THE ROANOKE NEWS. A DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY fc, M. LONG fc W.W. HALL. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVERTISING RATES. 3 0 ij 2 I I t2 00 i on 75 cts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. GEO. W. HART MAN, Surgeon Dentist. OflUe over V. H. Brown's Dry Goods Store, WELDON, N. C. VP ill visit. parties at tuoir homes when desired. Teniu Ruasonablis. oct S3 ly M. QKIZZARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Office In the; CoHrt ilouso. Strict bttriitlon flven to all branches of thu profession, mi 12 ly 1? T. BRANCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ENFIELD, N. C. Practices In the counties of Halifax, Nash Bdirecomcieand Wilson. Collections made in al parts of the State. jan 12 tf II ALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Special attention Riven to collections and Hinlttances promptly made, may ltf. fAMKI M. UDLLEN, JOUN A. MOORE. JJ" U L L B N ft MOORE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practice tp the conntlesof nallfax, Northamp ton, KdKecoinlie, Pitt and Martin In the Su preme court of the State and in the Federal Courts of the Eastern District. Collections made la any part of thu State. janlly AMES E. 0 ' H A R A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ENF'ELD, N. C. Practices In the eonrts of Halifax and adjoin ing comities, and In the Supreme and Federal ourts. Collections made In any part of the State. Will attend at the court house in Halifax on Monday and Friday of each wees. Jan Ull JOBERT 0. BURTON JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Priettcea lothe onrtsnf Halifax, and adjoin" 4nir comities. In the Supreme court of th.! fltate, and tn the Federal courts. Will ffive special attention to the collection claiaii, and toadiustinff the accounts of cx entorj, administrators and guardians. dec lStf Q.A7IML. RYMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX, N. C. Praitlces In tho courts of Halifax and adjoin ir.r counties, and in the Supreme and Federal Doris. Claims collected in all parts of North Carolina. Otficu 111 the Court House. j u ly II f npHOMAS if, LULL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. C. PwiMless hi Halifax and adjoining eonntieB Hi lotsrul au Supreme courts. VTUI ka al scoilaud Neck, onee every fort Uit. aiitf 28 if JOS. B. BATCHELOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIQH, N. C. Twufcjes In the courts of the dth Judicial D UlrU't .v.4 iu tho Federal and Sm reine Courts. mtf -' If. T. VY. MASON. .TTOCMEY AT LAW, 3ARYSBURG, X. C. Tmctferi In the courts of Northampton and losaii-R- counties, ulso ill t'.ia Federal and s'u f'.iscMirls. JunoStf. W. H. DiT A. C. tOLLlOOKFER. ZLLICOFi?ER. D AY ft ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. PrMtlee In the courts of Halifax and udjoliiliiir duties, and 111 the .supreme and Federal courts. C.tuuN collected in anv pari id Noriiii ai'oiina. One of the Urea will always be fi.uini In the Oftse. June M 1 y D R. E. U UUSTKH, CRGEON DENTIST Oai be found at bis office iu EnQelJ. ..i.iuuavs uo yfttn iri vu u ..... Extracting of Tooth always on hand no a ir. JKDKBSvY J. BURTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. atfe!'""" ln th! ennrts of Halifax. Warren and wuilntr counties and In the Supreme ami Fed- lnLW'"- Claims collected in any part of wolliia. JuneHtf a. smi ru, jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, o Nkck, Halifax County N. One Tear, in advance, Sir Months, " Three Months, " fyoo,,?.? ,n,n" "minty of Halifax and adloln M, 1"ltl9s. and in Wie Sujiwuio court of the jnu ltl ly. VOL. VIII. Ol All. All the earth la fillod with Messing tvuicu no sorrow can destroy, And lor every day ol troullo There shall come a day of joy, There are moments full of silver As the, showers trom Heaven which fall, And the lonilorness ollovinir Is the blessing of thorn all. Though the clouds may hang above us, Somewhere sunlight lingers still ; And the pold ol' every moment hh.ll surpass the moment's ill Love and truth are yet immortal, Loving souls Immortal, too j And the glory of a jewel Sparkle In a drop of dew. Tai-e the dew-drops as Hod gives thorn, llo fioy moments, bo th .y hours, So tho stream ol 1 i : c wliii h hears you Shall flow on through hanks ol" (lowers, There are moment" lull ol blessing As the showers from Heaven which fill. Hut the tenderness of loving Is tho bles-s-ing of nil, THE POOR MAN'S TEMP TATION. Among the passengers abroad the thip Petrel, bound Irom New Yoik to Sun Francisco, were Thomas Warren; Ilia wile and their six-year-old daughter, Flora, Warren hail been unfoitunate. By carelul saving Irom his income as a clerk in a dry goods store he had built a little house one story and a h ill high and therefor lour jiae, with Ins wile and chill ho had lived, happy aud con tented. Then the firm employing liitn failed. Ho 1 ioke-1 abont him pemeveringly lor steady, honest work of Rome kind not caring what but could cot obtain it. One day a laborer who was obliged to be absent from his plane of toil a brink ol earth which was being removed-permitted him tn act as his substitute lor ten bouts. Warren plied the pick and shry-el manfully and received one dollai when his task was done. I '.is health not heiag good, such heavy woik ma Iu him ill. lie could not lo-we Ins bed lor montns. wiiit lime money no had was a I spent by that time. He told his house and with moie of the proceeds took passage lor S n Fiuuiicn, as stated, hoping to there better his lor tuncs., 'Sin Francisco,' sn d his wile Mary thoughtluily w It n they were within two diys'sa loi that pott 'It is tho plaeo where papa went, years a :o, to look Tom JIarJon, my poor b: other, who ran a vay Irom hi me. But as you k ow Tom was ntTer lonn I. tVe mvtr could 1 a:u hat became ol him ' At Ihit m in nt a lerdUo cry weut tbro igh the emit. Kir.l Pin I Fin-!' The captain arid crew did all in their power to save ibe vessel, but in vain. Very soon the lurid flimes, roaring aod h's-ing enveloped pearly eveiy pait ol the shin. D 'vn went tho boats and they were pretcntly occupied by crew and pusien gers. Warren had brought up from the cabin a tin box. containing rive In. mini duilars which remained Irom tho sale of his house. With his wile end child he got inlo one ol l he bouts. 'The peir iliuiid' yelled the first mate. 'PjII away livclj! ibe ship's going to blow ui.!' The bout in which W'irrcn s:it was ten Uthotiis from the hip, when with a r. mr like a bursting volcano, she fl-w to o b r fl.rj Iramc .ts fh o-jn hi-li in air. The Irighlencd n-.ade a iuh, which Cips z d the boat. V turn's b x of money sa' k to the bottom. He could swim coiiti'ivitl to save his wile niol child Irom drowning by holding thrru until one ol Ihu other boats came and picked up all the persona win wsie in the waler. My bos!' giaued Vrrtu. 'Uli my!' crinl his wile t'J.nuig deadly pale and clasping her hands. 'It has oiie to the bottom ol tho sen!' he said wildly, his finders uer-vou-dv in bis agony. It I could wmi I'd dive and get ll!' said litlle Flora- "Never mind, pips, we c in fill it wis' gold when wo fct to the gold town. A"d taking a puce oi cake irom t:er pot ket. she cninieun d lo cut it. W-irr. n bow ed his m ad. He lo ked hits aud limp and grasped for bira'h. Theti the title spirit showed iisell on the part of his wile. There is no rtiscriiung now eno con soled him. Sh" did it with tho str.nge U'llle power ol her m-x. lie wa still giief ttrcken, but somehow thu honor ami tiiMiiuy cmi-ul by his Ijss were ni'tu 1 y gone. B fore ni M tho p-nsengi'rs weieplcKt 1 p by a hru b un t i-'" tliu pmt ol Sm Franci-'Oi. .Vn-l lh n Wirieu an I Ins hi de fimilv irr: v.- I there. Hi lull a lew iloi.ars in Iih pick-t- book, aod ho line) longing : a amall 3oa!, bC4r tin-oa'.lc: ts o! the t lie set abiut looking lor employment at once, T i his surprise, it was a ''illiciilt In re to oblam wo k as in Mew York. Diy after tlay bu wetit about on U's hopeless ronn Is. lie coultl HihI io en. 'U ve me a piece, id bread,' said Flora. oho inoruinjj 'a pieie of uru-l '.ms' sat nil it.' What! Iiavo we no suga f said arrcn I thought we had a little.' 'No, papa,' said Floia, climbing on his knee. 'Sugar's all gone S'lrt so I can't luve bread "wis snuar, but there's phut? of siiU, mid I like ")at' on bread' she added, elaiping bcr hawk a in tl.ivs later it w is still rotse. Tt,. l.t nuiisel of bread had been aotnll i?.'r rJled stnutlv lor mo-c, for the child was hungry. Her mothir aud lather wero still bun Thev were weik Irom the want ol lood. , Wsrrco went his rounds as usual, At length ho found himself on the out skirls of tlio citv. He hoped ho might be lucky enough to i. mi .,, i, ir.i r mint with a stone. Kill nirillli "... v. - - . . Itnr bird and rabbit k pt shy ol li.Dl, i. i I'.t In , either. lie ''i ,w ."' t ii n . .1,;. .!, lm was till nt. anil IKS lf una muw ..- ., . brain reeled, lie b-'lt strauaclj bcwili u:ed. WELD ON, N. All at mire he hta-d a piteous voice. Ii camo Irom a rude hut a lew leet dis tant. There ho dis-covercd a dying nun a man, emaciated creature in patched gars mams. '(live mc a little water!" he gaped. Warren gave him water Irom a jug near htm. 'Have you no friend, no relative, Ihat I can go to and bring here?" luquircd Warnn. "I d o not think I have a relative living,' gasped the man. "I was dying hero alone belore you came. Will yon da .iiie a favm? Lilt up those lin ks in the Iiie place ami bring me my keg.' Warren removing the bricks, which were loose, discovered a paint keg, ami brought it to the man. It wiislillul lo the hi i in with silver hall dollais! I hnvu been a mher,' groaned the sol lerer, 'but you can see lor yoliisell I have not saved much. Will you" tulto tins keg -to-' Belnre he cnild finish he gave a shud der aiitl bis ryei became glazed. He was dia I! Warren looked nt him awhile; then his g iZ wandered to the keg ol colli!-! The mhiling sensation was a 1 1 1 1 iu his hia I. His mind seemed to have become weak, lie continued to staro nt the silver heap. The man had owned lie wai a miser probably he had no relative. In that cu-e there was no heir to the money. How much good tu-t amount would do little Flora aid his wile! They were hun gry allium starvin;', His gi ze was caught by a slip ol paper among the silver pieces. He took it out and read it: 'This keg of money to bo taken to Kiger B innotit, ovri'liai.t, No. street, b'au Ftancbco in case ol niv deii'.h.' Kogt r p.armont! Warren had seen the name over the wholistile store ol this wealthy inririiant. A few days before he had unsucccs-fully applied tli ro for einploymetit. There were pr-'bably about one hundred dillara la the keg. To lla inont, the rich wholes-.le dialer, this would be a mere tiille to Warren it woul I be lood and shelter pe.haps life Until!' Why shoul.l this triflu go to the golden hoards nt the meicliatit when Wiirren needed it so much more Th" poor man glared at the coin-i, be loii- ed at them long and wi-tlully. Thin at last, he Hung his anus into the air, as ll to hurl the temptation I to in him. To t.ko that money would Lo to steal. '.My Ooii! Ni !' ho cried. 'I cannot do id I Icel a.'li iinel ol mv-cll lor even thinking of sm h a .liing! Ha l my brain been right, I would not have thought ol ll! My mind is strangely weakened.' Hit puked up the keg aud took it stiHuht lo K 'gt-r P. .riuont. The merchant read It through bis gold spectaclts. ' It's all right,' he said quirkly aher Warren had ixpla lied. '1 am much obliged to y u. 1 will have the body de-ri-riHv buried. Warieu looked around him, wistiully. Stalwart men were moving hither and thiiher handing bilei, I otes an 1 t'a k . A legion ol 'clerks let t leir pens fly nvet the pie ol tl o ledgers. Tlieie iv is one c i-k, h If lull of sugar, out-d le partly ii'en. A d .7. nig lain vns hilling, witling this niga-. 'Would you n d like to have that ca-k imni'il into the store!" lie iniiiiieu luiutlv. M". liaruio it look d tip. "Oi ! I believe I have not re-warded jo.i lor btiiigui'' hju tluse 8 Ive-r piecis,' he Said. Ho took a q'lar'cr from Ida pock t aud put it oil the counter. N i, thai k you.' said W.-i'fet ; will lake it lor moving the cok, like.' 'Very well,' said nirniont moro 'but I if you gently. 'Move it as soon as mi can. Warren lugged at t;.c heavy ca-k. It was too much lor lifs -Iienylli, in bis pris ent weakenel condition. be got it iu tho sloie. Tluu he st-'g-jered again t it no i: ly Ian. ting 'A gl 63 01 wine, late,' callei Mr. Har mon t. Oieoftho cleiks brought it. It rc-viv.-tl the sufferer, although be stilt look bewildered. 'What makes you so weak? 11 ivo y-u been ill?' it quired the in-:rcli.-itit. The other s g i. , as il oy a sott of fas cination, agun-t which he vainly snug gled, w is fixed, with a grie iy look, upon a box of damaged hi-i uit, w Ii i ll one ol the men was about to throw into a reluse ca-k! Mr. 15 innoiit drew Wanen to out side. ' A'h it is your name, and where do you livt 1 he it t nte-l. 'Thomas I'l'aircu. I live at No. Strei t.' II a )mil I' wile a-id child. Would that Maty M ir-ton h id never mi ria.l a poor wrelch like me. Miry Mir-tin! Was that your wilts iiami!' cried iiuiiioot s arting. Yes. sir.' 'And had a biothcr. What was bis name?' Thomas Marslon. lie went away ycats ago, and has not hern heard ol since.' Your wile was In uotlsti n, aiassamu- setts was she not!' es sir." Vciy good; and o you did not know that the nii-cr who pist die) ! Tom Msrstoii, her broth-il' (iood heaven ! No I It is lh lace -he was. Hero it half a dollar lor inov n ' die en k I will call up-m vou to night.' Wai en went homo with some provi I nns bought wild Ihu hall dollar. To his a-toni-died wile he told his story. Not luti;! after, the old mnchant, Mr. Barmont came. lie trade a few imiuiics of Mrs. Warren which fully saiisficd Mm ol her identity that she was really Maiv Mar-ton. He uul itked a small satchel bo bad ivniii.iit with him an I exhibited the con- icnib-lilty thouuiu-l dollais in crisp buuk uolea. What do. s this mean ;' cried the le wildereJ Warieo and his wile, niiuuluuc ously. h mtans.' said Mr. II uniont, Mhst your brother, Tbuuiiu Mantou, who wua u C, THURSDAY, miser, looked upon me as his only Itiend Every penny which tie horded, exc I t just enough to supply his lew wants, h. placed in my keening, lor bu was airaid ol being robbed. I kept all his money up in my salo lor him. nb litni In- a'ways had a bag lull ol counterleil half dollars so that in cm- robbers should steal Irom him. they would obtain only those worthless coins. He has been just returned. Iio'orn he went. ho in'ormcd me Ihat, in cas of his death he would send me the keg of cnur.tcrluts as he would rather they should not be found about his preniisen. He was afraid it would make people think he had been a counterfeiter. Alter his tleath I was to advertise lor his sistt r. He did it. it know whether she was living or not, but il I found her, I was to give her his mom which I had in charge. This was ti e request he ma lo t, me, and which 1 piomiscil lo comply with. It was also nriiitiged, that, ll I did not hear Irom. or hear ol him, or hear nt his dcalh withiu tweniy years alter Ins departuie. I was to keep his money for my own use, and not trouble mvsell to make any inquires about his sifter. I expostulated with him on this point, but he had always been eccentric, and he would now have his own way. Hid I not heard of his death lo-d.'.y, by lo mortaiv the twtnly yia s would iiave expired, and I should have kept my agreement by retaining the money, I hope you will believe mc when I say that I am really glad ot the chance which has been a Horded mo of giving it to the rightful heir.' When he was gono Warren said to his wife : How fortunate I did not yield to tic temptation to retain that keg of coil p. ll'id I done so I would probably soou have tuen nrres'ed for pa sing counter leit tn-itn y, In sides which you would never h ive received a penny ol it 1' 'Tr'.is.' said Mary. 'Aud oh ! husband !' sha added, embracing him. 'I would sooner have staived than have known Ihat you Kept uiosc coins l l am sure you would never have thought ol doing it had your ruin I i ot been weakened b care and hunger com! hied.' 'I believe my brain was nearly turned at the time.- he ansered. A week alter Warren went inlo business with some ol his file's money. He is now one l tho in- st thriving wholesale merchants in Sun Francisco. Ju l-ei" toui l K lit'iirxril, 1 Di I you innke the train (" ''No," the reply. "It was male in Ihu shops." "I mean did y. u catch, die train" No. I caught a cold, thu tiain is was car not in !e.:tinu-.'' ' Well, did you arrive nt ihe train in time." "No, I aitiv.-.l in an omnibus." 'On, whit I mean is, did you bo.rd the the tiain." ' No it was as much as I could do (o pay my bond." "Oh, you d n't un lerstan 1, did you get abii'i'd at the depot t"' "N , I got i lunch at the depot." ''Well, ot ad tin- dumb men I ever saw l e e, did you go out on tune." No- I had in pay ca-h." "I mc-ill did Ihe cms go nut on time i" ' N i, they went out nn the rails." 'I mean what time did the iai leave I"' "Leave who ?'' 'Will, leave the city." Schedule lime." "W hat lime was il i'' " iVhei. ?'' "When you hit th. city ?" ' I don't iiinli isiaiid you." "Well, see if you now can understand. You left the city, didn't you ?" ' Vis, sir ; couldn't t ke ii with me." 'Well, wlu'fn did you leave thu city ?'' "Wliv, While, it is uow 111 Muscogee co-.iii'y." I me in w time was it when you left the city ?" Time lor mo to leave," "Why ?" ' Pu muse my money was out," "Did you get a ticket iu the city ?" "Yes, sir" "How much mouev did you pay for il?" "None" "Willi, how did you get din ticket ?" "I he panb oker gave it tn me." "Di I hu tell riiiboad ticktUi" "No." "Will, what kind ol a ticket did hu give you ?"' "A pawn ticket."' 'For wlnil ?" "I., ke p." "Yes, hut what did yon give him lor the pi ui ticket ?'' "M .- ii itch" ' Wi.ut lime was it by yom Watch ?"' "Time to p .ivti it." "O, I iipputl to the court now to make this m ii answer nit questions." W- I. I'm r.-a ly.' 'Did vol. s ii am bo Iv vou knew ut the depot the d ay you kit ?' 'Y. s, sir,' Who r 'The i ngincer.' Does he nin on the road ?' No sir, he rides." 'I no an dues hu belong on the road ?' No. sir, hu is only hired by tho month,' 'Well, be goes on tho cats every day. doesn't In ?' No, sir.' Well, what does he do ?' 'He goes on i lie engine.' What lor ?' T100 a month,' 'Did you leave with him that day V No, nr. he lelt belore me.' 'Why did you not go with him?' 'lbcniise it is agamst the niles for passengers to ride on the engine.' 'Oh, then you got on the train ?' 'No, sir; got on the platlnim.' 'Where did you go to?' 'Inside thu car.' 'Ami where did the car go ?' 'Alter the engine. 'I mean what town did tho tiain g toi" To every town on the line of tho road.' 'Where did you go ?' 'With die train.' ".Vlure ,i id you get Oil i' Krfcry town they stopped at.' I m -an white did you last get oil t' 'Oil this chair.' Y nit are you talking about ?' 'Well, (ir, becu tulkiug about u hour.' JANUARY 15, 18SO. viiil, .ihv iloii't you la.k sens.- 't' I luve to un-iiver your oilS ' Court took a recess. q'lei- Oillicull i' ol l.euriiiiii; t nliIi. An - u- nt ion il journal thus di.scriiies had with the ' he 1 1 outdo ii Frcnu.itiiau e. . id 'iireak;' 1 begin to understand your language better, said my French linn I, Mr. Duboi', to me but your verbs trouble me still; you mix tin in up so with prepositions. I am sorry you find tlieiu to troublesome, was all I could say. Isiwyonr liieud Mrs. Muilleson ju-l n 'W, he I'ontltiucil. rshesays sliu niton 's t lucak do xn hiiiuekccpiui ; a m I light tl i llieak up housekeeping, she must have S lid. Oh, vts, I rememhu; bleak up house" keeping. Why does she r.o thai? 1 asked. IieCiiisc her health is biokou iu'.o. lliokeu down. litoken do. wit Oh, yes. And indeed, since the smal'pox has btokcu up in out city iirnken out. She thinks she will leave it lor a few weeks. Will she leave her house alone? No sin-is nlraid it will bo broken how do I sny thai! Ihoki n int.'. Certainly; .i is what I meant to ?Ky. Is her son to bu married soon? No, tbut eiigagemeut is bioken broken lirok. ii i IT! Yes, broken t ft. Ah, I bad not heard that. She is very sorry about it. Her son only broke the news down to tier list week A oi I right? I am anxious to speak Ka- g i - Ii well. He merely broko the news; no preposi tion this time. It is haul to un lerslnnd. That young in ii u. her son, is a fine young fellow; a brea'ier. I dunk. A looker, aud a vcy fine young fellow. (iood day. So much for the verb 'lo break.' Ai iilcol KatshioiiHlile Idle. The night was stormy and dark the wind in. ist awfully blew ; even the trumps, who sweetly in Madison Paik till the hands of tou clock early morning do mink, by midnight were In , u quite lll'Ollgll. Fioin a house on the Fillll avenue (whereing Mctlintiis did dwell), Irom 10 in the evu till 4 in the moin -Irmii the daikiii ss ol night till the Inightuess ol dawn -did ihu sounds cl gay revelry swell. Mctlintiis was giving a hop on his eh aiming daughter's birthdei ; irom 10 in Ilie eve till 4 was no stop ol the whirl ol fie d nce. ol ihe wine'a I'z and pop; Mc U nuts as able to pay. Tne In lies were lovely and fair, will) their to';es so cosily and bright ; but, bad they spit-curls or bangs in their hair, not a n. a d in he room h id the r i q'l ring air ol liella Mi'liiiiuis that night Mic In I hit a tatlnr laige lake ten laps ol the gav gi Idy da-ice in each quarter b.iil' that i.iglil she aou'd make, and a , IT rent besti lor i-iti'h ten she v. mil J take in order lo le-si-n In r chain'i'. Her i j'is were us brihl as the day, and t on-i iitil peering aiuuiii! ; as rmind in the nal . her body noul l sway alu.'.i In. k al ihe un n iu a languishing way no il lh- in xt p irlner w i louml. She coiin'e I up lays with her leet, most hun-slanl true wis his score; but as I n' Hit-ch nk by die bell, she tinned her last lap and suddenly lei! fell all in a lieao on the ll or. Alas fm the gambler who g-iins ! To her bed die t! nidni they bote. And now s1 e is lull of weakness and pains, mi l ihcumatio j nnls u ii 1 varicosu veins. She'll never niako laps any more. Pui k. Kiss JEc Too. In the pa nt shop ol the Michigan Stale Prison, is a man cided Jim, doiug a life seiitmce. Up to last spring he Wis re-gnd-d as a d speratc, ilangeioiis man, ru i-ty lor reOellioti at any hour. He plan ned a gen-ial outbreak and was "given awiy"by ono ol thy conspirators. He plotted a general mutiny or rebellion, and wasagiiu betrayed. He linn kept bis o n coiiiisi., a d while n ver reining to o'a-v orders. Ii.i nlu-ved tlu-ni like a m ill wl.ooiilv pee b d bo kiiig to iiiake bun i. lil-e. Ooe.l iv in June u patty ol s'rin gels Came to V sit the institution. Ooe wss an old gentleman, the nlheis I nlies. .tl I two ol toe ladies h id small cliildren. 1 he guide took one ol the colldieo nn b'S a'riii.ati I the other Milked u-itil the pally he an c'liitilnng slai-s. Jim was wnrk'ng near liv sulki aid in r.ise as e er. when the tuiib said; "Jim, won't you help Ibis little girl up slaws?'1 The convict liesi'ated, a scowl on Irs face, an 1 the Ii' t o girl h I I out her h nida to him and said: II you will I l'U"ss I'll k ss you!' Hisserowl banished in an ins'aM, an 1 lilted I lie ch ild as ten b-rlv as a I .thi r. Hall iv iv up the st-d's she ki-sed him. At the I ci I ot the a ar she s-i-il; Now you've got to kiss me, ton! He blushed like a woman, looked into her innncent la -c and th'to kissed Iter cheek, an I before he reached the loot nl the s'atrs again be had teats in Ins eyes. Ever sirco that day he been a changed m ni. and no one in die plac-i gives less troutile. M ube in his faraway Western home he has a little Katie of his own. No one knows, lor he never revoils his inner lite, I ut the ihiingn to quit kly wrought bf a child proves that hu ll is a heart mid gives hope that ho may loisaku his evil WHJS. II.-r name was Nelly. They had li en indulging in a wai',. and as ihey seated themselves on tho ocean side of the Si a View, her Charles devoted himself to cool ing her "IT. Turning around and lacing him, she asked: 'Why am I like a rpiUin animal in the menagerie?' He didn't kn iw, he said Whv, I'm a Nelly Isntied, she t ud lie iiiinn dintelf asked for the p .itinn ol keeper, aud tiny will bo tuar i led I00U. NO. 45. Uncle Iet?"N" Trinity. From Excfer, N- w Ham'shii, err c8 this to the Drawer; For study of charac ter and in ' ji hi d peenliarifes thee is no belter fiebi f " a country pmyer treetiiii- ol tie go.. I, )1,,.f.fjioo("(f-tvl.-. wlier. eveiv 'Mother l'- . ..m-u-J ,. , tc'l his ix- perieice, and "Me '."sa f .A'liuiliam" are not yet supiTsed d I.,;' .,flv and Sank.y nines. In the town ii-.(,nu I" held reg ularly, at which TJt.cle I "l t,. u octogu'-arian lukev, olien hob's loith, nn t in the L'i'J nine South C ,'lina diuh ct Oo eveninu I'eto rose, ami leanin;; on the scat in Iront liegan an i-xli.ntation, in a q'liveriiig voire, a .iin-t skititic(i:n, iind i-oticlii-led with this iilu-triiiioi-; "S -m" I i ks has lots ol tronb'e -a'loet i!e Irin'tv, Now It's a'' as plain as day. J,s hu k t ill-, btct then: S'po e er oiii s out to se i i" a ship, mi I yer ties n hnckei to a ropn, and t lows it overbuild. M iw. in course, il fills, and de water's in do b-;cket nn I de Inn ket s in the sea. ,les like .le Ti init v one's in t other, and t other's in nee."- Harper's, aKVa - Jossli SiIllllM' I'lillosniiby . Tlieru is nothing (hat will travel further i i the same length lime, t-how le's signs nl laligue, make moro friends and tic qii-iinlance on the j niiiiey, than a 9' Hide!. Honesty ought to bo a -drug in the iii-ii It-1. and yet thetu is tiolhiug so rare as n honest man. With all the boasted reason and inde p ndence that man is said to be possessed ol, I am sati iud th it one half thu woild always have, and always will have, to take Ciro ol the ot ier half. It is In Iter, pet h qi', to be si k in bed than hall sick, Ier when j-iu aie hall sick yell seem lo have an assorinijut of all the ailments thetu is hut when you me Hit -on your Inn k. you know what's the matter ith you. Alter ix iniiuin closely the various pre tensions ol die win Id, I am more than hall inclined tu envy the happiuess ot a health lool. I have si en people so lull of malico and potsou turn l iion t tic tele the tote ol a mad-dog woul i ali'iet them b -;t I am not ptei-a-ed to say what might happen to the doa'. A XCTllltlll Oil Kfs)S I!lg. "I want you young Binners to kiss and get married, and (In n devote, your time lo molality mil ni -ney in ,ki g 'linn let your homes he wvll provided with su h inmloits and neee-saiii s as piety, pi kl.p( pots an. I kettles, bin-Ins, brooms, llout, affectum, cidi r, siuceiily, ntiions, integrity, benevolence, viueg t. charity, bread, cheese dickers. I lith, viriue, wine unit wisdom H ive all tli.uu ainajs on hand, mid liap pmcis will be with you. Don't drink any thing intoxicating eat moderate y, go about business a'ti r bteaklast, lount-e a lilt le alter dinner, ehat alter ca, and kiss slier quarieling, and all ti e j ly, the peace, and tin- Inn. the earth cm all id shall be yours, till the giuye close over you, and your spirits are borne to a brighter aud happier world. S mote it be." A Mother's l.tnc, The I Mowing h uehiug story of tlio cn diiri m e ol human love, is that ol a mother in a Wist iginia village, whose son went ut one evening thirty years ago, asking her to have s ippet rea 'y I ir him wh.-n hi shoul l come b ick. Wlielhei be was nuir dcre I or run away h sea, nobody knows. He h is p. ver r. luiiii .1. His mother, now I. i-blr mid hlli ha re I, makes ready lor 1. 1 111 every iiighi, places li s rbair by the table ui d waits, "lie will come some lay," she says, "and tin n be will see ihat 1 nevei have lor ;otti u him." One cat not but hope that the loving patience of the poor waiting heart may yit bu rewarded io !)uiur.( K otio.ity . "My elciir fellow," said Lavender, "ii's all very nice to talk about i c 'tioiii.z'ng ind keepi'ig a rigid account of expenses and till that sort ol thing, but I've tried it. Two weeks ago 1 stopped in on my way liotno Sittird-iy night and I bought jnstthe gayest little Iv issi.i leather cream laid paper uccount-li. ok you ever saw and a silver pencil to match it. I said o my wilo ul'ler supper, 'My dear, it seems to me it costs un a lot of money to kei p house." She sighed" anil said, 'I know il d ts, Liivy, but I'm sure I'l help it. I'm just us economic il as 1 can l)J. I don'i spend hull as much money lor candy as you do lor ciears ' ' I never t ike any notice of porsoiinli- lies, so I sailid right alictid. "I te.icve, my dear, that if wu cre to keep a stiicl account of every tiling wo spent wo c mid lell just wlicte to cul d iu. I've liotigi t you u little iiici-u it boi-k, and every M ! day morning I'd giie y.-u some m in y Ulld y-iii -lo sel il d iv o mi one side nod t'li'ii on tint I'ther si.l-', ovitrytliiug y u spend, and then on Saturday night we can go over it and hoe j ist wlieio the money goes and h iw wo can boil things doWU a little.' "Wo'.l, sir ! she was just delighted thought it was a lirsi-rate plan, and the p uket nccnunt-bonk was lovely regular D.uid Ooppei field and Dora business. Well, sir, the mxt Saturday night wc g t through supper and she brought out Hi t account bonk as pi iud its possible and handed it ocr for mspcclt n. On pup side was 'Keceied from Ltivvy, j.'iO. Tha'.'s nil rioht I Then I looked on the other page, and what do you think was there? 'Spent it all !' Then I lau,h'd aud of course she cried, and we g ive up the accnutit-hoi.k tiul-etoo the spot by ran' mil consent. Yen, sir, I've been there, and 1 know what domestic economy means, I tell you. Lot's have a cigar." The production i ! '-uiter and cl. - 3u In this country is said to be tour times grea'rr in value than the total yield ol our g dd aud silver mines. 'The only j kes which women like to read are those wl.l :h relied ridicule upon men. es. sail a contemporary "on taking up a paper a woman tovaiuble lurus to the luunugi io'.uuiu.' a a I s h SPACE I k C I h I S O Ono Sqnarn, 8 001 SOU 14 00 00 Two Squares, 6 00 10 0:1 20 00 30 09 rbreo Mpiaret, 8 00 15 01) 30 Oil 40 00 Foursquares, 10 00; ISM 30 00 45 CO hVur'li t'ol'ii, 15li(l20 00 40 00 f0 00 II iT Column, 20 00 I 30 00 j 60 00 WOO WholuC'iluinn, Out) Year, "5 00 iiit.ii.iii i. .j ! in jim TAI.llO T V fcOi. SIIUCKOK MACHINE WOILC RICHMOND VA. Miiiiiif.iet.irflrn of Portable and Stationary Engines and Poolers. Smv Millx, Corn anil iVlii-a: Mil., Slianing, Hangers mid PuN ley i, Tut bind Water Wheel, Tohaooo M i b i.i I v, Wt ttiibt Iron Work, Crass and Iron I'lislings, ifacliliicry of Every Dea t'l'ipt nui. (IlNNINU AND TlIKKSltINO Miimllal A SPECIALTY. Koptiiring S'romplly A ( arcsftUijf UlMU'. TAl.ItOTT'.i I'Al'KNT SVAldi-AHUKSTIAR, The linfiUlou ol the Age. It does not dtHlrov the draft. It does not iiitorfeio with cleaning tho tubes, J will not eh iko up, ui.d n quires no clean ing. It requires no direct dampers to b opoopd w I on raising stoum (dainpora bo ing oliji .elioniililo, us they may beleltopen and allow starks to oaeai.o ) It reqiiires no water to extinguish Hparks, wliii-n, by condensation, destroy Ibo draft, llosidos, whon water is us-ed, U" negb en d, tho clll tioiiey Is dtstroyrd by evaporation ot the water , and Ibo boiler Vs kept in a filthy condition. It is simple and dtirahln and can be re lied upon. It eiiti he attached to any boiler. No planter slum Id hti without nun oftLem. Insurance companies will Insure glim and barns where tlio 'lalbott Engine aid Spark-Arresters arn used at mine rate W eliiireo I for water or horse power. .7T-0t-Sond for illustrated circulars aad prion list. Hranch honso, (Joldsboro, N. ('. J. A. 11 US KM, i-enonil Munnger, T. A. OKANii UK, Local Miiiiuu;er. may 8 tint p I E 1) MO N T N U KS h . w 1 .S. ;u!:t:.'uo..o GMEAT H INDUCTION OF rillCEd. I propo-ie to frive to the patrons of riodraivat Nurseries, Ihe nenellt of 11. e Iravellliin' K--ii"r niiiiiilssions on my Nursery St.-ek. eotnontliiK if Krtnt Trees. '., and have reduced tho prloo fi" per cent, Apples aud Peaelies, 1st, 3 to et; tine unproved Knots as are rown In N'nrlh I'urolliiii. and ready for Inspi etnui. Kef- erenee ptven to niiy . urser) in.oi in Hiiinoni oitiitv I' -selies and At-ples fruui tins arlte-t to the latest vai-n ties. Trees will 1.4 packed in tfond stroiiii liox.-.s nr liiiles, and de livere l to Kaili-oinl Hepots or Kxpress ofllrea wtlliout any etna charge (or Poea nr delivery. will turnlsii at itie roiinwinit low raie : reacnea ami Apiih-s In any (inutility. Improved fruit, IU cents eiieh. I'ettrs. I'liiins. Apricots. Neeta. Inea ijnliiee, rrali Apples, Klifs. I'lierrles : et.ts. ornament at ri-.-i s. iinses an-i r loners win na sold elii ap.-r than can he sold t y any Nursery In Nor'li i arolhia. T:,sh to iiceouipany the orders. Any one not haviiitf etisti tnay till nut a note to nccoiiinaiiv order, siirne l Py puri-tias-r. lo bo paid when tl s are .1. tlvere.1 ill depot spcfltlcd in- i ureliiiser. Note to accompany trees ami paid when ' r.-es are delivered, purchasers pay all freights "it sumo. Trees w I I t.e shipped III Nnveiuiier ainl purenaser n..ttt,e.t wtien to iiichi Hiciii. Persot.sorder n-r will stale plainly wlier to ship. Name I Ii" dopo;i Letters of imiuiay fltl.vere.l t lieeltll ly. Il'.'- s i I lelteil flll.l HatiV faetiou Kuaranl'-ed. Sunt In enters atom-e. M f in xo:. Proprietor l'leilnioiitMurserloa, Jiilj-nitm. AVU.V1CK A Mil .(.:: AM UtUGlLM MADE TO ORDER 0t HEiPAJQaD AT LOW TWCE All kinds of wood work and trlmmlvt ilniio in good stylo, llla- ksinilh work dorM :il slmrl notti'o and with neatness, AH ro w wi rk w irr.into.l. Fino painting fir liiiirgiovdonv at low prlees.lies! paint used. H I' t l I. AMI..' T IOS GI V KS TO THE UNDI-ItTAKIN'O DEPAUTMENT. (vflitis and Owes of all.Hiaos eoVitUy oil band. Carriage Materials kept ouhand at rtrtoe bolow Pelorsbuiii market. Weldon N. a Juno 5 ly J N 0.T. F O U D, Tiki s '.n.isuio In announcing that Uo can still uj luutnl at hia staud uu FIRST STREET, Wboro ho fcm on hand a full line ol U) Finest WINES, VVIII-sKIFs and bit AM' IKS. TOU A CCD, CIGARS, and SX'UFK, OHANliES. APPI.Ff. and (."ON FECTION E RI Et His s'ock of Canned Goods aud Grocev ios is unusually Full and Complete OLD fAMN'lT WltlSRIiV A Prwui.iTT. KRK.sIl LAOKH BKKit OS PRAUOUT. Ho r laranloca aallsfaetioti. Call and BOO i'.IUl. Nov 21 ly,

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