THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BT BATCH El.OK & LOCK II A KT. Dne Year, tn advance, x Months, " Cbr Months, " f 2 On 75 ct CARDS. T. W. MASON ATTORNEY AT LW, OARYSBUR1, N. C. Prvtlo I'l thw omrta of Vorths'inton and v1 ilnln r nmnMai, also In Inn Federal sml Supreme courts. June 8-tf JOS. B BATOHEDR. ' .TTORKY KT LW, KAtiKIUH, N.C. Prantlnna In Hiw on'irta of thw 8'h fivll elal Ills' riel, and Io 'tin Federal ti4 Hu pram Onirta. Mav 11 tf. w. H. K KITVIIIV. I T i; w. a. orss. DUN X , H B N ATTHlKY C 'WaKMlRS AT LAW, Mtotlit.i1 sleek. Unlit tx Co., N.C. PraotlM In 'hi tlotfr's nf ll-lift V d Hi i ''' i ') I n I in the Supreme ami Frti-rtl IJ uirti. j-n 18 If Ittoruey at Law, HM.IKvX, V. C. rvl(w in liliiix and uli'iiiiiin J 4 1 1 ' Inrtl mi l Snpreme Courts. V-Til h at St) t.l'4'l I NOi'lt, 'IH'0 oven tnrtniiit. An;. i!K w. n. Dir. D 4 Y W. W. Hall. HALL. it ATTDIN'YS AT LAW, Vf-.MM, IV. C. Prto'.iivi i t'lt s ii rr,- ir Kalil'is and adjoiniiii eon itis. and in (ha Supreme and Feleral e. uuls. fill m ciiiactD'l in any part of North Carolina, jun I U gUtCL J. A'KIUHI', ATTOr MEY AT LAW. j It'liSOV, x. c. IViotiem In I li Court nf Northampton and alninin nni'iiies. sen 15 l Y Q AVIS L. II If M A N , ATTORNEY AT LAW HALlfcUX, N. C. Prant.iflis In ilii oiu'ts nf rtili'm and adjoining; rm'i.H, ti 1 in the, .Supreme an l re. iri im-irn. Clal nsuillwt-il in all parts of North Carolina. Odi m i i ina C turt !f.iu july 4 1 $ O . BURTON, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, X. C. Practices in the Courts of Hilir.ix Cowntv. ami On inties adi'iluing In the lutreme Coin of the Xtate, and iu Hit) Feleral C inns. 'Vlll ;i i) i ti l aW" ition to the nl!e.e tioa nf cliins,aiid tn a(ljniti the i-C'iunt f Knout r, aJ nnuarti irs an l Hilar iiana. ilee-15-tf J. H, H I I Z i 1 I D, ATT3S 1 2Y AT LA V, HALIFAX, N. 0. OflM in the Court Hons". Ktriet atton tit aovan to all brauouns of villi proles. i... o K. T. BRA V C H, ATTOrt VSY AT LAW, WflILD, SUIrtl OOMTY, M. C. Prnl" Ii tin C'mitla of Halifax. Is, KUinvmhH' anil vvllson. 0.II.10UOH niiM i all parta of 111 luw, j 12 T a u i a. (Pmi A K A, ATT3S "i 2 AT LAW, M. C. r.tiM in tin fl'iuntlaa of Hali'ai, E4fxmiM and Vaah. In tl " Snprniiu ;ourt .if Ilia Still and in tlm l'deial ..lla..l.ii miilo In anv nrt nf the (la. Will attend a lh ('"iirl House in J.lif4t ou Mn.iday and Friday n eai-l wmk. JauJMc XDREW J. BURTON, ATTUKMEY kT LiW, w :ldon, N. c. Preivw ill the C'liirt nf Halita, War ran 'iid Northampton eounliea and In Hie Uil'inna mul Kedera ( onrln. OUi aaoollaoiHd in auy part of Nortli Carolina. pine u- AH M. MDLLIK. U L L E N JOHN A. ailOHK MOORE ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ilaltrai, Si. C PranHce In the Onuntlns of Halifax N'irthm to i, Kd,enoiiil)H, Flu ami Mar tin In the Siipreme Court of the State nd In the Federal Courts of luo Ka-stern DUtriot. Colientioaa mada ia any part of North Caroflira, JD 1-1 o VOL. VII. WHY? Wliv i It that tlin :rier.r1s wn love On fleele-t p:,iini flv, An l h.iiihn i-harNlnnl In our youth Withor R' bikiii am) dicf Why l it th r foli v (,r li e la Imta a-inu hrth Ami itvanmpnt fom thut hraaki Upon tha "cms of death ? Whv is it that tho IdvpIv rni, That lilnmnx In frairrain ii I aoatta wil hv tli iielnH. win,),' An.) crnilio'1 h.n"il) our Ismi f Il ni-rfii m", whiph wo fl'at inh. lml Kroni mlilat IIih prinoii icavm, Una dlaat'pa in , hmi! mi tha mnk Hit we!) tha apltlnr wpuvchT WIit molta ih wntir' dririn nor Hulnrp w'l Hir;ni'ii nlt "lllif Whv 'tro tin iJpw ilrnp Hrtiri awiy Wlmti morn Ii in tt-uu nT Whv InirHt Hi liiiii'ilPH wliiHi o briuht, iil tlirotiifh I'm VMiorv nirf Whv ilo ihw .wot..Ht (J ,witi riin. Thniitfli fo l with temleroNt care T Whv is It t,hn? Oh, lilnnming no, Anr a I mastii' hihII Anil d.'W (imps hriuht, uml k.iihbles frail, he ra iii cnt thou tnll f Ki"w the't, tha;, all earth bwneckg Or on ita hrnaot, d"th 1 i , horn ..r ti n, ami, at Mis heck, Must fido -m i 'M i PE'iFECi L y- is SIMPLE FAITH, The thri'p M luittrutixi h'td at iini" iTnij)ti"llv !nr intn Ihw Oiiluiiin al'lfr no r, m j lii.) mi.f rpliivd t' c-tniiiir their rirc'iNi'iii. U was a rfistres-iou i':isf, uml, I'CCiiri u io Smijli bt iilf, whidi is a iikti' li iiidfnl of town, pr... v-ked itHRi intPrpt amoiiij thn ii.. hiliitu.its K.-rvhoin - kmK t lie parlies C-'ud'rm-d. S li'i W-sthrouk, tte r. Iiatmit pri'si't'iitnr, as pi'tner i i an inipressivf ly s Oiil fi in which hfl fl .irislii-.l in ihi- hnr..iijh (ii-nera- II H II cij ved a reiiut itiii i I'. r stiicl pr.ihity iind liroud !) ev .,.ici1 hii;h w s'mij.ilirly mciu'd III 8" Atl.tltus (its i nl' tlm fir ii). a wilnexa Ii r thf prospculion, ih I.kIiI in much I'sli'i'in hv certain "I l he vni- i;or sort in Sinjl-hrKli lio Nvininuix tl with Ins a niiibl" inili'lncsw, n ,r ( cfi tii i il' thr oMit t 1 1 Inokrd ask nice ul Ihi'SH ; whv, t'lit w is ly natural. A l Mr. B inclmitl, uiothiT wit u si f ir tin- III OSfCUl lull, llltll- WIS k I'I'V I t'l tin; i i iinuj ij.issijas He Ii i l lii-rn a ifsdiiiit with :b" West brooks' fr ah ml eiiit n: ontlis, ilnri.ij uiiic1! p ii l he mul sat ul ooosiii (j is io tin) iilliue in hnsiness lioins, aoil h i I been n gi'l ahmit with him at other tune-. I'liev tf "ii aini'Z injH w l lm;i'inr, pK pl i.tjsei veil, hut despiie nil his etfurls and soon of iheso weri; niiuk.'d eo.MisjIi s,iave r li i h int l.ille I to fit ilii I v c'.ipluale niil. As In'C li is's pu-Uv si l-r I'hll her lrtlllels d Hie Weal I uli i . lutliel's fl l 'it Willi I'llinlilei, she treaii n.iei tiou nf her iiierriiii riici'iiilneis lilt her aweil- est iiinods, her te deresl I ,. ks and ueei. lest times were not for him Tee ii aiciji', at whose Vidding tlm v s i I.tdly came, was Clanchaid's instill. - toe lie. rroiii the m meni IJ r lii iVliit.-, Co. fi i.' tial c'"ik to the fi oi and a potential uurli rr theiein, niel d simply khii 'k hands with the West L.ili.i", they haled each nlh r with a halted that nwe.l its on the ne aide to Contempt, and on the other to m il ce and all u ic'iariutlleness. To- lay will neb ild the tiiu'iiph r disc ture nl I! a .ch ild a Hie P .ick Coin I at S nji'ebride. in the presence of a crowd nf p nplp the iiiujor lv of whom are peisoiallv known llin, IIir.'1'l While S'anls accused. no the united testiinony of tlio West brooks, lather and skii. of eiiibetzlc- ntent To the profound chagrin nf the M jiislrates' clerk, who, cordially dis liki' $ lilanchard, wishes well to the accused, the latter couJucls his own delense 'Silence in the court " 0 the four Bit ts in the little drama. old Mr. Westbionk betras the must agilatinii as the npeuiiijj of a door al Hie of the court heralds the return of the Magistrates t their seats on the he cl) The sile .c is oppressive, when, in a voiic full of fei p g, the . ... , c'lairnian turns in Hie license", mil sav! "Hnri lil White, I, wlm hnn known vim lor so iiianv ears, need in t say that ihe Ion" i x 'Hi' inn ti'i'i which inv b' ther I njistra.'S ami nivsclf this ila in ucted ti the er best id our abllll. has been ti all of lis frauebl i h considerable pain. And we n e limmd 1 1 ad nil, in your behalf, that! tiling has t .-1 1 s p i r h I in Hie c iKsi! l litis hearing whicli r (1 -cts i t' e IniSI o c 'ii'lucl dun g the period to which I reler. N e have given due Consideration to this fscl in jour lav ir. and have cone to the c inclusion, ictnated bv hi .lives which we earnestly ymi will live tn appreciate in a nroper vpiiii, to dismiss this case. Y u mai .o ' "IS it my charai ter," exclaimed White, i t voice husky w-th emotion, "wlm Is to ch ur that ol tui t ?" "Ymiisil1," solemnly answered the chairman. 'Call Hie next case " I) in d, tremhling under Ihe ii fi i" c of wafting passi oig. be le't Ihe d"tl and passed mit of the C "in intn the into the sunlit street. Wbitlur shnuld he direct his feet? As h" rI 'wli and mectiaiiicullv, seeing nothing, heai in.! no'liii'L', Willi bowed head mil leaden gad, st le along in (be tlirect'nm of the river side: he felt a touch mi bis arm lie paused It was one of Mr Westbroi k's cleiks The lad's im utii was trsuiuiuus with syuimtl)y. ii i 1 lP WELDOtf, INT. I'llr Westhrn k lias this mile, Mr. White, ai ser " scut me oith Is there any "Ven," he repliei), tearing the paper intn ainn.s, "there is. Mr. Weslbronk wishes to ire nie. Tell him that we shall nut meet again Until lie is pre P red to stand up in that court house and pruv to be allowed to proclaim my innocence in t"iies as loud as those which he useJ t i-lay in declaring my t;nilt" The lad left him. The, September U was setting redly behind a familiar belt of woods which froged the further liai k id the rier, as he continued his moody walk. He had held mi for miles lieedli ss of the dirertimi he took, a d now he awoke from his fit of passionate bittrrue-i to fi 'd himself mi a spot that had often been hallowed 'by the ureao ce of the girl that be loved, Wlini did she think uf him ? "II in y I" 'Fanny !" In those two words all was ex pressed. In that fieice embrace duubt was slain. "O i, liar lil, I h ive folUwRd ynu fur h ops. leariuj; to speak to y U, you Im k 8o pule and changed " 'I uni chai'i;' d. Tnev have nut sent nie to pr'uii' , V but the prison taint is ui)"ii me Why ilnn't y ) shrink frniw tlie moral leper, as the rest u1 Hieiu have don.!"' "15 cause" ai d it seeined tn him ns Ihouiih her v ice had never tnnlleil with such Seet. ess bel'oru "I k ioit i on " 'A "I you believe " " I'lial all will be righted yet I can ail. dear if you will let me. Y oi ere iie-r more preci "is in me lli.ui Mill nie at Ibis uioinei.t " 1 Miss Westbronk cnnitt, FailtlV, this i mi place for y .u " II nol.1 iio! she h id not heinl lo' lstep.. It w is I)i i.ii.hatd a nl ir..ih. t who were approaching not ceil, " An I n i place for vnu either," the her tin- laid White ti H: uicli ard . "Fiig ," leplnd that wnlHy "I have no word to waste op ton, sir I In heie to perloiin a duty " "S. :"tl di el 1" II ,r dd Ile um, ti' the same tune laisi g his Hand S le touched lion, a'ol h" w .s si ill. "S i," she sai.l, "l i n mistrtss nl my ow.i actions. 1: I ch ms.1 t acc mi pa iy mi br ther ii i iecaiisn I choose I II ir Id, g "d-hve! ('nun! wt it mav, ii v lai n wi.l not lult"r, my love never Cl.'inii.. " l'i is i:it loin- w oils were murmured As she shaio'd I loon slie reached lor ami k's-eo luni he! ne her brother, ih ,e sip prise ii! her biTlaut ultituue was unspeakable. Tiiey parted and went their several The chargn against Huold White o( I'liibi zzlemei.t, and the remit, produced a wonder that lasird miicn longer th in nine days His depurture, the day idler the be ir g, no one k ie wh ither, I hud ttie i'ff ct nl in 'reisin the' n iuber and Kvinputhy o' his Iriunils, It was generally admilted thai his iele..c had ! been weak iucnmpreheiisiiily wi ak. ' IJji who kiuw? He might have hid Ins own in-incible reas ms for not mak ing it siriinger. Whv had the brother nf ins alii mce (mr she was bis Hfliincei in ail but an open and formal declara tion ul the faf) broken with him so suddenly? Until Hi chard appeared upon the scene they were insepaiablc llepe-d upon it, tan West Indian was ai tlie bolt ou "I it In tins fashion the gossips of S'uglebririge discussed the eveuis which had led t U irold While's downfall and departure TiU' e mouths had elapsed. And not I word had heeu heard of or fr m liar I I Wliile; unless, liiii female go ssip si.g-sle.l, be had wii'len m Mis- West bio.'k, which cu sidermg his depariiue, he w.s hardly likely to have done. For one , however; they were nut in- their ciilculutioiiss lie had written her a letter in which llieai) word nc cuired: "If I tiiuught, darling, that vmi would b happier to get rul of mu for guild and a I. our b md shiiuUl be diss dved. It ia your love for the siuiole laitb in me that sweeiei s my Itle and keeps me slendlast in niv dr.lio u.iiiiiU'iu to undo Ihe iiHSerahl ' wrong IV' -ill which I sutler Thev sb .11 right me yet. I have borrowid lor the present another name my uioilp'i's .eloie her . . i mat i tug ; Put I'm pe op e with wiioiii l am knows ihaf I am ll r.ild While, ami are ac(l oiinled with my historv I mast tr , dear, to rub on without Hi- Ciuis lall ii win h your hlleis wouiu neslow. It is belter that we s'lould seem to have patted forever. In the g md lime we shall meet and then I" It piizi'ed the wrl'-'ufornii d Single Inulgi; In bear Fanny Wisllir. ink's cheeilul word, to note Iter plac d brow and bright inuuner. She never cipd have th iiehl much of that Huold While, v. u know or she. would have miiuiitsted some regie t ul Ins niisim tune 15 anch ird. t o. was misiifi d by li. r Wnat did it portend? Had she res'glied ad ll pes ol being rest ueil to the lovei whiiiH he ha-l so efleciu illy helped to disgrace ai d l-iiuish? Was the cumse cUir lit last I 1 1 .1 would See, His imp' t ious loe for the su u y- huited. S.xn -eied girl, a l"ve which S.nui'g into ixistriice the moment they met, had grown u.ighiilv since the goi ig of While II would out an eiul to tins uncci tainly. Ild could face bis late, C, SATURDAY, "An interview with nie'r'' replied Fi ny tu Lis blandly proffered request; "cert inly, Mr lilanchard " Her lime Was prnvnkiiigly even. "And, if you please, let it take place now. Pray be seated " If she had only been embarrassed! "Miss Wcsibrimk, I I tear that the impression which I made upon ymi the day of Hut uniortunite tenconlie by the river side was not favorable I--" "l'ray proceed, sir," she remarked in icy tones. "Well, then, allnw me y m cannot surely have remained firm iu the res olution you then expressed U cleave t" "Mr H'anchard, I will assist ymi, ynu apparently with to aiy that must have ceased tn live Harold While. Is that a,.?" " M iss Westbrook Fanny pardon nie; Ida. He is ail ucwutlhy uf yoj. ()i, it yon did but know the dept uf un love for mil " "Clop, Mr. lJlanchanl," said she rising Irom her chair, mid moving slowly towards the d .r ' l,et ua understand eich iither. Whether ur not II irold White holds the pi ce iu my hen 1 1 which he mice ilul umicern hid and mo only Tha honor you have done me. Mr I a chard call it by what tender nanus ymi please I despise. Mr. lSl.uiclt.ird, I know y.iu I" "top, Miss Westbro'kl" he ex cl lined, ii ii k gone step forwaid and hairing her nun to toe da t, "a d heaiken t' me, Y .11 have thrown the gate Very well I nc ept it It w is I win. tli ove II irold White from Si gli -hridge. Ah. ou can te iuipn ssed, I see. Ii i- I win can c" "pel your cm se t to my demands. N iw, Miss West bo k, kno.v mi I" Her I u c! wis verv white as she swept pr uidly past te West Indian, hut it was not the whiteness of fear. TnV measured swords with their eves Ii nv clear mid seaichiiijj hers were and in r i ed Next dav F ny Westhimk was miss ing Irom Singleton. F r twelve m oiihs Silas Westh'o.k has I). ii iluughteil ss Fan was S ill 'hi for far and near, h'lt wilh-mi naii. A'loistus had, to () i on the idiomatic iXi.ieSsiou nf that congenial companion !rad referred to, "gone clear to the bad." Of all his former chums ISeinehar I was the s de p issess ir o' tb v on- g sc ip-er ice's nheieanonls A. .r ihe West In tun he seemed to lia e entiielv relinq i stied nil ix'e.tiin nl relur. i g to Jioiai ii. 11 wever, we uiiisi for the present leave Snijle'iri lge a d i. tik ir wiv in the lueiire II n il, lvisil'.a npt on. Tlie h-use wjas cinv-fed h) the iiduiirers nf the leading luily, whose he tfn nijbt it is 0 I FassU'i", Hie stage d mrkeeper, is at (his iiionient i i a state nf uiind bordering ou despair. 1 1 dare not for the pe of In n 1'iaie his post, und be ha j ist learned that a stranger has sue- teede.l i i reachin( tha stage u "ler the cover nf mi audacious super If that should como t'i Hie k lowledg of Mr S miers. t Iteauclump, the matuger, he 1 1' issvtoO w ill t i a cvruin'.y be d.s- missed ou ihe Spot. "Take a ii"te to M'ss Harebell, sir? C'lnl l uul d i it. Wi agiiiusl orders, sir " The speaker is a call b J. II s lei.pter is Mr. Illatu'liard. ' Very well, sir; I'd risk it If you are an old It. end, L supposj it will be all rigid."' l..ducd t i cnniniit a breach of dis cipline by the bestowal "f a rather potent mine, the cull b v dis ippears behind a pile "I scenerv, and is presently heard iu uliertatiuu with Miss Harebell's ibesser. ' What do ynu want? Miss Harebell is not "a begi'Hi' r." She is lint on until tne second scene " "I knew that, Mm. ('.imains. I want to speak li) you. Ojen Ibe door." KUnchii'd heard no more. A whis pered co vernation between the leading I .dv's dresser and ami the call b -y was miiiipdiately su ceeded by the reap pent ant e ol (hut precocious V 'Uth, wlm said, "Miss llirebell will meat yoil alter the pin r n men, at her hotel, the (Jenrjie, Sue has private aparuiieuis thete. A I yi'M hive ( do is to send in your nam And now, si', '! clear out nl tli s. II yon g it i", I d "i't U:io ll M" ISi'.'itshaiig Was to stag you, w mi l ''t Here mi a shi , ne.l'ier '" Mean pne, his nnte bud produced a Slatting i fleet ti) fi Miss likened. U lau I iflus ; "At last I did fi d you. I Miss 11 irehtill, I have recngji-d Fanny Westbrook Al the penl of those nearest uu l dealest 1 1 tee tne ti-nighl I inn desperate " "Cuiii hii'gs," gasped she, "lock that I mr. Y "i did it I t tun nest ti get nd of him It is alwuya coiive.'ient t" decline ro:eivtno n visitor ut one's hotel; hut I will see linn I'mis'l my hair ami the fi l l Mr lie nicfiamn. I would tpi uk with bun before I go on. Blancha d Ha.l again ctuimisly under valued the s'reugth of his lovtly i' ponenl Sue saw the maeager, uJ x:baned Willi him a few ivlii-perid words. H grnp. d her hand wanuly by way nf cu ih idli ng bis cliivaliic imeiiiuius in her cause. Since lit at nav. morn thin twelve months previously, lhai M'ss Wesi br " k bad merged her ide. til v in that of the now talented uctress, Mm H ire tell. Fanny had played man parti, DECEMBER 21, 1878. buth tin and off the stage. 0'i this panicular night she excelled herself. The applause of her crwd of admirers was what would hava been termed iu stage parlance "terrific." S ich wu$ the electric force of her acting that it tar. ried all before it. Was -he playing up defiantly tn ISIancbard? Perhaps, O the conclusion nf the plays the, laden with bouquls, rel'pcd tn be' dressing rnnm and in a few minutes hud resumed, with the aid nf attentive Mr. Ciimmiui, the allire uf ordinary life. In the space of a few minutes Miss "Harebell" was proceeding unnoticed, sa-o by a group of her youthful id. tutors who surrounded the pit door, uiHer the envoy uf Mr lStaiichump, to her up ittoienl at the Ue nge. lie fore usceudi'ig the staircase which led tu her rooms, the informed the uiaid-servunt that probably a gentleman would call up n her. If he did s; e was to show him up, and after having pti vulelv informed Mr. Deauchamp, who would wuit for the news in the bar parlor, of her visit-u's arrival. Mr ISeiiuchamp, wnosa face henmed with i niiiphicent delight, uudd''l sis up provnl of this arrangement. Observed Faiiov to hi n : "Now, Mi'. IS aiiehamp, I shall leave you to your d 'vice (icie she iudnlrd in the tiniest riiiide of laugliie-) yeur de vices, wind " "Very well, mi dear, they shall be ready if wauled." "Ad he-" Everythi g is read, Miss Harebell, a d eierybndv. Lt thai suffice yul Sealed in her sung lilt Io room, Fanny d'a iiily awaited the co nii g ol her tin ciL' .t persecutor. Sue had uo", long tu wait 'Mi-. lSlaiicharil, 'm" anuoiinced the maid-servant, and thereupon Ushered that gentleinaii in, M ss Westnrook rose and acknnwl e lg.-d his elehor ale b with a silence that was lull "f scornlnl vlniiiience. Sue then retipnH.1 her seat 'Mi-s Westbrook, can vnu divine why I a.l here?" "s" "Oh, vil can. You are frank .Sler al', whv shoul I ymi tot he? We can sinie e.:U thjr tie reci'al "f a 1 1 .i p-elace of dull retroso-'i linn. After a Io ig am piinful se nch have foil id you no miller how" "I kn ' h i " she cal nly interpnse l, "Ah I" be ex .'lai'iied, "peihnps yu woun I not annul enliohla iug me" llst'nes were sneering 1 1 r peifect eqii'iluily put hi n u'niut. N t at nl! Y .ii got your inf.irini lion frmii my I r ther." "E eu si. And your brother? H is he i'liormed you also that lie is j ist as soiiiple'.clv in my power us us another person of our ucquai d nice iiuuo than a leir since? Hid he tell vmi that there is in this hiindio nf pipers that which woiiid give him penal servitude if I ch 'S" t' put the law iu nperuliou? I . 1 be-" "No, Mr. iUvcWd, be did not." A tear had st den d wn her cheek at the mention of Ilirold's nuin -; but now that she Coiillnnted the West Indian, her eyes blacd deli nice up hi him ' lis did not, ll'iti've your mask I Can raid the rascal underneath it. S , then, my hand bestowed no you is tn be the price of your silence concerning my brothel's crime, ifciimtil he, 1! it ynu have shown your claws tun s oui, tir ; tee that they are not clipped " "A id who is to clip tnein'r" "1 1" exclaimed a voice that came from belli id the chair near whi .h lilan chard st mil, while nl the sauui lime bis am.s were seized with a giip f ir.n. and wrenched violently back. ' I, II indd White I Fan, take pnssessiuu nf those papers. " "S i ymi think In trap me, d yon:" growled IS ai.chanl, actually foaming with rage; 'but you are mistaken." "N"t a bit nf it," ntserved obliging Mi. ISeauchamp, ul that moment enter ing i-t, the d nir un the landing, (looly tin ning the key and placi' g It in his pocket, the manager nl'ihe E isHiumplou theatre cnnti.uel: "N I i"k liere, Mr IS a. chard, I have slag-uiana ool Ion ma n lillle thing of this kmd h"l In know hill's required tn slieng'ben the S'tua'ion I have lant of my I'ellows handv un Ihe stairs. My properly man i. on the '.ther side ul those hi ding doors Mv Irie.ol hare .o4 iws.i k ni lor soniethi g, to hi nothing ol Mrs II irold While" Mi s Harold White?" gasped lSl.incli- ard. "Ye', Mr. IS' 1-ch ild," releasing liiin id approaching her, "my wife. She ulw ivs believed i . my peilecl iunocvuee of Ihe charge you hetpe I to lasten on ire, and when poor, miseiat.le Ij us Cull- fessed the part he played in the Cnn ipiracy, we got married," "Coiilesse l Conp racy I sneeringlv elcl ii ed Hlilicluid. "Wbeie arc your proo's" "Here, replied U irold, pointing to ihe papers, "uud here tbey remain Willi-" ' U "til what?" U' til the lather nf my dear wife his perused litem line hv line, and the mag. is'.rat- s nl Singlebridge have made my innocence at public as a year since they proclaimed my guilt " "Then I may go," said 1J; inchard, alter a puu e; and. taking lor grant"d the consent nf leuiporarv custodians, he s'epped towards the d mr, which was ti ulee the j ii'ilorslnp ol Mr 15 'auchiirnp. lb it geniUmiiu grucelully HuveJ bun back. x0. 43. "Ynu may go on one condition, lir pardon nie and it is this : That yen leave for Jamaica by a certain steaim r which leaves this port to-morrow. I have to-night betpnken your berth Pardon me if ynu decline, take the consequences, one uf which will be the temporary wccupntien by ynurstlf of a neat aud commodious apartment within the precincts ot Kistha, Jail." "Opoii the" N t another word did he inter, but Inking bit hut and looking straight before him, he left tb-! hotel a d proceeiled not unattended in the direction uf tha J.unuica boat. It was a pleasant hour or sn which Mr. and Mrs II irold White and their friend lie nicb.uup spent together that night It was a more than pleasant meeting that tunic place u few days niter in Siuglrbriilgo S las Weslbniok's hap piness was unspeakable. There was a streak of sorrow in it, thought, when he thought of bin absent a. in, and prayed thai the lad liai turned mer a ties; leaf al the oilier end uf the world. A FORSQTTE'J PAR&Q1&PH. A b'ty about twelve years of age called at I lie pntiutlice and desired a letter which bis luothur h id posie I an hour bef.iri!. IU devenbe i the envel ope a ul direction, hut it had already b. en sent aay in the hag. Tut! lad seciie I so nnxii'iis nu uit Hie missive that the cl ok lioully ask ' I Iiim il it was a inutier of li'e a nl d"iitli. "Tnai's x ictly what it is," replied the lad as be turned a shade piiler, "you sai , run writ t i h"r sister and for got to put down ; P S We are a'l well ; and so my aunt won't k i hv b it what lull tlio family arc dead auJ the other half dying 1" ' I cuu write that oh a postal card and tend it ulong after the ! ter," tuogestej t'i" cleark 'T guesss you'd better" replied the b y as lie implored n p 'iviv, "'cause a long ns we am t dead th-re a i n use t i woii yi ig nti' an it a oil it lik" mi d ies if v in ca i, uud il S P. instead of P S " Wiite j isi dm' l gel HOW A MANGOES 10 BED. So. uviiiii ol hoiv a iiim ;;o to lied, un i rh in iv sa. s : "T' e'e's w hi ie u nuin bus t he id . nit .c. lie C't i un lr-M in a e ld ro on, and hive hi. h'i wa-ui Inf. re h worn. n Ii s "ot her lisi -;iiiis nut and lei shoes untied."'a lio.i it Io k in I'tiui. an l tins u liovv ii n ally Is : ' I'm g "' g '" Ii il. Ill V 'I' ll'. I hall-pall tell" No ii'ol' ' Nas .loliii, yoa k:io ynu'ie nl s v late In the in "filing 1) i g i to Ii il!" " Y- s. In a lir l.ille " he ll poes as lie llllei the pap. r in-i le mil vi.l liej.ns iii.jiv .rude beaded " I" tits L nusiaiiun Mud lie '' F'lllc ll ihiliines la'er Kile Calls lioai Hie lie iroon.: "John r.uiin In lie. I nnd don't k ep Hie gin liiiri.iiie theri n I night!" an I slid hi si rut n r hi mill" thn'g aUout "ihe hill being bill in "Uijli nn.v," she creeps be l we n t lir i old she. Ii, while John reads p neidly on, h'8 leet nooss the piuuo-stool and a lg ir i i hit month liy-and-by he ris", yawns, trete!iei h i i n -1 1 . tliroas the paper on Hie fl or. and, izih" the a piker, proeci' r. to that vigoioiis exeieise, shakinj ihe eii'll Jn-t ut t Ilia Stage H tlot-altnee'h. rr pleasant Voice ItiijU ev : "F r pity's sik.! ain't vnu res 'v t .r bed ytC ' Y . I ill 11 ' mi I IV II V 'I ul t nil g i to sie-p and let a liilow nl nn?" Then lp ili-envei" that Hieie l real needr I. Wheo that i. supplied and rallied into the s'nve he sits In vn to warm Ins tt'it. N- Xt ha slowly begimi tu uml e-s sml a be t .n ls s"r peh insr liiiiisi-ll and a '.is mu lv gsioig on Hie last eainp nt ilaueli 'g over Hot haek ot the eliair. be leiiii'ili'iiTS that the ilo k i not woipi i up y. t. When Hi s is attended to be wants a drink ol water, and hwuv he pmimTH 'e to Hie kitelieii. Ol c oir-e when he M t irns Ins skill rese.n'i is that "I a pi' k'ed chicken mi i ouee np're lie B-nt. Ilimseli hrtori- tile lire lor a last ' Sl'lit up " Vsthecloik stnkes twelve he turn, mil thegisaud wnli s flip of the lied eioihes sod a lew i l opvll c sliiv.-n he Fiihsid a No, lint l'i; he Inrjet. to see ll Hie front d o ir ia forked, and another ll p nf the lieiiel.Hies urinoa lorili I In; fi'inaik: ..I :raeiou-! il Hi it Ulan aui'i em. ugh to try fin- patl lire ot Job!1' Sett'ni.; her teeth hard she await the ll 'ml Hop, with the ireoiiiinni ino blast ul rnl I nl. . and then qiiieilv . q ine: " rr ion fi tiled Iq t r nub?" Tn which he replies bv n.U'tei tug: "Il you ain't the ptovoking st wo ma ti." Il is 'ie I hv eu.inef n itnrslisls t'i i' III ' V' 'V Hits e one I'lmpley mil nl 'I wom.l nl ' am) laugh I'ke ile. nous w lieu a woiiixti irii s tn vra a stick ol woo l. If Mrs I.ofne wasn't a red ptini'ev , vnu unii'dii't ri'i'li ii, i r'oii'i ai.oni.. rt....i,.' in.; hr-ell p'ain "I, ui-e." She would cl lieisell 1 '.V'i'i' lie." II iwcve. ' Lve is blind." mi I that', the rissm whv if ran c't sto'ig ai'ti o;ie sois'l Itsnd limn Mirmol i!mn s low in it Kill go. H . II as iindv r a l'!7. no chandelier el Hlty burn-1 A lav rm-ived tn. g m nlnl at Ihe repent exaurna'inn in the fapuby nf law i-t Meliill p .lleoe. Montr. l. There is "re Indi "Mi'lent in tlie law school of Il'h-toii university - A Sv r.orir Indiana man p:rked up iek "t e od wi"'! ' he otlnr ni lit. mi I rhned a en1 SP'n-s the hack Turd. He didn't ea'pli the est hu lie elicit th p Hies line wi'h Ins teeth and no v when he ani I. s the r. orners ol his moii'li ria-s aeli oilier t ihe hack of his neik. Haw eye Tell me. Wil tun," 'd Mrs. Jones, turning over on her tick bet, a ul loukieB H'liltte'shle ten lern.-ai m lp r husband, "if I should d'e y,,u would not nasirv again, wiiM v ii?'' 'Not by a da'rd tight!" replinl W'lli un. with ifr-at violence, lml inif R" t v l lit dio'll led; vol ran o t voir tne nn it!" "Ah! William " sui t Mrs Jones, her eves fillliw with tests "I ne'e never was sny feutiincnt sOOUt J0U wonb mentioning." THE ROANOKE NEWS a d v k htisi x t j r. A Ty.a . SPACM I 5 14 10 "(I 00 .10 I 0 oo 4n 00 h 8 00 It! 00 15 dd H 00 I'D 1 10 I c ; ! en so to si to ft' CD 85 bit 7i 1 Onn Square, Two .-squarea, Three Squares, Four SiUr( , Fourth Col'n. S OU f iO S (I'l ID (in 15 un Half I ; ii in n LiU (III I oil (il) tits oo ! Whole Column, Onj Yenr, !T3 ADVERTISEMENTS. S,Ui N PAINTERS Waata.2 In every acotlen of the TTwIttuI H atasand Provlueea to auRweri this atl vartiaeruvut. Addina, DANIEL K. HKATTY, D.e. I,f Wasblnuton..J. gCUOOL TEiCUIKS, Yon ran easily Inereaan yonr ealiry r bv dovotiinf a very sumll portion nf 'yanr leisure time to in Inir iest, I ,i not peet you in canvass lor niv e!ehriitd ll'.itlv'n I'iiinos and OiKaiia unless y ee tit to; lint Hid serm a I require uf van In hoth plnasant and proli ahle. full piirtloulara free. A'Mro-s J)ANIi:r, l". HKATTY. Washlllllloll, N, J. J30CKY MOUNT a. ILLS, E0CKY MOUNT, N. 6. Jsnusry l3t, 187. .We. are nuvy prepared to furoitu til trade with SHEETING 3, bUllUIN'GS. . rLOVLINE3soJ COTTOM,i YARNS, all of Ihe best quality ntnl at low pries. Our teims ttnetly nit Cash, 80 diiyi. Ail Ircss 1UT TLTJ st SOX, 'on 50 a Ileckv Mount. M. a gr ri u T l ex lire uuil I. ilo iutiii-ituco Agcut. I' aeos risks of all t inds In (lrtelaa Couip.iuiiH a low in a uety uill permit. Tall and nc9 mo bei'oro insuring e'ae w bore, at Bl'OWN'S I.r.lT'l STOirF, We'.d.m, X. C. Jul V 13 I T. - vci c ill pin.'ion in. per it iv luadn bv anv woik-rot ei' s.-k, i t;.t ii their owi lociinies. !'ar(j,.iii ars ami s mi. lea Molt li j1.! I', en. Improve your siHre (lino at this business. Address M'ixson .t Co., Portland, Maine. juii" I 1 y. f ESUINIIAlM'S VJ. a ) i . J 1 L. L s - -i vt'Mfiah'Tro crr.7 rnriPtsT. ': a?so. r.;ui;.-i Ss.v.ini-.v. , V i. ', 1 June 0 tn. k i: li Any I'eraon who will make and for ward me a list of Hi" names of rclialila pioaims of HiHlr ueqiiaintatiee w!i i wish tii prm'iire mi iiisirtiuient, ult er I'iano ne iiritmi. I will uso mi best end'avoia l- sail tbO'n one, and ler every 1'iaoo I sueeend -elliinr to the'.r list within rnn yasr. 1 w 111 eredil Ho in w itli 10, and for every Ortian isi, to lie applied on pnvuient o! either a p inio or ' n:i.) when it amooiiis to u sinn tiilll -lent to pav lor tiny instrooieiit, seleet.'d at llin lowest w hole, sale piiee, 1 will 1 in ill "d'alelv shl'i the in H'riioient, free, "r alter any nmuunt is credited ibe leinineu mav bn paid me In cash and 1 will then shin llieni llin inslril- inent. Tuev tie al i; -t l" known in tlio :iia! ter, and w nl lie d'Ut.K He ir Iriends a re il aorvii'.', us I eliall make special ttlr to ilieiii, mdiii g a aupprnir Ins'rumeht for from one half In two-thirds what is ordi nirilv asked bv remits. Please spiel in a a list at. linen, and at'ier woi have- made inquiry, yuu ean add I i'. Aildri'sn, PA Nil' 1 1 K. UTvATTY, asliltigtoo, N, J. Hen 1 tf. F a 1. 1, i n r r. i o i: s , 10 CUB AS Aosnct and . 0 or $10) ptr waek. "mr, Lvi:a r.xii'Y asli mt.i i'tr ny uti.uu'' IIOUI sil KAO hllllMi S'JO N.KIII.K i or I'ntiiPst.e use, I I'l! TAIILKPIX rniriN I'l'iin lit. usn.r :C. A .-rf- et se 1 un '. .llll .l.le M.ielone. r.e, li- .tn 'In- ... ,' m.o.'iv ei o .il. tor I'.eisiant il;e p!irno-es, AiW.O l'ir .1 .-le vtmn ! RI sn.l h iiia' le-mat 'e il pr" .' ii-.- or nt'iiinf.ictur l.v nt a iii.nii.'iii's no- !'- t.l-e IO ilo :U r i, ii ill of nriier. Hint ss-1 1 i i-i -it a -'iiera 1 1. ni with iin.ilenile to innlersiaii'l inel nroiaje ; iiei,t(, nnil swift rininiii - bk.s tlie w-.q re.-ulsl.-.i move-ni.-nt t a ilur- w.'i i'li : Mni'-le, i', I inei-tit ami itrinib!'-. with ali lie- vnlnahle hnprnvp in. til s to be foiin.l lii I li.- b iirlo-sl priee.l Maulile w STiml il to Uo l ne a'lle vv erk. ttie n:iin way si.,1 as rai hi sn.l sninniti im n s;:i Maeliine. An (ii-sni'Wl.nUeu tri'itnpli of ouretiious ni'H-lianleat skill, esseniniilv (lie w-. tkiiic woiiinn's friemi, nu.l 1 ir in nf n l Maellilies. for si.s.. Pp.- seen -th. Keiial'ttny sml ireneral use-fthi-ss; will 11-iit, Kul. I'ile'(. S-nu, IJu lf, Hoi., Hranl. l.alln r. ltullle. Spu r, Plait. Fohi. sciilli'P. Itnll. Muihmnter. - Bun un Ur ailtlia, e.. Willi wonilerfiil r ipiilily, m atness Rlit .'ft l '. sews tin. stronet llisi lnir st e rjun'lv line ami Mii.m'li i!;r.iu-4h all kimls of iroeils, from eonhrii- to .i. vert thirknessi' hroa 'etoth or Ir n In-i., n ir t. tin.. .. roars.-rntt, n, linen, silk or twi- e. (lives tt,-i feet siitisi'nt.rion. Will earn lis mst s v. ral tiens . i.r in Ilia w 'rti It .toes, or make a moil itv m: fnr.iiiy man o' w-onian who ilesn-es to uKe it f.-r pur pose; a't.r so f.itt lifiii an I "-isy the servaitia or etitt.ln'll ean use It without .latn.T-e. l'r'r.v of M l id li . lit t.ii.le. e.iiiii tie.1 for family work, .''. ll 'lu'ase, ("i-vr. side iirnw ers nml f'ahi'iet Style eteti af eiirt'rspoi illnly nvr rites. Saf- ih-tlvery (riisnusite- ). free from iirtnia.rr. Krp'anatni-i-'M liltistenf .it with enrrnvhij's f the mivinl sivies ef Mi- ellines. r f.-is-u.-.s. vsriety ,.f sew-hir ti-., uialleit free I'onli.l.'t'tial ternw sv 1 1 1, ill.t-uil hiilue--imuits to i titeri'P'she; ('ier.;ym ii, Tepeln-rs, llu.iness Men, 'nv.etiu- er l.-cl Aleuts. &o , wlm (t 'sire e.-liisive A 'ret. In, furnish. -il. mi tv--i.llratieit. A.l'lres.s-Kilm 11. Kvuilall S Co., 421 Uiuwdw', New Vcsrk, Wee 15 1 y.

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