L K if, Fire mui I.ilc Iusiiriince AKoat. PU-es risks of all kinds In first-elass Coiiipuiies a, l-.v .11 safety will p rmit. Call nnd see mo before insuring o'.so where, at IIKOWN'S UlUJiJ STOHK, Wcldou, X. C. July 13 I y. I i!-tQrP business vou can eiiiraeo In. t- lAj I t5 to ja per day uiajo by any u mker of eiibcr m x, rljjbt in Ilikir own loeihiipa. l'artieiibirn and aimpb-M wiii ib ;,i ',i,, lmpr n y mir spuro time at this business. Address St1s7on .t Co.. Port Unit, .Maine. juna 1 1 v. f BURNHAM'S r-'i p, ; s '' .' " .po-jinvisa .iTi-. r ,-'..1 -s - v3q -r t WARK(.i'T D B"SV& ll.itirtST. UCO. f. :Lti::3 kiASi'lIiffit. ir :-. rnasi. ij:'D:.T:-i. ::.T3. sf l'smi-l Ui., (. r.'M, 'Vous, I . June 8 0 in. r.TAU.IC lll lllAI. CASKS lOll SI.K. '-n. Pcr-oi:i S'iihli'ir Metallic B.irlal Canes can nl .viivn obuiti 1'iein t'T applyiii(i tome, at tlie M on nl Mi..-n, Wipli. bi ,t Kmry. I e. i still keopt'ii:, as heretofore, a lull ai.. s rtuieui ul ibe Veiy Uosl CASKS, al the Very 1,'iwi'st Price.. In my sbsrnee f:om Weldon. Mi'ssra. WmticM'it Kmry will .leliv er Cast a lo persons wbo limy wi.-l their.. JAMl'.S SIMMONS. Weldon, X. C. lr I I Q rpilrC U N UK R S I H S K D V K R Y 1 respectfully cab's the attention of tba trad' n Ins ixteiiMve stie kof iloiiKsitie snd Imported liriuors, lo which brf ia atdl inskm additions ai.d eon -.isiini; of pure KYK AMI ItOl ItltOX nUlNUIES Freneh, Apple, Blackberry and Cliarry Hramlios, Jamaica and New Kuirland Knni Isonlon, Tom and Holiai.. (.iin, Port Sherry, Claret, Khiim and t.viyear-o'd Soupernr.i Winn. SeotiJi and LundCH Portor, and a very larije lot of - RECTIFIED WHISKEY wbieh I am oflerinc l prloea that eannot fail lo five aatiufnetlot'. 8.W. HKI.DXrR, A ,:'t, aprill'l "'JP-ouytt, bunra. , in ;f WafSl