fHE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC fBEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY OSG & W. W. HALL. One YW.iO advance, 9l, Months, pbro Month, " ?2 00 t 00 75 cts. pROFESSiONAL CARDS. OBO. W. HARIMAH, lurgeon Dentist, 0.BC9 over W. H. Brown's Dry Ooorts Store, WELDON, N. C. VIII visit partlns at thoir homes when desired, Tortus tveu-sonaoiw. vwmoaj J M. (JRIZZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. nmi In thn f!oHrt, H-.usa Rtrlct attention riven In all branches of the profession, jtii 18 ly E 1'. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ENFIELD, N. C. Practices in thn counties of Halifax, Nash Edfe.comlie and Wilson. Collections made In al parts of the Htate. Jau 18 tf ft. W. H ALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N.C. Rimoial attention iriven to remittances promptly made. may iu. collections and blHia V. MULLEN. OLLSN & MOORE, JOHN A. HOOKE. M' ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practlee In the comities of Halifax, Northaim ton, Hdirecoiube, Pitt and Martin lu the Hu- ireme court oi uie srate ana in me reuerai Jourts of tho Eastern District. Collections madu u auy part oi tho mate. jau i ly s THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATKS. VOL. VIII. WELD ON", N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1880. NO. 44. SPACE One Square, Two S-jnarts, i tiree r-qtiarns), r our Squarns, our! n i ;i n. Halt Column, Whole Column, Such In Lite. Oh, the hurry and tho worry, Of this ever-changing lile, Poshing, crowding ig the strugglo, Fainting, falling tUa strife, Ob, thn sighing and tha weeping In the sad and broken homes, Where are hearts thatonoo were joyful Now to them no gladness comes. Oh, thn matching and thn wailing For the brighter days to dawn, ' For thn dark and weary shadows. To give place to beauteous morn. Oh, the bopiiif and the wishing For the st' rins to pas away, When the sun in all bis splendor, Ushers In the now born day, Ob, the dreaming and the waking, As on winds oi time we're boruu, Dream,! hat loved ouos.xl ill are near u Wake, to struggle on alone. Oh, tho ebbing nnd the Qowing Of 'his rnsllosH Unman tide, Toss'd ab.tut on foaming billows, Reach at last the other side. jj AMES . O'HARAi ATTORNEY AT LAW. JE.N'FIELD, N. C. Hm nnrt of Halifax and adinln- Uiir counties, and In tho Supreme and Federal oourta. Col. actions made in any part of the Stale. Will at tend at tho court house in Halifax on Monday and Friday of each week. Jau 12tf X) OBERT O. BURTOH JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practices In the courts of Halifax, and ail'oln tinr counties. In the Supr-ine court of th tittn in ho HVileral eonrts. wn'i ..iit until-:l attention to the collection f claims, and to adjusting the accounts of ex ecutors, administrators anu guarumua. dec mtf QAVIN h. HYM AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. Practices In the courts of Halifax and adjoln iar counties, and In the Hiiprcuii! ami Federal oirts. Claims enllee'ed in all parts of Norm Carolina, oillco lu the Court House. Julyilf rUOMAS N. HILL, Attorney at Law, SVLIFAX, N. O. Pwiotleas In Halifax and adjoining counties and Federal an Hupreinn courts. Will be at Scotia"! Neck, once every Trt akt. aua" 28 it JOS. 3. BATC'HELOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N.C. fiuMiun In the courts of the flth Judicial Dislrlot aua lu the Federal and (Supreme Courts, ma 11 tf. 1 W. MASON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, QARY3BURG, K. C. ?rac1e ta ths courts of Northampton ami aalotainit counties, also in ins reuerai "'' 7 frsuie tourts. juuulitr. W. H. DT. c- lOlXICOFFUK. AT t ZOLLICOFFKR. THE ECHO IN HER HEART. John Holt was in love; ami, as ho was one ol that class who never do anything by halves, when he concluded to let tho charms ol Sarah Pentley rule bis happi ness, be meant that the; should, come weal, cone woe, Sat ah Pentley was tho beau ty of Rough Reef Beach, and she knew it. II cr lather kept the only shop in the district, and was tbe justice ol the peace, ard general authority lor its people on all poiuts save fishing, physic and theology. Sarah Pentley was like her lather, brave, generous, proud; and perhaps it was for this reason that, although John Holt was a good match, she relused him. I said 'perhaps,' but it might have been becsufe she had not weighed the matter, or aoaljztd her own Iceliugs. Sho had liked the young skippei; who had sup ported his mother snd sister lor a long years, and still found time to sturdy bolh hooks and nature. s that whej bo was twentyflve he was looked upon as an au. thotity, snd loved and respected by all the people. He was trusted, too, au 1 one of iha fliKSt vessels th.it belonged to the fi-hina fleet of R iuuh Reach Beach was under Ir.s ch iriro. and many of its best flshunu-n preferred him for a com man 'er. S rib Pcutlev knew this, and knew that he had been very buccesful, and had. money laid lu: the knew, too, that he was a snort oompanion, and many a pleasant a' roll had the? taken acioss the sands when tho mnrnlight shimmered across the ripples and tilled the air with a flood ol glorious light. But she had never thought of love in connection with him, and when J0I10 Holt had told her, tbe Sunday eve before be sailed, that he lovei her, she had bteu su p istd, and relu ed him. They had bern rambling over the hills, and had come to a point from hence the harhor, with its fiVt of U-hing sHiooners. ciu'ii be fceo. MoBt of them we'e moored clovj to the Hock, but ore, tho tinust I. inking ot all, rode mar tho enttaire, liaing and falling with the swell, as il im patient to be spreading her white wings fin rTiht. The Suray looks well, John, ana you sail 6 ion?' Yob, Svali, I shall go out next Iucb- 'av.' . . .. I)i ynu expect a E,,oJ l:as0,1 J "n( Yes.' How Ion" will you be gouc!' 'I c innoi 8.y. 1 may tY away all sum mer, pi Maps. And his vice sank low. I; will depend upon yna wiietber I conni home before full or no'.' O i nit? 'On you, yes. I may as well tell you n w. t'arah, lor my heart has lung wished to sho v you its secret. I love you. For years, ever since we (list gathered shells 3 . . . . I I .. .....1 AU.,n oil the heacll, 1 have piveu yu, - my I'Ojl'h diesins were lull ot vsmns o; toe time when you would lo the qnevn ol my home For your Hike I nave Biu.nu.i un I nought to g'o-v worthier ol a pure love, aud t.-nst. For your saKo 1 navo toile I and saved, that thu comforts you uow pn.ec muht be youra aiways. Again ho stcippcil, auu sue fii; D ATTORNEY AT L1W, WELDON, N. C. Prai tlce In thecmirts of Halifax and adjoining ountlea.anil in tlm riunrviiiu and Keil T:il courts. umm coiiect1 In any pari of .viriu 1 ai"i;i. One of the ilnu will alwai lu ranal '", Uie. iuneMly- D R. . L, UU-NTEU, UBQEO DESrill. Mas Caa be found at bis oOlca in Enliold. Par Nitrous Oxide Gaa for the Pain -ExtraetiHg of Teeth ulwyou baud. NDRGtr J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, not a her h inds were pressed ll 'htiy to- getl.e'r, her eye wera downcast, ami with one little loot flie walked hall circlts in the grtss. . The silence grew oppressive, still she neither ra'.sed her eyes nor spoke. Again bu went on, but the hope that his voice h d expressel when he began talking was all aone now. I have add tSat the matter of my cmn i. before autumn depcid. d on yon. and .. "... . .l.l ,n win- i I von tell me whether I am lo come or uot, 11 ....u, ?' 1 .. i..,t., No he wa silt-lit, ins cjia .......(, lestly across the ses. ( Mollll jolt Clllliol an ir ii"" pain me to baj I ,n,)t luyu Iou' but I cannot fiiy olhei wise. Hi turned toward her. the dee.) passi-'O ol lr.sso.il linking hi-n llerce, and Hie ureal (liKanponitme it ui:i'ioi! !' .n. on want to. or n ui" n-ii"s per no malch lor the sq iitc's diu , T..t..,r The pity and rep-oich in il.e woid re- 1 ailed him. .1' ...a T vb wil I. ti... i... ,1 her hand in his snd I lltU M . 1 l.. linon II. A Uiooieii. no Vrv. " . .'. ...... ;i. L.w.rl the hem 11, win ""'" harbor. . she if z d a't r Iiim. neep si... ... eyes, then turned sh.ly d"n the thtit led to me ieo. Poor John" 'he m'irmureu, r u,,d ns Its II .. 1 UmliHitrt llll a ledge acro mo waves, " - . that bioke the l-icch. to W, lii-hie l tea. When sue rewo. ... l.aw.bearin.out.rom the lH.bor u - rectlyp st her posi'teo. iue -u... -Illeil' WELDON, N. C. Practices In thecourts of Halifax, Warren H -'iinui counties and In tlifiSupnmann ren ""courts. Claims collected lu my part ufth Carolina. June 17tf lI.8MirH.JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Gotland lima, Ualif x Coonty N. C fractlf,., n,,. ...,, nf ri,,ijfnvatirt adjoin OOUOtio. n.,,n.. .1. .. ..... ..... ..nrt rf I lit rollid a vessel. . ........ .,. Vnew Hho turpi iael ai huh, .0. .hatnovlwasexpecluig to " 0.0 'he coming weeK. ?"V"!X:.n crart.thcl.ndwml sen,.ng - lastlhat tl.e seemed a e.v . life Soon thu schooner ai nhreaa n ele.lgcandllun Sarah r'"?-;' was the Spray, an I l.erheirt toil Wr dP-or to mve it a Ood . So,nh.U.e ''. ? 1 ... h It Uer alter toe , I. a anil WHO a There was uiueli wonder when it was known tint John Holt had sailed so soon, but none guessed the caiHO. The ol I fislnrmen who believed in him shook their heads wisely, aud mut tered. 'Cute fellow; Bmelt the fish.' And the reports Hint came bapk during the summer seemed to cohtiiin this, lor the Spray was doing butter than ever he lore. Other crafts cslltd at tho harbor, and Btaycd a lew day;; and such previous to this season had been Johu Holt's custom; hut the summer passed and he carat) not. The season was over, and Hie Hu'uinnal iqiiinox at hand, aud ttill tbe Spray was out. There came a day (hat will always be remembered at Rough H el Beach one ol thne days that take a hold on times and acts, and become marks in the jcats -knowu as Ihat of 'the great 11 iod,' or 'the September gale.' The sun had risen gray and lurid, break ing Irom the low banking mi-t like a ball of hot steel. The air wa hot and oppres sive, aui tbe gulls came flying landward, screaming discordantly. The weilh'jrwise shook their beads and kept an ominous silence, or talked in more ominous whispers. I ui u the blue sky paled away to a gray ishness, and the sun tailed I r 0111 sight Soon the tea grew Itetlul and tho air was lull ot muttered uvan, dreary and la I ol woe. In tho east a (l u K linn g-ithcreil along the Witer and slowly rolled up the sky. growtng blacker as it roe in height. Bull u wind, no rain. Then, under the low-hanging blackness, a white line, growing brad, hut rolling along tbe lace of the sea, told that the storm ha I come. is ever helore had the shock been an great or so sudden. Sweeping liM demons Hlled with tho power ot wrath, the huge waves u.oke upon the reel and ran loaiu log upon the beach. Hut there was no ta n I he toxin whirl ii.lel the air, but the clouds hel.i linn. The old men had gathered at Pentley' shop, while tho younger ones were watch ing the moorings ol the cialt in the h i r bar, All could see the ocean tossed by the wind and raging for prey. Then a cry arose. Through the tossing creUs. fur out at sea came the white line ol a sail. Nearer, neater and tho high Icdje was thronged with watchers who had hurried then; men from the shop and haibor, and women and childreu horn the cottages, for a dar hid seemed to tall on them all and tear them widi dread the fear that the vestel in (he im.d lury yonder was one that held lives dear to them was the Spray, On she came, tho loum flvin over her and oltcn hiding her Iroit vie.; and still the stray sights given had told the watch ers that'their leats were realized-it wa? the Spray. There were white lips and prayers. I 'it no tears. D nth was a thing wiih which the dwellers on Rough Ketl Iinicb were too well aeq'iiinti.d (0 call lor such a co lion until it came. They knew that Ho't was nuking lor the Ini hor. and, could he make it, would bo safe. But wool I liu nuk'i it? Still she Spray cviie ru-hin.,' uu. faces wad lied her. but wiliust of thit ot Sa-ah Puitley. Oh, John, John I love you, you!' So r ing the echo in her lieu!; nd il he shoulJ l a lost, would it not nog bj for ev.'il When she knew it was the Spray that w is driving belore the fti-iui and heard ihititwasa mere chance whether fhe would came in safe or not, then, with the snadow ol deith hangiu ' low over her lover's he . lu r heart awakened to the knowledge that ho was all to her. 'He shall cot die oh, God is loo good!' she Slid. And 80 the waited aud watched. A few yards more only a lew janis more ana men an wouin oe khou. 'Oh, God!' Tht re woe despair in the cry, and death seemed to iea"b out its hand to take the crew 01 ilia lime craft. As she tuft red thi channel that ran through the rc-l, a gu-t of tin I i iz-i I the sails of the Spray and sho, k them, ami betoic Jidin Holt could shilt the In I .u to meet the eiucrg.ney, a huge lollei dashed the little cralt high on tho reel and rollid over ber. Then it ws that the cry arosi; a cry that all but one uiouih echoed, and that mouth grew fl m and set, and wbispeied rather than spoke: 'He shall not die.' A small bout a mere shell to miot the mart shoe of the sea lay In Iho little formed hv the ledge, ami shtlbre l bv its strci'g'li. I'lto this arln nun eil. anil liciore any one wis aw im " - - , - . , .... 1 I,... i ... mi, 01 air could moo her. sue nan . n.'i.d out Into tho boiling loam at the .ilVr'l llll'Ulll. Her latin r called to h -r, hut hid Kept on. I iovc Iiim, a id wirt d.e ve him.' she anwi-rrt, i,i.ni hn voice Ki"cr ives watoh her, eager hsniU were slrelchert out lo tive her, when a wavo camo roaring in but it seeuicrt that lata t.r Uod ai with br' , . .1 SlowN, but sure y. "lis "cut on, the h rl of the Bta .cndin-j hr Ihis way nud Iha - ami now other cjos ll a'i tin?" on the ledge watched her. Clin ing to the la-t breaking schoonec, 1.. 1... Holt and Ins coinp ini ins saw the little boat lo-slng in the lo.ui, yet steadily 1.:.... Th n llolt rccojn..'d the womin wh 1 was ribking all lor them, and .1 .,.1 tr Iut to ui) batk. She did uot il' ... ., 1..... Thev ha I rtono all to save uioraacnw that thev could. L-shert tJ a spare spar the only hope after the sea hart ..e-troyui .heir boats, with such high Oo.ita as they could eiz-, the crew nf the M-boon. r w.re awaiting the end. They remcmbirtd tha Jeiilh hml always ineu king Here, 1.. ...a m,t tor ri nei. in,,,, v. ,. - , n-... lh,, hunt r.nnu "UI uiev that one only could uet in it. and before tnetn u;:aui i"- nartiillv protected by the wrecking ves sel, Holt shoutud out his wishes and hoi 0. Jovl slin hears and understands, and as the rone is flung to her, grasps it firmly. The wind, too. helps her now, for it bears her along to her rooc. Not a moment too soon either lor ju4 as the swirl again encircled her boat the schooner broke up, nnd the spars and planks min&lid with the yeasty loam. W aves Inoke over them, fragments ol the wreck dashed against them, still thry felt that they wcru going on toward safely, and on tho beach etronj hands were watt ing to re .-) tho lino and bring them liore. Hands that wero B" eager that their nwncia waded out into the surl, to be d'.shed ba k on the sands. At Inst the bout, still lorced on by its weary but un laiiutn 1 mistress, riso on a heavy roller, and can.o niBhing up the cove, to be tiraspcil and held (Irmly agnlnst tho H'-iion of iho two by strong and ncr vous h mils. A3 the soar sea lied the shelter ol the le Ige, stroll'! arms encircled tho hall dead lorins lashe I thereto, and boru them to the land. Joy, joy ! None were dead, though rxcitment and bruises hud tendered John Holt senseless. But life rame, aud as lie opened his eves, their glance wua met by one so lend, so ovine:, that lio closrd them lu'ain, thinking that ho was dream luo or dead. Bit (hey were not dead lips that whis pcred : "John, am I forgiven and loved now?' Tren his arms e.lasDed her form, snd Sarah Pentley knew that love an I forgive t.css were hers. How tlM-y l it lu 'Frisco. Real I'riosidiil.ii One of the most prominent young hurirlirain San FruO'-isco was walking out of court the other day. just after hav ing secured un aiquittul regarding his latest job by a prompt and business-like livvy with tho powers that be at the uual mi' s a weii-to-no our anxinus-iooK-inu stranger touched his arm aud beckoned him Into a doorway. ' You a'e -Teddy the Ferret,' aint yon ? " asked the gentleman. "the mac. who Wat tried t-dy for sale-crcking I "Well, wot of it? ' replied the house breaker. ' Why, just this, you'll excuse ma for speaking so low, but tho lact is, I've come all the way lrm the San Joaquin to look up a parry in ynur line of busi ness. "Have, eh?" ' Yes I well, I've a lit'lo proportion to make to you." "Kxnctly," said the P, rret, calmly ; you're a bank cashier down in the tout- lulls." 'How did you know that ?" stammered the gontleman, much amaZ'd. 'And vour cash and accounts are to be gone ove by the Directors on the 1st, and, as yon can't realize on your stocks, you want mo to gag you some, Sinned t ue heart ha' given expression to its ectujioiis uaturo in iho following Im autifu I vittmcn" : jJiver des rt a friend wif, Heit falls on thn h. art, wh.-n the wV,;n si, r.- ai-i"' e 'rleis, is thu lime, to tr-v.,rld i' dariOiiTti 'Cvy who turn from a BAc.niAi lruB f"end ay their hyimcricv and pmr a' rtis'ress.gt moves them. K yu have at ' tliat lovn you, studies your intoreet ad I happiness, he su e and sustain htm in adversity. Let him leel that his former kindueet is appreciated, and tint his love is not thrown awav. H al fidelity may be rare, but it exists in the hesrt. Who hat not seen and felt its power! They deny i'l wmth who never loved a fr'und. 01 labored to muk a Iriend happy. It Nuking Her Fittlicr'N Urav. NotiH'boUy I.ovs tie. White ail whs I love ter toad mi: t him or but the wind d Two or three years ago the supcrin temlent of the Little Wanderers' Home, in K, received one morning a n quest Irom the iudyc that he would come to the courthouse. He complied directly, and loand there a group ol S'Ven little Bills. nursed, dirty and lotlorn. bevon I what even be was ac.nslom cd to see, Thu i 1'Il'p. pointing to llieiu (utterly houieless and li 11 ii'lle-s ) said : "Mr. T . can you take any of these?" "Certainly. I can t ike llicm all, tho prompt reply. "All! What in tho world can vol do with them ?" "I'll make women o' them 1" The 1 ii1 i 0 single I out one. even wnre in appearance lhau the ttst, and asked again : "What will you do with that one?" "I'll iiuikn a woman ol her." Ml. T repented, firmly nnd Impclully. Thev wero wa.-hed and drcsed and provided wilh a (upper nn I beds. The next morning thev went into tho school, room with the children. Miry was the name ol the little girl whose chance lor belter tlrnga the jndj-.e thought small. Atiring the loreiioon the teacher slid to Mr. T , in refen ii'c to hei : ' I never saw a child like that. I have tried for an hour to gel a stiiile, and have failed." M'. T "lid after ward. himc'f, that her fare was ll i i-ptdest he had ever Seen .sorrowful beyond expression ; yt h was a very little girl, only live or six years old. After school ho called hir into his nfli.-o snd mid, ph assntly : "M iry, I've lost my little pet. I ne I to have a little uitl here Ihat would wait on Hi", nn I sit lice that would a t on inc. and sit i n my knee, and I loved her very much. A kind lady and gentleman have adopted her, and I should like lor vnu t'i take her place, and be my pet now Will you ? ' A gleam of light ll ttcd over thn poor child's face, and she began to understand dm. lie gave her ten centa and told her she might go to the store uear by and get seme cand". While sha was out he took two or three newspapers, tore them in pce.-cs, an! scattered them about the room. Winn she returned no sum : "Marv. will ynu clear up my olllce a little lor me. and pick up tl c paper and see Ivow uice you can make it look t" She went to work with a will. A little more of lilts kind of m uiagcmt nt in tact, treating her as a kind fa'her would wrnti ht the des red result. Bhe went Into the schoolroom alter dinner ith s irrd a look and bearing tint the teacher was astonished. I ho ctillil I lace wiifl nil? olutclv radiant. Sho went to her and said : ' Mry, what is it t What makoB you look ro luppy I" "Oh. I've i!ot some on lo love me, the child aiiswcnd earnestly, at if it were heaven come down to taith. That w iill Hie si etet. Fur want ol love that li tie ol.e's life had been so cold n'ld desolate that she had lost childhood's beantilul Isiih and hope She could not at lirt believe in the r. ality of kindness n. 1 .. fns l r li " il'f pi'rta'ti'V ll wt 1 1 . . . , , some one had luve.1 Her an 1 ncsireii per Ifcction Hut lighted tho child t soul and glorified her face. Mary hns since been adopted by wealthy . . I . I... t pu pli' anil lives in a O'wiuiui n"ur . ...' more than all I's Pcauty anu ci.1111',.1.. riiniiinu like a golden thread through " all. she slid find the love of her adopted lather nnd niotlp r. A little girl with tangled locks, peeping from under a calico hood, ( lad in a dress it chintz, loitcted behind as the great dor- ty crowd moved out of the gates ol Mouut .Vina the other day alter they had scat tered their fi iwers and done honor to the le id Dreamily she g z d alter them, hi r eyes Blbd with a lir-away look of tender ness, until the last one bad disappeared and the rattle ol drums had died away. Th n she turned and vaguely scanned I he mounds that rose about her. clutching still tigher tho lading bunch ol tlanielions and griss that her chubby hands held. An old man came by and gently pattid her curly head as he spoke her name, but sho only shrank back still further, and when he told a p. is ing stranger that the little one's father h.id died nn shipboard ond been buried at sea, tip re was only a tea' drop in the child's eye to tell that sho beard or knew tho story. When they were gone she moved on fur: her to a neglected, empty lot, and k' eel ing down she piled up a icnund if arth, whispering as sho patted and smoothed it with her 1 hubby hand. "This won't be so awfully big as tho others. 1 guess, tiut inav he it will bo big enough so tint God will see it and Hunk that papa is buried here." Carefully she ttimmid the aid' s with the grass she plucked, miir. muring on: "And mabe it will glow bo that il will bu like the rest in two or three year', ami then maybe papa will sometime come hack and'' but the pauscds tli"Ugh it eudo.-iily dawned upon her young ml no that he rested ben-n th the waves, and tho ti ar.dri.ps (hat sprang to her cyea und-t-eii.il the liiilu Lunch of dindelio s that she d inicd among the ".rasS'S on the mound slie had reared. Winn the fixten pa scd Hint way at night ao he wcrt to close thu nates he toiuid the little one fast ash cp, with her head pillowed ou the mound. His Unnigliter at Homo. I) ' not think that because there comes to ion no L'U'it opportunity of p.irlorming a won lerlu work, you will let Hie thous an t little one pass you uuini roved, is no tsmall thing to be tho 1 .y of domestic circle the one who-e soil touch and whose gentle, lltly 8;)ken words aveiti disturbance and disagr 'ement, con ci'iutes the offended, and mnk.8 alien nattire understand cadi other. It is no small thiuu lo oosjess tho happy tact which makes people pleasal witli them selves, aud which insensibly urges peopl to appear at their best. Iho young woman who is gifted with tins touch this swilincss of sympathy, and this beautiful unsilll-hness, may not have a lair lace, nor a trim figure, but she will endowed with a dignity moro wiuuing than either. s J a I a 8 ' I I O 1 h I CO 3 Ot) H 00 14 00 S 00 10 Or 20 03 8 lit) 15 Or) 30 Oi) 10 00 18 00 38 00 !5 O0 S!0 00 40 00 2') 0 ) SO 00 00 00 0.m Year, a O 20 00 SO 09 40 00 45 00 60 00 05 00 75 00 The True (Jcnl Ionian. Christianit y is one of tho most gen'le uiuiily thingt in the woild. It will nwiko a polite lady or gentleman of one who knows but little ol the lot 1118 of politcnes'. The Dible does not preteud to teach inau ners in deta'l, nor does it profess to be a maniiel ol politeness; but nevertheless it is the book best mited to produce in sny community true gentility. Wo have noth ing in a Testament, Old or New, ol how low to bow 00 entering a room, or bow we are to deport ourseUct in the ball-room, or any such thing, but e have what is far tietter. Wo are taenia to bo kind to all, to love all. to ronieet auo, to bo nierc.ilul, pitiful, coiirtcour; "not to behave ourselves unseemingly," "not to think of ourrolves more highly thin wo ought.' an I to esteem others belter than ourselves Willi these things p-operly engravo I on the heart. Ctinstiuns will intu 'iva'y bo the m itt sgreeablo, p"l to peop'e in tin woild. T.4LBO TT A SOU BHOOKOB MACHINE WOREJrL RICHMOND VA. Manufacturers id Portable and Stationary Knginea and Boilers Saw Mills, Corn aud Wheat! MiIIh. Hlmfliuir, llanenra and Pul- lovs. Tuibino Water Wheels, Tobacco Ms- cbineiv, Wiought Iron Work, Brans and Iron Castings, ilacliluery or t-very vea oriptiou. Ginnino and Tnnu3iiiNQ Mmhmmm A SPKCI ALTY. Hrp&IrltiE Promptly A, Carefully Dene, TALBOl'T S PAPBNT SPARK-ARRESTER Tbe IitTcnttoa ol the Age. It does not dnstror the draft. It does not interfere with cleaning tho tulros . it wid not choke up, and requiroa no cleau ing. It requires no direct dampers to ka opened when raiaing atoum (dumpers be ing objisntinnabln, aa lliov may be lei t open and allow arUs to en npo ) !t requires! no water 10 cxtingulnb smirk, which, bv c.'iiilooatinn, doalroya tue nralt. licspfH, wrien water in usou, u. neirh cied. tho etUoionov Is dealroyea bf evaporation of tbe water, and the boiler ta kept In a ullhy conititlop. II is simple anil durable and can D re lied upon. It can be attached to any boiler. No planter nhould tB witnoui one 01 ix-obb. Itiaiiianeo companies will Insure glnn anil lurim whore the Tulbott ICnginea Spark-Arre. ti ra are UHBil at sam rata aa oliBrue.l for water or horse powor. fr-Krnd lor lUuslratca circulars MMt prion liit. ilrancp tinnm, miiusuom, n. v. J. A. II A USKK, 'eneriil Manager. T. A.UKANGKU, Local Manager, may 8 Oin iioocl Advice. thry sun (lie iiiuiiiH. Il was Chii-tims Lve. very 1 1 a k and the sun v llon't Urow tlM too Fsnt. tho late to in 1 In turned Louie. cwsj sigh th and krew to II ill, excited- it could reiino would come. -.,;, 1, Innif line, sai I u li the loa can carry nne ashore, they ,'.. draw uint tliecove' , . r - vt ill clnni! to a bclaiir g r .K u . .........I 1 1.- hold. hiS WtiSSOOll sereii;.! ..- - . anu wneu wan pin BS. aud wh" . flll,,nod to ti.u spar, and when u V ' . . - . No, don't. Try to keen ynur synipatlilca Iresh and vour interest iu little things ac tive. Don'l be afiaid nt nonsense, or hcsi tato to lake pirt 111 it. U-mcmber that 0011 wero vnuiu ouco. and tolerate Hie nudities ol vou'h. Y11. no more than lolerute, try to iindcistand, and deu't be impatient il the ymirg eyes fail to se n,; but us vnu see them Gray hairs and wrinkles you can not ccipo. nut you ne.d not crow old lu leeling unices you . . I t 1 cho"sc. And so long as your ace hi mny ,,n tho outside, you will win conn teiicc f..., .1,., r,,mi and tind vour I fe all H'e brighter for eoidart wi'.h ih-irs. Hut jnu i..Vn too miinv gravo lliougtits, too manv weighty anxieties n t duties, too much to .1.. t.i m:;he this t ill ni possible, you sav Tl,' vnrv rensi.u lilV liielld.wliy you tin llld cultivite fun, nniisetisu, lightness ol be .rt became y ni inn I tin m much hecause ! you aro "we.ry with IU.uk ng." Then rlo "try to be yoimir, even il you have to be luulub iu no dJHiy. Tho n cht was lulling last, as Hermann, c.haicoal burner, drew his cloak lighur around him, and the wind whistled tl.tcily tlirough the trees ot the HWck F'.rest". lie had ieti to carry a load t a caitlc nee.r, and was now hastening home to his little hut. Although he wmked very hard, h was poor, gaiiiini' barely enough tor the wants id his wife and his lour li'llo children. He was thinking of them, lun he heard a taint wailing. Guide I by H o sound, he t,roped about and lound u htt'e child, s.aulily clothed, shivering nuil sou. bing by itsell in U.e snow. Why. little nna. Have tuey icn nice hern, all alone to lace this cruel blast ?" Thn child answered nollnnr, but lo.ilieit pltcoil'ly up 1:1 tne ciisreoai-ourner saee. "Wil'; 1 can not leave me iiet. iuou would'.H be dead before the morning." So saying Herm tin raised it in bis arms wrappiiio it ij his cloak atid warming its co d hands in hit bosom. When he ar riv.d at bia hnl he put down Iha child and rapped at the door, w'.ich was imme diately thrown open, and tha children rushed to mcul him "Here, wile, is gmsl to our Christmas r.vn uimur." said he. leading in the bttlo mi., who held limiolv to hi) fiiiLCt with its tiny hand. At d we'c.oino ho is." said tho wife. "Now, 1. 1 him como and wa'in himiull by Hie lire." The children all pressed round lo wel c in.' an 1 gi z- at the little newem- r. Thev showel him tlnnr ptully figtree d c- ora'eil wilh bright colored lumps in I o nir ol Christmas Eve. which tint good mother hud cndeav.'ied to make a fete for the chil- dun. lticn thev sat down to supper, tutli child coii ributing nl US porllou lul lue guest, looking with admiration it Us clear blue ryes and ridden hair, wtnen simne so a to shed a brighter light in the little room, and at they gated it grew iuto a ort ot halo round his head, anil ins eyes beamed with a heavenly luster. Soon two whito wings appeared at Ins shoulders ai.il hesiemid to grow linger, ami then ,be biautilul vision vanished, spreading mil his hands as if in benediction over them. Hermann and his wile fell on their knees exclaiming, in awe struck- voices: 1 nc holy Christ child! ' ami men eniorscen their w.'iideiing children in Vy and thank- luluess that lhey bad entertained tne IleaViIlly gUest. The next moining. at Hermann, passed by Hie place wb ro ho had found tho lair iliil l. he saw a cluster of lovely white floweta, with datk green have., bulking a though the snow Hsi'H bad blossomed Hermann plucked some, ami oirneu lueui reverently home to his wifu and children, who treasured the fair blo-u 1 lis and tended them carefully in Kincinbrau 0 of that wnndciliil ChrltniB8 Eve, calling tbi-m chrysar.lhemil cs; nnd every year, as the tune ctinu round, they put aside a portion t tin ir feast, and gave it to tome poor liltie chil I. according to the wmdt ol Ihe Christ: "Iu asiiiucli as je have done it to one ol tho Uast ol these, my brethren, jr have rtouc it uulo me." Itishop Wightman in his ad Iress to the young prrae.hera of the N. 0. Conference, said : ' In your public prayers you should tie very latefib not n have them loo long I have known preaches who prayed great ileil loo much in public ; wo know t e in c.t 01 a toon tcrinoii is sponcu oy lor.g. waniliTing piayer; n.ake your prayers in public) appiopriutu; amp.e enmivh to 1 xpress atloratton, intercession to play lor the piace ol tho common wealth, for the peace of the country ; lor the nations in the sha low of death. Five or eight minutes is I 03 enough for put lio pruy. r. Prsy moro lu your clostt-; ynu caciiot pray loo much there lira.' as lone as you please, untl for th ampliturt. ol G, irt's bless ngs. In public let vour nriv r bo compact. Learu to sine. Sing a treat deal. There was time, but I lear it hai passed away, when nearly, if not quite all, ihe Methodist preachers could tin;. Now it is not thou.'ht to I t Very lashlonable. People a-e bicr.ming more cultured and nflued Don't let u give up our lilit arm, good mi!iini. Tlioiiih I'vu never hear Sankev sing. I have heard tint his sing inn does as much goo I as tho oilier man preachlug. 11 w to the pnarliitw : Win vou get upon your lei I to preach, di.fi bo tardy. Don't take fifteen minutes to laka vour text, as I have aem preaih.is do. Cut nfl all introductory rental k' pitch right in. It is certainly important to know how to begin, but more impoit ant to know whin to quit. W In u you huvo upended jour ammunition, quit fl ing. D 'D'i say anything when you have nothing; to tay." JIEDMONT NUIWi'.itS. CUE'StUOO X.C GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES. I propose t" irlve. fn'he patrons of Plednvwil Mm rlea. the l.eii.'llt of tin' travelling asretur cominlasl ins on my Nursi-ry sitoele. conslnt'.nir of Fruit Trees, lo"., and liaie re bleed tl.fl prl Ml per cent. Apples aud Peaches, 1st cluas. i to 6 fe.'t; flu loiprove l mills, aa are Kruwu ui North Carolina, and ready for Inspection. Ref erence Klveti to any Mirserynmo 111 Hiiiuoru oinity peaen. ami At'i'H'a riiiniMisr ir'.ui m. ..0,. .t t,, tin. Inti'Ht vni'ietlea. Tr'es will I laeked In uood stronr lioxes or bales, and de livered lo Hal I road rejioia or r.xpreaa imiwi without suy extra eltariri for l oves or delivery . I will furnish at the following low rati! : Peaches mid Apples in n uuari lty. Improved fruit. 10 cents each, p. nt s. Plums. Apricots.. Nectarine giiluee, Crab Apples, Flirs. Cherrlea X ceuts. lirnameiirai 1 n'.'H. it.is.'f iui-i rn-n.-rn -,, sold cheaper Piatt can Pe win oy any nursery in Ni.rth Cai-ulliia. Csli to aecoiiipsiiy tin ordurn. Any one not liavinir easti may till out not to leet'-upsey .U'Oer, ai-neo ' pureioiser, 10 .11 .aid when trees an delivered at depot specified iy purehaaer. N 'te to n company trees aud paid when trees are delivered, purchasers par all frelKlita on same. Trees wl I be shipped lu Nov Mulier anil puretiaser not 1 ilea wnen 10 nii-et tlicin. Pern iisoi-iierlint will ainte plalnl.v when, .lilp. Nauie the ilepnla. I. tiers ol imiuiry alswer..l etieerlllliy. ITO-'IT s.'ie -iifti nun Tsniiap fai l loii Kiiaraiitecd. Mend lu or.lers at once. 31 . ' '1 jv, Proprietor Piedmont Nuraerlea. pilyntn. " V. 11 ViCR " CARRIAGE AMU R LUG IE MADE TO ORDER OR Heayeu. How toon wc shall get thore no one Can till. The start id this veiy n'gh' may light our way lo that biautilul home. Or. wo may mount upon the lijlit of the liiitdcwcv morning, nr tread on tho gulden clouds of lo-mortow't q'ltct eve. We may spr. a I our pitiioiis on tho shiver ing wind" nl the coming winter, or rise to I eeven on the Iragtsiiee ol tbe blooming spring. No I'll kuowt. Hut li'e will end. an I we shall toon reach our home. How we shall go is q die a mystery So "lie lias rornn back in leil liio SL'rj. Wo niai b fenicd aero-s a dark river, or led through a ihadowcd Valby. D z'ed wi'h a bli JSC of distant glory, and guide I by it ilowntalling light, we may rise up ihiough tr.ickless space alone, or we may t... hi.rne ,ilntt on the sliinliiB wings ol m'gbty angels, or 00 (liming chario S tire. Il rtoem't matter. Wo shall go tho fountain ol blood ; by the crost the Lord Jesus Christ. This much know, and G id will providu lor cur ceusion. Ilnw we shall feel it yet unknown When wahing the sleep from our ejet in the river ol lile, aud lilting our laces to wards the throno id Go, ihe light rl fi..vn t urt in upon our souls: when we aro tilled and thriliod with the melody ..1 inoel barns r when wo are surrounded by au atmosphere ol love and a boundless sea of gl- ty ; when wilb toyul dignity of redeemed manhood, wo como into the cump iny nf Irinit and pilcstt, and into the presence ol God, e cannot tell how , 1 11 ... .0. .11 I....I . u.-ntitrM KO Will It'll. Ilr e rum it" :.. ,1.,. h.K.I is niia nl the levelattotis ol luture rxptiiencc. But we ahull bo full 0 i.li dei o. rvt rwhelmltig and etemcl And this i enough to kn.nv. Ileaeen- i,t a weioht ol elorv iti a . word I H w iliviueU preiious, how doubly precious .io- l.m nremred it. The nieasiire n,..iv ln,H '.hi! fullnctt nf hia g'o f-0 who would not to t llcuvcn.-Baptist Htrt.ctur. REPAlfitD AT I)W FUIiJEi All kind of wood work and trlmmlaTst don in good ulylo. BlueLstnttli work dorva at short notion and with npatnes. Alt now work warranted. Fine painting tor buggies done at low prices, best puiut unod. ?J.t I AL ATI E.tiTlOSI GIVEN TO THE UNDEIir.VK.INU DEPAUTilENT. ol by ol we as 1' , ' ' . v. , 1 y : : ' . . i i ii CofUnaani Caaosofall eloa oorvsCAtab ou hand. Carri iTO Matnrlals kept onliamJ at prtoo below Peloradutg market. WblliOU 4'. u. Juno 5 ly J N O. T. FORI), Tak 1 ydpa'iirn In announcing that ba can a 1.1 bo louna at uia iwua uu FIRST STREET, ff bora ha has ou brtod a full Una ot titt Finest WINKS. WI.ISKIFS and UKANIMKS. TOBACCO. CIUAPS, and tSNUFK, OKANt.ES. APPLKS, and CONFKCTIOSKK1KS His a'oek of Canned Gooda aud Qroct tea la unusually rqll tad Complete OL.0 Cabinet Wnissxv A PriciAUtr. PRKSU LA1KR BEER ON PUACOHT. lio giiorauteoa autlsfaction. Call anJ sou him. . . Nov 21 1 r '

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