THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC V: WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY i.r L.JI. LONG & W. W. HAM. One Year, in advance, Six Months, " Tbroo Month, " 12 Oi"i l on 75 els PROFESSIONAL CARDS. j M. QRIZZAKD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ., , - HALIFAX, N. C. Ofllco In thn Court House Strict. fciven to nil branchcaof the jrof.' m . Jan 1 ty E DW1KD T. (J L A K K, . attorney at law, halifax, n. c. tur. iOly, T. B K A N (' II, ATTOKEY AT LAW. EXl'IKI.n.X. c. Practices In th c.iuiitlo of Halifax. Nitiilt Edifocomlitvind Wilson. Collect hum lniidc in ill parts o( thu Stale. jmililf w. W. II ALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDOX, N. C. Special attention (riven to collections ami remittances promptly uimle. may lit. IAMBS U. XULLKN. JOHN A. VUOIIK. DLLEH & MOORE, .'' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. - HALIFAX N. C. Practice In tho comitieMof Hallfnx, Tforifcantp ton. EdirccoinPe, Pitt ami Miirlin In tie1 Pu lireine, court of I he H'nt" mid in IP" I'.-drrtil Courts of Ihe Kastern District. Collnci l.mmniHle In any part of the Slate. jau 1 ly JAMBS E. 0 ' II A 11 T, " ATTORNEY AT 7.X7. ENFIELD, II. 0. 'Practices In the conrts of Halifax: an.l nrtlnln- Infr coniitti'H. and In tho Hnpri'ino un '1 l-!i'nil courts. Colii'ctlims iiiailo In nnv nart "f th Stale. Will atlen.l at the court hrut.o in H.ilif.tx qn Monday and p'ridiiy of eacti wek. iif JOBEKT O. BURTON ) " ATTCKMKY AT LAW, . .' '. v HALIFAX N. a Praetlces In the conrts of ITr.Pfax, ami Adjoin ' inr countlfH. n Hie 8upreino court of Ma e, and lnlhe I'Vdoritlf'i Uils. -. Will kWo spnci:il intention to ihe collci'tion or claims, and toiol.n:sl in Mlie n, counts of ex ecntors, adiuinisl r;.,o,o una i,ii.i!.1!.iub. Uo 1311 G ALVINL. IIIJ1 1 ., attosm;t at law. HALIFAX, N. C. Practlcenln tlie eourtn nf rTnlifiix: ivriJ dlol; fnir count len, and Iti tiie Huprcnie and Federal tourtx. ClainiH collei:l"d ln all partj of North 'Uaroliua. Office in the Court Jlou.-:.'. JnlylU rr aoMAs k. u.ll, Aiirrae Law, HALIFAX, IT. C. lraitla In Hnlifax: and adjolnlns counties and Kednral aim iuprxme I'ourn. Will k at BcuUand Mock, oneo every fort' night. aus V, if JOS. B. BATCUELOll. ATTCEXEY AT LAW, RALEIQEI, X. 0, Practices In thn courts of thn Cth Judicial Piatrlct and in Ihe Federal and foreni" Cinn-t ui,ay U If. T. W. M A M O K . GARVsnur.a, :r. c. Practices In the imutIi nf Kurthanip'on an adJdlnlriK r.iuiilliii, uImi in ilia l'e, !":., I io;d ;-i lrtiuci,LiIti. JuneHtf. XT. II. Pit. .f. illl.iji oi l l!il. 1) AT k 20LLIC0FFK II. ATTOKMEYM AT LA XV, WKI.HO.7, N. 0. Practlco In the courts of Halifax and ad.'oltilni Oounlle.H.aud In I lie Supreme and r.M-Tal curls Claims collected in any pnrl nf v ai. lina Our of Ihe Urtu will nhviiys Poind In II Officii. ...... y JJ R. U. I,. Ii U X T E K , "IIIIUKO.I DE.UINT Can b found at his ofllco In Kiifii:.l. Paro Nitrons Oxhln flas Inr thi Puin a Rvtrai'tlng ol'TtotU always ou h.iio Juno Ti It. A KDHH Vf J. II URTON, ATTOIC?JKY AT LAW, WELDOX, N. C. Practices In the courts of Halifax, W.irr. ti ii'nl ndlotnlnir count les nn.l In Hie Supreme end Fed wal courts, claims collecti'd In anj' tirl of Neirlh L'arulluu. )iinel;tl , U. BMiril, JK. ATTOStXKY AT LAW, BcotLatio Nkck. ll.1r.1p.1x OottNTt N. Practices In Ihe cohiiIv of Thilifiix fid ndjein. Iliit couutl-H, and In 'he Sui ietue court ,.f the Blale. ,11111 P ly Sis- i.rvv I,!! d MA V, .y J :' VOL. VIII. llicno Is no J. nili. T)ro l tio I 'I'll'.! stars pj dow 'i ri.-.n it ism kiiiu) f.iii.-r ahm , Anil l.ri(jlH In heaven's jowi-lcd crown They nuino foreverraore. "Thorn la no death I Tho dust, wo t.road Shall chimin boncnlh Ftituninr Hhowers To troliian prulu or nmlluw trail,, . Or raiuboV-trnted flott'of. "Thorn is no doatlt ! Tho loavoi may fall, Tho How or may I'h'Io anil pan ir.,v ; Th-y oniy wait t broach wintry hours Tiio eprViln?of ttio May. " I'r. Gernhrun threw liimslfif woariK" into tlin gruat arra cl.uir in Mrs. IIjcVj cn7:y hiuiper in dm. Ho Imd jiitl ruiimiwJ frii'ji n pnirpssioiml vsit, and n Ion;- '.!'.! in tb M cold iu;,1' wind i;.id givci him sovrte Inniicctie. Tho dnctur was Mrs Hyde's bo: r lor : tiu'. hu brj.ja so lono in the fauiilv iliat he seemcJ liUu niii! of lluvn. Q.iPOtiio Bryan, M.s. Itydo's niece. t ny inn wiii.iDiv uusv with, some nueillo work. (J iecnie was a brilliant, blencW little thing of 17, with short, bnjisb curls und big. lopuisl) crown cyea. On tho dual'.i of liur parents years bo re sho had been adopted by her aunt. (ocenie was wayward, willful and bc- tehittt?; and mind right ' royally in tho itlcs village of Waylnnd. liar cuuits, T im und Jfthiinj Hyde, were ' her d .-T-Jtod slavcn, and sho alternately pctUa and teasi'd thorn. Oply ct Dr. Cr.rshuu was she shy, and soniciniss hu even ?, not qn'te safe from her wild pranU.-. Uiit otterward lie would invariably f.n l n pance (dFtirirg in the shapo of eofo i'tv- nto delicacy on the tra table, in per- Iwps bis . dressing, cow a . and sliit-icrs ouortafcla warmrd and roLi c'.y ,for l)iiii tm ins rtuiro irooi a mr.j, luiiniM rmo. it is net to bo surri,::.:d, ln .vfvtr. that sho confessed It any of t'i'csifwi'aU- essts. lam aliaui, ou the contrary, that my Eini'i'il bcroino asnafactor?d uRcrablu (ii's when qurstiored close Dr. Gi'.rsham has grcn wise throuyli experience, ana general'. y accc r.U'J these little favois with a' Etailo and but few words. tii9 afternoon of' the on::r,ioc id rr.y story, as the stalwart l:uro ii; li.-c i;avo a long ai-'h nl' wearinbss ai,d (iniii, laconic i'jrew her work asidn and ran iro:a tufl rdnni. S.ic itturncr. prts;:iuiy (iitli ail armful ol casbioi";. which sha arranped i'ivitip(,!y on t.t' lonpis, apu v. hceP.iio u ciosar t: ntui motioned the doclor to t!.3 iniju'uisptii couth. ... 1.1a smiled and obeyed her ec.surr. catching her baads as he sanlt back on tho pulows. 'Why d:d you do this, (J ieenio.' She laughed archly, trying ta ru!ea.-.9 herself. ... I dou't know I guess because I love you 'iJid you do you; ha asUcJ, Lis face flushed eagerly. I don t know. l) i yjj lova mar: Oh ! have you need to ask mo t'i '.t, gnlie ? kiss me. lie endeavored to draw hi-r fa-jo down to b Lut tibo . fi u;u , his grasp. I shall not kiss yo", recaiise tiie man whom I LihS of my own lien bo my fjiii.o hus'in.nul' and ui.y tin) (lane: ;!. saluting iou in the hall with s merry Jest. Dr. Gersham ihrd. ' 'idie is only a thud, lis said, 'a bright, beautiful, happy child. I will be ?"2 vcan old t'l-snorrnv too old and s'.c.'Jy for a iiitle buunuip? bird hki Uncuoiu.' Several cvenitifja Liter, (htenia en- terotl tha li'-r.'.ry wheru tl.e d..t..r u rudii( his jonrn il. i'oct'T, see- il 1 uou i I )ok Hid:. 'Oh, d i't't wothvi" n.o 1 ii unavercd, S lOrtiV, OUiJ'iPo LlUisiOll tliil UtCpLT 1U J'"'':11-. 'il'i'T.rl! ! s i'i'.s l-niS I i am w'p !i Cl'.mlit! Vill foiuni n i'.o uti. Tfii'rc is rum to be a croJ, ai.d I wi'iil to !ti;-..' if T look pice" lie pt hid and looked nt her. U v, lis iii.pi 5 i ile M he',) u;'unr- ion 0,ii:pti;i at Ody tiuii', I. lid ill hi t j jutit v s iii. 4 coouw, more t'i:uE' n o t!u:l ever. l.Jt iru d..C'tir only Raid, aa to! ctii7::li d witii t:.e pis I'oiiite l i'O io his ht.u:, 'Vouaie a va.o liU'.rt tiling yol look well onoii ;;h.' (vi itpuie tiiook litr skmiii ti eclher niOi a iou l1 Llai.ii, ti od Li i'tLrtU oil hi p, ntid laooiicd Insiea.l, Una a:,lei wii.i miak jrav i'.y : ' yon lovii mens well as you' did last Tuesday '!' 'Yen.' Q ifi nio hesitate,.! a rnomenf, swiyed toward him, a fo'oi-b tiorplo coui i at opo corner, of tir inomh; I'lfo l?r warci raept l:'s fi'S, ' r,s v.itb a liii.'.doil Gp:vt:;iii!iit, she tiu-'ied and loll thu priuU of hyr a iekrd "W'i troth on h'a!: I .The next infant sho , hud CuWi), wiiilu liOf tanlalinii,;; lanyli fioulrij back to thtf solitary man in Ilia lihia:?, Dr. tlorshani was a oreat lov,:r of n.uvie, and u baiidsouia nran, his pro:n.ity, ecenpied one corner of I'm p-.dior. One nfttrnoop, in ti c eaily bp lnr;, the di.cUir was s-i,'ie',i.o nnd iicco:n;i'Hiiiig hi.Bsrlf on th i orrrmi. lln had thoooht hiir.S'. lf tho Bolo'cccupatit if tha r.K.'.iiS aio dnfej, prtfeiitly, into (jraud . old hvmus, sol cum chants nod Wi nd dirges. Tho deep voice rcso tnagaificentlf. Study D;v Ceihut.i inig ;t well be proud of bis voice. Uo paused to look at; some nnis'c in the ra dt, and there was a ruouifiiil' silence, broken iinldeuiy by a lo.r sob. Tha doctor turned nr.d s.iw (i:een:e curled op in tiio re f ess of ;i v.ii'dow, Ncvir I'.i f.r.'. t'.u:iiig vi! kid W EL DON, IsL pcquuintaoco with her, hail he seen the fluid in tears. lie crossed tbe room and her in his arms. 'Yi'hy, little Qiecciel What is it, dear?' Ah, .iftHglity. ,Qoenr6 1 Wiy did-you not tpfl'Atirp jhovt bis music bad Btirrtd your willful heart? l'ut no ; she gasped, and buried bcr face in her white opioo , si,,, atievercd i 'Why, you bfo, Tom lias gone of!" ecliny, and wouldn't let roe go, thiMifjh I wanted to so imr:h. The doctor laughed. '(I.icni.i you are an incorrij;ible 6in nerl Who will be i!-poiiiib'u lor all your fib,!-:' 'You will won't you, iwclvrr' turn l:er flol't check to lis, 1 or a moment ho strained her ch.-i" in hi iirriiS ; then ptiUni:; her away from nirri, Ii went silently to his r.)oi:i. ii'matho d.iys i.viit on. yir,',el',t:u's: Dr. (Ii'tsham hull' hoped that O ironic was leainino lo love bin. DuL no sooner did he endeavor to win ono ier ious word from her than kIio v.aa rfi' with Ler bead full of some new Vih- chief. Mrs. llvde looked on, not ("annr; lo interfere, f.:r sbe'ldzcr! with the doctor, and know, in lh di!ii!is of her wonntdy heart, that !rt i-:t jist the otic to ru'u!e and proti-U her w ii,i li!'.le uiacu. I'm she was idv nwaie if '. ' iey:iie violded hersoif to bin: it work; pet ta tl.roil tbt) dictotion of a tbiid lei'suu. One iaoniinr, in i!'i early pail oi j!;.if, bile 2 oecuia v?as fiUslmg ami ar raoij"!; the pari, r, ?!rs. Ilydu looked in ul iho doer ai.d said, rccrf'-tully : (ireiiie, dear, Dr. flertliam is fjolr" to leave us iieit wee'.:, ilo will r'.lur.i t j b's fuTrtirr home iu iti io. ii' J do net tirpiiosQ wd shall ci-.T "73 l.'.tl Biun. o; ccaund abruptly, for (Hiennsc, i!ropppe uer uuster, ha'i!ie:i, iv.;: a fl'isiic'd faca and fiuWe-rlng taiiuta,- aii.l ;i tfiioent tiftir Mii. h.h ul tho r.oiind of tiie oil's clmmber door r.a i. '.lose.L btiiimi liiif. 'flu; lai.y uiisad t'.io iusier und uont i::i Witli the woi'k." wkila siri'd.:.'. su'.iln hovi red about her il;,!i. "Mr.ip,e cu-.l.i f i :'.c iov, viil nut c inl'oss ii, lipid'. 'l t' i ii,; ee c.n.: i. oi the sl-.tuow ol a reason v;hy i'.i9 ..p. no!." Ttint afternoon, Qaeenia wanueiin,; lihiiw ti.a pia:v:i, ei.n.a ppon J"r Ce.-oban; ftrcl.hid at fid ! -pglb to ! a st I'.eo. II : i.ppv.i.c 1 to bo s.-pi.'j. and (hieepie pau:;cd to loci; at hi .i. showing.'for once, all h, t er.ineit till Is soul ju tha czprisnioa of i.t r clofjrtii.t eyes,'. t'he beet over him, her cbeek flash ing and bcr breath coming quickly, PPd ;' Dr. Oershaiii, lying lu a bulf ure 'o. l'yli ihi pressure ol & v,aihl, t.:i,iici !.,o Lb, foil o.i his. IL' opjiif J his laidtiotiV ar,,i saw t2''-''d wlule diUi.s juit ..Uvr io;; arouftfl ta earner of the hi.u;,,i. Dr. Oershiini knew bftier thio to fob Io v hor. lie up to bis touci q'.:ilo hbp.'.V. y't p loves ma," ha said, vilb a quiet 8 .'!. And he remember her v.urJj cf n lew t;!o:iihii b'Ti'i'C I "Tho man whom I kiss of lay own fioe will. w:ll La n-y lolur.) husband! ' Dr. liibha'i kiP.hod liof'.'y to Lim svif . !-! "Ah I my little lady 1 Von ami I will bavo a reckoning thia evoning.'' L'ii.t bs wai fuiitaken. for yucanlc was i;,if.Mr.g i.t :e,l Mr llydo in lorined him luat she bad gone to visit a oirl iiiend in the village, and mould not i el'.: n IV r r.cvui,' days. Ivi.t at.;".! Ike cvea'.ui; before the u .cloi's do 'aviiiie ior ihe !oui!l did i.ho iiiaki: .,er r, ; jn-.n n nco, and it v.'a", a very 1UU lace th-it t.c s-sv; v. ecu ' tionfion'.cd her iato tha garden, whetc lh old rptilo tiers was tl-oripinjx its t'.i i .! hliiorp;. Duile O iuvi.ii! (pn!u'tdy to have io-.l her roKirsbpea. an.! snh'.poi.sfs s'.oit. (...:! Lx bed the wry r'.cluro ol si. am tied .i.:;i:i liifitoie, uU lior cnni.soii I'ai.e an I kea v-i hied rvet. 1 :.e it It. 1 e ;,iC.O.' .-. Iit.y hud no h.-a d Uil.l. ijioMiii', I am goitg te tell you abiict a :.Uauga drcai 1k.1t I bai ike oiiii r ikiv ." , . 'T guts'; I think that is, poty wi'd nuiit nse now," sho i'ai.ioivn.d I.p R- . i ,l,,Pe ln-,.-.l I' P.. ' Aiioliu i.una ,t have you now, be t. iliiC 1 : i 1 .1: to ke, p you i..-i:'l'v al l.M.tii'l I lehue iay dieaiii aal" ;',rt )our opiui in of, it. You must lii.'. thai I wat ii.ieep on tV.o ii.i7..: 1, ai.d i; seeaifd as On ugh sotnubody kiisol' 1110 wiib two tit v iv.ect liula lips, npl, fut'it.-iuoif, droaasoJ that 'St f as by (he Hiiim; billi: gill: who f.:ailo the 13 mail:, nr.;.-.e inae 1131', that the nan tluts ftivhirt'd li iuld be bcr. .future l.u.i.diiilvl . lie puiiwa, biiUitig both her line us in his, and luukiti;; at her drji j.-iajj critsofi tiii'O... y , . . . ' .' . 1 Oil, O leenie I (tiieeniul bow your face d;it b'lr.i t And bow the old epple irib bPi'ined to whirl sb nil And bow yotn l.ea t did pound ana p"U.:d in its jo 1-.. in, trviiio the best (t k.;(;w bow , to ijtaka its voiuo beard niu tbnt dmadtul ailep'K 1 ' '' '. . "'" "l.hieenii'," the dijtor's laughing voico was ut Itenci ai.d t:id ir ml 1 drew to bis arms, when!, she was ghul to liidfl l or hot lata 011 bis ibrnud shoulder; "little (Ki'inie, ' don't bo nonlipid of loving. It is ijodhs 's Vtctcs gift to bis cbildiB" the scapbcviV. for iiifection. Think bow lon -you l;ve played at cross pin poses with me, liailip;'. I iiiifht have gone uwiy ti : :- 5 v. i ; jV ' C, THURSDAY, the South without that salirTaction, if it hnd not been for that 1uckv kisa. "Ah, that fcmindii mc I will take another, if yuu please !'! He wax JpHf;hincj again now, and Quretde chfng a little closer to bin with a quick gesture "Oh, no, no ! I carnot. I DCTer cau ogain." You most get u?e(l to it, lady birfl, and y-'U may as we'd begin ij practice now." ; lie slipped a ring from his watch chain a diamond, nob a q i-dnt p.dd si tMiv,- and pat it os. i-cr (.lender !'i;ie-liii-er. "1'irii nis try rivi'tirr' ring, (J leeniti," be SaiiJ, ; "h tin ! eiii poo. 1 will g'wo it to yuu an ft tolioa of cy love." f he t iror 1 her click to hi;; with a m,iv:r,ie:ii that wis u'l.rCidy a r;;,5, il was no swift an I limit!, hnt s!io not Hj-eak. "Now, d.'ar, i will take tint kins, and then I v.'.H po, lor I h ve on cno?.ira. went at iho tillage. Next fall 1 shall rc'.ura frotj Virginia to riiim my little vii'a. Come, I will niia you just two rjlnutoi in nl.i'h to ki;.3 :no 'of your O'vn Ireo will," j'ist as you did oh the piiiRZ I." lie drer; np.t his watch and raited. ( ,' iucnio, titdndiiif' directly before bi:n, !..CL P, d nc" rT ous.y, ind flushed a ia was .iiui'Ju,;!, a';. i .:eitai;,i'. .ever ,h there, a more tiwid, Ixi.ihful creal'.u r. no'.v l.ut id'. 3 r::u l.'.r'y cortjuerci'. Wie uii-idiicU c lil't bcrcy53 -to his "Oho ni'iiulo .taorc," aii2.ho doctor, sUr.ding, riic1i "iii hatitf,' bko grim fate. "Ob, dear,'' liecnle ga.-pod, ai:d loiilcij 6,K,ni to Co o;.ie;hing driiwllal ; r.i.d then suddenly lifted two very meek "I v ill now, she sap! And once -rrli 'r. Crnhi'n l'e!; lip; tky ;ii ?s'-pa' ; ;''j iraoriia. ra nub on ':, , only this t'.r.'v he r:--i;udiu i.i'.'.i ii:'."!i.'.t ; r.nrj ibifn iiccii:e ui Avi -,. uom tiit:,,ai'd ran wito the hou-, ' The i.c.'.t piorr.'.o;, j'lEt befora' his i!:pai turi', tha d-js'tur bad I'.osverui lioii i;i i!ie horary 'riib jdrs. Ilvde, a ail as be re-t-utu-.J llio :.;t'ii:;; roy;r. !.a ow.ueaicd .Tohtinie's fsctaisaiica U ! ,.o : 'Tlmmas ,T. Uyrla I l.'iiera'R hm tkr doctot'g ;'.rg oh L-t f.agir.' V.'iat iyj-. ikat U!i;;.:ii" "!t wtr.tip," ".id J.'r. Corsk. wai.i voii ! i take ':)o;I cue i.l -tl-.r.t deenia ;;i til i ext ! .v'.f.ibor, r.pd tbea v. id i.p u wnlrila-ri'ht' r.eit,f . And there w. , , . tik;:o j ii' ai . A mr.ii rrlt'j b:ar-colored :i'c and ;t Una cii :'.'.: d ii to '. .'.. .. . ..! .. l. M'i 'u 1 j' .a.Pi,l."l 1 : :CS of 1:1.0 ;f 'h';i Ltits aboal Uvj v . i ;a.: ago, :.iul epproac ,:t:' 'I wn traveled p"c'.ly tauc'a u!i ovy ti'" world ; I bavo dined in tha :i 5'.'ti 1 aic, of ( 'onstai'.liiinpln ; I ha-,a t ppod viiu: ' tl'.'i j.aror.t '.loop.-; iu i'.iris 1 ii'i'.e s;.io!;i.u t.,',.'.roi'.is at tin ,;ii.vct ' of lioiner, and 1 lii'.va hr.uio.i my uebing brow io the billons of t 0 L!ae;' Adri ft.:.'' ,"'Yell, what of iir''i "What of it !" bo'iid, n Orftively. ' I wiil4o ge U) II114U1U, Uul'ii what of it." ' , ,, .. ' : 'Do yo.i'r :.nt a LA c'.ass ticket?" "Weil, I think I do. Do yoil faery, ,:y dear pir, that the effsprinj cf an Austraiau count, who can tiueo his prdigrea back to tho rebellion, woul I lieigu lo travel otherwise than in in inner bi fulinj bis rank cud soci .l Malioa?' The c.'.:,!iier Minhpo r.r.r eppuloiited, v. iiioi the u"b!etcau cantlpticd : "i i you sot r. gootl tab'ef" ' Dirst-iikiss'' recpondoil tho caskitT, all tiiO dtlitaci.'J id' Iho CPa.oii. rnt w( !', us rthoj ol every brad, jivorv ;!'.!.':;; is L.iohi',; in liid ii:: t of '.ty'.ii. ' "You d:!litiht die beyend r..i'.isii'.'e," rcipoii ieti ir.r P".hk"o.',:i. r.iih fi t:iilo, 'VI ;e dtev.' n t d ' .. ir Id ki.S' p'.'Ci.Ul to i.eraiali V.i-'n-c! OO'J tiling in '1, 1 v 1. wire tha:i 10 k'-pnoao tl. j ,:a'.; '. JiU is uny ! 1. J Let.' that I Iii;.' it 1., an . sueic ni'-al. :-t r.;a noii Bad nt ICPlHlOl' ' , I .' J i. " I'es. toy lord, l!:;y uie." "l 'ii M,u i..;v8 il u; i ts on the V ..'imv," ' C". tablet "I iiko tha1 ihl'.lPlt'l. ill' 1 !y poor mo'. her the wis loi'd ol ii nveni on'ti- i iolr." ttibb, i;nd I i'.ii'i'i, fir r oor v, iPlo "v:i1:k si. Have you ever had any cl -(it ti.ool.-, or anciJeH, or an) thing of a romantic putiite on your" ".No, sir " "Ihi you evernca yrSiJi other steam. erat'1 " ' "No, sir." "Then I thall baatq siy g.iod.iaoan- ipg, I run an old e uul: y cba:'goi', and 1 don't like norta of Jiit asy-nin reii eiops' iiavigli.'.ioa. .''h't'ti I said .''want lo go oa u regular. Jildd'asJ.iotied, slay lir.ti, riolM'Wy. rip Jif'ohe'.ITiirriitair.b'itix tho lunace-nnd-line, tkal's the jiink of. a r.j.icliii aw straw hat I uui." Ai.d then 1a ilroif, biiuseU' up to liit i.Mmost iiic!i aud walked out, - . ' The young King of Spain is . a .t ety dilatoiy lie l as not caibpl to see bis o'nl for suveri'.l days. At least the cable doseti t rfay that be nal, and tho ngeut ou the other side is nerdi'i ing to send Us till the ne ws, ho slmuli! be 1 snpressed by' some jr fvu "of a mote eulerpi'uiiii" turn, N'orristuwu Da. id EFrEMBER 25, 1379... ,"l'"A Vienna IiO:liiin0. . The rociance of a hair comrj from Viomitt. A poor girl with beautiful hair went to a barber to sell it. 11a tried lo make a close bargain, saving hair was plentiful this year, and declared be could only give her eight fl irkis,,., .... , The little maideu's even fl'il-df with tears, and she hesitated a mooieol, while ibtenditig her fingers through her chest nut loch:i. Finally liho threw herself into a chair and n-iid : "Then lake it qa'n kly" The barber wus about to cut off tiie Srosses when a genlk'tiian rbting iu one of the chairs inti'irupted l.ipi, and upoko to iho girl. ' .My chihJ," said he, "!iy do you sell vmr ti'ttutiliil hair?" "My moi.ber has been ncariy fin: nto:;tiis it!. 1 canip't wont euiiuh to support us. Kvery'dmig bus boon , sold or pawned, nud there is uet a poney its the" "No, no. my child; if that is the case, will buy your hair, and ivo you 'CP2 bandied darius for il." lie gavo tho poor girl (ha ir,te, the sight of whitih dried her tears, and bs look up th;i harbor's shear. 1'aki.ig the lock in bis band, he se kci :d tha longest bair, cut is off, and pit' it carefully in bis poikel-'ouiilt, thus payinj.uiie bnndrod florins for a siugW hair. . . ... . ltd took tho poor girl's nudre;;s, in r,a;o he o'unild watt to buy at lbs Kiuao rate. , . . Tb'a (bariiablo genllemua is cicn tione,i,.i;s lb head of a lartjO;, iiidastiial ei,tabiisliraept in ... A cit'ien who ahouU ba prepaiin Sr.v ed .or thn linkn 0 tii'o bayon.1 tha rive ipctearl rTbiiinf ti;i to trh.iis, re- t-uivpil tha rc;(;p j f;o::i big "!d ritirt the o'li-r day, Saiivliif; u ileci'cd yactcv. i b jffctn on a rh. act rr.r, J.idrlj hki !i::rid so tbe ' ilnj mu-.t ba p.c'',.y sort.i p. nan bends forward a::d rc-in-rks: ' ' ' "!-'xt'iisa me, sir, but yen bate lost the l'-',:n ynar rlnn." "So I have," re ilied !ks (ymr, ax hu loo'-i eromid or ike fl x,r. lv.-i ry'; uESOngcr began lapa;r s' and :he man y,k j nakes tba (liacy've.j fioaSly s':vs : ' ' "Was is; Saleable ?" ' '" H wan a t!:oii"::nd-doi!ar ditimond." ' Thero is another movanicnt oa the part of tha paisangcra. Sorr.o look along tl, rr.t cad under it, and potuo make a dive for peuri bu'.touc a:,d c'Jivr small eljetis. "When did you i.'.k.; it?" a-!:r;l the first liiao, as t!:o scaicb weakens a lit Co. - ' 'A year and a half pji, n!i?ii I rT.3 at:?.'.t!iog camp-me.'iiiig i:i "l'linois 1" ' T!:i'i ovsry pa's.cng-r Ftrayhtess up, ci':b eye lool-.s Ii to t.-.cancy, and not tha I '.intc t ctsilo C.n ba eecrj on any fass. . ' A parr.oa bpr.rditig the car jn:;t then wc'ild wnid.rr r.bat great man in toe -it? bad just died, and if tt:e pasun Rprs fare on their 'way to t;.ke a sad t'r.rc'.ve' lo;.; at the remains. VI !T Trtl:i!.fi WHeh. if .rtcKMi This ni.17 not be true, but it is n ind itiiry anyhow; A Georgia lady reaenlly uicioio deranged whiln a'.tpnding ro vivnl meetings in Worth conifty. t'ho went raving nhent the hous, p.nd yard with a bucketfuj of water, hapiiaing e.verytliing in bcr pathway. Sho bap tized her husband and coil In n, and kilo doing it sail'' sop 'u that she h id heard but oi,::e or twice. Although tin tiiib't'i red wr.Ti'iii! ..he n:i.!'i rhap. lar iti the iiitile readdy, proaount ing corr: i;t'y and dia'.ipctiy, pevicx nltaiilion 1,1 pnpciipition poii ti', etc. I'h.e ; rcarlics; nil iho while, vv.vs tie choicest word.; and displays gtft.t bnnwledno in Hit) hm tiling of liiderrrt sabh'. t'. Al thoogb not a Mann , she l oows rill th? cij:i i.'1'i.s ol that nivsteiinoi craft bv hcirt. I) :: us i f Masons have ipiac to :(!0, nu t they a',1 como nvy diiub- uttinil. a. ,:lie ueilhcr f leaps Due ca'.j. iler bi; .kaud has cure to tho couj'.o. .ion that tlio is a vrltcli. llichaiuud . -lilt .. tVl.y lio bill's tio to til t'i'.'i'ii. , "Isjij, ,j,ohn, did jo.sett tho ciicnur yi.lled a liuie boy to another Ust eveur . "No-o-o, I didn't ceo tbo ciieuti iii sw. yngly taid, v',.i.a, who hu& Lean Lrj-.t iu tho bouf.q foe uisohaJieuuf.; j '. I'uuipbl . ,fjVgbt .10 bi:U pittiNJ biggest sbiii? you circ-r seaiJ;eluW-S. mi cariuels und Joa. cootislors, tuinrffti every lb. ng. If I couldn't ( Mji.cus I'd ir.:i away." .,i,v., .1 ..t,. . " 4;ho y7,iuls to, ';o to z ix (dd cii WS?" yelled John. "L bad a circus nd to my: self. Tied tho milk-pitcher to tha. cai'a 'ail, Odd tiio cat l.'n'nck down t.vo Ibiwerqiot.', und cntsliod tbo .pitchert and bn kc a pane of gl i .s. (lit a.vfcy5 id y our old cbcups ; been to tauu'u I'll), an' did,iJc lmo i much Inn,; nti' 'didn't got licked pii hi t," and the boy I'lio had been to circus felt as if he'd got bold of ibe caslor-uil bot'.la by mis uUj .11 - , A fo'low In., a' cattle .' ahov !u.i 'xio tnatlo Ii iuhl-11 eonapH'aoua hv hit hlutef. cried (t'jV: "Uil lluaj prho 'oat tic I V, li-, ihry uiu't tpnliiiiij t,i witxt our loin, rulpfd ! j latin r raNetl tint bijraeat fall ol uuy 1i1i.u1 ronn I our parts." "ISo d. ui t el li," saij u byalau ler, "nud the colaii'Sl," NO. -00. Ho I'rlt Haflered. A youn tig attorney who lately passed f Diitroit' was' bragging pf the .!.- I . j .... C me oar oi lairoit was craceins tirillient prospeots, beford bira, flfh'eh an old depireo of Justice alley ' retnarked : , :,"Yes, you .will, get along, Judge--- wa3 speaking in yuur tiraiso the other W ' "Tie was, eh?" rep!i;d the yourg Umb. "Well, I alwnyx thought I stood in prcl'y so'id with tha eld man. Words of praiso frof.i bio uican something md are worth. fcuuicLlui;. Wbai (lid be 1:1, i" ' ' Ifn s i!d you had rdrcr.Jy made your rj uk In the ivorld." "Did ha? Vtdl, I'll show my ;-nti t'.iJe .I' I livo long cro'igb. Then ha's had his eyes on t,, c,? Ticasa toll me bow he aald I'd r.'.ada ny mink." ' JjU's ere I" riiiaj tha juryman as he 8:rp;hri head, "'.Vol!, now, 1 can't reeollcjt wbetber ha said it was in the r.iiid or o:i tho zc, but tho next tine f Sao b'un 1'il bavo a pencil katiuv!" ' Ji-n 1, ;uie( liluj, not spend your priciocs lime in wi'hipg. i..'.d wa'ching, and waiting for sonu'-.k'uig to turn up. ifyntrdo, ynu wa; .yiiii, und watch, and wait forcyer. Tiling doi.'t tarn up of themselves: you must turn then u:. I'ou can do it tf you w on t.u;:t put forth the dlort. It'leners a::d Inditftirnoia never accoinplis'icd nnvthic. It takes energy and fcivb to mako headway in the world. And an active, energetic, porsevcring liian ta siiro to succeed. If ho cannot do oii7 'brfi Vhe- f,''!1 do toractliing else, f ha Cannot (.ncrjed in ct;o direction, hatiULii eoiiio other. Ha will do sctiiolkiug., ilo will n.ot waste bis time in idknrsa. There is on lack of work, no rp.'ioi ttieiti.-s. Do what coraes to yiur band, and do it w..'ll. Trr.e pro roms is from the le.i to tl.o " greater. Vo.i 1 n:st b.;ia low if you wo ild build h,i;;h.. . m'oiU i ordinarily tbo masorc of suencas. (J iit rcsolviu-j and re-resolv-!nj, and go and do something. Io UiiJsiH IJei il Aiiy I'aprrN. "No I" thunder iho old former ' ti n R'an tolicitino hisiiub icription to a bews rnper. "l!on'twnnt no pnpars round bore. Ii's a wciste of ruuoty. , Catch me fooliu' uvyay. two dollars a yaar on a uew:,pap ir. I peter reads 'cm, and i.iy folks' never depj', nnthcf." Then 'be turned to the bogus lihtnlcj-rod r peit, who was patient ly sittinfj' by, and told bun be uiiut put a cheap rod on hie l"rn, nud bo ainctl tha contract s-bi'cll the iigoi.t -.r.-:.-...-.;d to Lira with rcaree'.y a ghiuea. ?it jbca in n few months that contract turned Up again, t'io oh! fiir::ie.- was horrified to find that in some tuuncr it ba 1 uhaaged into n n tie ( !' bands f-r ',0. And be bad to pny'it too. I'.at Le d ip't read nny papers. ., .. i ' Viiu;iiil..y .TJoUenJ.y, SI in ! -e the rov: tvri rixj ' A cloud Us sky .'..:g.ih.: lu.l blowa rojo letvi'i htm U'.e.i.'V.; I ; l".it t!iu viol.t kIi'cIi bides ita h.ndilno !;.'Vitii'3 hell'.;,;! tt.e Lii.h, iuhI the uionii whnn 'iii'(.'ln! '""u bi hind n ( ii ipl, aie U biitt :;. a ol irayirali n -'i i'f iiI:ao:re. Modis'y 1.1 tw merit ht sH if I". to u flour- h palMipV-itf tveu Itollturrfi anil protsiat-ucu. Mothior; 'iilds '."ore t0 jt iaalc btial; tbua mod-uiy. ft .Shu's I'.ni'itid Hoi 'countenance a halt, nt bpl'.f. l.hnti h borrowiht Ireta virtno. r.i,tuuii:U :;.vo i;;vnn tho ro-y line wlinjb tii'o3 tac cup of tbo w'lit-j lOJ'-a. tl:o nar'.e nl "n. i'. J 'n liluidi." Tlila pure and .Uli.'i'o hip' hi tho only pjint Cailitaia -.i.'.nu sl'.inild use. It is tbo richest orua 1 1 i.t. A wo man without tip le.'y ii like a Indeii .1 wer, ddic-ip" an uawt'iOltwoniB nJor, ilnili i.iii iniidint .'irlnier will l!.:vi jf.-.ta ,:ui. il -r destinv hi np. lan eh'.'.iv, ler it l; in rbsnto hp! r.;xiuta:icc. lit nut: pnrta like tho llnver d i!'.-j i.l ic, nbicb I :o',nn a :d die in a lew I ::;.; h.:t mod.idy ;i'j tho dr.iale cb'irais yv'ii. !i r. pri'y the nlucj 0! tho tmasituiy l.iohne,!., ol y,.i:h. v Til" r3';sijtJy ti'MlfH, (l ie H'tM'.r r. ig ; ;':d road-ij hiihetlo a px'en ot tin ot'i", tr.tiva'-ility. rod tan 1- ii;', ! nu'lJunif i-1 Inr !,.:pri,t liir-ifclt a! t 1 S'I t . ,uii ..'11 n.'.ciy. kii.KMiv'r, tod i.l tbo iiislti.a'. t.-.ii.' Lit 1 ,-,:t; i to 'ipj ib. 0 the lollowi 2 olpijite? t.l ?!':: Vou it. 11 Rotnviirr.rj ct:h a bare ball on a f y. '... rly. i- - .T'.ojJ.-iiin nuiae i..r a cirluiu kind ol I i.l '',- I 1 niPU-l iyp't. ' The .If liraSt'S.!' :j rsfi aatber. Sou 'Plies' oa I . . .. e ... 11 ihvdVJ.ul thi.v scaiton , of the yiii.' fla is dim on oot at the rcituuiants. " jetl Hire a!i.;3on bsnd esVly "in" the nj.irn.n. , . ,: i ou have all si;n a Into rty. ( , 'r'!l;iir! fUei'arp'ftiwarfl Iu biil.' " ' lw;;.iuroW -paahi nf a ily- nfl 'a bh'fl he jii .';li'.jV!ir'f'id 'jird ol," I'.n.'.i: puii'de mi ploy the hii.'-d to keep !h if on trie room. . 1 , .iV.uu mi Uiuw h jj y with a drop ot am. In sites letter li.aii wild a crayon. 1 iPivi1 bfleti 9;:i-p; il ri linu.l .i-lTeit. '' '1'his pldrr is tlui ohly croaiuro xblch invites Uiftflj to id uarlor. .. Toe o;Oy popu!.,r ll y "Slioo fi y.n riiri mo lil.d rivirs.'' Tiny nto often dainiuuri.' ... 1 t . . . . . . A cyiijual q'iuiri'1 U a pronitor of hair. ui.'-,. . htatii' (lies are pnln'cl. . A, lly is eo.ifervativt iu his roadie j; be always str;;i;4 11 ms pwu piiper. . , II...... ..Kl.lJ , ( ... ' . J mill outs jjroeurir exuiuil 111 us la tlicir : window, lo t v-. 0. ju , v iou cm tnrowa a ily iu the ,milk ( luiinaii Uiinlur'S. ''ih fl v don't play long Iu une' pnnre iiinv 1wuvh carry a.lrunlt. There urn tnuicl lies.; IVeplo eftou THERdA'NfrKE NEWS SPACE One Square, Two Squares, Three Hquarea, Tour Syuarea. fourth Cftl'n, HK!li;olumn. : I 00 , 8 00 MM 6 tO 10 00 20 00 8 00 15 00 80 CO 10 00 18 00 86 00 15 00 20 00 40 00 29 00 80 00 00 to 00 4&e 60 66 00 m Whole Column, , One Year, ;i epi .'11 vroBar.0, 01 1 lOIHJ- ilt 1.1 t ', b-a ii V: ' '. ?; VELDON, N. C.I JOHM 31. roOTE, Irorii THK KIC'IIARDSON COTTOM PLOW iVKCiihvr': "CAltnFACTrJRarWF, AVOOMUMUl ALL KINDS Off." JPAESilKfl .'t s i-sJ l'LKMEKTiS, STVAM rMGINb.S AND 'CQT i,fj . .1 "Oik?; 'Ath Ageut for the Ckta.ige " Eaaie C ,'m Jauy'a 1 ... li. t 1. S : ?q V tJiJITSa-'1 a bn t eOALE3. h " Kvorythln8lnthli;8froraa I0 TO naltrn-nl a.-a,Tj to the 8MALLHST 11A nui-.tabti nl fiurpiisintc 1.07 PI i'T 'lr :Z Seal uro.i. a. fnvrjras UAYar KTOC rf R li t: I'OXS Cpaoily for C. FruiuU... O aa All kind of IllON AND I5RAS3 OASTINOa ' 1 ; i t .wo: ruryl.shod nt .SHOUT ef OTICH "Mi at. t'otomburg or Norfolk PKlCEa. .. .) vuvj ij V' ' ' '' I am prepared, to, da AJf X E.IKO at Uopair Work for , ,u 1 -a r'.' .'i. . - ' ' . . u,j a( i'1".'' i "-' Is1 koiJi f t A -rj ji bo.- i.'-jq ! Iu iiu-j os KNGINE3, ; AND rCOTTQaf ; ,naauCIIKS . J :,, .. st-. a..j daidv yji'. . 9d. ..'I Ai :i', .yJin o' ,.i.l y ?i uAl. : i ht Aa I have an Kxeallont UAQniXISlaott I501LER MAKEK. ;e"iV',"-i . on. I ,! .!... : ;, C'.. JoJ .1. 11 ' ''. . 1: ad: -.i.i.o ii -rd J I koop'ootiBtiintly'.oq hanil of ntf rMannnoture a 000 1) Oi'FICK 1 ! . .r. ,!. 1 ' .'1 : "f 1 . . j .. I .h. .' AND W9OD STpvg, ( OilJ 1 . oP I : . a l I, ifo.tji, .1 ,1 vti b ilil ;:: AUo R coiiil aHHortmnnt nf TTOT T nx n YfaltR. " 1- LtJM ntcn fMrnisl M 1d any hnanMW 't 1 a iho LUWKjTMarkothatee. . ,,. icp 8 it) r M I i c i 1 I .11.4 . 'iivl 1 1 I l a J ! Oi

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