THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1870 It it laid that ground will be broken- for tin Panssna csnsl on the first of January sett. In the late natal battle between the Chiliaea aud Peruvian, one of th e essels of tlie former with one hundred and fifty Men on board wai tui.k. Tb captain at i men male a desperate fight. Henrt W. Blair aai been nomios ted by the K-pubVicana of New Hamp shire, to 11 the aeat in the Senate now held by Mr Bell, voder the Governor'a appointment. Mr. Blair is a lawyer, wai a Colonel of volunteers in the war, aad a member of the State legislature. Wk dope the grand juries of this eouuty will strictly enforce the law agsintt carrying concealed weapons which takes effect on July lit. It it a jood law aud its observance will do much towards decreasing crimes which of late have increased to an alarming degree. . .' Gkneual SnKUM.VM it writing letters la the interests of bit brother John, wbo wants to be nominated by the Re publicans for the President This is a bold pair and Grant will bave to work hard to beat tbeos. We suggest that Hayes, as commander-in-chief of the army, order General Sherman to make sa of the army ia otder to defeat his brother. . Akotii br revolution has broken out In Mexico. The commander of the army is in revolt, and ba; left the capital with three thousand men. President Diaj is in pursuit, anJ we suppose, if t'ue revoliert are caught they will be alt)'.. Revolutions are epidemic in Mexicc, and if one does not break out every six months the people become worn out with ennui. It is good for the liver. Genkiial Cody has deposed the President aud seized the government of Paraguay. We wonder if our matters here in the States make as little fuss in the world as general Geby does. Mr. Hayes seized the government, net by might aod force of will far which we might have some re spect, but in a kind of sneak thieving saner, more becomiig. a person wbo hasn't courage enough to become a highway robber. Tnnot'Oii the illness of Lord Fevrr aha nt ia England, the fire insurance policies on his castle amounting to $ 200,000, were allowed to expire, and a few days afterwards his ancestral borne was destroyed by fire. The in. surance company hat- announced its in tention to pay the amount any way, atatiag that tbey knew his lordship in tended to renew tbe policies had not sickness prevented. This is a fine ex ample for insurance compauies in Amer ica to follow, and if they would be wil ling to pay when they ought, their profits would increase. It tettaes that (very government in S mth America is at war, or preparing for war. An i why it should ba so we canaot ste. If tbey have beea treated wrnng by their neighbors they should submit, like we iu tbe United States. Pjo'i have war good people, keep your tempers and if any one wants your gov ernment, turn it over to him with your compliment by means of an electoral commission. There is no use in war at all now to settle little differences be tween governments dissatisfied with each other. Thanks to our government, we bave discoveced a preventive. Bsfer every tbiag to aa electoral com snissioa. MAGISTRATE!. It ia the general npioioo that the anagirtratct appointed by the last legis lature do not go into ofllce until August. Maiijf if Miaiis tid iiii iiui'iuitu lit tud duties which will devolve upon them, and it would be well for the as to look a kittle into the many things they will bave to do in their olficial capacity. Among the first of their duties, will be " to decide whether or not the Inferior Court shall be abolished aod if not, then tbe selection of officers of that court. In order to make tbe curt as efficient, in the future as it has beeo In tbe past, the very best men should be selected to conduct it. Men known for their integrity aad capacity, men wbo fill be impartial and do justice in all '"natters which will come before them. Tbe magistrates shoalJ be ready when the time execs, to- discuss these que tioo, with intelligence, and tbe only way to do It is to think about it well before band. Burns and Plu cms into the world " U the same moth, sava the New Orleans ricajnse. II the MhocWl dactrioe la correct, Pint hs gone where Bums l et, jet never ceases U be, while liuros ia tn tht ct where thtts ii Paine. Tl.a"o CoinmircWI. HOW HISTORY IS HADE. Many know very htlle uf it Noith though they do know how to d tha which is called history. Tbe latest i! luslrntiou of the way history is made in New 1 ork is somewhat after this fast ion : The New l'urk Sun relates a scrap of history in connection with the late Mr. Seward. It seems that be once said to the editor: '-The man never lived to whom I would be Secretary. If George Washington were alive to-dur, I would not be Secretary to him. Where upon the New York Express records the fact that he did become Secretary of Slate to Mr. Lincoln. H it, says the New Toik Espress, "Mr. Seward some times had a Pickwickian way of talking, which be employed when be did not want people to take his wnrds too liter ally. He was once a schoolmaster in Georgia, and while in the S tutu he amassed a great fund of anecd ie. He could get oft' a world of wise saws and modern instances about the Crawford, and Forsyths, and Lowndes, aod Pinck ney, and Gastons, and other, and a' ways waxed eloquent and enthusiastic in sounding their praises. When Wil liam Itallard Preston became Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Seward resolved to make a conquest of the impultivo Vir ginian, aiid si poureJ fund a volley of eulogies of Sonthcrn statesmen. As a cbairucr Mr. Seward was a great suc cess, lie quite captivated Preston. Mr. I'illtnore was then the leader of the Whig party in New York. Mr. Seward was bis bitter enemy. How to beat Fillmore and V chs'.er, who were then the Castor and Pollux of tha Whig firmament, was a difficulty which Mr. Seward solved by making a promise to Mr. Preston to act steadily who the Admiration and sink his differences with Mr. Fillmore fur ever, if the Ad ministration would throw its patronuge in his (Seward s) favor in the Senatorial contest then going on in Ibis State. The President, General Taylor, wanted to make bis administration the era of pa cification, and, urged by Seward's pus lire troupe; and Preston's solicits lions, the old hero of Bueoa Vista fi nally consented to lend Mr. Seward a helping baud. The latter became S;n ator, when presto I all bis fine promises were forgotten, and a bitter and relent less attack both on Fillmore and Web ster was made by th) Auburn states man. Fillmore had been promised the appointment of two of his fi lends to the pobitions of Postmaster and Collector of the Customs at Buffalo. But Seward induced President Taylor to forget his promise to the Vice-President, aod to nonvnate instead two of Mr. Seward's Hncbmen, who were well known ene mies of Mr; Fillainre, for those offices Mr. Webster asked for the' appointment to a small office of his only son, Fletch er Webster. Mr. Seward again got be- luad tbe arras, and subjected tbe "Great Expounder" to a humiliating refusal at the bands of the Presideut, who ap pointed a b-'ward man to the place. These are well-known historical facts, and they prove that Mr. Seward could ucy a good many things besides his prsyers when it suited bis purpose. li s change of mind about becoming any body s secretary nt Mate was a very natural thing for Mr. Seward to do." Many peoplo remember that Mr. Seward was supposed to bave control of President Tajlor s administration ; and many who so recollect as well as those who remember neither Taylor nor Saw ard will doubtless think that the Ex press has stated tbe matter correctly. ery few people will take tbe trouble to ascertain, what ia tbe fact, that Mr. Seward's vote as a Senator helped to make Ballard Preston Secretary of the Navy. Mr. Seward was elected to the Senate some time before General Tay lor became President, and took his seat iu the Senate fur tbe first time and for a six years' term on the day President Taylor was inaugurated. Aad such is history I Raleigh Ob- server. THE FtvDER AL Jl'ItY LAW. SOUTH KltN AKXAToRS snow HOW JUS TICE IS DI'.NILD TIIK PEOPLE BY PARTISAN .II DOKS. Washington, June 1G. In the Sen ate to-day Mr. Davis (Dora., W. Va.) announced that the U xuuuiteo on Ap propriations was not able, in considera tion of the present state of business, to concur in the House resolution fuino to-morrow for the final adjournment, but hoped soon to be able to report the resolution with aa eutly d.ite fixed for djouriiment. Mr. Biyard (Hem, Pel) reported favorably on the House bill to author ia a compromise of the claim of the L oiled States under the will of Joseph Lewis, of II boken. Mr. Ingalls (lie., Kan.,) at his own request, was excused from further ser vice on the Committee on IVivilixjoi and Elections, and Mr. Logan (R;p., III.) was appointed in bis stead. Tbe Judicial Eipenses bill waa taken up, the pending question bring on Mr Allison's (Rep , It.) amendment to ia crease tbe appropriation for district at torneys and their assistants from $300, 000 to $300,000. Mr. Dawes (Rep., Mtss) spoke against the bill, asserting that it was the most pernicious measure yet introduced It would do more than any of the other bad measures of this Congress to shake the confidence of all joslice-hmn peo pie in our judicial system. He showed the freedom of the j try system of Mas. sachusetls from political influence", and prophesied a disastrous cbauce therein should this bill be passed. Mr. Hill (Dem, G) siid that if tbe present law were righteously aduiinis tered there would be no need of a ohange. It would be indecent to intro duce politics into tbe jury system by a 'aw, but they bad already been intro duced by judges who violated the spirit of tho existing law. and the pending bill waa iutended to abate this indecency. Mr. Conkling (lisp., N. Y.) thought it would be belter to retain Uc present law, amending it to remedy the defects tiumpluLcd of. Mr. Hill replied that he would not vote for the bill unless it contained the proviso that it should not prevent con formity with Slate practices where such conformity now existed. It was intended if possible to lead to a return to the State system. He believed thousands of i mocent men had been punished in the S Mith by reason of the irregularities he spoke of. He himscIL had several times admsrd his clients to throw them selves on the mercy of the coOrt rather than submit to trial before juries ob viously packed. Got of the clause "but nothing here contained snail be can strucd to prevent any j iJ,;e in a dis trict from ordering the names of jurors to be drawu from boxes used by the State authorities" he moved to strike the words "in which such is now the practice" so as to make tbe provision universal. Mr. Morgan (D.-m., Ala ) believed a radical reform was required in the Fed eral jiry laws. Among other things he pointed out that there was bo legal reuiedf against an alleged abuse by a court officer of the power given him by a rule rule of the court. Tho judge was appointed un li.-r well-defi el law, and the jury should be selected under laws n cirufo'1- mi ,, ml tnt the un goveniud ch .icu ui a iiutlul. There seemed 1 1 ho no ic:s mi f.r making the j-iry.') -i tho on'y p!:iec, where d:ar.I.ty was to be p'rpclu.itca. lie had becu obl:g"1 t try cases involving valuable property before colored jurors nh i coi.l 1 n t rivid the pipers iu evi dence, uiiu mi uuduialju ding of which depended t';e ability t rend ;r a fair ver diet. It coul.l not be igm red that p-iliiics had already crept ii.U judicial a. lairs. The judiciary was being d'veited Iroro its grand object and converted into a political machine. Judges have been uppoiuU-d, according to popular belief, because of pnrty service. The bench os in danger of becomi.ig a reluge lor pnliticnl hacks He read various am- livi's tetidine to show corrupt practices iiAI-.ihann. It was cenwinn for led officials to be p'lt on U dted Stntes j'iries. Un also advened to inner ho hps committed by 1'iited Nates llij'nls. People were atres'cd and not allowed t gie bonds so that the com missioners a d deputy nnrshals might get their jiil fics. Many of those arrested were evidently so trcntcd for n i other purpose thin t ennhte the oificijh to cheat the Government out of the fees. Mr. A'lison's nmendxent was re jected. M U allaoo (Pern. l.i.. moved to amend by inserting after the chme pro hiVuiog the iocuni'ig of any liability by imy ut'psrttuCit an exception in lavor ol the War lud Navy Dv-pattuients. Alopted. M-, Il.Ui. s R-p, X H.) muved to user', au appropriation of $150,000 to p-iy j iJjq.iicii'.s of the C)Uit of Claims. Ji Jled wut. M Wallace opposed M. Ili'.i's amendment, which be said ir ml J des troy uniformity. Mr. Carpenter (U.-p , Hi.) said he wju'.J vote for the amend. nant. He w.i aid at a iy pr p r li.n i l.kc to unite with the lawyers ol this body in framing a Federal jury At present there as no sue'i thing as a trial by jury in Federal courts Tim trial was by the itnisllul and cleik, and they could puck a jury to convict or uunt us lliey pleased- lie wished the Inwvers would let this matter go ovt r until December. A delay of six montlis more, alter bear ing the evil sixty yearx, wnild not make much difference. elijectfd to the hi'l ns a nnrtinl remedv. and as such likely to stand iu the wuy ot a lull remedy. A'ter further dAite Mr. Hill's ri'neo loi ! .t w.H alootel. T ie bill ,v is then passed by 27 iu 15, aUiCl pa-ty vole. I he army Ap iropri ition bill was taken u,i and the Senate abjuurne I. rm'turttT1" "TTtf is-k ryinrraur AKVKK riSKMKNTS. I hiill on Monday July 7th, IS"!), cell t pub'ic auction tn the town of Weltion hi .1 o'cloek six (ii) Ii"kh lii ri'nn to Levy Day, to pay taxes lor the vinr l.sjs. I.. M i.ono r ii. W. L. I.ono, oVply. June 5'.f. .I.E OK LAND PwK T.'XRi I shall on Monilnv Jnlv 7ih 187ft soil nt tli court Iioiiio loor ii- "I " kI lf.x town, to '.In. Iiieli-ot liid lor, it politic Huntioo fur omli IokuIhI'v Rtit noil county Irjiw lor lsi!S. A traot nf liuol l)(iiiiiriiiu to Jdk. I.. H ii ilon, lyinij io Halifax o.oiotv, Calorio nla toA'iiMhlp, L. M. I.ONtl.eol by A 11 Hill tlnpty. juneSif s A li .-. O V li A N I) KO it TAX liS. I shall on Monday July 7i, 1879, aell at tbo court limine door lit the town of H tli fx, to tbhlghtt blililornt public auction for cnh niift tract -f liuol lying in Hiililax eotmtv, ('nnoennar'e to'nhtp, '!m';ltij to Nat Nichn.unn, to natil'v stato and c -uii-ty taxes for 1878. L. M. LONO, col. by A 11 Hill depty. June Stf. s ALE OF LAN D FOR TAXES. T shall on Monday the 7-h day of July !879, aell at th oonrl bouia door in the town ot H.ililaxat public auction for nah to mtlafy alate and oounty txo for 1878, one tr.iot nf land lying In' Halifax emin'y Hallfix lomnMiip, twionglog to Darid Keara, oontainiug 71 aerm. L. M. LONG, col. by II. K. Uary, depty. Junootf gALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. On Monday July 7lh, 1879, I shall sell at me cniirt uouae n or in town or liuuixx. to the highRit bidder at public auction for cah to Ratlsl'y slate and county taxra for 1Ki.4. a tract fif Unit hnlmiirinif tn Nml Wliif. aki-r' lying in liali ax oounty Caledonia . i' ! m ..- iirwusuiji, i,. m. i.-m,coi. by A. B. Hill depty June Stf CALK OF LA NlfFOlt T A x is. I thall en Monday the 7th dny of July 187!, R"ll a: the court boiiHs door, In the t-iwn nf Halilax nt public alluilou for.Ciih, to t-atiafv ta'e and iwinty taxes fur the year 178, one tract of land iviug In Hali fax r-ouiuy, Halilax townh'p, belonging lo hrowu Farmer, ontalnln 4 acres. L. M, t)NG,ool. by II. 1'. G irj dej-ty. jmic v.r ADVKRTISEMENT8. s ALU OV LAND FOK TAXES. I Miall on Monday July 7th 1870, sell to the htRhest bliMi nt the eoort house door In llio town or Halllax to patlsfy utatfl and county taxes for on tract of land ly iiiK In Halifax county, Conoeonarie town ship, lelonging to . W. Ixiwla. I. M. LONG coll. by A U Hill depty. Juno 6tf s ALE OF LAND FOK TAX ES. T "hall on Monday Joly 7th, 1879 sell at tht court house door In the town of Halifax, at publlo miction for cali, one tract of land Jvlnx In Halifax county, Hal ifax townHbip belowiing to Drew 'lillery containing one hundred acrea and known as the Brunch pine, to satisfy state and county taxea fur 1S7S. L. M. LONO. col. by B F Gary doply. June 5tf s ALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. T .loll n MnnrUv Julv 7th 1879 sell at the court hoime door In the town of Hull, fnx, tn tho higher bidder nt public auction for cuih to iiatislv stale and oounty taxes r,,r iM-s imct of lanil Ivlnir in Ilalifiix county, Ualiftx townihip, helonulnu to Jamni Mo rria, contalnlnn one half sore. Tills tract la situated noar the town of Halifax. h. M. I.ONO, col. by a F uary uojuy. Jnne5 tf s ALE OK LAND FOK TAX KS. r Imll nn MnmUv Jolff 7th 1879. roll at the court houe door in Hie town of Hali fax, at public auction, lor ch to aatlxfy ulnln anil I'lllllltV Inll-H for 1M78 1)110 tract ot land lyin( in Halifax county, anil Hal ifax townxiup, tinl inijinR to .Mls Angelina Lewis, contaiiiiug su ncm. 1. m . i a.tiu, ni. by B F Uary dopty, June Stf N O T I C E I nh-all on Monday July 7th, 1879, well at nublie auction at the court douse door Iu the town of Halifax, the right, 'itle and in torest ol O. W. Lewis iu a cxrlaln im proved town lot In town of Weldon, to pay taxes for the year 1878. i, m., ooi. W. L. Lono, depty. Juno Stf. s ALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. I hall onMondav 7th July 1979,sell tothe highest bidder at public auction for cash at the court house door in the town of Hal ifax to satisfy statu and county taxes for 1S78. ooe tract af land lying; in Halifax county, Conoeonarie towns-hip belonging to James lleuley. j. m. i.o.m, coi. uy a a uia uepty. June 5tf. N" 0 'J T 1 C E I shall on Monday July 7th 1879. sell at public auction at the court house door in the town nf Halifax the right, title and in-tt-restof R. C. Badger in a certain tract nf la d in Halifax township, containing 3(10 acres more ar less, to piiy taxes for tbe year lb7i. L. M. LONG, col. w. Li. Long, puty. N 0 'J T I C E T ul.all f. T., I T 1 1. 1 OTft ..11 Aoiinnv... .iiniunj,uill, 1,11, 141.', Oril at ii olio auction at tbe court houu door, I.. ... , r ir .i:r- ., i i. . .1., , III lliu Kin II Ul liaillHA bug rigDi IHIB HnU interest ot George Jonea In a certain Im- nrnVRll liltfn lilt III lIlM lnn ti Valilnn in pay taxes the year 1878. ij. m. Lioso. coi. W. I. Lomi, dopty, Weloon, N. C, June lib, 1879. June 5tf. N O T I C E I Khali nn Monday, July 7th. 1879. aell at publlo auction at tbe court houn door in the town of Halifax the right, tittle and ititereat of Wm. Ploro In a certain Im proved town lot in the town of Weldon. to pay taxes for the year 1878. Ij. M. IONd, 0Ol. W. L. LoNn, depty. Weldon, N. C, June 4th, 1879. June Stf. s ALE OF LAND. I ahall on Monday the 7th day of July 1879, noil to tho highest bidder nt public auction for canh, at the court liouno door in the town ot Halifax, to aatWIy ntate and county taxes for the year 1878. The fol lowing real elto to wit: One tract of hind lying in Faucet' township, con lain -Klxty acres and listed by Newlwrn Hux, agent. I.. M. LONG Col. by R. E. Must ley dept Col. may 29tf s ALE OF LAND. I shall on Monday the 7th da of Jnl 1879 Hell to tha hittbeat bidder'at nnbii'o aui-iinn lor rasn at ine court House door in the town of Halif ix to Hatify state and county Uxes lor ynar 1X78, the following property to wit: One tract of land con taining sixty acres, belonging to O. W. Neville and lying in Faucelts township, known the house tract. Ii. M. LONG Col. by R. K. Moseley, depty. may29tf. N TICK. Lawless porsena have several times broken snd drawn the staple of my boat on my AhIi pond, lihhed and left the boat away from my landing, damaging the Doer, aaainst my coosaot, knowing the ponu to be posted. 1 ueratore I do hnrOy forbid any aud all persons, entering on an part of inv plantation, known as I-onuwnod. or my land adjoining, either fur the purpoio of huntinit, INIilnu or for any nther purpose, under tbe atrletest pe nlty of the law. Goiitleineu will nut rlsh Iu my pond rllhout a license to doso. IjhwIshh lr-pHsnur I wiil koeo oil Wy tiix law. No one need apply lo fish Iu said poud for an hour. T. J. PERSON. msyl Svr SEND FOR SAMPLES. We offer to the citizens of NORTH CAROLINA t the largest, cheapest AND Bicst Stock Ready Made Clotuinq IN THE SOUTHERN STATES! It is all our own manufacture, thoroughly rename and low ia pjlco. beud lor sum pies for our MERCHANT TAILORING AND tiEXTS' FL'RXISIIIXO GOODS. Sond for catalogue. JOHN WAN A MAKER, RICHMOND VA. mays 3m ADVE11TKEMENTS. ALE OF LAND. I ahall on Monday the 7th day of July 1879. sell to the highest bitldr-r at public auction for cash t the court liotiss door in tbe town of Halilax, to satiKfy utatfl and county taxeH for the year 1879. the follow, ins; land to wit : One tract lying in Fau cetis township, containing one hnodrrd and four acres, belonging to'S. T. Nf ville. U M. LONO, Col. by R. E. Moseley rVpt Col. may 29tf w E L D O N MILLS. Water Ground Meal. Bolted and Unbolted. Made from selected white corn, thor oughly screened aud tanned. mr27rtm D ELMONICO'S FOR bALE. The valuable lot and atore la Weldon, known ax "Delinonii-o's." Apply to MULLEN Jk MOORE. mayltf n BEAT BABOAINS AT VT J. A. MUSCROVES. BOOTS, SJiOES, CROCKERY. IJRY OOODS. AND NOTIONS AT COST. I witdi to close out my line of tbe aboye goods and will sell out at coat. Finest and nurest Liquor alwaya on hand and sold ia any quantity. The latest and moat fashionable ' DRINKS OF THE SEASON. UltOCEKIES OF ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SOLD LOW FOR CASn. Mr. H. B. Pope ia with me and will be pleased to bee hi frionda J. A. A11H(IU)Y1S, Weldon, N. C. apr. 100m N O T I C E. To the Creditors of Edward Conigland, deceased : Take notice that a special proceeding has been commenced before the Clerk of tho Superinj court for Halifax county, North Carolina, against R. O. Hot-ton Jr., as administrator of Edward Conigliind, deceased, for Bn account nnd unttlemflnt of lii.s ndniiiiixtration and to piy tbecrei'.itora what may be payable to thum respective ly; end I his i.i to notify you to appear be fvre aaid Clerk on or bi-foie the 2(iMi dav of May A. I). 1879, at bis ofllce in Halifax town, and tile your evidence of debt agains', aid decedent duty authenticated, or this notice will bo plead iu bar of their recovery. This tbe 2nd day April A. D. 1879. JOHN T. GREGORY, Clerk Superior Court, Halifax county N. C. Edward T. CUrk. Attorney for the Plaintiff. aorlMw T.4LBOTT A SOXH SIIOCKOE MACHINE WORKS, RICHMOND VA. Manufacturers ol Portable and Stationary Engines and Hoilers. Saw Mills, Corn and Wheat Milts, Minuting, Hanger-4 ana fill leys. Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco 11a ebineiy, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron castings, juaumuery or f.very ilea nriptiou. Ginning and Thresiiino Machines A SPECIALTY. Bcpalrine Promptly & Carefully iioue. TALBOTT'S FAVENT SPABK-ARRESTEU, The Invention oi the Ago. It does not destroy t'le draft. It does not intorfere with cleaning tho tube. It will not choke np, and requires no clean loir. It reonires no direct dampors to be npeneii when raising steam (uampeni ne lug oiijectionabln, as they may lie let t open anil allow s arks lo excape ) It requires no water to extinguish sparks, which, by condensation, destroys the (Ira It. llestiies, when water is useu, II neglected, the elncioncy is destroyed by evaporation of the water, and tha boiler is kept In a tilthv condition. It is simple and durable and can he re lied upon. It enn be attached tn any boiler. No planter should he without one oft .em Insurance companies will Insure gins and barns where the Talbntt Enuinea and Spark-Arresters ara used at same rate us oUarued lor wator or horse power. Fir-Send for illustrated oirculara aud price list. Uranch house. Ooidsbnrn, N. C. J. A. H AULER. I. encral Manager. T. A.GRANUEK, Loos I Manager, may 8 Hill ELDON BRICKS! BRICKS! BRICKS! Col. N. M. lying and Wm. D. Reese having formed a copartnership in the iirica uu8liitws, takes tuts mention nt in forming the public that they liuve nn hand and for sale, the ft nasi stock of brick in the Slate. Win. 1). Reese, the practical mail of the concern baa had an oxpe-ionce of more than lorty years in Kaltimnra and other cities. He has m ado all the brick in Weldon for the past live years, and has rtlv-'n entire aatislaction to all who havo usoU them. HARD BRICK A SPECIALTY TIIK CLAY SHLECTHD HAS BEEN TESTED. NO HALF RRICK OR BATS Parties when ordering will plensa Mitto wnere tne uncus are lo usmi, it Tor an Hilt side chimney, or insi lo chimney or un derpinning, Ac., thereby saving expense aud trouble, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIM KM. The undersigned lespectfnlly refer to Capt. J. If. Divine, W. A W. Railroad, Ca U K. G. Ohio, S. A K. Railroad, and S. T. Hand, S. A R. Railroad nnd many others on all the roads who bave used tho brick made by W. D. Reeso. Please send your orders addressing LONO A REESE, tVi-ltlon, N. C. mav loir ADVERTISEMENT. F OR BALE. Valuable residence In town of Scotland Neck, where M. Hrftinan now liyes. Terms liberal. THOS. N. U1LL, Halifax, N. C. Peo 14 3m. v.j- N A W , WELDON, N. C. BAKER A CONFECTIONER. Manufactures all binds of plain and fan cy cindies. Keeps always on band the fulle-it stock of Candies, Fruits, Nuts, Ac., to be found in Eastern North Carolina, which he sells by wholesale or retail. Orders tor wedding parties, and balls prepared on short notice and at most rea sonauln prices. Cot 20 tf. It- F- 13 U T L E K, I'lro nnd Llic Insurance Agent. riacos risks of all kinds In 'first-class Companies as low an safety will permit. Call and see me before Insuring else where, at BROWN'S DRUm STORE, Weldon, N. C. July 131 y. G HAND ACHIEVEMENT. A New Process Tor Sinking Wells. A GOD-SEND TO EASTERN N. C. It Is a rare case that a well is nnk twen ty loot without finding marl. Good water can always be bad by horning below the marl, and shutting nil the water from hove. I nave a new process that excludes all surface water an effects of marl, Ac. Haio wen complete tor use, oneuollar per foot ,witb aurfaee preventative, one to one liftv per foot. These wells never vet out oi onier, will last a life time. Orders so licited, redahle Agents wanted. Special attention given to moving houses with my Pot Mover. j , v. iHjKKi r k, uu. Weldon, N. C. Dec21 tf. Is a monthly. lOft-pARe Scrip Book of the cream ot '? the World's Literature. Rinnle copy, 20c., or f2 per rear. An Oil Chiouio (Ux&j inches) of "Yoaeuuto Valley," price, f.1; " Dlack Sheep." a f l.SO book, in 1aper binding; "Chridtian Oakley'a Mistake." a St i'K,k, in pnper bintltnir. and a sample copy of "Wood's lloUHehold Magazine" all pout-paid, for only 30 cimts in mnnuy, or in ono-cont postage stampti. Areata wanted. Moat liberal terms, but nothing sent free. Address S. S. Wood, Tribune Building, Kcw York Citr. LOOK HERE? READ THIS! READ THIS! And Stop at the Corner, and buy your cueap gooaa irotn w n BROWN, THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. lie keeps always en hand a full line of general merchandise, such aa Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drv Hoods, Notions, Poeki-t Cutlery, Razors, Hoisery, Ac. Also a full line of groceries, Cheap for Cash. Corner 1st St. aud Wash. Avenue. Wkldon, N. C. mr271y -yALUAIJLE LANDJ FOR SALE. We have forsalnnndnnoasvanl reason able terms, the following valuable tracts of land situated in Halifax county, N. C: 1. That tract formerly belonging to W P. Solomon, deceased, 'known as "Elm- wood," containing ahout 3.M) acres and ad joining lands of Or. (J. li. Macon, deceased and others. 2. 'I be tracts formerly belonging to Jno C. Randolph, and located near Croweils X Roads, one tract known as tlio Kodgers tract and containing about 110 acres, tbe other tract knuwu as the "Cockran" nr "Mullen" tract aud contaiuing about 300 acres. 3. A tiact situated In Warren county about three fourths of a mite from Little ton on the public road leading from that plane to Warrenton, and contaiuing about 2lUaores, and aoj lining the lauasor Airs Dr. ("has. Skinner and others. 4. The tract purchased by W. II. Shields from tha administrator of Jacob Hlggs, ilm-oased, ooniaining ahout 300 aorea and ad oiiiing the lands of W. ii, Mnalris, Uen. P. Pope and others. Parties seeking in formation as In this Iraet, call call upon ua nr John C, Randolph Eq. All thoe lands are In healthy sections, it not disposed ol unvHloiv btil'ora thai time, we fcball olfor said lands at public auction on the first Monday in October. Parties wishing to purchase would do well to call iiihiii us Tor inmrmsuon. MULLEN A MOORE. Alts. Halifax N. C. aprlOtf GRANVILLE TOBACCO WORKi, HENDERSON N. C. JOS. E. FUGUE, rilOPRIETOK. MANUFACfUKK-J ALL OHADES 0? Twist Tobacco and Caddv Work, GENERAL AGENT FORE II.POCJUE'S GENUINE "SITTING BULL"' DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. in u H I m ADVERTISEMENTS. PROCLAMATION, Re ilk nown In all rnaitpni nflfila nn...- that, vou ........ ... ... - ,air bereatter order your entire wuniaj in wearin apparel ana uouBe-kecpiug goods ol the UNDERSIGNED, AMD OETTIIK MOST RKLIABLI OOOD8 roa TIIK LEAST MONEY TfAntr marla nlnt.rtlntv fnr KTam anil nnK. .t n - - - - " ' ' r wear of custom make; and best quality at lowest prices. BROADCLOTHS. DltKKMUODDH, COTTON CLOTHS, DOKSKIN, 8ILKH. SATINS, i'LANNKLS, CAMKIMKKE3 VKI.VKTS, PLUSHES, DOMESTICS. TAILORS' TRIMMINOS, VELVETEENS HHKKTINOK. SHIRTS, PRAWKRS, SWISS MUSLINS, CHECK MUSLINS PILLOW CASINO, UNDERSHIRTS, NAINSOOK, BED TICKING, HOISEKY, BLANKETS. GLOVES, . A full line of Notions, and Fancv Goods at wholesale and retail, at less tbsn NORTHERN PRICES. Clothing made to order in best manner. Fit guaianteed. Orders promptly filled. Samples sent on application. M. K. KULL, 145 Syo. St. Petersburg, Va. TH LARGEST STOCK OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN MILLINERY GOODS IN THE SOUTH. All impoited and mauufactuied by me, and sold at less than Northern Prices. Real French Bonnets and Hats. Straw goods, by tbe cube dozen or piece, Infants Goods, Flowers, Wreaths, Plumes, Tips, Ribbons, Sashes, 'J'ies, Rncbing, Silks, Satiiis, Velvets, Laces, Corsets. Parasols, Gloves and Mitts, Edgings, Bridal Wreathes. Ladies dresrf s made to order, complete, in best manner, at lowest prices. BRIDAL OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. All orders promptlv filled. MRS. M. E. KULL, Oct 12 lm. T o T I C E. Having taken the shop that A. Eaton formerly occupied. I am prepared to do all kinds of repairing, wood or iron. Having been here over twenty years everybody in the caunty knows thai I un derstand my business, making wagons and carts, buggies, and ironing same. Give me a call, I. C. RICHARDSON- Jan 11 6m. MRS. A. B. JONES- SOS Sycamore St, Petersburg Vs. FALL AND WINTER, 78-79 Is opening s New and Desirable stock of MILLINERY UOODS, DRESSMAKING A SPECIALITY. CUTTING AND FITTING, At short notice. Latest styles dress trim mings, fringes, buttons, fancy goods, aud notions. Wedding and party dresses made, and if requested, will furnish the material. Ornamental for llio Hair oi Ererjr Description. Braids, Switches, Jet and Fine Jewelry. Also, Xsntbino, an escellenl preparation for the hair. Iu fact, everylbiug to adorn a lady. ALSO EMBALM F. R OF NATURAL FLOWER)' Wo warrant our Embalmed Flowers never to chnnce their FORM OR COLOR. -AQKNT FOR- B. BUTTERIorc & COU CELEBRATED P ATT E ENS: Catalogues sent free on application. I am prepared to offer customers extra inducements ihis season, in the style, quslity and prii-s of my goods, o as to iiisko it tn their interest' to give me a larg share of iheii pntrot ae. I iberelore li I to Imve tbe pleasure of sn early cull I r.-n yr u, assuring you lhat 1 will vsc my leu' efforts to make your Hading w ith uie en tirely sstisfactory tn you. Orders from Virginia and Korth Crro'l na aros"llcited,aiid will be promptly fill' upon ressnnable terms. Thanking yon f r pau favors, T rernaia Yours respectfully, MRS. A. B.JONES. Oct 10 tf. QOTTON GIN FOR SALE. I have for sale a fifty saw Needle Ojt ton good repair. PurHes can this Gin at John M. Foote's Foundry! Weldon, N.C. J.M.MULLlN' liprlTtl S -