THE ROANOKE NEWS A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BT w . nxti A W. W. flALL. Mm iz. JM w - One Tear, tn advance, 81x Months, " rnre Months, " ?2 00 1 00 75 rts. R PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. SMITH, JR. ATTORNEY AT I. AW, SCOTLAND NJSCK, HALIFAX CoUNTI N. C. Practices In the county of Halifax and ad.ioinlnr counties, and tho Su preme cenrt of tho St its. jn lrt ly. R. E. I.. HUNTER, D g C B G R O ft D E 31 T I T & Can be found at hi office la Pare Nitrous Oxide Gas lor less Extracting of Teeth always on Jane 22 tt. Enfield, the Pain- hand. T, W. MASON. ATTOItSTEY AT LAW, GARY3BURG, N. C. Prantloes In theoonrts of Northampton nd adjoining counties, also in the Federal and Supreme courts. June 8-tf JOS. B. BATCHELOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIG H, N. C. Practices In the onurts of the 6th Judi cial District and In the Federal and Su preme Courts, May U tf. K irrcnsH. I T O H IN W. A. DrNH. DUNN. . ATT0RNBT3 COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Scotland Neck, Halifax Co., ST. C. Practice In the Courts of nlifftx and adjoining oountiev and in the Bunreme and Federal Courts. Jan 18 tf rpaOMAS.N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, Nr 0. . . i Practices l in Halifax: 'and adjoining Counties and Federal and Supreme Courts, Will be at Scotland Neok, once every loi'tnlgut. Aug. 28-a "w. H. Dat, W. W. IUll. AT A HALL, NO. 48. VOL. VII. WELDON, N. 0., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1870. DP.!FTIS3 APART. by ii'M. w. i.ono. Drifting a-ay from ti.o pasl, Odding away apart, Prilling iwny ( ii tln.-yn-nrH's C0M sea, HbveiW) heart limn In art, On ly a lieart-strini: I'l' k.'ii, Only lite death n dm- ; Only j. lihiHtr .1 lmpn Drifting lowly away. Only a man's tru.i hiving Sent t" a darkened doom; Only a tender i uress Wilding aw ay in the gloom. Nothing of guilt or sin, Naught that hope can cure j Only the dark tn.inorrow, Only to do and eisduro. The past lies deep In shadows There la only a broken ohaiuj Only a tear In sadness False love will never reign, Drifting apart from each other, Silently drifting apart; There is no Lethe the world can Only a broken heart. give, now OLD HICKORY'S NEWS. HE VETOED SWINDLING ON A TENNESSEE EACE-COUUSE. ATTORNEYS AT LAV , j WELDOV, JJ. C. ; Practlno In the courts of Halifax amj adjoining; con oties, aud , iu the Supreme and Federal mnw. ' ' ". Jr ,' Claims coUeced in any part of Nnrlk Carolina. , , juu 20 lit J AiilfEL J. Nashville correspondence of the New York llerald.J Many are tho interesting scenes of Jackson's life which his biographer. Parton, has omitted and not brought to liglit. When a boy, I saw him scare and put to flight 20,090 men. The oc casion was this : "Greyhound," a Ken- tucky horse, had beaten ' Double Head," a Tenaessee horse, and they, were after wards matched for $5,003 a side te be run ivcr the Clover 13 it'.om course. My uncle, Josephus II." Conn, carried me on horseback bebiud him te see the race, lie set tee en tho cedar lence and told me M remain till he returned. In those days not only counties but States, in full feather, attended the race course as a great national amusement, and the same is still kept up in France and England under the fosteriog care of each government. 1 hero must have been 20.UUO per sons present. I never witnessed such fierce betting octween the States. Horses and negroes were put up. A large pound wa fulled with hones and negroes, bet on the result of this race. Te time bad now arrived for the com t e'.ilors to appear on the tr.u'k. I heard some loud talkino, ami looking d.vii the track saw, for the first limn, General Jackson,'g slowly on a ;ray horse, witb lou pistols held iu eacU hand. I s4 wiuaur, a inv arm and gniit'd sq-i r ATTORNEY AT LAW. JACK SO V. Ji. C. t of Northampton sepHlY MAN, P 'io'Jt In 'lie Co,' u f io' ' . j J ie ivi:( i.. h y ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N.C. Prantinos in (lit cinrts of and adioininiroounto, an 1 iu the Supreme nui. n i'leeta.l i.i all puts of North Caroliir. ( , . i OlBael.ilC)J . Ho July4 1J. R 4 1 I think t'.'.ey were n I h r4 a nout'i tli.U a couij enter. In Lis w:iUa lJli.i- ( rry u:ic! , Cioa, Siokciev. l);ntUon, lVt ;n, Anderson, ai.d vlhers ! fierce as bul!-io;s. As Ge-eral J.itksnn, led tho van acd npprnntheil the juds' staud I'O was rabidly t.lkinjj and i es'.,cu!ati:i. Au Iu mine by cue be saiJ .that heihnd iirelragiiole prpnf that this was to i n a j sckry race, that lirev honsd wus seen io the wheat-field the night b.'.fore, w'tich disqualified him for the rar oi.d tU it hU riil r w is to re ceive 5(J0 V throw 'it ofT, and "hy toe eternal Gmi" he woulJ shout the (list man who brought his horse upon the track : that the people's muncy should n t be titoleo. fr.i n them tit this manner. lie talked i-cossantly, while the spittle r.iU"d from his mouth and the fire from his eyes. I have seen bears and wolves nut at bav. but he was certainly the most ferocious looking animal that 1 had ever seen. , II.s appearance and manner struck tenor to tho hearts of twenty thousand people. If they felt as I did every one eipecteJ t be s uin He unnoticed to the parties if they wanted some lead in their hides to first br'ms'their hordes on tho track, for "by the eternal," h ; w.iuld k il the first man that attempted to de s . There was no response to this Julienne, and, alter waitinff some time and they failing to appear, Gen. Jsckson Fa'd it was a great mistake in the opinion oi some, that he had acted hastily, without consideration. He woult coo the scou. dreUa l.nrtiml, and to that eud be aouU coastitu'.e n enurt. lit iucstii!JtJ this mal'.er, ho would hear tho proof nnd u. j istice to all parties. Thereupon he appointed a sheriff to kep ord.r and fi.ejidn to hi-ir the case. riocUiiiHtioii a innde that t!e court kiih open and was rea ly to proceed to la-.z;itt art! f.T the par. tin. In .nnnur aiH fV'rhll lueOJSelveS .. . r, . "l -I I"-- TAMES E. u n.ftA, v ona tprwine, Gen. Jackmu Intro A ihrt itnrst.p nrnvint the bribert U l v. l. M nw f - b - of Greyhound i rider, who wus to re ceive $500 to throw olTlbe race, having rpcaived $2j0 in advance, and that the la 3r','. . . n,. I ..n.i n. il. mri.. la inneir and con Callaatlone mv in any wn k wuui- .... r . , - lute. Will attend at the fonrt House in lrtdict this sr. nr. MunJav ana rriuav J fill 1 . u I . B U R T O N, J . ATTORNEY AT LAW, huitjx, v. c. In ihn Courts of Halifax i.--t. .n,1 fn'intifes ad'.olninr;. In the fluprerc'e Court of the Bute, and la the federal Courts. Vf III aivo speoUl attention to the oollea tlsn ofclalms.and U r.djtistinp the accounts f o'.t...r. A lic'nisrators and Onar- Eu'li man st !;is property, ami thus the finutinftit race was broken up l y an exhibition of tho mst extraordieary course. He did that day whit it would have lequired 2,000 nrinrrf me.. to have effi'i'ted. AM this was efT'etad by the presence and nciininf one nun. and without the di.iwing of nee drop ef blond, A rertiin kiinwled)i that in one event strea'HS ef blond Witnlj hae wed rfTected this treat and worthy olij-ct. THEODORE THOSfliS. THE "MESSIAH' ORATORIO FIVE THOUSAND TVUN OUT TO II If All IT. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE CHUFA. WITH THE with dlans. doo-16-tf JK. OBIIZAED, ATTOSMSY AT LAW, HALIFAX, IT. C. Ofiee la t'r.e Cnnrt nous". Strict atten 41,. ci.a to ;i brauchoo of the nrofss- el. jania-io The following l iter from one of the great cotton counties shows that the making of titty bales of Cottou docs not necessarily preclude the raising of 50 good stout porkers for home use : Rinowood, Halifax Co, N. 0 , Dec. 21, 1878. Col. L L. Polk Julemt. N. C. : Deaii Sir: In an interview you the past summer near Hickory, you asked me to give you a fair statement of the results I obtained from the culti vation of the chufa this season. I bought one bushel of chufas from R. A. Adaojs, of Sioithfield, and plauted them according to his directions in the month of April, oa a lot of ground part of which was sandy a d part of it ol a clayey character. I planted in rows three feet apart, and diopped the seed from 1 foot to 18 inches apart in the drill, covering about two inches deep. This bushel plai ted over three acre', They came up badly, not over one fourth of a e'.ind. By drawing the plants from those that had come up, I succeeded in getting a fair stai.d dur ing the month ef June. I cultivated them about as cottou is cultivated, using the cotton-plow and hoc, and keeping the land as nearly level as I could. They grew off finely, reaching a height of too and one-halt feet by August, and presenting a h-.e appearance. They seemed to grow best on snndy land. In August I cut a portion of the hay with an ordinary scythe, making about one ton to the acre of a hay, which seemed to be highly relished by stock of nil kinds. In the latter part of Sep tember I cut all the hay with a mower, securioi; folly one ton per acre of fine hay, I'eiicii g otla portion for seed, I tumid about till) li(i,s o.i one and a half acres, about the first of (Xt'bcr. The hop were generally in poor condi tion, nnd went to woik on the thiifus with much earnestness. 'They wouid not ea1 corn a! firs', and have not vet uched a lot of art'olnkes io the same euclasure. They lattti .ed with remark. eb!e raoidity. I !-ve i.ever seen lioii i.vnrove tn i-e r.i -.ijlr, or see n to rcii-ii food r.mro. They have routed the land very and yet thei seems t i hi! n laro (j'i ii.t:tv of i hulas I, ft in the soil, whiJi shows t'lem very plai.'v ftcr a tain. I'roin st s ime. careful exnnimting of t'uvr prodjet, I estimate that lii;!it s-indy soil, c:ui ''. of pr. doc- i f fle barrels of coin pur v.'re, woull pr uluce Ironi 15 to 1 50 bnshela chufas. The laigest )ield I g 't at ii'.t on t!ie richest, but on the iihlest S'dl. I thirk the same land will nrodnce from five to ten limes the q mitity of purk in chufas, that it wowld in corn. I am sustained in this tstirnr.te by one or two of my neighbors who got seed from we and made careful observations. ' I aiu of the opinion that the cutting of toe hny in August was slightly injurious to the crop of chufa, though, ui it pro duced a second crop of liav, there may have been no loss in it. The savine of seed is tedious and expensive. With larje sieves properly prepared in formid able wealhir a hand Cn sive about one bushel per day on an nvcrage. From my experie xe wil l tho c:;ula this yea', I believe the general usi of it would enable us Io raise oa.- poi nt one-fourth the cost. I may be mistaken, but I have tiied to give u true statement and to draw comet con clusi .113 from the results I obtained. Your", veiy truly, F. M.'t)Ar.r.ETT. wit'.i a 'trono, fervid accent E. T. B S. A N 0 H, ATTORNEY AT LAV, SHIELD, HALIFAX COOSTT, K. C. PrajtloM la the Ciuntlns of Halifax, i.u v imaimLa mil Vilaon. ni'itir. mla in all Darts flf the Lata. ATTORNEY AT LAW, EXFIELD, N. C. ..ita In thn Counties of Halifax, Edgeooisibe and Nash. In tie Supreme QrcVROund had been turned li.tu th ert ef the Utate and In the Federal ficlj lb ber(,re IIa g.4i( week. J. BURTON, ATTOUSEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. proof and vindicate their innocence. 1 hey lailmg to appear, Gen. Jackson told tho court that tbe proof was closed, and for them to render their juflitneut id me premises. in a few moments was none iu accor dance with the facts proved. I w 111 nn tho fence forTUitf e line nl 1 k .i . ii. nt n illlm. War rea and Nortlianapl i eountios and in thn inc laroe pound contain i j,' the properly lanrane and Federal Lourm. i Mai 'M a an llm-iad in uuv part or orl'i Crllai. ' J1"50 17 Unas K. MCLI.LK. TtAT U X. L E N j.lllK A. MOUSE M O O li I BUYING I AND CELLING -WANS. WHAT IT M ATT0SNCY3 AT LAW. ,' , KaiiOtx, U. . I Pran.ina In thn CountiM of ITnlifsx, R.lisriomli". FHt and Mur- tla M.lrim-nH lUllirt of til fcl!ft ndtitiie Federal Courts ol the KaMorn lll.ft.ln. CoiienOoua mU In any part of North UKt ou the rnes. hur.i s:'x iuns to P"t back his pr-i:i,:rty r.nn. .Tieksen wa ed if hand bpu nn.mnred t'.ie tlociiioi end sni., "New s.TtUiiien, p- Cilrnlv a id in order, end 9 , . ... eaeii umii lake i.-.s own properij . iVhcn t'ifl werl ta gieo the peej le came w:ta a rj',1. it was more terrijie than an vra'y with raMieis, loey can e buljittjC ajjainst liiu lence, ai d in the rtrnj:jle to v'nt nier, ti.ey knoiked it down tor hicidieds of )-'ds. I mat overturned nJ nearly trampled to drn'.h "No," the banrst fmrv r femsrked, In tones ol the ihepist rltji-rllon, ' Ihe to crops don't do u a b t i t go. id. V hat the tm! Coin only thirly c?ei. Kverj lui.n and evervlhiDH' dri'l art agin tne faim. r. Onlv'thitty rents lor corn. Why. by (jum, it won't p or laxei, let alone buy us chillies. It won't buy us enough .sit to put U a h'iriel ol pork C ira oniV thiity cenlsl jJiks, it's a lmn coin blonde I sum lie oa Ilia Urmer lllst a what it i. It ain't worth misiu' eom lor suck a price as that. U s a mean, low rob. bery. Within the next ten riays ttist man hs.l sold ro niueh more nl hit corn than he had intended llut ht fonuil he had to tin is corn te fe.d through the winter with. Too price nearly knneked hiiu (loin. "What," he yrlle.l, "lliiitv rents lor corn! LiimI slive thirty cents! What ae you givinp ul Why, I dmi't wsnt to buy your firm. I only wnt "me rnnl Thirty cents lor con! Whv. I hilieve thert's lclt in fii.s wor! ! Init a set of pra-in,' bio nl ruckia's 'd minru. Why, ir"' Snd von ihin t wsnt to be hi l, duy a ii..tio'i:,l ln:,k with .vi. corn er.-p! Tii.rty e, nil !or (.'.ml Woli.lil let my rar'tii;e hots:s mil nn error's. k? all th winter r lor" I'll i'iiy any 8U',U an no'ie ir I t eut'.ss neeiH nrie.! inr Coin as that. Whv, ti e coun'ry's fl .o i.' i with c n r.nd tlitr' fpfii. a In.H'ii'l is a lilirned tobSfty, a,nl dnii'l s e hi w but ip"a, lon'.,ir!'i a', tl esfi-i we V n.i l, e tti r, u e in.-e m 's stu'ii a pric-. i'.uili'-LMon Ha-vkcvt. 4. . - To j..c '. f s c 1 ol peril c di.-kii I f'oin a von.aii, till her that a caterpillar i Crawl" itfg ou tho b'o k ol her dso. A correspondent gives the following lite resting account of at) interview had with Mr. Theodore Thomas in Cieciu nail, as well as an enthusiastic descrip tion of the "Messiah" nt the Grand Music Hall : Mr, Thomas, on being asked bow he was pleased with his removal from New York to Cincinnati, replied : "Very much. These Cincinnati folks have an appreciation of art and work, and are willing 1 1 pay for it and support the artist and teacher. New Ynik has money for ecclcsias'.icul quacks, Jim I'isk parades, spectacular gew-gaws ; for bad whiskey and worse women ; while for true art they will ou'.y dole out their (tray bones and cold potatoes. If tbe artist is not contented with such, tbey, turn in and abuse him." "What thiuk you of tbe success of this college, and its prespest of becom ing t!:e great musical conservatory of tbe country?" "I cannot tell. We are working with all our might. The result will de pend on the natural fertility of the ground." "What think you of the American as a musician? Has he the tempera;n-"r.t that will bear him up to the highest point iu the art i" "Americans must learn to work. They expect too much result from too lit la endeavor. They always go by the leap, iu .lace of digging their way. A volatile people will never achieve any thing in grand music take the Irish for instance. Hat the American is a compound of all tho European tempera ments, There is hope for him." I Inquired about the disputed "tempos" in the "Messiah." He brought a large folio copy and was turning over it. It had always been presumable that, to a man of Thomas' antecedents, the oratorio of the "Messiah" would appear antiquated, wiggy and uuiptcresting. The music addresses those who have love a.ul respect for the dristian faith to another it would be naught. To my surprise Mr. Thomas made this prelim inary ejaculation : "I five this music- very iiiueli. ou the adverb. "," he ad.led, "I think that the English, in aiming for the broad, grand eilects. make it too slow and diosv. A ma of H ind.ii'u iinman.-e vital (here Mr. Thomas made an expressive mot'.'u with boih arms) i.ever iuteside 1 tlmsJ to be Made dull nnd Uliargie. lint I take tv;p temp '5 j'ist as I h. el them. At s.'i.l, the ine'tr.moiiv) is worth less ; the leader lij depends upon A metr inotiii- better to to c ibtilinj shoes. Ai to the 'M,tsM ih,' I don't care about tiadilin.'.s. I am goin,; t hnve the stvh; and tempo as I fivl theiu my self." A:'ter this conversation I resigned the pres'ioiption that Thomas would loud the "Messiah" in n cut-ind dry mechan ical style. Therefore I was anxious to hear nnd compiro Lis ideal of the oratorio with that of Damrosch, in New York ; Ii'errahn, in 1! iston, and other leaders who have so much reverence and cnthuuiasm for Handel. S j I j ''med Ilia innumerable throng of 5,000 which Cincinnati, on Cnristinas night, sent to the Grind Music II ill tn bear the "Mass1!." No csiunie.-uoulion of Christmas is am nrand, beutiful and appropriate as this. It brings to us once more the aogjlic chorus Singing in the stormy niht ovsr the liuli town of Jodea, and the S ar.of the Eist, the must beautiful of the poetic legends of all nations. To five nn extended description of III 3 oratorio would be llrc,j;LC. It JiouU hi noted that the overture struck up ex icily at the appointed 7 30. Neither chorut nor orchestra wis as Urge as we have heard io this oratorio, nor were Ihe sjloists Si well known. Tint trercaod jus orgin, how ever, distanced all c-iniparis jih. It would have filed the imagination of even a Handel. The eiTjcts, owiiiji to skill ful leadership, were grander than I bad ever before beard. 1 nomas led con mora, with an unwonted zest and force. There w3 no mechanical going thrsugh ; ha evea exanseralod and doepeued the colors of the music, miking the allegro mure energetic, the andante more.teuder and pensive. Tho first thorns. "The Glory of the Lird," where the angelic hgions wheel, oae after aoolhtr, lot line. matched wile a rapid, exultant, triumphal movement, in Out grand proaunci- mieuto, "For the nnuth ef the L rd hath ipoken it," the grest erjsjsu let looio with tremendous iB:et. In the sustaineit clasing phrases of ch chorus tht lull erjr.o was used, and singular le say, was rheckrd txaetly with tbe choru, so that all the seiiiid stopped at once, si4 the air seemed shocked by the saJJen check. Thomas ntver colored tbe "Trsuemerie" in rielirately and lovingly ai the I' Sympkmy in the "Muiiau." That th frert, briijhl soprsan voice, pure, ch r ni uneaithly, did iodeed lor a tiro tras.lpuri uj lino Ilia ai.elia world. It was as pnre in, I benuttlul a t'.H bcra'd ani!; in ; I ne over IKthUliein, in the im in!lon td a poet. 'it w.i in the famous "Ililivlnjih Cli.r'js" that Tl.onss startled i in.wt completely. In He p'ira, "The tr due.. ol this wcr.d,'1 the voices sink ay in tiie ditwnward mtition: then, Im vniiei to the higher cilve, tn iin the I r .is.'. "Ai be.-ii'iie liiu kiti(.iiiin o! our Lord," he niaee a quU-k, ere iirtie malion ith btn srmi, tluuh ditelurg. isg an arm-'.oad ol thopdir, and the start lino; rush ef sound that came from voice, truiupr, iraod ergan sml all freined thoueh liii arim had beea clothed with the thunder. Cincinnsti's 5,000 rose op as on mas at the sinpini; of this chorus. It was appro pnste. There was a lofty entnnsunru manifcfdrd not such as wa feel at the rlevt'r vocal gymra-iles ef loin great linger, nur such a ia pieinptad by poetic fautinentalities io tones and harmony. but that tubliui yet silent eothiisisun that we feel when stalled by some grnnd, niaenitVent scene, a thunder cloud or storm at , a vulon of these, tremtindoui powers which transcended our mesiure meiiti, and buleru which we feel weak and awe-struck. Surely, th College ol Musio can b proud ol its success In the production of this grandest of oratorios. K2URAT IN RUSSIA. ONE-HALF TO THE J MILS INFORMANT. 5i.lot of tin and THE ROANOKE K bpm' ADVERTISING RATES' rot,on 'er. SPACS o One Sqnare, Two Hqnarea, Three Nquaree, rour (squares, Fourth Col'n, Half Column, 20 00 I 80 00 vybole Colnusn, I 00 6 10 I 00 10 00 15 00 ( 00 10 00 15 00 18 00 20 00 One Year, m I 5 UN 20 ee so r 86 oo 40 oe 6 o MM new to t 6 U M 7t When Napoleon rushed back to Faris as fast as horses could draw him tn order, that he night himself tell tbe story of his discomfiture, be thought fit to select the King of Naples, Irom among all bit Marshals, to take tbe command of the retreating force. As was usual with him, he thought out everything that was likely to happen, and left Murat instructions accordingly. No man, perhaps, eer more patiently provided fur tbe prosecution of a design, or took more careful account ol the probable accidents which might super vene ; but when he had one taken this trouble he expected not only that his officers would minutely conform to direc tions, but oho that uaturr.aceidcnet, very circumstance, should keej strictly within the range of his provisions; and he was fearfully angry if things took an unex pected turn, and he invaria'ily vented his wrath upon some officer, although it in ly have been the element nr the out fall of events that disappointed hi.w. It was Mural's supreme Illfortuno that im mediately after the K.aiperor's departure (December 5'.li) the thermometer des cended to a point unprecedented at that season, and rendered tuo execution ot his orders impossible. There were 7 degrees (I p-esume of the Centigrade thermometer! of frost. Si far were the wretched forces from having at length surmounted the extreme horrors of the retreat that at Wilna all the horrors recommenced in an aggravated degree. A division of 10,000 men was in eight days reduced t 3,000 without having seen an enemy or received a stroke nave from the elements. In one night all the artillery horses were frozen to death, as they stood, with their harness on, and jest is they had stood in life. Half the drivers died of cold the same night ; fie ether half came to put their horsta in rr.ction, could not stir then, end at last fe.iind they rere all dead, ufnre retreat cuild lie continued the Itii's'ai cannasi was heard in Murat himself S"emed to cire ns little for col I a for cannni-ihot. II turned out at the first hint of d nr from the ene my, noi he would have led on in the same gallant ttylo ' ever; but nine tenths of his tcis.-ralsle force were par alysed by the cold. Their nnus literally droppt'd from their hands. The few exceptionally hardy mea who could Still move, fl 'd as they best could, leaving their comrades tn the mercy of the winter nnd the enemy. These frost-bitten wretches were stripped, and in var ious nays nt'.lctcd by Coisacks and others. The eneuy was never 12 hours' march behind the rear-guard, (Ney.) and there was neither rest not refresh mcnt for days. Artillery, bnpgoge, and the imperial treasure acre abandoned. I.xcept that they still took with tncra a few horses, nothing remained to the sur vivors but the tatters and arms which they Carried. Tbi ( f the fiht was covered with corpses, a d ailh Ci 1 1 Elriekcn beings who had laid down never to rise ao iin. These details are in the highest degree horrible, and it is a pain tt dwell up 1:1 the t.i ; but it is right that re should sotue'i.nei meditate ou scenes like these, und not taclusiu'ly on the "pride, poP4, aasl circumstances of glorious '. Hlaekwoed's Magaxioe. In view of the interest Ukeo in re moving the 4u lasbes eave one for petty ef fauces we take front the Cbarl ltes- ville Chronicle t'.ie following amusing story of how it was administered in Vir ginia in the good old times: "In colonial limes, tshen C d. Archi bald Cary was a magistrate, living nt ilhoaisbm p, a man w'.io was much dis liked by bis neighbors, on account of bis vindiclivooess and general meanress, came before the old Colonel, and io- formed bias that bit neighbor, Jehn llrown, had violated the Game law by killing a deer before the 1st of Septem ber. Now, although llrown was a food, hooest, poor man, aiueh esteemed by acquaintances, Esquire Cary was bouod to issue a warrant lor his arrest, and when Brown appeared before him he confessed that he had killed the deer, knowing at the time that he was viola ting the law ; but that bis wife had a longing for venison, nnd knowing that deer daily frequented bis corn-field, the gave hi.n no peace. He had begged her to wait a little while, till the 1st of September, but she vowed she could net wait. So be killed the deer. The old magistrate, seeiniuj full of compassion, said : " 'Brown, the law is explicit ; yen will have to pay the fine, which is j,' '"Lord bless your heart, C l. Cary, said Brown, 'all I have on earth would not sell for 5.' " 'Well, then,' said the Justice, turn ing to the law and reading, without pay strict attention te punctuation or the exact position of the words, 'Whoever shall be guilty of shooting, toaring trapping, or in any way killing a deir within this, bis Majesty's Colony of Yir cinia. at any time betweeu the 1st of May and the 1st of September, shall pay a fine of o, and if he is unable to do this, the punisbmetit shall be awarded of 3D lashes on the baro back, well laid on, one-baif te be given to the infer. moot, and the other half to the King.' 'Mr. Constable, said his Honor, 'as we are enjoined to do justice and love mercy,' and where an odd amount, which is not capable of an equal d:vlj. ion is to be divided, be'.wcea a rich man and a poor tuaa, I always give tho poor man the larger share ; you will, there fore, give the informant in this case the 20 lashes, and whenever you eaten bis Majesty, tbe King, in this colony, you will then give hun the 19. bo tl.e maj esty ot law was Maintained, musu to JiOANOKE AGRICULTURAL WORKS, WELOON, N. C; JOIIX jW.:roOTE, rrwprtetwr, the RICIIAUDSO COTT9M FLOW 3lir- A SPECIALTY. BtAMurACToaaa ar, abb iresal acbht roa, ALL KINDS OF FARMIKO CI TLEMENT8, ST3AM ENGINES AND COTTON GINS. Alao Agent for th Cbtoag Beale Coa pauye UNITED STATES STANDARD ECALE3. Everything in this l!ee from t 100 TON Railroad Hcaio to the HMALL1.3V TEA Scale furnlidiod at Surprlalnn LO7 'l;j urw. A Plntform HAY or HTOCK Beale of KOUK TONS capacity for COC.Cv tad freight. Ail kind of the satisfaction of all who know tho IRON AND BT1AE3 CASTING odious lufcrmcnt." CLD SI SWEARS GFF. BUT VAI.LS AN EAST VICTIM TO PAM'YTASHVN OD DE I1AHT." Furnished tt SHORT NOTICE acd at Petoisbnrg or Norfolk PRICKS. "DE ex I on- off, PUT TKEM Y.i CHAIiCERY. The rducah Sun sayi : I.i Saiiih'and, some years eo whea tlie veuctab'e Ju lire Fowler wis on th hem h. a man was nested lor carrying " knuckles,' and the terribl weapons were coiiH cult d Th statute in I" roe that time provided tint articles ! that kild should lie taken i.u v,,.i inc) wuuUl "uevtr be (oun i any moro." The court initnieti it tho .litTill as to ilia law, at which the nllicer demurred, saying that ha tlid not know ol any iu h plare. A bait tipsy lawy.r, whom everybody sup sosed to be asleep, ui leoly are to Ins feet, with the remark, "Msy it plcsse the court, as the sheriff srtins to be at a Ins, wliete to plaiM tlu knuckles so I hit Ihey will never be fonnd any more, I move thai the couit instruct him to puco them at the font of the chancery docket. Once there, tuey never will bo beard of aaiu. ' Old Si lingered over the fire longer tbau usual. At length bo remarked : "i)ese ar mnubty on;artin limes in sum 'partmcnts ob biznessl" "Why so 1" "Will, ef all da fnkes whar dc: done swo oil lorn tlniiKin got oerc ban's well siindid 'fort dcy catch hoi ob (lore rrzznlushuo, dar'll he er shrinkm' ob tride, in de moonshioo dees'r'cUf (lis yeah I" "True enough, Ri." "Yes, sah ; an' I'se wun ob dero, ar gwine ter liontribit ter dcr de settled stale tb dc triuTkk I" "What I jou haven't sworn really?" "I'.l' yon jess go down dar ter do In' us' I bat de print ob my h in' ar' wet on tie book v it I I dun tuik de oafe five fingers wide au' strate sho' ez yon born'd." "And you are not going te) drink auy in ire f "ilj'ii no word only dar s wi n leetir 'aicudment dat I got ole Miss ter Icuiine put in at the end." "What was that I" "'Ceptiu' dat I was purty bad off wid de palpytaahtiu ob do hart. Dai's er d'r.eaza dat troubles u e pow'ful iodic limes," How often?" "Well, yer see I haven't bin good well sence de wah an a roouf ful ob licker is moughtv qu'etin' on palpyta shuns, nnd hencetise de 'inenditient da', I pteferi J ter da Colo weather alius fetches hit on mo cr less, au ' "You have get it now?" "Dai's hit. sart'.n I Yuu'i e r gucsser, for er lack 1 kase de Sits do coior my blud gits, an had no real 'jutnment ob de shnni sense Ircedom, an" T ie old man took tho quarter hurrv, and remaiked ! Thiiiky, sah 'kase dat palpyta shun flings de oafe ebery lime dey rattles I" Atlsnla C .institution. I am prepared to Co ANY HUD Repair Work for ef ENGINES, MILLS AND GINS, COTTOlt As T have an KvoeKout MACHINIST and 1101LKR MAKER. I koen nenatanUvon hand of my own Mauufuoture a GOOD OFFICS COAL AND WOCD ETCVI Also a good assortment of HOLLOW WARE. LUMllKRfurnli! d In any quantity a tbe LOWtii Mariet Hate. scp 8 1 J U- F- BUTLER, Fir mm Lit Afoaa, Places risk of all kinds In Crat-claM Companies as low as safety will permit. Call and where, at M m before insnring olasv FEDDERS. We were talking In a mission school on Pariui throwing Daniel in the lion den. W ma le as clear as w could the Inct that Dar.iel hal a better time tint nislst than (Uo King, ilep' m tie wwei tly, and all beeem lis had a quiet conscience. "Damn couldn't tdep, e ul.l he 1" Tty ilnsnimnoi cm nnl "So, lir." 'And why cmildn't Dirius ileept" 'lleesuu h wai bid." liming thus ileyeh pid the com. lenre puint. wo launehid nr fioal queslion with a goo ! ib'sl ol r nllil :rr.. ''Vi ll, now, der eh.ldn n, what is it nmk-s the hid olt P Q'lit k as a flh Irom a (our-jear-nld came the reply, "Feddrts.'' That c'osed Ihe ethlcsl J'hussi 'n. piw'ful older I I haint pa'pyta- m a BROWH'8 DRUG 8TORR, Woldou, N. C. July 181 y. DEPPKR'Ji NKW HOTEL. i 4 Aaaerleaa t Erai rises. HOLLIDAY STREET, NMTDooato Hor.i.inv Craver, OrroniTK City Hall. Th name Planlagcnet, which Inurteeo succeeding sovireigns ol Engliod were known by, was lint bcttnne I as a term ol reproach on their anrvator, Fulka M irttl, Karl of Anjou, in the tenth cculury, be cans It contrived the niur ler of his ocp hew, in order to sneered to his potscfsions. In aionement lor tint ofTeose, his cnileisor ten 1 Im on a pilgrims to Jerusslem, as leu led by two icrvaal'; one ol then wa to lead hioi ky a halter to th holy srnuhher, the otbir lo s'r'p and whip him there, llraom t n FancU, gen belog tho shrub used-from plan'a-gsnet) ur ur. nm plant, arose tb nam In q'le tlon. By tb marliace o( tbe Fmors Maad, daughter ol H-nry I. GeofTry l'Ie tseeoet. Count of Anjou, the first ol th, ascended the Eogl'l i throne si Henry H. Wash. (Lt.JTImc. A man being sympathised with en account of liii wilss rucnlng id, "D.m't pi'y mc till th come " un." b ck Roard por Day, - -Table Hoard per Week, R oui per Day, . 'i 00 . Ill 00 7etofl.0U. LYNfJAVBN OYSTERS A SPKCtAMTT. tipeclal leiwiieemewla ! Counter rial Traveler. Aug SI3os. W. 8. PEPPER, Proprietor, Baltimore, Md. V, J. MAD, WELDOS, N. C. RAKKR A PONFKCTIONER. Manufacture all kind of plain end f1 ny nsndiem. Keeps alwav on band tbo fullKst stock of Candlee, Krwlta, Nnu, on to b fonnd in Eastern North Carolina, which be sells by wholesale or retail. Orders lor wldtn partlaa. and ball prepared en hort nolle and at moH tea snnsiile prices. t. Ct W If. wurouoa. Jn

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