l i - THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWS 1' A P E 11 , PUBLISHED BY L. M. LON A W. W. HAM.. THE ROANOKE .NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. li s I i S I I O I H I a 3 00 $ 00 14 fi (0 10 00 20 0 8 00 15 00 DO ft 10 00 18 00 86 IS 00 20 00 40 0 20 00 80 00 tt 0 Ona Year, SPACE at One Square, 1 if 1 j i 'i ti Oil I 0(1 '" els. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R n. SMITH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Scotland Nkck. IIalifax Codntv N. C. Fratlo in the county of Halifax and adjoining countios, and ilio Su preme ceurt of the State. jail Hi ly. jQ R. E. I. HUNTER, NVBGEON nEflTIST, Can be found at his office In Enfield. Pure Nitrous OsWIe Oas lor the P:iin. leas Extracting of Truth always on hand, June 22 tt. T. w, MASON ATTOKXEY AT LUT, GAUYSIsURO, N. C. Practices in the courts of Northampton and adjoining montic, also in t tin Federal n.i .Suproino courts. Juno 8-tf OS. li. BATt'IIELOK. ATTORr'Y AT RALEIGH, N. M1V, C. Pr'settcs in thn courts of the fith luili UI Dial riot and iu t ho Federal and Mn prxme Court. May 11 tf. W. A. III'.. d v : s , I T C HEN ATriRxnrciHX5nr,.oRs at law, HcotUnd Xeck, Ilnlil.ix Co., K. V. Practice in tin Courts of IT 1 i f ix and adi'iininir muntias, and in the Supremo and Federal Courts. jaulS tf T IIOMAS.N. U1LL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Prairiens in Halifax and adjoinine; Caunties and Federal and Supremo Courla. Will be at So itland Nock, once ever;, lortnitiht. Autr. 28 a W. II . DAT, A Y W. W. Ham.. HALL D ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WKLDO.V, W. V. Practice tu thn cmrt of Kalil'ax and ttjitiiitnsc counties, and iu thu Supremo and Federal courts. Claims collected 111 any part of North Carolina, jut: 1 1 Q A V I N L. H Y M A S , ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in tht eaurts of Hallux and adjoining notintiei, ai.d In the Supremo aad Feleral Courts. (Malms oilloetal in all parti of North CarnliHi. QrB:e In the Court Ifauss. j-ily 4-1 Q. 11 . BURTON, J k. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, I. C. Traolieea la the Courts of Halifax Caaatf. and C inties adioininK. Iu the utreini O uirt f the hi! ate, and in tho "Hnral C isrta. Will iia apacUl alte itixn It the eolloc tiaia of Jaiim,iid to adjusting the aroouni f Krjtim, AJainiarat jr aud uar Jiami. dec-I'i-tf T M. H 1 ( U I'i ATT03N2Y AT LAW, HALIKAX, N. C. OHUa la tha Court Houi". Ktrlct nttcu tla gtvaa to all brauehon nf '.ho proles aian. jau 1-1 o BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SHri HUO. HALIFAX COHXTY. Jf. r. Praatlee in tits ("aunties of Halifax, i-.nu, CillooU ina ma I j In all psrts Jan of the IJ it i Sum. H A ! .., J ATTORNZY AT LAW, 1 Practinen j Kii(coinli9 In thn Counties of Halifax, and Nash, In the Supreme C-Aiirt of Coii'ta. ills Stale and iu Iho Federal i Colle'tions male in any part of the ffltata. VS'ill attend at thu Cnirt House ui Balitax on Monday and Friday of each , -week. jau I--1 c . , Ia.xdrkw j buktN I ATTOKXKY AT MW, WELOON, N. C. Practices In the Courts of Halilnx, War fen and Nortlminpton eounliea and in the Canrena and Federal Court. Li Claiim 0'illectud in any part of North Carwluia. iuno 17-a a. mu). JOHN A. Ueill'.K. M U L L E N t MOOli K ATTORNEYS AT LAW. llallfttT., X, V. Practice In the Counties of Ilalllax, Jtfnrlrtampton, Kdecomlw, Pitt and Mar Un In too .Sunruiiin Uourt of the State f hd III tau Fedoral Courts of the FaisUn n Plstriet. CollesHous ma-de iu auy part of North ' CaioIIu. juu 1 1 v Oaa Tear, in advanco, Six Months, " Three Monihi, " VOL. VIII. DOUBTING. In the days souti coming, darllnir, When ill" pain ii'id cares of lift) Make me weary ol ll,o t ii!lii, Wearv el the i-chhiIimm htrlle : When the linn.l ol lime tint aadly Left Mi tiaces on my hrow, Will V'jii roilly love me, darllna, Ka:iy love me then, ua now T When the morn if life haa Tanlalind, And the nvi nim; shadea draw near When niv vniee is weak and trembling And the silver thread appear When 1 1 i v siep is alow tint liilteili'g Will yo'i ihi"i f'li'l your vow ? Will y'ii r"i!ly I n me, darllnir, Kcally, love me, tui-n, an now f When 1'fr'a llirlterlnu Mpark tdilnes f.iln'.ly Slowlv cni-iiM Iho dvini; breath Wla.") th" tired fran. e is re-linn In t ho C!i l einbiace of (ie illi ; Will yciii en me, mi I heudiiu o'er mo, Drop mie l ar up li my brnw ? Will j-1 iu really Imvo me,' ilailiiiT Really lov'i me ihen, ns now ? A NARROW ESCAPE. "It was during the Mexican war, when I was a Siiib in a cuvilry rrninipnt, that I fuunj myself on July at Vera Cigz. Templed by the hih inoiiutaius in the vicinity, the beautiful scenery, aVd, abh'O all, the superb hunting, 1 sallied forth early ana moriiinr accoin panied by do one save uiy .Newfound hind d i";. ''I was nn nrdent sportsmnn, my di'ublu-l'airelc I gun worked t i ncluinn, nod no! until the deepening shade "f emiiej?, accnmpaiiied by an iiiiiiiis'.nk able prowl of thunder, rii-4 I pive u tlionht to tlin Higlit of time or tin; im. jxirtance of retracing my stc-ps to tin; city. "It was about the titno that tlie bloud-tliirsty and cowardiy Cwiales hud ordered every Mexican to join the army, and coinmnnded that nn qnarter should bo 'ranted to the h ited Auierijans. "1 had not aiiticiiia'ci dan cor from the enemy, unless it inihl be in the shape of sume small band of puurillns lut!iii!( amid the mountain g"re, actu ated more by the h"pc of plunder thai, by patriotic mutircs. " will nut atle:ii;)t tu say ho ma'iy thousand feet I wm above the level of t!e sea, tut I found the elevation solli-t-icnt, een for the tried and ;iacliced tierves of a seaman, had he buea placed iu niv pnsi'ion. "Th.re is hut little twilight, ynti kiiOT, in the tropics. The sun had dis appeared in the folds of an immense el nid which was rapidly spreading it seil over tlieeutiie heavens, which from iis sable depths darted lurid sheet of lilitoinj;, loll-iwcd by the iicreaiitg r"ar nf thunder, which already f iuad an echo through the titlleys and "or-'i-s ol the m inntaiii. "I did not fancy a wet jacket, and whktliiii' for my (log, nn animul to wliicli I was warmly attached, 1 was on the point of retraciag my steps down the rough mountain road, when the j'lilMiHg of spins and uccouterineuts, the irampli'g of brscs, niul the hoarse word ol command was su(li'.:ient for me to draw back into a lull tuft of grass and cpai.ish bavonct crowing beside "The d ig crouched at tny feet growl, leg ('iniii'iusly, as if cimsci ii.S of tl.e danger his master was in ; and faith, I did not much l;ke the situation I loeud mv( II compi lied tw face. ' A iiumher of M 'xican lancers were bi.'fiite iue, piepnrieg t bivouac for tSe i.iht, ai d my retreat down the road was out of the q tieslinR. "High precipitoni rocks hemmed me in n thn e sides, through which ti p road I ha J traveled h id been migiiaily cut. Tint ou'.kt was now in possession of t!ic laoci rs, while ii fro' t id' ir.e ti e steep side of the mountain, verging al most on t' u preci;)ice, sloped towaid the cit y. "To temaiii where I was woulJ Lc only to c n, t dca'.h, a ranielcvs fate, rn unkiiown grave, for di-Coveiy was cer 'ai i to follow whop Iho sentinels shoulJ bi puttied. 'Cautiously (xraii.iiicd the snoulh side ol the precijiice, covered lure and tin re by u mttwoik of ti ips cliugi.'g to the erevu.-s ant rifts t;i the rot U !ir ,ls uncertain life, Fnilhcr on I luheld a d.uk. irregular lii e disappea.in ia lb it hi ar k y i)e,tlm below, I strained my ew's to the ut nils', for the gloooi nf nigh; and the mists ol the s'm m, which thteutpied rvety tiioecieut to burst iiImhk my heiid, ei.vef'ped all nljicts in il.uk. iiess ai d niicoitaii ty. ' l'nit for ( i.re, lorturc favond n,P, ar.d I never laid claim U beinc il favor ite, if the fi.kle j idc, The il irk line proved t- be a deep, ery gully. H e i chant el of s one uiouulaiu stream, long since dried up. "Hut how to reach the friendly cover? that was ll:e qutsiioti which iiizzedj me. "A suildnn commotioti nmmig the gujly-'.iupned gentry behind me soon decided my cooise of uction. They hid kindled a small cawpfnc, werr about to cook tlieir evening meal, and ad.Z'ninen tall, strapping fellows were radiating from the main body in d If. rent directions to perforin the duty of seiitiheli. Oi e in pnrtieiilar was making for the friendly tluirp of wide-spreading limbs, in hire s, possibly, to punially es cape the fierce, gusts of iiiad and ram which had begun to sweep ubout the mounlaiti, ' l'ropping, tr.y fowling-pieee, and bi l.liug my nolle dog to sh ft for him sel, I swung myself ver the piecipice, clinging t the uetwoik tf riiies, which shook uud couipluiucd benculb my wei'tiil. WELD ON", "The darkness bad increased with as tonishing rapidity, and as I swung over that rayless void I foiled it impossible to pierce the gloom. I heard the short, sharp bawl of my dog as lie darted off iu seach of me; then, amid the ruish of the squall, came the confused shouts of men, a straggliec shot or two mingling with the crash of the heavy artillery rolliii" ia the vast cxpai.se above me. "Depending principally upon the strength and endurance of my arms, I carefully and cautiously felt my way along the verge of the precipice, work ing in the direction of gully, which, once gained, promised to afford me the means of escaping from the dangers whi. h encompassed me. "I'road sheets of lightning lit ap with dsxling distinctness the fearful scene, binding out every undulation of the rucks, every crevice aud blade of grass; nr.d once, v hen I had found a slight s ippnrt for my feet, and was giving my aching arms a rest, I glanced above moid the jellow glare nf the lightning an I beheld i lie fi ir,:e, dark-whiskered face nf -a .Mexican peering over lh(? brink, his evis apparently fastened upon me as I hung suspended nnd flattened against the clilf, but n few feet belmw hi:ii, while the electriciiy twisted nnd mitlidl, hue lorgnes ol iniernnl ser pet, Is, aiouud the iniij.le nf bis car bine , It was a trying moment, my friend,; a sitnalion well calculated to innptre a feeling of terror in the heart ' of the. holdist. li.it whether it was Ihe rain, which was falling in torrents and dur ing furiously before the gale, or the glare nf the lightning, whLh prevented the lancer Irom discovering me, I tun unable to say. At all events escaped his notice, the shot did imt come, and watching inv chance U Iho lulls id' the tempest, 1 continued my perilous cnuise. ' It seemed as if the flood-gales of heaven had been opened; and the s(;ourai;ing wind, sweeping with tcrcfic violence around lh mountain, d sputcd every inch nf the wav which I gained with the utmost dilTL'tiU?, ofteiiti r.ci; threatening to tear roe bodily from the oscillating ladder which had served me bo well. "I had but li'tle strength, to spare when I at last found myself crouching on the muddy bottom of the old moun tain C"rge. "The earth yielded beneath my feet, ."and and pebbles swirled by ; n d lis i"g above the crash nf the elements, I heard the ii creas'ng roar of some u' - known torrent as il swclltd and ered force far above me. galh- "Nerved on by the strength of despair I rushed down iho sleep ilecliv ity, reckless as to where my feet might wander. Completely blinded between the mi ioled glare of the lightning mul tha intense darkness that followed each II .sh. 1 stumbled on, feeling that every mnipcut my steps were becoming un steadier. " The water was already up to my knees, and rushing by with a force that made me grip d.-petutoly to whateser pn j-cti'in 1 c'i'ild find along the side of the ravine. ' The inrxorab'a waters rose yet faster, and the danger uf the tempest grew wilder still. My strength and tevun liH'iikii s were failing last, my feel weie luted from bei. path me, nnd q ii.ker tha 'i thought l was rustling helplessly ulong enveloped amid the spray and fiintii of that it addening whirl. "I th'u k I must have lost myself for a moment, but waked, amid the dark ness and roaring water, nearly strangled to death. Aii' lher instant and 1 was whirled l.fa'ily ngair.st sotre yielding I'H'tt. 1 rallied in v strength for a li ial ifi'iit. The text dish revealed the wrick of a tree, with the roots still dirgi g tenaciously to the sile of the 'on k. "1 tire myself up out of the tush of li e current, and crawled to a firm foot hold . ou the s'.ielviii batik of the toir i.t. ' Tl.e cool rain revivtj me. The tc; tiMe strain upnu tny nervous system had robbed inc to u great ( x'.ont i.f the slieug'h nnd vitality miturul to my strong cot.siitutioo. li.it my power ol eiiiiniai.CK was fuent. 1 Ktunibicd fur. waul, fueling my way aa id debits nf fallen trees, pitholes and huge rocks, all scaiteicd pr.imiicuously about on tho stetp side i I the iiiountaiu, until a faint glimmer wf light streamed tremulously across my path. It was a welcome sigkt, at.d, pris n er (r no prisoner, 1 made up my mind to risk life uud liber ty ai d dematd shelter Imm the terrible stoi m. which still raged, but gave signs of abating. "I was unarmed ; the oi.ly weapon 1 had sallied forih with had been uban duned on the edge nf the piincipice, previous to my attempting the perilous pas-iije. I lult my heait faster as I neai cd the door of that tuiuble-down levs mass, amid the gfjoiii aud solitude of that wild spot. ' "A niomei'i's licsitation, a.id 1 knoiked lesolulely at the door. " Qiiiero vivc?' (ahn comes there?) and 1 heard the click of a weapon. " 'l am nn American,' I replied, bit terly, in r.nglish : 'a United Stales otlicer, who has lost his way on the side of thin cursed mountain.' "Wilhajeik the door was thrown back on its rusty hinges, revealing the figure of a in in of biawny propoitiins, armed tu flu tcelh, and of most villain our aspect. ' ll'j held a flaring torch ou high, tho utitcruiu light of which fell actuii Lis K C., THURSDAY, MARCH G, 1870. scarred and scowling visage, Keenly and deliberately ho scanned the torn and tattered remains of my uniform ; then, in a voice harsh and growing, be demanded : "'What do you want here, otid bow many of yeu are there?' 'I replied, in the best Spanish I could roaster, that I was alone, and re peated my doleful story of being lost iu the storm. "At that moment, to my surprise ond astonishment, my faithful Nuwfound land, who, by some keen instinct of his nature had succeeded in scenting me, burst Irotu the surrounding obscurity, testifying bis joy by leaping upon me and baying iu bis deep, powerful tones. "It was a welcome surprise to me. I felt that I had at least one friend upon whom I could rely in case of au emer gency. "The man's oppeararce was indica tive of a mixturcd ferocity aud cunning, w hile bis eye, with an unsettled.starelit up with an expression I. could not fathom, ns he bade me enter. "Strange forebodings filled roy heart ns I gazed abut the recesses of the hovel. It was ulmost bare of furniture, save a table aud two broken chairs. A fire blazed cheerily iu the fireplace, before which were stretched three dark forms wraped in tattered and greasy blankets. The gleam of fire-arms, as tboy lay piled in tho corner, tiid not (scape my attention; and you may depend I did not feel the easiest in my mind as I drew up before the fire, with my dog coiled down at my feet; "In my exhausted state, despite the danger I fell was lurking about me, I must have dropped oil asleep, my head fl ruling a support against a projection of tiie chimney. "The low, intiuoUnons hum of voices fell upon my ear, aud cautiiaisly recon noiterioe from beneath the visor of my cap, i found that the three sleepers had aroused themsekes, and were iu deep, earne-t consultation with the geutleman whom I had li.'st accosted. ".straining my ears t') tho utmost I Ciuld manage to catch occasional frag ments of sentences as ihey dropped fioio the lips of the four comrades, who were s promising candidates for the gallows as as ever I care to meet again under like c'rcumstanci". " The howl and rush of the gale had ceased but the occasional patter of rain drops fmm the leaves and royf of the raunehn proved that the storca had but rerpu'lv passed away. " 'ilo you notice the glitter of those buttons?' remarked wne of the fuur. 'Cirse the buttons !' broken in another fiercely ; 'of what value at e they? It's the glitter of gold I lik' to see ; and we havo alieatly v. sled too much valuable li.na. I for one say kill him. If the Yankee df'g had a (Ioz mi lives they should u ll be forfeited, lie has conic here unasked ; he shall ni t depart so easily.' "Hush, Juan ; you aro too hasty. The question is, will it pay to dispose of him ouisctvrs and share the plunder, or take him to ales? He miuhl come down handsome. Suppose the fellow should prove to bo an oilicer of importance?' " -i-iihl You talk tike a fool. P i you imt see he is loo ynung t have gained any importance. As for Canales, curnij 1 1 yen will get uothing for your pains from him,' "All ibis I henrd distinctly, nnd much more which it is unnecessary to repeat. Tnat my life was doomed was bey ond ail doubt ; but I was not dis posed to make a vacancy in tho corps with nil as'm.igle, and especially ufler- U'.tUtrgniiig what l had hi escaping iron) Ihe hit ceis. ' I felt the hlo.id coursing through my veins wiih renewed vigor ns I looked the situation square in lha face. My brain rct clearer as the emi nence of tho peril I was in grew more apparent. "The dying embers of the firo etnittid fitful gleams which fell access the arms i f the scoundrels piled pro miscuously together iti Ihe corner of the rauehe. "At that moment, and as I was cast ing wistful glances nt a carbine, the bectle-bn wed nscal who had lighted me in the den glided across tho fl or, slipping a fctout bar across the door. Now, boys, finish tho job, and then share alike,' were the words I heard. Every nerve in my body jarred ; ihe blood rushed back to my heart us the decisive moment arrived. Up to ihnt time I had not stirred or changed my position, leading the scoundrels to count upon an easy victory, i a doubt. The odds were fearfully against me, and as t!:e four turned their wolfisli i-yes in my direction, ihe clear, ring ing r.otes of a bugle came rising and falling, filling the air with its melody. "A wild cry of joy but st involuntarily from my lips, a thrill of hope pervaded my whole being, ns I listened. It came from my own gallant lads a detach ment sent out, in all probability, in search of their missing officer. "My four fiiemU had placed, their hands ou Iheir mourdeous knives, un certain ami undecided bow to uct They turned for nn instant toward the doer, leaving me to take advantage of tueir stupidity. "When ihey again confronted me, I was in po6sesiou of the covcrtcd corner, with a rifla to my shoulder, looking tiieai grimly ia the face, while my dog, bis hair btiblliii!! with rage, s'.uod bravely beside me, displaying his white fangs to the etirag.td gaze of Iho g'Cisy four. " 'Knife him, lads, befora they are atop nf us. l'ut hitn out of sight, or we'll all swing,' but not one of them stirred. "That dark, death-denling rifie-barrel had a wonderful tranqui 'zing effect, " 'Curses on ye!' shouted the leader, foaming rage, as ho dashed forward, knife in hard. '.Ve you all afraid of the Yankee? 1 let him ia here, and this knife shall givo hitn permisien to leave.' "1'erhaps tho villiin expected tu shake my nerves, and cause me to throw away my shot, but I never felt firmer, more determine 1 in my life. "(Jn he came, brandishing his knife, closely followed by his adherents. "Changing through thu smoke the remaining theo rushed np-iui me, but were met by thn doj, who buried bis teeth in the flash of oi.e of them. "I remember striking out with my clubbed rifle, of parring rapid thrusts and cheering on the dop, wlic, by some means, in the melee, a horn or canister of powder must have fallen amid the red-hot embers of the fire. "It rxp'oded with tremendous vio lence, blowing nfiFthe roof of the hrmsp, reeding the wails asunder, aud hurling me to one side half suffocated m cl nearly insensible. "When I fully realized what was pass ing about me, my own troops were removing the debris of the ranche from my limbs, nnd tho Newfoundland was licking my face. "It wa?, ns I supposed, a party set nut in search of my unfnrmiatc self; and they were returning from n bootless search, when Ihe report of a rifl-s fol lowed by an cxplosian and the glare of fianies attracted their attention. "Of course, my friend, wc made short wotk of tho three miscreants who were drageed forth from the burning wreck. They howl vigorously for mercy, but that was not tu be thought of in their cases. A swing from the nearest bought terminated their career, and I rndo back to Vers Cruz, with my mind firmly made up that, during the remainder of the campaign, nothing should ever lernpr. me to wander alone among tha hills of Mexico in quest of game." IF Y2U EVE!? MEED MAN T3 F03 YOU, SEND FUR ME. DIE A very singular nnd unfortunate eae occurred in the Rhode, Island tate Prison, in 1872. It was discovered at that time that James (VXu;!, who was serving a life sentence, was i'lnncent of of the crime for which he was c mvicted, and he was immediately pardoned, afu.r about eight years' iiiipii:,oniiiei)t. The facts it the rase were these : 0 1 Ihe 1 1 b of O-'tiber, lri(;2, James Simmons was was stabbed In an aftVay ou ihe Dexter Training tiniund, and killed. About a ear afterwards, Jarnrs, O'Xwl was ar rested at Westeilv, be a man i.anied tileasot', an 1 convicted of the muider When a ked in cm.rt if be had anything to say why sei tenco should not be passed him upoc.O'X.cl slated that ha did nut commit the murder. At the time it took place, he was in u hospital, recover inr; from the flTcts of n wound re ceived at the battle of Cedar Mountain, lie wjs a member of tho lOJ'.h Penn sylvania It 't'nic t, Iron) wiikh he had deserted. The curt postponed tei tooee to give time for a i i ivestialioi', but O'Niel had no m uey, and no invis lit'atiim was ir.ad". .1 m. 7, lill, O'Niel was sentenced to the S'ate Pr s hi for file, Six years later, an old newspaper giv ing ail account of the trial uf O'Niel lell into the hands ol O'Niei'a brother-in-law, living in Philadelphia. 1 1 is I riei.il i sup posed that bis cmiviciiiu was jist, nd they took no action in the matter. In January, 1ST-', O'N'ei'i I roiliei.iu-hi'v passnl Ihrifjn I'r. videiic-! nnd st pped In sec 0 Niul. The Lifer tIJ his s my and his brwlher-iu-law beliced it He plaree the Case in the hands of Mr II. 15 Whitman, who, after rent ilfnts, succeeded in demor.stali ig th it li'N'iel was in the h sinta'. as he said, when the ! murder tin k place. Moreover, it was di-covercd that the blow which killed Simmons was struck by John lleymd !s, who struck it to save the life nf his brother. There was a stir when the truth came out. O'Niel was pardoned at once, and a bill for the restoration of of capital fniuiiJiriieut nb'ch was pend ing iu the (.iene,ral Assembly, dropped out of sight with great cekrily. The Stale guve O'Niel if-.'OO, utid paid Lis counsel fees, and thu other expenses at tending his release. Nothing was said about the mattlcr to O'Niel until the pa.rd.ir, if pardon it could be called, was tendered. Then the good news was broken gently to him, and iin appeared dazed with happiness, lie eamo out of pris m an 1 said, "How sweet the uir smells." llis mind Lad been seriously injured, and he was not considered idle to take care of the $200 which the State offered him as a rec ompense Tor eight years' imprisonment, and for making Lint half imbecile. but his brother-ill law offered lo take care of him, aud was mide trustee for the euro uf ti e money. O'Niel last words to Mr. Whit man will probably never ba forgotten by that gentleman, lie said : "(Jnd bless you, sir; odI for you I'd be iw prison now. I'll pray for you, sir, and it yu ever need a man to die fur you scud for mc." NO. 1. JOSH BILLIANS'S PROVERBS. l''rom liillings'a Almanax for 1879 Truth iz sed to be stranger than ficksbun it is, to most pholks. If V Undeit lke to Lire a man in lie honest, yu will bav to rize hiz war-es every morninc acid watch him rf,H. phull closs besides. 1 hav finally cum to the konklusinn that if I linn t prove, a thing without butting 5 dollars on it, the thing haz got a orenpiiuii weak spot sumwhere. The reputashut) that a man oils frnm hiz ancestors eften wants bz much alter ing to fit him r.z their old clothes would. u is iruiy tiitis. Y u :ig man, set down, and keep still, vou will hav plenty uv chances vet in rcnke a pbool ev yourself befwro yu die. It iz a wiza man who nroflks bv Lis own experience but it iz a good deal wizar tine wtio ids the rattlesnake bite the other phellow. I never question a suckcess enny more than I do the right ov a bull dog to lie in hiz own gateway. No I don't, Married life iz a little game, ia which tho woman, if slid iz called, is almost sure to Lave a strate flash. The things that i kant prove i believe ihe mast : i believe that one nrmln i -i t -- sour, and nnother one sweet, but i will giv cuny highly eudtkated man a spaa ov matched mules who will tell me what mikes the in so. The best thimr T knn nv !z n fust rntn wife and the next best thing is a sekond nil" mm. Thare is pnlf one thii 2 that kan be sed in favjir of tito boot they make a n an I'orgit all his other sorrows. Cattssliun iz a eood 111103 for a man to hav, but when he haz got so much ov it, that he iz alrada tu tuch a kast iron lion, for fear it will bite, ignoranse iz what's the in .alter ov him. Whenever vu cuhi skrost n man dis one dis- trusts every buddy, yu have found whom it is sale lor cveryboddy to trust. There iz 2 things in this world which we arc never fully prepared, that iz twins. for and Tharo ainl nolhiinr an chonn nz bad r r spcll'm, nnd if it iz such an element f suckcess , sum shrewd kiiticks hav c'Mtovered, they owe it to their airs, aud asstnes, to adop' it at once, aud bekura ritch and ttmts. lie world all praz the philosophers, bat toss their pennys it, to lha caps ov ihn monkeys. It iz allways sare lo follow the relig ious belief that our mothers taught us there never nez a mother jet who taii::nt her child to be an infidpl. II iw k in you expekt to find two people in this world who arc alike when yu L int even fiad one wis.) iz alike baff the titito. riATUSALJ-ilSTORYi 'Whnt is it?'' "This it, h lion, called by snine folks the kitu! of i "oasts. Take a slmrp look at hitn vii may hcer.tter tell a lioa from itiiil'" "What is the cih-r of a lion?'' "Tin it roi'urnl color is tawny. Where you tu c ctii; fit' d i fl with rvd, white, and 'blue, jo i may be suit tint some circus in in I: .11 tiecn paintitio him." ' Loins mn-t be vnry Mionsri" 'So they am. It is a pity that their sir, netli cannot bo ued in ibaniaj street cm'." 'Arc there many lions in this conns tn'!" "Not vrty ir.aiy. but then we'd adviic yuu tu get : til o i lie house as Bono os nijhl intn-i, A'rira i the home et the lion Hi has viy chance lo spread hi.nsell Mid; the tiiliis hie so waimthat he riots not h .ve lo draw his tail into his deafer fear of Irnn." C in the lion entry elT nn wxi" "li ic paid licit he rim, hut it wonld be f ir lii tter lor I he ex lo cmry hiuoell off iiloi the lo u ;ot lio'd ol hiui. There is n l iiiu. ii rfi u'oi Unit a lion could trot of q u'e easy Willi ll r .dibit." p.ni a lion ever attack a white man?" "V.ty seldom. Winn a man is home at rnnorot'o'e ho irs, kt.'ps pl -n.ty of wo id i flit. I uif his wile lour huts per year, and votis our ticket. Im ll ant ol disturbed bv lions. Tin y vvi.Hi put him In grib one of those !.!!. lis who will lievsr leud his In , Hi .now or bh ivtl, nnd .ho'g fide W illi i n' .v iys in need lepuiri." ')o lions roar lor.divV' "I hi y ilo. The sound is almost ns loud tint nl a ,li ti-iMi i it::i ou lis uau in the d. il .d i.iht," "Wliv do they reat?" ' . itnia'i'U il ll.r about that. Catae ay that he r oir t lit rtlor dea'Z'nsot thn Im u-t nodi r-liind that lie is ou deuk nnd Ita ly to a (."' imiltrrs, and other as sert3tli.it l e rais li'i'iiii'e ha hns linllliug :lso to tl i i isl as Coneii sutunal StctThn men ale. Thn rsr won't hull oa, uu niatler bow Ihey ilieule it." 'Can a lum rate h a hts V 'Yu, unless Iw stabs his lea or steps to nick UK ii tender snd juicy child lui lllM'hl'O'J." t'sn a nino look a liua out et cnunteu ant e ? ' "That tli per.ils. Rome e( lhia laodern di'anlti is and oflice -hnldvrs ruhl luuk lion not of cmiiiieiinRca with una y aiint. In or mmry easts it is httler lor tha inun who tries liin iXiK'iiuiciit lo bt up a tree." ' Cun the lion vnl iplinh the alrphanl I"' 'Ti thu vlcr.hant lis I aura ryes an 1 ha1 brcn jntci iii" around nil tii 'lit. and the iiiiit w s kind id liovurintit up and ilnun ut spinal clun.n, a lion would be apt ti da hi." "thin a liD ever bs tamed V 'Never. Atler nag has boon joltfd iiroiud thu country with ililV:tCBt tircntes f ir jeais, s)'d at baukmpt sa'o a deseo liiui'S, led on rhiii buues and fhaV:r., and uoked up with hot rruwhais, he no oaiti scs out nl his ea''C IH iu ha esis ta or li ii'i ii r.eoiile and kills ns many more. Yoi wil' nl ways ne at) i.ec iunt of it iu the papers ju.-t b.loic Ibc uicuagnia cine UlOUllJ. ' M M M e it M tt, m M It titt 7i It Fourth Col'n, Half Column Whole Column, JOANOKE AQRICULTURAI WORKS, WELDON. N. C.i JOII,M. FOOTE, Proprietor, Tim RICIIARDSOS COTTOt TLOW A SPECIALTY. MANUFACTURER sF( XKD QKJJKBAl AUBM FOR, ALL KINDS OF FARMINd III. PLKMENT3, STEAM ENGINES AND COTTON GINS. Also Agont for lha Chicago Scale Conn pany'a UNITED BTATE3 BTANBAlCa BCALK3. T-.verytMnc. In this line from a too TOX Kailroad Scale to the SMALLHST TEA Mcalo furnished at Hiirpiiiiutf lw jr,,. ".''.A l'lR,foru if AY or HTOCK HcaTe 'r ,' bJK ToKS oPity for 9O.Oe and All kinds of IRON AND DRAS3 CASTINGS Furulsbed at 8HOHT wOTfra aj t I'otemburg or Norfolk PIUCKsr I am prepared to do AMY KISD of Hcpair Work for ENGINES, MILLS AND COTTON GINS, Aa I have an F.xcallent MACHINIST and 1101 LICK MAKKR. ' I keep eonstaullv'on hand of tny own MaiiutnutiireaduOU OrFICK COAL AND WOOD STOVE. Al-na Kod asaortinont f HOLLO Vt WaIIK, LUM ll 10 It fiirnU'. 'd In any quantity ' J i a luo LUW jlj't MariotKalea. Js" cp 8 1 o :

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