THE ROANOKE NEWS. TIICRSDAY, JUNE 12, 1S79. We are under obligations to Hon. W. II. Kitcbin for Public documents of Importance. It teems that we ia this section are not the eoly oaes blessed with cold teatber just uow. In Vermont and New Hampshire there m a heary frost a Saturday last which greatly damaged tbe crops. It has been stated that tbe law for. bidding the Carrying of concealed weapons takes effect from the first of thia month. This is a mistake. The law goea into, effect on the first day of July next, and not before then. Wk return thaiiks tu President Battle for a catalogue of the Uuitersity. It abowi 102 students. Ten of whom arc in tbe Scuior cla. and Graduated nt the commencement just closed. Tie Normal school inst. begins on the l".h Tiik Supreme court subjects applicants for license to practice law to a rigid ex amination. They will become- moro od more rigid every year, until a very bigb standard is reached. It is also said that hereafter applicants will be re quired to read law two years before ap- , FitOM what wc can learn in no part of this county, or even in this section docs the Kansas fever seem to effect tbe col ored people except in tbe immediate vi cinity of Weldon, and even here it is not fatal, as wo have heard of no one being carried off by it. Tin-: average temperature of New Yoik this summer so far, is 100 in the shade. And we we have , better The State says : must be hard to should not complain, weather down here. These bojis of York please in their shak- sperean interpretations summer. of a glorious We are gratified to announce to his many friends that the faculty and board of trustees of the University of the State, have conferred on Ilev. A. S. Smith the degree of D. P. Mr. Smith well de serves this honor, for few men are better qualified for It than be, who for many years has devoted himself to the acquire ment of all knowledge useful to a minis ter of the gospel. Major It. C. Haugkk, who a short time ago, returned from Florida says, if Iiitllefidld will come back and make public some papers which he siw, it would raise a bowl from Dan to Beer iheba, and show conclusively that others were implicated besides himself. Lit- tltheld never paid money, but gave orders checks, aod has all the papers We hope be will come. TALntlilV Governor Colq iilt, while in Brooklyn ' a short time ago attended Talmago's church. His opinion is entirely differ ent from that usually expressed by the papers. He says there is nothing sea aational, giod old fashion gospel preached, rather less action than a good many others. He says there is no osten tation whatever. Tbe whole congrega tion sing and a oarnot is used to lead me singing as mere is no human voice loud enough to lead the great volume of music from the whole cburcb. m t r . . . xiik iiiienor court is needed now as nuch as when it was first established. in laci ii uocs mo puanc more service lhao in tbe beginning, brcauso it has gotten into enod working order and Magistrates over the whole county send cases to this court. The docket is al ways large and relieves the Superior court of a large amount of criminal bus luess which woulj otherwise prevent the iriai oi civil cases. No cannot get leng without it. Two terms of the m ' 1 . IV - . j. ouexnor cnuri are noi suiiKieni lor as largo a couaty as Halifax wihtout an In ferior court. R. & T. It. A. . - nut association is now in good enn dition financially, and oo pains or money will be spared to make its next cxhibi two tbe terj best. The several r llicers rw now at work oo their departments making ready fur the fair. The grounds wer euiarjcu last year am the race track improved, and ass iranccs have bcrn t'uen that many fine horses will be here iCht fan. Another good feature of the fair will be the encampment of tho tkird regiment on tho grounds during the fair week. Many new attractions , -.will be oo skibitioo. We will soon publish tbe list of marshals. Tbe next fair till be held on October 20.h to Oitober 2Uh iocluslve. lie. jfmuinf, the . week after the Ihleigh fair and just beforo the Richmond fair. This year there will bo no conflict, nnd parties who desire, can visit nil. This arrangement could not be made daring pteyious exhibitions, but tbis time every things work right. Another evidence that the fair till be a success. In 1S77 Jacksonville Florida, bad only 1700 inhabitants. Now, it has 11,000. This is owing to the delightful climate which attracts visitors, who, when they once get there, are so pleased as to prefer to remain. The population is composed of the people from all parts of the couolry. Probably the fact that Mrs. Stoire lives there also, has some thing to do with its rapid growth. It ia said that tbe Republicans do not know whether to vote for the ap propr'ution kill now before Congress or not. Tho bill does not abolish super visors or marshals, but provides for the expenditures of the money so specifically that none of it can be used to traosport troops to tbe polls or to pay supervisors and marshals. Tbe bill even goes farther aod say! that none of the money appropriated shall be so used. Tbe RcDublicans think if tbis bill is i passed and approved by tbe President their chances for success are small in t'le cooiiiu clecti n, and if they do nut pass, tho Republican party will be held responsible for blocking the wheels of government, and thiuk correctly. If they chooso to defeat a bill becanso the majority of Congress do not see fit to leave the expenditure of the money t) the discretion of partisan officials, then let tbe responsibility bo on them. The Democrats arc masters of the situa tion, and should not give up that advan tage. Mr. Fry e of M line, one of the stal warts, says ho will vote for the army appropriation bill. BOH IMiEItSOl.L'S FAITH. WHAT Mil. IlKKCIIEIl FINDS IN TIIK SIM MON AT r.IlON 1NMKKS LI.'S ITXKUAL. "The root element of faith," said Mr. Beeobcr yesterday, "is in the imagina tion. The tendency of our age, vr in certain lines of it, is a a rising tendency among tbe educated to give to the evi dence of tbe physical senses not only greater weight than comes with the im agination, but to deny to the imagina tion all use except that of producing pleasure. To a certain extent we are indebted for this to the perversion of re ligious views. Tho ascetic school ban- iklicd the imagination' from religion and made it a mere minion of pleasure and turned the thoughts of men to what arc called weightier things. We ore told iu the serious words of the ascetic teachers that life is too important to trifle nway. They have stripped off the wins of the imagination t make quill-i to write their dull treatises withal. There is also danger from the scientific or materialis tic tendencies of the age, the votaries of which hold that all things must be proven by tangible evidence that the soul is but matter. B it taking the materialis tic view that the soul is but matter, it is matter so different from ordinary matter that it is to be judged by entirely dif fcrcnt laws, lilt without takiug that ground and adhering as Ida to the ground that it is a spiritual matter, the necessity is much stronger for applying the true principle in dealing with its con- sidcratinn. J here is a growing ten dency towards materialism in tho Ger man mind, nnd this has long been the tendency of the French mind. It has made inroads into the sturdy old Kit- gliti mind, and it has with tco thousand other immigra-jls that we Could have spared come across the seas and gained a lootnoi j Here. iSut to apply to the imagination tho same rules you apply t things that have no imagination is impo litic, unphilosophical aod unwise. There are a great many men who say with Tjrndall : 'If you present God as poem I can accept it, but il" you present hi u ...f.rtl,.,u:.. T .. ,ti. aa a tact I resist it ; I say : 'lhereisuo cviuencc ; it is not prnven. mere are realities which cannot be proven. N. formula can demonstrate the sentiment nf honor; jet butinr demonstrates itself, and tho intellect discerns things by the aid of tho i-riaginiitinn that it cannot dis cern without it. Ua.isjniiins nra nn more than fpider-wehbincs. That which comforts must be accepted as true, al though it ca.n.ot be proven by any di re. t hue ot eviJcnce. T.ike, fur in stance, the pictures ol the Virrin Mary wntcn are tne uij.'cH ol such veneration to devout K iman ( jtholics. Thev are not really the Virgiu Mary ; they dou't evrii iuhk iiKc hit j out iney are a rep . 1... I. !'!. I I . .i resentation or tho tenderness of the mother towards her child, and that ten derness is a reality. I, too, hani; the pictures in ray parlor and in my bed room, and I, too, am a worshipper uf the irgin. I worship the lender, lov ng spirit ol (jod out of which theology iiui bui-iicu ill. I ut luai ID Uieolnffv aal you wouid out want any pictorial il lustration. S as to oiinistcrinp nnnels: I never thought of an angel except with wlogs. I neter saw an anil painted with aings that it did not look like an old hen to me. (Ureat laughter ) "rio with ministering angels. The mnmc&t you apptv tu them all that be longs to them that moment ynu destroy mem. . rrcnen philosopher otce aid very truly : 'Kvnrybody. believn in uoa until you attempt to prove his ex istc:ic.' Take the existence of tho soul in neaven that is ns a mcro oncstinn of the reason nithout cidei ce such as belonqs to regulated forms of taattcr ana it is lull of obscurities, ltut let U hanf" In the realm nf tho imnclnation and it is not only the product of the imagination of one tnnn, but of all the nations through the growth of time. It is the imagination that has booo reaped and threshed and winnowed and grovru into me very nrena til l;le. It is not any poem or notion; it ii the wotk, the final wotk of the imaiiination of the human race, spcak'ng all hnguages, under all governments; it is the result to which men come that death dnes i't slp human life; it goes on tinendiaj." Mr. P, cchcr here spnke of the recent address of Robert Wcrsoll at the fu neral of his brother and in tbis relation said of Mr. Ingcrsoll : "He is a man of great merit and power and he has made himself nerbaps as widely known as ai most any other man in tbis generation bv his contending of, 1 will not say re livion, but of those views of religion handed down to us by the teachers of Christiaoitv. He has ereat power of the imagination a flaming wit and has said a great many things, not wise, but by which wise men may profit. He has uttered a ereat many trilicisn s on the suHect of Christianity which are just critirisms, yet taking his views of relieion us a wnole tney lack complete ness; it is a special plea, a fault-finding plen, which sees only one side. Now, while I accord to him tbe extremes! lib erty of discussion and disclaim any right to interfcro with this liberty, we have a right to whatever of instruction there may be, and I think he can instruct us by bis latest utterance. lie has lost a brother dearly beloved, a good man who lived happily with bis family and was respected by the community, and ut Unit brothers funeral Mr, Ingersoll made one of the most exquisite, yet one of the nn st sad and mournful sermons that 1 ner read. I am g .ing to read sonio nf it t you." Mr. Reedier here read in the most ef fective mum. er nearly llie whole of Mr. Iiigi rsoll's funeral oration as reported in the papers at t!i time and comment ing nn it sni.l : "Was ever anything ut tered by the lips of man more pathetic? Bat wo Lave not a hope, we have the certainty we kuowo that if ourcartby Ubrrriiw 1 i is lost we nave a building not made with hands eternal in the Leavens. To us the saeit v. dee comes under bur den, under sorrows, in persecution, in the prison dungeon the voice of the spirit and the bride says c me and the voice of the whole Church of God cries out to ts 'it is rea', it is real come;' nod when this noble brothi r of Mr. Ingersoll felt the touch ol death, I doH't doubt that he felt the touch of (I d the second time, and saw in the eternal world things which he had counted but shadows here. Fwei scep ticism and that which had been provoca tion of scepticism in others iys when it comes to the death of hope : 'In spite of doubts or di'gnas, let us hope that there is a bct'er world,' " In conclu s sion Mr. Reedier uigad his hearers to hold fast to the faith of their fathers snd never to doubt the reality of divide love or immortality. AKYKIITISBMKXTS. Q ALE OK LA SD EOlt TANKS, I -hull on Mon lay July 7 1 b 179, sell to the highest bi lib'i at the court house door in tho town nf ll-Uilm to mli-.fy statu and county taxon for Is7s om tract of I ind ly in iu Halifax county, Coiioimi ario town ship, l clouding to li." W. Lewis. L. M. LONO coll. by A U U ill depty. Juno 5lf ALU OE LAND FOK TAX KS. I shall on Monday Jul v 7tli. 1879 gall at tlirnnrt house dotr In the town of Halifax, at public nti-lion for cali. one tract ol land lying in Halifax c.otiutv, Hal uax lownsiup Dulonu'inc to Drmr Til wv containing on hundred acros and known as the Itianch pUe, to batislv stato and county taios for ISTS. L. M.LONG, col. bv U F Gary dpnl v. June Stf ' ' ' ALE OF LAND FOK TAXES. I shall nn Monday Julr 7ili It-7!) rpII i lh court hoiiMuionr in tho town of lla lux, to tin- higlus bidi rat public auction or ratn 10 " stain unit comity taxes for IWi, a tra.-t of bind Ivlne in Halifax omity, Halifax township, bobim-ini in .am. s .mo rr.s, coulrt'nine one ball hitb. nils tract is sitnatnl i.far the towa of Halifax. L. M, LONG, oo. bv 13 F tiarv dotly Jim; 5 tf s A L K O F L A N D FO It T A X US. Iflntl on Monday 7th July l79.sll to tbe liiRlirt bicblor at public auction for cash Hl the eonrt lnnwilor in the town t, " ":M,i"V M ' county tax .81., one (net of land lying in I! county, Cnnocnarle tow'n-hTp h -l of Hal taxes for Halifax lonuinir in .lanirs neii'.py, i 1,1 ).M ., c.ll. bv A f Hill denty June 3tf. s ALE OK LAND FOK TAXES. I Kim!! on Monday July T,h 1ST!) Sf,n t tho-rmirt hnnm d-mr ii Halifax biwu. to Iir hichest hid Icr. lie public auction t.i s-itisfy st itc and county taxes for -a. a inn-', oi laim ivuoiiciiiit to .1 h. I,. Hird-n, lying i:i Halifax cuntv, (Mcdo nia township. I,. M. l.DN(l,c"l. by A U Uill depty. A I. E O F L A N t) Foil T A X 1-3. I shall en Monday Jnlv Tih 1KTO .!! t Ibn enure bouso d'Mir In tbe town nf Hali fax, to llic;iiilK'i blddorat pubi c auction lor c.ivb one trad i-f land lying In llalifrx county, Conoconaria towusliip, licl'innliig to .Nut Nicholson, tu sntify state and c uni ty taxes t.r 1STS. I,. M. I.ONU.r-ol. by A 11 ilill dopty. Juno j'.f. ALU Or LAN 1) FOK, TAXES. I shall nn Monday the 7ib ilnv pf .Into .o.j, Nril nt tbe court liousn door In tlia . . j - - j town nl Hallux at public auction for c-h to satisfy state and county taxoi for 1K7H, mm irnci oi iana lying In Halifax onun Haliftx tunsbip, balougiug to I'avld Itngnrs, eontalnlug 71 acrox. L. M.LDXn, col. by It. F. Uary, depty. JuncStf gALE OF LAN D FOR TAX EiJ. On Monday July 7th. 1870. I shall sell at the court Iioim iloor In town of Halifax to the hlghitst bidder at public auction for cimi io satlsly slats and county taxes for ic-u - i . .. r I. ...I L.l 1 . Vt 1 .... .. ii.., n urn:, oi linn un u una ui itiu n mi akcrj lying in llalt'ax county Caledonia l-nvnsliip. Ii. M. LOTU, col. by A. d. 11111 dopty. Jtinn fitf 4 A LIS OF LAN UToU TAXES"; 1 shall an Monday th( 7th diy of July ISU, sell al tho court hmisn door, In the town nf Hallhx nl public Miction for cash to satisfy nlato and contily taxes for tbe year 1K7H, one tract of land lying In llali Ut roiinty, llaliUx township, brlonglng io nrowu i-ariuur, coniniiiliiu; acre. L. M. I.OMI, col. hy B. F. (iary depty. June otf s AI.K FHRTAXK-. (n M.m.l.iy tli.-Tlh .Ut nf Juljr 17J J ,hn (,. to the hliiet Mililer fereasli at llicrolirt houw in Ihp li.wu ol llnlirnx. oiif fra-'l pf lsn.l ij-'iijt in iirlhkleyville lowiilil., ti,-loiiiliii lo j.ilin II. Sh 'iriii t,. -f If y Hint), ami rniiutr taxes I 'I I.'. I M, l.llNl, j i is 'if ' ADVERTISEMENTS. s ALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. I shall on Monday July 7th 1879, cell at the court bouse door In tut town oi hum far. at mitalio auction, lor cash to satisfy state and county taxes for 187S oue tract ol laud lying In Halifax county, ni -ifax township, belaniring to Miss Angelina Lewi, containing 40 acres. L. M. LONG, col. by B F Clary dopty, June Stf N 0 T 1 C E I Hhnll on Monday July 7th, 1879, sell at public auctiou at the court douse deor In tbe town of Halifax, tbe right, 'itlo and In terest of G. W. Lewi in a curtain im proved town lot In town of Weldon, to pay taxes for the year 1878. L. M, Loner, col. W. L. Lono, depty. June Stf. N O T I C E I shall on Monday July 7th, 1R79, sell t public auction in the town of Woldon at S o'clock six (rt) hogs bel'nginu to Levy Day, to pay taxes for tho year 17. L. M. Lono, col. W. L. Lono, depty. June 5tf. sr O T 1 O E I shall on Monday July 7th JR79, soli at public miction at the court houe door In tho town of Halifax Ihs riht, title and In terest of It. O. Hadcr In a certain tract of la d in Halifax township, containing 300 acres moro ar loss, to pay taxo-i for the yunr lt78. L. M. LONG, col. W. L. Long, dputy. N J 0 T 1 C fi I shall on Monday, July 7th, 1S79, sell at public auction at the court homo door, iu tho town of Halifax the riijht title and Interest ot Thomas Jones iu a certain im proved town lot in the towu ol Woldon. to pay taxes the year 1878. L. M. Lono, col. TV. L Lono, dopty. Weldon, N. C, June -1th, isrti. June Stf. O T 1 C E I shall on Monday, Julv 7tb. 1879, sell at public auction at tbe court house door in tho town of Halifax the right, .little nnd interest of Wm. Piorcq in a certain Im proved town lot in the town of Woldon, to pay taxes fur the yar 1S78. ij, M. Long, cm. TV. L. Lono, depty. TVeldon, N. t, Juue sth, 187D. June 5tf. ALU OF LAND. I shall on Monday the 7th day of Jnlv 1879, sell to the highest biddnr at mi bile auction for cash, at tbe court house door in the town ol Halifax, to aati'dr stato and county tax as for tho year 1873. Tho fol lowing real estate to wit: One tract of land lying In Faucotts township, con tain si xtv acres and listed bv Newborn Hm, agent. L. M. LONO Col. by K. JJ. Most ley dopt Col. may 29tf gALE OF LAND. T shiill on Monday the 7th dav of Jnlv l8,;iselllo tho highest bidder at public aiiciKiii lor casn at me court house tloor in the town of Halifax to satisfy stato and county taxes for year 1S78, the following Mip(itirtjr vu wh; una iraoi oi land con taining sixty acres, belonging to O. W. Novilloand lying in Faucetts township, kuowa the house tract, 1 1. M. LONG Col. by R. K. Mosoley, dopty. may29tf. S JALK OF LAND. I ihall nn Monday the 7lh day of July INi li. sell to tbe biirbflst bidder at nublio miction mr casn at tne court Imusa door in Die tnsvn nt Halilax, to satisfy statfl and comity taxos lor tha yoar 1879. tbe follow. In land to wit : pun tract lying In Fau- ioum townsnip, conialning nno hundred and four acres, boloniiiisr to'S. T. Neville. I. M. LitlMi, (,:oI. by R. E. Mosoley Dept Col. may 29tf N 0 T I C E. Lawless persons have SAveral times uroaen ami drawn tlia staple of my boat on my nun ponn, nsneii and lelt t'io b'.at away from my landing, damaging the boar, against my consent, knowing the pond to be posted. Therefore I do hereby forbid any and all persons, entering on an part of my plantation, known a Iioncwood, or my land adjoining, either for tbe purposo of liuntinir, fishing or lor any other purposs, under the strictest pe any oi mo ibw. i.pniiniiicn will not nsn in my pomi without a Mcnnse to doso, Lawless treipatsers I will keep off Wy the law. No one-need apply to fish in taid pou a ror an hour. T. J. PERSON. mayl 5w O T I C E. ro the creditors of Arthur ilcDaniol de- ceased Tako notice that isneclnl nrnceedinc has lcen coinmencod belore tlie ('lerk nf the Superior Court lur lUlitax county, North i .iroiina, against Kobt. O. Uurtou Jr., an Ailininistrator witli the will annexed of Arthur McDanlo1, rteceasol. fornn account and HPltletnent of hie adininistratiou and to pay la tbe creditors what may bo paya bin to them respect vc v: mid Ibis ia to notify you to appear bo lore said Clerk nn or Iwlure tlin lit h day of June A. I. 1S79. at hlaclUce in tlalifux town and file vour evidences of debt duly aulhnniicatcil or this notico will be plead in bar of tkelr recovnry. Ulyen under my baud thia the 2'Jnd day ofiir:iA.I.lM-i.. 1 JOHN T.ORKOOnY. Clerk Superli Court, aud Probate Judge, Halifax County, N. C. spr2ltf. SEND FOK SAMPLE8. We offer to the citizens of NORTH CAROLINA i THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND Bicst Stock Ready Maui: Clothinci IN TIIE SOUTHERN STATES1 It is all eur own manufaoluro, thoroughly renaoio and low 1Q pjicu. und lor Sinn- pies for our MUrsCIIANT TAILOHINQ AND GEJITV Fl RXIillIiJ COOD.H. 9Sond for catalogue. JOHN WANAMAKFR, UK 'II u i v li v-1 ' may's rrn ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified ns administrator upon the estato of Win. C. Ousby, deceased, bo-foi-a the Junge ot Probato for JIalifax cHintv, I horoby notify all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them to me duly authenticated cn or be fore tho lllth day of April 1SS0, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov. ery. All persons im'ebted to said cstUe are reouired to make iinrnediato payment. 1 BKNJ. F.GAHY, Administrator. Mullen Moore Attys, Halifax, X. C. aprlOfi'.v e L D 0 N MILLS. Water Ground Meal. Boiled and Unboltrrt. Made from soloetnd white corn, thor oughly screened and tanned. inrU7fim D ELMONICO'S FOH SALE. The valuable lot and store ia Woldon, known as "Dolmonli o's." Apply to MULLEN & MOORK. mayltf G HEAT UAB GAINS AT J. A, MUSCROYES. BOOTS, SHOES, CUOCKEKY. DKY GOODS, AND NOTIONS AT COST. I wish to elnsomit my lino of tho abovo goods and will soli out at cost. Finest nnd purest Liquors nlwaya on hand and sold in any quantity. The latest and most lasliionable DRINKS OP THE SEASON. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SOLD LOW F 0 Jl CASH. Mr. II. R. Pono is with mo and will be pleased to see his friends J. A. Jll'SHKUVE, Woldon, N.C. npr. lOfim N T I C E. Tri the Creditors of Edward Conigland, uocertsed : Tako notion that a apeclal procnodinc has boon eomincneed before tho Clerk of the Kuperioj court for 'Ialilx county, North Carolina, aurainst K. O. Burton Jr., as administrator of Eiiward Cmilcland. deceasfd, for an accourt and settlement of his administration nnd to piy tbe creditors wbut may be payable to thotn respectivo ly; end this is to notify you to appear be. lore sain vierx on or b'jloro tlio itwh rinv oi May A. l). lSiU, at Ins niiico in Halifax town, ana lile your evidences of debt again'. Raid deendnnt duly antWnticatod, or tbis notice will Uo plead iu bar of their recovery. Tbis tho 2nd diy April A. D. 1S79. JUlhl T. UltKUOItY, Clerk Superior Court, Halifax county N. C. Edward T. Cfark. Attorney for the. Plaintiff. aprlOCw TAI.ltO IT A SO.S SIIOCKOE MACIIIXK WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Manufacturers ot Portable and Stationary ivigmcs nnu miners, haw anils, Corn and Wheat Mills. Shaflinir. Hanner and Pul leys, Turbine Water Wheels. Tobacco 11a chineiy, Wrought Iron Work, ISrass and iron castings, aiaelilncry of Every Dcs criptiou. Gissixa and TiiKEsmxa Machises A SPECIALTY. Kepairlug Promptly & Carelully uon. TALBOTT'S FAFEST SFARK-AIlHETElt, The Iurention ol lite Ago. It does not destroy the draft. It does not interfere with cleaning the tubes. It will not choke up, and requires no cleau in. It require no direct dampers to lie opened when raisinc steam (dampers be ing oniiictioniililc, ns thnv may bu loltopen nnu allow s; aiKs to excai o ) It nnulres no water to extincuish spaiks, wbic'u, by condensation, destroys tue uratt. llcsnles, when water is used, if neglected, tin eillciency Is destroyed by evaporation nl the water, and tho boiler is kept In a ultliy condition II is siuiple nnd diiiaMn and ran hn re. lieu upon. II can be attached to any boiler, so Planter Mi.uild I in without ouo of tl.oui Insurance companies will injure gins and barns where the, Talbott Knginci mid -iara-Arresters arn used aluitie rata us cl-amitd for water or horso power ,.T-o-cnd lor lHustratea ulrculnrs nnd pries list. Itrsnch house, iloblsbnro, N. C, J. A. H.M1SKK, i.oiieial Mannger, T. A. liRANsi Elt, Local Manager, may h om tTELDON "1 1H1CK T -L OKKS DRICKS! BRICKS! BRICKS! Col. N. M. Lone and Wm. T. Reese havlnir formed a copartnersliip In lh brick businens. lakes this me: hod of in formlnir the public that they have on baud and for sale, tbe finest slock of brick In tho Mate. Wm. 1). Koeso, the practical man of the concent has had an cxpo-ionoe nf more than lorty years In raltimnre si. other cities. He lias made all tho brick in Weldon for tho pan live years, and has given entire salistactlou to all who have used tbem. HARD DRICK A SPECIALTY THE CLAY SKl-KPTUn HAS TiKKN TETEP NO HALF MUCK oil HATS. l'arties when ordering- will nlensn slnln oi-re ma uncus arc to used, II for nn out Sinn CllltnilCV. or lllsi.ln chillim nr nn derpiniil-nr.tic, thereby saving expense nnu iruuuie. Pltlt'ES TO SI IT Till', TI.IJI'.S Tho undersigned inspectlully refer to ' !" r. iMvin.i, v. ,.1 v. Jtailroad rant. K. Q. Oliio, S. ,t R. Railroad, and 8. T. Hand.S. fe R. Hailroad nnd many others on all the roads who have used the i rica maae ny w. u. Ilueso. I'll soud your onlors nddresing LONO ,t RF.KSK, rt'i-ld'.u, N. (' inav V.f ADVERTISEMENT. F OR SALE. Valuable residence in town of Scotland Neck, where M. Hcftman now liyes. Terms liberal. TUOS. N. tllLL, iiauittiy n v. Deo 113m. Y. J. N A W , WELDON, N. C. BAKER cfc CONFECTIOXER. Manufactures all kinds of plain and fan n, .iiiiiiBs. Keens alwava on hand the stock of Candies. Fruits, Nuts, Ac, to bo found in Eastern North Carolina, which he soils by wholesale or retail. Orders lor we'ddinit parties, and balls prepared on short notice and at moss rea sonaule prices. Cot 20 tf. IX- F- BUT LEE, I'iro nnd LilcInsiiraticc Agoiit riacos risks of all kinds in 'first-class Companies as low ua safety will.pormit. Call nnd where, at see me boforo Insuring olse BROWN'S DRUG STORE, Weldon, N. 0. July 13 ly. AND ACHIEVEMENT. A Xew Process for Sinking' Wells A GOD-SEND TO EASTERN N. C, It is a rare case that a well ia Mink twon ty loot without rinditii? marl. Good water can always be had by borelng below the marl, and shutting off the water from above. I have a new process that excludes all surface water and effects of marl, fec. Hairt well complete tor usb, onedollar per foot ,wlth surface preventative, one to one fifty per foot. These wells never cet out ol onter, will last a life time. Orders so licited, reliable Agents wanted. Special attention given to moving houses with my Pot Mover. J. D. MERRIT it CO. Weldon. N. C. Doc21 tf. Isnraonthly. lUO-pftpoScrnp Hook of thoorwimof tho World's l.tternture. Nintrlo copy, 20o., or $i por )fnr. An Oil ChryDio fHxa) iqcIh-h) of ' Yottemiio filley." price, " lilaok Nhrnp, " a If i.rW book, in Vauur liindinif: "Chntttinn Oaklrv'a Mutt W " i K)ok. Ill DflDRr hinHitlir (inil It KAMI It In nf "Wnnrl'a HoilNftliniil MI?rl7.ino nil iHittf.TimH f.ip nii1lMnta in innnwy, or in ono-rent postaRo atnmpit. A(tvut iriniK-si. iniifMiimrai ifrian. nut. noinmir itrnx rrro. AtlOrtae S. ti. Wood, Tribune Building, Kuv Vurk City. LOOK HERE? READ THIS! READ THIS! And Stop at tho Corner, and buy your unonp goods iroui W II BROWN. THE I E A D K II OF LOW PRICE S. lie keeps always on hand a full lino of general merchandise, such as Boots, Shoos, XIats, Cups, Dry tioods, Notions, Pocket Cutlery, Knzors, lloisory, &c Also a full line of crocorlos. Chean for Cash. L'ornor 1st St. and Wash. Ayonuo. Wkluon, N. C. nir271v ALU ABLE LANDS FOR SALE. We have for sain and on eaiy nnd reason able terms, llie following valuable tracts 01 land situated la Halifax county, N. C: 1. That tract lorincrly belnnumit to W. l'. nulnmon, deceased ."known as "Kim wond," conl.tiniiiif about 3S0 acres and ad joining lands of Dr. iJ.II, Macon, deceased and others. Tim tracts formorlv belonging to Jnn Raudolph. and located near Crowells X Itoada, one tract known as the Rodi-or tract nnd contalniiiK about lit) acres, the orber tract known as the "Cock ran" or ".Million" tract and containing about 300 acres. .1. A tiact situntod in Warron oounty about thrue fourths of a mile from Little ton mi the public road lea.linir from that piai a to warrcnton. and containing aoout '1(1 acres, and a'lj iininif the lands of Mrs. nr. Cltas. Kkluner and others. Tlin tract purchased by W. II. Shields fm lha sdinlnlotrator of Jacob Hitrirs, leccase I. containing about Sisl acres and a lloiuinii tbe lands of W. II. Milelds, ileo I'. rope and ouicrs. t'arties seeKinir in f-iroiHiion r to h!s Irnct, can cult iiuuu us nr John C. ltauilulpb 1-.m. All Ihnso lands nro In hnalthy seoiions, If not disposed ol privately beforo lliat lime, we shall nffor said lands at pnblio aucllon nn the first Monday in October, 1'artb s wisblnu to purchase would do well to call upon us for information. MULLEN A MOOKE, Atts. UaliJaxN.C. aprlfrtf GRANVILLE TOBACCO WORKS, HENDERSON N. C. JOS. K. route, I'ROl'KIETOK MMii'.cn-iti:s ai.i, onAPiis op I'l.t-c ami Twist T.-ncco An (Mutt Womc, OEXF.R.VIiAQEllTFORB H.rOGUE'S GENUINE "SITTINQ PULL"' I) U E K A H RMOKINO, TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENTS. PROCLAMATION Be It known to all' readers of thia n. that yon hereafter order your entir u in wearing apparol and goods ol the lMPH UNDERSIGNED, ND OITTIIS MOST REI.IABLK GOODS FOR MONET Ready made clothinir for Men n,i . I wear of custom make; and best nuaiiu , f. lowest prices. , - BROAT) CLOTHS, PRKrtH l(101)f, COTTON CLOTHS, DOKHKIN, SILKS. SATINS, FLANNELS, CAHISIMKRKD VKLVKT8, FLUSH KS. BOMKSTICS. TAILOlW'TRIMMISfJg HHKKTINOR, SHIRTS, TIRA-WKI19 SWISS MUSI.lNS, ' C1IKCK MUSLINS 1'II.LOW CAKIXn UNHKRSHIIITH NAINSOOK, ' UK" TICKISQ, HOIKKKY, BLANKBTS OLOVK8, , A full line of Notions, and Fancy Qoodi at wholesale and retail, at less than NORTIIEKN PRICES. Clothing made to nrdor In best manr.or, Fit (jimianteed. Orders promptly filled', Samples sent on application. Respectfully, M. E. KULL, 145 Syo. St. Petersburg, Va, TH LARCEST STOCK OF FRENCH AND AMERICAS j MILLINERY GOODS IN THE SOUTH, Allimpoited and manufactuied by dip, and sold at less thau Northern Pricti, Real French Bonnets and Hats, Straw goods, by the case dozen or piece, Inlnnts Goods, Flowers, Wreaths, Plumes, Tips, Ribbons. Sashes, 'lies, Rnching, Silks, Matins, Velvets, Laces, Corsets, Parasols, Gloves and Mitts, Edgings, Bridal Wrcathei, Ladios dress s made to order, complete in best manner, ut lowost prices. BRIDAL OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. All orders promptly tilled. MRS. M. E. KULL, Oct 12 lm. N 0 T I C E. Ravine taken tho shop that A. Eaton formerly occupied, I am prepsred to do all kinds of repairins, wood or iron, Havlnir been hero over twonty years evorybody in the county knows that I un derstand my businoss, making wagons and carts, buggies, and ironing asms. Give me a call. D. C. RICHARDSON. Jan 11 6m. MRS. A. 13. JONES- 208 Sycamore St, rclcrslinrg Vs. FALL AND WINTER, 78-79 Is oponing a New and Dosirablo stock ol MILLINERY GOODS) DllESSMAKNQ A SPECIALITY. ITT1XG AXD FITTING, At short notice. Latest styles dress trim inins, friug?s, buttons, fancy goods, and notions. Weddinn and party dresses made, and if requested, will furnish tho materia). Ornaments for Ihc Hair ol Erery Description. Braids. Switches, Jet and Fine Jewelry. Also, Xanthine, an excellent preparation ror tho hair. In fact, everything to adorn, a lady. -ALSO E M 3 A L NATURAL M K R OF FLOW EHti Wo warrant our Embalmed Flower navel to chance their FORM OR COIOR. -aciiint ron- E. 13 UTTER JCK & CO'a CELEBRATED P A T T E R N SI" Catalogues sent free on application. I am prepared lo offer customers extra inducements thia season, in tbe style, quality and price of my goods, go a to it to their iulci cat to itivti me a largo sharo of tlieii patronage. 1 ibcrclore be e to have the tilraMiro of an early call ir-m yoii,assiirlni; you that I will vsv uiy best efforts to make your trading wilu me en tirely satisfactory to yon. Orilers from Virginia nnd North Caroli na are solicited, and promptly nihil upon reasonable terms. Tbankinif you f ir past favors, 1 remain Yours rtopectfnllv, MRS. A. II. JONES. Oct 1!) tt. QOTTON GIN FOR SALE. ' I hav6 for sale a fifty saw Needle Cet ton dm, In good repair. Parties can tee tbis Iliii at John M. Fnote's Foundry, Weldon, N, C, .1. M. Ml'LLKN. n ilTIl TH l S0' D tVe sTin CCCI S?oh pat Am . t A. Hi! . wo B. pe: Cb 1. a nv W Je