'.x.'X'-Trer.i'gt THE ROANOKE NEWS. X DEMOCRATIC THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. WREKLY NEWSPAPER, I I i I si I I 1 PUBLISHED BY space i i a i a .'"i--rj V-f if.. V A- -1 ' ; V- ' 3 XVV lic A A t! .1 F 4 I - 1 n 4 3 i. LUNG & W. W. HALL. Ono Year, lu advance, Six Months, " ruroa Mouths, " ?2 00 i no 75 eta, VOL. VIII. WELD ON, K O, THURSDAY, AGUUST 14, 1870. NO. 24, When tho looses Come Again. E PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DWAHD T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. rar. SOly. - iiT W. II ALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. may Kf. II. SMITH, Jit. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Scotland Nscrc, Halifax Coontv N. C. Practices In the enmity of Hall fix ana adjoining oouutios, anil tno Ml preme court of tho Htate. Jan 10 ly. Neath the nhe.ih.w.s, down tbo meadow, Dmtd Waves ho on every side, Ry tlio river flower shiver, FHilinc (Iviiicr. in thoir prido. Some one Mrayine;, long ('.claying, Sad tho parting down the lano, I must iKitve you so mo one saying iill the rosos oo in u again. As I wandor, I will pondor 1)1 thu nappy days roho ny, Of a summer ovor yondor, Fraught with joye to you and I. Do not borrow (jriof or sorrow In tli li uirs that yet remain Wo Hliall know a happy morrow Uon tlio roses come apilu. Sunshlno over urlitiHOh clovnr ISIoshoiu on the meadow wide. Sii::iiiivr'N linger sweetly lin;;or, l.vtrv where, on ovory Mil". Homo nun's raamlni: In Iho gloaming liapny heii i.-i lli-tt loci no pain, A'! their sadm-Hi will turn to gladness When tho roses cotno injnln. UNITES) IU DEATH. D II. DAY. AY & A. o. y.oi i.ieoi i'iiit. Z O h L I C O I' P E It. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Tractlre In tlio courts nfllrOlfn: ami nujolnlnrr enmities, awl In tliHni'r'm nini Vii,ral courts. (Maims eoliiM'tet hi any iiiii, oi noi-ui i iircnnui. ounof tho tlrm will alwaya bo fomnl In I ln office. jnuoztii y. JOS. B. BATL'UELOR. ATTORMSY AT L1W, RALEIUII, N. C. Prsetioes in the courts of tha Oth Iirll- nial niHti'ict and in tlio Federal and Su preme Courts. May 11 tf. T. W. MASON. ATT0RHEY AT LAW, G A.RYSRUR1, N. C. Praotlees in the eonrts of Northampton mini adjoining countios, also in tho FoiionU ana ouuroino couiH. Juno S-tf. fjaaOAIAS N. HILL, Attorney til Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Tri!U(!fisi la Halifax and adj'tinin!? Counties and Fodoral and Supreme Courts, Will b ateotliua iieon, ot::o overy tortniylit. Aur. 28-a J M. KI2ZAai, ATT03MSY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. N CiSS at lu Uih Court Hmuso. Htriot attpn tin aivou to all Urauohas of '.ho profos- jan 12-1 c D R. K. I.. 11 UNTEH, DENTIST Cam be found at Uia offl! In Knfold, Pura Nitrons Ox'tda (i is lor ths Pain, Un Extracting of Teeth always on June '11 tt. hand, A & A 3 O tf, ATTOiliJSY AT LAV, KiLiris 69UKT7, n. c. Praxis I tae Cnntis of Eal'.fts, nullum mil in ill Paris nf (ho State. Jn Vi i jKDRBVf J. JSIJRTON, ATTOHXET AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. the Tourts of n.itllax. War r 4 NjrlhaimpUit nounlioa and in tho BriM aaJ Fed.nral Courts. ()li a oolleottfd in aay part of North q a r i ar L. 11 Hi A S , ATTOJSTsJSY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. C. PraiBss In the min ts of Halifax and adjainia eiua'kivi, aud in the Supremo mni IOu,Mr:ll tlnirt4. C!lim otllnutui iu all parts ef North Cam! ina. ni)elntlieCiut M'iise. July 4-1 - A U X I. 9 ' II A KA, ATTORNEY AT LAV, IINMBLO, U. C. Praollnns la the 'oii!itlas of Halifax, Kdeooimhe aud Nasli. In the !',upr-uo i.'ourt nf tka Blate aud in tto l ior.'.l Pan!.)!. ('llo.-ttiins made In any pnrt f tho Stale. Will attend at the Court House In Xialifax e Menday and l'ridaj of oueh Sreolc. Jin 1J-1 o I , BURTON, J n. ATTORNEY AT LAV, HALIFAX, H. C. Prantlcos la the Courts or Halifax Ceunty. and CVintios adloIulnR. In tlio Supremo Court of tlio Ktate, and iu lUu Federal Courts. Will (five special attention to tho ool'.oo tlon nt'claimH.anil to adjustini; tho aecounta f Kxeontars, Adiainlsratora and tlitar dlans. rtoc-l.Vtf 'Uata u. UULI.KN. D L L E N JliilN A. MOOIIK MOORE ATTOfJMEYS AT LAV. Halintv, N. c. Prai'tlne In the Countins of Halifax, Ni)rtliaiii tm, Kdnooiulio, Pitt and Mar tin In the Supro-no Court of tho State n. In tho Fodoral Courts of tho Knstoi n District. Colloetioua uiada iu any part of North Curollua. Jau 11c Ti:o. daughter of a wealthy futlmr, beautiful Biiil accomplished, in Ihe full j'.lov.-of youth u':d health, why shouhl the fuir Auticita hlderson wrmp her white haiids in imuish and paiu? What should she, tha Mtk-il, cuvicd girl know ol soiro'.vr And such sorrow I 0.1 her knees, by the bedside, sho prayed that God in his nrrcv tnicht taho her fiutn the earth. In th dtlicate httiiyiiis siis buried her tcar-furrowe j lacs, and solts, as though comii from a boiJv-partinn soul, broke thickly through tha sulciii silence of the iiijiht, Surelv love nan ordained to bo a b!essiiij! VVhv thea had it proved a cuise to her? It was merely in an excess of youth ful spirits perhaps, that tho stini'iier be- fori, hile at her fathers country res- idt oe for the season, she Bhould visit the country schools during tha exer cises. Fur tha city brod 1 uly there is little of varitty in the iiitct uiinahle buc- cession of pleasant days preen fields and mi'.d-uianiicred cu3 or cheep, ami this was an agreeaoiu diversion. Fiic wanted to see for herscll how tho rustic idea was made to shoot, she said U her friend, date Allen, and uever would butter opportunity offer. Her preconceived idea ot tho interior of the little old Etono school bouao on the hill was not fiatteriii". Iu far.cv she saw soute dozcu of shock-headed archinii of cither sex, wrestling fearfully wit!) thi vanguard of eduvation, led bv an ancient female Alexander in priuu livo drrss oi'd cuikscrcv curl3. How easily tie often d.ce.ivo our suives, and wont iar-renc'ii'i conso quences frcq'icn'.ly 3 Jff from the decep tion. She sent in hsr oni and her com anion 6 ua.-ne CV a i..ti-nar.ij st:ioi.ir they rsset bringing water fron tho spring and asked poronssiou ta visit the clus room. As nrncefiillv as it was nskod it wis ... , I, r , , no lets riaceiuiiy accoraca. ouiii the ladies cine in? Tbev followed their youthful conduc tor. A low ci'ilincffd, ucatiy wnue wash room identcously furoiihed with iuJo defks. No vacant stare frora gaping, idly curious faces greeted their entnr.ce. There may have teen ciue L'lcuccs sent tuward them from the book tent eves, but that was ill! And tho toucher I ot tho conven tional sliarp-:ii';li;d spiclaclcd o'.J tnaid of Anm ttu's limey by ur.y means. A youthful, slender mar, very har.dsosie nnd coU'leons, bowed lowly, ana spoite a lew worcs oi coraiai weicoaiu, uuw- ins! them to tho onlv two approaches to chairs the place possessed. H'-'O'inii their patience tor a moment he proceeded in the d isi haro of his duties. Rii.idly and with a graeelul enso ho heard tho various pupils, or ovei looked their tasks and then dis missed thcrj. They ha i I'omrs to be airi'isid hut the ladies were forced to niiuiire. There was s mieihi!'.-; of mr.ulincsi in thii t iler of tho mind, tk.it buaiblo as his fluid was, cb'uinniitScd rospt. A few coinuioiiptavo n maius were in- terchaored ciacirui"" tho school which was built u;.-.n her f-itlusi'o cntta. 1 Lao hi'J) .ell, Mis3 E'.Je.-aoti said tho master. Indeed it is to hia Itvor that I am iiidibud for my position. I wii,',i, sliooid jnu lii'u.k of it, you would give hiia Mr. Uiinei's compliments I Are you then Mr. llonccls? aad Ae netu, us .!.! ij.i.S.0 huiiUJiv, sceoicd to be cnawaro cf ciihcr the interest iu her voice or th.e t.o lc"-s cloip:ut language thi'.t nuuntcd in roy fl islics to Lcr chet i.. F r sho hud often lu'ard her f.il.ier nieiuion hiiii as Klin in whom he felt the deepei-t interest. The son of an old o tii'love, he had ailji-ted his health in his ineuical studies, and that he mijjht with more comfort puisne !ho ore, while recupcrati g the other, ho had s. cuied for liiru tha mastership of the vil lage school. on will come and sne in, sir said Miss Elderson ut parting. I know 1 ntii spcukiiig for papa when 1 say you will be more than welcome. The same waroith fihidi had before iiiteiifi.fijd her manner si omcd now to be redoubled. Very evidently tho vis it for euteitaiiiuiect hud beijoiuo sur chareed with earr,i'Btue6S ul the luost nosiiive and serious kind. If a hearty giusp of the hsod is worth audit in the currency o'' good will, John Kldeisou felt it for his pro'.egco. Not only did ho chido hirn for not coming earlier when he did visit tho o:g man sion. ho ina,1o him troiuisa bo wt uld shortly come n.iin. And ho did. 11 jt niidlle-.igi d men charms of social coaverso and so what wonder if Harry Kennels and Annetta Klderson wero often alono. Ia her father's ahsrmco she must act tho hos tess and a charming ouo she made. There were pleasant hours gpeut iu the shade of the porch, and just as plcnsutit wanderings beneath tho balmy trees. It was as wiso to expect that ef fect would precede cause ia r.ud out of nature's woik, as to imagine cuch things would be without their influence. And so tho days had flowu swiftly aud peacefully. They wero now seated in a fe.vorito seat, already consecrated, ky many sweet assurances. Through the clcse-lcavcd trees fell upon them the r."x::.in.3 of tfi3 soft July noon. With bowr.d lisad ced sorrow broken voice ho was spoakinr; to liar. And tho story ho told seemed too s:.J, too full of pain aud woo for such a glorious li.tie. (jei. tinman that he wan, n:id recog nizing the socir.l differenco between tho girl mid himself, ke had just ns!:cd tho father for permission to pay his ad- addresses to Annettn. J.it t:;o answer crushed his hopes like a bl.tit of I'.ht- iiif. No, Mr, Eenoi-lj, Uiv daughter u:J5t wed in her own rank; and sir, rr'.icn y;:u entered this house I believed yon woitiu not so far forget yourself as to speak to her or think uf her as it is eviuout ou have. I now sea my inilake. Good night. A'ld the proud !aii refusion to hear him further, bowed hiia from tho rum's!. So the lovers were parting. Accord ing to the code that rulj most hearts, perhaps it were not treason to have per sisted in spite of parental opposition, nut it did not belong to his nuluro to do so nor to hers. Tho last good-bje had been Raid, with a prayer that e.t some happier t'nuo they mioht meet agma and t.-.ey tcpat alcd. l!o to return to tho city tha eummer vacation having begun she to seek the solitude of her chapter, v.hare unseen, she might pour out tho woo that was torturing her son. symploms of the fever. Tenderly they cared for her, but she was not to be saved. She passed away with the nawo of her lover on her lip j. Soma s ii.1 her imprudent kiss bad been tlio cause, and others that it was only to be expected from her wholcsouled sacrifice, and attention to all the needy and ufll ctcd. I!ut kt what will bo tho cause, bow uolly it is to tlio for lava and Duty 1 alia V.'u.u&cd Two. have much U a'.tc;.d to besides the What John Biihered norm can tell Cut his future may h".e been tho hap niest. A terrible scourge lud tlrn-k the country cno that uiitoy s!:il!ou physicians feared t ) eucounter r.od !:.', although but a tyro in tho healing e..t, found himself useful. L. broadly k:'.d the awful fever spread iKeif that nodi cal aid was wauled at ull prs.-.ts; r.nd in self sacrificing eff irts to help the ti-'ictc! in the d ;ti..'s ol tho profcsci.'-n f-' :.J morning till night he almost Ei-e. ag id to stifle the sad memories of his happiloits love. 15-.it she after that bitter niMit whatever the agony endured, seemed more resigned. There tv.t.i a settled tor row upon her face, r.iul her veice s-. r.i ;c rang through tho hm:;o v.il'a i's olJ tirced merriment, Ixt viithal che Lruvcly met the fortune fata br.d v.illtd her. Still worse became tlio terrible pla gue. Iltmdic's r-cre dying daily, and a loud cry for help roja : from tho stii.l'.en land. Money wjj nct'deJ ; doctors ivere needed an 1 nurses irr-t of ull. Iiunelta Ijldcrson hoard tho ap pen', r.nd it was not long oro her ro roIvo was in ado. She had heard of tho man she loved so nobly lucing dentil, and la ndiiii.tb.tration End ii'.Ketion i ;r her hero, she became a heroine. So she went into tho city oiin u'dcn.d her services to th Homardu. To the credit of her sex it ni:3t to Eaiii thoiO were many as rich and young and lair as she, who had dona tha sftn.3, but none did so with more kindly charity or a better heart. Into the slums into too worst cen tres of infoition into tho horpitalj everywhere that duty beckoned, l.V.c .:.r ried tho blessioi? i.l a neulla voi-e end haul. And d.iv by dav she grew to love her wora, for in rcl.cviug tlio sor rows ol others bs s'.".:(r.cd to lot'ceu Lcr own. Ilvnry cl.ort t'iC wisdoai of man cold suggi'st was p.ir.tlc, but the terriule dis- oacj sVilkcd oo. sliyoig its tuoisranuS. i'lvon the phvsicians and miri33 y: i! led to its dire influence, and in some places one was left to do the work of ten. The less experienced cr unaetliina ted fell earliest, and of this lumber wus Henry Funnels. Hut it was no no pi is;, for his S.ij c ri ., i s t,.iu huiiui..L!e testi mony to the fa''.t tlut in lluir corps if woikeishe ahv.ivs stood atuoog the fust. Now in tho hospital I.iv he, in the filial stipes of the dread disease. His flo'liod fevered tou'itcnanco gavo out wo hopeful sijn. Wa ideri'ig iu his mind, ho spoku of rca .y things, and asiong thorn of his lovo. Some of the attendaits knew the name, ana low.irns too ena Annetta tame to his bedside. And there she retrained till nil was over. Fafore tho red of the swollen fat e had given p!.v;o It tho pallor of death, there came a mo racnt of reason, and tha dyiog nnm saw the pale, tcar-staii.cd check bending uboo him. There wis mi ilTiit to speak but tongue and lips refused their duty. Tho eyes nlooc, dimming with the coming shadow told tho longing iu the heart While they yet looked up at her with slowly dying brightness, she placed her rrni bonenth bis neck and kissed him. tfju.cihir.g l.ke a sik'iIc crossed his ft alures. It give shade to (he swoon of the last suwaioos and ho wns dead. Thry would bavo taken her away, but she refused to go. And when a few hotus ufter they came to removo tho body she was herself J'.Trcus with fits'. There ir, no re.ir.oo why tho inventor of a icniody to "euro tho worst cigo ef erdarvli li.cide of five inouter.," shouldu't fjel it his duty to place a bottle of the name io every person's lif.i.d pvice t'.venty-ovo cci.tr. ; i.o core to py.'' Therefore. t!:o long-legged chap, v.'.io pu'led the doorbell on John II. ct.-eot tha other day, had none of that ii::iit1ity in its bearing which char.c terir.es ra-buycrs, lighting-rod wen and soileitoio for he fire safJ'crera. l:o had a good tl.iag a::d ho k.io.v it. Vhca tha door oi-ancj, and a hard-fca'.ured cotii in r.bot.t forty ycar3 of nge, con frcntiid l.io. ha plousaatly wcut to bus'. cess aiu! ruked : "M.u'.ar.i, ia vour husound ever troubled with tha cattarrh?" 'an a man vlio hus been dead seven vers co troantcd Vfiui t;ic catarriir s:ie rimly replied. 'F.ut tho children are ILblfl to be attacked any hour of thia seasoii," ha re marked. "Whoso children?" "Your, madam." "t never i.aa any, sir ! hat urongtit you here, anyway? Why do you come usl.i. g these questions? "Mid.un, I have compounded remedy for tho catarrh. It is a goo lhiii. Fll warrant it to knock any cae of catarrh tkydiHt in less than five minutes." "Veil sir, what is all this to mo?" "Why, r.iad.im why- " he slam mercd. 'll.i I look as if I needed any catarrh remedies.'" she deinandsd, as s!ic step ped out o:i the platform, "Madam, I would not for tho work have you to thiol; Ihr.t I thon-iit Yhi bad tha catarrh, but I nupposo tho IV; and lovely can he uitacLcd its Keil a tl.u trave ami s'-rovg." "And v.hiit have I got to do with nil that rigmarole? Who are you, sir, and v.iir-.t oo you want? ''Madam, ho whispered, taking dowi ona i.iep. I have a compound reiatd for llift'catarih." "Wh-.:.': cularrli, sir?" i.'.ul.iiii, I am sc'dinw my calir;1! 'Vihcre ia your catarrh where it it? she :i.li"-n'ole(I. He i'.ol dov,',j on tha second btcp, and a.ifily hi !;ao : 'Madam. I bavo a sure c.tra f-r the c.:t..rr!i, and I am i:e!'i-.ig lets nf it." 'W'o!!, wlo.t do 1 cate? Must jotl iieg r..y d-io.-bcll. a.d tell ma Uat 'oa r.rc ccilin" lets of c.tarrh inedi- WilO KOVMT ra:it. t.cai;'! of Talking with cn old gentleman from a rural district the otherday, we casu ally remarked upon third terms, and asked bis opinion as to (J ran Is chances. "Grant I" said ho, inquiringly, "who's Grant?" "Why," we replied, "Ulysses Grant, General Grau', Preskleut Grant, you know. The look of interest pasted from his features, and his voieo returned to its wanted tono as ho said : "No, I guesi I never heard of him." "W hat 1" was our nirmcv'1 rejoinder, "never heard of General Grant, the hero of the great rebellion, where B' many precious lives and cueli a vast cypsndi turrj of money were tffut.d up as n sacrifice" As wo had proceeded, a show of in- teligenec had lighted up the faco of our interlocutor, until ho suddenly broke out: "Laok here, ynu; I rumember tl.erc v.'is somo tallc of a row 'lonj in GO or 'CI, Toll ca how it enrao out. Did they really cct to fighting right down in earnest?" You can imagine how refreshing this was after mouths' reading cf Coeprcs siofial speeches replete with rerniuis- censes of the lute anr.leasiKtness. Ii tho cvsrpowering j y ef the mousint, wo hid our f-ico in cik ha :da, while the fountains of emotion burst their barriers at d we found relief in la; ri. Yes, wo wrpt, and wo cam uot who knows it. F.istou Transcript. 4? .'iSfi.'t Vfo'.avJni:! 1 he Sun ucvp NH on the Uuited Ktule.H Itoiuulu. Few people ore aware that the brood boast of Englishmen that tbo sun never sets on the British empiro is equally applicable to the United States. In stead oj being the western limits of tho Cnion, Sao Francisco is only about mid way between the further Aleutian Isle, acquired by our purch.iso of Alaska, and Kistport. Me. Oir Territory extends through 107 degrees of longitude or 17 degrees moro iDau liall way round the toba. 1 uo Ivutlty Mountain Presby terian, in commenting on this fact, mvs : "U lieu tha sun is eivin its nood night kiss to our wesU-romost klc, on ho conliues ot Hehrinn s Pea. it is nl- rendy finding tho fields and forest l of idaino with iu moruiua light, and iu the eastern part of lliut tate is more than an hour high. At tho very moment when tho Aleutian flsbc-rntao, warned bv the :ipp.or.ihin- shadca of nk-kt, is nullii)!! ins eunuu iuwr.ru too snore, tuo wood choppar of Maiao is beginning to make tho loreat echo with the stirring music of his axe." Philadelphia Ftccojd. Fort Wayno of tho pro A man vra.idc.rcd into a r;roa: ry staro and asked pri 'tor : 'Y 'll g t sriToo greens, don't it?" 'Greens? Yes, sii." "Yau got rooting bd;ers?" "Ratahiga'!? Yes, sir; how many p;ll you have?" "Got so little red blates, mit green tops? "Had plates with erccn tops? Well. no bir ; I suppose you will find theta in tho china store, up town. ' Dou't yo'i got no littlo red blittos? -uoss it was heller of you got some; iif ' vou was a liar, Vich you call d.-sor" "Tiioso? why thosa are rauLheo." "lied (llS.lBs dotsv.it I Bi.ld may ba I got some letters of you to niotvow. You "'t it?" "fitters? There nee ni letters hero for yon ; you ir.'.v.t inquire ut tha pcit . i'iee." Say " nl; XnK'viro r.li; C3 nnsi (i. i-.:o letters? Fuse was a fi .0 Kl.een vas up lov.ti and vent not a Lake-: nr. J vant soma bums, nr. 1 do r.iaa t Git oul, you oi l b'.iiu, or I'll fi-e troo i! j door.' " Ycu shauU have said 'l.ur.s.' for , I i!;n; aid, you Ho lie got down on tha wr.!!:, clear of (he LA'ps, and ha tried to loo!; beautiful around tho mouth as be explained : laihim, (!:dn t 1 a-.k you .1 yo'ir ht; hand was ever trou'olad with ca tarrh;" "Yes, sir, and didn't I reply that he wnsdei'd? Ho yuu want to se his Crave." "i, madati', I do not. I'm sorry he's deed, but my catarrh remedy cau'i I,,!,, l.'.r.i any. G.iod, bvo, madam." "'l-re, sir, bold on a minute!" she called ; "what was your business v.itl cie?" ' Why, have a remedy for the ca tarrh." 'via you said before." "I .r.UJ you if yu,i dido't want to purchase and " ' You arc a f.i!s'.fir, sir you revei a:!;i-d iae to puichatc i" "iVi you want a bottle ?" he slowly a-Hed. "Yes, sir; gi.o r.o (so of them ; hero's !:;; non"j ! Net tiato vou v.r.nt to s.il yoar c ..;.rrh rcicdv. don't begin to I, iik "'out tho d'.caovo.y ol Amcria by Col'i.-ubas. 2! ere you've bothered ria fiftaaa minutes and put el', my work Lvhiud, aad its good for you that 1 didn't bi'mg the broom to the do-er 1" I!a retro.ilad backward Ihroagh the gate his loft eye sqai ittd up cud his moiitn open. Ua sl.at ilio gate, tv.iii.d over it nod looked at the front door, liy 'i:-l by he said : ' Dun 'cm ! You never tell where to li ad "em." , Soma true lioait li'.n liiyen oppression to its i.-oeoions naliiro in tho following tieaiHilol titimont: Kowr d.'Hiit a I'lion.l whin enemios fallen- mound l i in . When s'.ikno'M falls on Iho iic:,i-t, wtiou tiio wo. Id in da ri; mid eheoi lr:,'', i?t tho liuio to try a true Irioml. Tliey who turn Iront a sonno of ui;,treas hi'tirty (heir hypocrisy a il prove that ir, lore-1 inovus infill. If you have a friend who Iovoa yon, Mudios your iutist ne,d linpp'.iir M.'bo i-uro mid MicUin liim lu a:lvoi aitv. l.i t lo. o leel tli.it his former kindim-ix Ih upprecintod, nod that Ins l..ve is not Ihvown away. Heal lelelity may 1)0 rato, but it exist iu tho heart. Who has o,t kooii anil lolt lit nnWrti? Tliov deny its woi.li who never loved a friend, or luoorod Ut uiaKoa friend happy, It sct'iii parad.ixicil, but it is neier theless true, t!:at the man who won't leel for a brother in misfortune will still f. el for a door-knob ia the daik. N Y. S.ar. "I'tu'iis? Dot's vot I said bums; and ilea I come: and vanls somo red dii lie.:, and you dal! mo to ;o nuf t i. hi aa '.'.orer. I vant romo lctiara to cat o:.d you sav go mit do boat o'.iico. I o"si-i'ct oa I vant somo La.-.ts you tole me to go to do Ftation i.oana. 1 t aaes to I Vnl vi-t I do VOU I'.f.l ei '. li V( u was a niec man. 1 vatit aoaio i i-ioa i:i d cortCHBiprs, Hid plenty d:;'C'i, but I guess I go to the drug at rc on j bay a brick u id bad die rat ..izen." vr . Anrn'olc ot JSoi.key. t ImrJly lor the fallen. Never say Bnything damawin.i to tho good name ol a woman, it matters not how poor s':a uay be or what her place ia society, ilsey have a hard enough ttirm at best, and God help the roan that would givo thcra a kick down the hill. We r.io all too free with their nan.es talk loo much about thorn, and we do very wrong. Tho least little hint that theje is something wrong, that "she ai.d't nil right," whether spoken ia jest or in earned, is taken up ; mid unlike tho rolling stones, gathers moss as it goes froru placo to place, and at last coaies borao to the persecuted with crusamg weight, bho has done noth ing but keep quivit while her idle per secutor have pursued bar, and now she is Incited Iroca door to door, and is fallen so low that uoao will do her reverence. Givo a doc a bad name and you had as well kill him talk about a good woman on the streets aud across t arroom counters, and you had as well set her down at once as a social wreck No one wants to hulp her. Wo don't want so much theoretic religion; we want a kind of blue jeans nud home spun pity that will do fcr tho washtub and tho kitchen us noil as the drawing room and lua parlor a sort ot tiuuer sal honesty that will cot think a woman a thief because chs happens to wear a snn-bounet and wr.ik across tha street with a string r,f in.ukeral iu her band Tbaro is nothing wrong iu manual lab. r, nnd l.o.iest poverty is a sura passport to heaven. One Squaro, 8 00 8 00 14 00 20 00 Two Square, n CO 10 00 SO 00 SO 04 Three Squares, 8 00 15 00 80 CO 40 00 Four Squares, 10 00 18 00 SO 00 44 60 Fourth Col'n, 16 00 ao 00 40 00 60 00 Half Column, 20 00 I SO 00 60 00 06 00 Whole Column, One Year, 7S g'gg'- 1 - t-u.t-"-g' JOAKOKK AQRICULTUR WORKS, WELDON. N. C; JOHM W. FUOTE, Proprietor, TUE RICHARDSON COTTON PLOW A SPECIALTY. MANUKAOTURBB JT, AND OBMBBAI. AOMt ron. ALL KINDS OF FARMIN9 I PLEMRNTS, STEAM ENGINES AND COTTO! Wtio Wi'H t iio Ihul Itoy. saloons of tha r.aid n.-io to 'l:n ref.ne.t A rich French lad ;, while promennd inc in the Hvde Park, London, net Savoyard boy, who ofiercd her his monkey far cala, which tho lady pur chased of h'.e.i. Tha inoitkey waa a beautiful littlo r.tii.ri.1, well trained, and ho behaved himself well to tha great delight of his r.ni? ribtrasi, n::d proved to her aa it ilicpcvsibla cocj;' inlou. About four v.eel.s c;o tho forge-jus ! -..(! y ware tiirav.a oild f-r a grrod leceptioo; Ilia spacious hal.a ol tha r.ie.naion weie filled with the city. Oo this oic.oion tha lioste n was implored by her liiaads t ) trio;: in trie monkey, to which bke at f.rvt objected, bt.t at lust yielded lo tlio v.Llica of tha company. The tuoukry aa3 drcsad up in short oiucr. I'l'ougol in, iu .i i..t;o(,uaati to tac compaiy. Alter i-verj body I.aa ca- rccsvd ni;d arkniicd H'.o ncauttlul littic ai,ii:;al ha rctiitd t a iu ule.it corner, and, of coilise, was soen fjige.ttrn. In tha iotirse of tlta cvaoieg a great song tress was to delight Iho company, nnd after the usual solicilatioes ta s'n.g, lady took her scut ut tha piaua sang, Dmiog the performance monkey sneaked out of the corner likened veiy nttetit;vt!y to the music. The piece had seatc.'ly ended when the monkey snatched a hut fi om a gentle man's band near him, nnd took up a collection I All the coinpaoy Lroku out out in an uproar of bugliler, and even tho lady id' the house, v.ho at first was terrified at his conduct, joined in tho merriment. YAUiti a psmiul conscious ness the monkey presented tlio hat to each individual, a; d nM responded liber ally, and ns soon cs ho finished his round, he jumped oir iho kuco of lh songstress and emptied toe coiiici.ls in her lap. Iu three years the un'mial had not forgotten his obligations or duties Tho next day a poor family was made tho happy rccipiuit of 4.';) francs, the voluntary collection of a cionkcy. The uimhle l'ooleii uiulu is until S3 li.'ht l iiitatie tow Kt a canal bos'. tie the and the and Littlo Afiiiti was piettily dressed and stun lin in front cf tho h .ne wailing lor her i. ct tr t go out i od r'tla. A I i .! y hey pressed iu cm.rso clothes was paic'ti;;, when tho littlo girl said : "Coma lieru, hoy, and s'uks hands with me. I dat a buy das bko you mturd Uohby." Tho boy lauohcd. obeok hands with her, and said : "I've a litllu girl put like jou only c!ie hasu't got auy cloak with pusy lur on it." "Here a lady came ov.t o( the door and sniil : "Auric, you iuiiH not talk with bud hoys en the street. 1 hope you haven't taken anything Iroru her? Go away, and never stop hue ti ; r, i n , heyl" The dvoning li.o luly wa called down to spcnL to a boy in tho rail, tie was very neatly drewd, and stood with his tap in h:s hand. It was tha cnuny ot the moaing. "I cituo to tell vou th d T am not a bud hoy." he. sail. ''I pro to Bunday school, and l.( l') my mother all I can. I never tell lies, nor quarrel, u-.t .lay had words, and I don't lilte a hid y to call ms na::io3, r.U'l ask me i! i'vo e.toleu her little g'tl'-l rlothe? Iroai her ; ' "Tui ve-y clad yon aro sa ncd," oald the lady, '.uahiiij: at tha boyV carnra.iiuss, "Ilaia !.i a nuinar . a itoilr.? lor ynu." I lo'i't wart that," raid Kob, holding liis hand very Iii.;h. ":-:y lather vvmks in a lonadry, and has lota oi money, ion ve nt a bi'j.. r tiny lima uiu, huveu'. yoni" "Ycj. ' Vii;,r 'Dora bo know tha Coiuimndioeiits "I'm ufiaM not ..-ry wu!l." "Ca a ho siy iho Sereioa cn the Mount r.nd t-.vea'7-th'.id ii"i:!ia aui tho CeUlea l-.ule V 'I a in very much afraid he ennnot " oniil the younj; lady, laughing at tho boj's bravery. "J).ica ho not ri'U his pony oa Sunday instead ol ;mr.a to church 1" "I oi afraid ho docs, but hu oujjht not. .".!! the HusVtaf: a litt'.e. "Alotiwir don't know I cmo h-ire," said the b.iht little ro-'U ; but I thoti.'ht I would just come round to bi u what kind ol to, Us you wero, and I ir,hees mother would rather iour hoy would not come round oui dt'nrj, r,('su?;i iho don't want littlo Muruie ta t-dk to I. ad boys in the street. Good evening f and llu !y wa pooe. A t osjjplitiicat. hat! hefuse t.) lend a paisrv X to me, your other kseli I" "Thol'i why. You'd l. over return tho money I know iiijsill'tJO wcl'." F.onch Willi c'.s:c. A very nt'tiaitiro editor roirplains thtlsly "It in ftrniigu how close'; men read the niKvspupers. Wu never say any thing that any ho U don't like, but what we soon heat ol it. II, however, onee in vuulu we happen to ray a i;ood ihiiig, wc never heat ol thai. We p-iv 8eiio insn a hundn cnmpliments i!l give him a d"K"U puh and he t-ike it ull as a tribute ot his good iic3s, nnd never thinks it does him un good, ltat if we happen to say things thh limn don't like, or something l.u una -inef in a r. II etioa on him or his chaiaatur see lunv ij il ic li ho fl.res up and uets nn j;rv Hbout it. All our evils are duly c'nreo.l to tia, hut wo never apparently gut auy credit for what itoo.i wh uo." When a hunter ot his Uo ly laid fipen iu l ul r a dez.'ii places by a bear s c'aw hu said hu didn't Culti ahout goiuu "heal Joj'.eX' lu that kiud ol style. a iws. Also Agent for the Chlengo goals C0D34 pany'i UNITED BTAT133 STAND Alia SCALES. Fvorytblne In this line from m 100 TOTS Railroad Sonle to the U'lALLKST TEA Sealo furnls!-.ed ct L'.uvrirtcinrr LOW Fi. uros. A Plr.ti'oriu LAY nr LTCiCIC Roala of FOURVONs capacity for 8C.C J an rroiut. All kind of IRON AND BRASS CA8TIN03 Furnished at RltultT NOTIOR'aad Petoisburg or Norfolk PKICK3, st I am prepared to do ANT KIND of Repair Work for ENGINES, MILLS AND GINS, COTTOM As I have mi Kxnellont MACHINISTS U01LKR MAKER. I koefi eonstantl v on hand of my ow Matiui'aoture a UOQl) OFFiCM COAL AND WOOD STOVE. Also good assortment of HOLLOW Ware. LUMBER turn It'. 1 in any nuantltv the LOWKjTMvkottUtoa. scp 3 1 ?j 1 ( tt. IF Si