THE ROANOKE NEWS SATURDAY JANUARY 11, 1379. GENERAL. ASSEMBLY. , , TIIR 8BNATB. . Tbe Senate met at 12 m. and was called to order by(ipv. Jarvis. it able presiding officer.' In a lew. well ctaaseu and earnest words be welcomed the Senators to their duties and anticipated harmony and good feel Intra la all their deliberations. lie then jnyited. Judge A. C. Avery tn admin ister the plttee". tn the Boosters. The; answered to' their nnmea by districts, carue forward and hsndod the certiflcatet ol election to Gov. Jams and were duly riulifleff.: The1 ceremony wat dignified and impressive. Senatnr white, ot tbe 1st District, aflirmerl instead ol wearing, Tu enmp'ett) its organization the Senate then Went into hd election el ulliuer'. The following (Jenatori answered to hir names : Mr. President, Messrs, Alexmder, Al jttnn. U'van, ol PenuVr, Hull, ll?uum, Caldwell, Diucy . Davidmn, Diilnrd, Dortcri, E'lprs, E win, Eive, I" v i rut (iriiii.i'n. nl l.inu (I ii i i-i Undersoil U-'le-rup. iIci.ii King. I.e i. h Lj'-n. Vltuieii, ,i .E ciie's, Vubaic, Mi'iii't, 'I'"", M ciiu - i, 0 in in I, u .in, , i S ; K'.'il'ird. iSliatv, :ni'it K'-ii' I'svini, '-V tif U'll, Wi' ( i. Will a u i. i mill rt'nitf. - r .l.i'in'1 Mccrmi Leach pis.'cd la IlO!il.liUi0:i I 1 1' "iTj:HI'y Hull!. ,, Kji. ji ( , iMie i' fie Klu .im nl ihe North Cikro'M i t!i' i iiifi he w s in ,(, S?'ft'tif i" ISiii -is'Liun I r.iy called !:i,n fib nld and venuabie niitii (lie is aiiu'jt !!'.)) and tanl tost In silver i.n.ks would , . n v add dignity to (lio p ..i'i.m Unit be Would so if i tat-.' tally fid. Mr. Furiivm received id voter, and was declared ury clei tc !. Assistant Secretary. Senator Brian, ol D p in, put in iiiiininiini Mr. Plat I). Cowan, ol New Hanover, There vms no opposition, Mr. Cowan received 43 vote'. Eugroesiog Clerk J, 8. Tomliiiion was nominated by Senator Graham, ol Lincoln, and received 40 vote, ilu was lleclateii elected. Sergiaot-itArrus.-Senator Stiackleford, the Seuator Iroru Onslew, put in nuinina tion II. D. Morrill, nl Onslow, No tmo opposing him, Mr Murnll (jot 41 votes and Wai declared elected. Wiley V. Clilton received 3.5 voteg an tbe nomination ot Senutor Caldwell, and was declared elected Doorkeeper. All the officers were then sworn in, and tbe Senate ot 1879 was duly ollLered and property organized. Senator Hobinson moved that a messago be sent to the Houso ol Representatives lolorming that body that the Senate was organized and ready to proceed to buai- DCFI. Secator Williamson, ol Ca3well, moved that the Senate adjourn to-day to 10 a, ru. to-mrfrro'w. Senator Leach, of Divirlson, objected feelingly to such unchristian hour, lie wanted work done in the committee! and BOt long sessions lor man? words. Senator Caldwell, ol Guillord. wanted te go to work early aud work thoroughly and late, In order that no indecent haste should form a cloak under vhich had !; illation might creep unnoticed. Senator Bynijin untie i the kuob by sug gesting 11 instead uf 10. Senator Williamson yielded, Benator Caldwell .acquiesid, and. Senator Leach was agreeable, so the bctiato meets to Uuy nnvm ev itEpiinsuNrATivrts. At 12 m., John D. Cameron, Clerk of of the House nl Representatives, suasion l$76-'7 called the House to order. Certilicates were called for by counties and the following gentlemen were quali fisd as members by C. C, R ot, J. P. : Messrs. Amis, Anderson, Ahgier, Ar drey, Armstrong, Atkiosno, Bsrrntger, Battle, Bern rd, Kerry, iitniflinni. Bird, Btzzcl'; Blaisitell, Bia'ocU. Host, Bruno, f Mccaientiurg. Br'i'.ee, Brysnn, Bdohan Burruu,bs. Cale, Carle1, ol Buncombe, Carter, ol Yancey, Cainl, Cai-on. Cary, Chtdwich, CUristmas, Click. Cobb, Cm. lil, Colwcll, Conk". Cnoncd, C wniat n. Davis, ol Cat hi, Davis, of 1 1 a . w . i . i , Davis, ul Al.ilsn, I), ana. l)msdile, K lsu Donil, El hum, F.'ijln-h, ElliemUe, Ferrill, Four l, Fmliei, F.y Galling Gold ton, (Jr.nt II ;rri'll, Harrison, IleD li-. mil, Hewi'l, llor'on, ll-rttil r, Jmn, i din ii'j, i l),vi . L hi) L a ti La he w'i d L-v.. I.i ..!;., L . K: .;t. Ln-. U-'a-a l.t.iii.r Mo .j,'. In'in j, M i. . . i b!e. L'a i, N-'.-:l. N r'l.n'. Our, y.-liar.i, O- iufM. PiXMo Pit-ra, l4lv, Kiol M'n"i. 11- 'I i.; Mr.U w -.1. l!;.v ., Ri.-iia :-jn ot .u- K tithy. Se -ti. ' Sunt rt. I'll' ! r,. !'nr ei , V it . .ban.'i'.e, Aiid.;;:, Vn j-,-. - - nue W. iic iy, VVioiliout-'. Wjnii", Yoik, and V Mir-ii Till' !,'lei K ii'i'i' II mv I 1 ::e HviMm Ml A S..'eK.:r aa 111.- nun; m :ltr. Nr. Cnole. n Fru.klin 'ilucul in onini nHtion tin nam: nl J m. M. M inn.', o' Cha bain, vpe.itcin nl him ia eulogistic rerun. Mr Scntt, ol X'W nannver, rnminate I R. M. Norment. ot R iheson county. The Vole reaolred in Mr. Morion receiving OS, Mr. Nornifot, 27. Messrs. Cook and Norment, by appoint ment, escorted the Speaker tiect to tbe clialr. On taking the chair, Mr. Moring said: OeotTemen of the Jl iute of Representa .tires: I extend to you heartfelt thinks for the Compliment you have paid me in calling Die to preside over the deliberations ol Jeur hjily. In return lor the confidence you have re posed iu uie, I pti".rt;i-e you thut whatcvar f ability or txperience I possets shall be sipended iu the inipattial difcharjH of (be duties devolving upon int. With your assistance, which I resonably may txiieet, 1 iodulte tho hope thut the public biiin. ss which wo have assembled to transnct may 'be harmoniously and apeedily disnui'ed of. The Speaker then aunetinced the House tetdy for tbe dispatch of buainets. On motion of Mr. Jones ol Caldwell, the House adjourned until to-morrow at V) t. m. A Old Lady hi a SInliis JrII for uenu . Belfast fMe.l Arc. December SCtli, esys One of the cases where the law bore dowu Vtriicularlv hard on tn Individual ee Wfred last week, when a poor lady Untd Eliza Gilchrist, over whose tfiowy Hd more thao seventv winters had fined, was drag'-ef from her friends and koine in Palermo and incarcerutsd in the wiiBty jail in this city at the inslaure ol her creditors. The turnkey said he never tlor had to disagreeable a duty to per term at when he locked the do r on that tay haired uld lad v. She remained two dyi Id jail, and then bonds were procured d ibe was released. Had Mrs. Gilchrist at ence taken before two justices of ut peace and quotum, and had th (lit 'ted, as the term is. then ber imprison, nt would have been rendered iuiponi it. The whipping poit would break the ti oi those jivne uiaiueites. I , TiiK Killtor of. tbla pmrla In no vnv responal- no roiiiinimirannitu 'SIM nl,m,.-.,ol - V1'. "'. " an niiouvmouH ... ,.., iMioiiniH-ii me )mr,, nf the wrii-r must m-eompuny all eoinn,,,,, ', Any one who may f.-el ,rKr1,.ve,l a "tit,", onaii.iratliiitothEilltor mo name ffe will not nZo. O C .V J j . Tn Legislature mot on Wednesday Rkad D. C.JlicharHsan's advertisement THSi.preme court convoned ou Wed nesday last. Sbrviom were hold in tho Enlseonal cbtiivli hst niKht. Gkn. T, ,T. Pkrwni, was in tewn yesN rdav. f Northampton, NitwnititN will have a tnumtment and ball on the Jllrd intt. P, E Smith . ol Sentland N-ck paaed tliniu .li hr .in rif. Hit W () Ml-Duvhi.i, of Scotland Nn-k n wo Inat Wedats-lsy, Col.. D. M. ' Aiirun ..I lUlrigh. died in lialtiin.Mi-on TVi!v the 7 h Inst. .Mintiok Hunt m tin. u s. Riiprenie com t haa hnh rii.?) wi-, p-ii-iilvaia. Ukv. Mr. Smith will preanli In thn K iKiuij'al oliiii-uli t i-m orrow luorninif at Blev.-n o'clock. Rkao court notieea of Brannli A Pnpo, asHhiat Johu 0. Uurst et als, and ajjitlniat Frank and Adlnr. Thkhb was a very ploaaant hop for tho ynuna; people at tho Southofn liotel in Halifax on Wednesdav nlijlit last. On 89:h Dec., three white girls eloped with three negro men Irnm Concord.' The girls wcro re'peetahle people. J. a. Grant of Northampton county has roinoved hia rosid.vico from below Jiiekiou to Woodland no:ir Oaryaburg. Thk turkeys nemi; not now resort to danuorons tuet'ioda t reiluce their adiposo Unsure tho fo-,tlvti snuaon w about ovor Srnator Hansom baa accepted an In. vitation to deliver tho aldresa before the Societies of Wako Fjreat Colloga in Juno next. - This In a bad timo four poople to dio. The Hiiddon ebangt) In oliuiale which many of ua woul l underRO might givo us pnouinoiiia. . . T)o not allow the Baby to languish and an tier, but uho Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup and chock its HutTerlng. For sale by all Drug gists, Prioo centa. Tins county commissioners met on Mon day after being in session, aud alter trans acting important busiuesi, adjourned until Monday 15th inst. I your tlfo worth 25 eentn? If it is do not nogloct a cmigli or cold. Use Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup at onceund be cured by that iievar tailing remedy. Tub Oxford Fieo Lmioo sends us only ahalf shoot this time, owing to tho doinand for it. We are willing to got b:ill-slieota whenevor this is tlia ca-c. Our 1-jaa is his gain. Wb learn there was no court held in (JreeiiMVllle county, Virginia, la.-t Mon day. Causo nothing on the docket Whnn will Hiich a btate of affairs cxUl in Halifax? . - - On Christiuas dav, on the latm ol Mr. R chard K afio-y, of Wairen county a col ond man had his arm hot so hadly that it hal to be aiuj'iit ted. Tun lamp which bus liejn rwatly placed in fro-it of tho Methodist church l a irr-eit o mi von" to ihoae who attend i il-ivino wirh'p. I'h's is noM to some piinplo although it may not st.Rin to he. .'at Mason a nopliew of Tbo W. !u-.- t'i , of Xei"Vunpton c.oHijty, rii'i.l ill his rr-sido'in- in that O 'linty on S in i y i vii'iuri thn tt h in-it. of Unanoke volln fever iftor an illno-s of two (lavs. Rkv A. R It.VKN who bm charn nf th M -Miioiiisi i-hiirrlies In this placn a1 d Hnlilax, has lus-oino n rraldr-nt of Weldon and will nroac;i every Sunday In both plan s altnrnately morning and uight at each place. Last Saturday was the coldest day it bus boon nnr plonwnre to experience for many yeiirs, Tho tlierinninotnr being only ton dogrpos abovo 0 Farlnheit. Tho dav bnforo wis two and tho day after eight dcgioes warmer. - Thk Rileijjh News says of tho ynuiig Ropresontativo of Bartlo comity : Mr. W. C. Ethridun, rnprs.-ntativo from Berlin, a voune nun of hrlirht prn-ii'ae, and tho junior iiiombnr nf tho House, Is liartdsnmn. nnergotlo andonly twonty-tw o oara ot ago. Capt. IIincuv Maokk, the popular and "old rol'.nblo" nnnJuctnr on tbe 1. A m K. P.., has inlssoj only two trips In ipbt years, ami thnao wuro im the oeraaion of tho death of bla littlo dmirilitpr last siimnior. Can any other Conduetar In th9 U. S. bolt that ? BiuiiNn TiMK.-Tho train from Norfolk on Wcdnosday wai throa and a half hours late. Tho tire of onn of the driving wheels of tho ongiiiB broke down bolow Nowsoms sta'.io;i, and i.iiotber rnslne had to be telegraphed for to Portsmouth. No nam age except a lif.lodolny to the passengers aud mails. s Ip you want a drink of simothing good go to J. A. Musgrove's, who keeps con stantly on hand, the finest Feaoh and Apple Brandios, B sole it Wys ,n, X old Cabinot Liquors, and has still lelt a few bottlos of the Old Kentucky F rcater. Try his five cent Reliauce Cigar, they are the best In market. Fro.rn Ovbr Roanoke river at this place tffts entirely frozen oyer on Satur day and Sunday last. One or two of the hoys walked across from ono bank to the other. This is the Ci -t time such an evenfhas occurred since the winter of 1857 which Is usually known M tbe year of tho big snow. Wb learn that Mi.s Kate Thora.t ol Northsmploa county, will, soon visit Iriends in Weldoo. JouS M. Moiiing of Chatham, was on Wedicidoy elected Speaker of tha House ef lleprrsentativet. A Urt'9 aumber ol neerots ptiierl through this place on Thursday on their way to Georgia where they tp(ct to engage in letting turpentine. ' Tub beys say that in honer of yoiini; ladies visiting town they will In a short time give a ball at the Emry tlnuse. There is nothing like ball except an other ball. Tub Second Dit'rict will he represented in the next Congress by a geod Democrat. We have slitktn off the sbaeklts and now tand with the other democratic districts in the State. - - Tub friends el tha family will be torry lo ltarn tint Mrs. Sena Lockhart has removed to Petersburg to livt. lakinir with hr, her whole family. Seciely lr Weldon has lo t which .it will he bard tn replace. Nkw PHtnirH. Tho Baptist church In V'nllold is nmrl v completed, the masons urn nt work on It, and as aoon as it is plastered, tho rmn 'lining wood work will Im finiKl nd. Thoro am only eevou ot eight baptists In place an d to them and Rev. It T. V.inn win is pastor of tho church belongs all tho credit. r Tnjt R 'annke and Tar River Agricul tural Societv have lately purcbtsed (rorn Col. N. M. Lonir, thn land, which they use for thttir Lionnds, The Societv is now in a flourishing condition, has money in the trearury pays up all premluais promptly aud lias the best set of ellieers in the worl l. 1 MPiiov km KNTa. Notwithstanding thn hard times buil ling coutinues to gn on In Weldon. A small frame homo is now being procte on T. L. Eniry's oornor next door b"low Winliiild fe Kmry's tdoro. Aud wo learu tint our townsimiii Mr. R. W. Daniel will soon build a largo brick store on his viiouit l it between Browns drug Htoro and his present place of busi ness. JUIIY Lin' Fl'.lSIUIAKT. TKiiu I.NrKition Cot'iiT 1879 To wit: Thaddeus Vaughau. Jno W Whitsker. Samuel l'tr. G N Pittiud, W E William'. W H Joue?. I.fin C alter. Newton Uaiclilur Dempsey I) Brjan, J A B i-i nirlis. R S Joyoer. Orrin Curler. (horn Harris. John F Turner. Maim Wicgins. T B Pepper. Tom Mills. W II Hacknty. No i fleet Barnes. Albert Davis. J B Bishop. G T Saunders. Chus. Hawkins. Noah Bigas. J W Bntts. T II Collins. II L M-rri:i. J W Whitehead. R W Strickland. H W Sheaiin. Intkunal ImPIUVKMHNT). ing it an extract IY -The follow ths RtielKh 0'issrver of a ruccnt date : In ad litioa to what has slrea lv h-tu' aci'oiup!ihcd sad s i.'u'esie I lor the Eist, in rspect to transportttioti facilities, there are otUer neided canoi. tions to be m-ile. A great many have turn pre pose I, seveial cliai t"red. Ktime down on lh State map'. E Zib'tli City wants raiiioid eon -ction with Nailolk, E Un ion with Sdllk, tile town nl Hiiihx wiih fie Sciiiand Ne k t-ction, art I per haps B'Ttie tlnoiigii N'l'ha npt on t Hie sickh ar.l and Ruaaoke Rulroid. To be sure tin:"- linet would lead out si the Sit e to Virginia towns. bit sneh Infill ties aia iivt lvd by t he people, tnd it it no pait ot a wie policy to il-my the pen n I it tbe tmnopurtation tecilittet they re q 1 1 ru. that trade may lie lorcrd into cer tain cliauuvls, Incbndiahism. We learn that on the niiiht el January th- 2od the gu home and grist mil! ol L L. Kitchen was burnt to the ground. Tins was valuable prop- Itr an i a hiavy lo:a to Mr. ICttchrn, iiesidea potting the people wf the noiiji- borho id to in uf li ini'iiu Tcnniu'e. shout two bales el Tlure Cntt'lS ffirt on It burnt, but the actual tati wus about $4 000. Capt. W. II. Iv tcoeii aho lost a lot n( new wagons und carts, which lie Had lately bought. The piopo'tv was insure ) but wo could not Isarn in what turn or in what com pany. The Are rauubt from the side' of the building opposite the enuine and is tup-poi'-d to be the weik uf an incendiary. The contiguous buildings were not in- juied. M.mintn. At thn residence cf the bride' lather, near WeMon, N, '., t 1" o'clock, A. M , Wednn.iay Jan. 8:h, 1870. by Rev. C. M. Cook. Col 'j. B. Zollicoffor snd Miss Pallie J. Check. Also on tho same (Uy at t'lo residence of the bride's father by the tame, at Wei den, Mr. R. J. Lewis of Halilax, and 5Il-t El'Tii O. Sledge. The happy parties lelt on tho noon train for the North to spend the honey moon, and we hope their lives will be darkened by no shadow but be one continued pleasure. Janunry 1st 1879 in the Methodist church at Palmyra, If ilifax county, i,r. C. by Rev. J. E. Maou, Mr. Henry B. Jloert and Miss Susit B. Sptuill daughter of the late S. B. Spruill, Eq. January 2 id 1378 in tho M'lthodist church at Rocky Mount by the same, Dr, Thomas C. Powell ol Hocky Mount sn i Miss Mary E Birncs daughter of B. W. Barnes E q , of Edgu'omba county. January 8lh at the msidence ol Lawrence Home, Eq , by the satnb, Dr. Frank J Thorp nt Rocky Mount an 1 Mist UMk P. B.l ilo, daughter ol the late Dr. Jas. P, Puttie ol Edgicnrube. 5000 Bale ot Cotton Wanted. - Higliett cash prices paid. J. T. oo'.'H, Wlldon, N C. How to Jdboh a Town The Jeff.'toi City (Mo) Journal telli this. About a week ago a gentleman from Tenneseercpicsent ing a capital of $20 000. in search of a loeaiisn at which to t-ngage in buriness, gave us a rail, and alter stating hit mis sion 'Wist' askrd to look at our paper. Wo handed him the morning Journal. To our surprie he did n it aton to retd our newsy local 'picKups,' or our attractive ed itorial page, bin ho turned at once to the advertising clrjinrjs and commenced counting over their fpaces. "Will," said he gl inring up from the Paper, is that all ? Is that the business ol tbistOnf' "On, no," said we, here is the Tribune witli a few advertisements that do not ap pear in the Journal." He thon counted two additional local bunnefs advertisements, in the Tribune and aain looked up with the remark: "Ami that's all is it? Why you hiv-nt Ct near as much o! a Ib'wu as I thought you had." And then we explained to him that we have a great many busiueis meu who do not advrrti-e. ''They are not buines men to hurt il thev don't advertise," was bis answer. We rmild not contradict him and we were poweiless to vindicate the "olaims ol the city." lie lelt us, saying il h bad time he would look around, but he thought this was no place lor him. SiMitToN tiik leu. Btirliig the recent freeze must ot the ponds In this section wero frozen and the ieo was so thick tfiat it would bear tho weight of almost any oho. Thai liilug tin caso, tho first thought of tho young ronple turned to skates and there passo through the fm iiginiltions of those who were fond of ihe exercise nf skating visions of largo smooth surface of glossy ieo marked and scarred by .ho swift a'rokiis of boys and girls ns thny glided rapidly by tlioir hands wavint; up and d own liko rod flairs, and nasal having tho samo huo as ths flaming Honed pendant of 'a proud turkey coik Now skating Is il bouiiilul, Invigorating and pleasant exorcise aud should by all moans bo cultivated but It' behooves thn lovers of the sport to bo careful mid hnvo n true eye for safety, which precautions wrro not taken by a party ot ladles and gentlemen who eonelrvlod to otjoy tho charming sport. Mo off they go In buggies and wagons, a im even walking so anx ions wero thoy to glide along over tho ice. Thoy got on thn ice and lime they wunt bolter skeltor and ovory thing wont smoothly on, until tho aim commenced to throw Its warm rays over tho seeno and tho Ieo soou hgin to yield and suit "ii. and in koiiio plujos to get too thin for skating purposes. One young lady Isowovor on busy thoughts intent (lid not pcreoivo that her weight of sweelnois was too hoavy for tho cracking, groaning Ieo, until it could bear it no lungor and gavo way undor thn load. Tho young lady took a forced aud unexpected bath which put n stop (i further proceedings and the party went homo wiser and somn ol Iheui satuiv.tod with tho chilly wators. Nod.uiiagi was doiio however and no effoets rosiiltnd except a rippio of mirtli wlioiiHver the acrrident is ineotionod. KlIN IV NollTHAM I'T ON ('lit' NTY. -By previous appointment Mr. M. J. Sqmrn ot . 1 1 1 'i i in 1 1 1 ' i ii e niiuy ni"t a puty nl young gi"it!onion lioin Wehlon, aniung t ho in a ropreenntiMivo of tho Ni:ws, on the opnosito si lo of tha river from Weldon on udnosd av eveni-l ' iiiiout I) o Clock to take t wvii 1 1 'i p irty which ho had given at his li iuso about ton miles from Warys burf. All .settled thotnsolvoi ooruf ortaldy in a wagon drawn by a p ilrol aselcgaut l.orses as it. has biuMi thoir pleasuro to sit behind iu Hoino time, and not withstand ing tho ha 1 0 m i i : i-iri ol the roads, all were soon lauded sain and sound at his rosidi'iioo. Tho place is ono ol" that kind which is often seen in tho county showing that its mauler U wont not only to onioy tho com forts ol life liiunolt, but tluL bo always h isu place t. . i his M'.-nds iiowovcr i.utner oils tli iy inf. And all nf bis room was noei'od, f U' o:i usliei iiijj us into tho houso wo Imind il full ol tho neighboring ladiea and geiitleinon, some iu f ml having ridden ti.te.un miles iu enjoy tho occasion. Too violins soon summoned tho dancers tot he room nrrnugnd f or the purposuand in a short while oeory oody, old and young woro ong.i'oil in tripping tho ligln fantas tic, only pausing loutf onoiiuli lo real and like lir.'.it'i and thon roviviug tho fun. Alter dancing, and promenading a while and c iu rliog a littlo too, ro(iu tumults were served and justice was J.i;:u to llio lahlo whii h was presided over by tho aeeoni plisliod M rs. Siiuiro, When a littlo in ere proiuensijing mid flirting and tlien lor the liuiicu iigaiu until tho East bean to grow groy Willi tho approaching day, uud all were warned by tho light to depart to their soveral homes. Anting tho inanv beautiful and beau tifully dressed Isilies Wero Mrs. Dr. Snuire drussod in lloyal purple Mile uud ilia iiiouds which wa' luosl beeomieg, Mrs. Win. Carrls, In black casluuure; Mis. (Turnouts, black gros grain silk with plain gold ornaments; Miss Ella Bouko. purplo poplin plain jowelrv; Miss Kato Tlioiuae in blade silk, eai'dinil trimmings with corals mid iliau onil-; was onn of llio belles tint fvnlf!. Miss Annlcr (olitr, ::i black s, Ik wiili plain gold Jewelry: Miss Kusnliiiu Tin nor, bliuk silk Iriuimod with velvet, gold and puarl oriiainents which c irrcsiiondrd ox'iuisitoly Willi bor dark eyos and hair ; Mist Mot lie Bennett, an other brnno'.to In black p mini, lacii trim mings; Miss Alma Turiior, ashes of rosea silk, ooral and pearls; Miss Eunieo Turner green nnd black t ilk, plain jewelry ; Miss Lilly Leo, navy blue silk, with golden but- tfjns and diamonds, which eoulroted well with hor aubuiii hair; Miss KosA (.5 runt, blondo, drab oomliioa'.ion, plain gold jew elry; .Miss llotta Weaver, black gros grain silk and diamonds; Miss BUnchn Turner, tho reigning bnll ot Hickford, Va., and who waltzed most naturally aud grceoful ly aud worn drab poplin, plain gi.ld and poirls; Miss Eva Vinconl, Soal brown silk; throo Mi -os Piili Seal browu and nvy bine silk. The occasion was th most nqroeablo that it hat occurred for many years, so say the boys. Ami may it not be tha last. The Senior on reading the inscription said he honed ho would be Invito J to the ext. A.'iOOO! f5((XII! t5OA0!I! WaNTKP 1. VVANTKU I WANTKntl- Wantod tMm woith ol iHirtnty Orders and Jury Tickets, for which I will pay Ihe U'ghest cash price. JAS. T. OOOCII, Wnldon, N. C 'Tit Ti:m O'clock Pi. bash. lo!-Ono evening this week , tim e.f our promising young men went calling and just as ho thought tho eveniug happily com menced, a junior inemhor of tho family slipped slily into tho room and pressad tha following interesting poem into his hand : How verv fast the hours go by, The minutes pass away It snores an eve.litig lirlnf indeed, For you, mv lovts to stv 1 But r suppose our happy hearts In ksepins timo are slow. And though I alirh for Miss lo last 'Tit leu o'clock please go 1 1 ruortrs. I took (I peep at fat Inn 's watch I wish iho thimr was slow. And though It, fills my heart with pain, 'Tie ten o'clock please go! It cannot be thn watch )' right, The minutes go so fast, Aiid I am sure that, bliss like ours A longer time shoiild last! I might have let thu thing run down Dear mo, I wish 'twas slow ! But I must heir tho hitler pnln Tie ton o'clock -please go! Ciiohv's, I took a peep at father's watoh etc. I'll not bo caught another night, I know Just, what to do To make thn blissful moments long That I shall iuss with ymi! I'll leave thn watch in father' room, And then I shall not know Th blt'er pain I leol to-night, ' l is teu o'clock pleaso go I Chouim, I took a poap at father' watch etc, 'TIs hard to hear 'his cruel grlof, To see mv love depart. When lill-sl'nl hours we could enjoy, With sunshine Iu tho heart ! But Inlhor's watch shall ne'er iigalu Cloud lapninnss with woo, I'll put the old thing out of sight 'Tis ton o'olock ploaso go ! Ho wont. LETTER FROn LITTLETON. Lrn tiKTON, N. O , I)ec.2n:h. 1378. Mitssns. Editors : It is nothing but right that every Irui Citolinian should desire the ptonperity ol our State. Aud as much ol our success depends upon wi-e legislation, it is proper to discuss matters treelv outside ol our Legislative Halls O ir Stats has titidniititedly improved, since our legislature has taken Into considera tion (though in a limited sense) the In terest nl farmers. Much gund has bren done by the law ndrrring to fertili, r, protecting our fnriuuia ugaiust worthless stuff called lertilizTB. Now there Is soim; little talk ot li'W'e or no law. Then the dog law, itc. The point to which I would iuvite attention, is thu great itn pnsi'inn piaetieeil npin nnr people in the shoe tra to. Paper soled shoes, are s grand a Inmd as has ever been pa'med off on our people, and it other humbugt can be legislated oil t nl ex stenc-. whv not that of slop shoe stock also? I know our metchiinti will say. "ths people are not milifed to Imv " That i just as true as to sty ol the brpior Ir illi,', "the people are not compelled to drink, or nl spurious fer tilizers, Ihev are not obliged to uo t hijrn . I have no way nt hand by which tn aseir tain the amount ol the liar I earnings ol our pei'p'e thu. spent, but bulievi! thou' and ol dnlWrs are annually sent out ol our State fur snoes, and no true value is re o -ive I there lor. Thi-ri; are many r -s ins whv there should be siiine measure laken to Mod I'd.' fraud, but my nbj.ct is sirnplv to call your attention tn a matter which I have rrot yet teen di 'cus-ed bv nnv nfonr papers, a u ( then leive t in subj-et at pres ent lor oiir co'ii.lera'ion. Please draw not mine jour llaetit cotrisp n fents by aa interesting editnrnil on slop shoe stock. I beg learn to remain you s WlilAN. n it sfMitui i.r. rT i it. 8KAHOAHI), N. f'., Jan. lt, 1870 Dnin Nkw : -Tlierif is nsihmg ol much importance to rep 'U tri m this sec tion ol Noitiiainptnn just i.nw. 'I'tm low piico nt (ttnn has heie. as Well ss else where exercised a ve'V il -'iiteriiim ii Ilu. nee over the g-neisl eniiilition ot alla'rs wined liiisncially and othetwie ar iloulitle-s in a usore deterioiatf d state than at, the c ir respnnding term ul tli previous y-ar. Thu low price id provisions however seems somewhat to ore-i nt a mora uuboiiraglag outlook lor liie new year and wu trust that Ihe predictioi msdo by Mr. lljtvitt nl New York may toon bo. verilie I "in the dawn nl iiio'i'uri' v hither: iitiknown. Certainly wo would welcoum surh an eta with au unprecedented keling of grati tude. IEAHOAIU) AM) ITS lVII'ttOVHilRNIS. During the lust two years this place has improved considerably. We now hsve a first-class lualo icliool here, several line re-idencis and five or S'X larffl stores. Messrs. Lawrence ,fc Daiightrey, J. T. Vad drey & Co., II ixton and Maddtev, D.doatch v'i D.-loiteh, an I IC.-a A Cuts! are curry iag on mercintiiu liuiitiess here, upiaint!y under very lavoianle prospects. We wish them inui h success. NKW IViriill. I am plens' il to learn tint mv viiso trien.l Mr. S. J, Wriolit ol Jackson. N. C , and Mr, Briggs ol Sail dli, Va., will soon oMinurnce the publication of a weekly newspaper in the limner plane. Thu first Issue will be ( nt pvrloi" by llio 1 Si It inn. "Northampton News." I wi-li the enter prise g'eat tare -a. The recent h ill lav season Inn b'cn He cidedly nun ul tlie m i- t q diet ever wit nessed in this section and have not hrsrd ot the ti rut "Social'' ill the veinity during Iho entiie period- S.-veral nrittiages, however, have taken placo ! i r : n the last liw wei-ls and "T-:i! more n:u'.e:n. plated. Wishtntj von snd vour nnmerous readers a happv end prospi'foos new year, a long lilo and in my tulurus, I Ud ya 'au revoir.' . P. E. P. Fori. Mi imf.u at Miiiih.i.ton, N. C W lentil Irnm apnvaic letter received bv a prominent rm.'ii ul Noriolk, Hut on Thursday night, the 19 h lilt., Jeremiah F. Cox, nl Mindleton. N. C, ttiuck his ton-in law, Thomas W. Jennett, upon the bead witrt a club, insuring biin so badly that he hvV.I but a lew hours. IDs t-kull wai so bally cru-hi'd thn brsins being maslieit and badly contnseil. Uox was enmmited lo ail to await ttial at the Mav term of.the C oiotv court. The uuir ler wtt an linprovol.eil and .lehbetate olio Norlo'.k Lindmark. Tbe whilu latniuis uf Whittker'a (lit trict, Harris county, 5s., have uiVin an old -laslnoned baibeiUo to their colored neighbors in aeknowledgmeu of their or derly conduct anil faithlul ttnvi.'e during the pant year. 8. M. Sroallt (' Old Si'1), of tbe Atlanta C nt)tiilion, was ct upun I'V a cr nvd of ruffians in Atlanta on Christmas day nnd most cruelly hurt. II oiade a gad mi! de fence, but wat struck down by persnus who sought to punlsli him lor ecim tuing he b-ad written. He bow lies ctttically til. Special b a r a I s , On We.lnes liy Jn, 1st 187!) I will rent tti li iuss now occupied by Johu L. J ld kiriN for U moo 'lis, tent payable motillily. There is no better store and stand in Uwn of Weldon, stO'e room 20 by SO fflit, two good plastered rooms above and lum ber r'snn. I will also otter forsalo at suo tirin same day throe nioe now top buggies, niiH wiiuuian si il some voung horses if not disposed of privately before that time. R. P. Spiers. Just to band a consignment of nice hat ter from lOio l5cts. K P Suiers. I have on band throe new top buggies' and mis -ei-oiid hand, two epon buggies will sell a bargaiit. 11 P Spiers. R. P. Spiers, Wnldon. N. C, is ths place lo find ths biggest stock ol new good In Halifax county. Just to hand JW aotton pli.kiug bags at 10 cm each. Just to band 100 sacks Liverpool salt. K P. Spiers, Welduu. Just to baud 100 bundles arrow ties at 2 ii pe' buudlei Also lot of liesry bag ging. It. P. Mpiersj Welduu. Just to hand a nice It t ready made clink ing, hhirts and gents furnishing goods, It. P. Spiers, Weldon. Just to band n full line of sa llsry, bar nesas, whips, AO. It. P. Wpiers. Just to hand latest styles geiitlemons hats. K. P. Hplert. Just to hand a large gentlouions clothing. and stvliah lot of K. P. Spiers Just to hand a nioo lot of blankets shawls and 'jvercoats. , B. P.ipirs. Just to hand the cheapest lot of tin and crockery ware evor soon. K, P. Spiers. Just to hand 100 dozen coats spool cotton at Oo cents per dozen. li. V. Spiers. Just to l and a full lino of pins nssdlns ami all manner or nonius, notions and tewing machine noedloa, K, P. Spiers. Just to hand alHinst every thing from a tooth pick lo a tine (op bunny, or tbe heat sowing mil diiiie that evor was oifored to the public at dollars. K. P. Spiers. Tn timo of peine nroparo for wak. vYhilo all Is quiet don't forunt to insure von- properly with It. 1-'. Butler, Ueueral Insurance Agent. If you dio soon will your family he pro vided lor f If not ho euro to Insure your lile in llio M H t n o p o i, l T a n . R. F. Butlkh, Agent. Two elegant Im si nest an I pleasure wag out lor nu or two horses lot sale cluap at ihe Riiauoku Agricultural works iVildon, If. Just to band Tmi handsome Tep buggies which I will sell-lor lino hundred dollars each mid throw in a nir-s set of harness. Person wisiirg tn huv cannot do belter than t give inn a call, ihovaro really good bugi:i(w and every nn of llicoil warranted 1-uiout'is. Two.'ity-li vo of t hese buggies liavo been solii n tna town of Weldon In the liisl six (lavs, B. P. Spiers, B llitn Store, Weldon N. C. Nice lot eolVeo Just to hand, will sell at lac'.s, alroiigsnd good. U. P. Spir.Rs, linlloiii Mtire, Weldoo N. C. Noticii! NotiukII Nor'CB ! ! ! Qrest reduction in I'rlcos ul the whoUsal and relail uroevry Hloru of James T. UoocU Just received the following ' 1 "id barrels Hour, laiuily, extra, and su per. h i) bags salt, I.ivei pcol. .'il liae collee, Bio, Java, Moca, Ac. 7.i luxes soap, Itmsiau sterling, tie, 5 Cases Teas, Jjb.irels sugars. Granulated. Alt' and Extra t I 0 bags II Ml r. all sizes and gradna. liiboxHs meat, sides and shoulders, lil(l lbs hams and hrealtfa-t baoju. 5 HI lbs lard front 1 to I lis cans, io barrels bun logs and inackerkl. lii.i.od cigars, all brands, 2'i box os tobaceo. grosses siinfl. 5(H) In. ti (1 1 os ties. 2 rolls bagging. 100 bushels oats. 25 boxes cream cheese. 50 bushels bolted ujest. 40i) feet rubber beltiug. l'J'i sacks ground alum salt 100 Beanis'wrappl ng paper. Cooking soda, spice, pepper mustard, starch, blueing, caudles, matches, Ac, Call end eee me. . T. liOOCH, Weldon, N. C. .N KV ADV Kll TLSLMliXTS. O T I C E. Having taken thn shop that A. Eaton formerly occupied. I am prepared to do all Kinds of repairing, wood or Iron Having neeu here over twenty vears everybody in the county knows that I nn ilsrstntid my business, making Wagons ami carts, buggies, aua ironing same (sivo mo a call. I). C. RICHARDSON. Jan 11 6m. S" TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, In Superior Court. Nirlug Ti'riit 7H, llulirax County. E. T. Uraneh and Samuel Pope, partners trading under name and style ol Branch ,k Pope, Against Snl, Frank, and Charles Adler, partners trading under liaiuo and slvlo or rrsnlc ! Ail 1- r. It appearing tn tho sutl sfnetlon of the Conn from llio allldavits In this cause and from the re ni n ol llni ShsrilT that the de lei.iliiuts, Sol, Frank uud Chatloi Adler are iiiiii-rosnleuls nl iho Sulo nt North Carolina, and personal aorvlce ot the Siiii'tnoiis esnnnt he made upon tasm It is tberef iro ordered by tbe court (hat publication be made in the Koanoke News a newspaper published In the town of Wnldon for six con smni live wests, notify lng the said non resident detriments tn be snd appear at ibn next term of the (superior court to bo hem lor tue county of Halifax at the court housn In town of llsliinx on tholtrd Monday In March 1ST and answer the complaint herein, e copy of which will be deposited In tho oflles of the Clerk id said court within ths first three ilava of said town, and let them take notice l thev fall to answer tho std com plain' within the timo prescribed by law ihe pbilmilTs e.ll apply to the court for the ic.iot (leiuanuoiLln ihe com plaint. This n"tlon was instituted lo recover four hundred and Ufty dollars for drruagea In fiillinjr to ship goods ss thev had promised to do to iho plaintiffs for the So ice of leu davs. Warranto!' attachment was Issued against the property nf in defendants tne, mo 7th nav or January it, u lo me f-neriu or uai Ifax county and is returnable before the Judge of Ibe Superior court for said couu tv-at tbe Court bousn iu Halifax town X. ('. on the 3rd Monday In March 1879. Wltnesa John '(. Gregory, Cfork of aald boiirt at olUeo m Halifax town tbla 7th day orjaunary lau.. JOHN T. OREOORT. Clerk Rupsrlnr Court ITaltrak oonnty NC. Mullen it jtorrj Dav (l Han ais. k I Uir t'.tr. Jaull6wr i -UiJiLjj.;ws NKW ADVERTISEMENT gTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IJalllax ronaty, N In Knprrlor Coat's, Nprlng TertM IS7t. E. T. Branch and Samuel Pope, part ners, trading under the nam and style s)f Branch & Pope. ti Jobn C. Hurst, Littleton b. Poraell Al fred Maddux and W. K. Clark, partnersf trading (fader dame and style of Hurst; Purnell iCo. It appearing to the satisfaction of the) Court from tae affirlavlt In tbla oante and from the return of the feberlft that the! def.mdants John K. Hurst, Lltt'etoa B. Purnell, Alfred Madddx. Lloyd L. Jack son and W. Clark, are rion retd en ti of tbe) State or North Carolina and personal ae'r vieo of tbe sunjrnonscandot be made Utiorl tbeni, it is therefore ordered by ihe Couri that publication be made In the Koanotfe News, a newspaper published In tbe tews) ol Woldnn for six successive weeks, aotl. fying the aald non-resident defendant, to be and appear at the next term of Ihe Superior Court to be beld for tbe Coaotr of Halifax at the Court House In th toBi of Halifax, on the 8rd Monday in Mi rot) 1K7U, aud answer the eemplalnt bereia, nopy of srblch will be deposited n i.e otllce of the C'lerK of said Court wltnln trJ tlrst three dsys of said term and let ibetst take notice that II .they fall to answer tbel aid complaint within the time preeorlbsal by law.the plain tiffs will apply to the court for tho rolief demanded in tbe onmplalan This action was Intended to reojverfour hundred an fifty dollar for damage) la failing to thipfoods as they bad promUeti tn do to the plaintiffs fur the apace of tea davs. Warrant of attachment was ltso1 ngainst the property or defendant tbe 7lH day nl January BS70 to the Sheriff of Hal ifax county and is returnable before tbe Judgo ef tho Superior court lor sale eoda tv, at tho court house In Halifax town, N. C. on the 3rd Monday In March 170. Witness, John T. Gregory, Clerk of sakt ooprt st oltico In Halifax town, this 7t day of January 187l. JNO. T. GREGORY, Clerk Superior Court, Hsiifax county. Mullen Moore, Day fc Hall Atts. for plaintiff. ' JanllfJw. - TN THE MATTKROF If. L. TILLERT JL & I BHO. BANKRTPTS. Notice is hereby given that I have heft appointed assignee ol H. L. Tillety. and M. W.TIIIery, partner nnder th Brrd named of LI. L. Tillerv 4 Erd., Bankhuptl. of Halifax county N."0. K. Ij. MUTiLEW, PecTtf AMlgnea. PETITION FOR PARTITION. TORTl! CAUOLINA, Ilalilttx Coanly, In Superior Caeiri, Thnnia M. Piorce, Rice II. Piaree. F, . . Bsh, P. IS. Base, 'Ir T. Wvcka aad Martha T. his wife, Ueorge P. Piaree, A. B. fierce, F. S. fierce, W. l. Winfleld and I. L. Kmry, partners, trading under, the nainn and style or Wiuneld Jimryi PlaititTs, Against K, W. Crump, Minnie Cm ma. Clark and Alioe hi wife, Richard Crama and Carrie Crump, the two last named being Infants under the age or twenty on years sad without guardian, Celestla Wilt son, James WiUoti, Balls Hswklnt and w. dram, A. n. LvueU aua Mrarl U. hi wife. Defemuuts, Il spoeariug tn the satisfaction nl the iiirt hv the affidavit of' W. I. Winfleld one of the abnv naaied plaintiffs, that tit ileleodsntt no not reside In tbe State ar North Carolina hut that the defeadaot K. W. Cm mi), Minnie Crump, Clark ml Alice ins wile, Ricaard crump ana 'arris Crump raside in Lake oountr la the Stale ef I'alilornia and Celestla Wilson James Wilson and Dallas Hawkins U llr van eltv Brs.os oountv in lue State af exaaaud that (!. W. (Jraat raaidea la Iiavenpnrt in county. In tbe State of lowai and that personal service of snmmona eannot be uiade an said non resident das fondants. It Is ordered that aubllcstlon of aniamoiia bs made lor six consecutive week iu tbe Knaneke New, a newepaaer publisher! in the lown'nf Weldon. Halifax county, notifying said dotendant to aa- pear ami answer me complaint wlloin tea time, otaerwiso tho prayer of tbe petition win oe grain, I anntuala copy ol 111 sum mons ,t compliiiut be deposited in tbe post ot'dce at Halifax, North Carolina dlreeted to each of the non resident rlefendanta at their places of residence with poatag pre paid. Wit usee mv haed and anal of offlea at Halifax in Halifax county tbe 4ih day ol December 1S7S. JNO. T. ORKQORT, Clerk of Superior aid Judge Probate for Halifax oountv. Day t Hell, aud J. M, Urlxaiid Attvaa for 1'laiutitT. Deo7ew EVERYBODY READ THIS! M. E. KULL Ui Sycamore Street, l'ETERSBIJRG, VA. MANUFACTURER OF SUrKRIOR RIADT-MADK CLOTHINQ, at wholesale antl retail at New Tork i-ces, also a full ttocV of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS at New fork Prices, Clothing msnufa- tu red to order lu the best manner, at abortest notice and the loweal prices. Fit guaranteed. IsIRS. M, E. KULL In the same building, has the largett stock f real F renin MILLINERY COODS. la tbe Southern States, manufactured aad imported by her, BEALrRElTCII BONNETS AND HATS, Children and Old Ladies' Caps, Ribbons, Flowers snd Wreaths, Straw Hoods aud Felta, By the case or dnaen. Velvets, Velvet teuy Gashes and Dress Trimming. Ladles' Dresses and Bridal Outfit made to order at short iioll -e. Order promptly Ailed, MRS. M. K. KULL, Oct 12 lm. IN THE MATTER OF JOHN C. RAN bOl.FH BANKRUPT. Notice Is hereby given that I bav$ been appointed assignee of Johu C. Randolph, Bankrupt of Halifax county N. C, R. L. MULLEJT, Doe 7th tf. Atslgsee. . -a pLANTATION FOR RENTORLSASS Anv person desirous of ren-.Ing a riloi farm 6 mile from Weldon in a b'ealtby iinlghborhnod, good water, geod blx room dwelling end all neoeessry outbensea esn do so by applying ta meat any tl n before the iih day af January; ISfsV Th- farm will b rented on the premise to tha hight bidder on laid ftctt day of January utiles sooner rented prlvstely. This farm bas also a fine orobard of apples, pt'.iea, pears and grape. Tbe farm it of eutr.cleiit alae to work tlueo horses, with fair shll'l ol land. Dvelttf. H. WOODi