WSSC3B38MaMI THE ROANOKE NEWS. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. ' - - ! A J DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BT fc. M. LONG & W.W. HALL. ?2 00 1 00 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R? Q EO. W. HiitJlAM, Snrieon Dentist. Offlcs over W. n. Brown's Pry Goods 8tore, WKLT)ON,N.C. Will visit, parties at their homes when desired. Tonus Reasonable octSSly M. QRIZZARD, ATTOttXEY AT LAW, i HALIFAX, N.C. Offlne In the Coart House. Rtrlct attention f'lven to all branches of the profession, an 1 ly LIDffAKD T. CLARK, ATTOKMEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. mr, 201y. E T. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ENFIELD, N. C. Practices In the counties of Halifax. Nash Kdirecoinbeand Wilson. Collectious made in al parts of the State. Jan U tf W. H ILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDOX, N. C. fltieelal attention plven to collections and remittances promptly wade, may ltf. IlHti M. MULLEN. JOHN A. MOORK. JULLBX A MOOR B, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. "Practice in the coanticsof Halifax, Nnrthamp' 1nn: Rilffeertmbe. Pitt and Martin In-the Hn- preme eonrt of the State and in the Federal Courts of the Rastern District. Collections made U any part of the State. jan l iy JTAMB8B. O'HARA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . EXFIELT), N. C. Praetlees In the eonrta of Halifax and adjoin- luir enmities, and hi the Punremn ami Federal ourts. Collections made in any part nf the state. Will attend at the court house in Halifax on Monday and Friday of each week. Jan ! :tf JOBERT 0. BURTON JK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practices In the courts of Halifax, and adl lin ing counties. In the supreme lourr, 01 in State, anil In the Federal courts. Will Kive special attention to the collection of claims, and to adjust in the accounts of ex- fcators, administrator and guardians. dccllitf Q4VIH L HYMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In the courts of Halifax and adjoin laffnnii.. .,,.1 lit the Mniireino and Fedora earls. Claims collected In all parts of North Cwolli. umce in the Court House. juiyiir fJHOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. O. PwotlMs ki Halifax and adjoining counties and IrVdoral aud Snpreine courts. Will ba at Scorlaud Mesk, once every fort JOS. B. BATCJUELOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIQH, N. C. PtacHees la the courts of the Sth Judicial Butriat aid in Wko Federal and tjupreme Courts r u at, fp W, MiSOM, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, GARTUBURO, V. C. ria of Northampton and a4JotalDK couuties, ' lu tu Federal and Nu- v. m. BAY. i. o. toixicorma. Z0LLIC0PPKR. D AT ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WBLDON, N. C. rwlln In Ihoconrtnot Halllat und aillollllllK aeuutUa kinl In lliASunreiue and Federal courts Claims tollected In any part of North Carolina. One of the Bna will always bo found In me tin, June amy D R. . Is UUNIKK, MBOEOH DENTIST. Ca ba found at his office In Enfield. . Pure Nitrous Oxide Oas for the Puln 16 Extractlua of Teeth always ou baud June 22 ti. A. KOBBW J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. 'J',t,', In he court of Halifax, Warren and -iwiunneoaniiea and In the Supreme and rmi- W eouru. naiiuH collected in any part ,,f rm uarollua. June 1711 Js U. SMITH, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, otlkd Nrscic, Halifax Countt N. 0 lnVrJ!,'.1.?," In ,no eonnty of Halifax and adjoln jjVuutlesnjiy, gu,,u.m0 court of the Oue Tear, In advance, m Months,' 41 Throe Months, " anl ly. VOL. VIII. At Sea. Worn voyagers, who watch for land Across tbo eiidlovs wastes at sea, vVlio gaze boforo and 01. each hand, Why look yo not It what ye flee? Tho stars by which tho sailors steer, Not always rise before tho prow j Tho. forward naught but clouds appoar, Behind they may be breaking now. What though we may not turn again To shores of childhood that wn leave, Are those old signs we followed valuT Can guides so oil fouud true deceive? Ob ! sail we to the south or north, Oh 1 sail we to the east or west, The port from which we lirxt put forth la our hoait's homo, is our life's best. CLYDE'S RETURN. A po'lcct May day, with the sky blue as n lapis lazuli, tiinl flooded w'lh yoUlen sutibliitie that was nil the mure elii i r-1 il. o I ro tn the (rcah west w.ud that was softly Btirnn". Juot com'.UK iDtn its pier, the hnp e steamship Egiua was bright and hrsotiiol in the luir sprioi; rr.ornini;, imd on its deck its scores ol passengers ws'tcd ira patiently to set loot once mo e on the llrrn earth ; and crave, handsome, and more distinguished than ai'V one about bim, Clydo Perriam stood, eilcnt, and a little apart fiom ihe crowd. 1 en years b dure, he bad aU'tnd from this vem pier, by ilie game line of ocean steamers, to seek his fortuno acioss t tic sea. Ten years aeo, bo had kisse l Ids mother (jood-by, aud pat,ed little H iky oo he tangled sunny curls, sod told her to hu a good child unlit he came home, aou he would bring her 8,nnctliiiij,' p eVv teu years, and to day he was nenrl home, Ins lorlune made, und his motiicr d and utile cousin lla'cy's fuline assure i. It was Bo good tn be couhji? n.ijk sgaio ; and iu nil that t'y ciowd on dd lt there was no. a hea t beating with keener anticipation I linn his, despite Hie qnet gravity of his lace. ' Oiilv a lew hours more I he ihur "lit o linn c':l, Ijmiu ,itintly h .ai ast ihe rai'ing arnuud the deck "onl a l:w hours beloic I s!i ill see my blessed old mother, with her gray curls and spot'esi white lane cap, her dear, saintly ryes und gold spectacles t I can imicin.0 her, ihis very nnnuto, with he big white apron on, -Hin" Irom outv lo nuly, nn I getting hii her part of ihe hnutckeeping done in Ihe Ir slinifs ol tho duv. And little Hilcj Haley mii9t bo tall and alronif, aud a great help and contort to molher. le t me see yes, Haley is sevt nteeu Bt least and, mother's Idler says, 'very pre'ty, anil modeat, and good and the vcr? g'rl to make a model wife.' Dear old n;o hei ! HijW it Would please her if I should nurrv my cousin Haley I Ann to lumu I shall Birpii .e theitt so lit il iy I I iciMy believe I inn oytMng cDtiiusinslic and im patient, 'ike the rest o! my lelluw yoy 1LM 8 1" An hour ait.-rwari, he was on Ihe irvn that was to take him out to the ci'y where his mother's house was -the home wheie be had been born, where h had b'd l hem !ood-bv. and to which tr,e 11 v ' it crs were taking ln,u even loo slow lor hu I in p.itience. "I can imn'jine lust now the coi'ago i lookin;; Ihis mornin;;." Flu sat Kt'wn-; with great turills ol jo? at his heart The trees. -are lualinu, and the little fruit var I ii swept clean as a iloor, and t lie Tasa is green and ' Velvety, and perhaps the windona are optii tho one noer mother's birds hang, and where ehu si' tn red in the lii old bible every a lei- noon, and" An Hstdnibbed voice. n lull ol iuc:e'inl- ousness as to strike him n I'll a teuso i amusement, broke irtevertntly in noun lii thoiii'iits : My goodness gracious cakes alive, if it ain't Clyde Perriam I Well, ol all nnnu bcro ou the face ol tue atiu flia jcu drop from, my boy ?" And oil iAiioon ,1'inisoury, wuoie Clyde instantly recoguiz'td aa tne vuri'ahle di.initary whose ear he delighted lo tickle with a s'.raw, in his boyhood da;s, when tho Sunday services becaaie unbearably Ion? and tedious, seiz- d liim by lb r hu'ld, se'Zid him by tl.o baud, with a hcartsome, honest, welcome grip. 'It't leally I, deacon come home in my mother. When did you ace tier ami cuusio Llaley I" The old gentleman adjusted hit glasses carefully and took another lonjj look at i be baLd-iomo tellow, wnoss mirij-nvo years eat so well Upon bim. 'Well, wen, 11 ueata mo ui-mn Clyde Perriam I Your molher and Hilny, eh I Yes. Well, you see, I ain't lived lo Bruns'ick these Ihrce or lour year back, so I can't av much about Vm-only I heir tell the? tit along lu st ralu lurst ran1 Thai aru Haley's a mighty pretty gnl, I hear, and liki Iv to Mou no : tei nia lo mil I'm al.C I o' niV Blor;. Yes. lU'ev's married to Jim Chtsnj souiu "lino bu li. I b'lieve." lla'ey May uiurned lo Jim Uhe-ny, mo eallaut Idtlc beau ot her cUol uuja: Haley married 1 And. "omehtnv, Uvdc ivrriuin was con HCious of a strange, unrotiiloitabto leel'n", that made him real .!, for I'm first Hiue. ho he had counted on Hnditii; his eous'n waiting lor him ' 8.i that is why tn thcr m.s not men tioned Haley's nam'.-in h.r letters lor while back except to say she was will. nd sent her loye-couniuly love, oi course I W.1I-" , , And lonj after Diacon Joneshury nan Uli ihe linin at a little country station, Clvdo Perri-itn S'vt widnnij that Jim Cliesny had btm at the bottom ol the sea years a;p. The Iresh. sweet Ma? day grew okler, and all the a tiii.oou Clyde sat in toe train, busy with a pti-ps ol thought, um'i, in.i In ihe (raL'rant twilight, he alighted .i !. t,itino. and lound himself walking tlirnnuli the lauiiliar. Vet strangely un raindiar. streets tow..rd t hu home wlp ie I... h.,.t i.letnrefl mother null Haley Bo IIO lit,', p......-. . ...Uiio hiindio I lilll' I. lit rit up through the little !, and m tho ni i.lX. where the front do stood ,,i ,,,, nntidu Interior open, showing U untidy interior, r nn uni MV inieruir. a i;ii"!i it confusion: where ho liearil the souun oi .hnll vii'rbs. and a Imhy't lusty cry ; an .1..,., it .11 r.niH lo him iu a suddeu burst ..r .inin'ol riioiiirelieiiiou. i. a i, n u'j hn.liiiiid has taken the l,o,i... 'n,l that is II ilev's cllil 1 I hcaul I Anlasiik, sorrowing pain crr;'t all over him, uclt a seuiH'ioti as never in all hit lilo beloro ho bad experienced. Then he reiuluUdy "Kent u Hie uuearpctert WELDON, N. stairs 'oward "mother's loom," knowmg well he should ti n d her there. 'If is nnlucky I have happened home in house-clesuiog time," he thought; "or else No, it can't be that Haley ia such a shiftless housekeeper as this 1 Ah, I he pardon I I fear I have mado some mis take I" For, opening the door lo walk in up- announced to his mother, Clyde. had pre cipitated hi inset! into tho room where the baby was a dirty laced, bread-ant! butter. andmolasse8.sracarcd youngster and its weary, cross-looking nurse. He looked once at the child, and resoltitolv stilled that lain, sick thrill that would scarcely bo stifled. "I am looking (or Mrs. Periam or Mrs. Cliesny. Can you tell me nliero I will lid either of llicm ?" "You'll find Mra. Tcrriam In the house he moved to tn-dav, nut o' this one, in I) iyton Street, suniwY s. I don't know no Mis' t'hesnut." A-h-h !" hi drew his biea'h in a relic! that in it-ell' was necr akin to a pain, id intense an 1 tlunkful it was. "I said Mrs. Cliesny Miss Hale" Mav, bel'or.i she wss married." Tho girl looked croiser than ever. "Shut up yer tongue, To n I'eikins, will you?" Then to Clyde, hall spitefully, hail-curiously : "Halev May am t married, if that's whut von mean. I know her well tnotigh. I don't know yu iLvunt er. She ain't married lo nobody.' And tossi ig a silver dollar, ostensibly to the young Peikins, whom he had dard think was lair Hiley's oir-pring. Clyde Perriam started off. hot has'e, lo Diylon Srreet, tn find tils lovely little cottage to which his mother hasjremoved. To find it, ol course, ia soma confii6'on. but lo be u.-dieiiil into a biielitly-ligh'ed aotrtment, where a n.e glowed in Ihe giate, to d's.s pite the chill of tho soring rnghi ; where a lounge was wheeled up temptingly net ; where a tete a-telo 'ci table was set on the big rc'ioV! drugget 'n 'ie rindi !e ol the mom: w'iere the trig Mul'cse cat slept on i'.a cus'vo-, and he French clock nuked just us it had when he was a boy. And on the louuge. bn mother, sweet. placid, a little older, resting from her day's latigue: and kueeling beside hor, a fair-haired maiden, whith a faco as sweet us ever a maiden's face was, lauuhinj and saying something cheery in her low, girlish tones. lie slopped in, a'ter that one msment of silent observation, when his heart was overflowing with thanksgiving and deep joy. an.) took his molher iu his arms, r.nd then spoke lo Haley, Three months alterward, he tola Haley that :.hi' never yet had niniiiles'ed any ctiros tv I" know tho nioinised gilt he hiul b ou.;lit her. ' 15 it I shall to I you what It is," he sn i! : anil, as manv a ll-ne liclore, l..e gtil'a sweet eye, dropped before h;s eager gluiiee. ''I want you lo accept me, m t r lint'. Will you? Uli, I love you so"v 1 C an it be that vou will t ike me ue.d ble's me, her t ran it Im .hat you will co ne ,o me, und be m wife ? H i!ey, niv love, hit will you say I Then r-hu lifed her shy, sweet cel. I con ll oidv eay what I led 1 co love you, Clyde t" And It was ri'0'.ih. SSSTCR KAYHEfiiNE, Miss P. iven had h id her iinn way. hiic ha I I alien it, in spite nl ll o entreaties of her friend', tho reiuonstianccs of her (oyer, tite inward tUidings ol hor wu commoo sease, 8he hid had her own war; anil, as people nre apt tJ do, she was repurdiug it at her leisure. But the fancy ball iad been such a las ci'atiug tbiu.', and the cnslumo of the ' Neapolitan Foiwer Oirl" stn esquis ire, and Kitty Haven wiie si cerla t that Paul Symington never would know any thing about it and so she had none. But the evening badu't been so veiy en joyable alter all. Tho e was two other Neapolitan Flower Girls there, b. tn ol whom were dressed more splendidly than hursel'; and she btl beeu allowed to sit t'urorh the pltasautest ol the tUnO'S, and the gis perlume loaded air bad mado her head achi;and most of all, when she came out, the shawl hardly hiding h.-r scaudaled leet and the gold trlnge o! her lancy dress, Paul Symington a croti og the street, nn bis late return from a siok co'l. Would ehe aver forget :io tad lir.W ol li is d nk eyes, as they Ml lull an her shrinking ligurel flie went home and tried herself to at cp, with tho lading A iwurs of her ball bniiq'iel lying in a little heap on the 11 ir, a id tho gold Iringed dress n fleeting the sickly beams ot the winter moonlight, as it bung carelessly over lliu Lucii oi a nai'. Anil tho young rlergyican retu'ned .adly to Ihii putty room, hung with bluo Ik curtains, where the tratc lire giowtu iiollly In liind I hu lilliiilnheil liars, and hit bright-eyed lilllu mother was knitting, in in Miicntiry expectance o! his relura. You are late to-night, my son," ssui she; an I I lieu, as her eyes fell upon bis lace, alio all ied, snxiouslt: ' un, 1 iiu, lias anything happeuedt Why do you look no palil If iby rijlit hand riffund thee, cut it oil.' " quoted the young clergyman, wilh the saddest snnlu his motucr nau ever seen upon Ins lace. "Mother, yoo were right about Kitty Raven. Mio n not suitalile wile lor one whoso life is dodica led In duly. And then ho told her wiiai no uan cen. The next dav. he went to Kitty. Bho wa in a sparkling, defiant roood. to day, and, it possible, prettier than ever. "IKar me!" Baid Kitty; "Is It one ol the seven deadly sins to go to a fanny balil" "But you told mo you were eot going." "Well. I changed my mind. That's a woman's privilege, Isn't ill" Kitty" said the young clorgyman, "let us be se'lous." "Uut I don't want to be serious," Baid Knty. "I know exactly what you're going to say. YVre going to tell me that we are unsuited to eicli other. Aud that's exivtly what I think myself." "Hut. ivi'O while shn snnko, there was an eager, hungry look in her d uk ejes-a nleiLltiillf lie lit from her inmost soul that nii(ht hsvo melted ovco Paul !ymington could ho tiavo real iu true tnji.ili c luce. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1879. It you 'ea!W think bo" said lie. drow off her engagement ring, with a sudden scarlet flush On either cheek.' I nen! said she. "You needu't lako it upon yoursell to lectu e mc! I am oulv K-tty Haven one of the mad, luntastic little buttc flies tint flit aleng the flowers o' hie, lam not fit to be a cleruvmao's w fe. Bo. il you please, we'll let the past six months bo a blank." And she mado him a very low courtesy, and walked out ol the loom. "Oh, that hateful laur.y ball!" she cried out alou 1, as she flung hcrsell amnng the pillows in her own room, ''How I wish I had never heard ol it!" Ank the years cri pt tlowlv by, and bcati tilui Kilty Haven ncur married, greally id the surprise ol her Iriends and the world iu general. But the Havens were plways ccceo''o," said Mra, Smith. And Kithetinc, after all her brilliant P'oapee.ts. has settled down into a mere old maid," added Mrs. Joucs. vindic- ivcly. Old Mrs. Smlnt'ton was sitting by Ihe fire, one night, with a deep color on her lair old cheek, and a suspicious moisture on her spectacle glasses, yvhen Paul came in. ' Crying, little mother?" exclaimed iie, illy. "Then it is us I have nlwavs saiil -you are lonesome here, bv yoiusei', all dsv. though you will not admit it." "Not lonesome, Paul," said the old lady, with a q over in bur voice. ' But I was reading shout Hie lost and abandoned children lliu poor, homeless littla ones that arc leceivitd into St. ICrmengaiiU's Home. On, Paul, don't you ihiek it is our dii', to t.ike oue of them? 1 nliys fancied I Couldn't care lor an adopted chill, but-" "Very well," 6inilingly aseeted the young clergyman. Shall it be a bov or a L'irl? ' ' Oil, a girl, by all means!" cried the old lady, briskly. "Giils ate to much more helpless 1 1 1 im Inys and one's hesrt goes out to them so much more readily," "I'll go there to-morrow," said Mr. Syojington, kindlv. "For I really think yo'i lead too solitary and sell-abHorbed a lilo in my my absence, mother darling." He went thither accordingly t an old brick house in an antique garden, whore the honey-suckles twiced rampant ovrr tho porch pillars, and oldfihioned china roses blossomed in rank prolusion, under foot, and half hid tho plsinly-let-tered inscription over the doo": Ht. Krmnngnido'a Home." A plump little girl, in a ch cied s'ti:, hiim i i ess and a while, tidied anion, opened the door to the vi.itor. "Js tli? sifter superior at Imuie?" allied the tall slianger. No, iir," answered tho mi'e In the liilli d apron. "But I'll call sinter Kit he rue, il it's on business.'' Do so, please, said tho clergyman, as he sat down in tbo chniz-draped little room, where the roses smi Hed so sweeilv, and th" serene picture ol ihu "Christ Bl iieg Little Lliihlien sinned down oo llu m In m its tramo il rustic pine cone M-ter lv itlienne came in, pus ritiy a tdl, slight wtincii, iu the plain null gown noil white tmi-liM cio ol the sit' rho.ul umler winch her i-nolit Hair shone UKe a halo ol gold. Mr. Svmington laid down the book he had taken up to occupy tin interval o( waiting 'Trilled," Haid lie, courteously, ''to In q lire a!. out I lie ti n 1 1 i ! i t y ot adopting a little fir; bom Uivd heavens, it is Kitty u.i ven I Sister Kiithenno ftuiled, and held out otiC slim, white band. 'I knew you, Mr. Symington, tho in- stunt I crossed the threshold," said she. "01 adopting" But Mr, Symington never finished the bai' -completed sentence. ''Kitty!'' cr;d be, "how came you hvnV "I have been hero lor five years," said she, q iietly. "I was one of the original committee who subscribed our little pri vate fortunes to orgaoi.e the Home. it may seem impossible to you, Paul Sym ington," with a curious emit hotonug about her lips, "but I really did want to be ol some use in the world to do some good! And I believe," looking with a pardonable pride around the room, "that I have succeeded." Paul looked at her, as If be scarcely rcc ogn z.'il the Irivolous Kitty Haven of old, io this serene, low-voiced, angelic crea tine. Ha I she ever, iu the Brat bloom ol livr radiant you'll, been so lovely as the was nuwl He held out Ids hand once more. "Kiliy," he, "will you forgive me lor ever doubting your womanhood! For you have nobly vindicated it at lall'' O d Mis Svmington, all by InncU in the little rectory paibr, thought that her s in Paul was a long lime coining. She li'id in ringed a bunch ol lilacs and aeiingas in tlin old diagon vases; she had lasteiied the muslin curtains hack at Ihe I ex id angle, und let Paul's easy chsir und elopers rcidy for bun, and iuw she waiie I impatiently. "Four o'clock, as I live!" add the old lady, turning the glisliniog lilies ot her go!d-peClai:ies to Ihu clock, "Well, It is nil uso being impatien", perhaps theie ate some tiresome detaila ol bu iiiPi) to be gone through wi h, belore Paul tnrj bring me home a little girl." Just as these thought! wee passing tliroii'ih her bl .in. tint door onenel, and Paul himsell entered, Willi a tall lady d'es.ied in blAi k. 'Mother, dear," said he, "I havebrniuhl vou a tlaiisblcr but not such a one as you expected. Do yoj remember Ki'ty Haven?" 'Ueuiembcr her?" An ! the old lady berjin o tremble all over. 'Oh, K'tty my darling, Paul s life lias been only lilo without vou! God be thankful lor the mcrciltil Providcnco that llai brought joy back to him!" Aud bIio bustled off to order the lea. and I'ivo contradictory directions about lemon-pics, cliiiiken salad, cocoanut cake and pickled oyster, all in a breath. "And vou tbiuk I am sobeicj down sufliciontly lor a clergyman's wMo now? said Kitty, half loughuig, hall rryin, as s o laid her Imad on Paul s shoulder. And Mr. Symington said that he did thi.ik so. It is only the female sex who ean rip, dam and tear without being considered ' proluue, ' An Iowa Koinnnre. Some years ago a ccr'aiu gentle., ao was cn;;as;ed in business in Dutiuqua, aim w- s prospering, lie was energetic. He was Increasing hit crcle of Iriends on cv.iy side, and success seemed to altiud ln,. He became engaged to a very fine joiui-t lady ol this city, the daughter ol one ol the first fumilicv The two wee io lie married, and arrangements lor the h.ipi.y event wero pending. But suddenly a iionu Rial earthquake came and the thriving oue- iness mnn bat all be possessed. He was almost ready to despair, but being Hie owner ol a vety resolute heart, and ic n,( made ot the quali'y ol ma.enal all tel true men are mado of, bo stood up ucncaih llns teinble reverse, ari l laced It like a hero, 01 course lie coti! not n.arry then. W'U .t had ho lu nil r Ids bride? Not evi i a rool to sheHer her, or a doll n Iiu eooM ca!' his own, So he went hi her l l.u a man and told her li'a story how i e financial wave that swept over him ii ul cairied away all bis possessions, sod be was unable tn lulfi'l his engaen.ert ot mairiago with her. Ho told her be could not hear tho thought of reliDqiiisln ig In r hand and yet ho lelt that lie had uo r ht lo claim it without miking her his vie So he offered her li'ccdom irom her be trothal, and told her that sho had a kr fict right to accept it. He was ;-,oii!z away, he said, to retrieve his lost lo ti. . hu I would never retuiii to the ciir i u il ho had. He gavo his betrollud oack the promiic she h ul made Inm, and bade her be free. vVhat did she 'do? Did she whin'nnr Idee a child rod uohraid bim tor what be was not in blame? Did she take tuck the she had Riven turn, and scorn hie veiy presence? No! she did neither but like the tiu- sen-dole woman that sho was rlie hade bimgo, and take her love an I confidence and her prayers with him. in bis efforts to build up bis shuttered 1 r tune. She showed him what a real wo man one ol Ihe good Spartan kind -can do lor the nun she loves. Sho langnt bim how much the confidence and sympathy ol true woman is worth to a man, when the clouds ol adversity gather over him, nl the way seems da k and hopeless. Wiu gave him what only a good noble wouiin C in give a man thu pure, Ulisclfisti love thai cones from a generous h art. S i he bade her Isrcwell and went out into the world with a h'm purpose H a strong and hapny heart. He followed the the Cour n of 'Iiu nun, crossed the Western plains and arrived in the Golden State He stuck hii sti.kes mil went to vik. Miccess crowned his ifTiils. He 'o'led with one obje't in view, and lint object was to win bick his 1'St fortune. H'S bo luce and com'nrt in m my an hour ol weari ness, was thu thought ol the noblo woman who had hi I him go with her lovo and confidence iib his companions, aud lec Kind and svmnathctic letters that cam ' lo Mill Irom D'lliunii- In this far western home .cheered In u and spurred linu uu leue sc. I iclivity. !! ' lew a I iiinni'te ticket in lile's lot- ti"V. II im idi; an 1 1 .l ent iovcs'ieiii an. i mi 1 I nl v loon 1 himseil a rich man () i.e more his I "ir'unc v ,s in his hand, and lo win himsell iiimii, Hu relumed tn Dil I icq 0. el 1 1 in his limle lie touml In r tin ;iii" line, loving woman he had lelt a lew yens lielore. Her love had II it th iirin-lieil by ab em,',.!iiid she received him with ill the ardor and i, Il elion ol natuio. lie returned to the city a l.-w days an, and is s on in be united to t'.ie woman be loves, and who has waited tor him all through these loug years with a devotion that is w nthy ol praise and emulation. It in baldly ticcissnry to mcntipu th names of the couple. Both ol the parties are well known her. Wo retrain Irom priutini' their nauies. not knowing whether or not it would be agreeable. But almost every one of our city readers will under stand who are m-am. Both ato highly rt- soerli'd in Dubtin i" The gentleman bus on a pnz! tor a wile, ho has woo a true woman, and that is crown uuoundi for any Dibliq ie Telegram. Kauibcr of Ttiinzi that nre Karri tn Kind. A man who will refiaio irom Calling bis friend's speech a " happy eflort." A woman who remcmliers last Sunday's text, but is unablu to speak understand- ngl ol the tnmmiogB no the bonnet of the lady in iho pew next iu front. Ad editor who never feels pleased to have his good things credited, or mad w hco tbiy aie stolen. A ptui.'il th.ll ia always in the G at pock e. you put your nana into. A uiai who has been fool ami litre during his li'esnd knows eimu ,h io ki-ep thu koowlt'dgu nl It to himsell. A mariiud man who does n t think all the girls envy Ins wile of llie p-i.o she lias aptuiod. A married woman who never sa d, ' No wondef IIih iiirln d.m't i! niirriei nw- a-ilavs; they are allni'ethcr diflerent from what they were when I was a girl." Ao. unmarried woman who nevur had n otter, A man who never intimated that the rcoro nies of the universe were subject to his m ivitiiuiits, by sayingf "1 knew if 1 took an umbrella, it woitldn t ruin," or some similar iisjiuinc remark. A p'cket-knifu that is never in I hem other pants. A molher who never said she would rather do u nivsell when she should unve taught hei child to do that tiling. A chlid who would not lather eat bc- tween meals lliin at meals. A ncrson, age or bcx immaterial, who does not txpei lecico a lluh of prnln upon bein llioujht what he is nit aud may never hopo to be. A singer wan never complaiut of a cold when akcd to king. A wmnsii, who, when e night In hor second b"St dress, will make no apology lor her diyillu appearauco. Memphis HmlB a enrsn and a blessing lo two .locks - Yellow Jack and Jack Float. -- -" - Ohnesu clolli dresses ale all t'.e lag It Is very rmlo to tell the girl ef tho ptrioU ' to cheese it. NO. 42. Hlaxtiius and luruiuu; rale. R'ni'iing is occa loned by the sodden ililaiion ot the small blond ves-eK which form a fine network beneath Ihu akiu. aor! when they admit an ir.c.ea'cd volume n: red blood, cau-o the surface to spina suffused with color. Blanch ng i tbo Ou posite itBle. in which the vcs-els contract and squeiZi) out their blood, so that the skm is seen ! Us bloodless hue. The chance (fleeted in tho s zj of the vessels is brought about by an tostaniatie us acm i ol tho nervous, system. This action ciay bo induced bv a thought, or uncouiciotislv b; Ihe opuiallous of iinprcssiuna p m'tio ing the plieiio'in noil uaMtuilly Iu a wind, I1 n -h 1 1) it may bn'omu a habit, and is beyond c inttol ol tlie will, except in so I ii r as the will cm generallv, il not alwats conquer any ha'iit. It i almost useless. nnd cel'lainly Bcldolil W"t h wliilo, to sinve to cure a habit of this class directly. The mo-t promising course is to try to ests'i- sh a new hal It which shall destroy too one it is desired to leiuedy. For main pie, il blushing is, as generally happens, associated with sell consciousness, we must establish tho sway ol the will ever that p rt of the u. 'vous system which controls be sii of tho vcisels by calling up a feeling opposed to solf-considousiiess. It is through the mind these nerves arc in fluenced. Then infljenci th-ni in a con trary direction by anUgon'Z r.g the emo- lion associated th blanching. Thus, il the feeling which cau-es the lilushing be expressible by the thought, ' Here I am iu false an 1 humiliating position, oppoc or, still belter, anlicipite and prevent that thought by tlunk'ng, " 1 lieie you are dar ing to pity or leel contempt lor mini he'. Avon going on to think who that "other" is, hteaiise the aim mo-t he to eliminate sell. Constitute yourselt the champiou ol sonic one, any otic au 1 cveryliody who may be pitied, and the ever zealous and indignant loo of those wha presuiLiO lo itr. Most nersnns who blush with sell consciousness blancho with anger, ninl this nrtificiil statu nl mock anger will soon bl'incli the face enough to prevent the blush. It only n quires practice In the tnnirol of the cmu'ions and the produc tion ol particular states at will the sort il expeiUcHs aiq lired by actors aud ac tresses to secure control of the surface phenomena. Bliishiug uu I Munching are utagi-nistic a' rites, am! may be inployel to co interact ench oilier, ci ntrol of the r.hisieal st a t o o! the blood vessels being obtained through the cinotious with which they uro associated. IV ho Should not lie vYilc. Has Unit woman a call o bo a wilo w'jo thinks more of tier snK diess than her clnldicn, and visi'j her no sery uo oltetier th ! u once a day ? Has that woman a call lo be a wile who cr'n s for a C isinere sli.iwl when her htl-'iiuiil's notes lliu being p oles eu ? lias that woman a call in be a wilu who sits ti a ''tig Ihe la t novel vvlnl.: the bus Ii i id -lan Is b. fn.e ihe gl iss vuinl" 'ry ug to o n togi tbti' a buttonio s shirt Iioboui ? Has that woman a call io hu a wilu wh.i i xperia her husband to swallow diluted ci.l'iee, co;;gy tiread, smoky tea, and ws'ery potitois six d iva in much t Has she a call to du a wilu who flirts wilh every man she niee'S, and roteives her irowtu lor lit r homo biendn ? Has she a call to be a wilo who comes down t brcilc'ast in abominable curl papers, in soiled dres.iing gowu, and shoes down at iho heel I Has she a call o be a wife w hose hus band s love weighs naught in thu balance with her next door neighbor's damavk curtain o- velvet carpet ? Has sho a call to bo a wife who wouli 'ake advantage tl a moment el conjugal weakness, to e;o;t money or exact a promise ? Has she a ca'! lo be a wife who takes a jomtiev for pleasu'o, leaving her husband lo toil in a close nllice. and having an eye, when at home, o servn.ts and children ? Has she a call to bo a wilo to whom a good hiuhan's society is not the grcslest of earthly blessings, and a houseful ol rosy children its best iuruisbiug aud prcllicjt adornments? The I'urulUcd Editor. Oliver Johnson relates the fallowing story; Ono diy a stranger came into the cilice, looking angry, and inquired for Ureeley. I pointed bim to the little den where Ureeley was scratching away lor dear lile, and he made lor it. As he went iu I heard him say, "You old hypocriti!' Ureeley did not lo ik up or even pause, but kept ui mug Ins penmailly on, Ins nose wi i h i n a conpln ol inches id Ihe paper, and his lips w hUpciing the words aid r thu pen as was his wont, The Icllow continued, calling Ureelev's attention to an article lli at Ind ofT Midcd bim, and deiiouucing Inm as a villiiii, a cow ird and a liar, Willi an oath about every other m il, ineantliiie tlirc.iUUHi.r to kniek his bund id! (Jreiley didn't slop Inr a moment, but jablied his pen inio '.he ink and wrote on tin r ii lilo 1 by tho bbisplieniy. At lust the intruder exhausted bis vocabulary, slid turned to Icavo tho room, when Ureeley jumped up and siricakod out to him, 'Bay ueighbor, don't go! Stay acil dec your miudl' It 'it net SaVv. All men ou"ht la luvo found out by ibis lime tint it is neor bJre. uiibcr for a public or a private iud'viuual, io do wronn. It is never site to indulge in ewiuulioj, clicuting or bnbo taking. It is oovcr safe lo practice corruption, any k'nd ur decree of it. It is never safo to indulo in liUeliood, any sort of it. is uevcr sifc to do any tiling which would bring shame to tbe doer by being reseated. 0e may fancy bis misdeeds can't be found out, or havo been cocred up, or can be; or can be denied, or explained away, so peon! will be deceived about them ; but yet it remains true that no safety can be for the wrong doer, tad uo security against his exposure. Though ibis looks hard to some people, is is nevertheless in nc coidancu with thu fixed aud irrevocable moral luws of things und of bcitig. The ouly safely for a man or woman ii re fruia from wrong doing, suJ doing right. s I i ( i 1 I e I I 8 00 IN HN S 10 10 00 20 09 8 00 15 00 30 (' 10 00 18 00 36 00 lo 00 20 00 40 0 20 00 I :.n on 60 09 15 et tt it 46 M Wit K SPA CIS Ono Square, Two Mjuares, Three ."vniarea, Four Hquaroa, Fourth Cnl'n, Pulf Column, Whole Column, One Year, Til. lit) IT A KOI a SI10CK.UK MACHINE WOILKfl, RICHMOND VA. Y'liiiiifaotiirerK of Portubln and Htallonarv lv;gines and BuilcrH, Saw Mllla, Corn and Wheat Mills, Sliiiftnig. Ilarigera and Ful leys, Tinhliio Wiilnr WbeoU, To liaooo M elniii'iy, Wii'iighl Iron Work, Brass and Iron Cuttings, Machinery of Kvory Dee crlptioii. . , Ginning and Tuiucsmxo Mucnuoif A SPECIALTY. Ccpalriug l'rohiptly dt CareteUl Done. TALBOTT'3 T'PENT HFARR-ARRH8TBnV , The Invention, ot the Ago It duos not destroy th o draft. . It doe4 not iiitorforo with clounlug tho tubes. K will not choko up, Ri.d requires do Oleau in. . i It r?qulrp no direct dampers to Ve opened when raising Htearn (dampers be ing ol'jvjet i mablo, hn they may beleltopea iir.d allow hi urka lo escni e.) It requires no water to eztlngniah spurkis, wbleii. bv colidousatioD, destroya tho .l':vit. Hu.siiloH, wbon water is uced, tf neglected, tho ollloieucy Is destroyed by evaporation o.'tbi water, and tbo boiler is kojit In a tillhy condition. It is Hitnplo and durable and can be re lied upon, It ean I e attached to any boiler. No plantnr should be wllbout ono of them. Insurance, cmnpanica will Insure gins and nan'. whero tho Talbntt Engines asd iirk -Arresters are mod at same rate m chnrt-nd for wator or horse power. i'r.Soiid lor illustrated circulars Mki price list. - Branch hniiso, doldsboro, N. C. J. A. II A US Kit. t.enoridWttiiager. T. A.OUAMJEK, Local Manager. may 8 titii j - J) I E D MON T N URSbulES. GKKEKSBOKO X.O. OHEAT BEDUCTION OF PRICED. I pri'iiose to c've to the imtroiis of Pleiliuout Nurseries, tlie iiem ill fit Cie travelling arerits' eommlsiOons on my Nursery Stock, consisting o( Print Trees. Ac., an I have reilueeil th pri Mi per cent, A ri les au J I'eaehes, 1st class, ats S feel; line Inii'rove l Krinls as an- irrvwn ni North I'rtiMiiiin. aiel reioly for liiKiieetlon. Ref erence ifiveii t i any Nurseryman to Oflilfnnl count v" I'eaehes ami Apples minims' from th eiirlie-.t to tlie InteM varieties. Trei will h paeKeit In irooil Ntroti.f tioxea or tiales, and d livereilto Knilrnail liepots or Express Offices without any etlrn eluirife for lioxes or delivery. 1 will fiirnMi nt the (nliowiimlow rate : Peaches ami Apiiles In anv uuiioi lly. Improved fruit, It cam I a each. I'enrs. l'liims, A prieol a. Nectarines Qiiiin'e. I'rali Apples, Fl;:s. Ulierrlea 33 eeuts, ornamental Tr i. Hoses ami Flowers vll koIiI elie ipi r I h in can Ii solil hy any Nursery in North Carolina, c ,r.h lo uvi ir.paiiy the ordem. Any one not li:ivitvr casii loay UU ont a uota to aeeolininnv or-ler. Mhrneil liy l-iirehasfir. to paid when trees are delivered al depot specltteit I iy piireluiser. Nolo to a-eoiupMiy trees and niil when trees are delivered, purehasets pv nil freo-lns on same, 'frees wl I he shipped In ivem her soil purchaser not tiled when to meet them. 1'orsi.iinonliTii'ir will slate plainly where toalnp. Name th depots. Letters of Iruiulsji answered eheerfully. Onlers Holieited and saiia faction Kuarantued. Seud In orders at once. ni. . ni .ua. Proprietor Pleduiout Nuracriej, JiilyUfm. r. R VICK CAlUUAtlES AX BCCUIE0 MADE TO ORDER OR IiSPAlDDD AT LOW PEEm All kinds of wood work and trlinmh lono In good stylo. lIlaeksniitlL work drmss at short notice and with ntatnoas. AM new work warranto. I. l'ino painting or buggies done tit low rices, bout paint uati. h p i: v i v l t t a ; x 1 1 u s a i v e n to TUB UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. :.'.c:.:2 TL. E J. Iw'.Ai'.i , I ) A-tf. ,lta Coflins und Cases of all siaoH oonataaUl on biuid. Carrlao Matorlals kept otiband at prlee) bolow l'utoraburir market. Weldon N. a Juuo 6 ly J" N O. T. r'OBI), Tiikos ploiuure in nnnounclnK that bo can still uo found at bis stand ou FIRST STKEfiT, Whoro be baa ou band full Ui ot Cm Finest WINES, WHISKIES, and UK AN IMF,. TOBACCO, OMARS, and HN UEK, , OUANUES. Al'PLES, , and CONEKCTIONERIM IIIb stock of Ciinuod Goods aud Qrocet loa ia uuuau.illy , ' Fall and Complete " Oi.n Caiiinkt WiitBkiKV A PrccuMrr. i FRESH LAGKR BRKR PKAtrtlHt. ' Ho kuarftiitocs isa.lafiictlon. Call and sou Liui. '" Nov 21 lv.'

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