CHE ROANOKE NEWS THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVEHTISING RATES'. - ' j A. DEMOCRATIC WKSKLI NEWSPAPER t . .. 1 . . PUBLISHED BT I LO! II A L I. . 1 ; j r SPACH 0 12 00 l 00 73 ots. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORIEY AT LAW, GAftTSBURG, N. C. Praotloes In tba oourts of Northampton sad adjoining counties, also in the Federal ana Supreme courts. June 8-tf. JOS. B. BATCHKLOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. Practices in the oourta of the 6th Judi cial District and in tbe Federal and 8a preaae Courts. May 11 tf. KtTCHBM. I T C w. t. nvxx, D U H N . K SIN ATTORWHT8 A OOBHSKLLORS AT LAW, feotlaad Neck, Hnlliax Co., IK. C. Practice In the Courts f Halifax and adjoining counties', aud in the Supreme and Federal Courts. jaulS tf I ROMAS ,N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in . Halifax and adjoining Counties and Federal and Snprome Courts. Will be at Sootland Neck, once every fortnight. Aug. 28 a vr. H. DAT, W. W. Hau.. HALL D AT ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDOff, K C. Practice la tlieourt adjoining counties, and of Halifax and a tbe Supreme aad ,eaeri eoan . Claloaa ooileoted in any Carolina. part of North juu 20 1 Q s AUfJEL 1. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. c. : liACKsoari nr. Prtetloes in the Court of Northampton aad adioialug counties! I sop 15 1 Y Oae Tear, in advapce, Sis Months, ' Ibree Months, QAVINL. H1MAN, ATTORNEY It LAW HALIFAX N. 0. Practloea la the court of Halifax and adjoining counties, and in tbe Supreme ail Federal Courts. 1 Claims ooltected iu a parte of North Carolina. ! . bo U taa Court Hajse. Jaly d-l. R IUII 5, J a. ATTORNEY T LAW, HALIFAX, I C. Fractions in the Couts of Halifax Ceaaty. and Counties atolning. In tbe upreme Court of the Kite, and in the Federal Conrts. Will l?ive special nttentlo to the collec tiea ef clainss,and to adjustlg the accounts ef Executors, A.dueiuirat4s and Guar diaas. dec-15-tf U. I 1 I I U 1 D, ATTORNEY AT Ww, HALIFAX, . (A Olios la the Court House. Bid atten tien givea to all Urauoho of W proles- ala. 12-1 B. I. A II 0 ATTORNEY AT LAr, IIBLB, HiLIfAX OOrjKTT, C. Practises la Cointles of lllfax, lash, Bdgsoenawft and Wilson. Gelleetioaa atade in all parts ' the lute. J 1 T A H K. H A A, v ATTORNEY AT LAW ' : Practices in the Counties ef Hali, Wirecombe and Nsnb. In llio Siiprio Oeurt of tho kitate aad lu the redil Ceort. L . Celleetlons asada In any part or n State. Will attend at the Court Ilmne, v.iirov Mnndir and FrldaV of el week. Ju l-mX KDKIW J. BURTON, A. ATTOKSEY AT LAW, nrTTTinW Iff. P. . .. . tt.,: to... 2 L ""'"..'.r.S'intbe tlawreaae and Federal Courts. ...... Claiote oelleewd in any part Of Novtu Carellna. ' Junola I asm m. inn. LIN. JOHN A. MOOBE. MOORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. nallfax, It. C. Practice In the Counties of Halifax, ii,.,.i.4,, RriaAnnmhe. FItt and Mar tin-lathe Supreme Court of the State ad in. the Federal Courts of tho Eastern Bitt..l.4 OolleHioAis mado In any part of Kortu VOL. VII.. AT THE GARDEN GATE. They lingered at the garden gate Tbe moon was full above; He took her darling baud iu his, The trembline little And pressed It to his feivent Hps, auu ouibijr bum um love. About her waist be placed his arm: lie caltod her all hi. own. Ilia haart, be said, It evor beat For hor, and ber alone; Ami ho .as bappior thanaking upuu a gniaeu mrone. "Come woal, como woo," Iu ardent tones Tbis youth continued he, "As 1h tba noodle to tbe polo, I ' - T ...II , . i 1 oo x win constant no; No power on earth shall tear theo lore, From out the chamber window A drizzly, nlirht-oatinnd limit- popped A hoarso voice yellod : "You Susan Jano Come in ai.d (to to bed 1" And that was all (it was enough), I im yimilK Ill.n WIQIV Until THE RUNAWAY MATCH. Many yean age thert dwelt in tho town ef P , a pretty villaz. distant isms miles from tbo market tows, a peculiarly comely and graceful waidco, who bad a decidedly ugly and cross- raised But wealthy lather. Minnie waa Danl'orth's odIt child. and report said alio would bo his sole legatee. Tho old man was a sturdy farmer, aad was estimated to bo worth full tea thousand dollars at the period a very handsome fortuoe, to bo sure. Ia tbe meantime Minuio bad a true and loyal toier in secret. Ilig name was Walker Joe Walker, and he was simply a farmer, employed by old Dao forth, who entrusted Joe with tho snan- agecccat of his pluco for two or three yean. Hut a very excellent farmer and goed manager was the plaii. unassum ing but goed-lookiog Joe Walker. He u only twenty-three, and be actually fell in love with the beautiful, pleasant, joyous Minnie Danfortl), bis old em ployer i only daughter. But the strang est part of the occurrence was, Minnie returned his lore earnastly, truly and fraokly, and promised to wed him at a favorable time. Things went ou merrily for a while. but old Dao forth discovered certain glances aod attootious between tbem which excited his anger and suspicion. Very toon after Joa learned the old man's miad indirectly in regard to his future disposal of Minnie's ban 1, and ho tjuickly saw that bis case was r. hope less one, unlesBs be retorted to Urate gem ; and so ha at once set bis fits to work. By agreement, an apparently ssttled coolness was observed by the lovt rs to wards each other (or fie or six months, ad taa father saw, as ho thought, with satisfaction, that his previous susp cions and fears had all besn prematura. Then, by mutual consent, Joa absented him self front the house at evening; aad sight after night' for full. three nimtbi did he disappear as soon as bia work was finished, to return home only at lata bedtime. This was urnsuil, and old Daoforth determinod to know tho ause of it. , Joe fraokly confessed that he at in love with a man's daughter, who re.ided less than three miles distant; but after several months, tbe old man had utterly refused to entertain bis application, of the young ledy's hand. This was capital just what nld Dao forth most desired. This satisfied hi in that he bad mnde a mistake in regard to his own child, and he would he Ip to get Jos married, aad thus stop all fur ther suspicions or troubles at home. So he said : "We'll, Joe, is she a buxom lass?" "Yes, sir." said Joe. "That it, ottor folks say so. I'm not much of a judge." "And you like her.'" "Yes, sir; yen." "Then marry her," said old Dao forth. "I can't ; the father objects." "Pooh I" continued Daoforth; "let him do so ; what need you care? Huu away with ber I" "Klopo?" "Yesl Off with her at once I If the gal will marry you, all right. Mirry hor aad bring ber hero. Yen shall have the cottage at the foot of tre lane. I'll furuiih it for you ; your wages shall be increased, aad the old man may like It or not, es he will." "But-: " "Give me no buU, Jeo. Do as I bid yeu ; go about it at once, and " , "You will stand by rue?" "Yes, to the last, I know you, Jae; you're a good fellow, n good workman, and will make anybody a good hus band." "The eld fellow will be so mad, though." "Who cares, I say? Go on quietly but quickly." "To-merro night, then," said Te. "s," said Daaforth. Til hire Clover's hoe " "No, you shan't, "No?" I sav ao. Take my horse tho best .' ' . J..... .IT young Morgan; be n taico yea eu ne style, ii tins new phaeton. Ktactly." ' ' . t seen is you rs spliced, corns f'lhire, and a jelly tiuso we'll haia at. t the old bouse." t tho old man might drop ia on "h I lie's si old fool, whoever is ii tist's know voir eood Qualit'iss T wall as I do. Doa't . to afrsid. A faheart. yen know new woo I air WELDON, N. "The old man will be astounded." "Nevermind, goes. We'll turn the laugh en him. I'll take cars of you and yonr wife at say rats." "I'll do it!" said Joe. "You shall" said Dmifortb, and they parted ia the bost of spirits. An hour after dark, on the followisg evening, Joe made his appearance, decked in a new black suit, and lookiag really very comely. Tho old man bustled about the barn with hiw, liolp ing to harness "young Morgan" to tlie oew phactnn, and loading the spunky animal himself to the road. Away want the hnppy Joe Walker in search of his bride. A fiw rods distant ho fonnd her, as per preiious arrangement, and, repairing to tho neit village, tho parsen very quickly asada thewt ono in holy wedlock. Joe took the bride and soon dashed back to the town of P , and halted at tha bouse ef Daoforth, who was already Inoekiog for him, and received hlos with epen arms. "Is done?" asked tho old man. "Yes yes," answorcd Joe. "Brine her in, brine her in." con tinued tho old fellow in bich eloe: never mind compliments; no matter about tbe dark entry here, here, Joe. to the right, in tho parlor, we'll have a jolly time now," said the anxious furraer pushing away for lights and rcturuiag almost immediately. "I am married "Yes, yes" "And this is my wife," ho adilod. as he pntsod op the beautiful bride, the bewitching and lovely Minnio Dan forth. "What 1" roared tha father. "Joe, you villiao, you scamp, you audacious cheat, you yon you " "It is trno sir: wo are lawfully mar ried. You assisted me, yon Dlaoued tbo whole affair, vou lent mo your horse, you thought ma last week worthy of nny man's daughter, you promised mo tho cottago at the loot of tha lane, you" "ldidutl I deny it I luu can't prove it. You're a a a" "Calmly now, sir," continued Joe; and the entreaties ef the happy coopla were'at onco united to quell tho old man's ire, oad tn persuade bin) to ac knowledge their union, Tho father relentnd at tbis. It wis a job of his ewn manufacture, nnd he saw bow uieles it would bo finally to at tempt to destrey it. ' He gave in reluctantly, and tho fair Minnio Dnnforth was everjoyrd to bo duly acknowledged as Mrs. Joa Walkor. Tbe marriage proved a happy one, and the original assertion of eld Dan forth proved truthfully ia every respect. The cuaoiog lover was a good son and faithful husband, and lived many years to enjoys the happiness which followed upon this runaway match, while the old man never cared to hear much about tbe details of elopement, for bo saw how completely he bad overshot him self. A ROMANCE OF THE WAR. A gentleman well acquainted with Colonel Ue:ilfwbo rcceotly committed suicide ia California), and an srJrnt n ! mircr of his poetry, relates n story told by himself when tho two spent a night in conversation, criticism and recollec tions, so dear U men ef his kind,, over a cr,ty fire aod warm dacoctions. Ho spoke of tho night before the batt'.o at which (iencral W. S. Lytlo fell. The two (llealt and Lytic) lay together in the eeneral s tent. They were- both given to writing poetry at such times, and each had an unfinished poem on band, and they read and criticised each other humorously for sumo time, when said Lytic : 'Realf, I shall never livo to fiuisb that poem." 'Nousmise,' said I, 'you will, livo to write volumes of such stuff.' ' 'A feeling has sudJeuly como over roe, couiiniicu too general, solomuly. which is more startlini; than a pro phecy, that I shall be killed in to-morrow's fight. As I spoke to you saw tho green hills or the Ohio as if I stood among them. They begau to recede from mo in weird way, and as they dis appeared tho conviction Hashed through mo like tho lightning's sh'ick that I would never see tnem again.' 'I rallied him for his superstition, but tli e belief hud become strangely im pressed upon his mind, and he suc ceeded in so far thrilling ma with his own unnatural fear that I. begged him to finish hU poem before ho slept, that such fine work might not bo lost to the world. . "In tho small hours the general awakened mo from a slumber into wbkb I had fallen to read to mo that beautiful poem, which must livo as long as our literature survives, beginning : "I am dying, Ep.vt, dying ; - Ebbs cheorimson life blood fast." "My eyes filled with tears as bo read. IJa said not a word as ha concluded, but placed the manuscript ia his pocket and lay down to sleep. Uclora dawn came tho call to arms. When 1 next saw poor Lytlo bo was cold in death among heaps of slain. I thought of tba poem, and, searching the pocket where I bad seen him put it, drew It . forth, and it was forwarded among other things to bis friands." A younw lady who bas a young nun "ksepinr company" with her, who is emplowed ia a telafrsbh office, calls him "ibe electric spark." G, SATURDAY, DIVIDIN'Q UP. A man of 45, having a wooden leg and the look of ono who had suffered long with the tooth-ache, sat down in tho chair vacated by tho boy, and after a smilo of encouragement begao : "If matters don't mend pretty soon I'll either murder her or talio my own lifel", "Domestic ' trouble, I 'snppose?" queried Bijuh. "Thai's it, sir, and I'm getting ds parnte. I left homo thinkiug I'd jump from the duck, but I happened to think of you aod so I thought I'd ask ad vice." "Is tho bread hor7y?" "lilast tho broad t I can stand heavy bread, sloppy tea, raw meat and hall cooked potatoes, but I can't nor I won't stand this iufernal whining, coruplainiug and jawing around I" "b'ellow-travelcr along tho tow-path of time's broad-gauge canal, I think I see tbe pint. You buvo boen married about two years l" "Nnt qaite." "Yen are fifteen years older tlinn yonr wife?" "Yes oightecu," "You hnvo a woeJon log, and she 8ha ?" "Sho hasn't, but I wish sho had two of 'eml" "Sho likes cood clothes?" "You bet !" "She likes tho mad whirl of society sixteen dollar bonnets reserved sats at the opera eight dollar boots forty button kid gloves nnd trains on bur dresses?" "She does that's her to a dot I" ex claimed tho husband. "And you prefer your home even ing fire newspapor snow apples gnmo of checkers glass of cider cat on the hearth, and so on 1" "That's the sort o' man T am, sir, and she harasses mo to death. She's on tho trot all day, and on tha pad all tho evening, and if I remonstrate sho says I want to make a slavo und & prisoner or her." "Don't you go along with her to tbe theatro and panics?" , "I used to, but for tha last year sho's got awful particular nbout my wooden leg; says the public will think I was shot whilo stealing chicken!." "Does, ch? and yon sit at home and keep your heels warm by the cook stovo whilo she gallivants." "The suine, sir, nnd now what shall I do nbout it? Something has got to ba did, oud that right off. I'll bo banged to Davy (Vocktitt if I put up with it another day I You are an older roan than I am, aad you'vo had three wives to my one, and I'll do just as you sny nbout it." "Fellow-man, you barn b'cen wrong from tho beginning," slowly answered Bijah, as he looked out of the wind iw in a weary way. "Tho man who mar ries n woman only half his ngo Is a d. f. (deceived friod-cakft) nt tho start. Youth may reverence old age, bnt lovo sii't reverence. Youth and old ago dou't like their tatcrs cooked tho same way, and the mm who sjs they do is a f.irger. They don't sco alike, and its a cat-a'id-dog life. Then, again, you h.uo a wondett bg, and you should have married a woman with a glass eye or a bn.keu tioso as an offset. In that caso neither party has anything to twit toe other about. If I us to marry again, bald headed as I am, I should look for a lady wcariug No. 10 cloves and No. J shoes as an olfcet. Dj you lovo your wile ?" "Well, t.) bo honest about it, I don't think either of us aro dying of love." "Then, my friend, ynu go homo and have a candid Ullt, di.idc up the things, and part good frieiuU Givo her the largest half, throw in Rotn small change, and seo that sha pet's snfo home U her mother. By and by you can quietly sacure a bill of divorce, get on smiiis store clothes, and look out tor a woman of fifty who tins tho rheumatics so that sho can't g id." Thai's honest, is II I Honest ii'ju". If you can't live happy together don't hesitate to live happy apart. No use in any scandal or bird words, but divide up and call it a bad mistake. This killing on&'s sell on accouut of domestic troubles is all bosh." "That's so, and I'll walk straight borne and besin tbo dividing up busi nets. Thank you, Bijah, may your feet stop crowinc as a reward for this. ben ho bad departed liijah took short cut through tho alleys nod presently gained a position from whence bo could view the bouse where tho man lived. Developments did not tarry, The husband bad nut been in tha house flvo minutes before ho was suddenly rushed out agaiu, bat aud caoo flying, and his share of Uio tbiogi, consisting of three flat irons ; a kettlo aod two bricks, overtook bird before ho coold dodge. "So youag and so artless I" to used Bijah as he turned away ; "and yet that last brick thumped him between the shoulders just as purty as if I'd thrown it myself !"Dctroit Freo Press. "Well, I will take It, though it is rather dt; piy you half cash and owe yon the rest. That do V "It will." U the course of time the creditor, thinking that tbe bill hat run about long enough, calls upeo the purohaeen "My dear boy," says tbo purchaser "yon ain't livlsi np to yoor contract.' II I were to pay you the rsit I weuld'nt owe it to you, and the under standing was that I should owe it to you' JANUARY 11, 1879. A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. Stand upon seme lofty peak of tbe Alps, where mountain towers over mountain, until iu tho distance, the loftiest peak, mantled In perpetual snow; sfaoets up far into the sky. Listen to the uucoasiog rush and war of waters falling over precipice after precipice, and hastening madly on in foaming cataracts to tho plains below; gnzo upon tho varied lumhcupo of bill and dull, beheld tho spot where storm clouds rendezvous, nnd the majestic e agio rears her imperial brood ; hear the wild notes of thn birds of prey mingled with tho shncUiug peals of thunder, whil'st lightuings leap from crag to crag, and the aonl is amazed, awed into rever ence in tho presence of the sublimity ef nature. Visit some tropic isle, where never cadiog spriig clothes forest, field aod plain, with ber renewing vcrdoo; inhale tho puro atmosphere gently staaliog from groves filled with the fragrance of luscious fruits, hanging in golden ripe ness upon tbe trees ; bend a listening year to tho rippling of a noisy brook, and stoop to quench the thirst from the pure crystal stream, and bear, too, tho many tonguod songstors of tho forest, as they siveotly carol their anthems of praiso to their bountiful Creator, and tha soul is filled with gratitudo profound, for tbo benificenco of nature. Stand upon soma quiet lake, over whose unrullled bosom, cveoine, clad in her robo of stars, keeps maternal watch ; far out iu tho dim distance rests a light gondola, from which soft strains of music float upon the zephyrk' wing; bed low tho ear to tho water's side, and hearken as tho waves of melody como dancing through tbo starlight, and the wholo being is enchanted by tbo subduing power nf music. Yet thorn is a scene still more sub lime tlinn any that Alpine heights can afford ; there is a fancier flower than that whichfiraces tho tropic isle ; tbero is a melody moro eloquent than that which floats upon tho bosnra of the lako. Grandeur, wealth and eloquence are all embodied in tbo raastcr-pieco nf tha Creator's hand a beautiful woman 1 How long, think yon. could tbo most enthusiastic tourist fenst upon the ruggjd splendors of tbo Alpino scenery ; iohalo the delicious fragrance of the oranga groves; ir listen, with enrap tured ear, to the swoctest strains ef music that iE.iliau harps ever pro duced? An hour a day, at most, would suflice tn satisfy the eye, to dull thj ear, to tiro tha brains, But let that tourist Mod his Ideal of wotsanly perfection let him see prate in all ber movements, fault less in her form ; let bim gnte npen tbe speaking eye from which superior merit holds converse with world; let Liu listen to her soft low voice -"an excellent thing in woman,'' nnd bow long, tbiuk you, would he be content to own bim himself a willing captive charmed to admiration, nwod to reverence, won t devotion? Ho must be more or less than ciao, should ha fail to respond forever 1 Come, behold n beautiful woman. A modern writer says : "The character istics of true womanly beauty, aro delica cy of appearand) and manners, refine ment of sentuuoot, ofsneRua shrinking from notoriety, aud an' aver sion to all that is coarss, rude, or indeli cate." No thought of evil, no malig nant purpose, ever held dominion on that brow. Tbosn eyes havo never looked down in pitiless contempt upon wart aud misery ; those cheeks have never beoa mantled by tha blush of shame; tbosu bands have ever been ready to raiso the fallen and ndsaiuister comfort to tho suffering; that heart. filled with that charity which "beoreth nil things" aud "tliiuketh no evil," is ready at all times to sympathise with tho ufllicted, and to rrj iico with tlmso that rejoice." 0, tho unbounded infla enco of stich a woman 1 What w.uld tho world be to-day if wo wera deprived of tho sympathy and love of this, tho dearest and most vuluablo human bleat ing ever vouchsafed t man t choor him on bis pilgnmigs? Inspired by her love, man will accomplish aceiug impos sibility, bravo any danger, defy any enemy-- -wiita nis soui witnni nun is 'melted with very heaviness" on DC ount of dissppoiutment or trial', whoso voice can speak such w.irdi of codsols tioo as that of somo loved lomaln friend? With what fortitudo docs sho sustain tho most overwhelming reverses f fortune, and whoii, the spirit of man Bsems crushed, and his hopes lia prostrate in inouubr, uio iciiacr tones ot tne guar- utao angel bidding biro, "hope on, hope over, again recall bim t ) lilo and &c imiiy ; nnu cneerea oy ber eosmiranins words and smiles, ho again joyfully goes torwasu to encounter tie toils and snares of life. Gentlemen, should ever be 10 tortunnte as to oavo your names en rolled among thoso who bavo lived so that tbe world shall havo been beaefit- ted by your existence, if you should ever leave "Footpriats on the sands of t imoi," will not your success, In a treat meas ura, be duo to tho loving inspiration of some dear angelic being, who was ever ready to succor you when tempted, eo courage you when despoudont, and pray for you when ia affliction; 0, beautiful woraau, to theo the heart of tbe great tho ooblo, the bravo is bound by a three raid Dood known on earth and recof niied in hesvoe the bond eflovc. Well does Tuppcrsays: NO. 46. "There la none enchantment aialstbeaadr Maftinlan for all times." whose potent npell o'eyn.patby charmed pasjiive world. The lords of every land are barnessed to ber trlumyli. Roauty Is conqueror ef sit; nor ever yet wiim found amour tbo nations That iron moalded mind full of proof against ber power." WAS IT A RETAIL STORE? Ho bad on a cent of remarkably cpo cuiiiilmiarico bahind, with a comfortable absence nfslcevo as far up as (he elbow, pants of somewhat scattered texture, and a chip hat with a cyphon-lika look trailin" from a crack In tha crown. He was from awny back, lfo walked hesitatingly into one of the Union street bazaars that flung a million or two yards of fabrics to tbe dusty breeze In front. "What can I do for yoa?" aiked a polite clerk, diiengageding himself from a bevy of shopping ladies. "0 notbin' pertikler. Just go on waiting on tbem gals." and be shyly fumbled a bundle under his arm. "Tho ladies aro thrsugh purchasing and I am ready to attend to your wants." Tho gentleman from afar looked all around the glittering em porium in a dazed sort of wny, but took ills time about speaking. Finally bo in quired : "Is this here a retail store I" "It is," auswered the clerk. "And you retail all sorts of thtogs here, do you?" "Why, yes; wo keep a general stock of goods and sell them lower than the lowtst." "You ain't foolio' mo, aro you? This here is a sore enough pluco where they retail thiugs?" "Certainly my friend," answered tho clork losing patience. "What do you want to get!" "Well, ef this yore's n retail Store," said the man of tho fl jwing lucks looking decidedly awkward as a number el voune ladies drifted up close to him "of this yrre is n retail store, I jes lowed I'd fetch in this' nld shirt o' mine and get you to retail it. That thar bsiom'i a rulo stunner to last : a s done wore out thrca sets o' tails now, and I jes thought et tbis yere was a retail store I'd just get you to retail her again." Scattered ladies and a red-faced clerk. BY-AND BY. Somewhere, dowu tlie stream ol T'.oio on wo aro Unities?, is a bcautlfal island, called tbo Bj-au9-b7. It may be just before os, beyond tha next tura of tbe river : or we may not find it until the strtam dicmboiaes itself into ; the eoesu of eternity. But we all look tor it, (rem infancy to old ace, and dream that all evil will bo banished, when we arrive at tbe beautiful island By-aud-by. All day we Host down tbo turbulont stream ; the blue color ol heaven rnros above us ; the ustathosanble riop'js vawa beneath tis ; tbo mysteries of Uo.l and uu mortality ttteam iu upon us with thoir awful splendors, and truths that have oon founded the luftlect intellects truths that in alt sees have roused u: the son! Irom t. foundations, haptizsil it with revcr aec, and kis lied it with love environ til with their intensity, and all thoughts ol the island are buiu.Vjed from tho Mind Rut when the solemn gray ol twilight lalls around our bark in fancy we see its wmmcal shores, gren with trees ot beauty, Hitting brtfare us like a star over the broad shadows ut years, and our loagings return to warder oa its fairy banks and listen to the silver voices of its inhabitants And as tho rosy fl'ish of day fade in the west, and the watch stars open onu after another their holy eyes we to rest in the happy belief ".hat tho innrnlna eunrite ill nild this immortal land, lull in oar vision ; this clime wo nave soneht so lens and vainly, and Dither have tied all tbo lost lummurs ol onr youths, which, ws besouirbt with tears to stay. A Uu J of proiuiio is tint By-and-by, Ia it wo all havo rich possessions the nnticipAted eniuymuut of wbicb alone reudeia. lite tolurable. His pait has proven a wsa:y way ; tho present is lull of thorns and tc?ut with dangers, but ijoiuon liv-an i-by tlwro is a rccomueoia for at1, l hcro tho broken heurt tliill bs lieled, ami tlio wrary Hpirlt Und a rest, Wan would HI hM rr.rtlwiKht in thi land ? Though poverty, glnoni and dee atinn environ us here, we havo belli wealth and health aad loriuz friends iu fair clime. How enuort? wo look for that inland If it wcru Ui'l down oa any chart, n at'.cr hfw JU'.aiit. so tlut wo ',i,6 wauld surely come, we should be eaMeflo in t!io prospect. Hat on Ariadne como revetl lis ivivrmihlno secrete and we mint rest content in Its anticipation, an posntsi it only in our dreams. THE TRAMP'S LAST REQUEST. Tho Michigan tramp does not sit still and let moss sccumulate oa hUbart.whil all tho rest of the world goes ahead. Yet turday a c'nuino specimen of tbe Iron pltitvJ tmvoler called at a bouss on Seoond strett and H'ked lor dinner. "No lood lo spare," was the reply. "Can't you give ma an old coat! " "No." "Or a pair of aid boots !" "No." "Can't you spare mo even a pair seeks!" "No." "Ner a piecool bread!" "No." Tbe fellow's cbin dropped as be tumbled in bis pocket, aod bis voice had a Ions some sonnd as be pulled oat a small auto graph alknm and said : "Well if yon can't do any better. have to ba latlsfled with your otteigraph ritase use bins ink." Detroit Free Picst, A woman an West Washington streit, who bas several marriageable daughters, cans mem "waiting tnsius," because ibe says they are "weitiug lor husbands.'' a I a I a 0 I S I a 04 I 00 14 N A CO 10 00 20 M 1 00 15 00 80 PC 10 00 18 00 86 M 15 00 20 00 iO M 0 00 80 00 81 08 One Square, Two bqnaree. Three Mtjuarea, Four Squares, Fourtji Ool'n, Half Column, Whole Column, eet es tett (let 71 a One Year, j.'M.. IJSJMMLIUi ADVERTISEMENTS. ' S ION PAINTERS waoiM ia every twotten ef tea UaUeJ States and Provinces to sag were tkleea- vertiseuent. Add res. DANIEL F. BEATTT, Wlhlniiin M t Dee. llf flWOL TBAOKXBCt. Ton ran easllv lucreaaa vanr ..l.rv s bv devoting a very small portlen of year loiHuro time to my Interest. I de eat poet ynu to canvass lor idv celakmt4 mlty's Planon and Onrana nnlnaa use 111 to; hut the service I require ef vea in bow pleasant and profitable. Full particulars free. Addrena, DANIEL F. BEATTT, Wasllngtoe, N. i. PJOCKY MOUNT HILLS, R0C5.Y MOUNT, X Xsnuary at, t7l. vTe are so prepared, to fvaisJs tte trade with SHIRTINGS, PLOW LINES and COTTON.! YARNS. ' all of the best quality aud at low pricea, uur terms sinciiy net casu, ou asys. Address DATTLB ft M 'an 89 a Rocky Mount, H. ft i f- b'tjtlTk, rtro and LI to IniBraUPfl A aonl. Pianos risks of all kinds In OrStilaaa Companies as low au safety will pormlt. Call and see mo before Irtturlog else wuoro, at BROWN'S DRU(3 STORB. Weldon, N.O. July 19 1 y. I3TPCrP bulnMii you oan engage to J-JJJk31 t9to20 per dav mads br any vnrkor of either sex, right in theft own localities, raruouiars ana sample worth (5 fiee. Improra yonr a Da re lira at tbie business. Addreas BTnrson A Ccs. Portland, Maine. tone 1 1 y. BURN HAM'S WWIalTfU BUT A IIUMtT. Alio, fetlUM KAflhilEirr. ruoss27SA?8,so.'a 1.) oil&uta free. Omi-a, Vjsk, JuneS 8 o. F K B Et Ant Person who will mako aad ret ward me a list of the namea of reliable, persons of tbeir acquaintance who wish toirocnre an instrument, eimer riano or OrKaii, I will nee sny bast endeavors t ell ibera one, and for every Plana I Succeed in selling to their Hat with la an year, 1 will credit then with f 10, 'aad far every Organ f&, to ba applied oa payment of either a piano or Organ; and when It amounts to a asm en (Rolen t to pay for any instrument, selected at tba lowest whole sals price, I will Immediately ablo tha la- Btrumeot, ire,- or a nor any nmooni m oredited the balance may ba paid ate la cash and I will tbon eblp them the Instru ment. They need not be known In tba matter, and will be doing tbair friend a real service, an I shall snake special offwra to tbem, selling a auparior Instrument for from oue-lialf lo two-thirds what la ordi narily asked by agents. Please send me a list at once, ana arter yon nave soaas Inquiry, yon can add to It. Aaurexa, DASIEI. F. BEATTT, . Washington, N. . Peo 1 tf. jALL I Bt PRICES so can as Aflvct and 0 or I'.OO par vmk.1 "rnn stub iradt au xim or? o esesa HOTIENTEAU SEWIXQ 4d naiuiBK For Domnstle use, ITIt TABLE riXJCRKS Coavi.tTi, Oxl.l SSO, A ifiTort ami nntuiaalcil, lanro, strong wad rtiiraMo MiU'hlm', fount rm-teil uli'trsnt sua solid from tlie lest material with umtliumatlo.l tre rislon, (or Constant Family nee or muiofsctur lutr puritones. Always ready at a Biourat's bo t lrt to no Itx day 's work, n.vcr out nl onlor, UkA will Iwt a generation with moderate ears ; set? to understand and msnaj(e ; light, smootb, ana swift running-. Ilk the well r(alst4 move ment t a flue walcb ; Simple, Compact, Intelsat and Ho'.taMe, with all the valuable Improve ments to ho found Id t he hl(rhent priced Macbla warranted to do the samo work, tn same way and as rapid and smooth ss a S?S Machlns'. An at-knowlodited triumph of liia-eulons rsMbanteal skill, rnanutlally tbo working woman's Mend,' and far In adranro of all ordinary Hachlnss, for atmoluto Strength, Rcliahlllty aod ireneral use- . f Hint as; will Uem, Pell, Turk. Seam, Oallh. Hind, Braid, Cord, Oathor, Ruffle, Bhlrr, tlalt. Fold, rtallop. Roll, Kmbralder, Rob ap Breadfhs, ., with woaderful rapidity, ueatnessi and ease, sews the strongest lasting stitch -qually tlno and smootb through all kinds ot goodn, from canibrl to sevsrol thickness tl lirtiadcloth or leather, with flue or eoarne cotton, linen, silk or twloe. Olvesperfert sall.fatsUoa. Will earn Its cost several tltcae over la tho work it does, or make a good llvlnf for any roan or woman who desires to use K (or that par pose i works so faithful ami easy the servant or children oan ono IS without damage. Pre of Machlae with lUhttaMs, fully equipped (or family work, SIO. Half (laee, Cover. Side Di aw era aud CaplnetStvlea eneh at eormpoidlBgif low rates. Me delivery gaa.-ajite), free frora damage fixpfenator pamphlets 111trt.a wlili ungravlum of tha several styles oi Ma chines, rvfere&oes, variety of sewing c, mallatt free. Confidential tr with liberal Inrtaoa meiits to eHterprlslnff GeriryiDes. Tehsrt Baslness Men, Traveling or Loral AMits, who fl wire exrlselve SfnU. renitelied, oa a plleyifw. Addre.s Joha B. Kawi)l a (a, i invnw i ijtj (tcw twin, ' -5 ii 1 t. 1 y. I I : 1 ' i if OaroHna. jo ' rrSSiWi

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