THE ROANOKE NEWS. DEMOCRATIC WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED BY kJI. LOS G W. W. HALL. THE ROANOKE NEWS ADVKKTISINU RATES. 1 2 00 1 00 75 ets. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D tt. GEO. V. HAH THAN, N n r k e o ii DontiHt. Offlc ; o?er W. H. Brown's Dry doods Store, WELDON.N.C. Will visit parti-- at their homes whon desired, Tarins Reasonable, oct 23 ly M. QRIZZAKD, . ATTOHVEY AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. oainn tn till Court House. Strict attention (tive.n to all branches nt tile profession, jau 12 ly E ,1 T. BRANCH, ATTOHKY AT LAW. ENFIELD, N. C. Practices In th counties of H-iIifax, Nash k lnco ul') and Wilson. C Elections male In al jiartsot th State. Jan 12 tf tf W. II iLL, ATTDltSEY A r LW, WELDOX, N.C. . Special attention Riven to collections and remittances ironiitly mads, may ltf. IAMB J H. MirLLEN. JOHN k. MOOKE. JlJCLLBN MOORE, ATTOKXEY.' AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. Practice In tho Countiesof rfallfa, Northamp ton, Edgecombe., Vitt and Martin In the Sn-j-reine eonrt of the State and In the Federal ("ourta of the Eastern District. Collections made la any part of the State. Jan 1 ly AMES E. 0 ' II A K A, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KNFIELD, N. C. Practices In the cnrts of Halifax and adjoin ing counties, and in the Supremo and Federal Vour-la. Col ectlons made in any part of the Mate. Will attend at the court house In Halifax on Monday and Friday of each week. Jan lit f JOBERT 0. BURTON JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. HALIFAX N. C. In the courts of Halifax, and adjoin" In counties. In the Supreme court of th Mule, and in the Federal courts. Will (five special attention to th i collection W claims, and to adiustiinr the accounts of ex entors, administrators and guardians. dec lritf I A TIN L. H YM AM. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ilALIFAX, N. O. Prattlces In the courts of Halifax and adjoln Ibi counties, and in the Supreme and Federal tnnrts. Claims collected in all parts of North Carolina. Office in Me Court House. Julyltf rjHyMAS N. HILL, Attorney mt Law, HALIFAX, N. 0. rmMi In nallfax and adjnlalng Soiintlea and VMderil and ,H.ipr.iin courts. Will t at Bcjtlaua floca, onco every ion.-HI-rlH. an 28 if JO. B. BATCUKLOn. ATfORSEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. rracttsca In the court of the th Judicial Wish-let aad In ttio Federal and supreme. Courts, n ay 11 . m W. M A 8 O N . ATTOBXEY AT LAW, GARYiBURO, N. C. FMtls In thn cnnrU of Northampton and I.iinliiif counties, In tin Federal an I Su- pruueeourls. June o u. T. H. DAY. rjAv k. C. ZOLLlCOFFhR. ZOLLICOFFBR. ATTORNEYS AT Li XV, WF.LDON, N. C. rraattaa in Hi.. i)..urU of Halifax and adjcilnlnj mulles, and In th" Supremo and Federal Courts. OUiuiscollecte 1 In any part of North Carolina. Oiroof the Una will al vajs bo foun i in Hie elee. June SSI ) D a. a. K UDSTEB, MCRGEOS DENTIST C be found at his office in Eufiold. Par Nitrous Ox'da Oas for the Pain Kttraoting of Teeth always on hand. Juno n tt. A. k d a a r j. burton, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDOX, N. C. practices In thecnirts of Halifax. Warren and "Witling enmities xul In ihesiioreineand Fed- sJ..Kr,!- Claims collected In any part of -1 Carolina. Juno nit s H.SMirU.JR. AT roitEY AT LAW, 8oUid Kbck, Halifax Coonty N. C l'?,'Mn" In the eountv of Halifax and adjoin s wiQiities, and In the Supieuie court of the Oris Tear, In advance, g,t Months, " furee Month, " re' Jau 10 ly. VOL. VIII. The Ken. I stood o:i the strand at niiilnijjlit, By Iho dark and solemn sei, And out ol its heaving waters Came a touud of woo to me, Tho light of tho stars gluaiiiod o'or It, And the ships stole sobly on. Like tho hopes ol my vanished ( hildhood Tttal smile on mo and are gino. I stood by the so: at noontide, Wbou the dol)lniis were wiid at play, And its weiry sob a -d sighing Sesmcd sadder lar in the d ly. It sang with mournful music, Ufa hundred miangir trands, So I havo ilroainod o; the future And tho g'Hiis in its r-lotiuiiug sands. Ohl 1 have g 17.0,1 o'er the billow-5 Till my In-cast with pain was wrung, And prayed that the sua might boar mo Wiioru happier songs woio sung, For my soul was filled with andnpss, Aa the waves wi'h lonesome strains, And mv lifu win d irks iinn, dreary, Like tho weary, wai'nng plaint". A SURPRISE. "Am I thus nearer and dearer thinoown, since inou nasl laugiit me to lovo t Ui-e alone. H:ich were the words which the He gantly Icetoondl wails and deep curtained recedes of a lianilMime (liawing-room were made to eeli-i. liut wli-we rame the sound that precede i thcc lio? Eutrr snltlj lest we rii.slurb I lie fir g:u(;er I Where is she was it an ancl ? But I he In si .Mi, the language ol the heart, betray what t he twilight1 darkening gl mm trie to conceal. We sta't 1 Seaticl b I re a tidily cirved ro.cwoid pi'in), her head bowed as if by son.e Inpcnding trouble, wo see E lith Lacy. Koclted in the crsdle of luxurj ; blessed by the gilts which Purtune drops as the wheel ol Time ni volve.s. do we wonder that wc find her s she is? No, not as to the distinguished air which lingers even Ihe lo'ils ol her velvet robe, but at llinjo dewy tears which trlistcn in eves far more pierc ing than ever the Utile god's winged daits. Huik the door bell pea's! Mow quick she s'arts, b'lt t'ii look ol joyou expectancy ii gone ; 1 iwn reiU the head and the lips hall murrt.ur the words, 'Surely Paul ia col gone without biddiug me goo 1 bye.' The door slowly opens just in time to make her sentence audible to Paul It y -tnond, who lias since his father1!! death refilled in the family ol E-motid Lacy Hi position in tn lumily is one form d by the closest bus nets ties; h' lather bcin, during his hie, partner id the linn nl Ij rv Paul Kaymond was tall tmd commnn iitii in appc.rat'CH, witli a brow Hindu I by drK chestuut curls, a nitHtache over lips and teeth perfectly suited to make him, ns he s-'CiiiCil to our Ldtth, an umijualed Apollo. As her whispered ecntcrce concludiil, lie was near enough Nmbe to fold her in his arms, and, if he hail lolloped (lie dic tates ol bit heait, to c'li'p her to his man ly breast anil declare the ivit new story that his waiting, anxious heart had so olteu wiHi to reveal. The time has come when he must speak the 'sweet old word, g -od-bic.1 when he must dritt no Fate's broad current, wnlttd by the gale ol Duty to a distant port, on i)uHne(.8 for the firm in vhioh he h pe, iiy diligence ajd perseverance, foiuu day to hold the place ol hi fa ln r. Alas 1 the fra Ity of h imau desires ! But we must not lilt the vail nl futurity to i lar lest we lose the in'erest ol our la r readers, for metlnnks thev will be the only ones who will piusc merely to peutse a love tule. 'Edith,1 the low. sn'tly whispere l name sce.-ninlv intinded only 'O' the ear yrt reached her heart an.1, lo ! what tnvr lads ol tumu'ts rushed through its hidden chambers. Ge itlyihe arose anil whs sullicb ntly woman ol the wort I t conceal inun his itii'D n hat we have sren, the steerage ol her poor troubled heatt lhr."igh the 'Oate dTiars.1 'A e you not jet goi e?1 she finally summoned i otliauc lo ask, as she haqdtil Liin her h .n.l which he, billowing, the stHo of b;s day, well knew ho to brush with his ' v m stache.1 'And not see my childhood's friends?' His tone made her eyes seek Ins lace a i t then but he gave not time to draw 1 t inference, lor still holding t'.m jeweled hand he gently drew her towards him Edith, the hour is near at hand in which I et sail from my native L;ncolnshite, give me but the right to feel nh I aay tlia' I leave one who will dream ol a lutuie l ap pier hour on my return (Mi it yms knew how loudly, ho ti'i'.t ntlv I'mg to ca'l ibis d. ar hand mine. V II would yield to my entriaty ! My alxcnccmay bu lor yean but fiino will tho in pression dcepor makes, As streaiiis their Iiaiiuo s wear." Look no in v Elith. mv idol, kt me heir ...... r . irom tho?e precious lips the wor ts Hut can render your Paul e i:th's happiest mor tal,1 The other baud as l ienl niili i ma e. Oie step nearer and lit r ptmil head, a il like the bird ol I hrace vli se pinion knew no other if! tin; pUce, flu laid on his flpoiMer. w ii it an .v 'in n ouesrtiil But Imiiati joys are but ttans itory st bes.t .nd the cry ol lee wa clim .n warns the hour t ns come neu t e Eisie1 niuUail. One mo:e kiss Irom Hie uby lips and icpeitcd iiromises nl ti lebiy and he tears hinveH away, leaving ins queen, wla-ru he loudly placid her on a o.i! rlicon l.el'ore the irrute il!i onlr his diamond fiililai'0 to convince her til a Imagination has not been weaving h 'r lantaitio web unconvctid by the organs of sense, flic but to feel the lull - r . lorcc ol her de e'tion. IMtUeticaii. Fee raises her imploring hinds to the rub-rot ih New .I.insah m an 1 cries, -pave nun, oh Ood. and a lile's devotion shall be ol- leted as asaciitlee to Hue. iy alter day glided bv. Edith wa tlic Hill reigi'ing quern the lovcuesi oi lovely. It seemed mat. "Time's wind in stealing o'er, But left her lovelier than belore, yet, it ss a beauty calmed by the cauker nl du-oiir una al her Heart. l'wa ycais had passed sinre the . . . . n.. . I.... 1 '!' Lie ' Sit deptut months mn oi r in ra am omis - alter the nigh! of her betrothal, Ldith was gladdened by the ic.cipt ol a white i,.d ir.essellefr ol lovo liom I au I. A letter such ss only the noble mm in who.e keeping her bean's peails, altnosi lotaui unawansto her, had lound their way .i ,.,ifu A letter so hopeful, ClIlMI- lul and lovinu. so beoutilu'lj a"J vividly WELD ON, N. I ic.turiiig their future that U.phael would. 0 i leading, have been temntcd to uive his pencil a deprecatory hurl an I a farewell benediction nl 'Depart ye. useless rubbish. Since lovo has cense I to color vour work yeaie become as ur master old and jjonj lor nothing.' unriess tireless pluioo had swent an- o'her a'mnnt endless six months behind him, and Elith, while casually passing through her father's studio, glancel at a papir which seemed as if waitinc lor her perusal. Why did her eyes search first the columns of marine news down nnt the AV. B', C's, D's but why that deadly pallor? One wild shriek, and she (alls'. but into the arms of her lather, who ev icted In time to receive tho inanimate loi in ol ins daughter. Calmly as possi ble ho used every a't in his power to re store lit'ht to thoc brilliant eyes, which now seemed c!o-ed in diath uentlv l.c chafed the I, v liaruk ll'l a s joht tremor httnkcmd her le urning f oi scioi:(i.e..s, and I'oinmitting her ever laithlul Mir-e, a wa'clitul Aihatcs, he prorealecl to look lorthecausj ol h:r Irght. B stepping on the -aper that bad dropped Irom h lith s hau ls, he was in the act oi "storing il tn the tile on 'I'" table viheu his eyes noticed the hitheito unmarked lines YniKCK OF TM RLII ALL ON inAUD l'Klll II KI1. 11 This was the kev to Ihe mt'tery and il uuhii ked lor Edith I or fathri's warmest sjmpathy. lor he loo h I: sincerdy at- I ached to Ins old-lime Irieml's not le Pju'.. He aim knew bis motherless child's hap piness was buried with her lover in Ins wa'eiy bed. where Ihe Pens ol Ocean would oeek his pillow with gems ol the deep. Gradually Edith appeared among her old a-aorialcs but like the magnolia shows the touch nl the lie.inan h md, she bore 'he impress ol sorrow, though endeavoring to conceal Irom the wnill her bean's best treasure. Suitors were not lacking lor the baud l the heiress to Licy Hull, vet she still clung lo her s ilitaire and in the soiiiuie of her bnudoir dreamed ol The land ol rest fur thoso w ho love and no'ei forgot." Imbibing (omloit In-m the thought "We'll meet in that blest region yet." Thus passed aiuthcr year, und Edith still Miss L-iev. To i'ighl tne autdvrtsarv of her Paul's departure, -lie, at the eaine.t exhortations ol Annie S'. ( lair, her child hood's e ullest pl iym lie, has laid aside her subli robes, th it she persists in weir ing, and is to s'and pre-eminently first in the group ol lovely brides ma'ds An ele gant whi'e satin perh" iiy a la mode has just eceivnd tl.e li n.-liiiu' imie.l.ei bo.n th.; delt fingers ol Fashion's tii'-st skilHul moilisti1. Her raveu hair decked wit i a while ro.-e, Ihe lavonte ol hci hcait's hero hikI a criirS nl untold vail).' clasping the I it; h lace at Ipt sik wy throut, I 1 1 1 i the only ornaments nl our q wen, mid such she I mks ' uir.jesiically he ib--c nd llie comdor und kneels be me Air. Lacy to receive Ihe farewell kis- she nev.r leaves No wonder her e-corl seems paia1;, Z -d, for never has h r ief,nl beauty bee:i so itsplenilcnt as no. They reach the St t'lair lesi.lcnce. "Every thing yonn.', overy thlnu fair, From iho east to Iho Wist is blushing inure.11 But Edith must still receive, from 'Priam1 the 'golden apple.' It-it why tint dretiny look ? iier thoughts on tins I igi t are 'linked by mi y a hidden chain1 lo th:- past. She is aroused liom her nveiic ny the induce! q-iesih II 'Who waits witli E blh.1 Ncvi r till flit momerit had it oc ur ed to h r, there mn t be some (die. Silen'ly she turned as il expecting Annie to give the aoswer, when su Id nly all attention was directed toward the half open do r, ulini a waiter ol i legHiit fl ( s was I cing h indi d in lor Mis I.a y. Tiojte and ele gance was breathed out in the nr. ni i, but the while rose hell pie-CHiinem e. N caid, no name w h it a bundle o unsatis fied curiosity the ro' m ro.t inull E.ih guesse I. as usi:iil w ith the n x, but Annie premised it Irom the handsome atrangnr who rcrhe f Lincolndiire the day previ ous. P tor little fl ieis. your 'ate la seal till A hands. 'mo stranger and a roachu 1 are but poor balances when wciyed ia the scale id Koman's ruriusily. Edith alone thought ol her trcaurcr, and not su pectiug any guest to have yet urrived, descended to place her fi nal trib ute in a vase suitable lor its riceptioti. She hail pi :c d the laU bud in its proper mn k at.d corm r. wlnn tlntk'n p rimps 'distance wo il I lend nclmntment,1 she iteopcl In k. her nnnd busy with c nec lures as lo tne donor, win n the same id 'Edith' was honie lo lur ear. She Malts -ml is clasped tn II. e cmbince ol Paul, lias the feu given Up Its il-lid I Si it seems lor there is no Edith ns biules- ma;. that night hut two brides hdlth i. nd A lew momenta1 delay in wlili.h to lereive enngialitUticMU from as si n,ldul bicnils, they then hasten lor the b e sings ol Mr. Lacy to his cldlilrcu, Paul iiud Kdii Ii H ivinond. tlarrlngo. Wed lid h-ve is i nil : I ' i 1 when bear! meets heart vbeti coiill lemei unshaken, and 1 1 ( e ljour. li like ml eager child, gladly fotth into t'io tirun; wheu woiuuii li.iils that the unn sli.: hmis upon is lii'iK to deli ml and shidd her weakness, and by the gentle ministrations el her love rcn deis her home a paradise ol rest and rv irvsl'inrut lor ili'sen one -OM then, nutted lues yiel I Inippitio s, and aie beau tiful in l heir unity. Bui when nee tu'lis, as is too film the c-ae, I ke a broken prop to ainiuil the o'het wlnn hope is sliipvviecked an I confidence betrayed wheti the woiol it d nk, ami dieary, und stiani'e without, and 'lure is m lire burn ing tn i o In ly , emitting heat an 1 light Irom ilie. douicsiio heart 11 stone, men me puis on Sumner lines, ami ni.-n 1 1 -ii; i"--n.. galling chain. dr(,giiM l!s lutiou to des pni We hear much of nnhippy mimagcs. Ev n in the g'tii n ol Eden the stiife be .-ill. Adam, stamlitig, in the preset C'l dl tied, sin ve to shhld liltiisell Irotn blame, bv 'crtmii.a'iny; hi- wile. 'The woman i and I did eal As long as there exist a iliv.rsltv ol tastes, education nmoli both parlies, lor mere lancy, and marrying detent i vi mairyiug lor ineie nioiii-v. so long will cotitniU'! to exist e ...t.,.iitsiiiin and strife, and that doubt iss ill be liulil tho (iilH'U VI IU iwn uiuui. C, THURSDAY, How Itoniittfil Uril.en. Ilj'uin was There is an Interesting i n c I dent incniioncd in the lile ol the Hcv. Charles Wesley, and which led to the writing ol one ol his very sweet hyttirn. One day Mr. Wesley was sitting by an open window looking out over the beauti. fill fields in summer time. Presently a little bird, flitting about in the sunshine, aitracted his attentino. Just then a hawk came swei'ping down toward Ihe little bird. The poor thing, very much (tightened, whs darting here and there, trying to find Mine place of re'ugo. In Iho bright bright, sunny air, in the lealy tries, or Ihe green fields there was do hiding-place Irom the fierce grasp of the hawk. lint, seeing the open wind iw, and tlni man siitl ig bv it, the bird 11 w, in its i xircme terror, towards it, an I with a In ating heart and ( tiveil-ig wing, lound teftige in M-, Wesley's bosom. He sheltered it limn the threatening danger; a id s iV d it In m a cruel do th. Mr. Wesley was at the limo u!T. ring f oin severe trials, and was leelmg the need of a refuge in his own time nl trouble, as much as the trembling litlle bird di I, that nestled so sa'e in his bosom. So be to.ik his pen and wrote the hymn ! "Jesii-, Sivior of my nonl, Let inn to thy bos on lly. While the. waves of lroiiole roll. While th? tempest still is high." Tint priyergrov into one of Ihe nios' beautiful hvmna in our langui'e; and multitudes ol peip'o when in sorr ,w and dnngci, have l-nnui comfort while they Slid or sun.: the last ol that hymn : "All my trust on thoo Is ataye l ; All iiy help Irotn tlieu I bring j ('ovnr in y d lenceloss brad, Willi iho nil iilowy of thy wing." Nfd, You lo l.ove inc. There are two long womb n p ers at Cape M iy they are about one hundred Icel and as they arc provided with seats, re Ircslimeut stands and the like they are the resort ol hundreds in the evening. Much promenading and flirting is carried on tin re as well as alou ( the plank wak running lor more llun a mile along the sand. Any one can scarcely e-capc hear ing a deal ol soft nonsense in that quarter, and m lit of the thnus that greet hi in are poitivily embarrassing. I was trying last summer to pass a couple ahead ol me and beloir I could do so tlieses words It'll upon my ear : ' You rea'ly love mc ?" "Devotedly.11 "But you should not tell mo so, for know I am mairied.11 you "So am I ; llierelote we are eq 'a! ?-1 ' Do tM wto 'gs make one right V "In love, jcs." 'But what will my husband say when he hears ol it ?'' "lie won't hear of it, probably ; but if hn does he won't cue.'1 "Won't caif? What do ou mean ?" ' lie ii in love w ith another woman." "How do vim know )" "I heard him say so.'1 "Tn liom ?" ' To my wife." "You are j-sting ?'1 "Never more serious in my life.'1 "Are you sine i'1 "I swear it,'1 " Then il's no harm ?" ' Not a bit. His infidelity absolves you from your allegiance." "Ned, you do love me. ?" "Passionately," "Darling !" The Igim!ilt .ov'rii'm'iit. Detroit Froo Press. lie v asn't a np'mbcr of tho Lime-Kiln Club, but he had a whole wheelbarrow full ol til philosophy and logic under his ar.cictii-loidcuig ping hut as he entered the Pos'ollice mid snid he would like to rent a to x. The Chief Clerk was ready tn accommodate hitn, when tliu applicant said : "Dp term am cash, I 'spot.' I'1 "Yes, Hr 11 ' Is dur any trust ?'" "No. sir; ou must pay qnartcily in ad vni ce." 1 J i s so, sill. Mi.ko out a deed nl dis yete box un1 your quart, r am ready." "The price i'. hvmty shillings per q iar ter or tlitee months," i xpln;ned the dirk. The colored gentleman fell back at ths ra'e r.l a n.i'e a iiiinutc, but slowly r.d vnncc l nftci recovering I'.nin his shock ol urpi ise and rc e ib',1 : " shillings every fne months, and no tiusi ?'1 "The same.'1 The man t .ml; f'nm his coal tail p ck t a bioken two-lxot rule and measured the dimensions nl the box, 'I hen nliutttng up the rule he swelled out nd exclirtni d : "i)n s ibs pif'oli'us take me lur a lool, sah f Does ilis i-ru 'ililii i'iv'ineul inaini dut I'. gone cr i , sah ? 1 I guess mil. " 'Den w'ly, rah, docs ilis ignoble guv'- mcnt tty to n-li n o, sah ? hook at de bb ab 1 Ikn rent a hull boss barn on Indians street lor $2 a month, sah, an' yil lis igio'ilo giiv'meiit axes tne lo pay twenty Hiiiliiis a quarter lor a posollus box not halt as lug -oj one eand of a ni'iiieor ! I icasn1! bo'n In de wom's sah no. sah an1 y:iu kit) keen that sah, and din ignoble giiv'in nt kin box, pass my letti rs Ini w de winder, s ill I'' 4 nosii(uiiij'. Ti e habit that obtains in many families ol 'heaping' loo I and g v ng a little and (onsidirably moie than is asked lor, liar nothing lo be said in its lavor and a great deal against it. Unless one has a strong, linn appetite that only an earthquake or a tempest ci uld ailect, a largu quantity nl liiod is appalling. It is much r lo send one's plate to have it rcpleui-hed. than to be obliged to leave food up in tliu plale. In order 1 1 clear the plain one 's prone to oveicat, bom Ihe idea of "saving1 the bind.1 Economy do s not siguily a lack of pleinilulinss or utiugines-. It means enough loreaeh and all, and noth ing is w isted, and when loud is s rved i:l over ibiinda"ce, Waste must l u Ihe result, unless, in Ired, the turplua ia gathered to gether again Ihe simple idea of which is disgusting. Moreover, it is a comlort to jiet just what one nsks lor in 'half cup ol tea,1 that uiucb du 1 no more. JANUARY 22, 1880. The I iiiK HrlMtiiiu. D ist thou see that selling sun 7 II iw glorious a sight to behold! Slody, ralm- ly, and majestically, ho sinks to rc-t. Now the clouds aro burnished with living sap- phlie-l What a mil I, ytt heavenly ra diance marks his glorious path iy; "And though his noonday brig'itness fades way, Uis dying beauty faroxeoods the day. There ia no loud secl .iin nor pomp of herahlty tn dnioln lug, exit, as when limn ate 8 leave their thrones. All is quiet rich ness and sllpcil dive lovliness. V ti -s t sc ne on earth more lair, mine grand more beau- tllull How strikitij tho analogy between such a ncene and the death of the C ilis- liaiil He appro. .die tliu valley ol death, but when he passes through ii, 'there is light in the va lev.' (hero is glmious lu-lit all, ail arouiidl I'lie la-t shallow is II 1 1 -n i gone, and th kindling glories ol the heavenly world now illumiiiiiio Ins path way. What ecstatic joy now kindles in the bosom, and whit cniaptiiring vi-ions Ills eves bi-liolil! He s es the light ol eter nity tti'ugled with time and leels its joys as a prelu le of heaven! Ills suu sets here, but rises in glory; his last hours are his most lumiiii iiit ones, ami hi-i death, is but the hi ginning ol that illustrious life which shall Iiiivii no end! How truly filoiioiia and plea ill are the last hours of the 'ly ing good uiai' I Aye, see now how "Un vlnws his homo, and smiling sinks to rest, And g.ius it once a mansion with the tdo-il" The I'ollj' ol Yirluc. A very good, pious-looking young mao applied lor a position in a well known s ore la'ely. Alter be had introduced himself and made known ids wants, the proprietor lulornicl him that he would like to have a clerk il he could get one who would suit him. ' I suppose you go lo church, ch ?" he coup-need. "Yes, sir." "Do you drink ?" continued the mer clunt, eyeing him sharply. "Nevei I'1 "D i you use tobacco in any lorm ?" Here the young man pushed the quid ol tobacco into the roof ol his mouth, and replied, with a smile that was childlike and bland. ' I never ue the wee I, nor never d d. I consi lir it the most shock ing an llowe-t habit that a man can be ad lifted to.'1 ' D i jon (icq lent the police shops?'1 "No, t-il . never." ' I) i you go to the theatre, dog fights or boxing exhibitions V ' N Vi r was at one in my life," was the emphatic answer. "Can you tell the aco of diamonds) from the king ol clubs ?" "I Know nothing whatever ol cards." "Do you i vi r In t "No. sir. I .ton'l " "Suppose,11 s d l the nv reliant, "a man should oft r tn bet 1 000 lo $10 that a three legged goat roul l outrun a gray hound, would you tnke him up ?" No. sir P ' Then yon won't do lor this establish ni' n t ; we don't want you we never hire lOllls 1" That youth won't be so good next time. All I'M !' till flu II. Man wii' mule in dry weather. lie was made ol dust. tjntea number have nevei recovered Irom their creation ; they arc still dry. h's a man's tlaluiu lo be disi-onlchtcd. Adam ha la monopoly, but he roull not be bhppy without some one, lo crow over. F ir a while he knocked nr. und over Ihe Garden ol Eden, and then went to the house; but he had to cm k bis own supptr, there was no stove-wood chopped and things went on in a bad shape ejctPT allv. The next morning it whs the same way. tie had to m ike his own bed and sweep out. His sin ks were dirty and his arm would inn through a ln-!e in his sleeve. So he was dlssal Istled. The tu xt nig t. when ho went lo sleep the creator punished him by making one of his ribs into a worn in, a great mis Ion u i u to the It has In en six thousand years since that rib war lost, ami yet man continues Icilinj lor it. This is a very fccl'inir subject. ru suit in this case is Said tn be sweeter thai possession. Al'ci Eve go acq'i linted with her mate, shevo.ndt at ah ihe men in the world were not worth A (loliab v.ns a man. A bin is a in de w'm is ashamed o' his sex, and attempts to Ci t ce.l the fact l hat he is a num. (.'oncealiiienl in siu li cases is alien led with but little troirdt" Lis only ipcoi s'ltv i j'S't tip- r-nr in !,. mi. )!.., The laniily man resembles au oji'tr on the ha'l sip II. Th- sbell is know n at home the so'i si lu atiroa I. S une men cany this r. semblance in their faces. A grent many men havi co'.iiiti nsn '' like ovste-s Job in said to have bien a very patient mini. lie bad boils, nil over him. Mmya man now boils ov r himsell when the rent her reaches "th-riccHthly'1 on a hot una me ! iy, and lover thinks ol tin grandeur til J --' ixampie. 4 Uhearelhe Itit-h .lien. The "moneyed class," which some sen s ilioidsts pietend to iliead so mueh, seems allei all, to be in.tde up elm lly Irom ihe industrious portion ol the poor bov els-n. Finm statistic r rent'y a it In red in o a ol the o'de.-t New England c'.li. 8 it appea'B tli Ht 81 per cent ol Hie leading men in that community, the capitiilisis.baiik prtsnlenli railroad inagnali s, an I leading merchants and manulacluiers, were nrp'iudly either form- r boys or poor bovs oi the i itics and towns They iii-hed iheir own loitunes by tin ilt, industry and in'elenci; they made, and did not lulu ril, tlnir wealth, The boudh ol lo-d iy were struggling a gi neratioii ago lo find out bow to make boili ends meet; the moneyed 'aiistocraey1 ol the gentnatlon to come ate now harden ing thutr palms by Ihe diligent use ol the plow handle aud uiuuutu loi k. NO. 40. l'rnrileal Sympalliv . I" enniivuinil 0, '... -K cr in America there v, stillingia, ml' hel T who was an noyed lfh the iiiilidei'1,1 crying ol a child. and the inU '''IjJcinpts nl the fathet to q lict it. Pe(.'sr!' anr1'-''' curt "'"' Rni1 pulling out Ins Me to ihe said : ' Wheii! is the m'.'vher nl that chill ? Wbv doe-u't the s o this nuionce " The lather said Very q-iitti'e : "The mother is la the baggage car in her c dli'i ; I am travelling homo 'with the baby. Tins is tho second night I have been with the child, and the lirile cuats ' ia wearying lor its mother, Iain Sony j' its plaintive cries disturb any one in this car "Wait a minute,1' said ihn id I bachelor. The old linn got up au 1 messed hiiiised, an 1 iiMiipeded the lather m lb- down and sleep, w lute he took the babe himself. That old baeln loi stilling the cry ol tin bube all night was h here. And the man w h i.lor i lu - ike o' oiheis give u,i Ids ow i house or in the social cire'e, is us great a In in, ns though he tdood up m the battle field." l:i(uoiii) in Young .lieu. One of ihe iiio-t dillieult lessons for most yi ling ii en to leatn is lhe lact that they muht to have money to lay by Irom wedito week such amount as their ei.-ciiuistiiHccB will permit. N-it lo make it Ihe la-t thing to do but the first, so their expenditures ihall not reach the tress amount of their receipts, as they have nothing lo rave And this should be 'one without getting into debt lor any o' Ihe nceess i- les or luxuiiei of 'life lor one may buy c.'er so large an aunn nt and If lie is in debt, he is reallv no better i IT than it he had s ved nothing, lor money he has Is not I. is, it belongs lo another. Young men do not know as id ler ones do, bv ex peri.'iicc, the gnat advantage of saving their money in-lead ol .-q Hindering it. I' they earn il es-y they arue thai they cm always get plenty, und what Is the use of -aviug? I' they wo k liar I and get but I tlle tlb-y sa; they an- entitled to some ol ill t enj ivmcnts of lile aa Ihey go along. While there is a Bond deal of truth in these a-si-rtiiins. both cla-scs would bene fit themselves very greatly by systematic saving oi mom or less every wc-k. We have hundreds ol tlmusau la of up ii who are yet compuralive'y young, who deplore the lact ol hafiu spent their money as last as tiny cirned it, an I who ure le barre l Iro n cn o'ing into budnrss or en gaging in s-'in - enterpi ise for Ihe lack of n e very money they a good aa threw away iu llieii d.iys. u (ems Hint st.irUle. Words ol love are works ol love. Au active tool mver prows rutly. Choose such pleasures as recreate, much and cost Utile-. Fill the world with good deeds and you will II I it with your owu gloiy. II ipe is the troth on lift's oveiflowiug tiiilj!. Whitehall limes. Ii is something fine tn lie good; but is far liner to be good lor soineih ng. They Bre never alone who are nccom I'linii d with tn li lu thoughts. Seeming dillii-idt'es generally vanish be lore lullli, prayer, an I perseverance. The In art that is aoone-t awake to the Il weii. is always lirt to be touched by the I Horns, It we try to think more of others than we do id iiur-ii-htswe shall txhbui have a grn vmi. e. As th-ashnig separates the win at from t he cluilT so does dll etlou puilly virtue nil 1 honesty. The actions of men are like the index of a book; titty point out what is luest iigree i.ble lu them. A"t wi !1 at the muni'-nt and y u have perio-mc l n good action to all itetn ty, 1 here is no less "ran 'enr in supporting gieut i v i ! than in p.iloiniuig gr. ,,1 ilt-t i'.s. O.i'y what wo have wtop.ght into out cl.atU' teis diirino lile can we lake awuy I h ua. An ounce of bean is worth a ton ol pultun-, the mightiest lorue lu iho w rld is hear: bnce, iJ i straight on and ln.i't nrn-l en-'inics. II ihey get in your w .y.walk calmly round them, ngarJIe-s id their spite. As we inu-t render an account ol every idle word, H i lini-t we l'.t-wlsv nl our id e silence. L ie is a bi.ltle. Fn in i'sestliisl dawn to lis I ile. t breatli wuine slruugling w ith joniellnng, I i c nun ni lot Itinni w ho a e firthcst Ir.-ni Oil to boii-l tl.c.neelvis most ol liv nikj in ur t he el. met), I: is goo I to In- early at ur d, votiot s The inoiniiu is as g- o l a liieud lo the giaces aa ii is to Ihe Rinses. Then-is no man so friendless but Hint be c in Ii i I a bien I sim-rro en ugh (o tell him disagieeal'le li u lis. Ensile s men who ate in und out ol the biignt sunslmiu s.ll diy Hhoiild try and Carry a llltlo id It homo with them ut night. Th- pebblns in our path weary us, and ni'iko us foois -re nioie than the rocas, which ri q i re only a bold iil..ri to sur mount. The lig h ol a recnneilud (in. I, fhining from ihi'c.ross o! our Lord Josus. gives the heaven 01 lhe redeemed Its brightness. The sha low ol that rtosa makes the outer d iikuese of the abode of tliu Inst. A friend te'ls us this ns a bit of his ex tierienci- in liavel : He was once travel ling iu Massachusetts and went into prayer-met t 1 1 an I heard a Inothcr t' U : "Oh Lord, have 111 rcy on us imse-a j! sinners, cf wh mi I am duel and altogether lively." "I don't have enough leligion lo btsg ol," says an oi l Nevada miner, "but 1 never get into Ihe cage lo go up or cowu without leiliii,' how p:uy I tn, aud how gra'. my Maker is. si a I a I h SIACE I S I n s I O H I CO I O One Sqnarei, S 00 I fl 00 ii (XI l 00 Two Sipinrea, S 110 10 0 1 20 01 30 00 Three Miuures, 8 oil ; 1ft 00 ,li) 00 f, 1)0 Four Siiiara, 10 ml . 1-1 no , .'(: ?,o 4S 00 Fourth Cnl'n, 15 no ' '.' on 40 00 f,0 00 Half Coininii, io 00 1 30 do I ro 00 (15 00 rt hcil.iooiiirnii, One Year, 75(0 - --. i-U T4I.IIOI I A MKU SIIUCKOI MAC'IIINK 0l RICHMOND VA. Manufacturers ol Portublii and Stationary -'.-. gioes ami llnilers, Saw Mills, Corn and Wheal- M ills, Sbnfilng, lltingors and I'nl nvs, Turbine Water Whoi-ls, Tobai-co Ma iliiio''iy, y.'vnight Iron Work, Hniss and Iron 'Htii f.j-n, Machinery of Every le eriptii. GlNMSU AND Tlllt t'UNU MaHMUM A SI'El'I ALT I". KepairiiiK I'roiniillj A C'arnlalljr Hone. TAI.UOTT'S rAI'KNT Sl'AKK-AKKUsTlift 'lhe Invention ol the Ago It does not dnstroy lb 0 draft. It docs) not interfere, with cleaning tho tubes, k will not oh ike up, and requires no clean ing. It requlrna no direct dampors lo V opened when ruisiiu: Htoani (datnpora be lug obj.-clionablo, ns lliov may bcloltopen and aliow si arks to escape ) It rtq'ilrea no water to rxtingnMi sparks, which, by coiiilonsatiim, iloslroyi Ihn drntt. Be-ii-les, lion water is used, If iK'gb-i-led, tho cldoiency ia destroyed by eviiporiilion of the water , mid the boiler U kept In a llltliy eondillop. It Is Hlriipln and duriirilo and can be re lied upon. It can be attached to any boiler. No planter should hn without one of tl.oui, Insur men companies will insure gins and barns where tliu Talbott Engine aid Spark-Arresters inn used at sstne rat aa eliargod for wator or hnrso power. T3"Sond for IllustriileJ circulars aad price list. itrancli houo, Ooldsborn, N. C J. A. II MJ.slllt. i-onoral Manager. T. A. (iKANliKli, Local Wanaser. Ill 11 V 8 tlni j)IEDMONT NUK-ilv.vlhH. ; s.c. GREAT REDUCTION OF PKICE3. I nn-poHc t'i rsriv.v fo tfu patrons of Nui'MiTii'ft, thf iHMii'tll of tlii trnvflllnir ftrt-ntir commissions mi my Nurt'-ry Si"tU. imiimiM iiijf riTiM i r.M'H. At.., ni. t i.:if r-'iiiiff.i iu pnw it p-T r.'iil, AiM'l- rtij-t N''Im'h, 1st rlnss, S to f.-'t: tint' lnii .ovctt Ki'tiits ti flrt Kfown hi NiTlli l aroliiri. ami r.'iily ftr inspect iit. Wt- ni'" at! v-Mi to nny Nurx ryitian In onllfoM rotnily I't'iuiii's r"nt A I'pks numimr from tho nrli l t Hit l;itist't tt-s. 'f ri't'H will t p;irk''t In ir-'o t r n r lioVi-s o,' linlt's, ftiid hvi'rt'il to KiitlroAil or Kpii-!4 OlttrtM without nny t'trii''!inr ri f r tiocs or th'liv.'ry. I will tiirniMi nt Mm' ttiiiuvVii'.K low r ih1 : t't-m-h.'S ami Ap li's In nny i it .1 .t tt y, luiprovi'.l fruit, 10 r uts I'ni'h. 1'i nrs. 1'iiiins, A; rm'trt. 4fCt:irlnt'ji tjuliu-i'," ApptVi, llf-rs. t ;n'rrt' ;'.t e'iitn, Oriinm utal Tr '. s. K-m.(i hinl Klowi'm wlH 1 (cltl rln"!p r tl iin u Im ko!1 Py any Numtvy In N-.rthri.n'linn. -h to nr-i inp:;iiy tho orl.-rn. An one not InvHnsT ciOt may till out a note to fttnirp'ty onli'i. sitrni'tl ly tnrrnas-'r, to b- pnl-l Inn Ir-'t's :ir- ti 'liv-Tt 'l at ttVpct spfcirtJ py pur.-iiHsi'r. ."ii' in :.-fouij':iny in't'H in phIiI w'ht'ii tici's tiro ili'ltvon-.l. purt h.iso.'ri pa all frolt:ht on f.:uiii. Trt't-s wl I po stiippod lu Niii'i;il''rnii'l puroltasiT iiotitli it vlnn to inool tlif.ii. Vers. in-. nr-h rinn will stat plainly wIhto to ship. Ntunotho (Ifpots. l.i'itt-M of Inin ansWiTfit chtM-rfiillT. onli-r solioltou ami talii fat'thui Kiianiutor.l, Hi-iul in onltTj at ono. M l. IM X' 1. Troprit tor riotlunit ulsrloi JiilyHfiiH. r.n.YICK"" ( AKItlt;i:H All Ul'GCIKb MADE TO ORDEfi Oil RiyA,mei) at low rKiixa. All kinds of woo l work and trlmmfj. done In good stylo, lllui-ksiiiitb work don at ahorl nolliv and with nentnois. A new work warranted. Kma painting fiir buggies dom, at low paint used. s!'i:i ni, at i rjs givfxto THE L'NDEiiTAKINU PEl'AUTMKN f. Co tli ns and C.isMis of all .slkea eocjrietxlij on baud. C irria ia M I'erinls kept onhand at prise below l'etorsbuig market. Weldon N. a Juno f ly J NO, T. V OKD, T ekes pleasure In announcing that ha can still be lound at bin stand tu FIRST STHEET, Where he has on baud a full Hue oi the Elnest WINES, WHISKIES and 11UANMKS. TOU.UVO. CIGAR3, and SNUPK, OUANUES. APPLES, and CONFECTION EKI Illaa'nok of Canned Goods and Orocse les is iiuiiaualiy Full Had Complete Old Oabinkt Wiiiskky A SrcriAi.rrv. KRKSH LAO KH BEKR OM DRAUOHT. llo miHrintoos BiiU-ifiiotion. Call and auu l.iui. Nov 21 ly.