THE ROANOKE NEWS. X DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY Ei, If. LONG Ot W.Vf. IT ALL. THE ROANOKE ;NIWS ADVERTISING KATES. f 2 00 1 00 75 ets. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E ,1 D W 1 K D T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. mr. JOly. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Special attention prlvon tn collect Inns ami rcmiHiinei'H promptly luadn. muy nr. H.BMini, Jit. ATTOUNEY AT LUV, ScoTf,sn Nisck, ITamkax County If. C. traetlees In tho county of Halifax and adjoining eonntios, ami tlm Su premo court of the Stale, (an It) ly. , IT. DAY. A. 0. Znl.MCOl'TEIt. AY & ZOL'LIC OFFER. D ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Tractlca In the eonrta nf Halifax and Adjoining oniilii'H, and in 1 )i Sin rMiiw ami Kediiral court. Claims collected In any jiart of North Carolina. One of tho tlrui will always be found In I ho ofllee. June 20 ly. JOS. B. BATCIIELOK. ATTORNEY AT L1W, RALEIOU, N. C. Tractlees In the ounrts of the 0th furti eil Dlstrlot and iu the Federal aud Hw premo ConrU. May li tf. T. W. 11 1 SON i ATTORNEY AT LAW, dARYSBURG, N. C. Prantleos In the courts of Northampton and adjoining counties, also in the Federal Bud Supreme courts, June 8-tf. rj somas N. MILL, Attoraoy mi Law, HALIFAX, N. C. rVae.tlnes In Halifax and adjoining Counties and H'odoral and Supreme OurtH Will be at Scotland Keek, euoe every fortnight. An. 28 a j M. I K x A a i, ATT0RN2Y AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. OBii 1 the Court TIouso. Rtrlot atten tion ivea to all branehos of the profes sion, jan 12-1 D R. I. U HD3TKR, H VROKON DEN TIHT. Ca be found at his offiee In F.nfiold. Pure Nitroaa Oxide Oas lor this Pain- lw Extracting of Tenth always on Jane 21 tl. baud. E. T, 3 X A 9 0 W, ATTORN 5Y AT LAW, fIL, I AlIfAX OOBXTT, V. C. FraaUaa la the Counties of Halifax, Rata, Idgaeembt ami Wilson. CUIItilioai ntai la all parts of tha Stat. Jaa 12-0 1 Xtl H rT J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Pra'tleis In the Courts of Hatllax, War raa Marthamptau counties aud in tun liarrai and Federal Courts. Olaima collected in auy part of North Carolina. jnne lj-a ,Q A T I 3 L. i'frlt A X , ATTORNEY AT LAW HALIFAX, N. P. rVaetlosi In tha con ets of lt-ilHhx and adjoining o viaUos, an I la the Supreme 4 Feloral Courts. Olainai collected la all part cf North Car.liaa. Itc In tie Court If jme. July 4 1-a. AUK! I. ' ATTORNEY AT ?!!!!.!, N. H A K A, LAW, Pranlieea ! the Countlos of Halifax, Edtfooamb and Nash. In the Supreme Oart of tho bUU aud In the Fadural Carta. ;olletins Made la anv psrt of the Srtato. Will attend at the Court House In felalifac oa Monday and l'liduj of oauh Meek. Jau l'2-l o 11 , BURTON, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, V. G. rraotioea la tba Courts of Halifax County, aad Canntiea adloltiliiR. In the 3urenae Court of the Btato, aud In the 'Federal Caarta. VTI1I irlre aaoolal attention to tho collco tioa ofolaiiHs.and to adjusliiK the ai-cminte K.xcatr. AdmiuisratJia and (iuar Mans. iloo-l,Vlf tAMU M. MVLLICM. U L L K K JllUN A. H00KR. MOORE ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HulHai, N. V. rraotioe In tho Countios of Halifax Northampton. tMifnnnmhn. Pitt stiil Mar 'tin Int. iu Hupreine Court uf the KUto Kiinine Fedoral Courts or the l'.ahtern District. Collections maja la tcy part of North viiub. jau i-i o Oae Tear, In advance, HI i Months, " Three Month, " VOL. VIII. Love's Philosophy, Tho fountains mlnglo with tho river, And tho rivers v?itb tho ocean, Tho winds of hcavon mix lorovur With n swoot emotion ; Nothing in the world is singloj All things by e law divitio In one another's being minjilc Why not I with IhineT Seo the mountains kiss liljjh heaven, And the wavns clasp nmi another : No slstor flower would be forgiven If It (lisdrtinrd Us brothor ; And tho sunlight clasps tho earth, And tho moonbeams kls tho sea i Wli it urn ate all llii'wn kissiuis worth If thou kins not me ? G?ILY FLIRTINS. "I nm ontv fl'n tin ej with him nunl," said ("initio I'uithwh, ligl.tly. "Vou'ro not nfniid of otir "ctlinj miirriej I bii pose? lMiatvl Tho id f a is ri.liculuus i" "1 nm not nlnud or enncernen (or jou nt oil. i ou nrt; very rale. Nor an I alarmed for nny sufforinj you nitty inflict Hptin Mr. Jjnlon, for lie will nc'iiy desnrfe it all. 1 am noxious about one who is worth mure than both of you to. getber Helen Dotio, Lis betrothed wife." Mi&s ?urros looked round quickly, and nstoniihed. "His betrothed wifel" she repeated sharply. "I was not aware of that." "I knew you wtro not; and what honor or glory can you possibly derive from the conquest of a man who al ready belongs to another?" The beauty's proud red lip curled with a scornful stnilu. "Another's 1" she repeated, con temptuously. "Why, ho would throw her over for tne if I gave him the least encouragement, llo is couipleUly in fatuated." And, with an air of supreme indiffer ence, (lie petted belle and beauty swept from the room nt the same moment that one of the window curtains was pushed aside, and a lady stepped in irom the balcony a lady at sight of whom the who had been addressed as auntie rose to her fi-et and came for ward with a little cry of distress, "You have heard our conversation? Oil, Helen I" She took the now comer's hand, and led her, for she was trembling violently, to a seat; then, still tenderly holding her hand, sat down beside her. "What can I say in excuse or apolo gy for Grace?' she began, anxiously J but the other stopped her gently. 1 have nothing to s.iy to Urar.o iu this matter, Mrs. Warren, ll'it for him I feel contempt and scorn unutterable? I am received upon my course, and nothing can change me 1" Uiat muht Unarley Luton led bis live ly partner, flushed aud pititir.g, from the waltz, to rest ahil3 in too cool, green, perfumed solitude of the co: servatot y. Sue Banlc, With lat'Otnd grace, i,lo seat, and L 'ton snrk upon his knee be side her, and caught nod pressed her white hands to his lips. "You know," he murmured, low ruul earnestly "you know how I lo-e youl Oh. Grace, must it ho nil in vain 1 Sim did not anivcr Ia i .si she did not draw her hands awav. In her heart the luir coquctto admired this man. 1 1 o had gone nearer than any cl'ier to touch ber fickli'.wISili heart. And he gazed llpo.i the hcuing busoui, tho teaif il eves, a. d a thrill of tiionii.h cioe I his heirt. as this the II it against whom he had been warned this toft, sweet. yielding girl ? ' You could love mo (race: ho wins' Dered : and his arm ctolo round her waist. "Have you tbo right ti ask?" murmured. A faint and sudden rustling in the branches tc-sida them the i blossoms stirred as if shak'-n b a sii.ii mcr win:!, and m as of tV-ir p i -Tn tie I while leaves foil n.t: tl:a t basin but the piir wh-) sat tin rlllllUII. ire pai no heed. "Yesl" he answered, fi;u.!'. "Yon and you uljnc, no'-sss uv I'rr.itl It truj I thought I loved. Oil, how wo may deccivo oarselsl You hive tauolit uie how oreiii w ,3 n.'y r.iNtrko. For your sukr.Cracio, I will a.!; Iior to set o:e free, I will iu'j lore l!i!i 'It shad mil hn ncci si.ry, !.'i I" ain the niiigm iia Mossomis 'vji stirred acre pushed osido, and Helen Pone st od before ihrm. They s'iirtcd tj their feet in Con fusion. I am not here by accident," said Miss Dene, wi;h a loltly scorn. ' I saw you lead this laily to the cmisctvutoiy, aud deemed it my light to know v. hat my promised hiiihand had to si'.y to her. Well, I have heard and I uui aalbdiud. Meanwhile I wish you buth all happi ness." A moment they stood, auinz -d t the spirit nnd beauty that flished upon them and the next she had turned and pasicd from their Hkt. Grace caught at her companion's arm. "Follow lierl" she cried, rnerly. Pacify her. I shall never hear the lust of this from auntie." A"d she ulso fl.'d. leaving Leton standing there like one bewildered. He was free. Dot strangely con tradictor is the human heart. Never had Leton admired and vulutd llc'cii Deuo so highly as iu the hour in which ho learned that boo was lust to him. Some wild wish to return lo his alle giance, Rutua tristiiictive conviction thai his lovo for her was real love, ai d that his heart would crave- for her through nil the timo to come, urged him to seek li. r abd iimdoro her uarduu. l!a'. tLc.i WELD ON", K Grace sweet, tender, childish Grace who had shown him so plainly that she loved him , too, and who had not lloleu's strength of mind or soul could Le abandon Grace? He hesitated, and the chanco was lost, for Helen left next mornino. It was all for the best, he told him self. Helen would not break her heart for him like ao ordiuary womau; she had resources. She was a writer of con sidcrable promise, earnest and ambi tious in her pursuit of literary excel lence and fame; donbloss she would be easily cor sided. Willi something of pique and regret flunking in his exul tation, ho renewed his pursuit of Grace. lie resolved to know his Into at once. So the next day ho hastened his foot step to tho home. lie sent up his card to Miss 15.irrows' rooms, mid waited for a summons to follow it. To his surpi isc, Mrs. Warren down to hirn instead. "'J race hrs to be excused to-day," she said, very gravely. "She has com pany, llopert alUm you hive heard of kirn ihu railway millionaire. Grace has been engaged to him for s'x months vast, and will marry him in the autumn. And for this coquette I ha70 lost Helen?" "Yes," said M3. Warren coldlv, "you have lost Helen, Heaven gave you a precious pearl, and you fl ing it away for a stone. I loved Helen; I can offer you no sympathy, Mr. L-ton. Ion have merited your punishment. And, bowing coldly, she left htm. And Helen Dene what of her? Helen's work in the woild saved her. She had a young brother dependent upon her exertions had no lime to sink down beneath a great despair. But all tho same, tho sweetness had gone from hie tho motive bad beeu stolen from her labor. S'.ill she toiled on, though no longer hopefully. Aud so three years passed ou. Tho boy of eighteen, nver whose life she hud watched with tiimnst a mother's care, WR3 twenty-one now, nnd had chosen his earner, that of nn artist. He had much talent, especially for portrait painting, and his cxul'iitmn knew no b ninds when ho got a portrait id In sister placed ou view nt the Academy. They went to the Academy one night at nn hour when they avoid tho crowd. Right ia front of Kahili's picture, aid apparently oblivious of all beside, sat a gentleman who gazed on it with a troub led face und earnest, mournful cve3. 'Reminds him of somebody he knows, I suppose," whispered U' lob to Ilwlen Tho stranger roso its lt.i!p!i approach' efl, and seemed about to turn away Then, changing his mind, he said, iu an agitated voice. A charming face, sir. I haven't catalogue. I wish namo." I knew the lady' "I can tell yon," Helen Here, sir." An exclamation slaiilrd him. said Ralph. 'Mliss from the stranger "I was sure of it! Oh, Helen. Helen ! Helen Dene still? Not married I Ri'ph glanced nt his sister, nnd her evident agitation bewildered him. The gentleman addressed him agiii "Pardon me, sir I surprise von, I ku.i; but the 6'ght cf that face I lining wan, L loved her years ago have never ceased to love her I I have sou;;ht for her everywhere in vain. Help nio to find brr, and my deathlcsi grati tude: shall bo yours I" Ik fore Ralph could reply, thcro was a liille sound behind them, the sound ol c 5t ll-d cry a fall. The siranrcr d".riel forward. "Ililet'l'' Iu tried. "It is Helen heiselfl" Ho lifted her in l is turns l lore Ralph couM u terlero. Ili leti, my hilling, have I fo'jml vnu el last.' ."die cnci'fd her groat clink cies ntid fx'-d iliein on her lovoi's. Slier.tad I penitence, his pain, nnd nestled to his i.osori v.-iih a si'b of a j'ly. IVriMve roer' he whispered tendci Soft and thtillin came the gcntlo m swr. "I hid forMve" you l -r ago l" "An lMWs I'lrr'ws?" u.ked Ralph when tho story ! nd leen toll him, and they sat together iliscussinj their new haiu i: ess. Piav, what Leaiuie of loo ?" 1 he rid w. uad, nlviost healed now t'.itilled I'aiuily in Helen's heart, and even Tj 'ton'a saiilo Was somewhat grave. "o'io is a wealthy widow, bo an swereil, "and gao mo some flattering niaiks of favor only a few days ago. As great a cerpiette us ever, I susprct, but let us not speak ol bar. To her I owe the suffering of the Ust three years to hi r and to ny own weakness. I am wiser now. I know my own heart at lust. Long ago 1 loiind out ho was my true love. Yes, Helen, before you had gone from my sight I mourned the in idness that had lost you I l.ut I have found vou again, to tait no moie be loved." "No more till death 1" she whispered A y u'g lady gradujte in a neighbor' ing County read an essay entitled "Km pl.'ViiH nt of liuio. Her couiposition as based on tho text, Timo wasted existence ; used, is life." The next .da she g"t eight hanks of I'phyr of differ en t shades and commenced working sky-blua dog with sca-giccn cars and pink tail on a piece ol yellow cnnvui She expects lo have it done by Christ mas. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1879. A Victim of Morphine, A young girl jumped from a bridge io Chicago into, tho river, with the intent tion of committing suicide, bet was rescued and taken to a station-house, A few moments after her incarceration tho girl was seen by a reporter io her cell. Sho was a revelation in tho way of peculiar and startling beauty. Her tangled masses of blue-black hair, yet damp from the recent search after noth ingness, wero hound back from a low, Clytie-like forehead in one deft Coil which wound about tho dainty brow as thoti-;!i it wero n crown. Reinialh dished ntul glowed n pair of great lumi nous eyes which sent out from their puzzling midnight depths wondrous inns of inquiry, doubt and question ing, over all ol which there seemed to oin'umto the hopclessncNS uf unutterable espair. The petite fi 'lire was arrayed wholly in black, relieved only nt tho throat by some little article of feminine adornment. What is your name?" queried Cap- lin O'O.imiell. "Mary I lays." Why did you try to kill yourself?" "ISecausc hut what's tho ujo of toll ing you?" Nobody in this big world cares for me, and if I choose to end my misery, why, iu God's name, should I bo prevented?" ' Haven t you any mends? "Friends? No; not one. If I had do you snpposo I'd have been doing kitchen-work drudgery to keep soul and body together?" "Hut you seem an unusually lady like, intelligent girl. What is the matter?" Matter I K you lelt yourself grap pled with honks of steel, and knew your destiny was dragging you straight down to the lowest pit, could you stand it to face hour by hour that owful tor ment of a remorseless habit and fight as havo fought. Matter? Tho matter is Canl't stop using morphine. Look at mo now I js.iuiiiu ttie imrs oi a com mon i ill, bedraggled, unkempt, an out cast. MytJodl Mr God I why didn't you lot me die?" and Hinging herself on the hard wooden bench the poor thing sobbed ns it her heart would break. "How long have you used mor phine?" the reporter nsked. "F.ver I was a child ol twelve. My mother ate it, and I, a poor, s:l!y Kchoolgiil, would steal from her box little quantities of the drug It seemed a grand thing then, and I would conjure up tho most gorgeous visions ono ever saw or heard of. For a while the habit didn't interfere with mo, but at last it bound m? about with the most awful chains. You men," Bhe continued, "may despise and sneer at mo now, but ii's not so very long sinco you'd havo been glad to know mo and lift your hats when I passed along tho street i. I was born in New Orient s, and my father tvas for eight years State treasurer of Arkansas. I learned bookkeeping with h'un. nnd got a good place io the Treasury Department at ashinglon Thou I eamo ti Chicago, and James Stewart gave mo $100 per month to en Iih honks. I lost that situation through morphine, but procured another ono right off just as good with i. U Iveilnot Morphine again, and the only resourco left me was to live out as r common servant at tw; tlollais a week Ones more that is only a few days ago I tailed in even Ibis miserable ic smiree, and houseless, homeless, i wanderer, what would you havo mo do but di.if" Wasn't tho water cold?" Cold (shuddering)? Oh. God I yes but it was warm and kindly aud cliaii Uhh' besides the poopln who fear it shad go down to the ri'cr tho moment gi t out nf hero. I hero is no tspct in all this wrl I for such u wretch as I." There was a touch of inexpressible pathos in l!.9 words, and tho inter- locul iis moved silently away nnd left de- the poor giil with her sorrow and t-ptur. .;. Hot Entirely oiiv(t'J. There was a flit on Giali d ovenue, aturday between n man who ha.! been called n liar and one who had ciTcd him linl", nnd t'eo iiihii w'lo hud objected to tho epithet was only n'ju.t u minute get ting all the aiivan:,i;i! lo bo u..!.o.l lui on sueh occasions. "I've lad all the poundings I care for," sai l i ho under man, after bo had realized his fix. "Well, nre you st'll of the opinion that I'm a liar," n.ked tho other, as he rose up. "To bo about it," slowly re plied the other, ns ho wiped tho blood iifT his nose, "I aia not entirely con vinced. If I was ou the roof of a horse burn, nnd there wasn't any ladder handy, I think I'd call you a liar again, and run my chances of tho dodging clubs." Free Press. ! An IrUh laborer v,s lyinj In the dilch. very iiiue.h the worte lor liij tor. He was nncuuntcrsd by Iho priest ol his parish. V;rj much nhnrkid, Ins reverence turned tlm drunltnrl over, who muttered. "Where sin U" ' On the road to li. Ill" replied the priest, sternly. "Thank Ond, then," lep'ied I'itt, "u's coinlortin' to know that Father Martmjh is with me!" A little thnc'year old, who obrerved her (ir hii If it her writing a postal cird, requested that lm mijht be allowed lo write a lellir. Upon beir.g aked if a ponlal ear l wouldn't answer her purpose, shn r fllier": "No sir! I don't want rry letter logo huU-btadcd like jouruP Another Jlcrenutllo I'nilur. Out on Michigan nvenuo a man near seventy years uf ago started a small con fectionery store some months since and tbe other day sent word to bis three creditors up towu that he I al failed and desired to compromise. J he trio went down to the store, which they found in full blast, uud tho four sat dowa for a talk. "You sec, shontlomcns, I do no pees- nes, nnd my family cuts up nil der tits, explained the tradesman by tiy of excuso. '1 mi owo uie $12," said one, "and each of these olbers if 15 upioco. That makes $12." 'Shust forty-two," sighed tho old man. Now, then, how muck have you on hand?" S'lirst sixty dollar tied not one cent more. 'Very well, as you have had bad luck we will settle with you for ono hun dred and twenty cents nn the dollar and you can go ou as before." ' i aw( I ill do dot, sher.t'eniens, und I am much obliged fur such lend treatment." He got out his money, the twenty per emit, was added to the claims and paid and before the creditors retired ho ins'sted on treating them to ico cream. They had been gone an hour before tho old man rushed out and halted a policeman and said : "If I fails in pecsncss nnd pays 120 cents ou dcr dollar, vhut dues dot mean?" 'It means that you don't understand haw to fail," was the reply. "lib dot bossible?" whispered the old man. "I should say so." "Vhell, I go pack to dcr shoo pees- uess ngam. hen L Inns in dot pees hoi's I makes everjthings. Vhen I fails in dis bccsncbs I pays more as I owes. Orieutnl F('nviiznu-o. The recent rxodns of tho Khedive and his latuily from Kgypt bus diicctcd at '.notion to tho domestic nrrangements of this most prodigal of Oriental princes, who was deposed by tho S illin of Tor- y at tho command of England nnd France for attempting to oust tho Eng lish and French members of the Egyp tian cabinet. Hy the Koran nil true be lievers are permitted to have four wives, and Ismail Pasha has availed himself of this privilege to tho full extent. Al though only three nf te ladies whom he has successively taken to wife and who are known as ";hn firs'," "the see ond and "iho third rincoss, enjoy local runic, tho fourth, tho mother of Piinco Tenfili. the present rijeroy, by v u t u ii ol that circn.nstaiico alone is entitled to consider herself as ennui to thu rest of Ismail' .s wives. Or tho pnsi lion ol tliesa royal lavontes ono may judge from tho fact that last year the united income ot tho three princesses amounted to $32G,!i30 a year. Tho value of their jewelry may bo imagined from tho fact that in the recent crisis it was ia contemplation to raise fivo mil lion dollars en this security aiono. IU sides these ladies there are others too numerous to mention. Tho harem which accompanied his highness into exile consisted, besides tho three pun cesses (the mother Princo Towfik re rani dug behind,) of sixty woman alt;)- gelliT, including twenty female slaves, It took sixty of the vicoregal carriages to convey the party from the pahro of Abdin to the railway station, nnd ten meii-wf-ivai's boats to pud ark tho fair travelers at Alexan "tin. Tlio harem uggngo formed a small pyramid, coia- pleteiy filling U lighter of 1 "0 toes bur to, nni i.ceu;iiu ever two lionis hi Hiip'iienr, iiio aouvp, nowevcr, was b it a s.jiii!1 portion of the fenialo bo longings of tho lute Khedive, over COO of whom remain behind in Ciiro, and ure maintained by the present viceroy at n ccst for feeding nlono of $15,1)00 month. .- Coveroil vVlt'i FiJi Nrt'fcH. A man iitiwed John Armor, nb'ut forty yean of nc, nj-ij bed t,( Jh. J. Semi, at the middle it 'lion, in 1? .Iti i""?", for a t-rrntit t'i be su t to R.v view. Tl o doctor, upon txati.inii g Armour, fnuud him to BulTcrirg from a very rcinaikahle r.rd rave d'seas-e, known as psmiasis or fish scale diiS.ise, The case is fully doseloped, and is nn exceedingly iiitcicsting onu to medical men. Too skin of the anus is especi ally well mat ked, nnd presents the ap pearance of nhiic leprosy. Armor said lie had been rlHiclcd with the disease for several men hs, and it had become so annoying that he could not woik. Ho bud been employed along shore and on tho water about tho harbor. When asked if bo suffered much from tho maludy, Aimer said; "It itches terribly, and I cannot rest nn account of it." His forehead is is breaking out with the disease, and there nro indications nf its spreading to other parts of the body. Tho uffected parts nro covered with scales, resemb ling tho scales of small fishes; tho flesh under tho scales is red, and very much ii fl imi d. This is said to be the best dcfi ed case ever seen. At tbe Relieve Hos pital, New Y. rk, there was a case wh'c'i was considered remarkably developed, but not near so much so aj this cue of Aru.or. NO. 25. I'olonlus' Advirc (o Ills Hon. Grandfather Lickskingle started from a doze ia bis easy chair and re- ma: ked ; "And so you never heard tho advice that Polon;us, an old chum of rnioe, gave to his sou?" Tho family said no ono bad said any thing about Pnlooius, neither the son of Polouiu3. "Ah, very well then," said grand father, ' I I'll tell you about 'em. You see P.iloniui' son Charley I think his name was Charley was going to Europe on a little splurpo. Cnarlcy had engaged pnssngo on a Cunard steamer, 1111' they were about to pull in Iho gang plank. Thc boy had come back to kik the, hired girl good-by. 'Yet here?' ex claimed his father ; 'aboard, aboard, for shame; tho wind sets heavy in tho sh'iulder of your sail, uu' if you don't look out you'll get left. Here nay blessiu'a with you ; hero's fifteen cents moru for pocket money, an' these few precepts in thy memory keep. Give thy thoughts no tongue, but alius take cold tongue yourself, whon you can get it, cause its ensy to digest an', bosidos, it's o jo of 1 1 1 0 s J things that admits of little or 110 culinary doctriu', Tho friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple the m to thy soul with hooks of steel, for you don t know bow soon you may want to borrow some mosey from 'cm. VJeware of cntraoco to a quarrel, but bem in, nu you seo no chance lo get out, then, my son, bump Uiyseii. 11 thou canst get one la on thy oppnscr s stomach I d have thee do II it bo that thine adversary has sore pluce, bit him ou it. Throw sand in his eyes, and never lose ao opportu nity to seize him 'ronnd the legs an' trip him that his heels may kick at heaven. Give every man thin ear, unless ho bo, like this one, thine opposer in a quarrel, who naturally would have an object io biting it off'n your head Costly thy habits as purse can buy, for I'm blamed if I want to run around nn pay your tailor bilh any more, an' I file notice now that I will voto cm from this timo forth. This above all to thine own self be true ; that is to say always keep a sharp lookout for Num ber Ooc, then it must fuller as tbo night the day that a man must get up toler ably early it lie would get tho uuigo on you. Farewell, my blcssiu' with thee goes; and also bo careful of yer money, and sleep with yer watch uudcr yor pillcr.' " Murk Twain' Mnakct. You sec, the old man was trying; to learn ma to shoot blaekbtrds i nd beasts ihr.ttorenp the young ceru and such tlnuijs, so that 1 could be ol some uie about tho (aim, because I wasa't big ciinui;!) to do mneh. My gun was single barreled shot gun, aud the old mi.u carried nn oli G teen Anno musket that weighed a ton, and made a leport like a thunder clap and kickod like mule. Tho old man wanted me to shoot the ni l nuiikut sometimes, but 1 was afraid. One day, though, I cot ber down and took her lo the hired man and asked him to load her up, becatiso it was out Iu tho field. Ilirum mid : "Do you see those marks on tho stock ao A and V, on each side el tbe queen s crown I Well, that means ten balls and gvo slugs that's her lead." "Hut how mucu powder I" Oh," he says, "it don't matter; put io three or lour liutliUula." So I loaded her up that way, and it was nn swful charge I lial sense cnoiU'li see (hat and started out. I leveled ber out on a good many blackbirds, hut every tune 1 went to pull thu trigger 1 shut my erea and winke I. I was alraul ol her kick. Towards tutidown I fetched uu to the house, and there was the old man waitini' on the pivcli. "il-eii nut hunting, have ye?'' "Yes lir," said I. "Wl. it did jeu kili ' Didu'i kill nyihin;;, ?ir didn't shoot her 1 IT; was alinil tdit'd kick" I blamed well Khu would. "Gimme that gun P tho ell maa knew said as mad ns s'n. And bo t odc aim at a PApltng on the oihi r siilti of the road, and I b-gan to drop bat k out ol riurger, und tlio next iiioii en t I heard the eartlqiinko and saw the G iecn Anne whirling end over t n I tho mr, and tl e old man iinn1ng aroun on one, 1 eel, with one lejj up nnd no' IniKda en hiii jaw, and iho bark flying Irniu tl.e old mi pi in like tlirro win a hail s'oriii. Tins 0! 1 ima'i elioidder w al cet bank three itielrrn, I. Is iliv turned blar ii'i I blue, t.r.'l he h I to lay i:; for a Wtck Ioihh iti u' nw'.mu:; nsa fruro mo tbo v. ay ! was scared that time. A genlleman nnee remarked to a witty lady nt bia aiqnainianeo that he must have been b im wiih a tilver spoon in his mouth, rihe looked at him carelully, and noting the e;zu ol hit mouth, replied, I daiit't doubt it; but it must have been a soup ladle. A mother who belivvcd (hat education should go cu without cessation, said to hir little boy, as they were walking along a road: That wagun which you set atead there, my son, is the wo k ol a wheel wright. Is itf cried the bey. Then thete (racks it makes are wkculwritlug, I sup pose. The Tifh and Pointer ol the New York News rays, if wo are to be crushed, wo prefer it to Ivi by the 6Corn nf t pretty wo man, rather than by a falling building. That is all very well, but ll you ever crush a pretty woman's corn you will be glad to crawl uuilur nny building. II tho person who sent us the following ror.n ulruin will ferwatd bit tddtrse, ho will hear ol romsthin? to his disidvan laga : What Is tho difference hctweea a slice ot ham and a newly-married woman running ou" with another fellow f Ana: Ono U being fiiud, aud the other's a fleeing undo. ' i c a lot ft ( te tn o 16 s) SPACE One 8iut, Two Squares, Throo Hqoaros, to 10 0 oe 40 M is ee to w 00 li ronr uquaroa. Fowrth Cofa. Half Oolmn. ao vvaoie Uotumn, Ono Year, D0AX0K8 AQSIOULTH1 WOJtK WEL0OI4. Mi C.i JOHN N. roOTIi l"roprltor TUB- KHIllUDSON COTTON PLOW A SPKC1ALTT. rtAHUFACTCflUR iir, AMDOBMIISAL AOUMw rom, ALL KINDS Off FARMIN9 IH- PLEMKMTSk STEAM ENGINES AND 00TTOM GIN3. Also Agent for tho Chicago Rooia o4 fuy'a UNItRD ITITBS aClXBlfi BCALES. Krorythlni ta this line rrom a 100 TON Kail road Soda to tho SMALLBST TBA Sealo rurnlshed a Huroriainic LOW fl. ures. A Platform HAY nr KTOCK loalo of l-'OU It TONS capacity for aud Freight. AUklndi of IRON AND RIUS3 CA8TINQ3 Furnished at SHOUT NOTICR au4 l'ototaburg or Norfolk PiUCKS. I am prepare,! lo do AMY KIND Kopair Work for ENGINES, MILLS AND GINS, OOTTOJf I keep'oonatantlv'on hand of MauQlaolMreaGOOO OFFIC12 my owa COAL AND WOOD STOVE. Also a good assort moot of HOLLOW WaRK LUMBKR fnrnls! ti in any quantltf a tbo LOWE JT Market Kates, sep 8 15 I M MM HM MM K 69 KIH 18 00 16 00 0 00 40 0 SO 00 W 0 at of

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