THE ROANOKE NEWS. 4S THE ROANOKE NEWS' ADVERTISING BATES. ,, A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISH ED BT SPACE a O (11 m r k rift nV U dt r&wsi rff 2 no l CO 75 cts PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R H. SMITH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Scotland Niscr. Halifax Count N. 0. "Practle.ea in the county of Halifax arid adjoinlns counties, and the Nu premfc cMirt of the State. Jan Irt If. D R. E. I. H O.NTEB, Can be found at bit office in Kn flold. Pure Nitrous OtUIo Our lor the Pain less Extracting of'feeth always on hnmi. June it!! M. T. W. MASON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, a.VRYSBUR'l, N. C. Praotioas in the courts of Northampton and adjoining counties, also in Hie Federal and Supremo courts. Juno 8-tf JO,. B. BATC'HEIjOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALKtGU, N. C. Practices in the courts of the 8th Ii' li ciat District and in tbo Federal and Su preme CourU. May 11 II. W. A. Dl'S'N. DUNN, K ITCH EN fc ATT.1RNBVS & CIUXIULLIRS AT LAW, Scotland Neck, Mnlil-ix Co., IS. C. Practiea in tin Courts of Halifax and adioinin? muntim, ami in tlio Supremo and Federal Courts. juilS tf rpHOMAS.N. HILL, Attorney at Law, , i ' HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in Halifax and adjoining Counties and Fedoral and Supremo Courts. Will be atSoitland Neok, once every fortnight. Aug. 28-a VV. D H. DAT, A Y V. W. II AM.. HALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELUOiH, N. .'. Praetlos in the o nrt of Halifax and adjoininit counties, ami in the Supronie and Federal courts. Claims collected iu auy part of North Carolina. jun 20 1 U A V I N L. H V M A N ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. Praotlcss ir. lbs oourts of Halifax and adjoinlnn counties, and in the Siipmnio ami Federal Court. CTiiins collected in all parts of North Carolina. Ollloe in lbs Court House. july 4 1 Q. R 0 , BURTON, J . ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, H. C. Practices In Ilia Courts of . Halifax County, and entities adtolnlnir. In tlie Jeureiwa ('ourt of the State, and iu the Federal Courts. Will nir pi ll tl attention to tlin cilleo tlan ofalai 1 to adjusting the accounts, of KxsouUrs, AJ'ttluiratora aid Guar dian!. duc-lVlf J M. 3 3 I K 2 A 8 D, ATTORN I Y AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Offlus lu t9 Court ITous-. Strlnt atten tion livau to all braHOboa of the proles Un. Jan 12-1 c E. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BMPIILD, HALIFAX OOUXTY, N. C. Prartlnes In the Counties of Halifax, Sash, E l:,wmt., and Wilson. CwlloQtlona made lu all parts of the Stato. Jan 12-6 I A M 15 S E. 0 U A K A, ATTORNSY AT LAW, EFIKM, N. C. Prantlnas in the dunlins of Hnllfa, Edgeuombe and Naih. Iu tlie Snprnnic tJourt of the State and In the Federal,n mi Irt in any nsrt of tlie St.tA Win atinn.l at thM Cimrt House in HnllfiT on Mnndav and Friday ot each ' week. J" J'-i-l o 1..". i K D tt K W J. B U K T 0 N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 I WELDON, N. C, tS-olno in fhn Courts nf Halilax, War Ten and Northampton counties and in the,Ue and Federal CourU. Culms collected in any part of North VTarlitii juneicn lAKKt It jmis a. moohe M O n L E S & MOORE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, tlalimx, N. C. Practice J the Counties nf Halifax, One TeAr, In advance, Six Months, " Three Months, " ff i -..-V -wfcjA-' ! Hwthainpton, Edgooombe, Fittand Mar tin In tt Supreme Court of the Stato nd iu Uo i t, !wal Courts of the Eabtern litrict, ; V!:'t..wai w. iu any part of North CmoISjjj, .. Jn 1 I c VOL. VII. "YUMJUM." Yon kissed mo at tlin cate last, night, And mother heard th0 sniack ; She sayn ii'a naughty to ilo go So please to take it back. ' I cannot ate what harm there is In such a third ran ynu? But mother seems so very wroth Pieaso take it bade now do. ' It seems to me quite natural For lips to mi et (hat way ; But mother says It's very wrong tlo tako it back, 1 pray. And come to think of it, I'm mire That uoveral lim n 'twas di-n , Ho now, to make it rljrbl, bu suru . To in lio back every one. I would not have you think It's mo j I do not oare a tiiiln i Ilut molliei'a so puitliMiiar I'leasH tako them back to. night, LOVE AGAINST COLD. EJna stood n little back from the droop of tlio white Swiss curtains that so beautifully mid cutilly draped (lie sindi'M of Mrs. Chesmmlcigh's suit of nioms at tlie seaside, hotel, listeuing with a courtesy of nttci'tiun t Aunt CliessoDilcigls remark?, but a couitesy tliatwas mingled with a pretty little nir of half tic-fiance and half-deprecation. "fortunate f Miy, h Iia, a it possi ble you do not comprehend you are the most lortuuate girl ? Only ihinlc, child, you haven't beeu with me a tnonili vet not a nway from the n iict lit lie country house, ai.d lifru you've had an ( (Ter from Clarence Cumber land, the most eligible pnrti in society rich, handsome and nristccratic." "0!i I Aunt Ji-ssiii, ple.ise eive me a clmiico to sp ak. I told vou Mr. Cumberland had asked ma t narrv ilm, but I refused him, aunt, be cause ' . Mrs. Ciiessomleijh actually started up in her chair. ' Upon ray word, Mini, what can vou xpect in the shape of a hus'iand if Mr. C'l-aberljiid does not suit you rich. good-lnnkinpi and desper itely in love." Ihen r, Ina s brown ejres dished, and she drew her slender, graceful 'ir!,rf'i all curves and dimples, utid as nillowy as a flower stem. I wi'l tell you what I w.v t, nunlie; somebody who I am sure will bo all the world lo me and to whom I wi'l be nil in all. S imobody I Live, aunt, dearly, beyond the possibility of a doubt." Her face (1 tshed a little as she spoke, but it colored moie vividly nn a sl.iw, sirco'tic smile, full of nipaninp, path ered around Mis. Chi-ssDiiileiijIi'b cold, hands tne lips. Oh, I begin to understand. lVr- Iups V u aru becoming interested id that voting senprurnce of a fellow who is Mr. Cumberland's second (ir third c ui-iin, or something liki that ynuig Glen morris." Kdna stood her protind Irately. "Vi s, nut t. Hugh is" "Hugh I You call him 'Hugh'" ex cluded her aunt. EJua liiunhed in spite of herself a! the genuine horror depicted on Mrs. Cliessniiileii-li's face. "Why should I not? Vnu hae not allowed nic to tell you why I cull him Hugh ; it is the sjinc reason hy I re fused Mr. 0 iinberl i nl ; because I am engaged to r.iarry Mr. (ilcinnor ris" Mrs. Chesst-rtilcigh actually gasped with horr r. "Kdna Ilule, It cannot be possible you are engaged to Hugh Glemnorris I Why he basu't fchil:ig iu the world b ive Ins salary, and 1 know mind, 1 positively know Mr. Chumberlaud niil ever leave bun a ptnny. . "As if I ant Hugh to have Mr. Churxberland's money I t I to H igh nr himself, auntie, and yoa will see how happy we will be, a- d then you will admit that I knew best alter nil. Voa're nut going to be angry, aur.t:" Mis. Chess jinltigh had arisen In great dig'ity tl:it was alm ost wrath, but siohtoflhe guls sweet, coaxing lace interruptel the haughty departure she contemplated. You are cert linly nld en vigh to have your way, Ivlnn," she said, coldiy, st ftl y. "b it I a:n not willi ig to b i re- sponsible for you lurlher. I shall write the partic.ilirs to your parents and rc- n test them tn send lor y-iu. t cmuoi . . ... , , ,..,f. k my Inenfl i;uninerinnn in i'ie tace and know thai an in.nate ol my house, a member of my family, has been so ab surdly absurd, I cinnot fnd n better ,vord." 5ul. Edna was nl to be persuaded. or scolded, or reasoned into re-consul- erino her di-c!sinii. b.m simply said shoTuved Hugh (Jletunurris a -d was ti- gaged to turn, and that nothing any one could say would change k. Nor did she retreat from her stand when there Cime a long letter Irom home, nhejein her mother expostulated and coiixed -vul gave ("Is of good ad vice: wherein hor father nl nost was harsh to her becausu she h.vl let such a r, e opn-irtu div pass by; wherein Sue sad Minnie, her oiler and ymiuur sisters, friuikU txpressed their astnnish uient and envy. It was somewhat of a curious con liMtion. as affairs s-tm-d i iKt then. Mis. Ciiessomleigh was in one ol" her distantly dignified mooils, a politely but positively b sistcd that i-inca lidos had thrown IT her yoke of jmilnrity d,B .ioiild return to l er koine, while Kdaa's parents were rqmlly tle'.t rnuacd Hint Ed .a s'oild stay where she wa and i,W ' be gi'.de i prince s ifficiMit e cmtrrgorre t 10 bi mognificeat o0':r. "W'ELDONVK E.lna waited patiently a few days days alien her pride nud her heart were touched sorely days when she I'e't her self ill-used by every ono in the world but Hugh (ilenmorris. "What shall I do?" she said to him, after a (jay or so had gone by. "Rdnn, why not let us to married at once?" ho said, "and wo can go back to loan and begin our new lile. Sav yes, E Inn, wont your" "Why nhoiihl she not lay yes? II.' wiichcd her lo.i-ly face as she looked out on the billowy sea. Then shn turned towurdt him, laying one fair hnn4 on his sli-cvi, her Irsnk, glad eyes locking shyly, happily is bis. . " "Hugh, I do it will he bet " And bvmiii! few. seeks ul'tcr wl they drove dlouy the avenue in Xhe cotd dusk of the summer night EJim was Hugh (Jlcnmorris'j wile just a little agitated, a liille pale on account of the busty marriage, and the necessity involved of immediately telling her aunt on her re turn to the h. tel pale and a trifle nervou, until a sudden ocltmation from Mr. Glenmorris made her forget herself and ever) thing else except the fact that pair of runaway burses, with foam-speckled breasts and glittering harness were tearing down the road, the reii s tangling in their thundering feel, the elegant barouche behind tlicm rocking and swaying iu its mad career fiomsideto side of the drive. It passed them like a wild flish, just asElua heard her husband's bonified word : "It, is my m cle's turnout, Hlna for Heaven's sake, turn your bead awa" Eor there on the broad, beautiful thoroughfare crowd was rapidly gath ering armi'.d a prostrata fl Mire, one glimpse of which had been enough to show Mr. Glenmorris that it was Clar ence Ciimherl rid'. dear! body cut and ghastly pale and riid. To or three hours later Lawyer Mi.-lhvood touched Iluh Gleninoms on the shoulder as he nas slow-pacing to and fro on the des-rted balcony. "I suppose yau havj in idea nf what a wealthy rnan you are, H igh? Your uncle destroyed his will this morning in which he ' left his property tn soo e heatlu-n'sh institutioc, and the conse rj'iei.ct' is you are sole heir, being next and of kin. I c ongratulato you on his neglect, my boy " So the Cumberland riah's ernes to K.lna after all brave, lova1, litllu gi:l that she was, who rcfusud I t barter Ue fur cold. Ai d her parents and sistets t ever seem to remember that there was a lime when they hated the vary Round of Hugh's name ; while. Aunt C'icssoiiiluigh dotes on "dear Hugh's wife" equally with "Edna's husbiml such n splendid fcll-iw, ynu know I" ( is not that the way of the world? THE IRON-HEARTED LIVER. In the hij cm Til of ex:ursinists sit ting on the City II ill s'eps for a rest, the oilier dav, was a young man of f x- celicht lioglli nl legs, a;:d n girl with sixteen auburn curls hanging down iirfliind her head. They had scaicely settled tbeiRseliss unU lucked fingers when she cautiously otserved: "1 'spnse llicy have eoda-.;itcr iu this town':" "I 'pose," he replied, "hut ihe last thing ii fore we started I promised your mother i"'t to let you il i ink any s ida wn'.er. It's the worst thing in the world to bring on consumption." Slie was qiiit for a moment, and, pointing t ) the loft, remarked : "I see that Sarah is eating peanuts. I 'spnse they kavu peanuts in this towni" "Wall, yes; but your mother cau tioned me the last thing nut to bi.y any peanuts for ynu. Tlio shucks are apt to git into your wind-pipe, The (J.ieen of Holland was clinked to death in that way." li city sion n b y cims along with some fruit, and the yuung woman fell obliged to say : "Tiient apples ur.d pears look awful nice." "Ye, they do," replied ibo prudent lover, "but I promised your mother at the d!'p::l not tn buy any fruit f. r you. Them aoplca look uice, but if you get the; toothache started on you then the whole afternoon is busted." The young man hud jiist begun t' take comfort agair, when she unocenlly remarked : ' "When I came up here last summer wilh Jim', he bought more'n two pounds of cudy." 'Yes, and what was the reuiltr" be demanded. "You fell down cellar that very week, and didn't Jim have to light out last winter for bustiu' in the school house door t" SI . bad got down to water, and with ennsid-ral le sarcasm in hertoicesbe in quired : "I eti bae a drit.k ofwatcf, cni.'t I? Mother dirtu't say any thing agatutt that did she:" Well, no, not exactly," he slowly re. plie l, "but she gin me no appealing look s the cars moved iff Rime as to s iv thut it might to he kind of warmish ate', if a-y., l on sot here and 111 borrow a dipper pomewl ere." She 'S"t." a-id it was nil of on bot r and a half before he again succeeded iu gett'it! hit orm'arocui her.lVtroit J'icc Press. r 0., THURSDAY, WHAT SENATOR DAVIS THINKS KNOWS ABOUT TILDET- TH'JR MA i AND BAYARD. HE ' Washington Republic, February 9. The senior Senator, froru West Vir ginia is a man who has made bis fortune by operations in West Virginia cnal and limber lands. Ho is observant, keen, curdiul in manners and ready tn oblije. These qualities have given him a second term in th United States Sen ate. He has the reputation of being s shrewd pnl tical man ignr iu his own Slate, but has never taken any very prominent part in national politics. "II ie Mr. Tilden reilly think of beii g a candidate in ISMi):" -Nut n doubt of it," Senator Davis replied unhesitatingly. ' lie is working np bis chances vigoi. ou-ly. Why, ho bus two men in this city now ia his interest. I saw them myself to-day." 'Tilden means a hard monpy campiilgs for the D-'mocraey ?" "Yes. If Tilden prevails the Western idea must be exclude 1 from the l)jm cralic platform." "D i yu think Senator 11 1 wud stands much of a chance for the nomination:" "Well, U.iyard is proba b'y the strongest man wo have, he lives too near to Tilden fur his own good. Tilden necessarily weakens Iiiy ard's chances, both representing thn hard-money idea. The fiht In the con vention will be belweeu this 'Hards' and the 'S oft,' and it looks as if the 'Hards' will be induced lo cast their united ii ( lr Mr. Til ten. At all events he will leavo no stone unturned to accomplish that end." ' Is the l':! aware Semit'ir working for thu tiamina tioni" "Not at all. He is not tint kind of a tniin. Neither ho nor Mr. Thurman condescends to trirka. Wilh Mr. Tilden it is different. He will sit up all night figuring to get this man or tha', this inflience or the olher, and will gu into any calculations with his friends as to the best way ol accomplishing his purpose. When he has determined bow to d i a thing ho goes and does it and no mntter what it cods. Neither Bayard nor Thurmnn would listen ta ymi if you wera to go to them with any such talk," "Who is your favorite ca ididate, Senu lor :" ' O'i, Thurmnn is tuv man. The whole West Virginia delegation in Con gress is for Tliuiman "l you think the Ohio Senator nill he nominated ?"' "I lltii k he will. !it Tildnn is rich and is ao untiring wotkrr. Ho is never idle and there is no telling what his com'ii r. rati ins may elTiict. PLANETS Tn3VEMBER. S me scieitilic juirntili have been givii.g l.iiely the motions of the planets each tnonili, ur.d now tlio Oil City Derrick stuts into thu business with the followii g result ; Dining the month Jupiter will remain an evening star. Ilu madu application some time ago to be appointed on tlio morning force, whore tue pay is better, but owing to the hard times it was deemed best to make no changes. Ha reaches the meridian abrftit 7 o'clock and goes nil' watch at prtcisely 12 o'clock midnight. I Mercury's engagement as a morning star lentiinntes on the -Ji b, when, it is pictured, be will go into winter I qnailcrs, possioly renin g lumsell out us a circulating medium in a tbciiuumetcr tube. Von as is among tho morning stars, and altogether lovely. She rises about -I .', tikes a bath, walks out for half an hour, and breakfasts no hint and egos. As edd weather approaches, she aid not rise i early, nod tvvtrd the end of tho month wiil not be visible until nearly fi o'clock. Venus is in good conditio!, trill ! thin in fl 'sli, peihaps, but, wilh no accident, it is thought she will reduce her last ycai's recoid. She is now travelling toward the sua at the rate of several million miles a minute. I'raiius positively refuses to be seen in Octuber, ixct-pt on spicial business. Dill :e hours front .'! a. in. to -I a. in. Dull ti e night bell N- p un i J,iOi,ooo.(MiO miles from the sun, but will pr-.batdy be compelled to move tin closer on ace unit of the high price t-f coal. 1 1 u is tunning a fiili ug-uuick, and occasionally makes a leiiipcranco speech, advocating sail water as a beverage. Mars is numbered among ihe tiiorn ioo slurs, nud gets down town about ') breaktastiiig about two hours Inter Ho Avars his hair cut closu lo the scalp, cmriiB a rrace ot pisioif, no i is in faver of declaring war against Mexico. The slightest relerence tollives pi-aeo policy with the Indians throws him into a paroxysm of rage. Hi! is now drawing a pension of f7 a m MlU from llu U iv crnment. Sitr.ri', during the month, will bn t'ic most iiiti n sti. g of all the pl.nit-ls. He is on duty all night, and will bo u-ilil alter the November eloctiors He rises about o iu the afternoon tikes a Uln bath, exercises on the hcr-Kii.lal bar, wrestles with a health lit-', and reads tho papers. After a light breakfast be carries in the coal, drives up the cows, and breaks the kindlrg for next morn- ii'8 t It is better not tn ibk . too many questions about the future. A curious husband that is-, a husband who was too curious asked bis wile, "My dear, what kind of a stone do y u ike tl.iok they will give we wie:i I am gone?" She answered, coolly, "ll.iinstoiic, John." "What is thai uiun yelling at?" askid au Illinois farmer of Ins boy j "be is jc'liiijj at ihe lop cf his w ice '' FEBRUARY 20, 1870. . HOME INFLUENCE. of tho greatest defects of tbis ago is the "fastness" of our buys and girls. And every bit of it is traceable buck to the hoiues, whero idle news carriers drop in couiitiinially, and are permitted to unfold their budget of g"9iip and scandal. Children hear morn than is ever believed, arid the wir ks nods and hints that they catch t intervals oxcito tho cun-sity, and, to satisfy which, chances are not wauling. Hut to pi event betraying that they hear, they uUo learn to bo very sly, so learn to bo very sly, so that, in time, they am able to build block-bnuses, make kites, or even pretend lu study their lessons, ami yet hear every word that is said. It is a wonder that by the lime the reserve and the purity of the niolhci's mind is worn out. the daughter is in just the same condition, with this difference- that, while the mother has family tics that serve as a check, and has the jtdgtnent of maturer years, the daughter is hampered by none of these, so I h it, as she stands at the threshold of life, she is like a boat tossed out on the sen, without a pilot, save her own desire, and thi crew, instead of being all good influences of the past, arc jist the reverse.. It will bu a miracle if she sails through safely, and and if she should sink we must accept the penalty, and know that it is the work of our own hands AN ITEM WHiCH EVERY MAN SHOULD READ. Wo have pr -bubly all of us met with inst inccs in which a word heed-les-W spoken ngainstthe reputation of a female has been magnified by malicious 1' until the cl uid has been dark enough to over shadow her wholo ex istence. To those who are accustomed, nut i.eccsMulv from bad motives, but C om thoughtlessness, to fpeak lightly of Indies, we recommend these "hints" as worthy of sonsideratiuti. N-'ver use a l tdy's name in an im proper place, at un improper time, or in iiiixed company. Never make inser tions about her thut you think untrue, or allusions that you feel she herself won't! blush to hear. When you meet with men who do not kCrupla to tnuke use of a woinaii's name in a reckless and unprincipled manner, shun then', for they are thn very worst members of the ro iimunity men ! st tn every feeling of humanity. Many a good and worthy woman's character has been forever ruined and heart broken by a lie tnann factored by smne villiao, and r-p.'ated where it should not have boon, and in tho presence of those wlv so little judge ment could not deter them from circu lating the foul and bragging report. A si nnler is soon propagated, and the smallest thing derogatory to woman's character will (1 on tha wings of the wind, and magnify as it circulates, until it3 monstrous weight crashes ihe poor unconsciocs victim. Uespcct tho name of wool i", lor your mother and sisters nritwomei; nud ns yon should have their fair nani.i uiilaruisliee und their lives unembiitered by the slanderer's biting tongue, heed thn ill that your own words may bri'-g upon tho mother, tho sister, or the wife of some fellow creature. THE LETLER H. f From tho N. Y. Journal of Commerce.' We have been asked by several cor- respondents to repeat our publication f I iss Caiheiii.e F.n shaive's eoigin t upon the letter II, but wtro unable to respond at the moment, our manuscript copied from I lie Heepdui e Allium (in which Miss Faiishawe wrote it in l.Slli, while on a visit tn the late Thomas Hope, li,t . ut H .-epdeni-). having bees des troyed iu the fire which consumed our library. A friend who h is preserved copv of our loiginal publication has supplied it, aud wo hope that all of our renders who may wish to refer lo it, will bo careful to preserve it. It lias nUen been ascribed to l,oid Hyron, and indeed has bi-cn published in a cheap edition of his pi.eins. The following was copied from tho original. Til K I.KITKH II. 'Twiis w lilsporn I lit beavn, 'twas turn 1 iu hell. And ech i em Jltl faintly Ib-t Hound inut- as It Ml : On thn ru:.f.tcs of tartlt 'twas r-cnuKU-J to rest, And Ibo depths of the lis p-onnrto l-n I est : Twill bo found In tho sphere when 'lt riven aMitnip-. ftn seen In t!in liglitiiini; and heard i.i the thunder, ' Twa allotcd lo nun with ids earliest breath, Altai d a, his birth and avails blin at ii, .tih ; Presides ,-r bis happiness, honors aud ; Is tho prop of his Ii.ui o Bnd tlin ond of his weal'li. Iu the lu iipi of tbo ni:ner 'tis b-mrded Willi en re. Hot is Hiiro to bo bist by tho prodigal heir. It begins eery hope, every wish ii must IioiiiiiI ; With tbo husbandman 1-11 i w ith Ihe monarch 1 rownvl. Without it the aoldier, din tailor may roam, Hut woe to lha wretch who expols it from b inn-1 In tho whispers c-f eonsoioncn lis voice will l.e found, Nor e'en In thi whirlwind of passion be (Irowiie 1. Twill not sorioii tbo ho.irt j tbeugh deal la the ear, "Twi!l uiako it seule and hear; Hut in nhsile let it revt like a delieale Mow er . Oh I hroHlho oil it aul'Uy it dies in An hour. Women love fl wis and krds. They are however, not J parti it to swallows as J c iiicu iic. NO. 52. A Of NTLEMAo. Tfce man only is truly courteous wl o is a gentleman from principle. To te obliging and deferential toward thoie who have it in their power to show t s favor, or occasion us disc iml'nrr, while wd surly and gruff toward depent' cnt, helpless or poor one, w esscnlially To be bland nud acconinii.da' ing to those wo meet from home, that s wo inioht be regarded well-bred and clever, a.-d to be crjb'ied and exacting at home, is to bo worse th in u cur, fur dgs never ciuilcscenl to be so nie in, being (ilwayi must friendly t the folks at homo. No one can bo a true gentleman rr gentlewoman who d ies not regard tho building up of character of ntoro ac count than tho b-iilding u( of a fortune, or a reputation. A until may subject himself tn the practico of self denial and kindness of others, and if it be for the sake of position, place or material gain merely, he will ho the Ios!r by th" exeicisej. whereas if ho indulge tbe s line practice for unselfish ends an.l tbe benefit, of other?, and needy cues, be must bo tho gainer by it. It is th :b that be who would gain bit life shall lose it, and he who will lose it shall gain it. A gentleman is more than a mere observer of the oonvetitional proprieties of social life. His gentleness must be spontaneous. And if the reader would like to know rxicttv how to be a gentle man, let him read Paul's 13th Chapter of his First Letter to the Corinthians. AN INCIDENT aTthE TEMPERANCE MEETING. Tho hall No. 21 German ttreot, where tho 1 idics ml' Ihe ('lin-tini Temporance L'niou nro holding lioupcl meetings, was ileum crowded jc-dcrday, and the meeting was one of unusual intero-t. Dining a lull just alter a Sciiptaro reading nnd personal appeal by Mrs. Tuttle, Mrs. J. McICt-ndree tiri'fo snd mid it was marvellous bow many in ibo hey-dny of thi-ir tins were so ruHi us to tempt the nurry ot Almighty (lod. Hhe held in her l.snd a r i n-st lent up which she piopoiud to ruid mi J treat with ileseivrd i-erioii'iiess, although it hud not In fti ao intended. It whs a r iiuu t Unit liny piay lor three young men who ll id just o nu into Ihe saloon nrxt ilo r lo hold an inquiry mictini; at to who should pay lor the dneln. Will soma one, Paid Mr.--. Kiley, lend u in praying lor these rail) and unlortUDite yountf men J Thu whole 'i ssi nilily, i xueptini; lliu iii. it around the door, then dinope: on tlitir kiwes while Mis. Dr. 11. M. Wilson begin an e.trneft piayer. 0 (,!od, she f aid, va are Hire l!ut Th. ol ait P'.wer.'u'; wo fire mire tnar I lion ait utile 1. 1 Bring tli;-o vounj nieii to know that they uro walking tbe roa 1 to ruin, un I lor Thy Uuloiol Sou's uke wo s-.k Thee 'o have nioicy upou them un I save tlimn. A'o would place no limi tations upon Thy power, and if it be Thy will, inlvtet de just now in their lnhall. Forgive these llq-tnr settle's their iniqui ties. We do not sit In judgment upon tin iu, tor we know how weak and sinful we me ou-tulves. but Thou knowest the uiisiry they uie brininej noon their Ivllow men, and we plead with Tina to intercede iu belulf of Thy children. O 7, ud and Saviour, il thesi- liquor srllcrs be not movi-il abnot the wellnrc nf thetifelvrs, may I lies he moved out i t e iiiidi ratioo nf tlieir eliililiin, lor ImstThoii ml said that the eliildiin even vi such sball snll'.-ii Alter thit ruiiuiks wcru made by icveral men in tlie audience. Au aged man, evi dently a cntintrvuini, siid he was ence a drunk-lid, but for over thirty years he had been a total abstainer by God's grace. Now hi' only child, a son, had bo.omo a drunkard, and gnno away nml left him. lie bcuce.1 the prayers of all pits nt for his alS'tit boy. A stout, lii'ddle-aa. d j j.tUtle:n-m ssUd prayers lor Lia br.d!ie', who was a coidirnunl drni kird, an I b;ini- lno Ins li. r to an untimely grave. Sev-i-rul nu n ul-ni stood up un I nske.l prsyers lor llieinsi-lvi-', tint lliev niinht re.i-l lem i ill ion. Altera mo-t on Mat. prayer, .Mr. Dr. I liomss ma le an anrenl to t e y w - uiun in bur liU'iiiiK to discaiJ every kind ol iiitoxicaling lirpior from t lit i r labh-s. snd 'r.'in tin or i ooKery. !he said it wiiS not n. in h imc for any wrinan to be givn g her sympathy to the tempeti.n -u eaiise who occasion ,l!v took a c'n cf w ins In-isell. In tlin inquiry mietin'j whith l.dlnwid Ms Gcnuiai John S lierrj, , mid leveinl oiher Udn s ii'ially us wcil kninvn f. iheir rh iri'alnu work', spoks words ol eoun"i a'i I i-ucoiirag, lju.nt in im-n who c-iifc's-c I thi'T.srIves in'cmpc ate, but sax- lou" to rclonn.- ll-ilio, y.x. A nifiiiio r oi the our wts ri-ccntly i one ot our ilirivini; inbrior towns cn busi iiess. In Hit lio'.tl be 'ii accosie I b i Viiy ngrie ib'a gi ntlemiii, who Quail WHilt-ot lo know whore be w from. Tin legal ci'iilli'iioin, ii"t exictly rllsh iiig ti e sir-tnoi-i'i fsmiliirity, antwemd shorily, "from iew 1 .ok Tlie next nni'ilnoi was, "for what home me v-ni ti uvvliinui'' I-" r uiv own," , Vou nri? May I ask jour mum ?"' "Vo i" V iU e enioyablu to tho lawyer, cmbar rns-ing to tbe other. ' Well," (de-peialvly), "wont is you nnmit Jones." "Wlrnt line nre you ii-1" 'I .lou'l unde. vliu I ynu sir." 'What are you silliunt" (iiupititnllj) ''Ilniins" (coclli). Tlie ineicnntilc Irivtli-r ssw his nppnr (unity, and looking nt the nthir Imro Iliad to toot, lie said slowly.'" Well, yoo appeal to carry a deured siilsll lot ol samples. Via koi In 1 1 In gets com id it t ) aiiut. m that the wrld so.mdio.v WJir ilm stamp ol the dio rut lulo our bmrt. We know h"iv a piece of -jond fortune bilohlens Ilm ii; hoy somo Impondltg evil puts tbe elge ol a spiiltnal eelip iipnn tle sen; how snildeii'y ill turtuno in hu.incis will scorn to wake the yen tprirgs ol lies it T bsiikmp ; Inv tin siiknesa pf a Iriond tuius D tatr pilll'; how t'o death ol one whom wc h ye will eonvuil nil tin trees tn cyprese and In- music of tk" universe bee tus a re 'j'lic.U. ' ' ''. h , I 00 10 00 15 00 18 00 20 00 One Square, 8 00 Two Souarea, ft (.0 Three Squares, 8 00 14 AO SO K) so re ss e 40 MM Hl Nil1 cur niiuHrea, to uo Fourth Col'n. IS 00 Half Column, 20 00 j SO 00 vvuoieuoluiun, One Year, JOANOKE A Q fi I C ULT USiXi WORKS, ' f Hue. ' Cl f-'au-si WELDON. N. -' !. , " ' ',.-! JOUST W. FOOTE, Proprietor, 1. -THE 1 u.'js : t Lu KIC'IIIRDSOK COTTOH PI.01T, .'s ft m 4 10 Is--i A SPECIALTY, .ft ).( MASUKACTUnUR Jf, ASD atlMBBilj FOR, ' t'. I ym .1 tl ALL KINDS OI' FARMING' Ilf: f.i cn ( 1 a I Its PLKMKNTS, STKAM ENGINES AND COTTON :.. .. 4 i-f .i; GINS. " J- . . J ) .) - . a '" ; Tl 4 Alsii Agent for tba Chicago Seal C'ooa. paoj-'i CNITK1) STATES .. -J t,i - : mi f.t 1 1 4 SCALES. , - t .-'I'! S Kvervtbinir In this 11 fin from a TAW Itillroad Sealwto tbo NMll.l.RSf T .Scale lurnishm) t S-irprliiua: LOW JTia, ores, a Platrorm HAY or STOCK "Hcale f 1-oUKTONSoapaaIty tor aad AilkiuJsof " ' '"''' ..-. nr IRON AND IiRSS CA8Tuiai" :'.) . . i ' -i KHmlOiM at SHOHT NOTtCt intf'A I'etidHburgor Morfollc PHICJiS.. o' , j. -. - ..t I am preparsd Ui do AVT Kllttf1 ot Kt-palr Work for . ... i t ... .-..- I ai win il .tn a sti MILLS ANO 'CoVtO'n KNGINE3, gins, V V j - i . kia ji4 As I have an Kreellent MAOailflSirati'a UOlLKft MAKKH. te ' e ' ' . , i-.-te; i I keep oonataiitty'on lianrl rf m f Vsa Mauul'aoture a GOOD OFflCH jk ! COAL AND WOOD BTOV&' ) Also a good assortment of HOLLOW WaRK. i LUM BKR fornii'. d lo any quantity ' ' the l,OvVli)T Market Hwtea. " e tci 8 1b ' " ' -' J - i t- .P la ' c if! i r i i