THE ROANOKE NEWS. j ' ' A DEMOCRATIC r WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, ' "' ' PUBLISHED BY fc. If. LONG & W. W. HALL. One Tear, In advance, Ail Months, " Cbres Monthi, " 2 00 1 PO 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1) RGBOV. EAlTMAKi Surgeon Dcutlst. Ofllcs over W. H. Brown's Dry Goods Store, WELDON.N.C. Wl visit parties lit their homes when desired, Terms Reasonable, oct 23 ly M. aaizuRD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, '.'.. . HALIFAX, N. C. Offics. In the Cosrt. House. Strict attention hlvcii to all branches of the profession. Jau IS ly E DWAKD T. OIARK, ATTOKTCEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. mr. 20ly. E J, T. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ENFIELD, N. C. practices in the counties of nallfax, Nash Hdirecoinbeaud Wilson. Collections male In ivl parts of the Slate. jau 12 tt W.HALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. 0. Special attention frivol to collections and remittances promptly made, may ltf. UMK8 U. MULLEN, JOHN 1. M00KR. M' 0L1KN & MOORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practice In the connties of Halifax, Northauiii ton, Kdtrecoinhe, l'itt and Martin In the Su preme court, of the Stale and in the Federal Court I of the Easiern District. Collections made In any part of the State. Jan 1 ly T A M K 8 E- O' H A R A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ENFIELD, N. C. Practices In the conrts of Ilallfax and adjoin ing counties, and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Col. ect Ions made in any part of the State. Will attend at the court house in Halifnf. on Monday and Friday of each week. Jan hilf JOBKRT O. BURTON JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practices In the conrts of Halifax, and adjoin ing counties. In the Supreme court, of th State, and In the Federal courts. Will rIvo special attention to th" collection f claims, and to adjnstluif the accounts of cx- ecutors, administrators and guardians. ilec jM A V I N L. H t M A N, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjnln ! counties, and In the Supreme and, .Federal sosrts. Claims coll-eted In all parts of North Carolina. OiUce In the Court House. Julyltf rHOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Psnetlees in Hal'fax and adjolulnr counties and Vuderal and Supremo courts. WUI be at Scotland Nuck, ouoe every fort altfbt. au.r 28 It J0 B. BATClllSLQH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. Praee3 lu the courts of the ih Judicial 'Butrlot and lu the Federal and Suj reme Courts, may 11 . T. W. MASON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, GARY3BURG, K. C. rnttfoea In the eonrts of Northampton and 4)olln eounties, also In the Federal and Sn 'p nine courts. Junestf, a. pay. AY t A. 0. tOLLlOOFr'HR. Z0LLIC0FFKR. D ATTORNEYS AT LAW, wiLi)or, i. c. Pmorlee In the courts of Halifax and adjoining sonutlns, and lu the Supreme and Federal courts. UUIius oolleeted In any part of North Carolina. One of the linn will altfays be found lu the dfflse. juneiiU y. D R. K. 1 11 U3TER, JS V ROE O N DENTIST, Caa be found at bis office la Eufleld. Pnra Nitron? Oxide Oas for the Pain leas Extracting of Tenth always ou baud Jane 22 tt. K D 8 K W J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDOX, N. C. Praetlnes In the eonrts of Halifax, Warren and dJululiiK eounties and In the Supreme and Fed eral eonrts. Claims collected in any part of "H.h Carolina. June 17! f U. HMirU, JR. ATTORNEY AT LVW,- Scotland Nkcit.. Halifax Countv 1$. C , raotleea In the eonntv nf Halifax and adjoln 12!l'uutl',iidlM lU'Supieaio court, of the. tte. Jwi 10 ly. I ' !!! "-LLil'l'a'JJiLL1 !'L 1. J L i?J!S r""jai"!Sgg , . . , - . t VOL. VIII. I'll Think of Thee. 11 f think ol thrse when waves of night Are floating to tlioir oaves away I Whon rosy Morn, at boavon's light, Relumes the glil'ring torch ol day. And whon 'mill noontide's glowing tiours Mute wurblor seek the leafy trw, And sunbeams kiss the nodding Mowers, I'll think of theo I'd think ol theo. When stars, like angels-' eyes, shnll uhltio At evening o'er the t.rampll sea, Ai.d Night's pnlo brow in beauty twine With nlveo wroaibs, I'll tkiiik'af then. Morn, unon and night each moment brings As oim by ono thov come In me Upon their blight and golden wings , Homo holy, tender thought of ' DAVID SWAN. Could wc iiidei'd know all the vicissi tudes of Olir lottlltK'P, I i lu woul I ho too lull of liope ami lcr, exultation or tl i -appointineDt, to us a single hour of true bcrcuity. This idea in iy be illustra ted by a single pae liom the scurct tiis totv of David 3wan. Wu have rothing t ilo with David until we find him at the auo ot tweuty, on the high road Irom his native place lo the city of Boston, where Ins uncle, a small dealer in the grocery line, nn to tike him behind the com ter. lie it etionjh to ay that be was a native ol New llatnp shire, of respectable pareutH, ami had received an ordinary school education with a classic fjm-li ol a year at Oilman too A1 adi-my. A ter journeying on loot from runrijc till near noon ol a summer's day, his weariness and the inrreasiti heat determined him to sit down and await the coming ol the tdage coach. As it planted on purpose for him, th ;re soon ap peaiel a little clump ol map'es, with a (telii'lit ul rcccst in the midst, and such a fresh bubbling spring ii fceuied nev r to have epaikled lor uny waylmer but D .did Swan. Virgin or n it, he kissed it with hid thirsty lips, nud then flung liim fc!I along the brink, pillowing his h ad upon Mime shirts and a puir ol panta loons tied up in a striped colton luiod kerchicl. "The iinhams could not icncli him; l lie dust di l not lise Irom the road, alt. r the heavy rain ol ytsterd iy; and his orussy lair suited I tie young in m bttier than a bed nf down. The spring mur mured diowsily beside him; the birds fl iated iicios the blue tky ove rhead, and a deep sleep, perehunce hiding dreams within its deptns, lell up 'D David Swan. While ho lay sound asleep in the fhade, other people were wide awake, and passed to and Iro on horseback, and in ad sons ol vehickl'8. alon the sunny road by his bed-chamber, Some looked neither to the right oor lelt, and knew not llmt he was then ; onie uii.rely gUnced that way, without admitting the slmuberer among tliuir busy thought!-; some laughed to see ho v s-niind y lie slept; several whose hearts were brimming lull ol scorn ejected their venomous supeill iity on David Swan. A midille-agel widow, when nobody else was near, thru-t hei head a little wsy into the roeis, and vowed the joung le'low IooICimI charming in his sleep. A tempirance le du er saw iiiin, and wrought p ior David into the t'Xture ol his even iiw's dire ourse. as in awtul insutn e to iltad-dicukenness by ihi road-ide. But censure, nu rr ill nt. p ais soru ami in A ffe. eiie.e were all "U0. or rather all noth- inl' tn David Swan. He had slept only a fe v mo.nents when a brown ca'niiije drawn by a In. d ome nair ol hors;s. bowled easily along, and wu- I rought to 4 stand-still nuaily in ,d David's resting pi n e. A linchpin hl a'len OU', and permitted one ol the wheels to Blide i if. Tiie (iamagu was slight, an I occasioned in -rely a momen tary slarin tu an elderly gentleman and wile, wh i were returning to B iteon in thu cart u"c, W hi'i the coachman and a seryaut weie replacing the wheel, the lady and gentleman rlieltered themselves be neath thu insple tree, and there espied the bubbling lountaiu iind Dvid Swan aaliep be-i le it. Itnprisn-tl with the awe which the humblest sleeper sheds around him, the me cnaut trod as lighdy us fie gout would allow; and his pon-o took goo I heed no' to rustle her slik gown, left Divid should start up ad at a su ldun. "Ilo souud y he sleeps!'' whispered the old gentleniHii. "Krom what a depth he draws that easy breath ! Such deep as that, braught oa without an opiate, would be worth mote to inn than hall my inco in ; lor it would argue health uud an untroubled mind." "And youth besides," faid the lady. ' Health and q liet age docs not sleep thus. Our slumber is uu mo.o like his than our wakeiulness " Thus diil this elderly couple led intor-e-tii'i in tiie uok iow youih, to wlioin the wayside and tn imple were as a teoret rhaiiibur, with the rtch gloom of diuia-k suiUina brooding over lifn l'trceiving that a stray sunbeain glini'rertil down upon Ins bice, t'le lady conl lived to twi-t a aside, so ns ro Hit r.'ept it. And havii'L do ie tiiis act of kiudiiCio, !,o b- j-an to led like a mother to bun. 'Providence see.ns to have laid him here." whispered she to her biis'-a -ul, "uini to li ive brouoht us It it lit r to Iind Iiiin, after our disappointment in our cotliin's son. Me hmk-I can see a likeness to deparle l Henry. Shall we w .ken limit'' "To what purpnsit" said the merchant, hesitating. "We knsw nothing ol the youth's character." 'That open eouutentincc!" replied the wile, in the sune hmhe I Voice, earnestly, This iiiiioceut sleep." While these whispers cre passing the sleeper's heart did not throb, ni r his brea'h become agitated, nor his lealures betray tint least token ol interest. Y8, fortune was bend ng over him, just icudy to let lull h burden ol goiu. ine oim meichant had lo-t bis only .on, and had no heir to his wealth cxc pt a distant relative, with whose conduct he was (lis. siti-liei. In such cases, people some limes do stranger things ihao to act the magician, ai.d awaken a young man m solciidor who lell asleep in pnvrty. Shall wc not waken limit" repeated the lady, persuasivelv. "The coaoh is leady, sir," said the aur Tint, behind. The old couplo started, teddened, and 1. , I I n-riiv mil tuallv wondering tnat iai Jhnnlil ever dreamed ol doing any .i,i,, .,, ridiculous. The merchant threw hini'cl! back in his carriage and occupied hi. miod with the blsn ot a liingnillcunt .iiim lor mito'tiinRte ineD "I b f ',,i,ii... David S.van cnocd bn uap. WELD ON, N. The carriage could not have gone above a mile or two, when a pretty young girl enmo along, with a tfiipplug parte, which showed precisely how her little heart was dtvicing in her bosom. Perhaps it wus the merry kind ol motion tint caused is there harm in taving it! her garter to slip itkn t. Conscious that the silken giith-il silk it was wis relaxing its hoi I, she turned nsnle into the shelter i f the maple trees, an I there found a young man asleep by the spiingl Blushing as red as any rnse, that e should have in triidcd into a gentlemau's bcd'chaiurcr, and lor such a purposo, ton, she was about to make her escape en lip-toe. Hut there was a pet il near the sleeper. A monst.r ol a bee had been wandering overhead hi'K buzz buzj now auiong the leaves, now dishing through !ho slripes of sun shine, and now lost In the dark shade, till tiiuilly he appeared to bn settling on tint eyelid ot David Stvun. The sting ol a bee is sometimes de-idly. As Itec hearted us sliu was innocent, the girl at tacked the intruder with her liatidker flhiel, brushed him snun fly, and drove him ftom beneath the ample sluidu. How sweet it picture ! Tins good deed accom plished, with quickened breath and a deeper blush, she stole a glance at the youthful attangir lor whom sho had been battling with a dragon in the uir. lie is handsome." thought sho, an I blushed, redder yet, ' How could it I e th'it nrt dream nf blis" grew so strong within him, that, sha'tered by its very strength, it should part asm. der, an i allow linn to perceive the girl among its plnntonir-? Why at least, did no smile ol welcomed brighten upon bis f-ictt Slie was to come, the maid whose soul, according to the old and benulilul i do, hid been served from his own, and whom, in nil his vigne but passionate dt- sires. he yearned to meet. Her, only could lie love with a perfect love him, only citihl she receive:! into the depths of her cart and now her image was limitlv bliishi.ig iu the tiunUin by his sib; should it pas away, its luster would never gle un upon his llle again. "How sout d lie sleeps!" murmured the girl. She departed but did not trip along the road so lightly as when she came. Now, this girl s latner w is a thriving country merchant in the neighboil.ood, and happened, at that identical lime, to ho looking lor just puch a young man as David Swan, Had David lormed a way side a((tiainiancu with tho diinuhtcr, he would imve become the lather's ch ik. and ali elso in natural succession. S here again had good fort unes thu bi8t ol for tunes stolen so near that her garments hrudied against linn; and be kne noth ing ol the m itler. The girl was hardly out of sight w hen two men turned aside beneath ths maple shade. Both had dai k fa es set oil by cloth caps, which weie drawn down aslant over their brows. Their dresses were shabby, yet had a certain smartness These were a couple ol rascals who got their living by whatever Satan sent them, ami now in the Inteiim nf other business, had staked the joint profits ol their next piece ol villainy on a gatna ol cards, which w is to been decided here under the trees. Hut, li:idinr Divid a!eep by Hie spring, one o' the rogues whispeird to his leilow: ' II s ! Do jou see the bluudle und.'r his head?'' The other villain nodded, linked and lcer.-d. "I'll bet on a hoin.of bra 'dy," raid the first, "that the chap has either a pocket litMik or eUc he Inn a snug litllu hoard ol stnall change Mowed away among his shirts. And il not there we shall find it in h'S pantaloon pocket," "But how il he vakest" said thu other. His companion thrust aside his waist coat, pointed to the handle ol a ditk and budded. ' So be it!" multeied the sicoud vil lain. They approached the unconscious Dav.d, and while one pointed the dagger towards the hcait. tho other began to search lh:t b indle b-neith his head their two facts grim, wunklod and gha-tly with uu'dt ami fear, bent over their victim, be king terrible cnoiifh to be intstakeo lot li n Is should he. suddenly awake. N iV, hal thuvillians glimeert i.Bide into the sprinir, even tlicy might not know thviu selves as icllected there. But David Swan hud never worn a more tranquil aspect, even whon asleep on his mother's breast. ' I must take away tho bundle," whis pered Ohf, But il he Btirs, I'll Bttiko," muttered the oilier. But at this moment n dng scenting along the ground, canio in beneath the maple trees and gait 'd alternately hI each ol those wicked men and thin at tho quiet sleeper. He then lapped out the loun tai". Spha! ' said one vil'iitin. ' We can do mil bun' now. Toe doe's master niiiat be dose behind." ' jj"t's tuke a drink and be off," said the other. The man with the dagger thrust the weapon lino his pin ket and drew lorth a po k.-t pistol, but not of that kiud which ki Is by a "ingle dis'jhare, It w- s a fla k of hq i'ir, with block tin tumbler screwed upon the mouth. Bach drank a Ci.piforltible difttn and lelt the spot, with so many jests, and such laughter at their utiiioroinplished wickednigs, that they might be said lo have gone on their way reioin '. In a lew hours .hey had for- i;ott,ii the w hole nil i'r, nor iniauinu'i ma-, the recording anel had writtco down the c.imeof murder againbt their souls in otters as durable as eternity. Aj for David Swan he slept quietly, neither conscious of the shadow oi death wlien it hung oyer htm, nor ol the glow t im: ewed ilo when I nil simtiow was withdiuwn. Ho slept, but no longer quietly as at fint. An hour's repose had snatched Irom his elastic Irane tho weariness with which many hours ol toil had burdened, i'. Now he stineil; now moved his lips, without a sound; uo.v talked, in un inward tone, to the noonday spectres of his death. Hut a noise of wheels cnmii rattling louder ulong the road until it dashed through tho disposing mist ol David's slumber; acd there was the sUgo coach, Ho up with all his ideas about him. "Halloo, drivel I Take a passenger!" (hooted ho. Uiom on lop," sniweted the dnver. 1 Un mouniuJ Diivia mil bowled away 0., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1870, merrily toward Boston, without so much as a parting glaiKe at that fountain of dream like vicbsitudes, -' Re knew tint that a phantom ol wealth had thrown a golden lino Upon its waters nor that one ol love hal smiled softly lo their iiiirmor, cor that one of death hurt threatened to crimson him with hlsfilunl; all in the briel hour sines ha lay dwn to sleep. Sleeping or waking, we heir not the airy Inots'cps ol I ho slrano things that almost happen. 'I'np.i anil iTmiiiiiik," Wo sr.t nllen smmcd at the habit grave 'iiiddle-aed people have ul addressing each otln r as papa do I ii.ani'i.a It is eq-mlly us droll to hear the same appclla lives Irom I he lips of" young genthinen and ladies whose eldest boys have not yet exchanged litllu ilressis lor a dibt DClive y masculine costume. Tiie pretty Chrisiian name ol tho youn.' wife is as little used as though she had never hail it. She is no longor Florence, or E lull, or 3ti?an. but always and every where "Mamma," as though all the woman hood ha l hem condensed in the one ab sorbing crucible ot the bin ill petson she holds in her arms. Even, the occasional Pet, or Dirling, or Migi.onne, which u-cd to slip from the hu-hainfs tnngue in mo ments ot inadvertence, to the covert amusement ot the chance listener, is at present a thing of by gon-j days. Sho is only qiiecnilowag.T now, mother of the reigning monarch, and n cogniz d as such by her little win 1 I, to the exc u-ion ul every other claim on her part for consider ation. Si with the yonthliil lather, lie was toniierlv Frank, Jonathan, or Hi , kiiili, but the-e euphonious cognomen's ate I lined hciic-tth new foundations, and are lost to view as the primitive rock under the sparkling mi a or the golden clinging moss "1 upa likes tins, or "l apa dis approves nt that," "Papa's will Is law," nbserves with dignity the lady of tho oeu t etniin who is papa to tiie mi loet in the littlu cradle, the wee, loutid faced wrinkle mite in flinncl an I cambric, who akes so little room ami makes so much disproportionate noise in the world. As the chbdreu gmw edder, it is singu bir to nntice how ihe parents raresingly allude to themselves alwa s in the thud person when ppeuking to their offspring It is : "Mamma never sits wiih her loot undir her, II. il v ;" Papa never wears out the knees of his trousers, Tom ; ' "Mamma's leelings are hurt, Louise ' Papa is very sorry, but he will be obliged to whip you. Jack." It i ocs not occur to either ol thu linn matrimonial that II is just as strjightlotwiitd to say, "1 will do so h i) i so," an I a trill,: more emphatic and impressive. The adoption of these titles was nt (list a sign and ciorrobiiration to all ths world ol tho happiness thiir wearero lell in In loiiiiin" to the gleat at my nf parent. Insensibly the trick ot their invariable use became confirmed, and last the habit grew too inveterate te bo noticed or dropped even on formal occasi ns. l'et names of all sorts should be Wept and confined to the privacy ol the home They are not part and parcel ol oriet)'s knir.vlc tgc ol us :,n ! nor iV ijs ol living. Married people as well as tithcis should preserve iu public a certain polished manner consistent with Using the christian Dame iu addict-sing each other, but, except to and among intimate Irieii is rigi-lly cnnllee mlltu il illu-i.'ti' to the lo mal Mr. mi I Mrs., or the dignified "My husband" and " ly wile." As for papa and mauimn, let children keep til iu for their on, and ro far a:s thu persons themselves are implicated, let 111 e iu bo used at lead only in the uursiny. Com! of t!i Kuuiv How. Tlio c was much gumption evinced by that particular darky whose muster was a surgiou, who had performed on another darkey an oper .t on n -quiring u Inch de gree ol skill. Tins latter darkey was well to do, and the surgeon charged him twenty-five dollars lor the operation. Meeting the doctor's fe vant alterwar l, tins di.i hii'Ue orcurcd : ' was a niii-hty steep chargo of tho doctor's lor cutting on me tudder d iy." 1 Hot ipiicli uid de bos.; cliiigcf" "iVell, Julius, he charged mo tvrcnty five dollars " "Uo 'loutf uiggah, dat aiu't much charge " "Well, he wasn't more dan three or four minutes doin' it, nnd I think li va dollars vras all ho oughter took." ", Sum; you don't iinstau' 'bout dat ting. You see de boss have to spend a great ninny year larnin' how to usu dat knile, an' cost him heaps o' money. Now de lact am dat be only charge V'li five ilolla's tor tie npermion; do tudder twenty he charge lor de kio.v how." That's it -thu time uud money to lentil the know bow. JoHhi:u. Thare :z no sure kurc for hzyncss, but I hav knowu a beckoned wile to hurry it sum. Much hi, 7. been sed about milk, but the beat thing I hav ever aeun ou it i. kn aiu I'luire 'Z 2 things in this world tor which wearencvor lolly prepared, and that 17. - twins. 1) ui't hurry things mi sweet Iticnds, the best luiio to set a hen Z wlieu tho hen iz ready. There l only only one thiiiL' that kan be Bed in bfvor ov lite bonis -they make a man forget all his other sorrows, The niti-k.-to iz born ov poor hut indiis- tiius parents, but hz 111 luz vt ins sum ov Iho best blood in thu country. Man wnz kre itcd a little lower than the unguis, and hu Ibiz been a fitting a ll'.llo lower ever sinoe. Ktiiployment iz t tic great boon ov lile. a man with nothing to do iz not hall so 111 tern-ting nr. a ripening tuini;). Yu kant do enn) -thing fu-t rate with a Ilea on yu except swuro, iiiul tl.-as aim iitradn id that. How linn you rxpcrkt lo find two people in this woiM who am alike, when yon kant even Rod 000 w ho iz alike haff Iho lime Lieing and guessing urn f tt -t cuzin; tho man who gits Into thu habit of guessing ut all things will soon git iuto thu habit ol licio i about ui'auy tUitis. I cm-Sickness and NeltlnhuenM. some happy fortune I was not les- sick. That was a ihing to be 'proud ot. I had not always escaped helorr. H thttfe( if one thlnii in i lie wmld that will make, a mao peculiarly an I insufferably self con ceited, n is to have his stumach tnbae it-sell, the lii st elay at sea, when nearly I his comrades are ses-sirk. Soon,' a mrrubla lossil, shawled to the chin and bandaged like a mummy, appeared at the door ol the alter deck house, and the next lurch of the ship shot him ioto my srms. I said : "Good morning, sir. It is a fine day." He put his hand on his stomach and sild, ' Oh, my " and then stsguernd away and all over the coop ol perky litht. Presently another old gi nth-man who projected from the same donr, with great violence. I said s "t'alm yoiirsell, Sir there is no hurry. It is a line day, Sir." He, also, put his hand on his stomach and said, "Oh, mv I" uns1 realed away. In a l.ttle while another veteran was disi harge I shrnptlv Irom llle same ilnot, clawing ut the air for a saving mppoit. I naid:- "Uood morning Bir. It is a fine dav for pleasuring. Yiiu weie about to iay-" "Oh, my I" 1 thought so, I anticipated him, and any how. I staid theie nnd was bom barded with old gentlemen lor an hour perhaps ; and all I got out ol any of them was "Oh, my I" I went away, then, in a thoughtful moo I. I said, tins is a good pleasure exeiirsion. I like it. The passengers are not garrulous but said tln v are sociable I like there old people, but somehow thiy all seemed lo have the 'Oh, my!"' rather bad. I knew what was the matter with them They wer.i n a-sii k. And I was glad of it We all like to see people sea-sick when we are not, ourselves. Playing w hist by the cabin lamps when it is storming nut si le, is pleasant; walking the quarter deck in the mooiiliilit, is pleasant.; smok itL! in the hretzv forctop is pleasant, when one is not afraid to go up there; but tlirse a-e all Iceble and commonplace compared with the joy ol seeing people suffering-' the miseries ol sea sn kuess. Word it oi' Wisdom. ' T e s veetesf tiling on earth is a liltln child when il. hvs Icaincd to know and love. Alter friendship and love come heneir'o- It nee anil that compns-ion which unites tiie soul to the unloriuiiate. Ho v contagious is the laugh nf somu people, how jarritu that ol others, like playing onajworu out piuo i Iu general, tlie-o is no one with wlionl lie itragsso disagreeably as with 111 in who tiies I-, neikn it slimier. 'h in are some human to0"U a which liavs- two sides, like that ol certain qlad tiii d. inn- s u.iotii and the oilier rouiih. You ca-.not chiiro buppni-ss out ol a che-t ol s.ol I; it will never mine. You i maki- iiiitadin ; cmwos ol fading Il rwets. Will n people have resolved to shut their eve, or I i ,o .li on v "11 one side. It is little cot s qiienco how good their cyi-s m iv be. Their triumohs ol truth are tho in -st glorious, clurfly b. cause they are the most bloodless of nil victories, deriving then highest luster from tho number ' thu saved, not ul the slain. Mi u's lives should bn like day moro heaiitilul in the evnviiJ.or like summer aglow with promts.; mil liko autumn, rich with gobien she ivcs.whure good deeds have lipeeed in the field TenderneaH is the genius nl simple mtods, D passing knows no obstacle', ten 'erui-rS knows no lioun Is Pa-sion is the attnhu'q of a foul w hicli no lunger controls i'.sel'j tendeiness.lhat of a heart which no lougi r bplonoH to itself. CoutenlniiMit is blesins, ana it is within the teach ol all, but it will uot be futiud by him who goes mil to seek it. It ts some- ng Irom within, and until the heart is right all i If iris alter it must be in John Mntudo!iirs Komur, In his strange and passiooats youth John Rindolpli was betrothed to a M'sl Maria Ward, the daughter ol bis mntaer s intimate Iricnd. For some caue theoo gagement was broken oft. The lovers, ap pear to have had a desperate quarrel, .and Mr. Randolph rushed out t tne house iq which he had been visiting the lad iq such a rngo that h- did nnt even stop to initio his horse's bridle 101ns, but slashed them through with bis knile, monntsd and rode away in a thundering gallop.. The lon-,8 scarcely ever saw esca other again, The la ly I) ca:ne Mrs. Peyton Rand lph. John lU'ulolph never married. To tiie dav ot ht death he sp ke of her as "My angel," nrt her marriage is said to have been Iho heavio-t blow this grievously suffering man ever en-lute 1. Ho wis sick all his lile, and s nietiiivs in a li verish sleep he used to mutter her name in I In heiring 1 f the watchers ah ut Ids bet. ' It was a strange, heart-breaking romance, that ol this quivering hiind'e ol nerves, who was thu lineal descendunt ot Poca hontas. What Motto Kill. 'I lie Frivnh Minister of Agriculture ' has .lone a good deed in ram-big a placard to be rm-'tcil which it would he wife for ci! z us of all countiies to have before their eves. It lulls humors, sportsmen, bays ami o'hers what creatures not to kill, as lollows : 1 lledge-hnr Lives mostly on mice, small r i.1i tits, slugs snd grubs animals hurtful to agriculture. Dou't kilt", the heitge-liOL'. To id Farm a-rstsnt ; he dustro twenty to lliirtv insec's per hour. Don't kill Iho toad. ' M-le-Is ronttutlally de.troilng gnths larvm, palmer-worms and insects Injur! mis to aer culiii'n. No trace of yegeta- lion is ever loutid in ils sioiiiacli, Don't kid Iho m "lo. ' IS.rts Each department loses pevrral millions annually through iiiBncti, Birds arc th(twonly enemies able to contrn I uaattist ti-cni vigniosdly. They are (irrut Chteipilhir killcti nnd agricultural ssist ants, tu.i.ircn, aou t dii u 0 tnuir opsts. NO. 43. , I'uliiurly Words. A frightened child is to be Bout lied, nnt scolded - Any rebuke which It deserves is unt to nut given while -it is - almost wild wi h tenor. A despuoduut una needs, lor thu hour, words ol cbeer ralher than words id merited reprool, A clergyman who valued highly his l iving, wife's criu cisins upon his words and mauner in the pulpit, asked her not to tell In m what she had noticed cut of the way. when he wns ircsh from bis exhausting service hut to say all the encouraging words she rnuld to begin with, saving her list ol blunders nntil hn had n covered sufficient. n -mills lore to meet bravely their dir- hcariinng array. II a hi iband woild find lault with ins wife, or a wile with her hu-haod, kt it never, never be done b iforeo hers, A rohuko uuler such cir cumstances is always untimely. To do it fittingly at any time nil lies wisdom, tact aud grace. II an author shows you a new bona ot his, or an artist invites you In lovk at his latest painting, do Dot at first point out the otro s vour qtilcko eye observes Here; but 8)0. k al ti e pleaant words you can ol the work be'ore you and then, unless you hsvo some vory pood reus n lor saving something else; unless there is soino positive gain to he hoped for tlnoUBh your speaking keep silence. "lie that retrains u his lips" at such time "is wise." Aud il you find that you have hal trouble, or have make it, through what you have spoken in hearty sincerity to others, do u t consu e yourself with tho thought that they were true words, Irank words, kindU intcntioned words; but consider well il they wero fitting words; timely words hence, prudent words. T li if speaking ol untimely words may be a crying fault ol yours a fault to lie recog n led and battled, and by Ood's help correcte-l. The more you think it is not so, the greater is thu probibility tint it is your beseting sin. Wauled to Nee Ihe I diter. A man on the oars was offered a news psper. Ilo took it, looko I at Ihe head ing, and then tbrtw it aside with disgust, and remarked : "I don't want ony news from that paper." ' I suppose that everybody reBil it in tlcse parts, I answered. "Has It been piichipg iuto vou ?" ' Pitching ii t mot Orcat Oeiarl I should Hunk they hsd had. But you just let. me meet the editor ol that paper." "Y u never make suythin by striking an editor.' I laid. ' Better grin and bear it." "Yes, that's all right lor you to say ; but just let me meet that man I I'll show him how to run a newspaper," . "What did he do!" 'D.t He did a deal. Here's how it is : I olten go to Springfield in the even ing, and conic ' onto on tin fin-r train in the ninrniuir. Well, one night I met an old crony, and wu went to thu Music II ill n. I the theatre. When we cmiie w met some friends. Of course I cnul-l not get riL'ht out, so I treated ; then Jim treated ; and the others treated; in Isct we were having a pretty pood lime, when some fellows came in and b ga.ii lo raise a row. In less than on time the police were in and had as. The next morning I whs hauled before the court and fined $7 40 I did not euro much, because I gave a la'se name, and I knew my wile couldn't find it out ; but Ihe next morn ing, I'll he eternally con'used il that very pnprr didn't h ive it all in, and my name loo." ' Did your wile see it t" 'I should say sho did." "Did she make a loss t" "Fuss I OodlrcvE ihttl Arc you mar ried I" Kliidncx ot Ilrisrt. Goodness, or, in other words, kindness ot heart, is the resu't ol early training, tec ended by books, companions, judicious counsel. H-iw its iufl ten -o brightens the journey nf lile. aud makis smooth lit rngucd pa'h. II ow thu heait gladdens when riCi-ivim; enmo little act of kindness I10111 some real nnd true Iricnd; so tlocB one leel the glow of pleasure thrill through his veins as an net ol kindness is done hi in from the pmuiptiugs of ULaftected good ness ol heart: Then as it costs nothing to bestow kind words, or harbor kind leelings, let all cul tivate gondne-B nf heart and mind re membering tout a kind word Is as easily spoken as oue that will cause pain and bitterness. T be l i-ho-Uoj , A little boy o ce went home to his moth er, and sal 1, 'Homer, si-tor ami l wmi ut into 1 tic garden, and wu were Calling aloud and thete whs some boy mucku g u II w do you utean, Joliiinvi said hit mother. W by. said tho ihilil, I was calling out Ilo! ami this boy said H. 1 So I ra d to him. Who are you? -.nd hu answered. Who ar .yon? I said, Wiiat is your nan.t ' lis id, What is your nauu t Aud I said to him, Why don't you show yoursil l He said. Show yoursellt And ljumpid l.Vcr the ditch, and I went i't'o '.lie woods, snd I could not find him. snd I enmo back, and said, Il you il. n't come out I will punch your bead; and ho said, I wiil punch your head,' So Ins mot tier said, Au johnny, it you had said, I love you, lie would have said I love, ii vou had raid, Your voice is sweet, hu would have said Your voice is sweut. Wharever vou said to him, he would have said back to you. Now, Join ny, when you grow and get to be a man, wha'ever jou will say to others, they will by aud by, say back to you. and his mother took him to that eld text in the Scripture A Spirited Inet. "8 oa me, ntino own," he whispered, lovingly, ns they both ant down on the one piano stool, "sing me, 'Oh, whisper what thou te lest." 'T will, young man, I will," said the tteinnl his tones ul her papa, Irom the riiric Ion ol the dour. . "We will sing itasadunt, you and I. I ill fed, and you can wliisoer what it is" And then he lelt lor the hoy with his loot, snd went ou, wiih u i!sling indifJunnce. , "And y U iitedn't confine yr.urself to whisper, necessarily. In telling what you leel, and what il 'ceU like U.Vtt it voice, youuj; man ; ifo it voice." nil wniMiiiiiniii ini i ii iiiimmiims mr THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVEIITISING BATES. li M mo MO Ma SPACE One Sqnar, 1 I wo Hfinaros, Three square, rour squaros, Fourth Col'ii. Half Column, WlioloColnuin, One Year, TAI.ROTT , S1I0CKUK MACHINE WOBJOs', RICHMOND VA. ! 1 Maniifmttarers ol Portable and Statloaary F.nglnoK and Hollers, Saw Mills, Corn an 4 Wheat Mills, Slinflniy, Hangups and Pul leys, Tin bio Water Wheels, Tobaoon Ma chine! v, VVi ou,;h t Iron Work, RraM aasl Iron CaatingH, Machinery of Kvery Des cription. ". " Ginning and Thre3hino Macbubb ASPKCIALTY. ItepairiiiK Tromplly it; CarsoslaUly JUoue. TALBOTT S PAFENT SPAHK-ARRE8TBt The Invention ot the A are. It does, not destroy the draft. It doe not Intorrorn with cleaning tho tubes, it will not choke, up, and requires do cleaning- It requires no direct dampers to a opmod when raising steam (dampers be ing objootionabie, an they may beleltepsta and nllow st arks to escape ) It renulresi no water to ertlnrnWj sparks, which, by condensation, destroy the drait. Knaid'oa, whon Water la need, If neglected, th i-fUuionoy Is destroyed by nvaporntion ot tho water, and tho boiler it kept In a filthy condition. It is Hiinplo and durable and can be re lied upon. It can be attached to any boiler. No planter Hhouhl be without one of tLem, Insiii anco companies will insure gins and barns whnre the Talbutt Kiigiuus aad Spai k-ArroHters are used at same rat aa charged for water or horse power. r-rS.itul for lHuNtrnted oirculars ni price list. liraneh houso, Oolduboro, N. C. , . J. A. IIAUSKIl, (.oiisrid Manager, T. A.URANOEK, Local Manager. may fi 6111 ' " ' plfCDMONTNURSli..iiF.a , CiKEENSBOUO K. C . " GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICH3. I propose to Klvn. to the patrons of Pledmotai' Niirserl -s, the iienellt of the travelling- an-mits foniiiilsalnii 011 mv Nursery Stork, comslstlna of Frtnt Trees Jet., and Pave reduced the prleaj riper cent, Apples and V aeli'S, 1st Class, I to s feet; line Improve I Fruits as are irrgwii: lu North Carolina, aud ready '"r Inspection. -Reference K'Veu to any Nurseryman tn Uflllforat county Peaches. a ml Apples runiilii from th earliest to the Islest varieties. Trees will bo packed In (food Strom- boxes or bales, and de livered to Uallroml liupots or Kxpreos Offlmia wpliout any ctraehni,-e for boxes or delivery. I will furnish at the followlinrlow rate : Peaches and pph!Mln anyijiiaiiilly. Improved trail. IS cents each. Pears, plums. Apricots. Nectarlnca giiinoe, Crab Apples, Fiifs, I'herriea 83 eesta. Ornamental Trees, Hoses and Flowers will iw sold cheaper than can 1 so'd by any Nursery ta North l aroilna. (' ish to ae. ouipany the orders. Any one not httviinr essti may fill nur a note to aeeoinoaiiy order, signed by luirchaaer, to b paid when trees are delivered at depot specified py purchaser, .v te 10 neeoiupaiiy iroes ua Pild when trees ar,. .I'tiven-.l. purchasers pa all trem-lits on same. Trees wl I i shipped In November and pureliaser liotilled wlien to am thetn. Persons orderim; will statp platnlv whoia, to ship. Name the iletMits. Lelisra of Irquiay auswereii eiieerruiiy. uriiera soiieireu anu imua faction Biiarai.ieed. Send lu orders at iinee. .-vi. 1.. ni Alia. Proprietor Piedmont Nurseries. J'i!yl7i)in. " WTll VICK" CAUICIAUES AND BUdlUIES K!ADE TO ORDER Oil REPASSED AT LOW PUIDC3L All kinds of wood work and trlonmlra done in good stylo, HlacksiiillU work dona at short notice nnd with neatness. All now work wnrrantod. Flno palntlnt for buggies dons at low prices, bent piut used. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVENTO TIIE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. V Ti,z-'jtWtfTi: t?j Z-'&y Collins and Cases of all. aiaoa cousiaaUy on baud. ... i la i O I H.I S 00 0t UN fi 10 10 00 20 09 8 00 15 00 M 10 00 18 00 Sfl 04 in no 20 oo 4o ot 20 00 I .10 00 GO 0 CJ? JL! it"c' '' Carriage Materials kept onhand at prloo below PotorsbuiK market. Woldon X. Q. Juno C ly ' J N O. T. FORD, Takes pleasure In announcing that hav can alill bo found at his staud ou FIRST STREET, 1 , , Whrre he has on band a full Uu ot the Finest WINKS, ...... WHISKIES and BK AN OlKs. TOBACCO, CTQAR8, ' ' e and SNUFF, . . ORANGls. AVPT.KS, and CONFECTIONERIES His a oek or Canned Goods nd Qroces ioa is unuauully .; ,;. ' -, .. :. Fall and Complete '' , 0u Cabinet Wnisreev A FrKciAt.iTT. , FRKS1I IAQKU l!EBR ON DRAUGHT, t Ho guarauteea saUsfacUon. Call , Rd soo him. Nov 21 I j.